你听说过微软(Microsoft)的笔记服务OneNote吗?您是否在(Did)Windows 计算机(Windows computer)、iPad 平板电脑、Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)或其他类似设备上尝试过OneNote应用程序之一?如果您是OneNote用户,在您的 Windows 10 计算机上,您会注意到发生了一些奇怪的事情:安装的不是一个,而是两个OneNote应用程序。其中一个叫做OneNote,另一个叫做OneNote 2016。它们在某些方面不同,但在其他方面也相同。在本文中,我们将解释有关OneNote的所有重要信息(OneNote)以及为什么您的 Windows 10 计算机上有两个应用程序。继续阅读并决定使用哪个以及删除哪个:
什么是 OneNote?
OneNote是Microsoft为帮助您创建和保存笔记而开发的工具。您在OneNote(OneNote)中收集的笔记可以包含从输入文本到手写文本、绘图、图像、Web 链接、音频和视频(audio and video)、屏幕截图等任何内容。
用户的笔记存储在页面上,这些页面按部分和笔记本进行组织。每个页面可以任意大,应用程序会自动保存里面的数据。与Microsoft Word或其他类似办公应用程序(office apps)不同,OneNote不会格式化您保存在笔记中的数据,这意味着您可以在笔记中的任何位置键入、书写、绘制或插入任何其他类型的受支持的内容。OneNote中存储的信息不需要布局、对齐或定位(alignment or positioning)。

OneNote于 2012年11 月 17 日(November 17)由Microsoft首次发布。从那时起,OneNote经历了许多更新和变化。OneNote的主要迭代与Microsoft Office 套件(Microsoft Office suite)的主要版本相对应。有OneNote 2003、OneNote 2007、OneNote 2010、OneNote 2013,其中最新的是OneNote 2016,于 2015 年9 月 22(September 22)日发布。
在OneDrive 服务(OneDrive service)的帮助下,最新版本的OneNote保存、同步和备份(sync and backup)您在云中记录的笔记。这意味着笔记在您使用OneNote应用程序的所有平台和设备上始终可用。即使您在做笔记时处于离线状态,当您的设备访问互联网时,笔记也会自动与云端同步。
换句话说,由于OneNote使用云并且迄今为止每个重要的操作系统(operating system)都有应用程序,因此您可以在您使用的任何设备上创建和访问您的笔记。例如,您可以在 Windows 10 台式 PC 上创建一个便笺,在您的沙发上放松时在您的 iPad 平板电脑上查看它,并在您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上完成待办事项清单,在超市购买。
OneNote可作为Microsoft Office的一部分或作为独立应用程序(standalone app)在具有不同操作系统的多种设备上使用。您可以在任何运行以下操作系统之一的设备上使用OneNote : Windows、macOS、Android、iOS 和Windows Phone。甚至还有OneNote(OneNote)的在线版本,您可以从任何网络浏览器(web browser)访问它,这里是:OneNote。

为什么我的 Windows 10 设备上有两个不同版本的OneNote ?
如果您碰巧使用Windows 10,并且对在设备上看到两个不同版本的OneNote感到困惑,那么您拥有它们的原因如下:
默认情况下,Windows 10 附带预安装的OneNote应用程序。(OneNote)它是由Microsoft开发并通过Windows Store分发的通用应用程序。

如果您也是Office 365的订阅者,或者如果您购买了Microsoft Office 2016并将其安装在您的计算机或设备(computer or device)上,那么您还安装了另一个OneNote 2016应用程序。OneNote 2016是 OneNote 的高级桌面客户端。(OneNote.)它是一个提供更多功能且比通用应用程序版本或任何其他适用于 Android、iOS 或 macOS的OneNote应用程序更复杂的客户端。(OneNote)

此外,OneNote 2016也可以从OneNote官网下载。如果您从那里获得它并将其安装在您的 Windows 10 计算机上,该计算机已经预装了来自Windows Store的(Windows Store)OneNote ,那么您现在可能有两个(OneNote)OneNote应用程序。

最后,问题的答案是您的 Windows 10计算机或设备上有两个不同的(computer or device)OneNote应用程序,因为您安装了Microsoft Office 2016、Office 365或只是OneNote 2016 桌面版(OneNote 2016 for desktop)。
OneNote 应用程序(OneNote app)和 OneNote 2016之间的主要区别是什么?
Windows Store中的(Windows Store)OneNote应用程序和(OneNote)Office套件中的OneNote桌面应用程序之间的第一个也是最明显的区别是它们具有不同的磁贴。OneNote应用程序有一个动态磁贴,可以在“开始”菜单上调整为宽尺寸(Start Menu)。Office的OneNote客户端没有磁贴,而是一个简单的快捷方式,在“开始”菜单上只有小号或(Start Menu)中等(medium size)号。

OneNote应用程序经常获得更新和新功能,因为它们很容易由Microsoft通过Windows Store分发。另一方面,来自Microsoft Office套件或Office 365服务的(Office 365)OneNote 2016客户端更新频率要低得多,因此喜欢不会在一夜之间改变的东西的人可能更喜欢它。
尽管OneNote应用程序和OneNote 2016 桌面应用程序提供(desktop app offer)的功能非常相似,但它们之间存在一些差异,了解它们可以帮助您选择要使用的应用程序。
哪些功能仅在 Windows 应用商店的OneNote应用(Windows Store)程序(OneNote app)中可用?
以下是OneNote(OneNote)应用程序中现在可用但在OneNote 2016中不可用的最重要的功能:
- 您可以查看按上次更新时间排序的所有笔记
- 您可以在不打开找到它们的页面的情况下预览笔记
- 图纸可以自动转换为形状
- 您可以查看某人何时使用您共享的笔记本
- 您可以共享笔记本中的单个页面
- 当您编写或键入方程式时,OneNote可以使用Ink 数学助手(Ink Math Assistant)帮助您解决它
- 你可以让 Cortana 记笔记
- 您可以通过隐藏页面列表(page list)和功能区菜单(ribbon menu)来增加书写/绘图空间
- 您可以查看所有原始颜色的表情符号表意文字和表情符号
- 您可以使用铅笔墨水在笔记内绘图,但前提是您使用 Windows 10周年更新(Anniversary Update)
- 您可以使用新的墨水颜色,例如彩虹、银河、金色等
- 您可以使用设备上的相机将照片以及文档和白板直接捕获到OneNote
- 您可以在Microsoft Edge中记录网络笔记并将其直接保存到OneNote

哪些功能仅在 Microsoft Office 2016 或 Office 365 的OneNote 2016(Microsoft Office 2016)桌面应用(Office 365)程序(OneNote 2016) 中(desktop app)可用?
以下是仅在Office的(Office)OneNote 2016桌面客户端中可用但在OneNote通用应用程序中不可用的最重要功能:
- 您可以将Excel 电子表格(Excel spreadsheet)插入到您所做的笔记中
- 您在OneNote 2016(OneNote 2016 )中创建的任务与 Outlook 同步
- 您可以将手写内容转换为文本
- 您可以在播放录音(audio recording)时突出显示您写的内容
- 您可以使用方程式编辑器添加复杂的方程式(equation editor)
- 您可以为您记下的笔记创建和使用标签
- 您可以使用模板来记笔记
- 您可以在本地存储笔记本和备份笔记,而不是在云中

注意:(NOTE:)我们的一位读者(感谢Ron!)指出,人们在新版本的OneNote中还遗漏了另外两件事。最新的OneNote应用程序以及最新的OneNote 2016不再提供插入扫描图像的选项。但是,如果您使用Windows 传真和扫描(Windows Fax and Scan)桌面程序或Windows 应用商店中的(Windows Store)Windows 扫描(Windows Scan )应用程序,您可以获得相同的结果。如果需要,您可以在此处找到更多信息:如何将扫描的图像插入 OneNote 2016 for Windows?(How can I Insert scanned images into OneNote 2016 for Windows?).
您应该保留和使用哪个OneNote ?
Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)中的OneNote应用程序和Office套件中的(Office)OneNote 2016桌面客户端几乎都执行相同的操作。但是,正如我们之前所见,它们之间存在一些差异。
OneNote通用应用程序已在Windows 10中找到,并且完全免费。OneNote 2016客户端在 Office 套件中可用,这(Office )意味着您拥有它,因为您已经安装了Microsoft Office 2016或Office 365。两个套房都需要付款。但是,很少有用户知道OneNote 2016桌面客户端可以与Office 套件(Office suite)分开免费下载和安装,从这里下载 OneNote(Download OneNote)。
如果你已经安装了Office套件,那么选择使用OneNote 2016客户端归根结底是个性和需求(personality and needs)的问题。如果你是一个传统用户,喜欢保持不变并且只在新功能已经被其他人验证后才使用它们,你可能应该选择OneNote 2016并从Store中(Store)放弃 OneNote(OneNote )应用程序。此外,如果您需要与Excel(Excel)和Outlook集成等面向业务的功能,那么OneNote 2016是您的最佳选择。
如果您希望访问所有可用的最新功能,OneNote应用程序更适合您。Microsoft更新OneNote通用应用程序的频率高于更新OneNote 2016的频率。
您更喜欢哪个 Windows 10 OneNote 应用程序(OneNote app)?
现在您知道为什么您的 Windows 10 计算机上有两个OneNote应用程序,以及它们之间的不同之处,请试用它们并告诉我们您更喜欢哪个应用程序以及原因。我们很想知道您的意见。
Why do I have two OneNote apps on my Windows 10 tablet or PC?
Havе you heard of OneNote, the note-taking service from Microsoft? Did you try one of the OneNote apps, on your Windows computer, iPad tablet, Android smartphone, or other similar devices? If you are a OneNote user, on your Windows 10 computer, you will notice that there is something strange going on: there are not one, but two OneNote apps installed. One of them is called OneNote, and the other is called OneNote 2016. They are different in some respects and also the same, in others. In this article, we will explain everything that is important to know about OneNote and why there are two apps on your Windows 10 computer. Read on and decide which to use and which to remove:
What is OneNote?
OneNote is a tool developed by Microsoft for the purpose of helping you create and keep notes. The notes you gather in OneNote can contain anything from typed text to handwritten text, drawings, images, web links, audio and video, screenshots and so on.
The user's notes are stored on pages, which are organized in sections and notebooks. Each page can be as large as you want and the data inside is saved automatically by the application. Unlike Microsoft Word or other similar office apps, OneNote does not format the data you save in your notes, meaning that you can type, write, draw or insert any other kind of supported content, anywhere in a note. There's no required layout, alignment or positioning required for the information stored in OneNote.

OneNote was first announced by Microsoft on November 17, 2012. Since then, OneNote has gone through many updates and changes. The major iterations of OneNote correspond to the main versions of the Microsoft Office suite. There were OneNote 2003, OneNote 2007, OneNote 2010, OneNote 2013, and the latest of them is OneNote 2016, which was released on September 22, 2015.
The most recent versions of OneNote save, sync and backup the notes you take in the cloud, with the help of the OneDrive service. That means that the notes are always available on all the platforms and devices you use OneNote apps. Even if you are offline when you take a note, when your device gets access to the internet, the notes are automatically synced with the cloud.
In other words, because OneNote uses the cloud and there are apps for every important operating system to date, you can create and access your notes on any devices you use. You can, for instance, create a note on your Windows 10 desktop PC, check it on your iPad tablet while you relax on your couch, and complete the to-do list with groceries to buy on your Android smartphone, in the supermarket.
On what devices and operating systems is OneNote available?
OneNote is available as part of Microsoft Office or as a standalone app, on a multitude of devices with different operating systems. You can use OneNote on any device that runs on one of the following operating systems: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. There's even an online version of OneNote, which you can access from any web browser, here: OneNote.

Why there are two different versions of OneNote on my Windows 10 device?
If you happen to use Windows 10 and you are perplexed by the fact that you see two different versions of OneNote on your device, here's why you have them:
By default, Windows 10 comes with a OneNote app that's pre-installed. It is a universal app that's developed by Microsoft and distributed through the Windows Store.

If you are also a subscriber to Office 365, or if you have bought Microsoft Office 2016 and installed it on your computer or device, then you also have another OneNote 2016 app installed. OneNote 2016 is the premium desktop client for OneNote. It is a client that offers more features and is more complex than the universal app version or any of the other OneNote apps for Android, iOS or macOS.

Additionally, OneNote 2016 is also available to download from the OneNote official website. If you got it from there and installed it on your Windows 10 computer, which already had the OneNote from Windows Store pre-installed, you probably have two OneNote apps now.

In the end, the answer to the question is that you have two different OneNote apps on your Windows 10 computer or device because you installed Microsoft Office 2016, Office 365 or simply OneNote 2016 for desktop.
What are the main differences between the OneNote app and OneNote 2016?
The first and most noticeable difference between the OneNote app from the Windows Store and the OneNote desktop app from the Office suite is that they have different tiles. The OneNote app has a live tile that can be resized up to a wide dimension on your Start Menu. The OneNote client from Office does not a have a tile, but a simple shortcut which can have only a small or a medium size on the Start Menu.

The OneNote app gets updates and new features often because they are easily distributed by Microsoft through the Windows Store. On the other hand, the OneNote 2016 client from the Microsoft Office suite or the Office 365 service, gets updated a lot less often so people who prefer things that don't change overnight might prefer it.
Although what the OneNote app and the OneNote 2016 desktop app offer is very similar, there are some differences between them and knowing which they are can help you choose which app to use.
Which are the features that are available only in the OneNote app from the Windows Store?
Here are the most important features that are now available in the OneNote app but which are not available in OneNote 2016:
- You can view all your notes sorted by when you last updated them
- You can preview notes without opening the page on which they are found
- Drawings can be transformed automatically into shapes
- You can see when someone uses a notebook you shared
- You can share individual pages from a notebook
- When you write or type an equation, OneNote can use the Ink Math Assistant to help you solve it
- You can ask Cortana to take a note
- You can increase the writing/drawing space by hiding the page list and the ribbon menu
- You can view emoji ideograms and smilies in all their original colors
- You can use pencil ink to draw inside a note, but only if you use Windows 10 Anniversary Update
- You can use new ink colors such as rainbow, galaxy, gold, and others
- You can use the camera on your device to capture not only photos but also documents and whiteboards directly into OneNote
- You can take a web note in Microsoft Edge and save it directly to OneNote

Which are the features that are available only in the OneNote 2016 desktop app from Microsoft Office 2016 or Office 365?
Here are the most important features that are available only in the OneNote 2016 desktop client from Office but which are not available in the OneNote universal app:
- You can insert an Excel spreadsheet into the notes you make
- The tasks you create in OneNote 2016 sync with Outlook
- You can convert handwriting into text
- You can highlight what you write when you playback an audio recording
- You can add complex equations by using the equation editor
- You can create and use tags for the notes you take
- You can use templates for the notes you take
- You can store your notebooks and back up notes locally, not in the cloud

NOTE: One of our readers (thank you Ron!) pointed out the fact that there are another two things people miss in newer versions of OneNote. The latest OneNote app, as well as the latest OneNote 2016 no longer offer the option to insert scanned images. However, you can achieve the same result if you use the Windows Fax and Scan desktop program or the Windows Scan app from the Windows Store. If you want, you can find more information here: How can I Insert scanned images into OneNote 2016 for Windows?.
Which OneNote should you keep and use?
Both the OneNote app from the Windows Store and the OneNote 2016 desktop client from the Office suite do mostly the same things. However, as we have seen earlier, there are some differences between them.
The OneNote universal app is already found in Windows 10, and it is entirely free. The OneNote 2016 client is available in the Office suite, and that means that you have it because you have installed Microsoft Office 2016 or Office 365. Both suites, require a payment. However, few users know that the OneNote 2016 desktop client can be downloaded and installed for free, separately from the Office suite, from here: Download OneNote.
If you already have the Office suite installed, then choosing to use the OneNote 2016 client is ultimately a matter of personality and needs. If you are a traditional user who likes things to stay the same and only use new features after they have already been verified by others, you should probably choose OneNote 2016 and ditch the OneNote app from the Store. Also, if you need business oriented features like the integration with Excel and Outlook, then OneNote 2016 is the way to go.
If you prefer having access to all the latest features available, the OneNote app is better for you. Microsoft updates the OneNote universal app more often than it updates OneNote 2016.
Which Windows 10 OneNote app you prefer?
Now that you know why you have two OneNote apps on your Windows 10 computer, and what is different between them, try them out and let us know which app you prefer and why. We are very curious to read your opinion.