诺顿(Norton)是一个历史悠久且在安防市场(security market)享有盛誉的品牌。我们想看看他们最新的安全套件(security suite)是什么样子,并检查它在保护用户免受现代网络威胁方面的效率。在过去的几天里,我们使用并测试了Norton Security Premium,现在我们想与您分享我们喜欢和不喜欢的所有内容。如果您想对Norton Security Premium有多好以及是否值得购买作为主要防病毒软件有更好的想法和更清晰的了解,请阅读以下评论:(clearer understanding)
诺顿安全高级版擅长(Norton Security Premium good)什么?
Norton Security Premium是一款出色的安全软件(security software):
- 提供针对各种恶意软件的一流保护
- 为您提供防火墙模块,可以保护您免受网络攻击和其他威胁,尤其是当您连接到公共网络时
- 为您提供设计良好的用户界面,即使在触摸屏上也易于使用
Norton Security Premium与Norton Security Deluxe
Norton Security Deluxe和Norton Security Premium之间的平均价格差异约为 20%。尽管您从这两种产品中获得的安全性同样出色,但捆绑的工具却有所不同。与豪华(Deluxe)版相比,Norton Security Premium包括备份和恢复(Backup and restore)以及 25 GB 的在线存储空间(storage space),以及家长控制。此外,Norton Security Premium最多可在 10 台不同的设备上安装和使用,而豪华(Deluxe)版一次只能安装在 5 台设备上。您可以在此处找到更多详细信息:诺顿安全版(Norton Security Editions). 考虑到以上所有因素,我们认为如果您有大量设备需要保护,或者您是父母,那么Norton Security Premium是更好的选择。(Norton Security Premium)对于其他所有人来说,Norton Security Deluxe运行良好。
以下是Norton Security Premium的基本优势:
- 从Windows(Windows)计算机和设备中删除恶意代码时,防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)快速高效
- 诺顿(Norton)对 Windows 设备性能的负面影响最小
- 用户界面(user interface)设计精美,易于理解和使用,即使在触摸设备上也是如此
- 当您连接到公共网络时,防火墙模块做得很好
- 家长控制工具易于使用且运行良好
Norton Security Premium也有一些重要的缺点:
- 如果您没有使用Google Chrome 或 Mozilla Firefox(Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox),那么您在浏览网页时几乎是一个人。使用其他 Web 浏览器时,诺顿(Norton)不会保护您
- 诺顿(Norton)尝试将您的浏览器主页和默认搜索引擎更改为由(homepage and default search engine)诺顿和 Ask.com(Norton and Ask.com)维护的网站(一个有不良历史记录的网站)
- 在连接公共WiFi时,它没有捆绑VPN 工具来保护用户(VPN tool)
Norton Security Premium是一款可靠的产品,不仅能够保护您免受病毒和网络威胁的侵害。我们喜欢它的用户界面(user interface),它的外观以及理解和使用的容易程度。但是,该产品有一个重要的缺点,它会降低其有效性:它仅在有限数量的 Web 浏览器(Chrome 和 Firefox(Chrome and Firefox))中提供保护,并且仅当您安装其浏览器扩展程序时才提供保护。此外,我们不喜欢Norton Security Premium试图更改我们 Web 浏览器的主页和默认搜索引擎(default search engine)的事实。这是免费软件通常采用的坏策略,而不是花钱的高级安全套件(cost money). 总而言之,如果您查看它的价格并考虑其他所有因素,Norton Security Premium是一个很好的安全套件(security suite),条件是您坚持使用Chrome 或 Firefox(Chrome or Firefox)作为您的默认网络浏览器。使用其他网络浏览器的人应该远离它。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要在您的Windows 计算机上安装(Windows computer)Norton Security Premium,您必须首先从Norton的网站(website)下载它。您可以下载一个名为NSPremiumDownloader.exe的小型可执行文件,大小仅为 1.06 MB。安装向导会下载在您的计算机上安装安全套件(security suite)所需的 200.60 MB 文件。下载完成后,您可以选择是否加入Norton Community Watch,以便安全套件(security suite)自动将安全威胁信息(security threat information)发送回赛门铁克(Symantec)。这是我们建议您启用的功能,因为它有助于诺顿对(Norton react)网络威胁做出更快更好的反应。
如果您愿意,您可以更改默认安装文件夹(default installation folder),但您可以自定义安装。然后安装过程会顺利进行,应该在一两分钟内完成。完成此操作后,您必须激活Norton Security Premium的(Norton Security Premium)试用版(trial version),为此,您必须使用您的Norton 帐户(Norton account)登录或创建一个帐户。要创建它,您必须提供电子邮件地址(email address)、密码、姓名、电话号码(phone number)和您居住的国家/地区。我们不喜欢诺顿(Norton)坚持从用户那里收集个人信息,即使他们想要的一切要做的是评估他们的产品。
我们等了大约 15 分钟,但安全套件(security suite)没有触发其定义数据库的自动更新,因此我们开始手动更新。这意味着我们必须从Norton的服务器下载另外 259.39 MB 的文件。
下载 Norton Security Premium 很简单,安装安全套件也很简单。但是,需要从 Norton 的服务器下载大量数据,并且该套件不会在您安装后立即自行更新。您必须触发手动更新以尽快获得最新保护。(Downloading Norton Security Premium is simple, and installing the security suite is easy. However, there is quite a lot of data that needs to be downloaded from Norton's servers and the suite does not update itself as soon as you install it. You must trigger a manual update to get the latest protection as soon as possible.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
Norton Security Premium是一款与Windows 10及其功能完美集成的安全产品。(security product)对于初学者,它会在安装过程中自动禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall )和Windows Defender。这是一个积极的方面,因为它消除了同时运行两个类似的安全产品时可能出现的冲突和性能问题。诺顿在(Norton)Windows提供的网络功能方面也表现良好。我们可以毫无问题地创建和加入家庭组,我们可以通过本地网络共享文件,我们可以下载、安装和使用通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序不受Norton Security Premium的负面影响。
我们赞赏诺顿(Norton)可以自动检测您在Windows中为您正在使用的网络连接设置的配置文件,并相应地调整其防火墙保护(firewall protection)。
关于 Web 保护,Norton Security Premium会检查您访问的网站并保护您免受危险网站的侵害,但只有两个条件。首先是您使用Google Chrome或Mozilla Firefox作为您的网络浏览器(web browser)。第二个条件是您必须在Firefox中安装(Firefox)Norton Safe Web扩展或在Chrome中安装(Chrome)Norton Security Toolbar。
如果您使用这两种浏览器中的任何一种,当您在安装Norton Security Premium后第一次打开它们时,您会被邀请“启用所有 Norton Extensions”。("Enable All Norton Extensions.")可用的扩展包括Norton Safe Search、Norton Home Page、Norton Safe Web(在 Firefox 中)或Norton Security Toolbar(在 Chrome 中)和Norton Identity Safe。您可以单击或点击启用(Enable)链接以下载和安装扩展。我们强烈建议您对Firefox中的Norton Safe Web和(Norton Safe Web )Chrome中的Norton Security Toolbar执行此操作。否则(Otherwise),您将无法抵御恶意网站,例如网络钓鱼网页。如果您需要密码管理器(password manager),还可以安装Norton Identity Safe。但是,我们建议您避免安装Norton Safe Search和Norton Home Page 。他们只是将您的浏览器主页和默认搜索引擎(default search engine)更改为由 Ask 提供支持的(powered by Ask)Norton 网站(Norton websites),这是一项声誉不佳的 Web 服务。
Norton Security Premium似乎是一款轻量级产品。在我们的测试笔记本电脑(test laptop)上,它在正常使用情况下仅消耗 55 MB 的RAM 。另一个好处是它的所有进程都受到保护,不会被意外终止,因此讨厌的病毒无法轻易禁用此安全套件(security suite)。如果您关心启动速度(boot speed),您应该知道Norton Security Premium不会增加Windows 设备(Windows device)的启动时间。我们使用BootRacer来测量我们测试笔记本电脑(test laptop)的启动时间,我们得到的结果在安装安全套件(security suite)之前和之后是相同的。
为了检查 Internet 或本地网络速度是否受到Norton Security Premium的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。我们运行的所有测试都表明,下载和上传速度并未受到此安全套件(security suite)的负面影响。
Norton Security Premium is a security product that integrates well with Windows 10. We like the fact that it does not seem to have any negative effect on our computer's performance or on network/internet speeds. However, we do not like that it only protects you when browsing the web with Chrome or Firefox. Other browsers are not protected. We also do not like the fact that Norton tries to make its users switch their browser homepage and default search engine.
Norton Security Premium提供的用户界面设计精美:漂亮的颜色、良好的结构以及大量(structure and lots)的开关和大按钮。它也很容易在触摸屏上使用。主控制台分为两个大部分。下面的一个由大图块组成,可让您访问安全套件(security suite)的最重要部分/功能,而窗口顶部显示与您在底部选择的部分相关的一些详细信息。默认部分(default section)是安全(Security,)性,它会显示“您是否受到保护”("You Are Protected")。
可用设置使用任何用户(无论是有经验的还是初学者)都能理解的通用语言。但是,如果您无法掌握某些设置的作用,请寻找通常位于其右侧的小问号。(question mark)单击或点击它会打开您的网络浏览器(web browser),并为您提供所需的所有信息。此外,如果您需要进一步的帮助或支持(help or support),您还可以随时访问帮助中心。(Help Center)如果您想与真人交谈,您可以连接到社区论坛;您可以实时聊天、在Facebook 或 Twitter 上(Facebook or Twitter)寻求帮助,甚至可以通过电话联系Norton的支持技术人员。
如果您喜欢统计数据和报告,您应该知道Norton Security Premium提供的日志既详细又易于理解。此外,您还会收到一份漂亮的 30 天报告,其中包含Norton为保护您所做的工作。
Norton Security Premium会在您的计算机上发生重要事件时通知您。我们已经看到了来自防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)的警报,也看到了来自防火墙的通知。
Norton Security Premium 是一款外观精美且易于使用和理解的安全产品。我们特别欣赏其用户界面的结构方式以及它在触摸屏上也易于使用的事实。(Norton Security Premium is a security product that looks good and is also easy to use and understand. We especially appreciate the way its user interface is structured and the fact that it is easy to use on touchscreens too.)
在本评论的下一页,您可以看到Norton Security Premium在保护您的 Windows 计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件攻击方面的能力。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Norton Security Premium
Norton is a brаnd with a long hiѕtory and a strong reputation on the security market. We wanted to see what their latest security sυite looks like, and to check how efficient it is in protecting its users from modern day cyber threats. Ovеr the last few dаys, we used and tested Norton Security Premium, and now we would like to share with you everything we liked and did not like about it. If you want to have a better idea and a clearer understanding of just how good Norton Security Premium is and whether it is worth buying as your main antivirus, read this review:
What is Norton Security Premium good at?
Norton Security Premium is a security software that is good when it comes to:
- Offering top-notch protection against all kinds of malware
- Giving you a firewall module that can protect you against network attacks and other threats, especially when you connect to public networks
- Providing you with a user interface with good design, which is easy to use even on touchscreens
Norton Security Premium vs. Norton Security Deluxe
The average difference in price between Norton Security Deluxe and Norton Security Premium is about 20 percent. Although the security you get from both these products is equally good, the bundled tools differ. Compared to the Deluxe version, Norton Security Premium includes Backup and restore and 25 GB of online storage space, was well as parental controls. Also, Norton Security Premium can be installed and used on up to 10 different devices, while the Deluxe version can be installed only on 5 devices at one time. You can find more details here: Norton Security Editions. Considering all of the above, our opinion is that Norton Security Premium is the better deal, if you have a large number of devices that need to be secured, or you are a parent. For everyone else, Norton Security Deluxe works just fine.
Pros and cons
These are the essential strengths of Norton Security Premium:
- The antivirus engine is fast and efficient when removing malicious code from your Windows computers and devices
- Norton has a minimal negative effect on the performance of your Windows devices
- The user interface is nicely designed, and it is easy to understand and use, even on devices with touch
- The firewall module does a good job when you connect to public networks
- The parental controls tool is easy to use and works very well
Norton Security Premium also has a few important downsides:
- If you are not using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, you are virtually on your own while browsing the web. Norton does nothing to protect you when using other web browsers
- Norton tries to change your browser's homepage and default search engine to web sites maintained by Norton and Ask.com (a website with a bad history)
- It does not bundle a VPN tool to protect users when connecting to public WiFi
Norton Security Premium is a solid product that is more than capable of protecting you against viruses and network threats. We liked the user interface, the way it looks and how easy it is to understand and use. However, this product has an important downside which lowers its effectiveness: it offers protection only in a limited number of web browsers (Chrome and Firefox), and only if you install its browser extensions. Also, we do not like the fact that Norton Security Premium tried to change the homepage of our web browsers and the default search engine. This is a bad tactic usually employed by free software, not by premium security suites that cost money. All in all, if you look at its price and take everything else into account, Norton Security Premium is a good security suite, with the condition that you stick to Chrome or Firefox as your default web browser. People using other web browsers should stay away from it.
The download and installation experience
To get Norton Security Premium on your Windows computer, you have to start by downloading it from Norton's website. You get to download a small executable file called NSPremiumDownloader.exe, with a size of just 1.06 MB. The install wizard downloads 200.60 MB of files needed to install the security suite on your computer. Once the download is done, you can choose whether you want to join Norton Community Watch, so that the security suite can automatically send security threat information back to Symantec. This is something we recommend that you enable, because it helps Norton react faster and better to cyber threats.
If you want to, you can change the default installation folder, but that is all you can customize about the installation. Then the installation takes its course and should be done in a minute or two. Once that is also done, you must activate the trial version of Norton Security Premium, and for that, you have to either sign in using your Norton account or create an account. To create it, you have to provide an email address, a password, a name, a phone number, and the country you live in. We do not like the fact that Norton insists on collecting personal information from users, even if all they want to do is evaluate their product.
Once activated, the installation is done, and the user interface is loaded. It looks elegant and simple, but it also comes with a surprise: the virus definitions database is two months old.
We waited for about 15 minutes, but the security suite did not trigger an automatic update of its definitions database, so we started a manual update. That meant that we had to download another 259.39 MB of files from Norton's servers.
Downloading Norton Security Premium is simple, and installing the security suite is easy. However, there is quite a lot of data that needs to be downloaded from Norton's servers and the suite does not update itself as soon as you install it. You must trigger a manual update to get the latest protection as soon as possible.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
Norton Security Premium is a security product that is well integrated with Windows 10 and its features. For starters, it automatically disables Windows Firewall and Windows Defender during its installation. This is a positive because it eliminates possible conflicts and performance issues that can arise when running two similar security products at the same time. Norton is also working well when it comes to the networking features offered by Windows. We could create and join a homegroup without any problems, we could share files over the local network, and we were able to download, install and use universal Windows platform apps without being negatively affected by Norton Security Premium.
We appreciated that Norton can automatically detect the profile you set in Windows for the network connections that you are using and adjust its firewall protection accordingly.
Regarding web protection, Norton Security Premium checks the websites that you visit and protects you against dangerous ones, but only with two conditions. The first is that you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your web browser. The second condition is that you have to install the Norton Safe Web extension in Firefox or the Norton Security Toolbar in Chrome.
If you use any of these two browsers, when you open them the first time after you installed Norton Security Premium, you are invited to "Enable All Norton Extensions." The extensions available are Norton Safe Search, Norton Home Page, Norton Safe Web (in Firefox) or Norton Security Toolbar (in Chrome), and Norton Identity Safe. You can click or tap the Enable links to download and install the extensions. We strongly recommend that you do that for Norton Safe Web in Firefox and Norton Security Toolbar in Chrome. Otherwise, you are left unprotected against malicious websites, such as phishing web pages. If you need a password manager, you could also install the Norton Identity Safe. However, the Norton Safe Search and Norton Home Page are things we recommend that you avoid installing. They are only changing your browser's homepage and the default search engine to Norton websites that are powered by Ask, a web service with a bad reputation.
Norton Security Premium seems to be a lightweight product. On our test laptop, it consumed only 55 MB of RAM in normal usage situations. Another positive is that all its processes are protected against unwanted termination, so nasty viruses cannot easily disable this security suite. If the boot speed is your concern, you should know that Norton Security Premium does not increase the boot time of your Windows device. We used BootRacer to measure the boot times of our test laptop, and the results we got were the same before and after installing the security suite.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Norton Security Premium, we also ran a few tests with Speedtest.net and with LAN Speed Test. All the tests that we ran showed that the download and the upload speeds were not negatively affected by this security suite.
Norton Security Premium is a security product that integrates well with Windows 10. We like the fact that it does not seem to have any negative effect on our computer's performance or on network/internet speeds. However, we do not like that it only protects you when browsing the web with Chrome or Firefox. Other browsers are not protected. We also do not like the fact that Norton tries to make its users switch their browser homepage and default search engine.
Ease of use & configuration
The user interface offered by Norton Security Premium has a good design: nice colors, good structure and lots of switches and large buttons. It is easy to use on touch screens too. The main console is split into two large sections. The one below is made of large tiles that give you access to the most important sections/features of the security suite, while the top of the window shows a few details related to the section you selected on the bottom. The default section is Security, and it shows you whether "You Are Protected" or not.
If you dive into the settings offered by Norton for a certain section, you can see the switches we mentioned above. They are easy to use, including for beginners.
The available settings use a common language that any user, experienced or beginner, can understand. However, if you cannot grasp what some settings do, look for the small question mark usually found on their right side. Clicking or tapping on it opens your web browser and gives you all the information you need. Also, if you need further help or support, there is also a Help Center that you can access anytime you want. If you want to talk to a real person, you can connect to the community forums; you can live chat, ask for help on Facebook or Twitter, or even call Norton's support technicians on the phone.
If you like statistics and reports, you should know that Norton Security Premium provides logs that are both detailed and easy to understand. Plus, you also get a nice looking 30-day report of what Norton did to protect you.
Norton Security Premium lets you know when something important is taking place on your computer. We have seen alerts from the antivirus engine, but also notifications from the firewall.
Norton Security Premium is a security product that looks good and is also easy to use and understand. We especially appreciate the way its user interface is structured and the fact that it is easy to use on touchscreens too.
On the next page of this review, you can see how capable Norton Security Premium is at protecting your Windows computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.