您(Are)是否正在寻找适用于Windows 10的(Windows 10)OCR工具?有大量适用于Windows 10的(Windows 10)OCR软件可帮助您从图像中提取文本并将其转换为可搜索的文件。这些程序将各种图像文件转换为众所周知的文件格式,包括Word、Excel和纯文本(Plain Text)。以下是精心挑选的最佳OCR软件列表,以及热门功能和各个网站的链接。(OCR)该列表包括开源和商业应用程序。
Windows 10 上免费的 28 款最佳 OCR 软件(28 Best OCR Software for Free on Windows 10)
1.简易屏幕OCR(1. Easy Screen OCR)
Easy Screen OCR可用于将图像转换为可编辑的文本文件,并被认为是Windows 10上最好的免费(Windows 10)OCR软件之一,原因如下:
- 它允许您快速截取屏幕截图并提取文本(take screenshots and extract text rapidly)。
- 他们可以从屏幕截图和图像中提取文本并将其翻译成多种语言。
- 它允许您拖放文件(drag and drop files)以上传它们。
- Easy Screen OCR会在(Easy Screen OCR)30 分钟(30 minutes)后删除所有提交的文件。
- 您无需注册即可从图像中提取文本。
- 该服务利用Google 的学习服务来保证您的云数据安全(Google’s learning service to keep your cloud data safe)。
- 您最多可以在转换中使用五张照片。(use up to five photos)
- Easy Screen OCR可用于生成快捷方式以便于访问。
- 无需重新输入照片中的文字。
- Easy Screen OCR可识别来自世界各地的(recognizes over) 100 多种语言(100 languages)。支持简体中文(Chinese-Simplified)、英文(English)、粤语(Cantonese)、日文(Japanese)、韩文(Korean)、法文(French)、西班牙文(Spanish)、泰文(Thai)、阿拉伯文(Arabic)、俄文(Russian)等多种语言。
2.亚马逊提取物(2. Amazon Textract)
亚马逊的 Textract(Amazon’s Textract)也是Windows 10上最好的免费(Windows 10)OCR软件之一。这是一项从扫描文档中提取文本的服务,值得一试:
- 它与亚马逊用于文档处理的增强人工智能服务相关联。(Amazon’s Augmented AI service)
- 它以表格或表格(form or a table)的形式表示文本内容。
- 它可用于自动化文档处理和有效管理大量数据。
- 它会自动从表单中提取数据。
- Textract 几乎可以读取任何类型的文档。
- 自动识别最重要的数据。
- 文档的质量可以按百分比进行更改。
- 在您的文档中,Textract可以识别(recognizes) 行、列和基本值(rows, columns, and essential values)。
- 提取过程可以集成到您的工作流程中,让您全天更有效率。
- Amazon的Selective Context Attentional Scene Text Recognizer可以更轻松地从复杂的背景照片中提取文本。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Microsoft Word 的 27 种最佳替代品(27 Best Alternatives to Microsoft Word)
3. 精细扫描仪(3. FineScanner)
FineScanner是一款复杂的扫描仪,可将论文和书籍转换为可搜索的文本格式。由于以下显着特点,它是Windows 10上最好的免费OCR软件之一:
- 扫描完成后,您可以修改结果文件。
- 它可以读取手机屏幕上的任何内容,包括图标、链接和按钮。
- 为了获取PDF(PDFs)、扫描文档和打开书籍,FineScanner 使用来自您的虚拟助手的命令(uses commands from your virtual assistant)。
- 结果可以传播给其他人。
- 它适用于iPad 和 iPhone(iPad and the iPhone)。
4.在线OCR(4. OnlineOCR)
- 可以从图像和 PDF(images and PDFs)中提取文本。
英语、中文和法语(English, Chinese, and French)只是它可以使用的几种语言。
- OnlineOCR 可以读取BMP(位图)、PNG(便携式网络图形)、zip 文件和其他文件格式(BMP (Bit Map), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), zip files, and other file formats)。
- 可以将文本转换为 Word、Excel、RTF 和纯文本(text to Word, Excel, RTF, and plain text)。
- 该服务可用于将转换后的文件集成到您的网站中。
- 它每小时可以将超过(convert more than) 15 张照片转换为可编辑的文本形式。(15 photographs)
- 它可以将扫描的照片和PDF文件转换为可编辑的Word、Excel和纯文本格式。
- 使用免费的OCR程序,每小时(15 pages per hour)最多可以转换15 页。
- 您可以免费注册并使用多页PDF转换等高级功能。
GIF、TIFF、BMP 和 JPG 文件(GIF, TIFF, BMP, and JPG files)都可以用作输入。
5. Cisdem PDF 转换器
- 该应用程序还允许您保持文字、照片、表格和对象(words, photos, tables, and objects)的原始格式。
- 它可以将 PDF 文件转换为Microsoft Office、Apple 的 iWork(Microsoft Office, Apple’s iWork)和各种其他格式。
- 此工具支持的唯一平台是 iOS。
- 它可以帮助您将PDF文件转换为可搜索的文档。
- 可以将多个PDF(PDFs)转换为各种文档格式。
- 它可以将Word、PowerPoint、HTML、EPUB 和其他文档转换为 PDF(Word, PowerPoint, HTML, EPUB, and other documents to PDF)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
6. 苏打水 PDF(6. Soda PDF)
Soda PDF将纸张和图片文件转换为可编辑的PDF文件,并且由于以下功能,它是Windows 10上最好的免费OCR软件:
- 它同时识别来自许多文档的(many documents at the same time)文本。
- Soda PDF 允许您更改字体类型、样式和大小(font type, style, and size)。
- 它在服务器上保存文件24 小时(24 hours)。
- 此应用程序可在 Internet 上和 Internet 外(on and off the Internet)使用。
- PDF 文件中的图像可以轻松转换为纯文本(converted to plain text)。
- 服务器和浏览器之间的URL(URL between the server and browser)被此工具加密。
LightPDF是一个基于 Web 的程序,可将扫描的PDF文件转换和管理为可编辑的文本格式。
- 尽管该网站可以免费使用(free to use),但高级版提供了更多功能。
- 该技术会加密您的所有个人信息。
- 只需单击鼠标,您就可以添加文件。
- LightPDF使用简单(simple to use)。
- 该门户网站有两个版本(two editions),每个版本都具有广泛的功能,可以快速方便地处理PDF(PDFs)。
- 除了在线OCR软件之外, LightPDF 还提供了语音转文本工具(speech-to-text tool),使记笔记比以前更容易。
- 它还能够从视频和音频文件中检索信息。
- 您可以合并文档、注释、旋转 PDF 以及添加或删除密码(combine documents, annotate, rotate PDFs, and add or delete passwords)以确保文档安全。
- 它允许您选择多种语言进行文本识别。
- 您可以扫描大于 30 MB(larger than 30 MB)的文件。
8. 纳米网(8. Nanonets)
- 您可以通过仅收集您想要的数据/信息来自动化繁琐的数据提取操作。(automate laborious data extraction)
发票、税单、采购订单、银行对账单、保险单、医疗表格、身份证和一系列其他文件(Invoices, tax forms, purchase orders, bank statements, insurance forms, medical forms, ID cards, and a range of other documents)都可以用来提取数据。
- 只有您需要的数据会导出到您自定义的Excel、CSV、JSON、XML 或 Word 文件(Excel, CSV, JSON, XML, or Word files)中。
- 它遵守欧盟的通用数据保护条例 (GDPR)。(EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).)
- 支持本地部署。
- 自动化(Automate)耗时且容易出错的手动文档处理程序,以提高生产力。
- 它可以搜索PDF文件(search for PDF files)。
- 它有快速的 API 响应(quick API responses)。
- 它连接到ERP 系统、数据库和云存储服务(ERP systems, databases, and cloud storage services)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复文件资源管理器在 Windows 10 中无响应(Fix File Explorer Not Responding in Windows 10)
9. Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat是一种光学字符识别 ( OCR ) 软件程序,可将扫描的PDF文件和图像转换为可搜索和可编辑的文档。
- 任何打印的文档都可以实时修改。
- 您可以使用它快速将文本剪切并粘贴到其他程序中。
- Acrobat 可用于将文件导出到 Microsoft Office(export the file to Microsoft Office)。
- 将扫描的文档转换为PDF文件允许您将数据从一个位置移动到另一个位置。
- 此应用程序可让您创建与原件具有相同外观和感觉的纸张。
- 它具有类似于打印输出的定制字体。(bespoke typefaces)
- Adobe Acrobat Pro DC允许您在任何地方访问和共享您的PDF文件。
- 您可以在手机上查看报告(examine a report),在平板电脑上修改提案(modify a proposal),并使用此程序在浏览器上评论演示文稿。(comment on a presentation)
- 您可以完成更多工作而不会跳过一个节拍。
- 借助 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 的OCR功能,您可以立即从扫描的文档中提取文本并将其转换为可编辑的PDF(PDFs)。
10. ABBYY 云阅读器(10. ABBYY Cloud Reader)
ABBYY Cloud Reader是一款可识别整个打印或手写页面的应用程序,由于以下功能,它被认为是最好的OCR软件免费工具之一:(OCR)
- 它可以识别200 多种不同的语言(200 different languages)。
- 您可以使用此工具将PDF/image文件转换为可搜索的 MS Word、Excel、PDF 和其他格式(MS Word, Excel, PDF, and other formats)。
- 它可以在数字工作场所中转换、编辑、共享和协作(convert, edit, share, and collaborate)处理PDF(PDFs)和扫描件。
- 它是一款一体化 OCR 和 PDF 软件工具(all-in-one OCR and PDF software tool),可帮助您更高效地处理文档。
- 它具有许多有用的文档功能,包括将扫描的图片转换为精确的文本。
- 它适用于移动设备以及台式电脑(mobile devices as well as desktop PCs)。
- 这个工具可以识别收据和名片。
- ABBYY Cloud Reader 提供RESTful 服务(Representational State Transfer)(RESTful services (Representational State Transfer))。
- 它将数据转换为XML 格式(XML format )(可扩展标记语言)。
- 该程序中包含Java、.NET、iOS 和 Python 库(Java, .NET, iOS, and Python library )。
11. OmniPage 终极版(11. OmniPage Ultimate)
OmniPage Ultimate是一款让修改和搜索文档变得简单的软件。
- 毫不费力,它可以将文件扫描成任何格式。
- 它提供了可以使用的文档格式。
- 该程序可用于手机和打印机。
- 它适用于各种程序,包括Microsoft Office、HTML 等(Microsoft Office, HTML, and others)。
- 该程序可通过Internet访问。
- 此应用程序可识别(recognizes more than) 120 多种语言(120 languages)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 13 种最佳 Mininova 替代品(13 Best Mininova Alternatives)
- 它使您无需重新键入所有内容即可对文档进行更改。
- 它可以提供不同形式的输出。
- Readiris能够以您想要的任何格式阅读您的书籍。
- 该工具适用于Windows 和 Mac OS(Windows and Mac OS X) X。
- Readiris是一个允许您更改嵌入图片中的文本的程序。
- 文件可以导出为Microsoft Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint(Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)等格式。
13. Ocr.space
OCR.space是一项使用光学字符识别 ( OCR ) 将基于文本的图片转换为可编辑文件格式的服务。
- 您也可以使用此服务从 PDF 文件中提取文本(extract text from PDF files)。
- 此服务还可用于更改文本文档的快照。
- Ocr.space不需要(does not require) 注册(registration)。
- 它不会将您的任何数据保存在其服务器上。
- 要将可编辑文件转换为多列文本格式,请使用Ocr.space。
- 您可以为文档选择某种语言。
14. 交响乐(14. Symphony)
- 您可以使用此工具从各种格式中提取文本,包括PDF、TIFF(标记图像文件格式)、电子传真和电子邮件(PDF, TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), e-faxes, and email)。
- Symphony OCR 是一种工具,可识别 PDF 文件中的文本,包括扫描的图像(recognizes text in PDF files, including scanned images)。
- 可以从文档中复制和粘贴文本。
- 它允许您在文档中执行文本搜索。
- 此实用程序与SharePoint、ShareFile和其他类似应用程序兼容。
15. 软件(15. Softworks)
Softworks是一种光学字符识别 ( OCR ) 程序,可让您从照片中提取信息。
- 它可以帮助您消除人工进入(eliminate human entry),同时也为您的公司提供自动化选项。
- 它有助于提高扫描文档的质量(improve the quality of scanned documents)。
- Softworks接受多种文件类型作为输入。
- 它使用计算机视觉算法(computer vision algorithm)来分析处理后的页面。
- 该程序可以检测图像或文档中现有的文本层。
16.谷歌云(16. Google Cloud)
Google Cloud Vision是一个用于图片的文本检测API 。由于您熟悉大多数Google应用程序,因此此工具是最好的工具之一,原因如下:
- 它可以将PDF、PNG、JPEG等图片文件格式转换为机器可读的文本(to machine-readable text)。
- 此应用程序与PC、Android 手机、iPhone、iPad 和其他移动设备(PC, an Android phone, an iPhone, an iPad, and other mobile devices)兼容。
- 在图像中,它可以识别笔迹。
- 它使用云技术将文本保存到在线存储站点。(online storage site)
- Google Cloud会自动检测云中的图像文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 13 款最佳免费密码管理器软件(2022 年)(13 Best Free Password Manager Software (2022))
17. OneNote
Next on the list is OneNote by Microsoft is software that allows you to copy text from a printed or an image using optical character recognition.
Typography, highlighting, and pen markings can enhance your notes.
- This software will aid you in making changes to the file.
- It allows you to extract text from a printed document.
- OneNote allows you to extract text from a business card.
- You may paste copied text using the keyboard shortcut.
- OneNote also has OCR, which allows you to copy text from a photo or a file printing and paste it into your notes so you may edit the contents.
- 解压后,您可以将文本粘贴到OneNote 或其他软件中,例如(OneNote or another software, such as) Outlook 或 Word(Outlook or Word)。
- 只需单击一下,您就可以将打印在图片中的信息转换为文本(convert information printed in a picture to text)。
18. 计时扫描(18. Chronoscan)
- 它使您可以快速扫描大量文档。
- 它用途广泛且易于使用。
- 此工具可在几秒钟内扫描文档。
- 您可以使用此工具将文档上传到(upload documents to the) 云端。(cloud)
- 此工具可帮助您快速组织内容。
- 可以轻松地从PDF 文件(PDF files with ease)中提取文本。
- 文件可以发送到ERP软件(ERP software) (企业资源计划)((Enterprise Resource Planning))。
- 它有助于减少数据输入工作。
19. Infrrd
Infrrd是一个 OCR 程序,具有以下列出的出色功能:
- 它允许您将论文转换(transform papers into files)为易于阅读的文件。
- 该程序可以从合同、财务文件和医疗记录中删除文字(remove words from contracts, financial papers, and medical records)。
- Infrrd 应用程序可以立即检测标题和文本。(instantly detect titles and text.)
- 它允许您使用机器学习来过滤来自Infrrd的文本。
- 您可以将其连接到您现有的CRM 系统(CRM system)(客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management))。
- 发票中的数据是使用AI(人工智能)技术(AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology)提取的。
- 文档可以分为许多类别。
- 它为所有文档类型(all document types)提供 OCR 服务。
20. 罗森(20. Rossum)
- 其AI OCR 服务(AI OCR service)以其高OCR准确性而闻名。
- Rossum 可用于各种目的。Microsoft Dynamics、QuickBooks 和 SAP(Microsoft Dynamics, QuickBooks, and SAP)就是其中的几个例子。
- 它非常适合收据、发票和其他重要的印刷文件(receipts, invoices, and other vital printed documents)。
- 该公司对自己的软件非常有把握,声称它98% 是正确(98 percent correct)的。
- 尽管发票有多种形式和样式,但Rossum可以提取您想要的所有信息。
- 如需准确定价,您需要从Rossum获得报价。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用 Microsoft Word 拼写检查器(How to Disable Microsoft Word Spell Checker)
21. Wondershare PDFelement Pro
另一个具有OCR功能的桌面程序是Wondershare PDFelement Pro,它具有以下功能:
- 可以识别和编辑扫描和图片 PDF(scanned and picture PDFs)中的文本。
- 您可以使用此工具轻松地将 PDF 转换为 Word、Excel、PPT、JPG、PNG、RTF(convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, JPG, PNG, RTF)和其他格式。
- 该转换器易于使用并产生高质量的输出(simple to use and produces high-quality output)。
- 借助Wondershare PDFelement Pro的OCR功能,您不仅可以检测和更改任何扫描和图像PDF文件中的文本,还可以搜索和复制任何扫描和图像PDF文件中的文本。
- OCR支持英语(English)、葡萄牙语(Portuguese)、日语(Japanese)、西班牙语(Spanish)、德语(German)、意大利语(Italian)、法语(French)、保加利亚语(Bulgarian)、简体中文(Chinese Simplified)、繁体中文(Chinese Traditional)、克罗地亚语(Croatian)、加泰罗尼亚语(Catalan)、希腊语等(Greek)。
22. PDFMate PDF转换器(22. PDFMate PDF Converter)
PDFMate PDF Converter是一款免费、简单且最好的免费OCR软件,可将PDF文件转换为各种格式,是(PDF)Windows 10上最好的免费OCR软件之一,具有以下列出的功能:
- 如果您使用它们,复制或编辑PDF文件不会有任何问题。
- 您也可以使用免费的 PDF 工具将 JPG 转换为 PDF(free PDF tool to convert JPG to PDF)。
- 使用免费软件的内置OCR技术,用户可以将扫描的PDF(PDFs)转换为可编辑的文本或 Microsoft Word 文件(editable text or Microsoft Word files)。
- PDFMate PDF Converter支持以下语言:英文(English)、日文(Japanese)、繁体中文(Traditional Chinese)、简体中文(Simplified Chinese)、韩文(Korean)、拉丁文(Latin)、土耳其文(Turkish)、希腊文(Greek)、德文(German)、法文(French)、意大利文(Italian)、葡萄牙文(Portuguese)、西班牙文(Spanish)、俄文(Russian)、波兰(Polish)文、捷克文(Czech)、斯洛伐克文(Slovak)、乌克兰(Ukrainian)文、保加利亚文(Bulgarian)、克罗地亚文(Croatian)、罗马尼亚语(Romanian)等。
- 将图像PDF文件导入程序后,进入高级设置,打开OCR并选择文本作为输出格式。
- 几秒钟后,按下转换按钮后状态栏将反映成功。
- 之后,您可以看到每个字符都已被正确识别。
- 批量转换是一个简单而快速的过程(simple and speedy process)。
23. 简单OCR(23. SimpleOCR)
- 如果您有扫描仪并希望避免重新输入论文,SimpleOCR 是一个快速且免费的程序。(quick and free program)
- SimpleOCR免费软件完全不受限制。
- SimpleOCR对家庭用户、教育机构甚至企业用户都是免费的。
- 使用起来很简单。
- 它有一个内置的拼写检查器(built-in spell-checker),以确保转换后的文本没有错误。
- SimpleOCR目前可识别英语和法语(English and French)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Microsoft Word 中有哪些最好的草书字体?(What are some of the best Cursive Fonts in Microsoft Word?)
24.文本扫描仪[OCR](24. Text Scanner [OCR])
Text Scanner [OCR]是一款扫描文本的Android应用程序,考虑到以下重要功能,它是著名的最佳OCR软件之一:(OCR)
- 它有助于照片到文本的转换(photo-to-text conversion)。
- 此应用程序可以自动识别图像中的字符。
- 它支持超过50 种不同的语言(50 different languages)。
- 手写纸可以被扫描并变成数字文件。
- 文本扫描仪 [OCR] 允许您通过电子邮件将文件发送给其他人。
- 您可以将文件保存到Google Drive。
- 它与Google Hangouts, Google+, and other communication tools。
25. 扫描机器人 SDK(25. Scanbot SDK)
Windows 10上最好的免费OCR软件列表中的另一个是Scanbot。您可以使用Scanbot SDK 直接从智能手机扫描和生成文档。
- 它提供了一个系统开发工具包 (SDK)(System Development Kit (SDK)),可以轻松集成到Android 和 iOS 应用程序(Android and iOS applications)中。
- 它可以立即识别扫描照片中的文字。
- 可以从文档中提取文本并将其转换为可搜索和可编辑的文件(searchable and editable files)。
- 该程序与所有主要操作系统(all major operating systems)兼容。
- 您需要互联网(Internet)才能使用该工具。
- Scanbot SDK可识别拉丁语、阿拉伯语、亚洲语和其他语言(Latin, Arabic, Asian, and other languages)的字符。
- 可以扫描多页 PDF 文件(multipage PDF file)。
26.文字仙女(26. Text Fairy)
Text Fairy是一款Android OCR应用程序,值得一试以下功能:
- 可以从使用此程序的相机拍摄的照片或照片中扫描文本。
- 它能够从扫描的图像中提取文本。
- 该程序会自动修改图像以获得更好的效果(automatically modifies the image for a better result)。
- 然后可以修改创建的文件。
- 它能够将照片转换为 PDF 文件(converting photographs to PDF files)。
- 它可以识别超过50 种不同语言(50 different languages)的印刷品。
- 使用文字精灵时,不会显示任何广告(does not display any advertisements)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在线 21 种最佳免费 Visio 替代品(21 Best Free Visio Alternatives Online)
27. OCR 文本扫描仪(27. OCR Text Scanner)
要识别扫描文档中的文本,请使用OCR 文本扫描仪(OCR Text Scanner)。这是值得考虑的最佳免费OCR软件之一,原因如下:
- 它是将手写或键入的文本转换为可编辑文本(transform handwritten or typed text into editable text)的简单工具。
- 它可以识别30 多种语言(30 languages)的( more than) 文本。
- 剪贴板可用于复制文本。
- 您可以使用OCR 文本扫描仪(OCR Text Scanner)发送文档。
- 您可以使用此软件保存杂志或书籍中的报价(save a quote from a magazine or book)。
- 它可以阅读书面文本并识别格式。
- OCR文本扫描仪(OCR Text Scanner)可以在线和离线使用(online and offline use)。
- 您可以使用OCR 文本扫描仪(OCR Text Scanner)将提取的文件通过电子邮件发送给其他人。
- 它会自动检测写在扫描纸上的文本。
28.印象笔记可扫描(28. Evernote Scannable)
Evernote Scannable是一款智能手机应用程序,可让您扫描纸张并将其转换为可编辑的文档。
- 它允许您通过电子邮件或短信发送转换后的文件。
- 可以扫描收据、名片、合同和其他文件(receipts, business cards, contracts, and other documents)。
- 它会自动旋转、剪切和编辑照片(rotates, cuts, and edits photos)。
- 论文可以在 Evernote中保存为JPG 或 PDF 文件。(JPG or PDF files)
- 名片可用于快速方便地获取联系信息。
- 此应用程序与iPad、iPhone 和 iPod 设备(iPad, iPhone, and iPod devices)兼容。
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并希望您在Windows 10上选择了您最喜欢的(Windows 10)最佳免费 OCR 软件(best free OCR software) 工具。在下面的评论部分分享您的想法、疑问和建议。此外,您可以向我们推荐缺少的工具。让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
28 Best OCR Software for Free on Windows 10
Are you looking for an OCR tool for Windоws 10? There is plenty of OCR ѕoftware for Windows 10 аvailable tо assist you with extracting text from imаges and converting them into searchable files. These programs convert a wide vаriety of image files to well-known file formats, including Word, Excel, and Plain Text. The following is a list of the best OCR ѕoftware free hand-picked, along with popular feаtυreѕ and links to the indіvidual websiteѕ. The list includes both open-sourсe and cоmmercial applications.
28 Best OCR Software for Free on Windows 10
OCR (optical character reader/recognition) is the computerized conversion of pictures to written text. It is the process of examining characters written on paper, identifying the form by detecting dark and light patterns, and then transferring the shape into computer text via character recognition. The two primary functions of OCR are document storage and re-use of documents and their contents.
1. Easy Screen OCR
Easy Screen OCR may be used to turn images into editable text files and is considered one of best free OCR software on Windows 10 due to the following reasons:
- It allows you to take screenshots and extract text rapidly.
- They can extract text from screenshots and images and translate it into several languages.
- It allows you to drag and drop files to upload them.
- Easy Screen OCR deletes all submitted files after 30 minutes.
- You may extract text from images without registering.
- This service utilizes Google’s learning service to keep your cloud data safe.
- You can use up to five photos in the conversion.
- Easy Screen OCR may be used to generate a shortcut for easy access.
- There’s no need to retype the text from photographs.
- Easy Screen OCR recognizes over 100 languages from across the world. Chinese-Simplified, English, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Thai, Arabic, Russian, and other languages are supported.
2. Amazon Textract
Amazon’s Textract is also one of best free OCR software on Windows 10. It is a service for extracting text from scanned documents and is worth a shot for the following features:
- It is linked to Amazon’s Augmented AI service for document processing.
- It indicates textual content in the shape of a form or a table.
- It may be used to automate document processing and efficiently manage enormous volumes of data.
- It automatically pulls data from forms.
- Textract can read practically any type of document.
- The most important data is automatically recognized.
- The quality of the document can be changed by percentages.
- Within your document, Textract recognizes rows, columns, and essential values.
- The extraction process may be integrated into your workflow, allowing you to be more productive throughout the day.
- The Selective Context Attentional Scene Text Recognizer from Amazon makes extracting text from complicated backdrop photos much easier.
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3. FineScanner
FineScanner is a sophisticated scanner that converts papers and books into searchable text format. It is one of best free OCR software on Windows 10 due to the following notable features:
- You can modify the result file when the scan is finished.
- It can read anything on your phone’s screen, including icons, links, and buttons.
- To acquire PDFs, scan documents, and open books, FineScanner uses commands from your virtual assistant.
- The outcomes can be disseminated to others.
- It works on both the iPad and the iPhone.
4. OnlineOCR
OnlineOCR recognizes characters and text from PDF documents and images and can be given a try for the features listed below:
- Text may be extracted from images and PDFs.
English, Chinese, and French are just a few languages it may be utilized in.
- OnlineOCR can read BMP (Bit Map), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), zip files, and other file formats.
- Converting text to Word, Excel, RTF, and plain text is possible.
- This service may be used to integrate converted files into your website.
- It can convert more than 15 photographs into editable text forms every hour.
- It can convert scanned photos and PDF files to editable Word, Excel, and plain text formats.
- Converting up to 15 pages per hour is possible with the free OCR program.
- You may sign up for free and access advanced capabilities like multipage PDF conversion.
GIF, TIFF, BMP, and JPG files can all be used as input.
5. Cisdem PDF Converter
Cisdem is a user-friendly PDF converter and one of the best on this list of best free OCR software due to the features listed below:
- The application also allows you to maintain the original formatting of words, photos, tables, and objects.
- It can convert PDF files to Microsoft Office, Apple’s iWork, and various other formats.
- The only platform that this tool supports is iOS.
- It assists you in converting PDF files into searchable documents.
- Multiple PDFs can be converted to a variety of document formats.
- It can convert Word, PowerPoint, HTML, EPUB, and other documents to PDF.
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6. Soda PDF
Soda PDF converts paper and picture files into editable PDF files and is best free OCR software on Windows 10 due to the following features:
- It identifies text from many documents at the same time.
- Soda PDF allows you to change the font type, style, and size.
- It saves files on the server for 24 hours.
- This application may be used both on and off the Internet.
- Images in PDF files may be converted to plain text with ease.
- The URL between the server and browser is encrypted by this tool.
7. LightPDF
LightPDF is a web-based program that converts and manages scanned PDF files into editable text formats.
- Although the site is free to use, the premium edition offers many more features.
- This technology encrypts all of your personal information.
PPT, TXT, RTF, and more formats may be converted from images and PDFs.
- With a single mouse click, you may add files.
- LightPDF is simple to use.
- The web portal comes in two editions, each with a wide range of functions for rapidly and conveniently handling PDFs.
- LightPDF offers a speech-to-text tool in addition to their online OCR software, making note-taking easier than before.
- It’s also capable of retrieving information from video and audio files.
- You can combine documents, annotate, rotate PDFs, and add or delete passwords for document security.
- It allows you to pick many languages for text recognition.
- You can scan files that are larger than 30 MB.
8. Nanonets
NanoNets is an artificial intelligence-based one of best free OCR software that digitizes data from various corporate documents and photos.
- You may automate laborious data extraction operations by collecting only the data/information you want.
Invoices, tax forms, purchase orders, bank statements, insurance forms, medical forms, ID cards, and a range of other documents may all be used to extract data.
- Only the data you want is exported to Excel, CSV, JSON, XML, or Word files that you customize.
- It adheres to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- On-premise deployment is supported.
- Automate time-consuming and error-prone manual document processing procedures to boost productivity.
- It can search for PDF files.
- It has quick API responses.
- It connects to ERP systems, databases, and cloud storage services.
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9. Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat is an optical character recognition (OCR) software program that converts scanned PDF files and images into searchable and editable documents.
- Any printed document may be modified in real-time.
- You can swiftly cut and paste the text into other programs with it.
- Acrobat may be used to export the file to Microsoft Office.
- Converting scanned documents to PDF files allows you to move data from one location to another.
- This application lets you to create papers that have the same look and feel as the original.
- It has bespoke typefaces that resemble printouts.
- Adobe Acrobat Pro DC allows you to access and share your PDF files anywhere.
- You may examine a report on your phone, modify a proposal on your tablet, and comment on a presentation on your browser with this program.
- You can accomplish more without skipping a beat.
- With Adobe Acrobat Pro DC’s OCR feature, you can immediately extract text from scanned documents and convert them to editable PDFs.
10. ABBYY Cloud Reader
ABBYY Cloud Reader is an application that recognizes an entire printed or handwritten page and is considered one of the best OCR software free tools due to the following features:
- It recognizes over 200 different languages.
- You may use this tool to convert PDF/image files into searchable MS Word, Excel, PDF, and other formats.
- It can convert, edit, share, and collaborate on PDFs and scans in the digital workplace.
- It’s an all-in-one OCR and PDF software tool that helps you operate more efficiently with documents.
- It has many useful functions for documents, including converting a scanned picture to text with pinpoint precision.
- It works on mobile devices as well as desktop PCs.
- This tool can recognize receipts and business cards.
- ABBYY Cloud Reader provides RESTful services (Representational State Transfer).
- It converts data into the XML format (Extensible Markup Language).
- A Java, .NET, iOS, and Python library are included in this program.
11. OmniPage Ultimate
OmniPage Ultimate is a piece of software that makes it simple to modify and search your documents.
- With no effort, it can scan files into any format.
- It provides document formats that are ready to utilize.
- This program may be used with mobile phones and printers.
- It works with various programs, including Microsoft Office, HTML, and others.
- This program may be accessed through the Internet.
- This application recognizes more than 120 languages.
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12. Readiris
Readiris is one of the best software that automatically transforms text from paper documents or photographs to text.
- It enables you to make changes to the document without retyping everything.
- It can provide output in different forms.
- Readiris is capable of reading your books in whatever format you want.
- The tool is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.
- Readiris is a program that allows you to alter the text that is embedded in a picture.
- Files may be exported to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, among other formats.
13. Ocr.space
OCR.space is a service that employs optical character recognition (OCR) to convert text-based pictures into editable file formats.
- You may also use this service to extract text from PDF files.
- This service may also be used to alter a snapshot of a text document.
- Ocr.space does not require registration.
- It does not save any of your data on its servers.
- To convert an editable file to a multi-column text format, use Ocr.space.
- You can select a certain language for your document.
14. Symphony
Symphony is a back-end OCR engine that makes it possible to search the text of scanned files.
- You may use this tool to extract text from various formats, including PDF, TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), e-faxes, and email.
- Symphony OCR is a tool that recognizes text in PDF files, including scanned images.
- It is possible to copy and paste text from the documents.
- It allows you to perform a text search within the document.
- This utility is compatible with SharePoint, ShareFile, and other comparable apps.
15. Softworks
Softworks is an optical character recognition (OCR) program that lets you extract information from photos.
- It helps you eliminate human entry while also giving your firm an automated option.
- It helps to improve the quality of scanned documents.
- Softworks accepts a multitude of file types as input.
- It uses a computer vision algorithm to analyze the processed page.
- This program may detect existing text layers within an image or document.
16. Google Cloud
Google Cloud Vision is a text-detection API for pictures. As you are familiar with most of the Google apps, this tool is one among the best for the following reasons:
- It can convert picture file formats such as PDF, PNG, JPEG, and others to machine-readable text.
- This application is compatible with a PC, an Android phone, an iPhone, an iPad, and other mobile devices.
- In images, it can recognize handwriting.
- It saves text to an online storage site using cloud technology.
- Google Cloud detects image files in the cloud automatically.
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17. OneNote
Next on the list is OneNote by Microsoft is software that allows you to copy text from a printed or an image using optical character recognition.
Typography, highlighting, and pen markings can enhance your notes.
- This software will aid you in making changes to the file.
- It allows you to extract text from a printed document.
- OneNote allows you to extract text from a business card.
- You may paste copied text using the keyboard shortcut.
- OneNote also has OCR, which allows you to copy text from a photo or a file printing and paste it into your notes so you may edit the contents.
- After extracting it, you may paste the text into OneNote or another software, such as Outlook or Word.
- With only one click, you may convert information printed in a picture to text.
18. Chronoscan
Chronoscan is a data extraction and document processing program, and you must give it a try for the following features:
- It allows you to scan a huge number of documents quickly.
- It’s versatile and simple to use.
- This tool scans documents in a fraction of seconds.
- You can upload documents to the cloud using this tool.
- This tool assists you in quickly organizing your content.
- Text may be extracted from PDF files with ease.
- Documents can be sent to ERP software (Enterprise Resource Planning).
- It aids in the reduction of data entering efforts.
19. Infrrd
Infrrd is an OCR program with excellent features that are listed below:
- It allows you to transform papers into files that are easy to read.
- This program can remove words from contracts, financial papers, and medical records.
- The Infrrd app can instantly detect titles and text.
- It allows you to use machine learning to filter text from Infrrd.
- You may connect it to your existing CRM system (Customer Relationship Management).
- The data from the invoice is extracted using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology.
- Documents can be categorized into many categories.
- It offers OCR services for all document types.
20. Rossum
Rossum is excellent for minimizing the danger of human mistakes while entering data and never miss trying this app for its following features:
- Its AI OCR service is well-known for its high OCR accuracy.
- Rossum can be employed for various purposes. Just a few examples are Microsoft Dynamics, QuickBooks, and SAP.
- It’s perfect for receipts, invoices, and other vital printed documents.
- The corporation is so sure of its software that it claims it is 98 percent correct.
- Even though invoices come in a wide variety of forms and styles, Rossum can extract all the information you want.
- For exact pricing, you will need to get a quote from Rossum.
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21. Wondershare PDFelement Pro
Another desktop program with an OCR capability is Wondershare PDFelement Pro, and has the following features:
- Text in scanned and picture PDFs may be recognized and edited.
- You can easily convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, JPG, PNG, RTF, and other formats with this tool.
- The converter is simple to use and produces high-quality output.
- With Wondershare PDFelement Pro’s OCR capability, you can not only detect and alter the text in any scanned and image PDF files, but you can also search and copy text from any scanned and image PDF files.
- The OCR supports English, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Catalan, Greek, and more.
22. PDFMate PDF Converter
PDFMate PDF Converter is a free, simple, and best free OCR software that converts PDF files to various formats and is one of best free OCR software on Windows 10 for the features listed below:
- You won’t have any problems copying or editing PDF files if you use them.
- You may also use the free PDF tool to convert JPG to PDF.
- Using the freeware’s built-in OCR technology, users may convert scanned PDFs to editable text or Microsoft Word files.
- PDFMate PDF Converter supports the following languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Latin, Turkish, Greek, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, and more.
- After importing an image PDF file into the program, go to advanced settings, turn on OCR, and choose text as the output format.
- Once a few seconds, the status bar will reflect success after pressing the convert button.
- Following that, you can see that each character has been correctly recognized.
- Batch conversion is a simple and speedy process.
23. SimpleOCR
SimpleOCR is the greatest OCR software for multi-column text, non-standard typefaces, and color photographs that may not be the best quality since this tool will provide high-quality output.
- SimpleOCR is a quick and free program to use if you have a scanner and want to avoid retyping your papers.
- The SimpleOCR freeware is completely unrestricted.
- SimpleOCR is free for home users, educational institutions, and even business users.
- It’s simple to use.
- It has a built-in spell-checker to ensure that the converted text is error-free.
- SimpleOCR presently recognizes both English and French.
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24. Text Scanner [OCR]
Text Scanner [OCR] is an Android app that scans texts and is one of the well-known best OCR software considering the significant features listed below:
- It helps in photo-to-text conversion.
- This application can automatically recognize characters in an image.
- It supports over 50 different languages.
- The handwritten paper may be scanned and turned into a digital file.
- Text Scanner [OCR] allows you to send a file to others via email.
- You may save the file to Google Drive.
- It integrates with Google Hangouts, Google+, and other communication tools.
25. Scanbot SDK
Another on the list of best free OCR software on Windows 10 is Scanbot. You may scan and produce documents straight from your smartphone using the Scanbot SDK.
- It provides a System Development Kit (SDK) that can easily be integrated into Android and iOS applications.
- It instantly recognizes text in scanned photographs.
- It is possible to extract text from documents and turn it into searchable and editable files.
- This program is compatible with all major operating systems.
- You need the Internet to utilize the tool.
- Scanbot SDK recognizes characters in Latin, Arabic, Asian, and other languages.
- Scanning a multipage PDF file is possible.
26. Text Fairy
Text Fairy is an Android OCR app and worth a try for the following features:
- Text may be scanned from photographs or photos shot with the camera with this program.
- It is capable of extracting text from scanned images.
- This program automatically modifies the image for a better result.
- The file that is created can then be modified.
- It is capable of converting photographs to PDF files.
- It can recognize print in over 50 different languages.
- While using Text Fairy, it does not display any advertisements.
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27. OCR Text Scanner
To recognize text in scanned documents, utilize OCR Text Scanner. This is one of best free OCR software to consider for the following reasons:
- It’s a simple tool to transform handwritten or typed text into editable text.
- It can recognize text in more than 30 languages.
- The clipboard can be used to copy text.
- You may send a document using the OCR Text Scanner.
- You may use this software to save a quote from a magazine or book.
- It can read a written text and recognize the format.
- Both online and offline use is possible with the OCR Text Scanner.
- You may email the extracted file to others using the OCR Text Scanner.
- It detects text written on the scanned paper automatically.
28. Evernote Scannable
Evernote Scannable is a smartphone application that lets you scan paper and turn it into editable documents.
- It allows you to email or text message the converted file.
- Scanning is possible for receipts, business cards, contracts, and other documents.
- It automatically rotates, cuts, and edits photos.
- Papers can be saved as JPG or PDF files in Evernote.
- Business cards may be used to quickly and readily acquire contact information.
- This application is compatible with the iPad, iPhone, and iPod devices.
We hope that this article was helpful and that you have chosen your favorite best free OCR software tool on Windows 10. Share your thoughts, queries, and suggestions in the comment section below. Also, you can suggest us the missing tools. Let us know what you want to learn next.