您想要一个能告诉您设备消耗多少电能的插头吗?当您不在家时,您想关闭智能手机的插头吗?您是否希望它通过随机打开和关闭您家中的某些设备(例如您的夜灯)来模拟您在家中,当您长时间离开时?如果你这样做,那么你应该考虑购买一个或更多的智能插头。我们最近拿到了TP-LINK HS110智能插头,并对其进行了大约 10 天的测试。阅读此评论以了解我们对该设备的看法以及是否值得为您的智能家居购买:
拆箱 TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi 智能插头(HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug)
TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi 智能插头(TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug)采用白色小盒子,顶部有设备图片和TP-LINK 标志(TP-LINK logo)。
在包装盒的侧面,您会找到有关此设备及其硬件和软件功能的(hardware and software features)信息。打开包装盒,您会看到智能插头、快速入门指南(start guide)、技术支持信息(support information)、保修和其他宣传单。
拆箱快速、无痛且总体而言是一次愉快的体验。现在,让我们看看这款设备在规格和功能方面必须提供什么。(The unboxing is quick, painless and overall, a pleasant experience. Now, let's see what this device has to offer in terms of specifications and features.)
该设备的规格有两个部分:其硬件配置和软件生态系统(hardware configuration and software ecosystem)。首先(First)说一下硬件:TP-LINK HS110智能插头需要连接2.4GHz无线(GHz wireless)网络才能作为智能设备工作。它可以连接到 802.11 b/g/n wireless网络,但不能连接到 802.11ac 网络,这在我们看来是一个缺点。智能(Smart)家居需要更快的网络连接,支持 802.11ac 会很棒。
TP-LINK HS110可以在 32°F 或 0ºC 到 104°F 或 40ºC 的温度范围内以及 5%~90% 的相对湿度下正常工作,使其适用于大多数家庭和办公室。在尺寸方面,插头相当小巧,高、宽、深(width and depth)为 3.9 x 2.6 x 2.5 英寸或 100.3 x 66.3 x 64 毫米。总重量仅为 4.34 盎司或 123.3 克。
智能插头有两个按钮:一个位于顶部,用于将其重置为默认配置(default configuration),第二个按钮位于正面。这个有一个WiFi 图标(WiFi icon),显示连接,还有一个On/Off icon。您可以按下第二个按钮来打开和关闭(Off)任何插入它的东西。
在软件规范方面,还有很多要谈的。首先(First),TP-LINK HS110智能插头只有拥有安卓或iOS(Android or iOS)的智能手机才能充分发挥。它不能从装有Windows或任何其他操作系统(operating system)的 PC 上进行配置,也无法从 Web 上进行配置,即使您必须将其连接到TP-LINK 云(TP-LINK cloud),才能在智能手机上进行配置。在您的智能手机上,您必须安装由TP-LINK制作的(TP-LINK)Kasa for Mobile应用程序( app)。此应用适用于Android 4.1或更高版本以及 iOS 8 或更高版本。
在智能手机上配置好插头后,您可以安排TP-LINK HS110的工作时间,设置离开模式,在您外出时模拟有人在家,您还可以通过语音控制智能插头,使用Amazon Echo(如果您家里有这样的设备)。
要了解有关此设备官方规格的更多信息,请访问此页面:TP-LINK HS110 规格(TP-LINK HS110 Specifications)。
设置和使用 TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi 智能插头(HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug)
设置TP-LINK HS110(TP-LINK HS110)的第一步是插入您要使用的电源插座。然后,将您要测量和控制的设备插入智能插头。但是,在您将其完全用作智能设备之前,您需要安装适用于Android或iOS的(iOS)Kasa for Mobile应用程序。使用此应用程序,您可以连接到智能插头,将其连接到您的无线网络并配置(wireless network and configure)TP-LINK HS110及其所有功能。如果您不安装该应用程序,TP-LINK HS110将充当任何其他“哑”插件。对于我们的审查,我们在Nexus 6P上使用了适用于(Nexus 6P)Android的应用程序(Android)安装了Android 7(Android 7)的智能手机。
我们注意到Kasa for Mobile应用程序的一件事是,它需要访问很多东西,从您的位置、文件、无线连接信息(connection information)以及设备 ID 和呼叫信息开始。在我们看来,这相当多,应用程序应该需要更少的访问权限。然后,您必须在TP-LINK 云(TP-LINK cloud)上创建一个帐户,以便远程控制您的智能插头。执行此操作,验证您的电子邮件帐户(email account),然后您可以配置您的智能 TP-LINK 设备,包括 TP-LINK HS110。
使用Kasa for Mobile应用程序,您可以添加和配置TP-LINK智能插头、智能灯泡、迷你插头、智能开关和范围扩展器。
一旦Kasa for Mobile应用程序检测到TP-LINK HS110智能插头,您就可以为其设置名称、图标,并将其加入您家的无线网络(wireless network)。完成所有这些步骤后,您可以查看智能插头的状态并激活(plug and activate)和配置其任何功能。
使用Kasa for Mobile应用程序,您可以设置(Kasa for Mobile)TP-LINK HS110智能插头的操作时间表,可以启用离开模式,还可以设置打开或关闭智能插头的计时器。
不幸的是,这些模式之间存在冲突。例如,定时器允许您在指定时间后打开或关闭智能插头,它将覆盖离开(Away)模式,直到定时器完成。此外,如果schedule 和 timer(schedule and timer)之间存在冲突,智能插件将基于较早开始的那个运行。因此,在设置这些功能时,请确保它们不会相互冲突。
您还可以访问过去 7 天和过去 30 天的统计数据,这是非常有用的信息。将您获得(Couple)的所有实时信息与您不在家时可以使用移动数据连接远程控制智能插头这一事实相结合,很明显我们正在处理一个非常有用的设备和移动应用程序。
回到硬件上,TP-LINK HS110智能插头的一个小缺点是你不能在夜间调暗它的灯光,这可能会让一些人感到恼火。如果不是用于关闭灯的物理按钮,那么至少在移动应用程序中可以配置此功能会很好。
总体而言,我们对 TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi 智能插头及其提供的功能感到非常满意。它并不完美,尤其是在软件方面,我们才刚刚进入智能家居时代。首先,我们正在处理一种有用、易于使用且不是很贵的设备。这对大多数人来说是最重要的。(Overall, we are quite pleased by the TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug and what it has to offer. It's not perfect, especially not on the software side and we are only at the beginning of the smart home era. For a starting point, we are dealing with a device that's useful, easy to use and not very expensive. This is what matters most for most people.)
TP-LINK智能家居云(home cloud)需要更高的安全性
虽然TP-LINK HS110智能插头本身就是一款很棒的小设备,但我们确实对TP-LINK基于云的生态系统提出了一些批评:
首先(First),TP-LINK应该提供在任何网络浏览器中配置智能家居设备的访问权限。Kasa for Mobile应用程序连接到TP-LINK的云并向其发送数据,以便为您的所有智能家居设备提供远程控制。但是,如果您在网络浏览器(web browser)中打开同一个云,通过访问TP-LINK Cloud网站并使用您的帐户进行身份验证,则找不到任何有用的信息。您被告知您的帐户中不存在相机,仅此而已。您也应该能够在他们的网站上查看和管理所有智能家居设备。
此外,没有可用的Windows 应用程序(Windows app)。Windows 10 是一个大操作系统, (operating system)TP-LINK完全忽略了它。如果您丢失了智能手机,那您就被困住了!
此外,TP-LINK的云的安全性至少可以说是薄弱的。如果有人入侵了您的智能家居,那将是一件大事。他们可以远程控制您的家,这不是一个愉快的情况。电视剧《(Series) 机器人先生》将让您真实地了解当(Mr. Robot)有人入侵您的智能家居(someone hacks your smart home)时会发生什么。
TP-LINK 应尽快实施最低限度的安全功能,例如两步验证,以及仅为 Kasa for Mobile 应用程序设置额外 PIN 的可能性,这样窃取您的智能手机的人也无法控制您的家。与开发安全产品的公司合作可能是一个好主意,以便将安全性内置到 TP-LINK 的所有智能家居设备中。(TP-LINK should implement as soon as possible minimum security features like two-step verification, and the possibility to set an additional PIN just for the Kasa for Mobile app so that someone stealing your smartphone can't also control your home. Working with a company that develops security products might be a great idea so that security is built into all of TP-LINK's smart home devices.)
TP-LINK HS110 智能(TP-LINK HS110 smart)插头有很多优点:
- 它不是很贵,尽管它的价格并不适合所有人
- 它又小又轻
- 它易于使用和设置
- 即使您不在家也可以远程控制您的智能插头
- 您可以使用它来节省能源并降低电费(electricity bill)
- 您可以获得有关插入智能插头的设备能耗(energy consumption)的实时数据
- 晚上能关掉TP-LINK HS110智能插头上的灯就好了(TP-LINK HS110)
- 没有适用于Windows的应用程序,也没有远程控制TP-LINK HS110的网站(TP-LINK HS110)
- TP-LINK的基于云的生态系统缺乏最低限度的安全功能,例如针对其移动应用程序的两步验证和 PIN 保护(verification and PIN protection)
- 如果您不小心如何设置计时器、调度程序和离开模式,它们可能会相互冲突
- Android移动应用程序需要在您的智能手机上访问较少的信息
TP-LINK HS110智能插头是一款非常实用的设备,如果您负担得起,您会很高兴购买。它易于设置和使用,它提供的数据信息丰富且有用。此外,当您不在家时能够远程控制它是一个很大的优势。但是,您应该记住,我们正处于智能家居时代(home era)的开端,虽然拥有智能家居有很多好处,但也有一些重要的缺点,比如安全性低。TP-LINK的云平台需要许多改进才能提供有趣、有用和安全的智能家居体验(home experience)。虽然该公司在智能家居体验(home experience)的前两个方面做得很好,他们需要在第三个方面改进很多。
TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi smart plug review - It is worth having in your smart home?
Would you like to haνe a plug that tells you how much electrical energy your devices consume? Do you want to turn off that plug from your smartphone, when you are not at home? Do you want it to simulate that you are at home, when you leave for a long time, by randomly turning on and off certain devices in your home, like your nightlight? If you do, then you should consider purchasing a smart plug or more. We recently got oυr hаnds оn the TP-LІNK HS110 smart plug and we tested it for about 10 days. Read this review to see our opinion аbout this device and whether it is worth purchasіng for your smart home:
Unboxing the TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug
The TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug comes in a small white box, with a picture of the device on the top and the TP-LINK logo.
On the sides of the box, you will find information about this device and its hardware and software features. When you open the box, you will find the smart plug, the quick start guide, technical support information, the warranty and other leaflets.
The unboxing is quick, painless and overall, a pleasant experience. Now, let's see what this device has to offer in terms of specifications and features.
Hardware specifications and design
There are two parts to the specifications of this device: its hardware configuration and software ecosystem. First of all, let's speak about the hardware: the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug needs to connect to 2.4 GHz wireless networks in order to work as a smart device. It can connect to 802.11 b/g/n wireless networks but not to 802.11ac networks, which is a minus in our view. Smart homes need faster network connections, and supporting the 802.11ac would have been great.
TP-LINK HS110 can work well in temperatures varying from 32°F or 0ºC to 104°F or 40ºC, and a relative humidity between 5%~90%, making it suitable for most homes and offices. In terms of size, the plug is quite small, with 3.9 x 2.6 x 2.5 inches or 100.3 x 66.3 x 64 millimeters in height, width and depth. The total weight is only 4.34 ounces or 123.3 grams.
The smart plug has two buttons: one on the top for resetting it to its default configuration and the second button on the front. This one has a WiFi icon, which displays the connectivity, and an On/Off icon. You can press the second button to turn whatever's plugged into it On and Off.
In terms of software specifications, there is a lot more to talk about. First of all, the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug can be fully utilized only if you have a smartphone with Android or iOS. It can't be configured from PCs with Windows or any other operating system and there's no way to configure it from the web, even if you do have to connect it to the TP-LINK cloud, in order to configure it on your smartphone. On your smartphone, you must install the Kasa for Mobile app, made by TP-LINK. This app works with Android 4.1 or higher and iOS 8 or higher.
Once you configure the plug on your smartphone, you can schedule the working hours of the TP-LINK HS110, set the away mode, which simulates that someone is home while you are away from home and you can also control the smart plug with your voice, using Amazon Echo (if you have such a device at home).
To learn more about the official specifications of this device, go to this page: TP-LINK HS110 Specifications.
Setting up and using the TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug
The first step in setting up the TP-LINK HS110 is to plug into the electrical outlet where you want to use it. Then, plug the device(s) that you want to measure and control into the smart plug. However, before you can fully utilize it as a smart device, you need to install the Kasa for Mobile app for Android or iOS. With this app, you can connect to the smart plug, have it connected to your wireless network and configure the TP-LINK HS110 and all its features. If you don't install the app, TP-LINK HS110 will act as any other "dumb" plug. For our review, we used the app for Android, on a Nexus 6P smartphone with Android 7 installed.
One thing we noticed about the Kasa for Mobile app is that it requires access to many things, starting with your location, your files, wireless connection information as well as device ID and call information. This is quite a lot in our view and the app should require less access. Then, you must create an account on the TP-LINK cloud, in order to remote control your smart plug. Do this, verify your email account and then you can configure your smart TP-LINK devices, including the TP-LINK HS110.
With the Kasa for Mobile app, you can add and configure TP-LINK smart plugs, smart bulbs, mini plugs, smart switches and range extenders.
Once the Kasa for Mobile app detects the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug, you can set a name for it, an icon, and join it to your home's wireless network. After all these steps are done, you can see the status of the smart plug and activate and configure any of its features.
With the Kasa for Mobile app, you can set a schedule for the operation of the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug, you can enable the away mode and you can also set a timer for when to turn the smart plug on or off.
Unfortunately, there are conflicts between these modes. For example, the timer allows you to turn the smart plug on or off after a specified time and it will override the Away mode until the timer has been completed. Also, if there's a conflict between the schedule and timer, the smart plug will run based on whichever starts earlier. Therefore, when setting these features, make sure that they don't conflict with each other.
One thing I loved about TP-LINK's mobile app is the fact that it offers real-time statistics about the power that it is used by the device which is plugged into your smart plug and your total consumption. With it, I was able to learn how much my desktop PC consumes in terms of power.
You also get access to stats for the last 7 days and the last 30 days, which is great information to have. Couple all the live information you get, with the fact that you can remote control the smart plug when you are not at home, using your mobile data connection, and it's obvious that we are dealing with a very useful device and mobile app.
Getting back to the hardware, a minor negative about the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug is that you can't dim its light during the night, which might be annoying to some. It would have been nice to have this feature available for configuration, at least in the mobile app, if not a physical button for turning the lights off.
Overall, we are quite pleased by the TP-LINK HS110 Wi-Fi Smart Plug and what it has to offer. It's not perfect, especially not on the software side and we are only at the beginning of the smart home era. For a starting point, we are dealing with a device that's useful, easy to use and not very expensive. This is what matters most for most people.
The TP-LINK smart home cloud needs more security
While the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug is a great little device in itself, we do have some criticism TP-LINK's cloud-based ecosystem:
First of all, TP-LINK should offer access to configuring your smart home devices, in any web browser. The Kasa for Mobile app connects to TP-LINK's cloud and sends data to it, in order to offer remote control for all your smart home devices. However, if you open the same cloud in a web browser, by going to the TP-LINK Cloud website and authenticating with your account, there's nothing useful to be found. You are told that no camera exists in your account and that's it. You should be able to view and manage all your smart home devices on their website too.
Also, there's no Windows app available. Windows 10 is a big operating system and it's completely ignored by TP-LINK. If you have lost your smartphone, you are stuck!
Also, the security of TP-LINK's cloud is weak, to say the least. If someone hacks your smart home that's a huge deal. They can remote control your home and that's not a pleasant situation to be in. The TV Series Mr. Robot will give you a realistic idea of what can happen when someone hacks your smart home.
TP-LINK should implement as soon as possible minimum security features like two-step verification, and the possibility to set an additional PIN just for the Kasa for Mobile app so that someone stealing your smartphone can't also control your home. Working with a company that develops security products might be a great idea so that security is built into all of TP-LINK's smart home devices.
Pros and cons
The TP-LINK HS110 smart plug has many positives:
- It's not very expensive, even though its price is not for everyone
- It's small and light
- It's easy to use and setup
- You can remote control your smart plug even when you are not at home
- You can use it to save energy and lower your electricity bill
- You get real-time data about the energy consumption of the device(s) that you plug into the smart plug
There are also some negatives, not necessarily about the device itself, but mostly about the software and the cloud-based ecosystem created by TP-LINK for its smart home devices:
- It would be nice to be able to turn off the light on the TP-LINK HS110 smart plug, during the night
- There's no app for Windows and no website for remote controlling the TP-LINK HS110
- TP-LINK's cloud-based ecosystem lacks minimal security features like two-step verification and PIN protection for their mobile apps
- The timer, the scheduler, and the away mode can conflict with each other if you are not careful how you set them up
- The Android mobile app should require access to less information on your smartphone
The TP-LINK HS110 smart plug is a very useful device and, if you can afford it, you will be happy with your purchase. It's easy to setup and use, and it offers data that you will find both informative and useful. Also, being able to remote control it when you are not at home is a great plus. However, you should keep in mind that we are at the beginning of the smart home era and, while there are many benefits to having a smart home, there are also a few important downsides, like the low security. TP-LINK's cloud platform needs many improvements in order to provide a smart home experience that's fun, useful and secure. While the company does a great job at the first two aspects of the smart home experience, they need to improve a lot on the third.