在我们寻找最好的机器人吸尘器和拖把的过程中,我们遇到了Trifo的(Trifo)Lucy AI机器人吸尘器。这款智能机器人吸尘器具有拖地功能,还配备了一个人工智能摄像头,可以在你离开时随时关注你的家,本质上是把露西(Lucy)作为家庭安全设备的两倍。
让我们仔细看看露西(Lucy),测试它的清洁能力,看看它是否适合你的房子(smart home installment)。
Trifo Lucy:第一印象和规格 (Trifo Lucy: First Impressions & Specs )
现在市场上有很多机器人吸尘器。(robot vacuums on the market)如果您以前从未使用过这些小工具之一,您可能会发现很难选择最适合您的小工具,因为它们中的大多数似乎都提供所有相同的功能。有时很难在一个品牌提供的不同型号的机器人吸尘器之间进行选择。Trifo有一个不同的方法:这个品牌提供了一系列机器人吸尘器,每一个都有特定的用途。
Lucy是Trifo 家族(Trifo Family)的一员,该家族的机器人吸尘器专为您的需求量身定制。Emma 是那些不想为任何额外功能付费的人的基本机器人真空吸尘器。Ollie是专为宠物主人设计的吸尘器,Max型号是全功能家庭监控机器人吸尘器。最后,如果你想拥有一切,露西(Lucy)是整个Trifo家族(Trifo Family)中最先进和最平衡的模型。
另一个让Lucy脱颖而出的特点是双摄像头系统。带有飞行时间(Time-of-Flight)( ToF ) 深度摄像头的 1080P HDR彩色摄像头用于视觉同步定位和映射 ( VSLAM ) 导航以及您家的智能映射。这意味着Lucy非常擅长检测地板上的各种物体(无论大小),并且不会卡在房子周围的狭小空间中。这些摄像头只能用于在您离开时监控您的家并照看您的宠物。
Trifo的 Lucy还具有拖地功能,但由于在清洁过程中必须加满水箱,因此很难将此模型称为最好的机器人拖把。稍后我们将对此进行更多介绍。但首先,这是Trifo Lucy机器人真空吸尘器的完整规格列表。
- 尺寸(机器人):14.2 x 3.3 英寸(360 x 84 毫米)
- 尺寸(充电座):6.4 x 5.6 x 3.9 英寸(162 x 142 x 100 毫米)
- 重量:7.5 磅(3.4 公斤)
- 吸力:3000Pa(露西标准(Lucy Standard)版)和4000Pa(露西宠物(Lucy Pet)版)
- 垃圾箱容量:600ml
- 清洁模式:静音、标准和涡轮。
- 水箱(Water)容量:100ml 或 3.5oz
- 噪音:< 70dB
- 电池(Battery)寿命:5200mAh 电池在 180 分钟内从零充满
- 运行时间:最长 120 分钟
- 特殊功能:运动检测、双摄像头系统(1080P HDR摄像头 + 深度传感器用于昼夜控制)、通过智能手机(iOS 和Android )进行应用程序控制、通过(Android)Amazon Alexa进行语音控制和手动控制。
- 价格:亚马逊339 美元起(特价)(Amazon)
Lucy有一套令人印象深刻的规格,既包含您在大多数现代机器人真空吸尘器上遇到的功能,也包含将Lucy变成安全摄像头 的Visual SLAM导航系统等独特功能。
设计与开箱(Design & Unpacking)
Trifo Lucy沿用了迄今为止所有品牌都在使用的经过验证的机器人真空吸尘器设计:它有一个圆形塑料外壳、三个轮子、一个主滚刷和一个侧刷。在Lucy的案例中,robovac 的整个机身是黑色的(有光泽的顶部和哑光(matte)的侧面)和一个金色的环,中间有两个按钮和一个标志。一个按钮将Lucy发送到充电座,另一个是电源按钮。
Trifo Lucy黑色和有光泽的一个问题是它很容易在地板上收集灰尘和任何宠物毛发。然而,黑色和金色的配色方案让它看起来很高级。
robovac 的顶部也是塑料的。您可以打开盖子看到里面相同的按钮,以及其他一些元素。最大的一个是垃圾箱(或垃圾箱),您可以通过松开其下方的按钮轻松取出并清空它(Push)。还有一个重置(Reset)按钮,可用于将Trifi Lucy恢复出厂设置;WiFi LED灯和一个 USB-A 充电端口。
Trifo Lucy的底部包含常用的充电针、跟踪传感器、滚动刷和边刷。
盒子里装了什么(What’s in the Box)
关于Trifo Lucy(Trifo Lucy),您首先会注意到的是顶级包装。虽然这种真空并不便宜,但您可以清楚地看到您在这里支付的钱。打开包装后,您会在包装盒内找到以下内容:
- Trifo Lucy 扫地机器人
- 带充电线的充电座
- 可移动蓄水池
- 可重复使用的超细纤维垫(用于湿拖)
- 如何在Trifo Lucy信封 中使用手册
整个包装重量约为 13 磅或 6 公斤。
清洁性能(Cleaning Performance)
拥有机器人吸尘器的主要目的是完全忘记吸尘和/或拖地,因为 robovac 可以自动运行这些过程而无需您的干预。在此之前,您必须设置Trifo Lucy并将其引入您的家庭环境。
设置和映射 (Setup & Mapping )
Trifo Lucy的设置过程很简单,与其他机器人吸尘器类似。打开Lucy的包装后,插入充电器并使用充电底座为您的设备充电。同时,您需要下载该应用程序,创建一个帐户,并将Trifo Lucy同步到您的家庭WiFi。Trifo Lucy(Trifo Lucy)充满电后,您打开应用程序并开始绘制您的家。
大多数测绘机器人真空吸尘器使用基于激光的LiDAR技术进行测绘,而Lucy使用摄像头创建房屋的平面图。这项技术称为视觉 SLAM(Visual SLAM),被认为在捕获有关机器人周围环境的信息方面更加彻底。这意味着与使用LiDAR的那些小工具相比, (LiDAR)Lucy避开前方物体的能力更为出色。
吸尘和一般清洁(Vacuuming & General Cleaning)
有几个因素使Trifo Lucy成为出色的清洁工具。主要是 4000Pa 的最大吸力(大多数现代机器人的平均吸力为 2700PA)和一个相当大的 600ml 垃圾箱。考虑到垃圾箱不是自动清空的,它的大尺寸让您只需担心每周左右清空一次垃圾箱。
即使在标准吸力设置下,旋转刷辊和边刷的组合也能很好地清洁你家的硬地板。如果您需要Trifo Lucy来清理大杂物并拾取宠物毛发和污垢,则需要将吸力提高到最大。清洁地毯和地毯也是如此。为了彻底清洁,我们还建议在应用程序中启用边缘清洁功能(Sweeping edgewise)。这让露西(Lucy)在家具周围和墙壁旁边付出了额外的努力。
清洁Trifo Lucy本身很简单。打开盖子,取出并清空垃圾箱。然后将您的 robovac 翻转过来,取下滚刷并清除所有缠结的头发。您也可以用软布擦拭和清洁扫地机器人的机身。
拖把功能(The Mop Function)
Trifo Lucy带有拖把功能,可以进行湿式清洁。当您将某些东西洒在地板上并需要清洁污渍时,这是一个有用的功能。然而, Trifo Lucy(Trifo Lucy)的水箱只有 100 毫升,这意味着你可能需要重新装水一两次才能让Lucy覆盖你的整个家。如果您希望完全自动化清洁,这并不理想。
从好的方面来说,您可以获得多个可重复使用的拖把垫,之后易于清洁。只需(Just)取下布并将其扔进洗衣机即可。虽然拖地功能不是Trifo Lucy的强项,但在拖地方面它仍然可以胜任。如果您经常进行清洁工作,露西(Lucy)完全有能力让您的房子保持清洁和无尘。
低电量模式 (Low Battery Mode )
您不必担心让您的扫地机器人始终充满电。当电池电量降至 15% 时,Trifo Lucy 会(Trifo Lucy)自动返回坞站充电。充满电后,robovac 将按计划恢复清洁。
软件和家庭安全功能(Software & Home Security Features)
Trifo Lucy使用名为Trifo Home的移动应用程序,您可以在其中查看所有机器人真空控制、创建清洁计划和调整其他设置。
Trifo 家庭应用程序(Trifo Home App)
浏览设置,您会发现各种清洁模式、安排清洁会话的能力、显示警报的维护统计数据,以防任何机器人吸尘器部件需要更换和请勿打扰 ( DND ) 模式以阻止露西(Lucy)开机当您睡着时,以及显示露西(Lucy)清洁过的区域和清洁时间的清洁历史记录。
首次运行 robovac 后,您会在应用程序中找到一张地图,您可以在其中命名房屋的不同区域,并为露西(Lucy)创建禁区以避开。
Trifo Lucy最令人兴奋的功能之一是手动控制——您可以加载您家的视频并使用该应用程序远程驱动机器人真空吸尘器。您也可以录制此片段。要切换到手动控制,请选择应用底部的开始视频。(Start Video)这将打开相机,您可以从露西的角度看到您的房子。
Trifo Lucy:安全摄像头(Trifo Lucy: the Security Camera)
借助运动检测功能,您可以将Trifo Lucy用作安全摄像头。启用运动检测(Motion Detection)后,您会在手机上收到一条通知,并附上机器人吸尘器捕捉到的在相机前移动的对象(或谁)的照片。这既可以用来照看你的房子,也可以用来在你离开时检查你的宠物。
您应该购买 Trifo Lucy 机器人吸尘器吗?(Should You Buy the Trifo Lucy Robot Vacuum?)
Trifo Lucy并不是解决所有问题的完美清洁解决方案。如果您正在寻找最好的真空拖把组合,Trifo Lucy可能不是您的首选,因为拖把功能在这里更像是一个小附加组件。但是,您应该购买Trifo Lucy(Trifo Lucy)的原因有很多。
如果您以前使用过机器人真空吸尘器,例如Roborock或Roomba ,您会对(Roomba)Lucy的不同设计、独特功能和新能力感到惊喜。如果您是宠物主人,并且想在您外出时照看您毛茸茸的小伙伴,露西(Lucy)也是您的绝佳选择。总而言之,这是一款功能强大的机器人真空吸尘器,可为您的亲人或您自己 提供完美的礼物。(make for a perfect gift)
Trifo Lucy: The AI Robot Vacuum and Mop
On our quest to find thе best robot vacuum and mop, we’ve come across the Lucy AI robot vacuum by Trifo. This smart robot vacuum cleaner comes with a mop function and is also equipped with an AI camera that can keep an eye on your home while you’re away, essentially doubling Lucy as a home security device.
Let’s have a closer look at Lucy, test its cleaning abilities, and see whether it’s a worthy smart home installment for your house.
Trifo Lucy: First Impressions & Specs
There are plenty of robot vacuums on the market right now. If you have never used one of these gadgets before, you might find it difficult to pick the best one for you, as most of them seem to offer all the same features. Sometimes it’s difficult to choose between the different models of robot vacuums that one brand offers. Trifo has a different approach: this brand offers a selection of robot vacuums, with each of them serving a specific purpose.
Lucy is a part of the Trifo Family that has robot vacuums specifically tailored to your needs. Emma is the basic robot vacuum for those who don’t want to pay for any extra features. Ollie is a vacuum designed for pet owners, and the Max model is a full-on home surveillance robot vacuum. Finally, if you want to have a bit of everything, Lucy is the most advanced and well-balanced model of the entire Trifo Family.
Lucy is a smart robot vacuum/mop that uses advanced AI to get smarter over time. That means that the more you use Lucy in your house, the more it’ll learn about the surroundings which in turn should make the clean-up process more efficient.
Another feature that makes Lucy stand out is the dual-camera system. The 1080P HDR color camera with a Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth camera is used for visual simultaneous localization and mapping (VSLAM) navigation and smart mapping of your home. This means that Lucy is extremely good at detecting various objects on your floor (no matter how big or small) and won’t get stuck in small spaces around your house. These cameras can only be used to monitor your home while you’re away and keep an eye on your pets.
Lucy by Trifo also comes with a mopping feature, but it’s hard to call this model the best robot mop due to the small water tank that you have to top up during cleaning sessions. We’ll get more into this later. But first, here’s a complete list of specs of the Trifo Lucy robot vacuum.
- Dimensions (robot): 14.2 x 3.3in (360 x 84mm)
- Dimensions (charging dock): 6.4 x 5.6 x 3.9in (162 x 142 x 100mm)
- Weight: 7.5lbs (3.4kg)
- Suction power: 3000Pa (Lucy Standard) and 4000Pa (Lucy Pet edition)
- Dustbin capacity: 600ml
- Cleaning modes: silent, standard, and turbo.
- Water tank capacity: 100ml or 3.5oz
- Noise: < 70dB
- Battery life: 5200mAh battery fully charges from zero in 180 mins
- Run time: up to 120 mins
- Special features: motion detection, dual-camera system (1080P HDR camera + depth sensor for day & night control), app control via your smartphone (iOS & Android), voice control via Amazon Alexa, and manual control.
- Price: starts from $339 (on sale) on Amazon
Lucy has an impressive set of specifications, packing both the features that you meet on most modern robot vacuums, as well as unique abilities like the Visual SLAM navigation system that turns Lucy into a security camera.
Design & Unpacking
Trifo Lucy follows the same proven design of a robot vacuum that all of the brands have been using up to this day: it has a circular plastic case, three wheels, a main rolling brush, and a side brush. In the case of Lucy, the entire body of the robovac is black (glossy top with matte sides) and a golden ring with two buttons and a logo in the center. One button sends Lucy to the charging dock, and the other is the power button.
One problem with Trifo Lucy being black and glossy is that it easily collects dust and any pet hair on your floor. However, the black and gold color scheme gives it a premium look.
The top of the robovac is also plastic. You can open the lid to see the same buttons on the inside, as well as some other elements. The biggest one is a dustbin (or debris bin) which you can easily take out and empty by releasing the Push button under it. There’s also a Reset button that you can use to factory reset your Trifi Lucy; WiFi LED light, and a USB-A charging port.
On the front side of the gadget, you’ll find the contact sensors and two cameras for day and night vision.
The bottom side of Trifo Lucy contains the usual charging pins, a tracking sensor, a rolling brush, and a side brush.
What’s in the Box
The first thing you’ll notice about your Trifo Lucy is the top-tier packaging. While this vacuum isn’t on the cheap end of things, you can clearly see what you’re paying your money for here. Upon unpacking, here’s what you’ll find inside the box:
- Trifo Lucy robot vacuum
- Charging dock with a charging cable
- Removable water reservoir
- Reusable microfiber pads (for wet mopping)
- How to use the manual in a Trifo Lucy envelope
The entire package weight is about 13lbs or 6kg.
Cleaning Performance
The main purpose of owning a robot vacuum is to forget about vacuuming and or mopping your floors at all, as the robovac can run these processes automatically without your interference. Before that happens, you’ve got to set up your Trifo Lucy and introduce it to your home environment.
Setup & Mapping
The setup process with Trifo Lucy is straightforward and similar to other robot vacuums. Once you’ve unpacked Lucy, plug the charger in and charge your device using the charging dock. Meanwhile, you’ll need to download the app, create an account, and sync Trifo Lucy to your home WiFi. After Trifo Lucy’s fully charged, you open the app and start mapping your home.
Most mapping robot vacuums use laser-based LiDAR technology for mapping, while Lucy uses a camera to create a floor plan of your house. This tech’s called Visual SLAM and is considered more thorough in capturing information about the robot’s surroundings. This means that Lucy’s ability to avoid objects in front of it is superior compared to those gadgets using LiDAR.
Vacuuming & General Cleaning
There are a few factors that make Trifo Lucy a superior cleaning tool. Mainly, it’s the maximum suction power of 4000Pa (with an average of 2700PA for most modern robovacs) and a sizable 600ml dustbin. Considering that the dustbin isn’t a self-emptying one, its big size allows you to only worry about emptying the dustbin once every week or so.
The combination of a rotating brush roll and a side brush will do a great job cleaning the hard floors of your house, even on a standard suction setting. If you need Trifo Lucy to clean big messes and pick up pet hair and grime, you’ll need to ramp up the suction power to the max. The same goes for cleaning carpets and area rugs. For thorough cleaning, we also recommend enabling the edge cleaning feature in the app (Sweeping edgewise). It makes Lucy put extra effort around the furniture and next to the walls.
Cleaning the Trifo Lucy itself is straightforward. Open the cover, remove and empty the dustbin. Then turn your robovac over, remove the rolling brush and remove any tangled hair. You can also wipe and clean the body of the robot vacuum with a soft cloth.
The Mop Function
Trifo Lucy comes with a mop function that allows for wet cleaning. A useful feature when you spill something on your floor and need to clean the stain. However, the water tank for Trifo Lucy is only 100ml, which means you’ll likely have to reload it once or twice before Lucy covers your entire home. That’s not ideal if you’re looking to automate your cleaning completely.
On the plus side, you get multiple reusable mop pads that are easy to clean afterward. Just remove the cloth and throw it in the washing machine. While the mopping function isn’t Trifo Lucy’s strongest suit, it still does an adequate job when it comes to mopping. And if you frequently run the cleaning sessions, Lucy is perfectly capable of keeping your house clean and dust-free.
Low Battery Mode
You don’t have to worry about keeping your robot vacuum charged fully at all times. When the battery level drops down to 15%, Trifo Lucy automatically returns to the dock station to recharge. When it’s fully charged, the robovac resumes cleaning as scheduled.
Software & Home Security Features
Trifo Lucy uses a mobile app called Trifo Home, where you can view all of the robot vacuum controls, create a cleaning schedule, and tweak other settings.
Trifo Home App
Upon installation, the app will ask for a standard set of permissions, like allowing it to send notifications to your phone. That’s a useful one, and we recommend enabling it that way, Lucy can send you alerts if it catches an intruder in your house while you’re away.
Next, the app will ask you to create an account and add Lucy to the list of devices to get started.
Browsing through settings, you’ll find various cleaning modes, and ability to schedule cleaning sessions, maintenance stats that show alerts in case any of the robot vacuum parts need to be replaced and do not disturb (DND) mode to stop Lucy from switching on while you’re asleep, as well as cleaning history that shows you the areas Lucy has cleaned and cleaning time.
After running the robovac for the first time, you’ll find a map in the app where you can name different zones of your house and create no-go zones for Lucy to avoid.
One of the most exciting features that Trifo Lucy has is manual control – you can load the video of your house and use the app to drive the robot vacuum around remotely. You can also record this footage. To switch to manual control, select Start Video at the bottom of the app. This will open up the camera, and you can see your house from Lucy’s point of view.
Aside from recording this footage, you can change between Day and Night time vision and switch the microphone on and off.
Trifo Lucy: the Security Camera
Thanks to the motion detection feature you can use Trifo Lucy as a security camera. When Motion Detection is enabled, you get a notification on your phone paired with the photo of what (or whom) the robot vacuum caught moving in front of the camera. This could be used to both keep an eye on your house and to check on your pets when you’re away.
Speaking of pets, you can also use the built-in microphone to play with them remotely or to (try to) calm them down if you see them through the camera making a mess.
Should You Buy the Trifo Lucy Robot Vacuum?
Trifo Lucy isn’t the perfect cleaning solution for every problem. If you’re looking for the best vacuum-mop combo, Trifo Lucy might not be the top pick for you since the mop feature is more of a small add-on here. However, there are plenty of reasons why you should buy Trifo Lucy.
If you’ve used a robot vacuum before, like Roborock or Roomba, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the different design, unique features, and new abilities of Lucy. If you’re a pet owner and would like to keep an eye on your little furry friend while you’re outside your house, Lucy is an excellent pick for you as well. All in all, it’s a powerful robot vacuum that will make for a perfect gift for your loved ones or yourself.