许多人和公司购买网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)来提高家庭和工作场所的WiFi 覆盖范围(WiFi coverage),提供可靠的无线网络是困难的。通过这种方式,他们可以在他们通常遇到问题的区域放置一个网状WiFi 集线器(WiFi hub),以提高他们的无线网络覆盖范围(wireless network coverage)。但是,在某些情况下,即使是网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)也无济于事。在这种情况下,一个好主意是通过以太网(Ethernet)电缆连接所有网状WiFi 集线器。(WiFi hub)以下是使用华硕 Lyra 网状 WiFi 系统(ASUS Lyra mesh WiFi system)时的工作原理,以及您获得的好处:
回程(Backhaul)是主要用于电信的技术术语。它是“骨干”的代名词。因此(Therefore),当提到网状WiFi系统(WiFi system)时,当有人说WiFi回程(WiFi backhaul)时,它的意思是网络的主干是由网状系统(mesh system)的节点之间的直接无线连接构成的。WiFi 回程(WiFi backhauls)可用于三频网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)。在这种情况下,预留三个无线频段中的一个来连接组成网状系统(mesh system)的节点,使它们自由通信,不受干扰,从而提供更可靠的无线网络(wireless network)在他们的覆盖范围内。回程不能被网络客户端访问,只能被组成网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)的节点访问。

经济实惠的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)没有专用的WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul),这意味着它们将无线频段与所有网络客户端分开,从而提供不太稳定的WiFi 吞吐量(WiFi throughput)。但是,对于大多数网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)和所有华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)系统,用户可以创建以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)。这意味着使用网络电缆将网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)中的所有节点连接起来,以便它们之间更快、更可靠地进行通信。
WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul)与以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul):我们如何进行测量?
让我们看一下我们测试中使用的公寓以及它是如何设置的。可以看到主打华硕天琴座(ASUS Lyra)放在客厅(living room)。为了获得最好的覆盖,我们将第二个天琴座(Lyra)放在大卧室(Big Bedroom),第三个放在走廊靠近厨房的入口处。我们的公寓有一个快速的 1 Gigabit 互联网连接(internet connection),能够以高达 500 Mbps的速度上传到互联网上。因此(Therefore),我们可以获得的最大下载速度约为 960 - 980 (download speed)Mbps,上传速度为500 Mbps。

ASUS Lyra AC2200是华硕(ASUS)的优质网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)。原因之一是它具有专用的WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul),在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上,仅由华硕 Lyra 集线器(ASUS Lyra hubs)用于相互通信,以便它们提供最佳的无线覆盖范围(wireless coverage)。其他两个可用的无线频段用于网络客户端。

我们在所有Lyra 集线器(Lyra hubs)上安装了固件版本 ,然后使用我们的笔记本电脑使用(version测量我们连接到互联网的速度。我们记录了所有结果并计算了每个房间的平均速度。然后,我们创建了一个以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul),并使用CAT6 以太网(CAT6 Ethernet)电缆连接了所有Lyras 。我们使用SpeedTest(SpeedTest)在所有房间重复相同的测量,记录结果,然后将它们与我们为华硕 Lyra使用(ASUS Lyra)WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul)时得到的结果进行比较。
在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上,下载速度提升高达 50 % faster,上传速度提升高达 110 % faster
在ASUS Lyra(ASUS Lyra)上使用以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)时,最显着的积极影响是在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率上测量的。除了一个例外,使用以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)时下载总是更快。在一个房间里,下载速度(download speed)提高了 50%。

由于以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul),所有房间的上传速度始终更快。在一个房间内,上传速度比为华硕 Lyra AC2200 网状 WiFi 系统使用(ASUS Lyra AC2200 mesh WiFi system)WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul)时快 110% 。

在 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上,上传% faster
当我们切换到 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率时,事情并没有那么明确。当我们测量下载速度(download speed)时,每个房间的下载速度都有所不同,而WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul)提供的性能可以与以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)相媲美,这证明购买具有专用WiFi 回程的网状(WiFi backhaul)WiFi 系统(WiFi system)是一个不错的选择。
如您所见,仅在两个房间内,以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)就比WiFi 回程快了一点点。(WiFi backhaul)在其他地方,WiFi回传(WiFi backhaul)表现出色。

但是,当我们测量上传速度时,我们注意到在大多数房间中使用以太网回程传输速度有所改善。(Ethernet backhaul)在一个房间中,增加了 60%,而在其他房间中则低于这个数字,但仍然很重要。

以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)何时是您的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)的绝佳选择?
华硕(ASUS)Lyra 系列(Lyra family)中有许多设备:ASUS Lyra AC2200、ASUS Lyra Trio、ASUS Lyra Mini和ASUS Lyra voice。您可以在此处查看大多数这些设备之间的比较:ASUS Lyra vs. ASUS Lyra Trio vs. ASUS Lyra Mini:价格、性能和功能!

ASUS Lyra AC2200是Lyra 系列(Lyra family)中唯一具有专用WiFi 回程(WiFi backhaul)的网状系统(mesh system)。其他人没有。最有可能的是,创建以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)的积极影响对于没有专用WiFi 回程的网状(WiFi backhaul)WiFi系统将更加显着。现在,让我们看看何时创建以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)是个好主意:
- 当您需要对大型多层房屋/建筑物进行无线覆盖时,传统的WiFi产品无法提供可靠的覆盖。
- 在墙壁较厚的工作场所和公寓中,难以在所有房间内获得可靠的无线覆盖。(wireless coverage)例如,无论您如何在网状WiFi 系统中布置集线器,您可能有一两个房间的(WiFi system)WiFi 信号(WiFi signal)总是很弱。创建以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul),并在您有问题的区域放置一个集线器,可以让世界变得不同。
- 当您想提高整个网络的速度时,适用于所有网络设备。这对于使用网络附加存储(Network Attached Storage)( NAS ) 解决方案的高级用户以及通过其网络传输大量数据的小型企业可能特别有用。
您是否(Did)为网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)创建了以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul)?结果如何?
我们希望您发现我们的实验很有趣。创建您的以太网回程(Ethernet backhaul),进行比较,返回本文并发表评论。您对网状WiFi系统的(WiFi)以太网回程(Ethernet backhauls)有何经验?它们是否提高了您获得的速度和覆盖范围(speed and coverage)?下方评论(Comment),一起讨论。
WiFi vs. Ethernet backhaul: Performance improvements for your mesh WiFi system!
Manу peoplе and companies buy mesh WiFi systems to improve the WiFi coverage in homes and workplaces were providing reliable wireless networks is tough. This way, they can place one mesh WiFi hub in an areа where they usually have problems, tо improve their wireless network coverage. Howеνer, there are situations when even a mesh WiFi system cannot help. In that case, one great idea is to connect аll your mesh WiFi hubs through Ethernet cаbles. Here's how it works when using an ASUS Lyra mesh WiFi system, and the bеnefits you get:
What is a backhaul when it comes to mesh WiFi systems?
Backhaul is a technical term used mostly in telecommunications. It is a synonym for "backbone". Therefore, when someone says WiFi backhaul when referring to a mesh WiFi system, it means that the backbone of the network is made of direct wireless connections between the nodes of the mesh system. WiFi backhauls are available for tri-band mesh WiFi systems. In this situation, one of the three wireless bands is reserved to connect the nodes that make up the mesh system, so that they communicate freely, without interference, and thus provide a more reliable wireless network in their area of coverage. The backhaul cannot be accessed by network clients, only by the nodes that make up the mesh WiFi system.

Affordable mesh WiFi systems do not have a dedicated WiFi backhaul, meaning that they split their wireless bands with all network clients, thus delivering a less stable WiFi throughput. However, for most mesh WiFi systems, and all ASUS Lyra systems, users can create an Ethernet backhaul. This means connecting all the nodes from the mesh WiFi system with network cables so that they communicate with each other faster, and more reliably.
WiFi backhaul vs. Ethernet backhaul: how we made our measurements?
Let's take a look at the apartment that was used in our testing and how it is set up. You can see that the main ASUS Lyra is placed in the living room. To have the best possible coverage, we put the second Lyra in the Big Bedroom, and a third in the hallway, near the entrance to the kitchen. Our apartment has a fast 1 Gigabit internet connection that is capable of uploads on the internet of up to 500 Mbps. Therefore, the maximum we can get is around 960 - 980 Mbps for the download speed, and 500 Mbps for the upload speed.

ASUS Lyra AC2200 is a premium mesh WiFi system from ASUS. One of the reasons for this is the fact that it has a dedicated WiFi backhaul, on the 5 GHz band, used only by the ASUS Lyra hubs to communicate with each other, so that they provide the best wireless coverage possible. The other two available wireless bands are for network clients.

We installed the firmware version on all the Lyra hubs and then used our laptop to measure the speed of our connection to the internet, using SpeedTest. We recorded all the results and calculated the average speed for each room. We then created an Ethernet backhaul, and connected all the Lyras, using CAT6 Ethernet cables. We repeated the same measurements in all rooms, with SpeedTest, recorded the results, and then compared them with what we got when using a WiFi backhaul for ASUS Lyra.
On 2.4 GHz wireless band, downloads are up to 50% faster and uploads up to 110% faster
When using an Ethernet backhaul on the ASUS Lyra, the most significant positive impact was measured on the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency. With one exception, downloads were always faster when using the Ethernet backhaul. In one room, the download speed increased by 50%.

Uploads were consistently faster, in all rooms, due to the Ethernet backhaul. In one room, the upload speed was 110% faster than when using a WiFi backhaul for the ASUS Lyra AC2200 mesh WiFi system.

On 5 GHz wireless band, uploads are up to 60% faster
When we switched to the 5 GHz wireless frequency, things were not as clear cut. When we measured the download speed, we had variations from room to room, and the WiFi backhaul offered performance that had no troubles competing with the Ethernet backhaul, proving that there is a great choice to buy a mesh WiFi system with a dedicated WiFi backhaul.
As you can see, the Ethernet backhaul was faster than the WiFi backhaul in just two rooms, by a small margin. In other places, the WiFi backhaul had excellent performance.

However, when we measured the upload speed, we noticed improvements when using an Ethernet backhaul, in most of the rooms. In one room, the increase was of 60%, while in others it was less than that, but still significant.

When is an Ethernet backhaul an excellent idea for your mesh WiFi system?
ASUS has many devices in its Lyra family: ASUS Lyra AC2200, ASUS Lyra Trio, ASUS Lyra Mini, and ASUS Lyra voice. You can see a comparison between most of these devices, here: ASUS Lyra vs. ASUS Lyra Trio vs. ASUS Lyra Mini: Price, performance, and features!

ASUS Lyra AC2200 is the only mesh system in the Lyra family that has a dedicated WiFi backhaul. The others do not. Most probably, the positive impact of creating an Ethernet backhaul is going to be even more significant for mesh WiFi systems without a dedicated WiFi backhaul. For now, let's see when it is a good idea to create an Ethernet backhaul:
- When you need wireless coverage on a large, multi-floor house/building, where traditional WiFi products fail to provide reliable coverage.
- In work-places and apartments with thick walls that make it difficult to get reliable wireless coverage in all rooms. For example, you may have a room or two where the WiFi signal is always weak, no matter how you arrange the hubs in your mesh WiFi system. Creating an Ethernet backhaul, and placing one hub in the area where you have problems, can make a world of difference.
- When you want to improve the speed across the whole network, for all network devices. This may be especially useful for power users with Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions, and to small businesses that transfer a lot of data through their network.
Did you create an Ethernet backhaul for your mesh WiFi system? What were the results?
We hope that you found our experiment interesting. Create your Ethernet backhaul, make comparisons, come back to this article, and leave a comment. What is your experience with Ethernet backhauls for mesh WiFi systems? Do they improve the speed and coverage you get? Comment below, and let's discuss.