多年来,索尼(Sony)的智能手机部门(smartphone division)采取了与大多数其他制造商不同的方法。索尼(Sony)智能手机具有独特的设计、创新和鲜明的个性。然而,这也对潜在用户产生了两极分化的影响:虽然有些人爱上了它们,但另一些人认为这些设备笨拙且笨拙。Xperia PRO-I也不例外。对大多数人来说,它只是“索尼(Sony)的另一个奇怪的旗舰”,但对于少数人来说,这款设备正是他们想要的。我回顾了Sony Xperia PRO-I,同时牢记它有一个小众受众(niche audience)。以下是我的发现:
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I):它对谁有好处?
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)非常适合:
- 经常旅行并需要一个小巧而强大的相机来拍摄视频博客的内容创作者
- 熟悉高级相机并知道如何正确配置它们的用户
- 想要将旗舰智能手机(flagship smartphone)与高端相机相结合的专业摄像师或摄影师
以下是我喜欢Sony Xperia PRO-I 的(Sony Xperia PRO-I)地方:
Buy now
- 智能手机的处理能力处于旗舰级别(flagship level)
- 如果您应用正确的设置,图像和视频质量(picture and video quality)可与高端紧凑型相机相媲美
- 相机和视频(camera and video)录制应用程序可让您访问各种设置
- 屏幕的 ppi(每英寸像素数)令人惊叹
- 该设备感觉坚固
- 很少有过时的软件,并且包含的应用程序质量很高
- 快门释放按钮(shutter release button)很容易被意外按下,从而打开相机应用程序(camera app)
- 如果您用左手使用设备,电源按钮(power button)很难访问和定位
- 除非您是袋鼠,否则设备太高无法放入口袋
- 即使使用快速充电器,为设备充满电也需要很长时间
- 这是一个昂贵的设备 - 在本次审查时为 1,800 美元
如果您想要旗舰智能手机(flagship smartphone),Sony PRO-I符合要求,但它并非真的如此。它的目标群体(target group)非常狭窄,它为他们提供了除索尼(Sony)之外的任何其他品牌都没有的工具。用索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)拍摄的照片和视频(photos and videos)很棒,但为了让它们变得更好,设备需要用户进行微调——这绝对不是普通智能手机用户愿意做的事情。但是,如果您是一位经验丰富的内容创作者(content creator),并且经常在移动中,那么索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)是一种独特的工具,可以潜在地增强您的内容创作。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I 拆箱
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)装在一个纯白色的盒子里。它的尺寸与大多数智能手机包装相似:7.5 x 3.54 x 2.17 英寸(190 x 90 x 55 毫米)。盒子的正面只显示品牌和型号。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)的包装盒
索尼 Xperia PRO-I 盒子(Sony Xperia PRO-I box)的背面
虽然盒子看起来像是被快递员用弹射器投掷的,但里面的东西非常好,虽然有点稀缺。包装内包含手机、带USB-C的 30 (USB-C)W 充电器(W charger)、1 米长的充电线(charging cable)和常用宣传单(快速指南、保修)。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I:包装内容
拆箱体验相当平淡,尤其是考虑到索尼 Xperia PRO-I 是一款昂贵的旗舰设备。没有附件,只有充电器和数据线。再说一次,其他一些旗舰甚至不再装充电器。(The unboxing experience is rather underwhelming, especially considering that the Sony Xperia PRO-I is an expensive flagship device. There are no included accessories, just the charger and the cable. Then again, some other flagships don’t even pack a charger anymore.)
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)是一款重型智能手机,重量为 7.44 盎司(211 克)。它的整体尺寸为 6.54 x 2.83 x 0.35 英寸(166 x 72 x 8.9 毫米),虽然数字看起来与小米 11T(Xiaomi 11T)一样大,但索尼智能手机(Sony smartphone)的格式却不寻常。它更窄,因此对于手小的人来说更容易抓住它。侧面的小脊使其抓握得更好。在手机的正面,您可以获得 21:9 OLED 显示屏(OLED display)(带有Gorilla Glass Victus 保护(Gorilla Glass Victus protection))和前置立体声扬声器,以及通知灯(notification light)和 8MP自拍相机(selfie camera)。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I 的正面
手机背面是名称中“PRO”部分真正显示的位置:您会看到一个大型摄像头集群(camera cluster),其中包含位于中央的主 12MP 摄像头,其上方的 12MP 超宽摄像头,以及另一个 50 毫米的 12MP 传感器焦距,作为长焦,位于主摄像头下方。背面要注意的其他事项是ToF(飞行时间)相机,用于在弱光条件下自动对焦、LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和麦克风。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I 的背面
智能手机的底部装有支持 DisplayPort的(DisplayPort support)USB-C充电端口和一个麦克风。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I 的底部
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)有一个耳机插孔(headphone jack),这是当今罕见的功能
智能手机的左侧没有太多变化,只有SIM 卡托(SIM card)盘和令人惊讶的挂绳孔眼。此功能只是Sony PRO-I的其中一项功能,对于经常出差(Sony PRO-I)并需要(lot and need)保护智能手机安全(smartphone safe)的人来说也是一个非常有用的功能。
在右侧,您几乎拥有所有按钮,而且数量众多:音量(volume rocker)键、嵌入式电源按钮(power button)(兼作指纹读取器(fingerprint reader))、一个可配置的小按钮(默认情况下以视频(Video)模式启动相机) ,以及具有半按功能的快门释放装置(用于对焦相机)。(shutter release)
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)具有出色的防尘和防水等级(dust and water resistance rating)IP68,使其能够承受在 5 英尺(1.5 米)深的地方浸没 30 分钟。由于专业人士永远不应该玩得开心,智能手机只有黑色,没有其他颜色可供选择。如果你是一个视频博主,索尼(Sony)有一些出色的配件可以将索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)变成你的完美工具:一个带遥控器的手柄和一个连接到智能手机背面并带有麦克风安装槽的(microphone mounting slot)Vlog 监视器(Vlog Monitor).
结合手柄、显示器和麦克风,索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)可以成为视频记录器的完美工具
索尼 Xperia PRO-I 外观和感觉都很坚固,其独特的格式和 21:9 的屏幕使其易于操作。内置质量很好,使用的材料非常适合大量使用,总体而言,智能手机具有非常独特的外观。(The Sony Xperia PRO-I looks and feels sturdy, and its unusual format, with a 21:9 screen, makes it easy to handle. The built quality is great, the materials used are perfect for heavy usage, and overall, the smartphone has a very distinctive look.)
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)是一款旗舰产品(flagship product),规格充分证实了这一点。该设备由功能强大的Qualcomm Snapdragon 888芯片组和Adreno 660 GPU驱动。它有 12 GB 的RAM和 512 GB 的存储空间(GB storage)。系统软件(system software)占用大约 21 GB,其他应用程序占用另外 10 GB。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)的技术规格
屏幕是 4K(1644 x 3840像素)OLED,能够达到 120 fps。它有 6.5 英寸的对角线和惊人的 643 ppi 密度。借助HDR 支持(HDR support)和大约 650 尼特的最大亮度,它应该可以提供相当不错的观看体验,但我将在下一节中对其进行测试。
屏幕具有惊人的像素密度(pixel density)
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)的主要组件当然是相机。正如我之前提到的,PRO-I背面有三个用于成像的摄像头(外加一个用于深度测量),前面有一个自拍摄像头。以下是它们的一些规格:
- 主摄像头具有 12MP 分辨率,配备f/2 or f/4 4、24mm等效广角镜头。由于其巨大的 1 英寸型传感器(type sensor),它的像素大小为 2.4 µm,并使用相位检测自动对焦(phase-detection autofocus)( PDAF )。它也是光学稳定的。
- 第二台相机使用 12MP 传感器和 af/2.2 超广角定焦镜头。它的FOV为 124°。
- 长焦相机(telephoto camera)也是一个带PDAF 和 OIS(PDAF and OIS)的12MP ,它的光圈为 f/2.4,等效(length equivalent)焦距为 50mm 。它仅提供适度的 2.1 倍变焦。
- 前置摄像头(front camera)为8MP,光圈为 f/2.0,焦距为 24mm。
后置摄像头由蔡司(Zeiss)镜头增强,并利用 0.3MP TOF 摄像头(TOF camera)进行深度测量。主摄像头在 4K 和 1080p 模式下最高可拍摄 120 fps 和 240 fps。
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)背面的摄像头
电池是一个不错的 4,500 mAh 单元。Snapdragon 888是一款功能非常强大且有时耗电的芯片组,因此它消耗电池的速度有多快还有待观察。随附的快速充电器(fast charger)应在 30 分钟内将电池充电至 50%。我测试了放电和充电时间,并在下一页制作了充电图表(charging graph)以方便您使用,因此请务必查看。
连接性很好,支持 Wi-Fi 6、蓝牙 5.2(Bluetooth 5.2)、GPS、USB-C 3.2和NFC。需要注意的一点是,双 SIM 卡托盘也可用于外部存储 (microSDXC)。而且您甚至不必随身携带别针,因为可以使用指甲将托盘取下。如果您需要经常更换存储卡,这非常有用。
免工具SIM 卡托盘(SIM tray)也可以容纳SD 卡(SD card)
索尼 Xperia PRO-I(Sony Xperia PRO-I)的价格不适合胆小的人。如果没有配件,智能手机的成本高达 1,800美元(USD)(在审查时)。有关技术规格的完整列表以及当前价格,请访问产品网页(product webpage):Xperia PRO-I 智能手机(Xperia PRO-I Smartphone)。
接下来,我要带这个坏男孩进行测试,无论是在基准测试中还是在现实生活中。在下一页,我会告诉你更多关于它的软件,并指出(software and point)它的一些品质和缺陷。继续阅读!
Sony Xperia PRO-I review: A tool built for professionals -
Over the years, Sony’s smartphone division has taken a dіfferent approaсh than moѕt of the other manufacturers. Sony smartphones have unіque designs, they innovate, and they have distinct personalities. Howеver, this also has a polarіzing effect оn potential users: while some fall іn love with them, others consider the devicеs as being awkward and unwieldy. The Xperia PRO-I is no exception. To most, it will be just “another weіrd flаgship from Sony”, bυt for a select few, this device is exactly what they want. I reviewеd the Sony Xperia PRO-I while keeping in mind that it has a niсhе audience. Here are my findings:
Sony Xperia PRO-I: Who is it good for?
The Sony Xperia PRO-I is perfect for:
- Content creators who travel a lot and need a small and robust camera for their vlogs
- Users who are comfortable with advanced cameras and know how to properly configure them
- Professional videographers or photographers who want to combine a flagship smartphone with a high-end camera
Pros and cons
Here are the things I liked about the Sony Xperia PRO-I:
See price on:
Buy now
- The processing power of the smartphone is at flagship level
- The picture and video quality rival those of high-end compact cameras, if you apply the right settings
- The camera and video recording apps give you access to a wide range of settings
- The screen’s ppi (pixels per inch) is mind-blowing
- The device feels sturdy
- There is little bloatware, and the included apps are of high quality
There are some things that I disliked, as well:
- The shutter release button can easily be pressed accidentally, which opens the camera app
- The power button is hard to access and locate if you use the device with the left hand
- The device is too tall to fit in the pocket, unless you are a kangaroo
- Fully charging the device takes too long, even with the quick charger
- It’s an expensive device - 1,800 USD at the time of this review
If you want a flagship smartphone, Sony PRO-I fits the bill, but it’s not really meant to be that. It has a very narrow target group, and it provides them with tools that are not available on any other brand apart from Sony. The photos and videos taken with the Sony Xperia PRO-I are great, but in order to make them great, the device needs fine-tuning from the user - definitely not something that regular smartphone users are willing to do. However, if you are an experienced content creator who’s constantly on the move, the Sony Xperia PRO-I is a unique tool that can potentially enhance your content creation.
Unboxing the Sony Xperia PRO-I
The Sony Xperia PRO-I arrived in a plain white box. Its dimensions are similar to most smartphone packages: 7.5 x 3.54 x 2.17 inches (190 x 90 x 55 mm). The front of the box displays just the brand and the model.
The box the Sony Xperia PRO-I comes in
On the back, you can find some important specs, as well as a mention that the packaging does not contain any plastic.
The back of the Sony Xperia PRO-I box
Although the box looks like it was hurled with a catapult by the courier, the contents are perfectly fine, albeit a bit scarce. The package contains the phone, a 30 W charger with USB-C, a 1-meter charging cable, and the usual leaflets (quick guide, warranty).
Sony Xperia PRO-I: package contents
The unboxing experience is rather underwhelming, especially considering that the Sony Xperia PRO-I is an expensive flagship device. There are no included accessories, just the charger and the cable. Then again, some other flagships don’t even pack a charger anymore.
Design and build quality
The Sony Xperia PRO-I is a heavy smartphone, with a weight of 7.44 oz (211 g). Its overall dimensions are 6.54 x 2.83 x 0.35 inches (166 x 72 x 8.9 mm), and while the numbers make it seem as large as the Xiaomi 11T, the Sony smartphone has an unusual format. It’s narrower, so gripping it is a lot easier for people with small hands. The small ridges on its side make gripping it even better. On the front of the phone, you get a 21:9 OLED display (with Gorilla Glass Victus protection) and front-facing stereo speakers, as well as a notification light and the 8MP selfie camera.
The front of the Sony Xperia PRO-I
The back of the phone is where the “PRO” part of the name really shows: you get a large camera cluster, containing the main 12MP camera in the center, a 12MP ultra-wide above it, and another 12MP sensor with a 50 mm focal length, acting as a telephoto, below the main camera. Other things to note on the back are the ToF (time of flight) camera, used for autofocus in low light conditions, the LED flash, and a microphone.
The back of the Sony Xperia PRO-I
The bottom of the smartphone houses the USB-C charging port with DisplayPort support and a microphone.
The bottom of the Sony Xperia PRO-I
The top of the phone contains, to my absolute joy, an audio jack, and yet another mic.
The Sony Xperia PRO-I has a headphone jack, a rare feature these days
There’s not much happening on the left side of the smartphone, with only the SIM card tray and, surprisingly, a lanyard eyelet. This feature is just one of the quirks of the Sony PRO-I, and a very useful one too, for people who travel a lot and need to keep their smartphone safe.
The left side is almost devoid of features
On the right side, you have literally all the buttons, and there’s a ton of them: the volume rocker, the recessed power button, which doubles as a fingerprint reader, a small configurable button (which by default starts the camera in Video mode), and a shutter release with half-press function (for focusing the camera).
The right side of the smartphone houses five buttons
The Sony Xperia PRO-I has an excellent dust and water resistance rating, IP68, making it able to withstand being submerged at up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) for 30 minutes. Since professionals should never have fun, the smartphone only comes in black, there are no other colors available. If you’re a vlogger, Sony has some excellent accessories that turn the Sony Xperia PRO-I into the perfect tool for you: a grip with remote controls and a Vlog Monitor that attaches to the back of the smartphone and has a microphone mounting slot.
Combined with the grip, the monitor and a mic, the Sony Xperia PRO-I can become the perfect tool for a vlogger
The Sony Xperia PRO-I looks and feels sturdy, and its unusual format, with a 21:9 screen, makes it easy to handle. The built quality is great, the materials used are perfect for heavy usage, and overall, the smartphone has a very distinctive look.
Hardware specifications
The Sony Xperia PRO-I is a flagship product and the specs fully confirm it. The device is powered by a powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chipset with an Adreno 660 GPU. It has 12 GB of RAM and a hefty 512 GB storage. The system software occupies roughly 21 GB, with other applications taking another 10 GB.
The technical specs of the Sony Xperia PRO-I
The screen is a 4K (1644 x 3840 pixels) OLED, capable of 120 fps. It has a diagonal of 6.5 inches and an amazing 643 ppi density. With HDR support and a maximum brightness of roughly 650 nits, it should provide quite the viewing experience, but I will test that in the next section.
The screen has an amazing pixel density
The main components of the Sony Xperia PRO-I are, of course, the cameras. As I mentioned before, the PRO-I has three cameras for imaging (plus one for depth measurements) on the back and a selfie camera in front. Here are some specs for them:
- The main camera has a 12MP resolution, with an f/2 or f/4, 24mm equivalent wide lens. Thanks to its huge 1-inch type sensor, it has a pixel size of 2.4 µm, and it uses phase-detection autofocus (PDAF). It’s also optically stabilized.
- The second camera uses a 12MP sensor and a f/2.2 ultrawide fixed focus lens. It has a FOV of 124°.
- The telephoto camera is also a 12MP with PDAF and OIS, and it has an aperture of f/2.4 and a 50mm focal length equivalent. It only provides a modest 2.1x zoom.
- The front camera has 8MP, an aperture of f/2.0, and a focal length of 24mm.
The rear cameras are enhanced by Zeiss lens and make use of the 0.3MP TOF camera for depth measurements. The main camera can shoot at up to 120 fps in 4K and 240 fps in 1080p mode.
The cameras on the back of the Sony Xperia PRO-I
The battery is a decent 4,500 mAh unit. The Snapdragon 888 is a very powerful and at times power-hungry chipset, so it remains to be seen how fast it drains the battery. The included fast charger should charge the battery to 50% in 30 minutes. I tested both the discharging and charging times and made a charging graph for your convenience on the next page, so be sure to check it out.
Connectivity is great, with Wi-Fi 6 support, Bluetooth 5.2, GPS, USB-C 3.2, and NFC. One thing to note is that the dual-SIM tray can also be used for external storage (microSDXC). And you don’t even have to carry a pin with you, as the tray can be removed using your nail. This is really useful if you need to frequently swap storage cards.
The toolless SIM tray can also hold an SD card
The price of the Sony Xperia PRO-I is not for the faint of heart. Without the accessories, the smartphone costs a whopping 1,800 USD (at the time of the review). For a complete list of technical specifications, as well as the current price, visit the product webpage: Xperia PRO-I Smartphone.
Next, I get to take this bad boy for a test, both in benchmarks and in real life. On the next page, I’ll tell you more about its software and point out some of its qualities and flaws. Read on!