Webroot是一家IT 公司(IT company),专门创建和交付依赖于基于云的智能的安全产品。(security product)这意味着他们的安全产品(security product)很少,几乎没有系统要求,并且依靠您的互联网连接(internet connection)来保护您。但是他们的防病毒产品是否能够有效地保护您免受恶意软件、网络钓鱼尝试和网络攻击?在本次审查中,我们评估了该公司的高级安全产品(security product),称为Webroot Internet Security Complete。如果您想知道它是否是保护您的 Windows 计算机和设备的好选择,请继续阅读:
Webroot Internet Security Complete 擅长(Internet Security Complete good)什么?
Webroot Internet Security Complete是一个很好的安全套件,用于:
- 想要一个能够有效保护他们免受离线恶意软件和在线危险的良好防病毒引擎的人(antivirus engine)
- 想要具有简单用户界面的防病毒产品的人(user interface)
- 需要对计算机性能影响微乎其微的防病毒解决方案的人
Webroot Internet Security Complete与Webroot Internet Security Plus
Webroot Internet Security Complete提供与(Webroot Internet Security Complete)Webroot Internet Security Plus相同的安全工具。不同之处在于Internet Security Complete还包括:
- 用于消除在线活动痕迹的工具(online activity)
- 25 GB 的云空间供您存储数据并在所有设备之间同步
除非您想要这两个优惠,否则更实惠的Webroot Internet Security Plus可能对您来说更划算。
关于Webroot Internet Security Complete(Webroot Internet Security Complete)有一些好话要说:
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)擅长检测和删除Windows计算机和设备中的恶意软件威胁
- 如果您使用Chrome(Chrome)、Firefox 或 Microsoft Edge(Firefox or Microsoft Edge),网络防护罩可以保护您免于访问危险网站
- 安全套件(security suite)对您的计算机性能没有不利影响
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)可以非常快速地扫描您的计算机以查找恶意软件
- 用户界面(user interface)简单易用
- 连接到公共网络时,防火墙可有效保护您
这个安全套件(security suite)也有一些负面影响:
- 防病毒模块(antivirus module)不会扫描和清理可移动驱动器,例如USB记忆(USB memory)棒或 SD 卡,即使它在其中发现受感染的文件也是如此。当您尝试运行它时,它只会清除它检测到的第一个受感染文件。处理携带恶意软件的可移动驱动器是一种不幸的方法
- 当您连接到私有网络时,防火墙模块很弱(firewall module)
- 高级(Advanced)用户可能更喜欢拥有更多控制和配置选项(control and configuration options)
- 大多数捆绑的工具都没有用。那些可能有用的并不容易使用
- 不包括家长控制,当您连接到不安全的网络时,也没有VPN 服务(VPN service)可以保护您,就像通常的公共网络一样。
Webroot Internet Security Complete是一个普通的安全套件(security suite)。它的某些方面是积极的:它占用的系统资源很小,当您连接到公共网络时防火墙很有效,并且防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)可以快速扫描您的计算机。它还提供了一个简单的用户界面(user interface),易于使用和配置。但是,这个防病毒产品在几个方面失败了:不幸的是,对受恶意软件感染的可移动驱动器的处理很糟糕,如果您将网络配置文件(network profile)设置为Private,防火墙就不是很好,并且用户界面缺少高级选项。我们对Webroot Internet Security Complete(Webroot Internet Security Complete)的内容比较满意必须向其用户提供,因此我们建议您在购买之前先尝试一下。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要下载(download) Webroot Internet Security Complete,您必须提供姓名和电子邮件地址(email address)。与其他安全公司不同,Webroot不允许您使用 30 天或更长时间的试用版(trial version):您只能获得 14 天的试用期。在下载安装程序之前,您还将获得产品的激活密钥(activation key),您需要将其激活。获得产品密钥(product key)后,您下载一个名为wsainstall.exe的小型可执行文件,大小为 1.19 MB。当您启动它时,安装向导(installation wizard)将启动,您必须做的第一件事就是输入激活密钥(activation key)。
您还可以选择安装Webroot Internet Security Complete的位置,以及是否要“随机化安装的文件名以绕过某些感染”。("randomize the installed filename to bypass certain infections.")我们不确定这是否有帮助,但我们必须承认这是一种有趣的方法。
Webroot Internet Security Complete通过向公司提供您的(Webroot Internet Security Complete)电子邮件地址(email address)来强制您再次注册您的产品,并试图说服您订阅Webroot的新闻通讯和特别优惠。幸运的是,您可以选择退出。
然后,安装向导(installation wizard)完成其工作并在您的计算机上安装安全套件。(security suite)这是一个短暂的过程,应该只需要一两分钟。
Webroot只安装一个 1.19 MB 的可执行文件,是的!你没看错。它既充当您的保护服务,又充当(protection service)Webroot Internet Security Complete的主界面。见状,我们既惊讶又害怕。仅安装一个小文件的安全套件(security suite)能否保护您的计算机免受恶意软件的侵害?
下载和安装 Webroot Internet Security Complete 是一个奇怪的过程。必须写下激活密钥才能使用试用产品有点奇怪,看到一个只有 1MB 大小的安全套件就更奇怪了。(Downloading and installing Webroot Internet Security Complete is a strange process to go through. It is somewhat peculiar to have to write down an activation key to use a trial product, and it is even weirder to see a security suite that is only about 1MB in size.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
当您安装Webroot Internet Security Complete时,安全套件会禁用Windows Defender以消除由于您运行两个防病毒产品而可能出现的问题和冲突。但是,它不会禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)。我们想知道为什么,因为Webroot Internet Security Complete说它有自己的防火墙模块(firewall module)。然而,正如我们即将发现的那样,事实并非完全如此。Webroot 的(Webroot's)防火墙需要Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)工作才能保护您。显然,Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)处理入站流量,而Webroot 的(Webroot's )防火墙处理出站网络流量(network traffic)。
Webroot Internet Security Complete依赖于Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)这一事实意味着您在使用Windows的网络功能时应该没有问题。至少当我们创建或将我们的测试笔记本电脑(test laptop)与本地家庭组关联时,或者当我们使用和更新通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序时,我们没有。
谈到在线安全,Webroot Internet Security Complete选择在您的Web 浏览器中安装一个名为(web browser)Webroot Filtering Extension的扩展程序,它会扫描和过滤您的互联网流量(internet traffic)以查找潜在威胁。不幸的是,此扩展仅在Google Chrome和Mozilla Firefox中可用。我们测试的另外两种流行的网络浏览器——Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge)和Opera——没有被 Webroot 覆盖。
但是,它还包括一个所谓的Web 过滤驱动程序(Web Filtering Driver),它可以在其他浏览器或应用程序中提供针对在线危险的额外保护。在我们的测试中,看起来这个盾牌在Microsoft Edge中有效,但在Opera中无效。
然后,我们继续测量Webroot对您计算机性能的影响。为了了解这个问题,我们检查了我们的测试笔记本电脑(test laptop)在安装安全套件(security suite)后是否增加了启动时间(boot time)。我们测量的启动时间(boot time)是相同的。我们还查看了安全套件运行其所有进程所需的(security suite)RAM,我们发现Webroot Internet Security Complete使用了大约 11 MB 的RAM,这非常少。
为了检查 Internet 或本地网络速度是否受到Webroot Internet Security Complete的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。我们测量的速度在安装安全套件(security suite)之前和之后是相同的,这意味着它对本地网络或互联网上的数据传输没有负面影响。
Webroot Internet Security Complete 与 Windows 及其网络功能完美集成。主要原因之一是它的防火墙与 Windows 防火墙一起工作。安全套件不会对您的计算机性能或互联网上的数据传输产生负面影响也是一件好事。另一方面,它提供的网络过滤扩展仅适用于 Firefox 和 Chrome,尽管网络过滤驱动程序也应该适用于其他浏览器和应用程序。(Webroot Internet Security Complete is well integrated with Windows and its networking features. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that its firewall works together with Windows Firewall. It is also a good thing that the security suite does not negatively affect your computer's performance or the data transfers on the internet. On the other hand, the web filtering extension it offers is available only for Firefox and Chrome, although the web filtering driver should work with other browsers and apps too.)
Webroot Internet Security Complete的主用户界面很简单:它完全是一个简约的设计,只有几个部分和很少的信息显示(information displayed)。此外,还有少量可用的按钮。右侧有几个选项卡,可以访问简单的配置选项,这些选项主要是关于打开和关闭不同的保护模块。
如果要更改更高级的设置,请单击主窗口右上角的(right corner)“设置”(Settings)按钮。该安全套件(security suite)提供的大多数设置都由简单的复选框控制,这意味着它们应该很容易启用或禁用,即使在有触摸的设备上也是如此。
大多数配置选项都很容易理解,即使您不是计算机专业人士(computer professional)。但是,如果您遇到产品问题,也很高兴知道帮助(Help)和支持也可用。(Support)Webroot 站点(Webroot site)上提供的文档完整且易于理解。如果常见问题解答部分(FAQ section)或社区论坛没有提供足够的帮助,您还可以使用简单的联系表格(contact form)或给他们打电话(phone call)来寻求支持。
Webroot Internet Security Complete是一个相当简单的安全解决方案(security solution),因此我们没想到会看到详细的日志。然而,我们惊喜地发现,您既能获得简单的统计数据,也能获得有关计算机上发生的事情的详细日志。
关于警报和通知,在我们测试Webroot Internet Security Complete期间,我们只看到有关恶意软件威胁的警报。如果您不喜欢经常被防病毒软件打扰,那是一件好事。
Webroot Internet Security Complete 是一个具有简单用户界面的安全套件,在任何 Windows 设备上都易于理解和使用。初学者可能会喜欢可用的少量配置选项。但是,高级用户可能会认为这是负面的。(Webroot Internet Security Complete is a security suite with a simple user interface, that is easy to understand and use on any Windows device. Beginners might appreciate the small number of configuration options that are available. However, advanced users might consider this a negative.)
在此评论的下一页上,您可以看到Webroot Internet Security Complete在保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件方面的效率。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)捆绑了哪些附加功能,并查看我们关于您应该考虑调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Webroot Internet Security Complete
Webroot is an ІT company which specializes in creating and delivering security products that rely on cloud-based intelligence. That means that their security products arе minimal, with little regarding system requirements, and rely on your іnternet connеction to рrotect уou. But do their antiviruѕ products manage to efficientlу protect you against malware, phishing attеmpts, and network attacks? In this review, we assess the comрany's premium security prоduct, which iѕ called Webroot Internet Security Complete. If you want to know whether it is a good choice for protecting your Windows computers and devices, read on:
What is Webroot Internet Security Complete good at?
Webroot Internet Security Complete is a good security suite for:
- People who want a good antivirus engine that can protect them efficiently from offline malware and also from online dangers
- People who want an antivirus product with a simple user interface
- People who need an antivirus solution that has a negligible effect on the performance of their computers
Webroot Internet Security Complete vs. Webroot Internet Security Plus
Webroot Internet Security Complete provides the same security tools as does Webroot Internet Security Plus. The differences lie in the fact that the Internet Security Complete also includes:
- A tool for eliminating traces of your online activity
- 25 GB of cloud space for you to store data and sync it across all your devices
Unless you want these two offers, the more affordable Webroot Internet Security Plus might be a better deal for you.
Pros and cons
There are some good things to say about Webroot Internet Security Complete:
- The antivirus engine is good at detecting and removing malware threats from your Windows computers and devices
- The web shield manages to protect you from accessing dangerous websites, if you use Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge
- The security suite has no adverse effect on your computer's performance
- The antivirus engine is extremely fast at scanning your computer for malware
- The user interface is simple and easy to use
- The firewall protects you efficiently when connected to public networks
There are also a few negatives about this security suite:
- The antivirus module does not scan and clean removable drives, such as USB memory sticks or SD cards, even if it finds an infected file on them. It only cleans the first infected file that it detects, when you try to run it. It is an unfortunate approach to handling removable drives carrying malware
- The firewall module is weak when you are connected to private networks
- Advanced users might prefer to have some more control and configuration options
- Most of the bundled tools are not useful. Those that could be useful are not easy to use
- There are no parental controls included, and there is no VPN service to protect you when you connect to unsafe networks, like public ones usually are.
Webroot Internet Security Complete is an average security suite. Some things about it are positive: it has a tiny footprint on system resources, the firewall is effective when you connect to public networks, and the antivirus engine is fast at scanning your computer. It also offers a simple user interface, that is easy to use and configure. However, this antivirus product fails in several ways: the handling of malware infected removable drives is unfortunate, the firewall is not great if you set your network profile to Private, and the user interface lacks advanced options. We are moderately satisfied with what Webroot Internet Security Complete has to offer to its users, so we recommend that you try it first, before purchasing it.
The download and installation experience
To download Webroot Internet Security Complete, you must provide a name and an email address. Unlike other security companies, Webroot does not let you use a trial version for 30 days or more: you only get 14 days for that. Before downloading the installer, you also get an activation key for your product, which you will need to activate it. After you get the product key, you download a small executable file called wsainstall.exe, with a size of 1.19 MB. When you launch it, the installation wizard starts, and the first thing you must do is enter the activation key.
You can also choose where to install Webroot Internet Security Complete, and whether you want to "randomize the installed filename to bypass certain infections." We are not sure if that can help, but we must admit that it is an interesting approach.
Webroot Internet Security Complete forces you to register your product once more, by providing the company with your email address, and also tries to convince you to subscribe to Webroot's newsletters and special offers. Fortunately, you can opt out.
Then, the installation wizard does its job and installs the security suite on your computer. It is a short process that should only take a minute or two.
Webroot installs only a 1.19 MB executable file, and Yes! you read correctly. It acts both as your protection service and the main interface for Webroot Internet Security Complete. Seeing that, we were both surprised and afraid at the same time. Can a security suite which installs only one tiny file protect your computer from malware?
Downloading and installing Webroot Internet Security Complete is a strange process to go through. It is somewhat peculiar to have to write down an activation key to use a trial product, and it is even weirder to see a security suite that is only about 1MB in size.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
When you install Webroot Internet Security Complete, the security suite disables Windows Defender to eliminate the possible issues and conflicts that could appear because you run two antivirus products. However, it does not disable the Windows Firewall. We wondered why, since Webroot Internet Security Complete says that it has its own firewall module. However, as we were about to find out, the truth is not exactly like that. Webroot's firewall needs Windows Firewall to work for it to be able to protect you. Apparently, Windows Firewall deals with inbound traffic, while Webroot's firewall deals with outbound network traffic.
The fact that Webroot Internet Security Complete relies on Windows Firewall means that you should have no issues in using Windows' networking features. At least we had none when we created or when we associated our test laptop to the local homegroup, or when we used and updated universal Windows platform apps.
When it comes to online security, Webroot Internet Security Complete chooses to install an extension called Webroot Filtering Extension in your web browser, which scans and filters your internet traffic for potential threats. Unfortunately, this extension is only available in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The other two popular web browsers that we tested - Microsoft Edge and Opera - are not covered by Webroot.
However, it also includes a so-called Web Filtering Driver which can provide additional protection against online dangers, in other browsers or apps. In our tests, it looks like this shield works in Microsoft Edge, but it does not work in Opera.
Then, we moved on to measuring the impact Webroot has on your computer's performance. To get an idea on this matter, we checked whether our test laptop increased its boot time after installing the security suite. The boot times we measured were the same. We also looked at the RAM the security suite requires running all its processes, and we found that Webroot Internet Security Complete used about 11 MB of RAM, which is very little.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Webroot Internet Security Complete, we also ran a few tests with Speedtest.net and with LAN Speed Test. The speeds that we measured were the same before and after installing the security suite, which means that it has no negative impact on data transfers within the local network or on the internet.
Webroot Internet Security Complete is well integrated with Windows and its networking features. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that its firewall works together with Windows Firewall. It is also a good thing that the security suite does not negatively affect your computer's performance or the data transfers on the internet. On the other hand, the web filtering extension it offers is available only for Firefox and Chrome, although the web filtering driver should work with other browsers and apps too.
Ease of use & configuration
The main user interface of Webroot Internet Security Complete is straightforward: it is all about a minimalistic design, with only a couple of sections and little information displayed. Also, there are a small number of buttons available. There are a few tabs on the right side, which give access to simple configuration options that are mostly about turning the different protection modules on and off.
If you want to change more advanced settings, click on the Settings button found in the top right corner of the main window. Most of the settings offered by this security suite are controlled by simple checkboxes, which means that they should be easy to enable or disable, even on devices with touch.
Most configuration options are easy to understand, even if you are not a computer professional. However, it is also good to know that Help and Support are also available, in case you encounter issues with the product. The documentation offered on the Webroot site is complete and easy to understand. If the FAQ section or the community forums do not offer enough help, you can also ask for support, using a simple contact form or by giving them a phone call.
Webroot Internet Security Complete is a rather simple security solution, and thus we did not expect to see detailed logs. However, we were pleasantly surprised to see that you get both simple statistics and detailed logs about the things going on your computer.
Regarding alerts and notifications, during the time we tested Webroot Internet Security Complete, we only saw alerts about malware threats. If you do not like to be constantly disturbed by your antivirus, that is a good thing.
Webroot Internet Security Complete is a security suite with a simple user interface, that is easy to understand and use on any Windows device. Beginners might appreciate the small number of configuration options that are available. However, advanced users might consider this a negative.
On the following page of this review, you can see how efficient Webroot Internet Security Complete is at protecting your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are bundled with this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should consider adjusting.