您在Windows 10(Windows 10)上的音量是否太低?也许你已经把音量调高了,但还是什么也听不见?这是Windows 10(Windows 10)的一个常见且令人恼火的问题,并且可能有几件事导致它。
如果您遇到此问题,这里有 12 个可能会有所帮助的已知修复程序。这些修复是按顺序列出的,所以从第一个开始,按照列表的顺序工作,直到一个有效!
Windows 10 为每个程序或应用程序设置不同的音量。有时它会将特定程序的音量设置得更低。
- 打开图标托盘(Icon Tray)。
- 右键单击音量图标(volume icon)并选择打开音量混合器(Open Volume Mixer)。
- 使用滑块(sliders )将每个应用程序增加到最大音量设置。
2. 检查您的扬声器、插孔(Jacks)和连接
根据您的扬声器和 PC 的使用年限和质量,它们可能只是失败了。故障可能出在几个地方。您应该检查电缆、扬声器(或耳机)、插孔和任何其他辅助连接。麦克风音量问题(microphone volume problems)也是 如此。
如果您的PC 有蓝牙(PC has Bluetooth),请连接到蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器并查看音频输出是否正常。在这种情况下,很可能是插孔或连接有问题。您的 PC 可能有多个音频插孔(正面和背面)。如果是这样,请尝试将您的扬声器连接到另一个插孔,看看是否能解决问题。如果扬声器改用USB端口,请尝试另一个。
您还可以在另一台 PC 或设备上尝试故障扬声器。如果他们使用该设备,那就是 PC 有问题。
3. 运行Windows 音频疑难解答(Windows Audio Troubleshooter)
- 打开图标托盘(Icon Tray)。
- 右键单击音量图标(volume icon)并选择声音问题疑难解答(Troubleshoot sound problems)。
- 从列表中选择您的音频设备,然后按照说明逐步完成一些可能的修复。
4. 检查您的播放设备
Windows 10 可能正在通过错误的设备运行您的音频播放。
- 在图标托盘(Icon Tray)中,右键单击音量图标(Volume icon)并选择声音(Sounds)。
- 在播放(Playback )选项卡中,找到您的音频设备(通常是扬声器(Speakers)、耳机(Headphones)或声卡)。
- 右键单击(Right-click)音频设备并选择设置为默认设备(Set as Default Device)>确定(OK)。
- 在任务栏搜索栏中,键入Device Manager,然后选择它。
- 按声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)旁边 的下拉箭头。
- 右键单击您的声卡或音频设备,然后选择禁用设备。(Disable device.)
- 在弹出窗口中 选择是。(Yes)
- 等待几分钟,然后右键单击您的音频设备并选择启用设备(Enable device)。
- 重新启动您的 PC。
6. 更新视窗
错误的驱动程序是Windows 10(Windows 10)中声音问题的主要原因。更新Windows通常应该更新或修复您的驱动程序安装。
- 按Windows + I 键,然后选择更新和安全(Update & Security)。
- 从左侧菜单中 选择Windows 更新。(Windows Update)
- 单击检查更新(Check for updates)。
- 如果有可用更新,请选择下载并安装更新(Download & Install updates)。
7.手动更新声音设备驱动程序(Sound Device Drivers Manually)
- 打开Start,键入Device Manager,然后选择它。
- 按声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)旁边 的下拉箭头。
- 右键单击您的声卡或音频设备,然后选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)。
- 选择自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件(Search automatically for updated driver software),让向导安装最新的驱动程序(如果有的话)。
- 重新启动(Reboot)您的 PC。
Windows 可能无法检测到新驱动程序。但是,制造商的网站上可能有更新的驱动程序。这主要是第三方声卡的情况。要检查和安装新驱动程序,请执行以下操作:
- 打开Start,键入Device Manager,然后选择它。
- 按声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)旁边 的下拉箭头。
- 右键单击您的声卡或音频设备并选择属性(Properties)。
- 记(Take)下驱动程序选项卡 下的驱动程序版本。(Driver)
- 在“常规(General)”选项卡下,您应该会看到设备制造商和可能的网站。
- 前往制造商的网站并搜索适合您的声卡或音频设备的驱动程序。
- 如果有比当前驱动程序更新的版本,请选择下载(Download)按钮(确保它与 32 位或 64 位兼容,具体取决于您的系统(depending on your system))。
- 返回声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers),右键单击您的声卡或音频设备,然后选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)。
- 选择浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers)。
- 在下拉菜单中,选择您的下载(Downloads)文件夹(通常是C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads) 。
- 单击下一步(Next )并按照设置向导完成操作。
- 重新启动 Windows(Restart Windows),然后检查您的音频。
- 打开Start,键入Device Manager,然后选择它。
- 按声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)旁边 的下拉箭头。
- 右键单击您的声卡或音频设备,然后选择卸载设备(Uninstall device )>删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)>卸载(Uninstall)。
- 重新启动您的 PC。
- 重新启动后,您的 PC 应自动重新安装最新的音频驱动程序。
- 打开Start,键入Device Manager,然后选择它。
- 按声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)旁边 的下拉箭头。
- 右键单击您的声卡或音频设备并选择属性(Properties)。
- 选择驱动程序(Driver)选项卡,然后单击回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)。
- 阅读说明后 选择是。(Yes)
8. 更改通讯设置
一些用户报告通过关闭Windows 10中奇怪 的声音设置来解决他们的音量问题。
- 在图标托盘(Icon Tray)中,右键单击音量图标(Volume icon)并选择声音(Sounds)。
- 在“通信(Communications)”选项卡中,在“当 Windows 检测到通信活动时(When Windows detects communication activity)”下,选择“什么都不做”(Do nothing)。
一些用户注意到打开响度均衡(Loudness Equalization)可以解决他们的音量问题。
- 在图标托盘(Icon Tray)中,右键单击音量图标(Volume icon)并选择声音(Sounds)。
- 在“播放(Playback )”选项卡下,右键单击“默认设备(Default Device)”选项并选择“属性(Properties)” 。
- 在增强选项卡下,选中(Enhancement )响度均衡(Loudness Equalization)旁边的框。
- 单击确定(OK )并检查您的音频是否 正常工作。
- 在图标托盘(Icon Tray)中,右键单击音量图标(Volume icon)并选择声音(Sound)。
- 右键单击“默认设备(Default Device)”选项并选择“属性(Properties)” 。
- 在“增强”选项卡下,选中“(Enhancement )禁用所有增强(Disable all enhancements)”或“禁用所有音效(Disable all sound effects)”旁边的框。
- 对每个默认设备执行此操作。
Windows音频服务可能是许多音频问题的根源。重新启动服务可能会解决Windows 10(Windows 10)上的低容量问题。
- 在任务栏搜索框中,键入服务(services)并选择它。
- 找到Windows Audio,右键单击它,然后选择Restart。
- 对Windows 音频端点生成器(Windows Audio Endpoint Builder)和远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call) (RPC)执行 相同操作。
11.更改采样率(Sample Rate)和位深度(Bit Depth)
- 在图标托盘(Icon Tray)中,右键单击音量图标(Volume icon)并选择声音(Sounds)。
- 在“播放(Playback )”选项卡下,右键单击显示“默认设备”的设备(Default Device )并选择“属性(Properties)” 。
- 选择高级(Advanced)选项卡。
- 在默认格式(Default Format)下,选择下拉菜单并从列表中选择最高音质(最下方的那个)。
12.尝试第三方均衡器程序(Equalizer Program)
如果其他方法都不起作用,那么是时候尝试第三方程序了。Windows 10(great equalizer apps for Windows 10)有很多很棒的均衡器应用程序。这些应用程序提供音量控制、低音和高音增强器以及其他可能有助于修复Windows 10中的低音频 的设置。
12 Fixes When Volume Too Low on Windows 10
Is your volume too low оn Windows 10? Maybe you’ve turned the volυme way up and still can’t hear a thing? This is a cоmmоn and infuriating problem with Windows 10, and several things could bе causing іt.
If you’re having this problem, here are 12 known fixes that might help. These fixes are listed in order, so start with number one and work your way through the list until one works!
1. Check the Volume Mixer
Windows 10 sets volume differently for each program or application. Sometimes it will set the volume for a particular program lower.
- Open the Icon Tray.
- Right-click the volume icon and select Open Volume Mixer.
- Use the sliders to increase each application to the max volume setting.
This is the most obvious fix. If it didn’t work for you, move on to some of the other likely issues.
2. Check Your Speakers, Jacks, and Connections
Depending on the age and quality of your speakers and PC, they may simply be failing. The fault could lie in several places. You should check your cables, speakers (or headphones), jacks, and any other auxiliary connections. The same goes for microphone volume problems.
First, if possible, try using a second playback device to determine whether it’s the speakers at fault. Any secondary speaker will do. If the audio output is normal through the second device, it’s the speakers at fault. If not, it may be the jacks or connections.
If your PC has Bluetooth, connect to a Bluetooth speaker and see if the audio output is fine. In this case, it is likely a faulty jack or connection. Your PC may have more than one audio jack (front and back). If so, try connecting your speakers to the other jack and seeing if that fixes the issue. If the speaker uses a USB port instead, try another one.
You can also try the speakers at fault on another PC or device. If they work with that device, it’s the PC at fault.
If it’s the speakers at fault, they may simply need some maintenance. Check whether significant dust or other debris is blocking the speakers. While you’re looking, check for any more significant damage that may be the root of the problem. Use a vacuum and cloth to gently clean the speakers, careful not to damage any fragile parts.
If none of these is the issue, the fault is likely to be software or driver-related.
3. Run the Windows Audio Troubleshooter
The Windows audio troubleshooter provides a handful of common audio problem fixes. If you’re lucky, running the troubleshooter will solve your volume problem immediately.
- Open the Icon Tray.
- Right-click the volume icon and select Troubleshoot sound problems.
- Select your audio device from the list, then follow the instructions step-by-step to run through some possible fixes.
Keep in mind that the troubleshooter may not detect any issues. If that’s the case, move on to the following fixes.
4. Check Your Playback Device
Windows 10 may be running your audio playback through the wrong device.
- In the Icon Tray, right-click the Volume icon and select Sounds.
- In the Playback tab, find your audio device (usually Speakers, Headphones, or your sound card).
- Right-click the audio device and select Set as Default Device > OK.
Check if your sound is working as desired. If your system lists multiple audio devices, you can set each to the default device and check whether any work.
5. Restart the Audio Device
Sometimes, the audio device may start up incorrectly, causing an error with volume. Restarting the audio device is quicker than reinstalling drivers, so we recommend trying this method first.
- In the taskbar search bar, type Device Manager, and select it.
- Press the dropdown arrow next to Sound, video and game controllers.
- Right-click your sound card or audio device and select Disable device.
- Select Yes in the pop-up window.
- Wait a few minutes, then right-click your audio device and select Enable device.
- Restart your PC.
6. Update Windows
Faulty drivers are the primary cause of sound issues in Windows 10. Updating Windows should generally update or fix your driver installation.
- Press the Windows + I keys then select Update & Security.
- Select Windows Update from the left-hand menu.
- Click Check for updates.
- If there are available updates, select Download & Install updates.
Check if your sound is working. If not, you may need to try manually updating your audio drivers.
7. Update Sound Device Drivers Manually
Occasionally audio drivers will not be compatible with Windows updates or particular programs. Luckily, updating audio drivers manually is quick and easy.
- Open Start, type Device Manager, and select it.
- Press the dropdown arrow next to Sound, video and game controllers.
- Right-click your sound card or audio device and select Update Driver.
- Select Search automatically for updated driver software and let the wizard install the latest drivers if there are any.
- Reboot your PC.
Windows may not detect new drivers. However, there may be updated drivers on the manufacturer’s website. This is primarily the case with third-party sound cards. To check and install new drivers, do the following:
- Open Start, type Device Manager, and select it.
- Press the dropdown arrow next to Sound, video and game controllers.
- Right-click your sound card or audio device and select Properties.
- Take note of your driver version under the Driver tab.
- Under the General tab, you should see the device manufacturer and potentially a website.
- Head to the manufacturer’s website and search for drivers appropriate for your sound card or audio device.
- If there’s a later version than your current driver, select the Download button (ensure that it’s compatible with 32- or 64-bit depending on your system).
- Go back to Sound, video and game controllers, right-click your sound card or audio device, and select Update Driver.
- Select Browse my computer for drivers.
- In the dropdown menu, select your Downloads folder (usually C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads).
- Click Next and follow the setup wizard to completion.
- Restart Windows, then check your audio.
If there are no new audio drivers, you can reinstall the current version to see if that fixes the issue.
- Open Start, type Device Manager, and select it.
- Press the dropdown arrow next to Sound, video and game controllers.
- Right-click your sound card or audio device and select Uninstall device > Delete the driver software for this device > Uninstall.
- Restart your PC.
- Upon restarting, your PC should automatically reinstall the latest audio driver.
Conversely, if the low volume issue occurred after you updated, you can attempt to roll back to the previous audio driver and check if that fixes the issue.
- Open Start, type Device Manager, and select it.
- Press the dropdown arrow next to Sound, video and game controllers.
- Right-click your sound card or audio device and select Properties.
- Select the Driver tab, then click Roll Back Driver.
- Select Yes after you’ve read the instructions.
Note: This option may not be present, in which case you will have to download the last version as above manually.
8. Change Communications Settings
Some users reported fixing their volume problems by switching off a strange sound setting in Windows 10.
- In the Icon Tray, right-click the Volume icon and select Sounds.
- In the Communications tab, under When Windows detects communication activity, select Do nothing.
9. Change Equalizer Settings
Some users note that turning on Loudness Equalization solves their volume problem.
- In the Icon Tray, right-click the Volume icon and select Sounds.
- Under the Playback tab, right-click the option that says Default Device and select Properties.
- Under the Enhancement tab, check the box next to Loudness Equalization.
- Click OK and check if your audio is working.
If this didn’t work, try turning enhancements off entirely.
- In the Icon Tray, right-click the Volume icon and select Sound.
- Right-click the option that says Default Device and select Properties.
- Under the Enhancement tab, check the box next to Disable all enhancements or Disable all sound effects.
- Do this for each default device.
10. Restart Audio Services
The Windows audio services can be a source of many audio problems. Restarting the service may fix the low-volume issue on Windows 10.
- In the taskbar search box, type services and select it.
- Find Windows Audio, right-click it, and select Restart.
- Do the same for Windows Audio Endpoint Builder and Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
11. Change the Sample Rate and Bit Depth
Selecting higher quality output for your speakers may also fix this volume issue.
- In the Icon Tray, right-click the Volume icon and select Sounds.
- Under the Playback tab, right-click the device that says Default Device and select Properties.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Under Default Format select the drop-down menu and select the highest sound quality from the list (the one furthest down).
12. Try a Third-Party Equalizer Program
If nothing else has worked, it’s time to try a third-party program. There are plenty of great equalizer apps for Windows 10. These apps offer volume controls, bass and treble boosters, and other settings that may help fix low audio in Windows 10.
Turn the Music Up
Hopefully, you can now listen to audio on your computer at the desired levels. If any of these solutions fixed your audio, or if you know of another fix, please let us know in the comments below!