Trust GXT 900 Kudos是一款经济实惠的鼠标,承诺以合理的价格提供出色的性能。这款鼠标采用超快的 15000 dpi 光学传感器、RGB灯、轻巧的机身和符合人体工程学的外形,让您怀疑它是否应该成为您的下一次购买。阅读这篇评论,看看我们喜欢和不喜欢Trust GXT 900的(Trust GXT 900) 哪些(Kudos)方面:
注意:(NOTE:)在网上商店寻找这款鼠标时,我们注意到它可以以不同的名称找到,具体取决于您在哪里寻找。鼠标命名为Trust GXT 900 Kudos或Trust GXT 900 Qudos。请记住,它们是相同的产品,具有相同的特性。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse):它适合谁?
Trust GXT 900 Kudos是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- 想要一个非常精确的鼠标
- 更喜欢经过尝试和测试的符合人体工程学的经典设计
- 喜欢RGB灯
- 想要(Want)以合理的价格获得优质的产品
关于Trust GXT 900 (Trust GXT 900) Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)有很多好话要说:
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- 超灵敏的 15000 DPI光学传感器提供卓越的性能
- 重量轻,制造质量好
- (Fast)得益于底部的特氟龙垫,可在任何表面上(Teflon)快速滑动
- 3个可调RGB照明区域
- 易于查找和识别的大侧边按钮
- 平易近人的价格
- (Onboard memory)用于存储自定义设置的板载内存
- 简单实用的软件
- 左撇子用户不能使用
- 对于手小的人来说可能太大了
- 产品命名(product naming)混乱:有的店叫Kudos,有的店叫Qudos
Trust GXT 900 Kudos是一款出色的鼠标。它是一款外观精美的设备,具有符合人体工程学的外形和出色的性能。经过一周的使用和测试,我们相信它是任何游戏玩家的绝佳选择。尽管它的物理尺寸可能并不适合所有人,但它的价格对于大多数人来说是可以承受的,并且所有购买它的人都会欣赏它的构建质量和性能。(quality and performance)我们向所有对游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)感兴趣的人推荐它。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)开箱
Trust GXT 900 Kudos 游戏(Kudos gaming)鼠标采用优雅的深灰色盒子包装(dark grey box)。在正面,您可以看到鼠标的大图片,其RGB灯亮着,以及它的一些主要功能和规格。您从一开始就知道鼠标配备了强大的 15000 DPI 传感器(DPI sensor),并且它具有七个可编程按钮。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标提供的拆箱体验简单而愉快。你得到了所有的“基本必需品”,考虑到 Trust 出售这款鼠标的实惠价格,这没关系。(The unboxing experience offered by the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is straightforward and pleasant. You get all the "bare necessities," and that's OK considering the affordable price at which Trust sells this mouse.)
Trust GXT 900 Kudos是一款精美的鼠标,设计经典。它被黑色涂层覆盖,可以很好地握在手中,并且还具有三个可调节的RGB区域:徽标、滚轮(scroll wheel)和底部的长条纹。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)配备令人印象深刻的超灵敏 15000 dpi PIXART PMW-3360光学传感器。它能够加速到 50G,并且可以达到 250 IPS(英寸/秒)的跟踪速度。在现实生活中,这意味着鼠标应该在所有类型的游戏中表现出色,包括那些节奏极快的游戏,例如第一人称射击游戏或MOBA游戏。
不幸的是,Trust没有指定鼠标左右键使用的开关类型。然而,他们感觉很快,而且压力点(pressure point)很轻。它们是否被设计为具有数百万次点击或更短的使用寿命,我们不能肯定地说,因为我们不知道它们的规格是什么。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos的机身完全由塑料制成。但是,构建质量非常好,因为鼠标不会在任何地方吱吱作响或弯曲,即使您对其施加重压也是如此。
它由塑料制成的事实也意味着这款鼠标是一种轻量级设备:105 克或 3.7 盎司。它的尺寸为 130 x 67 x 43 毫米(5.12 x 2.64 x 1.70 英寸)(高 x 宽(height x width) x 深(x depth)) ,属于中型小鼠。换句话说,Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)对于中手或大手的人来说是一个不错的选择。
您还应该知道,Trust GXT 900 Kudos的形状舒适且符合人体工程学,但前提是您是惯用右手的。它的左侧是凹形的,有两个大按钮,拇指很容易够到和识别。但是,如果您是左撇子,则无法按下这些按钮,并且鼠标右侧没有其他按钮。此外(Furthermore),Trust不提供此鼠标的左手版本。
在GXT Kudos GXT 900鼠标的底部,Trust放置了三个由Teflon制成的垫子(前面两个垫子,末端一个大垫子),这有助于它在任何表面上快速轻松地滑动。
鼠标通过USB 2.0电缆连接到您的计算机,该电缆覆盖在纺织套管(textile sleeve)中以提供保护。电缆的长度为 1.8 米(70.86 英寸),即使您将游戏计算机(gaming computer)放在桌子下方而不是桌面下方,这也绰绰有余。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)还具有板载内存芯片(memory chip)。它用于保存和存储您对鼠标所做的任何自定义设置,例如为其各种按钮设置的照明效果或动作。不幸的是,我们不能说ROM有多大,因为Trust没有在其网站上指定此信息。
有关Trust GXT 900 Kudos RG 游戏鼠标(Kudos RG Gaming Mouse)的规格和功能的更多详细信息,您可以通过以下链接访问其网页(visit its webpage, by following this link)。
使用Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)
我们的第一印象是Trust GXT 900 Kudos是一款漂亮的鼠标,特别是如果您喜欢传统设计。它不是试图用奇怪的美学来改变世界,让你想知道如何将它握在手中。相反,Trust GXT 900 Kudos为您提供久经考验的外形。多年来,许多其他鼠标证明这种形状既符合人体工程学又实用。再加上它上面的RGB灯,使它成为一个漂亮的设备。
使用Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)对我们来说是一次愉快的体验。无论您喜欢掌握还是爪握,手感(palm grip)都很好(claw grip)。如果你的手很大,你甚至可以用手指握住(finger grip)它。另一方面(双关语),如果你的手很小,鼠标可能不像你想象的那么舒服。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标无论是在(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)Windows 10还是在游戏中使用,都感觉准确无误。鼠标顶部滚轮(scroll wheel)下方的两个小按钮可让您快速调整DPI设置,我们发现这在玩第一人称射击游戏时很有用。它允许您在将机枪(machine gun)切换到狙击步枪(sniper rifle)时立即更改鼠标的灵敏度。🙂
我们已经在我们正在玩的几款游戏中使用了Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标——(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)刺客信条奥德赛(Assassin's Creed Odyssey)、地铁离去(Metro Exodus)和英雄联盟(League of Legends)——我们喜欢所有这些游戏的体验。它的性能非常出色,符合人体工程学的形状和快速滑行(shape and fast gliding)意味着我们即使在长时间的游戏之后也不会感到疲倦。
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is an excellent device. It offers fast and precise action in any type of game, and its ergonomics make it ideal if you're the type of man/woman who spends a lot of hours on his/her computer.
Trust GXT 900 Kudos附带一个名为Trust GXT 900 QUDOS 鼠标(Trust GXT 900 QUDOS mouse)的应用程序,您可以从鼠标网页(mouse's webpage)下载该应用程序。它允许您自定义鼠标的性能、功能和按钮操作。我们发现它非常易于使用,而且我们所做的设置总是能很快得到应用。
该应用程序允许您选择和设置六种不同的DPI级别、调整RGB 灯光(RGB lighting)效果、更改鼠标(change mouse)属性(例如速度和灵敏度(speed and sensitivity))以及为其按钮分配各种操作。
Trust 为 Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标提供的应用程序做得很好,并提供了游戏玩家所需的所有基础知识。但是,它缺少云保存功能和 RGB 灯光效果同步(如果您拥有其他具有 RGB 灯的 Trust 设备,您可能需要这些功能)。(The app that Trust offers for the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is well done and offers all the basics a gamer needs. However, it's missing cloud saving features and RGB lighting effects syncing (which you might want if you own other Trust devices with RGB lights).)
您对Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)有何看法?
现在您知道我们对Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB 游戏鼠标(Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse)的看法了。我们非常喜欢它,并相信它是不想花大钱购买好鼠标的游戏玩家的正确选择。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对这款鼠标的看法。如果您已经拥有它,请与我们和其他读者分享您的经验。
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB gaming mouse review: Performance at a reasonable price
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos iѕ an affordable mouse that promises excellent performance at a reasonable price. Featuring an ultra-fast 15000 dpi optical ѕensor, RGB lights, a lіghtweight bоdy, and an ergonomic shape, this mouse can make you wоnder whether it should bе your next acquisitiоn. Read this review and see what we liked and what didn't like about the Trust GXT 900 Kudos :
NOTE: While looking for this mouse in online shops, we noticed that it can be found under different names, depending on where you look. The mouse is named either Trust GXT 900 Kudos, or Trust GXT 900 Qudos. Keep in mind that they are the same product, with the same characteristics.
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse: Who is it good for?
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos is an excellent choice for those of you who:
- Want an extremely accurate mouse
- Prefer a classic design with ergonomics that have been tried and tested
- Love RGB lights
- Want good quality for a reasonable price
Pros and cons
There are quite a few good things to say about the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse:
See price on:
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- Excellent performance delivered by an ultra-sensitive 15000 DPI optical sensor
- Lightweight with good build quality
- Fast gliding on any surface, thanks to the Teflon pads on its bottom
- 3 adjustable RGB lighting areas
- Large side buttons that are easy to find and identify
- An accessible price
- Onboard memory for storing custom settings
- Simple and useful software
There are a few downsides to consider as well:
- Can't be used by left-handed users
- Might be too large for people with small hands
- The product naming is confusing: in some shops it is named Kudos while in others, it is named Qudos
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos is an excellent mouse. It is a good-looking device, with an ergonomic shape, and outstanding performance. After using and testing it for a week, we believe it is a great choice for any gamer. Although its physical size might not be for all hands, its price is affordable for most people, and the build quality and performance are going to be appreciated by all who purchase it. We recommend it to everyone interested in a gaming mouse.
Unboxing the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos gaming mouse comes packaged in an elegant dark grey box. On the front, you see a large picture of the mouse, with its RGB lights on, as well as some of its main features and specs. You get to know, right from the start, that the mouse comes with a powerful 15000 DPI sensor, and that it features seven programmable buttons.
The back of the box reveals more details about the mouse that you've just bought. You find that the mouse's sensor uses optical tracking, that it has internal memory, and that Trust also offers you software for programming the mouse buttons and light effects.
Open the box, and you find the mouse, its user manual, and a sticker. You don't get other accessories, but that's OK considering how affordable this mouse is.
The unboxing experience offered by the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is straightforward and pleasant. You get all the "bare necessities," and that's OK considering the affordable price at which Trust sells this mouse.
Design and hardware specifications
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos is a beautiful mouse, with a classic design. It is covered by a black coating, which gives it a good grip in your hand, and also features three adjustable RGB areas: logo, scroll wheel, and a long stripe on its bottom.
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse comes with an impressive ultra-sensitive 15000 dpi PIXART PMW-3360 optical sensor. It is able to accelerate up to 50G and can reach a tracking speed of 250 IPS (inches per second). In real-life, that means that the mouse should do an excellent job in all types of games, including those that are extremely fast-paced, such as first-person shooters or MOBA games.
Unfortunately, Trust doesn't specify the type of switches used by the mouse's left and right-click buttons. However, they feel fast and with a light pressure point. Whether they're designed to have a lifespan of millions of clicks or less, we can't say for sure, because we don't know what their specs are.
The body of the Trust GXT 900 Kudos is made entirely of plastic. However, the build quality is excellent, as the mouse doesn't creak or bend anywhere, even if you apply hard pressure on it.
The fact that it is made from plastic also means that this mouse is a lightweight device: 105 grams or 3.7 ounces. Its size of 130 x 67 x 43 mm (5.12 x 2.64 x 1.70 in) in height x width x depth places it in the category of medium-sized mice. In other words, the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is a good choice for people who have medium or large hands.
You should also know that the shape of the Trust GXT 900 Kudos is comfortable and ergonomic, but only if you're right-handed. Its left side is concave and holds two large buttons that are easy to reach and identify with your thumb. However, if you're a leftie, those buttons are impossible to press, and there are no additional buttons on the right side of the mouse. Furthermore, Trust does not offer a left-hand version of this mouse.
On the bottom of the GXT Kudos GXT 900 mouse, Trust placed three pads made of Teflon (two pads at the front, and one large pad at the end), which help it glide fast and easily on any surface.
The mouse connects to your computer via a USB 2.0 cable that's covered in a textile sleeve for protection. The cable has a length of 1.8 meters (70.86 inches), which is more than enough even if you keep your gaming computer underneath your desk instead of its surface.
Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse also features an onboard memory chip. It is used to save and store any custom settings you make to the mouse, such as lighting effects or actions set for its various buttons. Unfortunately, we can't say how large the ROM is, as Trust doesn't specify this information on its website.
For more details about the specifications and features of the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RG Gaming Mouse, you can visit its webpage, by following this link.
Using the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse
Our first impression was that Trust GXT 900 Kudos is a beautiful mouse, especially if you're attracted to traditional designs. It's not trying to change the world with strange aesthetics that make you wonder how to hold it in your hand. Instead, the Trust GXT 900 Kudos offers you a tried-and-tested shape. Over the years, many other mice proved this shape to be both ergonomic and functional. That, together with the RGB lights on it, make it a beautiful device.
Using the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse was a pleasant experience for us. It feels good in your hand, regardless of whether you prefer a palm grip or a claw grip. If your hands are large, you can even use it with a finger grip. On the other hand (pun intended), if your hands are small, the mouse might not be as comfortable as you might expect.
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse feels precise and accurate whether you use it in Windows 10 or in games. The two small buttons found on the top of the mouse, beneath the scroll wheel, let you quickly adjust the DPI settings, which we find useful when playing first-person shooters. It allows you to instantly change the sensitivity of the mouse when switching your machine gun to your sniper rifle. 🙂
Furthermore, the side buttons found on the left of the mouse are large and well-placed, so it's easy to reach and press exactly the one you want. Because they can be programmed to perform various actions, you can use them for all kinds of stuff in your favorite games. You can make them switch your primary weapon, heal, zoom, etc.
We've used the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse in a few games that we're playing right now - Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Metro Exodus, and League of Legends - and we loved the experience in all of them. Its performance was excellent, and its ergonomic shape and fast gliding meant that we did not tire even after long hours of gaming.
The Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is an excellent device. It offers fast and precise action in any type of game, and its ergonomics make it ideal if you're the type of man/woman who spends a lot of hours on his/her computer.
Drivers and software
Trust GXT 900 Kudos comes with an app called Trust GXT 900 QUDOS mouse, which you can download from the mouse's webpage. It lets you customize the mouse's performance, features, and button actions. We found it very easy to use, and the settings we've made were always quickly applied.
The app lets you select and set six different DPI levels, adjust the RGB lighting effects, change mouse properties such as speed and sensitivity, and assign various actions to its buttons.
Furthermore, the app lets you create and save different profiles with different settings, as well as create macros, if that's what you want.
The app that Trust offers for the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse is well done and offers all the basics a gamer needs. However, it's missing cloud saving features and RGB lighting effects syncing (which you might want if you own other Trust devices with RGB lights).
What is your opinion about the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse?
Now you know what our opinions are about the Trust GXT 900 Kudos RGB Gaming Mouse. We like it quite a lot and believe it to be the right choice for gamers who do not want to spend a fortune on a good mouse. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion about this mouse. If you already have it, share your experience with us and other readers.