我们最近发现自己需要一个新的电脑机箱(computer case),它比一般的大,通风良好,而且最好是一个漂亮的设计。经过几周的研究,我们偶然发现了Thermaltake的一款稍旧的型号,即A700 TG。该公司宣传它具有优雅的设计、良好的散热和模块化的内部结构。我们决定购买一台,在收到它、构建我们的 PC 并使用它一段时间后,我们想与您分享我们喜欢和不喜欢它的地方。如果您想了解有关Thermaltake A700 TG的更多信息,请阅读我们的评论:
Thermaltake A700 TG:它对谁有好处?
Thermaltake A700 TG是一款出色的电脑机箱(computer case),适用于:
- 想要构建功能强大的计算机并需要一个大机箱的人
- 那些需要在新电脑机箱中安装大量硬件组件的人(computer case)
- 打算在其 PC 中使用大型冷却解决方案甚至定制水冷的用户
Thermaltake A700 TG有很多优点:
- 看起来华丽的简约设计
- 厚(Thick)钢化玻璃门和金属面板
- 非常宽敞的内部空间
- 模块化设计,可让您根据需要添加和移除外壳的各个部分
- 高效的通风格栅和大量的灰尘过滤器
- 该机箱允许您垂直安装GPU 卡(GPU card)
- 电缆管理良好
- 昂贵,尽管考虑到所用材料的高质量,这并不是不自然的事情
- 仅包含两个风扇,并且没有RGB
- 箱子又重又大,所以不适合所有人……

Thermaltake A700 TG以其巨大的尺寸和优质(size and premium)的制造质量给我们留下了深刻的印象。制造商在制作这款电脑机箱的材料上没有(manufacturer didn)妥协,(computer case)简约的(t compromise)设计简直是华丽。同样,内部空间非常宽敞,模块化方法是每个PC 机箱(PC case)都应该具备的。总体而言,我们非常喜欢Thermaltake A700 TG,我们将它推荐给任何想要为其硬件配备超凡脱俗的机箱的游戏玩家或 PC 爱好者(gamer or PC enthusiast),以及任何对构建水冷计算机感兴趣的人。
将曜越 A700 TG 拆箱
Thermaltake A700 TG是一个全塔式机箱(tower case),因此,它到达的盒子又大又重。包装由光滑的黑色纸板制成,在其上,您可以看到装备齐全的电脑机箱的外观。(computer case)

Thermaltake A700 TG使用的包装
由于又大又重,建议您请朋友帮您打开所有东西。至少如果你想保护你的背部。🙂 一旦你设法把它从盒子里拿出来,把所有东西都拿出来,你就会看到Thermaltake A700 TG的所有巨大的美丽。

Thermaltake A700 TG和捆绑的零件和钻头
与它一起,制造商捆绑了许多不同类型的螺钉、束线带、电源单元(power supply unit)的泡沫片、风扇安装支架、一个三针风扇适配器(fan adapter)、两个玻璃门钥匙以及用户手册(user manual)。

Thermaltake A700 TG随附的配件
将曜越 A700 TG 电脑机箱拆箱是一次令人满意的体验。包裹很慷慨,箱子看起来很漂亮而且很大。(Unboxing the Thermaltake A700 TG computer case is a satisfying experience. The bundle is generous, and the case looks beautiful and massive.)
对于A700 TG 电脑(A700 TG computer)机箱,Thermaltake(Thermaltake didn)在使用材料方面没有做出任何妥协。他们的质量是一流的,一切看起来都很华丽。吸引您眼球的第一件事是其顶部和正面的美丽灰色金属饰面。在前面部分,一切都尽可能简约,只有在底部印有Thermaltake 标志。(Thermaltake logo)

Thermaltake A700 TG PC机箱(Thermaltake A700 TG PC case)的底部正面
简约的设计延续到表壳的上侧,表面一尘不染。您在这里看到和使用的唯一东西是两个基本按钮(电源和重置(power and reset))、端口(两个USB 3.0 Type-A和一个USB 3.0 Type-C、两个USB 2.0、一个 3.5mm 音频插孔和一个3.5 毫米麦克风插孔),以及一个指示SSD/HDD activityLED。

Thermaltake A700 TG的正面
A700 TG的两侧均由钢化玻璃面板覆盖。它们略微着色,但足以让您仍然可以轻松地看到里面的所有硬件组件。虽然我们喜欢能够看到主板和安装在上面的所有东西,但如果右侧面板上只有一个较小的(motherboard and everything)玻璃窗(glass window),或者可能是一个更暗的阴影(darker shade),也许会更好。这可能更容易隐藏它下面的固有电缆混乱(cable mess)。当然,这只适用于那些不太擅长电缆管理(cable management)的人。🙂

Thermaltake A700 TG两侧配备钢化玻璃门
在通风方面,Thermaltake A700TG带有很大的通风区域,但它们被巧妙地隐藏起来。前面(下面已经安装了一个内置的 140 毫米风扇)和顶部通风口都被金属面板覆盖,位于这些面板和玻璃门下方。顺便说一句,顶部和前面板可以弹出,以便轻松访问已安装的冷却器或安装新的冷却器。此外,您还可以取出左右两侧的玻璃面板 - 这样可以更轻松地组装机箱内的所有东西。它们由背面的两个铰链分别固定,因此只需将玻璃面板打开一半并向上拉即可将它们取出。

在机箱的后端,有主板input/output panel的常规孔、后部风扇空间(fan space)(容纳一个随附的 140mm 排气风扇)、PCI支架和电源单元切口(power supply unit cutout)。曜越 A700 TG(Thermaltake A700 TG)的一个决定性方面是PCIe支架组件的设计。虽然默认情况下它的位置是水平的,但如果您想垂直安装PCIe卡,您可以旋转它。(PCIe)这是许多人会喜欢的东西,因为它可以让您轻松垂直安装显卡,让您的PC 看起来(PC look)更漂亮。🙂不幸的是,电脑机箱没有(computer case doesn)捆绑PCIe 转接(PCIe riser)电缆,因此您需要为此单独购买一根。

Thermaltake A700 TG背面底部的PSU 切口(PSU cutout)
在机箱底部,前面的电源(power supply)下方,有一个可拆卸的大型空气过滤器(air filter)。此外,值得注意的是,A700 TG的脚非常高,因此这里的通风也非常好。

Thermaltake A700 TG的底部滤尘器(dust filter)是可拆卸的
为了以与我们开始时相同的方式结束我们的评测部分,Thermaltake A700 TG非常大:582 x 294 x 596 毫米(22.91 x 11.6 x 23.46 英寸)的高度乘以宽度乘以深度,重量不多也不少超过 20.05 公斤(44.2 磅)。其非常宽敞的尺寸使其内部极为宽敞,能够轻松适应任何主板格式:E- ATX、ATX、Micro ATX和Mini ITX。
有关所有技术规格,请查看 Thermaltake 的官方网页:A700 TG 规格(A700 TG Specifications)。
在Thermaltake A700 TG中组装您的 PC(Thermaltake A700 TG)
在我们收到A700 TG之后,我们做的第一件事显然就是开始使用它来构建 PC。首先(First),主板:安装我们的华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero Wi-Fi(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero Wi-Fi)速度很快。所需的所有支架都已放置在正确的位置,并且机箱的巨大内部空间使其易于操作和安装主板。

Thermaltake A700 TG的内部
将处理器插入其插槽后,我们安装了AIO 冷却器(AIO cooler)。我们使用的是Cooler Master MasterLiquid ML360R RGB AIO,一种 360mm 散热解决方案。Thermaltake的A700 TG允许您在正面或右侧(front or right)安装最大 420mm 的散热器,在机箱的正面、顶部或右侧安装最大 360mm 的散热器。我们选择将AIO 冷却器(AIO cooler)放在机箱顶部,因为我们认为这是此类设备的最佳选择,考虑到它们的工作原理和泵送内部液体(liquid inside)的方式。同样(Again),宽敞的内部空间和机箱顶部的可拆卸面板使安装AIO变得非常容易。(AIO).

在机箱顶部安装AIO 冷却器(AIO cooler)
接下来,我们安装了RAM模块和NVMe固态驱动器,之后我们开始安装SATA驱动器。我们有一个 2.5” SSD和一个 2.5” HDD。虽然我们决定将它们安装在主板背面,但机箱还允许您将此类驱动器和 3.5 英寸驱动器安装在主板前面的两个驱动器外壳之一中,朝向外壳的正面. 顺便说一句,如果您还有 3.5 英寸大驱动器,您甚至不需要螺钉 - 您只需将它们插入驱动器外壳的特殊塑料托盘中即可。

我们使用的显卡不是特别大,但也不小(和图片上的相反)。我们有一个AMD Radeon RX5700,它占用两个PCIe插槽,长度为 268 毫米(10.55 英寸)。即使安装了驱动器外壳,它也有足够的空间。说到这一点,安装它后,该机箱可以容纳长度达 310 毫米的GPU卡。(GPU)如果没有驱动器外壳,它可以安装更长的显卡,最高可达 410 毫米!我们不知道有那么长的视频卡……🙂但是,谁知道呢,也许将来我们会在市场上看到这样的怪物。

我们安装的最后一个主要硬件组件是(hardware component)电源单元(power supply unit),ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum。默认情况下,机箱(case doesn)不允许您将PSU滑入其位置。您必须先取出驱动器外壳或卸下PSU 护罩(PSU shroud)。我们选择了后者,因为它还可以更轻松地处理电源线。您必须处理一些螺钉,但没有什么可怕的。一旦我们安装了电源装置(power supply unit),我们很高兴看到护罩上的透明切口让我们能够看到(transparent cutout)PSU上的(PSU)瓦数屏幕(wattage screen)。. 随时了解您的计算机(computer draws)从墙上消耗的电量是很好的。

PSU 护罩也可以卸下
最后是线缆管理部分(cable management part)。虽然通过钢化玻璃门可以看到(glass door)主板(motherboard and everything)背面和您安装在该侧的所有东西,但隐藏电缆实际上并不难。您可以将大量电缆穿过外壳底部的通道,魔术贴也有助于将它们固定到位。

在我们看来,最终的结果是一台漂亮的计算机。(end result)玻璃门让您惊叹于您的硬件,而顶部和前面的金属饰面看起来很优雅(look classy),即使外壳本身很大。自从我们制造了这台 PC 几周后,我们不仅对它的外观感到非常满意,而且对机箱提供的气流和安静性感到非常满意。也许有些人可能想要添加的唯一东西是某种RGB灯,因为机箱本身没有内置。
Thermaltake A700 TG 是一款不折不扣的华丽电脑机箱。庞大的尺寸使您无法找到任何不容易放入其中的东西,硬件组件安装选项的数量非常丰富,并且使用的构建质量和材料都是一流的。我们喜欢在里面组装我们的电脑,我们喜欢使用 Thermaltake A700 TG。(The Thermaltake A700 TG is a gorgeous computer case that doesn’t compromise. The sheer size makes it impossible to find anything that wouldn’t easily fit inside it, the amount of hardware component installation options is very generous, and the build quality and materials used are top-notch. We loved assembling our computer in it, and we love using the Thermaltake A700 TG.)
您对曜越 A700 TG(Thermaltake A700 TG)有什么看法?
现在您对曜越 A700 TG 有了(Thermaltake A700 TG)更多了解。离开之前,让我们知道您对这个巨大的电脑机箱(computer case)的看法。你已经拥有它了吗?你会推荐给其他人吗?
Thermaltake A700 TG review: A larger-than-life computer case
We recently found ourѕelves needing a new computer cаse that would be larger thаn average, with great νentilation, and, preferably, a nice design. Aftеr a couple of wеeks of researching, we stumbled upon a slightly older model from Thermaltake, nаmely the A700 TG. The company advertises it as having an elеgant dеsign, good coоling, and modular intеrior. We decided to buy one and, after reсeiving it, building our PC, and using it for a while, wе’d like to share with yoυ what we like and don’t like about it. If you’re curious tо know more about the Thermаltake A700 TG, read our review:
Thermaltake A700 TG: Who is it good for?
The Thermaltake A700 TG is an excellent computer case for:
- People who want to build a powerful computer and need a large case for it
- Those who have a lot of hardware components to install in their new computer case
- Users who intend to use large cooling solutions or even custom water cooling in their PC
Pros and cons
The Thermaltake A700 TG has more than a few good things going for it:
- Minimalistic design that looks gorgeous
- Thick tempered glass doors and metallic panels
- Extremely spacious interior
- Modular design that lets you add and remove parts of the case depending on your needs
- Efficient ventilation grilles and plenty of dust filters
- The case allows you to install your GPU card vertically
- Cable management is good
There are a few downsides to consider:
- Expensive, although it’s not something unnatural considering the high quality of the materials used
- There are only two fans included, and they’re not with RGB
- The case is heavy and massive, so it’s not for everyone…

The Thermaltake A700 TG impressed us with its huge size and premium build quality. The manufacturer didn’t compromise on the materials used to create this computer case, and the minimalistic design is simply gorgeous. On the same note, the interior space is extremely generous, and the modular approach is something every PC case out there should have. Overall, we like the Thermaltake A700 TG a lot, and we recommend it to any gamer or PC enthusiast who wants a larger-than-life case for their hardware and to anyone interested in building a water-cooled computer.
Unboxing the Thermaltake A700 TG
The Thermaltake A700 TG is a full tower case and, accordingly, the box in which it arrives is huge and heavy. The package is made of glossy black colored cardboard and, on it, you can see what the computer case looks like when fully equipped.

The packaging used for Thermaltake A700 TG
Being so large and heavy, it’s recommended that you ask a friend to help you with unpacking everything. At least if you want to protect your back. 🙂 Once you manage to pull it out of its box and get everything out, you get to see the Thermaltake A700 TG in all its massive beauty.

Thermaltake A700 TG and the bundled pieces and bits
Together with it, the manufacturer bundles many screws of different types, zip ties, foam pieces for the power supply unit, fan mounting brackets, a three-pin fan adapter, two keys for the glass doors, and also the user manual.

Accessories bundled with the Thermaltake A700 TG
Unboxing the Thermaltake A700 TG computer case is a satisfying experience. The bundle is generous, and the case looks beautiful and massive.
Hardware specifications and design
With the A700 TG computer case, Thermaltake didn’t make any compromises in terms of materials used. Their quality is top-notch, and everything looks gorgeous. The first thing that catches your eye is the beautiful gray metallic finish on its top and front sides. On the front part, everything’s as minimalistic as it can be, with just the Thermaltake logo printed towards the bottom.

The bottom-front side of the Thermaltake A700 TG PC case
The minimalistic design continues on the upper side of the case, where the surface is clean of any nonsense. The only things you get to see and use here are the two essential buttons (power and reset), the ports (two USB 3.0 Type-A and one USB 3.0 Type-C, two USB 2.0, and one 3.5mm audio jack and one 3.5mm mic jack), as well as one LED that indicates the SSD/HDD activity.

The top-front side of the Thermaltake A700 TG
Both lateral sides of the A700 TG are covered by tempered glass panels. They are slightly tinted, but just enough so that you can still easily see all the hardware components inside. Although we love being able to see the motherboard and everything mounted on it, maybe it would have been better if the right panel had only a smaller glass window on it, or maybe a darker shade. That might have made it easier to hide the inherent cable mess underneath it. Of course, that’s true only for those who are not so great at cable management. 🙂

Thermaltake A700 TG comes with tempered glass doors on both sides
Regarding ventilation, the Thermaltake A700TG comes with large venting areas, but they are cleverly hidden. Both the front (under which there’s a built-in 140mm fan already mounted) and top vents are covered by the metallic panels, sitting beneath those and the glass doors. By the way, the top and front panels can be popped out to get easy access to the already mounted coolers or to mount new ones. Furthermore, you can also take out the glass panels on the left and right - it makes it easier to assemble everything inside the case. They’re held in place each by two hinges on the back, so just open the glass panels halfway and pull them upwards to get them out.

The glass doors can be taken out of their hinges
On the rear end of the case, there’s the regular hole for the motherboard’s input/output panel, a rear fan space (holding an included 140mm exhaust fan), the PCI brackets, and the power supply unit cutout. A defining aspect of the Thermaltake A700 TG is the design of the PCIe brackets assembly. While its positioning is horizontal by default, you can rotate it if you want to mount your PCIe cards vertically. That’s something many will love, as it allows you to easily mount your graphics card vertically, making your PC look more beautiful. 🙂 Unfortunately, the computer case doesn’t bundle a PCIe riser cable, so you’ll need to buy one separately for that.

The PSU cutout on the bottom-back side of the Thermaltake A700 TG
On the bottom of the case, under the power supply to the front, there is a large detachable air filter. Also, it’s worth noting that the feet of the A700 TG are pretty tall, so the ventilation is excellent here too.

The bottom dust filter on the Thermaltake A700 TG is removable
To end this section of our review on the same note as we started it, the Thermaltake A700 TG is huge: 582 x 294 x 596 mm (22.91 x 11.6 x 23.46 inch) in height by width by depth, weighing no more, no less than 20.05 kg (44.2 lbs). Its very generous dimensions make it extremely spacious inside, able to easily fit any motherboard format: E-ATX, ATX, Micro ATX, and Mini ITX.
For all the technical specifications, check Thermaltake’s official webpage: A700 TG Specifications.
Assembling your PC inside the Thermaltake A700 TG
After we received the A700 TG, the first thing we did was, obviously, to start building a PC using it. First, the motherboard: mounting our ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero Wi-Fi was fast. All the standoffs required were already placed in the right positions, and the vast interior space of the case made it easy to handle and install the mainboard.

The interior of the Thermaltake A700 TG
After inserting the processor into its socket, we mounted the AIO cooler. We used the Cooler Master MasterLiquid ML360R RGB AIO, a 360mm cooling solution. Thermaltake’s A700 TG allows you to install radiators of up to 420mm on the front or right, and radiators of up to 360mm on the front, top, or right side of the case. We chose to place our AIO cooler at the top of the case, as we believe that’s the best option for such devices, considering how they’re designed to work and pump the liquid inside. Again, the spacious interior and the removable panel on the top of the case made it very easy to install the AIO.

Mounting an AIO cooler at the top of the case
Next, we mounted the RAM modules and NVMe solid-state drives, after which we started installing the SATA drives. We had one 2.5” SSD and one 2.5” HDD. While we decided to install them on the back of the motherboard, the case also allows you to mount such drives, and 3.5” drives too, in one of the two drive enclosures found in front of the motherboard, towards the front side of the case. By the way, if you still have large 3.5” drives, you don’t even need screws - you just insert them into the special plastic trays from the drive enclosures.

The drive enclosures can be removed
The graphics card we use is not extremely large, but it’s not small either (contrary to how it looks from the pictures). We have an AMD Radeon RX5700 that occupies two PCIe slots and has a length of 268mm (10.55 inches). There’s plenty of space for it even with the drive enclosures mounted. Speaking of which, with it mounted, the case can fit GPU cards with a length of up to 310mm. Without the drives enclosure, it can fit even longer graphics cards, of up to 410mm! We don’t know any video cards that are that long… 🙂 But, who knows, maybe in the future we’ll see such monsters surface on the market.

The case can fit extremely long graphics cards
The last main hardware component we installed was the power supply unit, an ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum. By default, the case doesn’t allow you to just slide the PSU into its place. You have to either get the drive enclosures out or remove the PSU shroud first. We chose to do the latter, as it also allows for easier handling of power cables. There are a couple of screws you have to work on, but nothing scary. Once we mounted the power supply unit, we were happy to see that the transparent cutout on the shroud allowed us to see the wattage screen on our PSU. It’s nice to always be up to date with how much electricity your computer draws from the wall.

The PSU shroud can be removed also
Finally, the cable management part. Although the back of the motherboard and everything you install on that side is visible through the tempered glass door, hiding cables from view is actually not that hard. You can route the bulk of cables through the channel on the bottom of the case, and the velcro strips help with keeping them in place too.

Some sort of cable management 🙂
The end result was a beautiful computer in our opinion. The glass doors allow you to marvel at your hardware, while the metallic finish on top and front look classy, even if the case itself is massive. After a couple of weeks since we’ve built this PC, we’re very pleased not only by its looks, but also by the airflow and quietness the case offers. Maybe the only thing some people might want to add is some sort of RGB lights, as the case itself has none built-in.
The Thermaltake A700 TG is a gorgeous computer case that doesn’t compromise. The sheer size makes it impossible to find anything that wouldn’t easily fit inside it, the amount of hardware component installation options is very generous, and the build quality and materials used are top-notch. We loved assembling our computer in it, and we love using the Thermaltake A700 TG.
What is your opinion of the Thermaltake A700 TG?
Now you know more about the Thermaltake A700 TG. Before leaving, let us know what you think about this massive computer case. Do you already own it? Would you recommend it to others?