流媒体和视频博客麦克风的中端市场(midrange segment)竞争非常激烈,但Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus凭借其可调节的(Emita Plus)臂架(arm mount)和优惠的价格脱颖而出。但是音质真的好吗?我们决定仔细研究GXT 252+,并对其功能和可用性进行了数周的测试。希望(Hopefully)在本文结束时,我们将能够帮助您决定是否应该购买它。让我们从基础开始:
Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus:它对谁有好处?
- 内容创作者为他们的播客、视频博客或流媒体寻找价格实惠的心形麦克风(cardioid microphone)
- 想要具有可调节臂和爆破过滤器的(pop filter)优质麦克风的用户(quality microphone)
- 移动并需要紧凑型安装机制的 Vlogger(mounting mechanism)
GXT 252+ Emita Plus ,我们有很多好话要说:
Buy now
- 它采用坚固且高品质的包装
- 包含许多配件,超出您在这个价位上的预期(price point)
- 安装麦克风有两种选择:可调节臂和高度便携的三脚架
- 音质(sound quality)好,灵敏度高,频率范围大(sensitivity and frequency range)
- 支架的质量与麦克风本身的制造质量不匹配
- 麦克风上没有静音按钮;一些用户也会从增益旋钮中受益(gain knob)
- 安装了泡沫罩(foam cover)后,您无法分辨(t tell)麦克风的朝向,并且由于心形图案(cardioid pattern),这可能是个问题
Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus非常适合其用途:为内容创作者提供价格合理、质量上乘的麦克风。(quality mic)声音再现很好,包括许多配件(虽然它们的质量不是很好),而且麦克风易于设置和使用。如果您正在流媒体、视频博客、播客或录制画外音,并且您负担得起,那么您不会后悔选择Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus。
拆箱Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus 麦克风(Emita Plus microphone)
就像我们已经习惯了其他Trust产品一样,GXT 252+ Emita Plus 包装(Emita Plus packaging)质量上乘。包装正面展示了麦克风和配件的图片...
GXT 252+ Emita Plus的包装盒正面
来自 Trust 的大胆设计选择
麦克风和配件包装完好,分别放置在泡沫模具(foam mold)的单独插槽中。起初,我们以为我们缺少一些配件,但后来我们注意到盒子一角的“ Pop filter inside ”标志。(Pop filter inside)
包装中除了麦克风之外还包含很多东西:一根USB 电缆(USB cable)、一个可调节的防爆过滤器(pop filter)、一个用于麦克风的泡沫罩、一个安装在随附的可调节臂上的(foam cover)防震架(shock mount)、一个小型可折叠三脚架(tripod stand),以及通常的用户指南(user guide)。
当然,还有一些较小的零件,例如夹子和一些螺丝,可以将手臂固定在办公桌上。信任(Trust)还包括一个GXT 贴纸(GXT sticker),如果你喜欢的话。包裹的总重量为 3.3 磅(1.5 公斤)。
我们对拆箱体验寄予厚望,最近审查了(We had high expectations for the unboxing experience, having recently reviewed the )GXT 259 Rudox , and we weren’t disappointed. The Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus is carefully packaged, the box contains lots of accessories, and we felt like we were unpacking a premium product.
麦克风本身的重量为 10.8 盎司(约 300 克),感觉坚固且制作精良。它的正面有一个小图,表示它的心形图案(cardioid pattern)。你问那是什么?麦克风的拾音模式是它从不同方向拾取声音的能力。心形指向(cardioid pattern)最常见,在 0°(前)最敏感,在 180°(后)最不敏感。这会降低环境声音(ambient sound),缺点是声源(sound source)必须非常接近 0°,否则音量会急剧下降。
心形图案(cardioid pattern)的符号还兼作麦克风前部的标记
Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus没有其他独特的功能或按钮,只有底部的USB端口(USB port)。
转向配件,我们首先打开包装并安装延伸臂(extending arm)。它很轻,甚至太轻了,而且看起来很脆弱。它很容易移动,距离夹点(clamp point)大约 19 英寸(50 厘米)的范围。舒适地放置它就足够了,如果你有一张小或杂乱的桌子(或者如果你想让你的工作区远离电缆等),它就非常有用。说到电缆,嵌入手臂的电缆总长度为 9.5 英尺(2.9 m)。麦克风借助防震架(shock mount)安装在手臂上。该安装座不同于GXT 259 Rudox和GXT 256 Exxo上的安装座(Exxo),具有较少的阻尼,但它也可以作为麦克风的免工具安装座。
在他的价位上(price point)的冲击坐骑(shock mount)?是的,请
应该注意的是,该臂还可以安装Trust 系列中(Trust lineup)的其他麦克风:
- GXT 252 艾米塔
- GXT 242 喷枪
- GXT 258 Fyru USB 4 合 1流媒体麦克风(Streaming Microphone)(直接连接到手臂,不带防震架(shock mount))
- GXT 256 埃克索
- GXT 244 嗡嗡声
您可以在其上安装弹出过滤器(pop filter),尽管安装系统(mounting system)不是很好。总体而言,安装机构(mounting mechanism)相对容易组装,说明书中包含的说明清晰。当整个系统(whole system)组装好后,它看起来不错,对于流媒体和内容创建者来说似乎很实用。然而,我们觉得手臂的质量(arm quality doesn)与我们迄今为止的包装和麦克风本身的体验不匹配。我们将在下一节中对其进行测试,但现在,让我们继续讨论替代安装系统(mounting system)。
如果您的办公桌无法容纳手臂使用的夹子,甚至无法容纳手臂本身,您还有一个替代方案,即小型可折叠三脚架(如果您在移动并需要小型麦克风支架,也可以使用它)。如果您决定使用三脚架系统(tripod system),Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus 套件(Emita Plus package)包括一根 5 英尺 (1.5 m) 长的电缆和一个泡沫盖(foam cover)作为防弹过滤器(pop filter)。
最后,Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus 的一些技术规格:单声道电容麦克风(mono condenser microphone)的频率响应范围(frequency response range)为 18 Hz - 21000 Hz,阻抗为 200 Ohm,灵敏度为-35 dB。最后一个值对于在安静环境中工作的用户或那些不能或不会站在离麦克风很近的用户来说很有趣。信噪比也不错,为81 dB。最后,最大采样率为(sampling rate)48 kHz,采样深度为 16 位。仅从数字来看,麦克风似乎非常适合流媒体或内容创作者、播客和画外音。Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus 应该(Emita Plus shouldn)它不是录音室质量录音的首选(为此,您可以选择Trust GXT 259 Rudox 之(Rudox)类的产品),但仍然可以产生非常优质的声音(quality sound)。有关所有官方规格,请访问产品页面(product page):GXT 252+ Emita Plus Streaming Microphone。
Both the design and the build quality of the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus are very good, although we can’t say the same about the mounting mechanism. The technical specs make it an ideal microphone for streaming and podcasts, while the cardioid pattern means that the sounds should come from a single source, located in front of the mic.
使用Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus 麦克风(Emita Plus microphone)
在使用Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus录制之前,我们尝试了两种安装系统。我们对手臂的第一印象是正确的:它几乎无法支撑麦克风和过滤器(microphone plus filter)的重量,而且很容易移动。不过,这是一件好事,对吧?好吧,不一定,因为随着时间的推移,这可能意味着麦克风不再停留在您想要的位置。我们的经验是,它需要一些摆弄才能正确定位。手臂的活动范围足以满足中等大小的办公桌;夹子牢固地固定手臂并保护台面。爆音过滤器(pop filter)一旦固定在手臂上,就可以精确定位,其网状结构可以有效地阻挡不需要的噪音。
Trust GXT 252+Emita Plus的爆音过滤(pop filter)器
三脚架相对稳定,占地面积小(一个边长为 6.7 英寸或 17 厘米的三角形)。您不能在其上安装弹出过滤器(pop filter),如果您不小心撞到它,麦克风很容易翻倒。我们不能对它过分挑剔,因为它主要用于当您在移动中并且需要安装麦克风时。为此,它非常合身:安装组件可放入口袋中,重量微不足道。
三脚架(tripod mount)非常适合杂乱的办公桌或远离工作室的录音
没有软件设置(software setup)可言:在Windows系统上,您只需将设备插入USB 端口(USB port),瞧(voilà),您就可以开始使用它了。没有专有应用程序,无需安装驱动程序,您可以进行的唯一调整可以从操作系统(operating system)本身(当然还有第三方应用程序(third-party apps))获得。
GXT 252+易于在Windows系统上设置和配置
我们首先在一个非常常见的场景中对其进行了测试:视频通话(video call)。我们对音质(sound quality)非常满意。低频被正确拾取,与房间噪音的(room noise)隔音(sound isolation)效果很好,如果您将麦克风放在您和键盘之间,几乎听不到嘈杂的机械键盘的咔嗒声。缺少静音按钮并不是什么大问题,但如果Trust GXT 252+Emita Plus 有一个就更好了。我们还注意到麦克风的蓝光(blue light)非常暗淡,只有在非常黑暗的环境中才能看到。
GXT 252+的蓝光实际上几乎看不到
接下来,我们继续进行更专业的录制。在寻找录音设备(recording device)的完美定位时,我们注意到了一个怪癖:安装了泡沫罩(foam cover)后,您看不到标记麦克风正面的小图标。由于麦克风是完美的圆形,并且带有泡沫罩(foam cover),因此您无法判断麦克风是否面向您。不过,这是挑剔的,因为您很可能可以从支架上分辨出麦克风的位置,并且偏离中心几度不会影响录音。
当泡沫盖(foam cover)打开时,只有底座可以通知您麦克风的方向
在无声环境下录音时的音质(sound quality)不错,本底噪音小,动态范围好。从小王子(The Little Prince)的序言中自己判断(Judge):
我们以 48kHz/16bit采样率(sampling rate)录制声音,距离麦克风约 6 英寸或 15 厘米,没有防爆过滤器(pop filter),但有泡沫罩(foam cover)。
Overall, using the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus was a good experience. The sound quality is good, the mic is very easy to set up and use. We aren’t very confident in the longevity of the mounting arm, but we enjoyed using the microphone. We think that Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus is suited for streaming, vlogging, or recording podcasts. At its price point, there are very few microphones that can match what the GXT 252+ Emita Plus offers.
您对Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus有何看法?
现在您了解了我们使用Trust的(Trust)GXT 252+ Emita Plus 麦克风(Emita Plus microphone)的体验。对于许多内容创作者来说,这无疑是一个有趣的提议,我们希望我们的评论能帮助您确定您是否是其中之一。请在评论中告诉我们您对Trust GXT 252+的看法以及您的候选名单中还有哪些其他麦克风。此外,如果您对麦克风还有其他问题,请随时(t hesitate)在下面发表评论。
Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus review: good value microphone for streaming
The сompetition in the midrange segment for streaming and vlogging microphones is vеry strong, but the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus stands out from the pack with its adjustable arm moυnt and excellent price. But is the sound quality any good? We decided to tаke a closer look at the GXT 252+, and we tested its featureѕ and usability for several weeks. Hopefully, by the end of this article, we wіll be able to help you make a decision on whether you should buy it. Let’s stаrt with the basics:
Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus: Who is it good for?
This microphone is a solid choice for:
- Content creators in search of an affordable cardioid microphone for their podcasts, vlogs, or streams
- Users who want a quality microphone with an adjustable arm and a pop filter
- Vloggers who are on the move and require a compact mounting mechanism
Pros and cons
There are quite a few good things we have to say about the GXT 252+ Emita Plus:
See price on:
Buy now
- It comes in a solid and high-quality packaging
- There are many accessories included, more than you would expect at this price point
- You have two options for mounting the mic: an adjustable arm and a highly portable tripod
- The sound quality is good, with high sensitivity and frequency range
There are also several things that can be improved:
- The quality of the mounts doesn’t match the build quality of the microphone itself
- There is no mute button on the microphone; some users would have also benefited from a gain knob
- With the foam cover mounted, you can’t tell where the mic is facing, and because of the cardioid pattern, this might be an issue
The Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus is perfectly suited for its purpose: an affordable, good quality mic for content creators. The sound reproduction is good, there are many accessories included (although their quality is not stellar), and the microphone is easy to set up and use. If you’re streaming, vlogging, podcasting, or recording voice-overs and you can afford it, you won’t regret choosing the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus.
Unboxing the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus microphone
Just like we’ve gotten used to from other Trust products, the GXT 252+ Emita Plus packaging is of premium quality. The front of the package shows a picture of the microphone and the accessories...
The front of the box that the GXT 252+ Emita Plus comes in
... while on the back you can find the description, technical specs and more high-quality pictures of the product.
The back of the box is very informative
The actual box that’s inside the package is bright red, with just #BUILDINGCHAMPIONS written on it. Not sure if it refers to you or the product, so let’s settle with both. 🙂
Bold design choices from Trust
The microphone and the accessories are well packaged, placed in separate slots in the foam mold. At first, we thought we were missing some accessories, but then we noticed the “Pop filter inside” sign placed in the corner of the box.
The different parts are packaged and secured separately
Pulling on it revealed a second layer of foam, containing the rest of the accessories. Unless dropped from a plane, we expect the product to survive all sorts of abuse during transport. No, that’s not a challenge!
The parts are arranged on two separate layers inside the box
The package contains quite a lot of stuff apart from the microphone: a USB cable, an adjustable pop filter, a foam cover for the mic, a shock mount that fits on the included adjustable arm, a small, foldable tripod stand, plus the usual user guide.
The amount of parts and accessories can be intimidating at first
Of course, there are some smaller bits and pieces, like a clamp and some screws to fasten the arm to your desk. Trust also includes a GXT sticker, if you’re into that. The total weight of the package is 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg).
Lots of unpacking, but it's very satisfying
We had high expectations for the unboxing experience, having recently reviewed the GXT 259 Rudox, and we weren’t disappointed. The Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus is carefully packaged, the box contains lots of accessories, and we felt like we were unpacking a premium product.
Design and hardware specifications
With a weight of 10.8 ounces (roughly 300 grams) the microphone itself feels solid and well-built. It has a small drawing on its front, which is indicative of its cardioid pattern. What is that, you ask? The pick-up pattern of a microphone is how well it picks up the sound from different directions. The cardioid pattern is the most common, and is most sensitive at 0° (the front) and least sensitive at 180° (the back). This reduces the ambient sound, the disadvantage being that the sound source must be very near 0° or the volume drops sharply.
The symbol for the cardioid pattern also doubles as a marker for the front of the mic
The Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus has no other distinctive features or buttons, just the USB port on the bottom.
Moving on to the accessories, we first unpacked and mounted the extending arm. It’s light, too light even, and it looks, well, flimsy. It’s easy enough to move around, with about 19 inches (50 cm) of range from the clamp point. It’s enough to position it comfortably and it’s super useful if you have a small or cluttered desk (or if you want to keep your workspace clear of cables and such). Speaking of cables, the total length of the cable embedded in the arm is 9.5 feet (2.9 m). The microphone is mounted to the arm with the help of a shock mount. The mount is different from the one on the GXT 259 Rudox and the GXT 256 Exxo, with less dampening, but it also works as a tool-less mount for the microphone.
A shock mount at his price point? Yes, please
It should be noted that the arm can also fit other microphones from the Trust lineup:
You can mount the pop filter on it, although the mounting system is not great. Overall, the mounting mechanism is relatively easy to assemble and the instructions included in the leaflet are clear. When the whole system is assembled, it looks good and seems practical for streamers and content creators. However, we feel that the arm quality doesn’t match the experience we had so far with the packaging and the microphone itself. We will put it to the test in the next section, but for now, let’s move on to the alternative mounting system.
When fully assembled, the microphone looks very professional
If your desk can’t accommodate the clamp used by the arm or even the arm itself, you have an alternative, in the form of a tiny foldable tripod (which can also be used if you are on the move and need a small mic support). The Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus package includes a 5 feet (1.5 m) long cable and a foam cover as a pop filter if you decide to go with the tripod system.
With the tripod, the footprint of the mic is tiny
Finally, some technical specs for the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus: the mono condenser microphone has a frequency response range of 18 Hz - 21000 Hz, an impedance of 200 Ohm, and a sensitivity of -35 dB. This last value makes it interesting for users working in quiet environments or those who can’t or won’t stand very close to the microphone. The signal-to-noise ratio is also good, with a value of 81 dB. Finally, the maximum sampling rate is 48 kHz, with a sampling depth of 16 bits. Looking just at the numbers, the microphone seems perfectly suited for streamers or content creators, for podcasts and voice-overs. The Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus shouldn’t be the first choice for studio-quality recordings (for that, you can go for something like the Trust GXT 259 Rudox), but should produce very good quality sound nonetheless. For all the official specs, visit the product page: GXT 252+ Emita Plus Streaming Microphone.
Both the design and the build quality of the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus are very good, although we can’t say the same about the mounting mechanism. The technical specs make it an ideal microphone for streaming and podcasts, while the cardioid pattern means that the sounds should come from a single source, located in front of the mic.
Using the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus microphone
Before recording with the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus, we tried both mounting systems. Our first impression about the arm was correct: it’s just barely able to support the weight of the microphone plus filter and it’s easy to move around. That’s a good thing, though, right? Well, not necessarily, since, in time, this could mean that the microphone no longer stays where you want it to. Our experience is that it takes some fiddling to position it correctly. The range of motion for the arm is sufficient for an average-sized desk; the clamp holds the arm securely and has protection for the countertop. The pop filter, once secured to the arm, can be positioned with precision and its mesh blocks out unwanted noises efficiently.
The pop filter of the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus
The tripod is relatively stable and has a small footprint (a triangle with sides measuring 6.7 inch or 17 cm). You can’t mount the pop filter on it and the mic is prone to tipping over if you accidentally bump into it. We can’t fault it too much, since it’s primarily intended for when you are on the move and need a mount for the mic. And for that purpose, it’s super fit: the mount components fit in a pocket and their weight is insignificant.
The microphone itself is a dust magnet, but it can be cleaned very easily with a dry cloth.
The tripod mount is perfect for cluttered desks or recording away from the studio
There is no software setup to speak of: on Windows systems, you just plug the device into a USB port and voilà, you can start using it. There is no proprietary app, no driver to install, and the only adjustments you can make are available from the operating system itself (and third-party apps, of course).
The GXT 252+ is easy to set up and configure on Windows systems
We first tested it in a pretty common scenario: a video call. We were very satisfied with the sound quality. The low frequencies are picked up correctly, the sound isolation from room noise is good, and the clacking of a noisy mechanical keyboard can barely be heard, provided you position the microphone between you and the keyboard. The lack of a mute button is not a deal-breaker, but it would have been nice if the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus had one. We also noticed that the microphone has a very dim blue light that is only visible in very dark environments.
The blue light of the GXT 252+ is, in reality, hardly noticeable
Next, we moved on to more specialized recording. In our search for the perfect positioning of the recording device, we noticed a quirk: with the foam cover mounted, you can’t see the small icon that marks the front of the mic. Since the microphone is perfectly round with the foam cover on, you can’t tell if the microphone is facing you. This is nitpicking, though, as you can most likely tell the position of the mic from the stand, and a few degrees off the center won’t affect the recording.
When the foam cover is on, only the mount can inform you on the orientation of the microphone
The sound quality when recording in a silent environment is good, with little self-noise and good dynamic range. Judge for yourself from this rendition of the preface from The Little Prince:
We recorded the sound with a 48kHz/16bit sampling rate, about 6 inches or 15 cm away from the microphone, without the pop filter, but with the foam cover.
Overall, using the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus was a good experience. The sound quality is good, the mic is very easy to set up and use. We aren’t very confident in the longevity of the mounting arm, but we enjoyed using the microphone. We think that Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus is suited for streaming, vlogging, or recording podcasts. At its price point, there are very few microphones that can match what the GXT 252+ Emita Plus offers.
What's your opinion about the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus?
Now you know our experience with the GXT 252+ Emita Plus microphone from Trust. It’s certainly an interesting proposition for many content creators, and we hope that our review helped you decide if you’re one of them. Let us know in the comments what you think of the Trust GXT 252+ and what other microphones you have on your shortlist. Also, if you have additional questions about the microphone, don’t hesitate to comment below.