Trust GXT 865 Asta是您在商店中可以找到的最实惠的机械键盘之一。它简单,外观适中,仅包含您期望从键盘获得的基本功能。它的低价是否意味着(price mean)你得到一个低质量的产品?幸运的是,事实并非如此。我们对Trust GXT 865 (value Trust GXT 865) Asta以实惠的价格提供的价值印象深刻。阅读此评论以了解原因:
信任 GXT 865 (Trust GXT 865) Asta:它对谁有好处?
- 预算较低的游戏玩家
- 经常在电脑上打字的人
- 想要键盘看起来像具有 RGB 照明的用户,而无需花费太多
Trust GXT 865 Asta 键盘(Asta keyboard)具有以下优势:
- 优惠的价格
- 非常适合打字和游戏(typing and gaming)
- 它提供了一个基于 LED 的照明系统(lighting system),具有多种颜色
- 多媒体键盘快捷键
- 它比其他机械键盘安静一点

Trust GXT 865 Asta是一款经济实惠的游戏键盘(gaming keyboard),也非常适合打字员。如果您想要一个精确且响应迅速、具有简单QWERTY 布局和 LED 照明(QWERTY layout and LED lighting)的机械键盘,Trust GXT 865 Asta是您可以做出的最实惠的选择之一。不到 50美元(USD),所有基础知识都得到了很好的覆盖。
拆箱Trust GXT 865 Asta机械键盘
用于Trust GXT 865 Asta机械键盘的包装是光滑的,类似于用于该公司其他配件的包装。在顶部,您会看到键盘图片及其基本特征列表。


在包装盒内,您可以找到以下元素:Trust GXT 865 Asta 键盘(Asta keyboard)、用户手册(user manual)、带有Trust GXT 标志(Trust GXT logo)的贴纸、保修和法律信息。不幸的是,Trust没有将腕垫(wrist pad)与这款键盘捆绑在一起。

Trust GXT 865 Asta 键盘的包装简洁美观。盒子里面只有键盘和常用的文档。(The package of the Trust GXT 865 Asta keyboard is simple and good looking. Inside the box, there's only the keyboard, and the usual documentation.)
Trust GXT 865 Asta是一款具有经典外观和QWERTY 布局(QWERTY layout)的机械键盘。它是黑色低调的,除了一体式键帽拉拔器(keycap puller)之外没有任何配件。考虑到其他游戏键盘的华丽程度,Trust GXT 865 Asta非常简单。该公司表示,该键盘使用“GXT-RED 开关”,可以持续高达 5000 万次击键。轮询速率(polling rate)高达 1,000 Hz,响应时间(response time)高达 5 ms。所有按键均采用 N 键翻转防重影技术,这意味着即使您同时按下所有按键,键盘也应该能够准确记录其上的所有按键。

集成键帽拉拔器(keycap puller)位于键盘背面。有两个防滑橡胶支脚,可用于将键盘固定在桌面上。键盘的USB 2.0编织电缆长 70.8 英寸或 1.8 米,对于大多数用户来说足够长,即使您将计算机放在桌面下也是如此。如果您仔细查看键盘背面,您还会看到一个线缆通道(cable channel),可在需要时帮助用户进行线缆管理(cable management)。

不幸的是,没有可拆卸的腕托(wrist rest),比如更便宜的Trust GXT 860 Thura。此外,即使您可以使用键盘快捷键来控制音量(sound volume)等功能,也没有专用的宏键或额外的多媒体按钮。Trust GXT 865 Asta不防泼溅,也不包含任何软件。
您将获得基于 LED 的照明系统(lighting system),每行具有固定颜色,以及可使用键盘快捷键进行个性化设置的多种照明模式。如果你不仔细看,它可能看起来像一个RGB 键盘(RGB keyboard),即使它不是。

Trust GXT 865 Asta的长(Asta)x 宽(x width) x 高(x height)为 17.4 x 5.2 x 1.6 英寸或 444 x 133 x 41 毫米。如您所见,与其他游戏键盘相比,它很小,这一功能将受到桌面空间狭小的用户的青睐。Trust GXT 865 Asta也很轻,因为它重 2.4 磅或 1.1 公斤。
如果您想查看有关功能和硬件规格的更多详细信息,请访问此网页:Trust GXT 865 Asta 机械键盘(Trust GXT 865 Asta Mechanical Keyboard)。
使用Trust GXT 865 Asta机械键盘
我们将Trust GXT 865 Asta用于打字和游戏(typing and gaming)。我们玩过英雄(Legends)联盟(League)、古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)崛起(Rise)和刺客(Assassin)信条奥德赛(Creed Odyssey)等游戏。在这个键盘上玩游戏是一种令人满意的体验。这些按键对游戏中的所有动作都反应良好,无论我们在日常使用中按下多少键,N 键翻转防重影技术都能很好地发挥作用。
基于 LED 的照明系统(lighting system)适用于光线很少或没有光线的房间。您可以使用ScrLK 键(ScrLK key)在颜色模式之间快速切换。颜色模式类似于彩虹,无论您是否喜欢它们,都是个人品味的问题。最有可能的是,成年人会更喜欢一种均匀照明的颜色,而青少年和儿童会喜欢彩虹色(rainbow color)模式。您可以在下面的YouTube 视频(YouTube video)中查看演示和与照明系统(lighting system)交互的键盘快捷键:
尽管Trust GXT 865 Asta不包含专用的多媒体按键,但它确实有 11 个快捷键,您可以使用这些快捷键来控制以下功能:跳至下一首/上一首曲目、控制音量(sound volume)、打开默认音乐播放器(default music player)或计算器。总共有 11 个功能可供您使用,使用 FN 加上一个从 F1 到F11的键。

在Trust GXT 865 (Trust GXT 865) Asta上打字是一种愉快的体验。我们的团队每天打字很多,撰写文章,进行详细的产品分析和测试,我们很高兴看到我们的手在(product analysis)GXT 865 Asta上不会很快疲劳。打字时您得到的反馈感觉很好,打字精度是您对好的键盘的期望,并且它发出的声音比我们使用的其他机械键盘更低/更柔和。
Trust GXT 865 Asta的外观和感觉都很坚固,即使它主要由塑料制成。您应该记住的是,它不像更昂贵的键盘那样防泼溅。因此,不要指望它能够抵抗可乐(Coke)的意外溢出。
我们对Trust GXT 865 Asta的唯一抱怨是它没有腕托(wrist rest),这提高了长时间工作或游戏时使用键盘的舒适度。
Trust GXT 865 Asta 非常适合需要简单且价格合理的键盘的游戏玩家和打字员。(Trust GXT 865 Asta is a good fit for gamers as well as typists who desire a simple and affordable keyboard.)
您对Trust GXT 865 Asta有何看法?
现在您知道我们对Trust GXT 865 Asta机械键盘的看法了。在结束此评论之前,我们想知道您对该产品的看法。您认为它物有所值吗?如果您已经拥有它,那么到目前为止您的用户体验如何?下方评论(Comment),一起讨论。
Trust GXT 865 Asta review: Affordable mechanical keyboard done right!
Truѕt GXT 865 Asta is one of the most affordable mechanical keyboards that you can find in shops. Іt is simple, with modest looks, and it includes only the basic features that you expect from a keyboard. Does its low price mean that you get a low-quality prоduct? Fortunately, that is not the case. We were impressed by the value Trυst GXT 865 Astа manages to offer at an affоrdable price. Read this reviеw to learn why:
Trust GXT 865 Asta: Who is it good for?
This keyboard is a good choice for:
- Gamers with a low budget
- People who type a lot on their computers
- Users who want a keyboard that looks like it has RGB lighting, without costing as much
Pros and cons
The Trust GXT 865 Asta keyboard has the following strengths:
- Excellent price
- Great fit both for typing and gaming
- It offers a LED-based lighting system with multiple colors
- Multimedia keyboard shortcuts
- It is a bit more silent than other mechanical keyboards
There are some negatives to consider too:
- It does not include a wrist rest
- There is no software to personalize the keyboard

Trust GXT 865 Asta is an affordable gaming keyboard that is an excellent fit for typists too. If you want a mechanical keyboard that is precise and responsive, with a simple QWERTY layout and LED lighting, Trust GXT 865 Asta is one of the best affordable choices that you can make. For less than 50 USD, all the basics are covered well.
Unboxing the Trust GXT 865 Asta mechanical keyboard
The packaging used for the Trust GXT 865 Asta mechanical keyboard is glossy, similar to the one used for other accessories from the company. On the top, you see a picture of the keyboard and a list of its essential characteristics.

On the back, you have more technical details about the keyboard, its lighting system, and technical features. After you open the box, you immediately see the keyboard, nicely packaged.

Inside the box, you find the following elements: the Trust GXT 865 Asta keyboard, the user manual, a sticker with the Trust GXT logo, the warranty, and legal information. Unfortunately, Trust did not bundle a wrist pad with this keyboard.

The package of the Trust GXT 865 Asta keyboard is simple and good looking. Inside the box, there's only the keyboard, and the usual documentation.
Design and hardware specifications
Trust GXT 865 Asta is a mechanical keyboard with a classic look and a QWERTY layout. It is black and understated, without any accessories other than the integrated keycap puller. Considering how flashy other gaming keyboards can be, Trust GXT 865 Asta is refreshingly simple. The company says that the keyboard uses "GXT-RED switches" that last up to 50 million keystrokes. The polling rate is up to 1,000 Hz and the response time of up to 5 ms. All the keys have N-key rollover anti-ghosting technology, meaning that the keyboard should be able to accurately register all the keys on it, even if you are pressing all of them simultaneously.

The integrated keycap puller is found on the back of the keyboard. There are two anti-slip rubber feet, useful for holding the keyboard in place on your desk. The USB 2.0 braided cable of the keyboard measures 70.8 inches or 1.8 meters, and it is long enough for most users, even when you keep your computer under your desktop. If you look carefully on the back of the keyboard, you also see a cable channel that helps users with their cable management, when needed.

Unfortunately, there is no detachable wrist rest available, like on the cheaper Trust GXT 860 Thura. Also, there are no dedicated macro keys or additional multimedia buttons, even though you can use keyboard shortcuts to control features like the sound volume. Trust GXT 865 Asta is not spill-proof, and it does not include any software.
You get a LED-based lighting system, with fixed colors for each row, and multiple lighting modes that can be personalized using keyboard shortcuts. If you do not look closely, it might seem like an RGB keyboard, even though it is not.

Trust GXT 865 Asta is 17.4 x 5.2 x 1.6 inches or 444 x 133 x 41 mm in length x width x height. As you can see it is small when compared to other gaming keyboards, a feature that is going to be appreciated by users with little desk space. Trust GXT 865 Asta is also light, as it weighs 2.4 pounds or 1.1 kilograms.
If you want to see more details about the features and hardware specifications, visit this web page: Trust GXT 865 Asta Mechanical Keyboard.
Using the Trust GXT 865 Asta mechanical keyboard
We used the Trust GXT 865 Asta for both typing and gaming. We played games such as League of Legends, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Gaming on this keyboard was a satisfying experience. The keys responded well to all in-game actions, and the N-key rollover anti-ghosting technology did its job well no matter how many keys we had to press in our day-to-day use.
The LED-based lighting system is useful in rooms with little or no light. You can quickly change between the color modes using the ScrLK key. The color modes are rainbow-like, and whether you enjoy them or not, is a matter of personal taste. Most probably, adults are going to prefer having one evenly lit color, while teenagers and children are going to love the rainbow color modes. You can view a demo and the keyboard shortcuts for interacting with the lighting system, in the YouTube video below:
Even though Trust GXT 865 Asta does not include dedicated multimedia keys, it does have 11 shortcuts that you can use to control functions like: skip to the next/previous track, control the sound volume, open your default music player or the calculator. In total there are eleven functions that you can access, using FN plus a key from F1 to F11.

Typing on the Trust GXT 865 Asta is a pleasant experience. Our team types a lot each day, writing articles, making detailed product analysis, and tests, and we were happy to see that our hands do not tire quickly on the GXT 865 Asta. The feedback you get when typing feels good, the typing precision is what you expect from a good keyboard, and the sound it makes is lower/softer than other mechanical keyboards that we used.
The Trust GXT 865 Asta looks and feels sturdy, even if it is made mostly from plastic. You should keep in mind is that it is not spill-resistant like more expensive keyboards. Therefore, do not expect it to resist accidental spills of Coke on it.
The only complaint that we have about the Trust GXT 865 Asta is the fact that it lacks a wrist rest, which improves the comfort of using the keyboard for long work or gaming sessions.
Trust GXT 865 Asta is a good fit for gamers as well as typists who desire a simple and affordable keyboard.
What is your opinion about the Trust GXT 865 Asta?
Now you know what we think about the Trust GXT 865 Asta mechanical keyboard. Before closing this review, we would like to know your opinion about this product. Do you think that it offers good value for your money? If you already have it, how was your user experience with it so far? Comment below, and let's discuss.