
为什么使用对讲机应用程序(Why Use a Walkie Talkie App)
我们已经习惯于依靠我们的智能手机来处理每一件小事,有些人可能会感到惊讶,地球上有些地方蜂窝网络不会有太大帮助。与您的手机(mobile phone)不同,对讲机(walkie talkie)将为您提供一种与他人即时联系的免费方式。更不用说它的安全方面(security side)了,因为一键通应用程序(push-to-talk app doesn)根本不需要信号。

但除非您是安全专家(security professional),否则您可能不想投资购买昂贵的双向无线电设备(way radio device),更不用说随身携带了。因此,如果您在野外寻找免费的通信方式,请考虑安装以下应用程序之一,将您的智能手机变成对讲机设备(walkie talkie device)。
您可能已经以之前的品牌(brand name) LoudTalks听说过这个应用程序。它可能是最通用的对讲机(walkie talkie)应用程序之一。开始使用Zello 所需要做(Zello)的就是创建您的帐户。
Zello使用PTT(一键通)协议,可立即将您的手机变成对讲机(walkie talkie)。它具有无限范围并支持(range and supports)每个网络以及 Wi-Fi 连接。您可以使用它与其他人联系或加入公共聊天并与来自世界各地的人联系。它与其他智能设备兼容。因此,您可以使用Apple Watch 或 Android Wear(Apple Watch or Android Wear)享受实时语音信息。

Zello提供 30 天免费试用期(trial period),但之后您必须付费才能使用该应用程序。但是对于您支付的价格,您将获得许多优势,包括完全没有广告。
价格:(Price: ) 30 天免费试用,然后每位用户每月 6.80 美元起。
下载:(Download: )适用于iOS、Android。
如果您不想打扰注册过程(registration process),请查看HeyTell 语音(HeyTell voice)消息应用程序。由于其直观的界面,该应用程序非常易于使用。要开始使用HeyTell,您需要下载该应用程序,安装它,然后选择您要联系的用户。
使此应用程序脱颖而出的一项功能是您可以自定义的不同隐私级别。(privacy level)隐私级别(privacy level)较低,可以让您的Facebook 和 Twitter 联系人(Facebook and Twitter contacts)以及知道您的电子邮件或电话号码(email or phone number)的人知道您正在使用该应用程序并让他们向您发送消息。

隐私级别(privacy level)很高,只有在您接受通过应用程序发送的邀请后,人们才能向您发送消息。HeyTell支持推送通知,因此您永远不会错过联系人的语音消息(voice message)。
该应用程序是免费使用的,有一些非常有趣的应用程序内购买,例如自毁消息或语音转换器(voice changer)。
价格:(Price: )免费,应用内购买。
下载:(Download: )适用于iOS、Android。
两种方式:对讲机(Two Way: Walkie Talkie)
Two Way是另一个很棒的推送应用程序,它不需要注册(require registration)或在应用程序上共享任何个人详细信息。您无需注册,因此开发人员声称他们不存储(t store)有关其用户的任何个人信息。
这样做的缺点是缺乏隐私。由于不需要注册或密码(signup or passwords),应用程序上的所有频道都是公开的。您可以使用地图或您想要连接的用户的特定位置来选择您想要加入的频道。

两路(Way)对讲机应用程序(talkie app)的一大优势是(advantage Two) 电池使用(battery use)最少。您可以免费下载适用于Android 和 IOS(Android and IOS)的应用程序。
价格:(Price: )免费,应用内购买。
下载:(Download: )适用于iOS、Android。
如果您一直在寻找一款可以让您在没有数据或WiFi的情况下与您的朋友和家人交谈的应用程序,那么您的搜索就正式结束了。FireChat 是一款无需信号或互联网连接即可工作的(signal or internet connection)对讲机应用程序(walkie talkie app),让您在野外进行交流变得更加容易。当然,远足并不是您会发现此应用程序有用的唯一设置。当您在飞机上或参加拥挤的公共活动时,它可能会派上用场。

开始使用FireChat(FireChat)所需要做的就是下载它,然后打开蓝牙和 WiFi(Bluetooth and WiFi)。一旦(Once)您开始使用该应用程序,即使在 200 英尺距离内离线,它也会自动将您连接到配对设备。该应用程序不需要大量电池使用(battery usage),因此您无需随身携带(carry a powerbank around)移动电源即可与您的联系人进行无限通信。
价格:(Price: )免费,应用内购买。
下载:(Download: )适用于iOS、Android。
如果您是简约应用程序的粉丝,Voxer可能不会让您安静下来。但是,如果您正在寻找完整的功能包和“可以做到所有”类型(” type)的应用程序,那就别无所求。
Voxer可以作为PTT(PTT walkie)对讲机,但它也是一个消息应用程序(messaging app)。您可以使用它来发送消息、图片、视频,甚至是大文件。在荒野中远足或徒步旅行时,它会很有用,因为可以选择与您的联系人共享位置。(share location)如果您在收到语音消息(voice message)时不可用,还有一个方便的功能可以保存所有传入的消息,以便您稍后收听。

除了作为通用对讲机应用程序(universal use walkie talkie app)之外,Voxer还是一款出色的企业消息传递工具(messaging tool)。Voxer Pro带有无限的云存储(cloud storage)、可自毁的消息,甚至还有免提对讲机模式(walkie talkie mode)。
如果您需要获取语音消息的书面版本,可以在应用程序中为您提供一个工具。虽然所有这些对于普通用户来说可能有点不知所措,但对于希望加强他们的交流游戏的人来说, (communication game)Voxer是一个很好的发现。
价格:(Price: )免费,有高级选项。
下载:(Download: )适用于i OS、Android。
荣誉奖(Honorary Mentions)
对于一款好的多合一对讲机应用程序,(all-in-one walkie talkie app)这些是五个最佳选择。但是,还有一些您可能会感兴趣的选项。与BreakR一样,这款对讲机应用程序(walkie talkie app)具有很酷的文字转语音功能。
另一个很好的例子是Android 对讲机(Intercom for Android)。这个对讲机应用程序(walkie talkie app)包含语音检测服务(voice detection service),只会传输您的语音而忽略周围的噪音。户外活动的绝佳选择。该应用程序也是免费的,但遗憾的是仅适用于Android用户。
为您的下一次荒野探险做准备(Prepare For Your Next Wilderness Adventure)
有时我们甚至没有意识到我们的智能手机有多强大。但是使用正确的工具和应用程序集,您可以将手机变成多功能设备,从而为您节省大量精力和时间(effort and time)。
在您进行下一次徒步旅行(hiking trip)之前,为您选择合适的对讲机应用程序(right walkie talkie app),不要忘记寻找小径和轨迹的好应用程序(app for finding trails and tracks)。
5 Best Walkie Talkie Apps for When You’re Hiking
The idea of uѕing a walkie-talkie today might seem a little outdated. With all the technology we have available for connecting with one another it seems unneсessary to uѕe such a spеcific single-рurpose device.
However, if you find yourself exploring remote areas, or hiking in search of the best view, you might quickly change your mind.

Why Use a Walkie Talkie App
We’re so used to relying on our smartphones for every single little thing, it might come as a surprise to some that there are places on earth where cell networks won’t be of much help. Unlike your mobile phone, a walkie talkie will provide you with a free way to instantly connect with other people. Not to mention the security side of it, since the push-to-talk app doesn’t need signal at all.

But unless you’re a security professional, you might not want to invest in buying an expensive two way radio device, let alone carrying it around. So if you’re looking for a free means of communication when you’re out in the wild, consider installing one of the following apps that will transform your smartphone into a walkie talkie device.
You might have heard of this app under its previous brand name LoudTalks. It’s probably one of the most universal walkie talkie apps out there. All you need to do to get started with Zello is create your account.
Zello uses PTT (push-to-talk) protocol which will immediately transform your phone into a walkie talkie. It has unlimited range and supports every network as well as Wi-Fi connection. You can use it to connect with just one other person or join public chats and connect with people from around the world. It’s compatible with other smart devices. So you can enjoy the real-time voice messaging using your Apple Watch or Android Wear.

Zello comes with a 30-day free trial period, but after that you’ll have to pay to use the app. But for the price you pay you’ll get many advantages, including total absence of ads.
Price: free 30-day trial, then from $6.80 per user per month.
Download: for iOS, Android.
If you don’t want to bother with the registration process, have a look at the HeyTell voice messaging app. Thanks to its intuitive interface the app is extremely easy to use. To get started with HeyTell, you’ll need to download the app, install it, and select the user you’d like to contact.
One feature that makes this app stand out is different privacy levels that you can customize. There’s a low privacy level that will let your Facebook and Twitter contacts, as well as people that have your email or phone number know that you’re using the app and let them message you.

There’s a high privacy level which only lets people message you after you’ve accepted an invitation sent via the app. HeyTell supports push notifications so you can never miss a voice message from your contacts.
The app is free to use, with some pretty interesting in-app purchases, like self-destructible messages or a voice changer.
Price: free, with in-app purchases.
Download: for iOS, Android.
Two Way: Walkie Talkie
Two Way is another great push to talk app that doesn’t require registration or sharing any personal details on the app. You don’t need to sign up for it, therefore the developers claim that they don’t store any personal information about their users.
The downside of that being the absence of privacy. Since there’s no signup or passwords required, all channels on the app are public. You can choose the channel you want to join using the map or specific location of the user you’d like to connect with.

One big advantage Two Way walkie talkie app comes with is minimal battery use. You can download the app for free for both Android and IOS.
Price: free, with in-app purchases.
Download: for iOS, Android.
If you’ve been looking for an app that will enable you to talk to your friends and family without data or WiFi, your search is officially over. FireChat is the walkie talkie app that works without signal or internet connection, making it that much easier to communicate when you’re in the wild. Of course, hiking isn’t the only setting you’ll find this app useful for. It might come in handy when you’re on a plane, or attending a crowded public event.

All you need to do to start using FireChat is download it, and then switch Bluetooth and WiFi on. Once you start using the app, it will automatically connect you to a paired device even when offline within 200 feet distance. The app doesn’t require high battery usage, so you can enjoy unlimited communication with your contacts without having to carry a powerbank around.
Price: free, with in-app purchases.
Download: for iOS, Android.
If you’re a fan of minimalistic apps, Voxer might not be quiet up your street. But if you’re looking for a full package of features and a “can do it all” type of app, look no further.
Voxer can serve as a PTT walkie talkie, but it is also a messaging app. You can use it to send messages, pictures, videos, and even large files. It will be useful while hiking or trekking in the wilderness, as there’s an option to share location with your contacts. And in case you’re not available at the time you receive a voice message, there’s a handy feature that will save all incoming messages so that you can listen to them later.

On top of being a universal use walkie talkie app, Voxer is a great messaging tool for businesses. Voxer Pro comes with unlimited cloud storage, self-destructible messages, and even a hands-free walkie talkie mode.
If you ever need to get a written version of your voice messages, there’s a tool that will do it for you within the app. While all of that might be a little overwhelming for an average user, Voxer is a great find for someone looking to step up their communication game.
Price: free, with premium options.
Download: for iOS, Android.
Honorary Mentions
Those are the five best options when it comes to a good all-in-one walkie talkie app. However, there are a few more options out there that you might find interesting. Like BreakR, the walkie talkie app that comes with a cool text-to-speech feature.
Meaning you can send a text to another user when you can’t talk and it will be automatically read out to them instead of appearing in the form of text. The downside here is the app being only available to IOS users.
Another great example is Intercom for Android. This walkie talkie app is packed with a voice detection service that will only transmit your voice ignoring the surrounding noises. A great find for your outdoor activities. The app is also free, but unfortunately only available for Android users.
Prepare For Your Next Wilderness Adventure
Sometimes we don’t even realize how powerful our smartphones are. But with the right set of tools and apps you can turn your phone into a multi-purpose device that will save you lots of effort and time.
Before you take your next hiking trip, choose the right walkie talkie app for you and don’t forget a good app for finding trails and tracks.
Has your smartphone ever helped you in the wilderness? What kind of apps would you recommend users to have installed before they go hiking? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments below.