保持身材(shape isn)并不容易(t easy)。这需要大量的研究、时间和长期的承诺。如果您一直在搜索健身网站以获得准确的健康建议(health advice),那么您就会知道那里存在大量错误信息。

不要相信你的健康和健康(health and fitness),相信社交媒体或网站上没有科学支持的人的糟糕建议。以下健身网站将为您提供您可以信任的准确且有证据的信息。
1. 营养与营养学院(1. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)
Eatright.org是由营养与饮食(Nutrition and Dietetics)学会(Academy)出版的网站。该学院于 1917 年在俄亥俄州克利夫兰成立,(Ohio)代表(Cleveland)全球超过 112,000 名营养专家。
您在那里找到的饮食信息值得信赖,因为学院成员是整个营养行业的专业人士,包括疾病预防和健康方面(disease prevention and wellness)的专家。该学院甚至在处理公共卫生问题的政府听证会上提供证词。

该组织唯一的缺点是他们确实获得了食品行业的资金(food industry funding),包括来自全国养牛者牛肉协会(Beef Association)和鸡蛋营养中心(Egg Nutrition Center)的资金。因此,当谈到宣传此类食用产品的文章时,请持保留态度。
主要特点:(Top features:)
- 包括关于(Includes)食品(Food)、健康(Health)和健身(Fitness)的网站部分
- 来自有资质的健康和医学专家的贡献
- 不提倡任何特定的饮食计划,只提倡健康的食物选择
- 包括一个包含健康食谱的部分
2. 营养网(2. Nutrition.gov)
美国农业部(USDA)提供了自己的营养网站Nutrition.gov。该网站提供了有价值的科学营养信息,您可以依赖这些信息。这包括来自美国农业部(USDA)的营养数据库、关于食物和饮食(food and diet)的文章、预防疾病和疾病(disease and illness)的建议,甚至季节性食谱。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 政府办(Government-run)资,服务大众
- 专家问答部分有助于清除错误信息和混淆(misinformation and confusion)
- 参考其他政府资源以获取更多信息
- 专门介绍健康食谱的整个部分
3.哈佛:营养来源(3. Harvard: The Nutrition Source)
确保您获得的营养信息是基于证据的最佳场所之一是来自学术机构。这正是你在哈佛(Harvard)公共卫生(Public Health)学院(School)出版的The Nutrition Source中所得到的。例如,在其健康蛋白质来源列表中,The Nutrition Source列出了鱼、家禽、豆类和坚果,而不是牛肉。这表明主要行业不会影响资源。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 包括可下载的健康生活指南 PDF(Healthy Living Guide PDF),您可以随身携带
- 提供宏观部分(碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪),帮助您做出更有根据的食物选择
- 包括一个广泛的食谱部分
4. 营养研究中心(4. Center for Nutrition Studies)
营养(Nutrition)研究中心(Center)是由Colin Campbell 博士(Dr. Colin Campbell)创建(Studies)的网站。坎贝尔博士是(Dr. Campbell)素食社区(Vegan community)的名人,并出现在许多植物纪录片中。他的名声来自他的开创性研究项目(research project)“中国研究(China Study)”,该项目证明动物蛋白可能是癌症和糖尿病(cancer and diabetes)等重大疾病的最重要危险因素之一。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 包括一个指南部分(Guide section),其中包含有关为获得最佳健康而应食用的特定食物的快速参考信息(reference information)
- 综合植物配方部分(recipe section)
- 有关疾病、减肥和环境等主要主题的文章
- 包括一个关于如何吃植物性饮食的迷你课程
5. 网上运动处方 (ExRx)(5. Exercise Prescription on Internet (ExRx))
ExRx成立于 1999 年,如今已成为为健康和健身专家(health and fitness experts)(包括运动教练和健身爱好者)提供有价值、可靠信息的资源。ExRx代表运动处方(Exercise Prescription)。它是一种针对特定目的(如心理学、调理、减肥等)进行锻炼的资源。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 在这个广泛的健身图书馆中提供超过 1900 项练习(fitness library)
- 健身评估(Fitness assessment)计算器和锻炼模板
- 一个庞大的经过深入研究的健身文章库
6. 非常合身(6. VeryWell Fit)
VeryWell Fit只是看起来像一个普通的健身博客(fitness blog),但它的可靠性远不止于此。那里的作家和编辑都是专家,包括营养师、营养师、私人教练,甚至医生。文章库总数超过 6000 篇。您将了解有关健身、健康饮食以及减肥提示和技巧的重要信息。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 文章主题涵盖健身(cover fitness)、健康饮食和减肥
- (Tools section)带有卡路里、BMI等计算器的工具部分
- 包括一个由营养师、私人教练甚至瑜伽教练组成的审查委员会(review board)
7. 生活强(7. Livestrong)
Livestrong.com是一个知名的健身网站(fitness website)。编辑人员包括广泛的专业知识,包括对文章内容(article content)进行适当研究的记者和数据分析师。您可以相信,健身和饮食建议和技巧(advice and tips)将以扎实的研究为基础。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 一个关于营养、健身和减肥的信息丰富的文章库
- 健身挑战和 20 分钟锻炼计划可快速开始
- Live Well 部分(Live Well section)专注于促进健康生活和避免疾病
- 您可以在电子邮件收件箱中获取健身和健康提示的时事通讯(email inbox)
8.健美网(8. Bodybuilding.com)
Bodybuilding.com是全球健美爱好者使用的首选网站。它提供以举重和锻炼肌肉(weight lifting and building muscle)为中心的健身建议。您会找到文章、锻炼计划和其他健美运动员的完整社区,他们正在努力实现与您相同的进步和收获(progress and gains)。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 以实现最佳肌肉生长(muscle growth)为中心的大量文章
- 为减肥、增加力量甚至参加举重比赛而量身定制的锻炼计划
- 包含视频、论坛和社交媒体组的社区版块,您可以加入(community section)
当你有奇怪的症状时,它可能会很可怕。但是,访问可靠的健康信息(health information)可以让您放心,并帮助您了解潜在的原因。以下网站是一些在线可用的最佳医疗健康资源。
9. 梅奥诊所(9. Mayo Clinic)
您可能知道梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)是一个主要的医疗中心,但该诊所还提供一个综合网站,其中包含有关疾病预防(disease prevention)、症状研究以及如何过上健康生活方式的宝贵健康信息。(health information)

您感兴趣的大部分信息都可以在网站菜单的“健康信息”下拉菜单中找到。(Health Information dropdown)在那里,您可以了解疾病、疾病症状、药物治疗以及健康生活方式的技巧。
主要特点: (Top features: )
- 按名称中的第一个字母搜索疾病或病症
- 研究(Research)您的医生可能要求的任何测试或程序
- 交叉检查(Crosscheck)潜在原因的症状
- 按生命阶段(例如婴儿、青少年或老龄化)查找健康信息(health information)
10. WebMD
WebMD是网络上最著名的医疗资源网站之一,这是有充分理由的。WebMD的内容不同于大多数其他与健康相关的网站。该网站的许多(Many)内容贡献者都是医学界和经过认证的医学专家的一部分。该网站还有一个医学编辑委员会(Medical Editorial Board),以确保所有内容都是准确的并基于科学。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 您可能想要研究的每种医疗状况的 AZ 目录
- 一种症状检查工具(symptom-checker tool),可让您研究与症状相关的潜在疾病
- 一系列有关药物和补充剂的内容,可帮助您了解益处和副作用
- 一个健康生活版块(Living Healthy section),包括减肥、健身和运动(fitness and exercise),甚至是健康食谱的集合
美国国家医学(Medicine)图书馆(U.S. National Library)向公众提供称为MedlinePlus的重要医学资源。它吹嘘自己是世界上最广泛的医学图书馆,所有信息和资源(information and resources)都是免费的。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 研究(Research)您的医生可能为您安排的医学检查
- 了解您开过的任何药物
- 访问医学百科全书以获取广泛的医学信息
- 请参阅健康食谱部分(Healthy Recipe section),了解有益健康的食谱库,以改善您的健康
12. 今日心理学(12. Psychology Today)
健康不仅仅是(Health isn)身体健康。您还需要关注自己的心理健康,《今日心理学》(Psychology Today)可以提供帮助。本网站上的大部分内容都是由处理心理健康问题的经验丰富的心理学家和辅导员撰写的。

主要特点:(Top features:)
- 使用搜索功能(search feature)查找您附近的治疗师
- 使用菜单搜索特定心理健康状况的帮助
- 使用诊断词典(Diagnosis Dictionary)查找有关您自己的特定诊断的更多信息
- 浏览(Browse)数千篇文章,涵盖对您最重要的各种重要心理健康问题
不要将您的健康寄托在任何网站上。社交媒体“专家”通常根本不是专家。相反,请使用本文中最好的健康和健身网站(health and fitness websites)来访问有关您最感兴趣的健身和健康问题的(fitness and health issues)准确(access accurate)和基于证据的事实。通过专注于由专家运营的网站,您可以确保您得到准确的信息,而不是被误导。
12 Best Fitness Websites for Accurate Health Advice
Getting in shape іsn’t easy. It takes a lot of research, time, and long-term commitment. If you’ve been searching for fitnesѕ websites to get accurate health аdvice, then you know that there’s a whоle lоt of misinformation out there.
This misinformation is because so many companies online are trying to sell their health products, and not all are guaranteed to be based on sound science.
Whether you’re looking to eat better, looking for better ways to lose weight, or just how to live a healthier life, the following are the best fitness websites that you can trust for accurate information.

Best Dieting and Nutrition Websites
Don’t trust your health and fitness to bad advice from people on social media or websites that aren’t backed by science. The following fitness websites will provide you with accurate and evidenced information that you can trust.
1. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Eatright.org is a website published by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This academy was first founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1917 and represents over 112,000 nutritional experts worldwide.
The dietary information you find there can be trusted because the academy members are professionals throughout the nutritional industry, including experts in disease prevention and wellness. The academy even provides testimony at government hearings dealing with public health.

The only downside to this organization is that they do receive food industry funding, including from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the Egg Nutrition Center. So when it comes to articles promoting eating products like these, take it with a grain of salt.
Top features:
- Includes website sections on Food, Health, and Fitness
- Contributions from credentialed health and medical experts
- Doesn’t promote any specific dietary plan, only healthy food choices
- Includes a section with healthy recipes
2. Nutrition.gov
The USDA provides its own nutritional website called Nutrition.gov. This website offers valuable science-based information about nutrition that you can depend on. This includes nutrient databases from the USDA, articles about food and diet, advice on preventing disease and illness, and even seasonal recipes.

Top features:
- Government-run and funded, so its motivation is to serve the public
- Expert Q&A section that helps clear up misinformation and confusion
- References to other government resources for more information
- An entire section devoted to healthy recipes
3. Harvard: The Nutrition Source
One of the best places to ensure that the nutritional information you’re getting is evidence-based is from an academic institution. This is exactly what you’ll get at The Nutrition Source, published by the School of Public Health at Harvard. For example, in its list of healthy protein sources, The Nutrition Source listed fish, poultry, beans, and nuts – not beef. This is a sign that major industries do not influence the resource.

Top features:
- Includes a downloadable Healthy Living Guide PDF that you can keep with you wherever you go
- Provides macro sections (carbohydrates, protein, fats) to help you make more educated food choices
- Includes an extensive recipes section
4. Center for Nutrition Studies
The Center for Nutrition Studies is a website created by Dr. Colin Campbell. Dr. Campbell is a celebrity amongst the Vegan community and is featured in many plant-based documentaries. His fame comes from his seminal research project, The China Study, which proved that animal proteins might represent one of the most significant risk factors in major diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Top features:
- Includes a Guide section with quick reference information on specific foods you should eat for optimal health
- Comprehensive plant-based recipe section
- Articles on major topics like disease, weight loss, and environment
- Includes a mini-course on how to eat a plant-based diet
Best Workout and Fitness Websites
How do you know the best ways to lose more fat without losing muscle? Is it better to lift weights or do cardio? Should you count calories? These are very hard questions to find accurate answers for on social media or many websites.
Unfortunately, more people are trying to sell books or services rather than providing science-based information regarding fitness. The following websites can help.
5. Exercise Prescription on Internet (ExRx)
ExRx was founded in 1999 and today serves as a resource for valuable, dependable information for health and fitness experts, including sports coaches and fitness enthusiasts. ExRx stands for Exercise Prescription. It’s a resource that prescribes exercises for specific purposes like psychology, conditioning, weight loss, and more.

Top features:
- Over 1900 exercises available in this extensive fitness library
- Fitness assessment calculators and workout templates
- A large library of well-researched fitness articles
6. VeryWell Fit
VeryWell Fit only appears like a regular fitness blog, but its dependability goes much deeper than that. The writers and editors there are all experts, including dietitians, nutritionists, personal trainers, even doctors. The library of articles totals over 6000. You’ll learn important information about fitness, healthy eating, and tips and tricks on losing weight.

Top features:
- Article topics cover fitness, healthy eating, and weight loss
- Tools section with calculators for calories, BMI and more
- Includes a review board with dietitians, personal trainers, and even yoga instructors
7. Livestrong
Livestrong.com is a well-known fitness website. The editorial staff includes a wide range of expertise, including journalists and data analysts who perform appropriate research for the article content. You can trust that the fitness and dietary advice and tips will be grounded in solid research.

Top features:
- A solid library of informative articles on nutrition, fitness, and weight loss
- Fitness challenges and 20-minute workout plans to get started quickly
- A Live Well section focused on promoting healthy living and avoiding disease
- A newsletter where you can get fitness and health tips in your email inbox
8. Bodybuilding.com
Bodybuilding.com is the premier website used by bodybuilding enthusiasts around the world. It offers fitness advice centered around weight lifting and building muscle. You’ll find articles, workout programs, and a full community of other bodybuilders who are working to achieve the same kind of progress and gains that you are.

Top features:
- Massive collection of articles centered around achieving optimal muscle growth
- Workout programs tailored to things like losing weight, gaining strength, or even competing in weightlifting competitions
- A community section with videos, forums, and social media groups you can join
Best Medical Health Websites
When you’re having strange symptoms, it can be scary. However, access to reliable health information can set your mind at ease and help you understand the potential causes. The following websites are some of the best medical health resources available online.
9. Mayo Clinic
You may know that the Mayo Clinic is a major medical center, but the clinic also provides a comprehensive website filled with valuable health information covering disease prevention, symptom research, and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Most of the information you’ll be interested in can be found under the Health Information dropdown in the website menu. There you can learn about diseases, illness symptoms, medication, and tips on living a healthy lifestyle.
Top features:
- Search for diseases or conditions by the first letter in its name
- Research any test or procedure your doctor might have ordered
- Crosscheck symptoms with potential causes
- Look up health information by life stages such as infants, teens, or aging
10. WebMD
WebMD is one of the most well-known medical resource sites on the web, for a good reason. The content at WebMD is unlike most other health-related websites. Many of the content contributors at the site are part of the medical community and certified medical experts. The site also has a Medical Editorial Board to ensure that all content is accurate and based on science.

Top features:
- An A-Z directory for every medical condition you may want to research
- A symptom-checker tool that lets you research potential illnesses related to your symptoms
- A collection of content on drugs and supplements to help you understand the benefits and side effects
- A Living Healthy section that weight loss, fitness and exercise, and even a collection of healthy recipes
11. MedlinePlus
The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers the public an important medical resource called MedlinePlus. It touts itself as the world’s most extensive medical library, and all information and resources are free.

Top features:
- Research medical tests your doctor may have ordered for you
- Learn about any drugs you’ve been prescribed
- Access the medical encyclopedia for a wide array of medical information
- See the Healthy Recipe section for a library of wholesome recipes to improve your health
12. Psychology Today
Health isn’t all about physical health. You also need to focus on your mental health, and Psychology Today can help. Much of the content on this website is written by experienced psychologists and counselors dealing with mental health issues.

Top features:
- Use the search feature to find a therapist near you
- Search for help using the menu to search for specific mental health conditions
- Use the Diagnosis Dictionary to find more information around your own specific diagnosis
- Browse thousands of articles covering a variety of important mental health issues most important to you
Fitness and Health Advice
Don’t trust your health to just any website. Social media “experts” are usually not experts at all. Instead, use the best health and fitness websites in this article to access accurate and evidence-based facts about the fitness and health issues that you’re most interested in. By focusing on sites run by experts, you can be sure you’re getting accurate information, and not getting misinformed.