在本文中,我们将回顾MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG - 一款游戏笔记本电脑“庞然大物”,有望与市场上最强大的台式电脑一样出色。它配备了可达到 5 GHz 速度的台式机Intel Core i9-9900K处理器(Intel Core i9-9900K)和 Nvidia(GHz and Nvidia)的高端Geforce RTX 2080显卡。你(Are)准备好迎接这个泰坦(Titan)了吗?阅读(Read)这篇评测,看看微星 GT76 Titan DT 9SG(MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG)笔记本能否挑战电脑界(computer world)的众神,成为名副其实的:
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG:它对谁有好处?
如果您: MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG是您的绝佳选择:
- 是一名游戏玩家,并希望以超高品质的设置玩所有游戏
- 想要最好的硬件
- 不介意为高级设备支付高价
关于MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG(MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG)游戏笔记本电脑有很多好话要说:
- 它具有目前最好的台式机处理器之一(英特尔酷睿 i9-9900K(Intel Core i9-9900K))
- 显卡可以处理 4K游戏和 VR 体验(gaming and VR experiences)(Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080)
- 我们测试的型号的显示器具有 240 Hz 的高刷新率,非常适合竞技游戏
- 机箱做工精良,用料上乘
- 其超大的冷却系统(cooling system)即使在最苛刻的情况下也能保持硬件冷却。(hardware cool)
- 支持Wi-Fi 6意味着快速的网络连接
- 有很多端口可供选择
- 在其正面、背面和键盘上展示了大量的RGB灯(RGB)
- 考虑到这款笔记本电脑的强大功能,电池出乎意料地好
- 提供许多升级选项(SSD、HDD、RAM)
- 显示器不支持Nvidia G-Sync
- 风扇全速运转时冷却系统有噪音(cooling system)
- 价格不适合所有人
- 笔记本电脑很重,有两个电源适配器
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG是一个绝对赢得其Titan 名称(Titan name)的怪物。我们真的不能把它想象成一台笔记本电脑,因为它像坦克一样巨大而坚固,而且似乎正在使用类固醇。MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG配备桌面处理器(desktop processor),其顶级显卡可以在最大视觉设置下处理任何游戏。再加上SSD 设置(SSD setup)和大容量(可升级)RAM ,无论您是喜欢竞技游戏还是需要运行要求苛刻的(RAM)视频编辑或 CAD(video editing or CAD)软件,这头野兽都无法阻挡。如果钱不是您关心的问题,MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG是您应该考虑购买的出色台式机替代品。(desktop replacement)
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG 拆箱
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG 装(MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG)在一个大盒子里,由优质硬化纸板制成。它的设计极简,只展示了微星标志(MSI logo)和一些细红线。
在盒子里面,有一个笔记本电脑塞在一个保护布袋里(textile bag),还有两个电源适配器,两条电源线,一个电源适配器转换器(power adapter converter)(你连接两个电源砖,它的插头插入笔记本电脑),一块清洁布(cleaning cloth),一个SATA 适配器(SATA adapter),如果您想添加一个硬盘驱动器(disk drive)、几个螺丝、用户文档(user documentation)和保修,这很有用。
打开 MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG 的包装是一种简单的体验。开箱即用后,您会发现 MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG 看起来令人印象深刻,感觉就像一辆坦克。🙂(Unpacking the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is a straightforward experience. Once you take everything out of the box, you can see that the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG looks impressive and feels like a tank. 🙂)
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG不适合那些无法在办公桌上放置大型计算机(BIG computing)的人的笔记本电脑。这款笔记本电脑在性能和物理尺寸方面都比生活更重要。它的尺寸为 15.63 x 13 x 1.65 英寸或 39.7 x 33 x 4.2 厘米,重 9.25 磅或 4.2 公斤。
这还不包括两块 230 瓦的电源砖,每块重约 1.65 磅(0.75 公斤),因此您必须携带的总重量又增加了 2.3 磅(1.5 公斤)。这意味着,如果您想随身携带MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG,您将不得不运输至少 11.55 磅(5.7 公斤)的重量。
如果你看看这台笔记本电脑的硬件,尺寸和重量都是合理的。(size and weight)它具有非常强大的英特尔酷睿 i9(Intel Core i9) 桌面处理器(desktop processor)和目前可用的最佳移动显卡:Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080。它们运行速度快,并且会产生大量热量,因此笔记本电脑需要高效的冷却系统。为了解决这个问题,微星(MSI)在笔记本电脑上安装了一些超大的热管和冷却器,这些都增加了很多重量和体积(weight and volume)。如果您正在查看笔记本电脑的背面,您可以看到我们在说什么。这就是笔记本电脑有一个大的突起和巨大的热量排放的地方。
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG的底部也值得一看,它有一个大的空气格栅,通过它你可以看到里面有多少铜热(copper heat)管。
另外,关于设计,我们想指出的是,即使笔记本电脑使用了相当微妙的黑色和灰色,上面也有大量的RGB灯,这将引起很多关注。笔记本电脑的前缘(front edge)、凹凸不平的背面以及赛睿键盘(SteelSeries keyboard)上都有RGB灯。
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG的显示屏是一款对角线尺寸为 17.3 英寸的磨砂LCD,采用IPS 技术制造(IPS technology),这意味着大视角、良好的对比度和鲜艳的色彩。此外,您可以选择两种类型的IPS面板:一种具有 3840 x 2160像素的 4K 分辨率和 60 Hz 刷新率,另一种具有1920 x 1080像素的(x 1080)全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)但更高240赫兹的刷新率。我们已经测试了后者,特别推荐用于竞技游戏,因为它具有极高的刷新率。这里唯一缺少的是缺乏G-Sync 支持(G-Sync support)。
这台笔记本电脑被称为Titan是有原因的:里面的硬件(hardware inside)就是你所说的超凡脱俗。您可以为其配备各种第 9代英特尔酷睿(Gen Intel Core)处理器,最高可达英特尔酷睿 i9(Intel Core i9)。MSI并未在笔记本电脑的规格网页上列举所有CPU型号,因为它们因您所在的地区而异。(CPU)
我们测试的MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG配备了英特尔酷睿 i9-9900K处理器,以 3600 (Intel Core i9-9900K)MHz的基本速度和令人印象深刻的 5 GHz涡轮速度运行(turbo speed)。
但是,制造商似乎已将CPU的最大频率限制为 4.8 (CPU)GHz。这不是问题,因为您可以手动更改其配置,因为此特定CPU 型号(CPU model)具有未锁定的乘数,并且专为台式电脑而非笔记本电脑设计,因此更令人印象深刻的是MSI设法在笔记本电脑中使用它并保持凉爽!
这款游戏笔记本电脑的野兽支持最大 128 GB 的DDR4 RAM,以 2666 MHz的频率运行。为了将所有内存装入其中,您可以使用四个DIMM插槽:其中两个位于背板下方,另外两个位于键盘下方。我们评测过的MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG有 32 GB 的RAM,这对于任何游戏来说都绰绰有余。
我们已经到了显卡。MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG上有两个:内置于处理器中的板载Intel UHD Graphics 630,以及具有 8 GB GDDR6 内存的独立顶级(GDDR6 memory)NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080。
这台笔记本电脑在提供的存储选项方面也令人印象深刻。它有一个支持NVMe PCIe Gen 3的(NVMe PCIe Gen 3)M.2 SSD 插槽(M.2 SSD slot),以及两个支持NVMe PCIe Gen 3和SATA的(SATA)M.2 SSD Combo端口。此外,还有另一个端口可用于安装 2.5 英寸SATA硬盘驱动器(disk drive)。我们测试的样本带有两个RAID 0配置的 1 TB三星固态(Samsung solid-state)硬盘。
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG在网络连接(network connectivity)方面也位居榜首。它配备了一个Killer E3000 2.5 Gigabit 以太网卡(Gigabit Ethernet card),能够以高达 2500 Mbps的数据传输速度,还配备一个Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX1650x 160MHz 无线网络适配器(wireless network adapter),可以以高达 650 Mbps的速度运行数据传输。Wi-Fi 模块还提供对蓝牙版本 5(Bluetooth version 5)的支持,这对于连接外围设备和其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备(如无线鼠标、键盘或扬声器)很有用。
音频由一组强大的内置立体声扬声器处理,每个扬声器的功率为 2 瓦,还有一个 3 瓦的低音炮。扬声器由Dynaudio制造,软件由Nahimic提供。
关于端口,您可以在这款游戏笔记本电脑上获得很多端口,并且所有端口都位于其左侧和右侧。左侧有1个麦克风接口(microphone port)、1个耳机接口(headphone port)(HiFi / SPDIF)、1个支持USB3.2 Gen2、DisplayPort和Thunderbolt 3的USB Type-C接口(USB Type-C port),2个USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A(USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A)接口,1个RJ45 以太网端口(RJ45 Ethernet port)和交流适配器(AC adapter)插头。
在笔记本电脑的右侧,有一个USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C 端口(USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C port)、两个USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A端口、一个microSD 读卡器(microSD card reader)、一个支持 60 Hz 4K 分辨率的HDMI 端口(HDMI port)和一个 mini DisplayPort .
当它没有连接到电源(power source)时,MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG通过每小时可产生 90 瓦的 8 芯锂离子电池获得自主权。虽然这是一款功能强大的笔记本电脑,意味着作为台式机替代品而不是便携式设备,但很高兴看到MSI为其配备了大电池。也很高兴看到,虽然笔记本电脑有两个电源适配器,但它们都连接到一个转换器,只有一个插头从这个转换器插入笔记本电脑的电源插头(power plug)。
在操作系统方面(operating system),MSI提供带有Windows 10 Home或Windows 10 Pro的(Pro)MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG。制造商的建议是使用Windows 10 Pro。
有关此笔记本电脑的功能和技术规格的更多详细信息,请访问GT76 Titan 规格(GT76 Titan Specifications)。
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG 笔记本电脑具备获得 Titan 称号所需的所有规格。这是一台可以处理任何事情并以最高图形质量运行任何游戏的怪物笔记本电脑。(The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG laptop has all the specs it needs to earn its title of Titan. It's a monster laptop that can handle anything and run any game at maxed graphics quality.)
在本次评测的下一页,我们将分享有关用户体验(user experience)、与MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG笔记本电脑捆绑的软件和应用程序(software and apps)的详细信息,以及它在我们的基准测试中获得的结果。
Review MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG gaming laptop: A Titan that stands besides the gods
In this article we are reviewing the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG - а gaming laptop "bеhemoth" that promises tо be just as good as the most powerful desktop PCs on the market. It featυres a desktop Intel Core i9-9900K processor that can reach speeds оf 5 GHz and Nvidia's high-end Geforce RTX 2080 graphics card. Are you ready to meet this Titan? Read this reνiew, and see if the MSI GT76 Tіtan DT 9SG laptop can challenge the gods of the computer world and become worthy of its name:
MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG: Who is it good for?
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is an excellent choice if you:
- Are a gamer and want to play all games with ultra quality settings
- Want the best in terms of hardware
- Don't mind paying a premium price for a premium device
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG gaming laptop:
- It features one of the best desktop processors of the moment (Intel Core i9-9900K)
- The graphics card can handle both 4K gaming and VR experiences (Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080)
- The display on the model we tested has a high 240 Hz refresh rate, which is great for competitive gaming
- The chassis is well built, with high-quality materials
- Its oversized cooling system can keep the hardware cool, even in the most demanding situations
- Support for Wi-Fi 6 means fast network connections
- There's a good selection of ports
- Showcases plenty of RGB lights, on its front, back, and keyboard
- The battery is unexpectedly good considering how powerful this laptop is
- Offers a lot of upgrade options (SSD, HDD, RAM)
There are also a few downsides to consider:
- The display does not have support for Nvidia G-Sync
- The cooling system is noisy when the fans are running at full speed
- The price is not for everyone
- The laptop is heavy, and it has two power adapters
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is a monstrosity that definitely earns its Titan name. We can't really think of it as a laptop, because it is huge and tough like a tank, and appears to be working on steroids. MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG features a desktop processor and its top of the line graphics card can handle any game at maxed visual settings. Together with the SSD setup and the large (and upgradeable) RAM, this beast can't be stopped by anything, whether you're into competitive gaming or if you need to run demanding software for video editing or CAD. If money is not something that you're concerned about, the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is an excellent desktop replacement that you should consider buying.
Unboxing the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG comes in a large box, made from premium hardened cardboard. Its design is minimalist, showcasing only the MSI logo and some thin red lines.
Inside the box, there's the laptop tucked inside a protective textile bag, along with two power adapters, two power cables, a power adapter converter (to which you connect the two power bricks, and its plug goes into the laptop), a cleaning cloth, a SATA adapter, useful if you want to add a hard disk drive, a few screws, the user documentation, and the warranty.
Unpacking the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is a straightforward experience. Once you take everything out of the box, you can see that the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG looks impressive and feels like a tank. 🙂
Design and hardware specifications
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is not a laptop for those who can't live with a BIG computing machine on their desks. This laptop is larger than life, both in terms of performance and in sheer physical size. It has 15.63 x 13 x 1.65 inches or 39.7 x 33 x 4.2 cm in size, and it weighs 9.25 pounds or 4.2 kg.
And that's without the two 230 watts power bricks, each of them weighing about 1.65 pounds (0.75 kg), thus adding another 2.3 pounds (1.5 kg) to the total weight you have to carry. That means that if you want to take the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG with you, you're going to have to transport at least 11.55 pounds (5.7 kg).
Both the size and weight are justified if you take a look at the hardware inside this laptop. It features a very powerful Intel Core i9 desktop processor and the best mobile graphics card available at this point: Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080. They run fast, and they create quite a lot of heat, so the laptop needs an efficient cooling system. To tackle this issue, MSI mounted some oversized heat pipes and coolers on the laptop, and those add a lot of weight and volume. If you're looking at the back of the laptop, you can see what we're talking about. That is where the laptop has a large protrusion with huge heat exhausts.
It's also worth taking a look at the bottom of the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG, where it has a large air grille through which you can see just how many copper heat pipes are found inside it.
Also, regarding the design, we would like to point out that, even if the laptop uses rather subtle black and gray colors all over, there are plenty of RGB lights on it, that are going to draw a lot of attention. There are RGB lights on the front edge of the laptop, on its bumpy back, and also on its SteelSeries keyboard.
The display on the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is a matte LCD with a diagonal size of 17.3 inches, built using the IPS technology which means large viewing angles, good contrast, and vivid colors. Furthermore, there are two types of IPS panels that you can choose from: one with a 4K resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels and a 60 Hz refresh rate, and the other one with a Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels but a much higher refresh rate of 240 Hz. We've tested the latter, which is especially recommended for competitive gameplay, because of its extreme refresh rate. The only thing missing here is the lack of G-Sync support.
This laptop is called Titan for a reason: the hardware inside is what you'd call larger-than-life. You can equip it with various 9th Gen Intel Core processors, up to Intel Core i9. MSI doesn't enumerate all the CPU models on the laptop's specifications web page, because they differ depending on your region.
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG that we tested was equipped with an Intel Core i9-9900K processor running at a base speed of 3600 MHz and at an impressive turbo speed of 5 GHz.
However, the CPU appears to have been limited to a maximum frequency of 4.8 GHz by the manufacturer. That's not an issue because you can manually change its configuration, as this specific CPU model has an unlocked multiplier and was designed for desktop computers, not for laptops, so it's even more impressive that MSI managed to use it in a laptop and keep it cool!
This beast of a gaming laptop supports a maximum of 128 GB of DDR4 RAM running at a frequency of 2666 MHz. To fit all that memory inside it, there are four DIMM slots that you can use: two of them are under the backplate, and the other two are found under the keyboard. The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG that we reviewed had 32 GB of RAM, which is more than enough for any game.
And we've arrived at the graphics cards. There are two of them on the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG: the onboard Intel UHD Graphics 630 that's built into the processor, and a discrete, top of the line, NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080 with 8 GB of GDDR6 memory.
This laptop is also impressive when it comes to the storage options that it offers. It has one M.2 SSD slot with support for NVMe PCIe Gen 3, and two M.2 SSD Combo ports with support for NVMe PCIe Gen 3 and SATA. Additionally, there's yet another port available for mounting a 2.5-inch SATA hard disk drive. The sample that we tested came with two 1 TB Samsung solid-state drives in RAID 0 configuration.
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG is also well positioned at the top of the ranking ladder in terms of network connectivity. It comes with a Killer E3000 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet card that's capable of data transfers of up to 2500 Mbps, and also with a Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX1650x 160MHz wireless network adapter that can run data transfers at up to 650 Mbps. The Wi-Fi module also offers support for Bluetooth version 5, which is useful for connecting peripherals and other Bluetooth devices such as wireless mice, keyboards, or speakers.
The audio is handled by a set of powerful built-in stereo speakers, each with a power of 2 watts, and a 3-watts subwoofer. The speakers are made by Dynaudio, and the software is delivered by Nahimic.
Regarding ports, you get quite a few on this gaming laptop, and all of them are positioned on its left and right sides. On the left, there is one microphone port, one headphone port (HiFi / SPDIF), one USB Type-C port with support for USB3.2 Gen2, DisplayPort, and Thunderbolt 3, two USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A ports, one RJ45 Ethernet port, and the AC adapter plug.
On the right side of the laptop, there's one USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C port, two USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A ports, one microSD card reader, one HDMI port with support for 4K resolution at 60 Hz, and one mini DisplayPort.
When it is not connected to an electrical power source, the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG gets its autonomy from an 8-cell Li-Ion battery that can produce 90 watts per hour. Although this is a powerful laptop, meant as a desktop replacement rather than a portable device, it's good to see that MSI equipped it with a large battery. It's also nice to see that, although the laptop has two power adapters, they both connect to a converter, from which only one plug goes out into the laptop's power plug.
Regarding the operating system, MSI delivers the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG either with Windows 10 Home or with Windows 10 Pro. The manufacturer's recommendation is to go with Windows 10 Pro.
For more details about the features and technical specifications of this laptop, visit GT76 Titan Specifications.
The MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG laptop has all the specs it needs to earn its title of Titan. It's a monster laptop that can handle anything and run any game at maxed graphics quality.
On the next page of this review, we share details about the user experience, the software and apps that are bundled with the MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG laptop, and also the results it got in our benchmarks.