在我最近访问美国期间,我为自己购买了Surface Pro 2。我真的很想了解更多关于这个设备的信息,以及它是否有很大的潜力。在发表这篇评论之前,我已经在不同的环境中使用Surface Pro 2一个多月了,包括旅行或在办公室或家中工作时。如果您想了解更多关于它的优势、劣势以及它是否适合您的设备,请不要犹豫,阅读这篇详细的评论。
拆箱Microsoft Surface Pro 2
Surface Pro 2的包装非常漂亮和优雅,不愧为高端设备。
打开后,您会看到设备、电源线(power cable)和电源块(power block)。电源模块(power block)的一个很好的特点是它有一个USB 端口(USB port),您可以使用它为其他设备充电,例如您的智能手机。
在Surface(Surface)下方,您会找到笔、手册和几本小册子,其中包含各种有用的奖励,例如2 年SkyDrive上的 200 GB 可用空间,以及 1 年的Skype Unlimited World 订阅(Skype Unlimited World subscription)。连同Surface Pro 2 ,我购买了(Surface Pro 2)Surface Pro 2价格中不包含的蓝色Type Cover(Type Cover 2) 2 。下面你可以看到它的简单包装。
打开它并将Type Cover 2连接到Surface非常简单。有关Surface Pro 2和Type Cover 2的完整拆箱体验,请观看以下视频:
Surface 2 Pro的硬件规格(hardware specs)令人印象深刻,尤其是在具有 256 GB 和 512 GB存储空间(storage space)的机型上。我测试的版本有以下配置:10.6" 显示器,分辨率为 1920x1080,运行频率为 1.6 GHz的四核(GHz)Intel Core i5-4200U 处理器,Intel HD 4400图形芯片,8 GB RAM DDR3,SSD LITEON提供 256 GB存储空间(storage space),两个 1.2 MP 摄像头(一个在背面,一个(back and one)在前面),一个 4200 mAh 电池(mAh battery),蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)和一个 (Marvell AVASTAR 350N) 适用于所有现代无线标准的Marvell AVASTAR 350N无线网卡(wireless network card)、用于使用Bitlocker 加密的(Bitlocker encryption)TPM 芯片(TPM chip)和Surface 笔(Surface pen)。接口方面,Surface 2 Pro配备了USB 3.0接口、microSDXC读卡器(card reader)、耳机接口(headset jack)、Mini DisplayPort和机盖接口(cover port)。在传感器方面,它也有一个亮点:Surface 2 Pro有一个环境光传感器(light sensor) 、加速度计、陀螺仪和磁力计。正如您可以想象的那样,这是一个强大的动力,在性能和重量(performance and weight)方面都感觉像一个。Surface Pro 2重 2 磅(0.9 千克),对于平板电脑来说很重,但对于笔记本电脑或混合设备来说却没有那么重。
Surface 2 Pro每个版本的完整硬件规格可在此处找到:技术规格(Technical Specifications)。
使用 Microsoft Surface Pro 2
我注意到的第一件事是Surface Pro 2对指纹和划痕的敏感程度。仅仅一周后,尽管我尽力保护它,它的背面还是有几处划痕,我什至还为它买了一个特殊的袖子。
然后,Type Cover 2很快就变脏了,在使用了蓝色版本几周后,我后悔没有购买黑色版本。
但撇开这些小问题不谈, Surface Pro 2(Surface Pro 2)的强大和灵活给我留下了深刻的印象。然而,这也意味着做出一些妥协。例如,如果您将它与平板电脑进行比较,它就会有所不足,尤其是在重量方面。仅用一只手握住它时,您将无法舒适地使用它。您必须使用双手才能舒适地使用。如果与超极本相比,Surface Pro 2总体上更轻更小。随身携带非常容易。但是,键盘更小,触控板不如超极本精确。在Surface Pro 2上工作(Surface Pro 2)是一次很棒的经历。我在机场或火车站、飞机、火车甚至公园里找到的小长凳上使用它。每次我都欣赏它使用的空间很小以及它的灵活性。两段式支架(stage kickstand)有助于放置Surface Pro 2,使其在膝上使用时不会脱落。是的,它不像平板电脑那么轻,但我总是可以用它做更多的事情,因为这款设备既是平板电脑又是笔记本电脑。
因为Surface Pro 2(Surface Pro 2)不附带,所以必须购买Type Cover 2。没有它,该设备的使用场景会受到更多限制,您的工作效率也会大大降低。有了它,您可以在任何地方轻松工作。如果您只想浏览网页并只消费内容,则无需封面。您使用触摸,体验非常好。当你想在Microsoft Office或其他一些桌面软件(desktop software)中做一些工作时,你拿出封面开始工作。我发现Type Cover 2、触控(用手指和笔)和Type Cover 2上的触控板之间的混合可以带来非常高效的使用体验(usage experience). 例如,在使用某些桌面应用程序(desktop apps)时,我发现触控板并不像我想要的那样精确。我觉得有必要使用触摸作为输入,但是因为我在桌面(Desktop)上,所以我的精度会非常糟糕。那是笔拯救你的时候。它非常精确,在桌面上也能很好地工作。由于它的硬件非常强大,Surface Pro 2总是很快,处理我扔给它的所有东西都没有问题。我什至用它玩了几个小时的英雄联盟(League of Legends)(一个流行的多人游戏(multiplayer game))。是的,类型封面(Type Cover)不适合玩游戏,但设备本身的性能令人钦佩,没有升温、减速,也没有太多的风扇噪音(fan noise)。如果你给自己买了一个蓝牙鼠标和键盘(Bluetooth mouse and keyboard),你也可以在Surface Pro 2上进行游戏,在游戏关卡中移动时具有不错的精度。Surface Pro 2在平板电脑方面的不足之处在于电池。在这里,它表明处理器和操作系统(operating system)并不完全是为平板电脑设计的,而是为个人电脑设计的。如果您将设备保持在睡眠(Sleep)模式一整夜,第二天您醒来时可用的电池电量(battery power)将非常少。基本上(Basically),如果您想节省电池,您应该始终关闭Surface Pro 2,以便您可以在第二天继续工作。
如果您可以在夜间将其插入,那么将其置于睡眠(Sleep)模式不会有任何问题。然而,也有积极的一面。首先(First),如果你在办公室工作(office work)并且一天中的大部分时间都在消费内容,那么Surface Pro 2将持续 5 到 8 个小时,具体取决于你的工作。但选择正确的电源计划非常重要,这在装有(power plan)iOS 或 Android(iOS or Android)的平板电脑上不必担心。您使用的电源计划(power plan)有很大的不同。如果不选择省电(Power Saving)计划,甚至不要梦想在不插电的情况下使用超过 5 小时。另一个积极的方面是电池充电速度非常快:在 2 到 3 小时内,它就会充满电。关于正面和背面的两个 1.2 MP 摄像头——我很少使用它们,主要用于Skype。他们可以录制 720p 视频,但质量不是很好。考虑到Surface Pro 2(Surface Pro 2)的重量,我不认为自己经常用它来拍照或录制视频(record video)。我想这就是为什么微软(Microsoft)没有费心在Surface的这个版本中更新他们的规格。如果您仔细阅读Surface Pro 2的规格,您会发现它包含一个(TPM chip)用于Bitlocker等加密软件的(encryption software)TPM 芯片。企业用户会对此感到非常满意,因为他们可以轻松地将Surface Pro 2用作安全的工作设备(secure work device)——这在普通平板电脑上是很难做到的。在连接性方面,我对Surface Pro 2提供的功能普遍感到满意,但有一个例外:我发现自己需要两个USB 端口(USB port)而不是一个。只有一个可用的USB 端口(USB port)会迫使您将Surface Pro 2与蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备一起使用,而不是在USB设备上使用。这可能意味着购买新设备(例如多端口集线器(multi-port hubs)),这进一步增加了使用Surface Pro 2的成本。
与Microsoft Surface Pro 2(Microsoft Surface Pro 2)捆绑的应用程序
我发现微软(Microsoft)没有将任何垃圾软件与Surface Pro 2捆绑在一起,这非常令人耳目一新。绝对没有。相反,您会在设备的包装中找到一些很棒的好东西:
- 在您的SkyDrive(SkyDrive)(即将命名为OneDrive)上免费获得 200 GB 的奖金,为期两年。
- 为期 1 年的Skype Unlimited World 订阅(Skype Unlimited World subscription),每月可免费拨打 60 分钟拨打 60 多个国家/地区的固定电话。如果您与世界各地的人一起工作,此订阅非常有用。
尽管这些奖金很棒,但我确实认为微软(Microsoft)可以让这个包装更具吸引力,尤其是考虑到Surface Pro 2的价格有多贵。我认为捆绑免费的 1 年Office 365(Office 365) 家庭高级版订阅(Home Premium subscription)对他们来说是个好主意,至少对于非常昂贵的 256 GB 和 512 GB 版本而言。
适用于Microsoft Surface Pro 2(Microsoft Surface Pro 2)的配件
在配件方面,Surface Pro 2没有任何附加功能。但是,为了充分利用此设备的价值并保护它,我建议您考虑以下附加功能(following extras),即使这意味着您甚至需要支付更多应得的钱:
- 如果您去Microsoft Store购买配件,请务必购买更便宜的保护套。他们将首先为您提供最昂贵的屏幕保护膜(screen protector),如上图所示。
保护套或保护套(A protective case or sleeve)——正如我在本次评测中前面所说的,Surface Pro 2 很容易被划伤。拥有保护套或保护套将大大有助于确保设备安全且无划痕。
蓝牙鼠标(A Bluetooth mouse)- 要在工作中使用 Surface Pro 2 时充分发挥生产力,最好购买蓝牙鼠标。我已经测试了几只鼠标,最适合它的是 Arc Touch Mouse Surface Edition。不幸的是,这款鼠标尚未在全球范围内销售。
坞站(Docking Station)- 不幸的是,尽管坞站可以将 Surface Pro 2 转变为连接各种设备和大屏幕显示器的经典 PC,但微软尚未推出此功能。有了它,Surface Pro 2 可以成为你随身携带和使用的唯一一台计算设备。就个人而言,我等不及微软在全球推出它。
我为一位非常亲爱的朋友购买的配件之一是Sensu Capacitive Brush 和 Stylus(Sensu Capacitive Brush and Stylus)。我让她用它在Fresh Paint应用程序中作画。
不幸的是,这个配件被证明是浪费钱。Surface Pro 2对它不是很敏感,你只能使用这个画笔的大小来绘画。如果您是画家,您将需要一个完整的调色板,其中包含不同大小和纹理的画笔。只买一把刷子没有多大帮助。然而,我的朋友只用她的手指就能毫无问题地画画。下面你可以看到她在大约一个小时的工作中创作的画作。
就个人而言,我觉得这令人印象深刻,我认为Surface 概念(Surface concept)还有很多尚未开发的潜力。
Surface Pro 2是一个强大的产品,这也得到了基准测试的证实。首先,我使用(First)Bootracer测量它启动所需的时间。Surface Pro 2平均启动时间为 23 秒。仅用了 8 秒就显示了登录屏幕。
然后,我运行3DMark 应用程序(3DMark app)来快速评估Surface Pro 2与其他平板电脑的游戏性能。在这个应用程序中,Surface Pro 2位居榜首,它确实是最强大的平板电脑。下表列出了使用高性能(High Performance)和省电(Power Saver)电源计划运行此测试、插入电源和使用电池运行时获得的平均分数,以及使用电池运行时的性能损失。
由于 3DMark 分数并不能说明太多,因此您可以在下面找到一张表格,其中包含Surface Pro 2(Surface Pro 2)在其三个测试中的每一个中提供的平均每秒帧数。
您可以在下面看到一个表格,其中包含 3DMark 性能图表以及使用此应用程序测试的性能最佳的设备。
为了测试浏览网页时电池的续航时间,我使用了Peacekeeper 电池测试(Peacekeeper battery test)。使用Power Saver 电源计划(power plan)时,我用Internet Explorer浏览网页的时间为 6 小时 16 分钟。使用平衡(Balanced)计划时,自主权下降到 4 小时 45 分钟。如您所见,使用Power Saver 电源计划(power plan)会产生巨大的影响。
Microsoft Surface Pro 2的问题
不幸的是,我在Surface Pro 2(Surface Pro 2)上遇到了一些微软(Microsoft)可以避免的技术问题:
拙劣的固件更新(Botched firmware updates)- 购买我的 Surface Pro 2 后不久,微软就在圣诞节前发布了新的固件更新。不幸的是,这个固件给许多用户带来了问题。一些报告有电池问题。我没有它们,但我确实在从Sleep恢复时遇到了问题。例如,从睡眠中恢复时,无线网卡将停止工作,不再被识别为设备。只有重新启动 Windows 8.1 才能解决问题。从那时起,微软发布了新的固件更新,这些问题中的大部分现在都消失了,或者至少我很少遇到它们。
使用 5GHz 网络(Wireless connectivity issues when using 5GHz networks)时的无线连接问题 - 我在使用 5GHz 网络时遇到了无线连接问题。我的连接会无缘无故地突然断开。即使其他设备在同一网络上完美运行,Surface Pro 2 似乎也不喜欢 5GHz 无线网络。不过,使用 2.4 GHz 无线网络运行良好,没有任何问题。
在美国销售的 Surface Pro 2 不适用于欧洲和其他地区的无线网络(The Surface Pro 2 sold in the US doesn't work well with wireless networks from Europe and other regions)- 我相信许多美国用户会在前往其他地区时使用他们的设备,因为那里的无线网络使用更广泛的频道。在美国销售的型号仅适用于使用美国立法批准的频道的无线网络。如果您前往其他国家/地区,您需要执行注册表破解,以便 Surface 检测并使用未经美国批准的频道连接到无线网络。这是非常不幸的。
希望(Hopefully)微软(Microsoft)将来能齐心协力,停止发布导致问题的固件更新,而不是修复它们。(releasing firmware)
鉴于Surface Pro 2的价格,尤其是 256GB 和 512GB 版本的价格,很明显这款设备并不适合所有人。我对它的性能和灵活性(performance and flexibility)感到满意。它是一台非常强大的平板电脑,它为我提供了我所需要的东西,以便提高工作效率并毫无缺陷地完成我的所有工作,即使我在旅行时也是如此。但是,我不禁觉得这款设备价格过高。我说的主要是Surface Pro 2的 256GB 和 512GB 版本。花同样的钱,你可以给自己买一台像样的超极本和一台平板电脑。但这意味着要随身携带两个设备。我确实认为微软(Microsoft)应该做更多的事情来吸引用户购买Surface Pro 2. 他们应该在默认包装中包含(default package)Type Cover 2 ,并为购买者提供Office 365家庭高级版订阅(Home Premium subscription)。然后,这笔交易将非常棒:您将获得一台 Surface Pro 2(Surface Pro 2),它具备高效使用它所需的基础知识,以及完成工作所需的必备软件(Office 365、Skype and SkyDrive/OneDrive)。在那之前,我认为Surface Pro 2最适合那些需要这款设备的强大功能的极客和专业人士,他们会充分利用它并有足够的钱来购买它。
The Surface Pro 2 Review - Microsoft's Flagship Windows 8.1 Device
During my recеnt νisit tо the US, I purchased a Surface Pro 2 for myself. I was really curious to learn more about this device and whether it has great potential or not. Before publishing this review, I have used the Surface Pro 2 for over a month, in different environmеnts, including when traveling or working in an office or at home. If yоu would likе to learn more about its strengthѕ, weaknesses and whether it can be a great device for you, don't heѕitate to read this detailed review.
Unboxing the Microsoft Surface Pro 2
The packaging of the Surface Pro 2 is very nice and elegant, worthy of a premium device.
When you open it, you see the device, the power cable and the power block. A nice touch about the power block is that it has a USB port that you can use to charge other devices, like your smartphone.
Underneath the Surface, you will find the pen, the manual and several brochures with all kinds of useful bonuses like 200 GB of free space on your SkyDrive, for 2 years, and a Skype Unlimited World subscription for 1 year. Together with the Surface Pro 2, I purchased a blue Type Cover 2 that is not included in the price of the Surface Pro 2. Below you can see its simple packaging.
Opening it and attaching the Type Cover 2 to the Surface is very easy. For the full unboxing experience for both the Surface Pro 2 and the Type Cover 2, view the video below:
Hardware Specifications
The hardware specs on the Surface 2 Pro are impressive, especially on the models with 256 GB and 512 GB storage space. The version I have tested has the following configuration: a 10.6" display with a resolution of 1920x1080, a quad-core Intel Core i5-4200U processor running at 1.6 GHz, an Intel HD 4400 graphics chip, 8 GB of RAM DDR3, an SSD with 256 GB of storage space made by LITEON, two 1.2 MP cameras (one on the back and one on the front), a 4200 mAh battery, Bluetooth 4.0 and a Marvell AVASTAR 350N wireless network card that works with all the modern wireless standards, a TPM chip for using Bitlocker encryption and a Surface pen. In terms of ports, the Surface 2 Pro is equipped with a USB 3.0 port, a microSDXC card reader, a headset jack, a Mini DisplayPort and the cover port. In terms of sensors, it also packs a punch: the Surface 2 Pro has an ambient light sensor, an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. As you can imagine, this is a powerhouse and it feels like one both in terms of performance and weight. The Surface Pro 2 weighs 2 lbs (0.9 kg), which is heavy for a tablet but not that heavy for a laptop or a hybrid device.
The full hardware specifications for each version of Surface 2 Pro can be found here: Technical Specifications.
Using the Microsoft Surface Pro 2
One of the first things I noticed is how sensitive the Surface Pro 2 is to fingerprints and scratches. After only a week, it had several scratches on its back even though I did my best to protect it and I even bought a special sleeve for it.
Then, the Type Cover 2 gets dirty really quickly and after a few weeks of using the blue version I regretted not purchasing the black one.
But leaving these small issues aside, I was impressed by how powerful and flexible the Surface Pro 2 is. However, this means also making some compromises. For example, if you compare it to a tablet, it falls short, especially when it comes to weight. You won't be able to use it comfortably when holding it with just one hand. You must use both your hands for comfortable use. If you compare it with an ultrabook, the Surface Pro 2 is generally lighter and smaller. Carrying it around is very easy. However, the keyboard is smaller and the trackpad is not as precise as on an ultrabook. Working on the Surface Pro 2 has been a great experience. I used it on my lap on small benches I've found on airports or train stations, on planes, trains and even in parks. Every time I appreciated how little space it uses and how flexible it is. The two stage kickstand helps a lot with positioning the Surface Pro 2 so that it doesn't fall off when using it on your lap. Yes, it isn't as light as a tablet, but I could always do more with it just because this device it is both a tablet and a laptop.
Because it doesn't come with the Surface Pro 2, you must buy the Type Cover 2. Without it, the usage scenarios for this device are a lot more limited and you will be a lot less productive. With it, you can simply work from anywhere. When you want to browse the web and only consume content, there's no need for the cover. You use touch and the experience works great. When you want to do some work in Microsoft Office or some other desktop software, you take out the cover and get to work. I have found that the mix between the Type Cover 2, touch (with the finger and the pen) and the trackpad on the Type Cover 2 makes for a very productive usage experience. For example, I have found that the trackpad was not as precise as I wanted it do be, while working with some desktop apps. I felt the need for using touch as an input but, because I was on the Desktop, my precision would have been really bad. That's when the pen saves you. It is very precise and it works very well also on the desktop. Since its hardware is so powerful, the Surface Pro 2 was always fast and had no problem dealing with everything I have thrown at it. I even did gaming on it and played a few hours of League of Legends (a popular multiplayer game). Yes the Type Cover is not great for gaming but the device itself performed admirably, without heating up, slowing down and without too much fan noise. If you buy yourself a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, you can also do gaming on the Surface Pro 2 with decent precision when moving in game levels. An area where the Surface Pro 2 falls short when it comes to tablets is the battery. Here it shows that the processor and the operating system are not exactly made for tablets but PCs. If you keep the device in Sleep mode for a whole night, the next day you will wake up having very little battery power available. Basically, if you want to save your battery, you should always shut down the Surface Pro 2 so that you can continue working the next day.
If you can plug it in during the night then you won't have any issues with leaving it in Sleep mode. However, there are also positives. First of all, if you do office work and you consume content for most of the day, the Surface Pro 2 will last you somewhere between 5 and 8 hours, depending on what you do. But it is very important to pick the right power plan, something you don't have to worry about in tablets with iOS or Android. It makes a huge difference which power plan you are using. If you don't select the Power Saving plan, don't even dream of using it for more than 5 hours without plugging it in. Another positive is the fact that the battery charges really fast: in 2 to 3 hours, it will be at full capacity. Regarding the two 1.2 MP cameras on the front and the back - I have used them very rarely and mostly for Skype. They can record 720p video but the quality isn't great. Considering how heavy the Surface Pro 2 is, I don't imagine myself using it to take pictures or record video too often. I guess that's why Microsoft did not bother to update their specs in this revision of the Surface. If you carefully read the specs of the Surface Pro 2, you will notice that it includes a TPM chip that's used for encryption software like Bitlocker. Enterprise users will be very happy with this, as they can easily use the Surface Pro 2 as a secure work device - something that's very hard to do with your usual tablet. In terms of connectivity I was generally satisfied with what the Surface Pro 2 has to offer, with one exception: I found myself needing two USB ports instead of one. Having only one USB port available forces you to use the Surface Pro 2 with Bluetooth devices instead on USB devices. That may mean buying new devices (like multi-port hubs) which further extend the cost of using a Surface Pro 2.
Apps that are Bundled with the Microsoft Surface Pro 2
I found it very refreshing that Microsoft doesn't bundle any crapware with the Surface Pro 2. Absolutely none. Instead, you will find in the packaging of the device some awesome goodies:
- A bonus of 200 GB for free, for two years on your SkyDrive (soon to be named OneDrive).
- A Skype Unlimited World subscription for 1 year which allows you to make 60 minutes of free calls per month to landlines in more than 60 countries. This subscription is very useful if you work with people all over the world.
Even though these bonuses are great, I do think that Microsoft can make the package even more appealing, especially if you consider how expensive the Surface Pro 2 is. I think it would have been a great idea for them to bundle a free 1-year Office 365 Home Premium subscription, at least for the 256 GB and 512 GB versions which are very expensive.
Accessories for the Microsoft Surface Pro 2
In terms of accessories, the Surface Pro 2 doesn't come with any extras. However, in order to get full value out of this device and protect it, I do recommend that you consider the following extras, even though it means even paying more of your well-earned money:
Type Cover 2 - this cover is a must have. Without it, using the Surface Pro 2 doesn't make too much sense. This accessory is so critical to the Surface experience that I think Microsoft should have bundled it with the more expensive models.
A screen protector - the screen does collect a lot of fingerprints and can also get scratched very easily. A screen protector repels dust, prevents scratches, and is easy to remove and wash.
- If you go to a Microsoft Store to buy accessories, do ask for the cheaper protectors. They will start by offering you the most expensive screen protector, shown in the picture above.
A protective case or sleeve - as I said earlier in this review, the Surface Pro 2 can get scratched very easily. Having a protective case or sleeve will go a long way in keeping the device safe and without scratches.
A Bluetooth mouse - to be fully productive when using the Surface Pro 2 at work, it is best to purchase a Bluetooth mouse. I have tested several mice and the best fit for it is the Arc Touch Mouse Surface Edition. Unfortunately, this mouse isn't yet available worldwide.
Docking Station - unfortunately this hasn't been launched yet by Microsoft even though a docking station can be a great way to transform the Surface Pro 2 into a classic PC that's connected to all kinds of devices and to a big screen monitor. With it, the Surface Pro 2 can become the one computing device you take and use everywhere. Personally, I can't wait for Microsoft to launch it worldwide.
One of the accessories I bought for a very dear friend, is the Sensu Capacitive Brush and Stylus. I asked her to use it for painting in the Fresh Paint app.
Unfortunately, this accessory proved to be a waste of money. The Surface Pro 2 is not very sensitive to it and you can only paint using this brush's size. If you are a painter, you will want a full palette with brushes of different sizes and textures. Buying only one brush doesn't help much. However, my friend was able to paint without issues using only her fingers. Below you can see the painting she was able to create in about an hour of work.
Personally, I found this impressive and I think that there is a lot of untapped potential to the Surface concept.
Performance in Benchmarks
The Surface Pro 2 is a powerhouse and this is confirmed also by benchmarks. First, I measure the time it takes for it to boot, using Bootracer. The Surface Pro 2 booted, on average, in 23 seconds. It took only 8 seconds to display the sign-in screen.
Then, I ran the 3DMark app to quickly evaluate the gaming performance of the Surface Pro 2 when comparing it to other tablets. In this app, the Surface Pro 2 tops the charts and it literally is the most powerful tablet available. Here is a table with the average scores obtained when running this test with the High Performance and Power Saver power plans, when plugged in and when running on battery, plus the performance hit you take for running on battery.
Since the 3DMark scores don't tell much, below you can find a table with the average frames per second delivered by the Surface Pro 2 in each of its three tests.
Below you can see a table with the 3DMark performance charts and the best performing devices that were tested with this app.
To test how long the battery lasts while browsing the web, I have used the Peacekeeper battery test. When using the Power Saver power plan, I got 6 hours and 16 minutes of browsing the web with Internet Explorer. When using the Balanced plan, the autonomy dropped to 4 hours and 45 minutes. As you can see, using the Power Saver power plan makes a huge difference.
Problems With the Microsoft Surface Pro 2
Unfortunately, I have had some technical problems with the Surface Pro 2 that could have been avoided by Microsoft:
Botched firmware updates - very soon after purchasing my Surface Pro 2, Microsoft released a new firmware update, just before Christmas. Unfortunately, this firmware caused problems for many users. Some reported having battery issues. I did not have them but I did have problems with resuming from Sleep. For example, when resuming from sleep, the wireless network card would stop working and it was no longer recognized as a device. The problem was solved only by restarting Windows 8.1. Since then, Microsoft has released a new firmware update and most of these problems are now gone or at least I encounter them less often.
Wireless connectivity issues when using 5GHz networks - I encountered wireless connectivity issues when using 5GHz networks. My connection would suddenly drop for no apparent reason. Even though other devices work perfectly on the same network, the Surface Pro 2 doesn't seem to like 5GHz wireless networks. Using 2.4 GHz wireless networks worked well though, with no issues.
The Surface Pro 2 sold in the US doesn't work well with wireless networks from Europe and other regions - I'm sure many US users will use their devices while traveling to other regions, where wireless networks use a broader spectrum of channels. The model sold in the US works only with wireless networks using channels approved by the US legislation. If you go to other countries, you need to perform a registry hack in order for your Surface to detect and connect to wireless networks using channels that are not approved in the US. This is very unfortunate.
Hopefully, Microsoft will get their act together in the future and stop releasing firmware updates that cause problems instead of fixing them.
Given the price of the Surface Pro 2 and especially that of 256GB and 512GB versions, it's clear that this device is not for everyone. I am pleased with its performance and flexibility. It's a very powerful PC in the body of a tablet, which gives me what I need in order to be productive and do all my work without shortcomings, even when I'm traveling. However, I can't help but feel that this device is overpriced. And I'm talking mostly about the 256GB and 512 GB versions of the Surface Pro 2. For the same amount of money, you can buy yourself a decent ultrabook and a tablet. But that means two devices to carry around. I do think that Microsoft should do more to entice users to buy the Surface Pro 2. They should include the Type Cover 2 in the default package and give buyers an Office 365 Home Premium subscription. Then, the deal would be truly awesome: you get a Surface Pro 2 with the basics you need for using it productively, plus the mandatory software for getting your work done (Office 365, Skype and SkyDrive/OneDrive). Until then, I think that the Surface Pro 2 is best suited for geeks and professionals who need the power of this device, will use it to its full potential and have the money to pay for it.