2019年5 月 21日,(May 21st)微软发布了(Microsoft)Windows 10的下一个重大更新,称为 Windows 2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)。这是一项重大升级,为Windows 10(Windows 10)带来了多项改进,特别是用户界面(user interface)和操作系统(operating system)的安全功能。如果您想了解Windows 10 May 2019 更新(Update)中的新功能,以及是否值得尽早更新,请阅读这篇文章:
1.开始菜单(Start Menu)固定应用较少,您可以卸载更多默认应用(default apps),并取消固定磁贴组
开始菜单(Start Menu)更简单,默认情况下固定到它的应用程序更少。有些甚至默认分组,以使其尽可能整洁。此外,新的开始菜单(Start Menu)允许您右键单击并卸载比过去更多的默认应用程序(default apps),以及直接从上下文菜单中取消固定整个图块组。
在本指南中了解更多信息:在 Windows 10 的“开始”菜单上管理磁贴和快捷方式(Windows 10)组(Start Menu)。
2. Cortana与Windows 10搜索分离
微软(Microsoft)一直试图强制Cortana和Windows 10的搜索功能(search feature)保持一致。随着2019 年 5 月(May 2019)更新(Update)的发布,该公司似乎认为这不是一个好主意。Cortana在(Cortana)Windows 10中仍然可用,并且仍然作为你的虚拟个人助理工作,但它现在作为一个独立的实体(standalone entity)工作。她在任务栏上获得了一个单独的按钮,并在“设置”(Settings)应用程序中获得了一个单独的设置类别。
我们喜欢这种变化,尤其是对于无法使用Cortana 的市场中的用户。(markets where Cortana)
3. Windows 10 搜索更有用
Windows 10 May 2019 更新(Update)提供了更好的搜索体验(search experience)。首先(First),任务栏上的搜索(search field)栏和以前一样工作,但没有Cortana。在搜索面板(search panel)的顶部,您会看到过滤器,并且您会看到最常用的应用程序、最近的文档以及时间轴中的网站或活动。
此外,Windows 10 May 2019 更新(Update)使您可以更轻松地访问搜索索引(search indexing)选项,您可以在“Settings -> Search -> Searching Windows ”中找到这些选项。我们喜欢此次更新带来的搜索体验(search experience),我们认为您也会喜欢。
4. Windows Sandbox允许您测试不安全的应用程序和网站(apps and websites)
2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)为技术用户和 IT 专业人员增加了一项出色的功能。它被称为Windows 沙盒(Windows Sandbox)- 一个虚拟的Windows 10环境,您可以使用它来做一些事情,例如运行和测试应用程序(run and test applications),或者在您不确定网站是否安全时访问它们。
不幸的是,Windows Sandbox仅在Windows 10的(Windows 10)Pro、Enterprise和Education版本中可用。如果您想了解如何在您的计算机上安装它,以下是如何通过三个步骤在Windows 10中安装(Windows 10)Windows Sandbox 。
5.使用电话号码(phone number)而不是电子邮件地址创建 Microsoft帐户(Create Microsoft)
到目前为止,除非您有电子邮件地址,否则您无法创建(email address)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。从Windows 10 May 2019更新开始,您还可以仅使用电话号码(phone number)而不是电子邮件帐户(email account)来创建Microsoft(Microsoft account)帐户。这可能不是让计算机用户敬畏的东西,但对于经常使用智能手机的人来说,这是一个很好的补充。
6.设置应用(Settings app)更实用,新增Windows Hello、字体(Fonts)、时间同步(Time Sync)、网络设置(Network)
所有Windows Hello选项都组织得更好,因此更容易理解。现在,您还可以使用物理密钥登录Windows 10,以获得一流的安全性。
安装字体的过程也有所改进。与以前版本的Windows 10不同,要在(Windows 10)2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)中安装新字体,您可以从“设置”(Settings)应用将字体拖放到“字体(Fonts)”页面上。
在较旧的Windows 10版本中,如果您想将时钟与Internet 时间服务器(internet time server)同步,则必须深入控制面板(Control Panel)中搜索。在2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)中,您可以直接从“设置”(Settings)应用同步时间。一个小而受欢迎的改进。
迁移到“设置”(Settings)应用程序的另一个设置是以太网卡(Ethernet card)使用的IP 地址的(IP address)配置页面(configuration page)。现在您可以在“Settings -> Network & Internet -> Ethernet.”中设置IP 地址。(IP address)
所有这些更改都应该使设置(Settings)应用程序对您更有用,并减少您访问旧控制面板(Control Panel)的理由。
7. 用户界面升级:新的视觉效果、Light Theme、新的表情符号、彩色鼠标光标等等
Windows 10 May 2019 更新(Update)在Windows 10登录背景上使用了属于Microsoft Fluent Design(Microsoft's Fluent Design)一部分的视觉亚克力效果。当您单击/点按以输入您的用户帐户(user account)详细信息时,背景图像(background image)会被半透明纹理覆盖,看起来很棒,但也有助于您专注于登录详细信息。
过去,Windows 10 用户要求微软(Microsoft)创建一个深色主题,该公司提供了。这一次,用户要求轻主题,微软(Microsoft)再次提供。在2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)中,您可以使用与深色主题(Dark Theme)相反的浅色主题:在(Light Theme)Windows 10的用户界面上随处可见浅色。Windows 10 Home默认启用新的浅色模式,而专业版和企业版(Pro and Enterprise editions)默认使用深色模式。
如果您喜欢彩色鼠标光标(mouse cursor)并且喜欢个性化用户界面的每个小方面,这里有一个很好的补充:您可以为鼠标光标选择(mouse cursor)自定义颜色(custom color)。微软(Microsoft)认为这是一个“易于访问”的功能,但任何人都可以享受它。
剪贴板(按Windows + V键查看)经过重新设计,以显示更易于理解的更好的文本片段。
Microsoft Store中的通用应用程序显示的“打印(Print)”对话框也经过重新设计,以包装长打印机名称,并且通常看起来更好。
您还应该知道,2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)添加了一些新的表情符号,您可以在输入各种应用程序时使用这些表情符号。按Windows + .或Windows + ;查看所有可用的表情符号。
8. Windows Defender Antivirus获得篡改保护功能(Tamper Protection feature)
Windows Defender 防病毒(Windows Defender Antivirus)添加了篡改保护(Tamper Protection)功能,旨在让您知道应用程序或用户何时尝试更改重要的安全设置,以及一个保护历史记录(Protection History)页面,您可以在该页面上全面了解您的计算机上发生的所有安全事件Windows 10 设备。
9.任务管理器(Task Manager):可以选择默认选项卡(default tab),可以显示DPI-aware应用(DPI-aware apps)
任务管理器(Task Manager)有两个有用的补充。其中之一是查看系统上运行的哪些应用程序支持 DPI 的(DPI-aware)选项,这是在触摸屏和高分辨率显示器时代必不可少的东西。它可以帮助您确定哪些应用程序无法在任何屏幕上很好地扩展。
另一个附加功能是选择打开任务管理器时显示的(Task Manager)默认选项卡(default tab)的选项。
10. Windows (Windows 10)2019 年 5 月10 日(May 2019)更新中的(Update)焦点(Focus)辅助功能变得更好
Focus Assist 功能(Focus Assist feature)包括一个新的自动规则:只有在全屏运行应用程序时才能被警报打扰。
11. 用户可以更好地控制更新的安装方式
Windows 10以其不友好的更新方式而闻名。尤其是Windows 10(Windows 10) 家庭(Home)版的用户,他们几乎无法控制在他们的计算机上安装更新的方式和时间。幸运的是,微软(Microsoft)似乎一直在改变立场:从2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)开始,我们可以选择何时安装最新的主要版本的操作系统(operating system)。您仍然会收到有关功能更新的通知。但是,您不再被迫立即更新。即使您使用Windows 10 家庭(Home)版,您仍然可以暂停更新长达 35 天,这在以前的版本中是无法做到的。
12. 更容易解决Windows 10的问题(Windows 10)
带有2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)的Windows 10对自动故障排除的工作方式进行了一些新更改。操作系统(operating system)现在可以在检测到一些关键问题时自动修复它们。此外,Windows 10设置应用程序中的(Settings)疑难解答(Troubleshoot)页面会向您显示应运行的疑难解答向导的建议。
13.管理存储空间(storage space)比以前更好
设置(Settings)应用程序的存储(Storage)页面也经过重新设计。现在您看到的第一件事是系统驱动器(system drive),以及按类别排序的存储使用情况。(storage usage)您可能拥有的其他驱动器仍然可用,但它们不再位于第一页。
从2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)开始,Windows 10还会在您的 PC 上保留一些存储空间(storage space),用于操作系统(operating system)更新。这样,当有新的更新可安装在您的设备上时,您的 PC 始终有足够的空间来下载和安装它们。
你喜欢Windows 10 May 2019 更新(Update)中的新功能吗?
这些是捆绑在Windows 10 May 2019 更新(Update)中的最佳新功能和改进。尽管这些变化都不是巨大的,但所有这些变化都可以打造更好的Windows 10和更用户友好的操作系统(operating system)。在结束本文之前,请告诉我们您是否喜欢这些新功能以及您是否打算安装更新。
What's new in Windows 10 May 2019 Update? 13 new features!
On Mаy 21st, 2019, Microѕoft releaѕеd the next major update to Windowѕ 10, called Windows May 2019 Update. It is a significant upgrade bringing several improvements to Windows 10, speсifіcally to the user interface and the security features of the operating system. If you want to know what is new in Windows 10 May 2019 Update, and whether it is worth updating soоner rather than later, read this article:
1. The Start Menu has fewer pinned apps, you can uninstall more default apps, and unpin groups of tiles
The Start Menu is simpler, with fewer apps pinned to it by default. Some are even grouped by default, to keep it as uncluttered as possible. Also, the new Start Menu lets you right-click and uninstall more default apps than it used to in the past, as well as unpin entire groups of tiles directly from the contextual menu.
Find out more, in this guide: Manage groups of tiles and shortcuts on the Start Menu from Windows 10.
2. Cortana gets separated from the Windows 10 search
Microsoft kept on trying to force Cortana and the search feature from Windows 10 to be one and the same. With the launch of May 2019 Update, it looks like the company has decided that it wasn't a good idea. Cortana remains available in Windows 10 and still does her job as your virtual personal assistant, but it now works as a standalone entity. She gets a separate button on the taskbar, as well as a separate settings category in the Settings app.
We like this change, especially for users in markets where Cortana is not available.
3. Windows 10 search is more useful
Windows 10 May 2019 Update offers a better search experience. First, the search field on the taskbar works just like before, but without Cortana. At the top of the search panel, you get filters, and you see your most used apps, the recent documents, and websites or activities from your Timeline.
Also, Windows 10 May 2019 Update gives you easier access to the search indexing options, which you can find in "Settings -> Search -> Searching Windows." We like the search experience from this update, and we think that you will too.
4. Windows Sandbox allows you to test unsafe apps and websites
May 2019 Update adds an excellent feature for technical users and IT professionals. It is called Windows Sandbox - a virtual Windows 10 environment which you can use to do things, such as run and test applications, or visit websites when you are not sure they are safe.
Unfortunately, the Windows Sandbox is available only in the Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions of Windows 10. If you want to learn how to get it on your computer, here's how to install Windows Sandbox in Windows 10 in three steps.
5. Create Microsoft accounts using a phone number, instead of an e-mail address
Up until now, you could not create a Microsoft account unless you had an email address. Beginning with Windows 10 May 2019 update, you can also create a Microsoft account by using just a phone number instead of an email account. It is probably not something to awe computer users, but it is a nice addition for people who use their smartphones a lot.
We like this feature but we are also curious to know what you think. Comment below and share your perspective.
6. The Settings app is more useful, with new settings for Windows Hello, Fonts, Time Sync, and Network
All the Windows Hello options are better organized and thus easier to understand. Now you can also use a physical key to sign into Windows 10, for top-notch security.
The process of installing fonts has also seen an improvement. Unlike in previous versions of Windows 10, to install a new font in May 2019 Update, you can drag and drop a font onto the Fonts page from the Settings app.
In older Windows 10 versions, if you wanted to synchronize the clock with an internet time server, you had to search deep into the Control Panel. In May 2019 Update, you can sync the time directly from the Settings app. A small but welcome improvement.
Another setting that was migrated to the Settings app is the configuration page for the IP addresses used by your Ethernet card(s). Now you can set an IP address in "Settings -> Network & Internet -> Ethernet."
All these changes should make the Settings app more useful to you, and give you fewer reasons to access the old Control Panel.
7. The user interface evolves: new visual effects, a Light Theme, new emojis, colored mouse cursors and more
Windows 10 May 2019 Update uses the visual acrylic effect that is part of Microsoft's Fluent Design, on the Windows 10 sign-in background. When you click/tap to enter your user account details, the background image is covered by a translucent texture that looks great but also helps you focus on your sign-in details.
In the past, Windows 10 users requested that Microsoft create a dark theme, and the company delivered. This time, users asked for a light theme, and Microsoft delivered once more. In May 2019 Update, you can use a Light Theme that is the opposite of the Dark Theme: lighter colors everywhere on Windows 10's user interface. The new light mode is enabled by default for Windows 10 Home, while the Pro and Enterprise editions keep using the dark mode as default.
If you love colored mouse cursors and like personalizing every little aspect of your user interface, here is a nice addition: you can select a custom color to use for your mouse cursor. Microsoft considers this as an "ease of access" feature, but anybody can enjoy it.
The Clipboard (press the Windows + V keys to see it) was redesigned to show better text snippets that are easier to understand.
The Print dialog shown by universal apps from the Microsoft Store has also been redesigned to wrap long printer names and generally look better.
You should also know that the May 2019 Update adds some new emojis that you can use when typing in all kinds of apps. Press Windows + . or Windows + ; to see all of the emojis available.
8. Windows Defender Antivirus gets a Tamper Protection feature
Windows Defender Antivirus adds a Tamper Protection feature, designed to let you know when an app or a user attempts to alter important security settings, and a Protection History page on which you can get an overall look at all the security events that took place on your Windows 10 device.
9. Task Manager: you can choose the default tab, and it can display DPI-aware apps
The Task Manager gets two useful additions. One of them is the option to see which of the apps running on your system are DPI-aware, which is an essential thing to have in an age of touchscreens and high-resolution displays. It can help you identify what apps are not designed to scale nicely on any screen.
The other addition is the option to choose a default tab that is displayed when you open the Task Manager.
10. Focus assist gets better in Windows 10 May 2019 Update
The Focus Assist feature includes a new automatic rule: you can only be disturbed by alarms when you are running an app in full-screen.
11. Users get more control over how updates are installed
Windows 10 is famous for its unfriendly approach regarding updates. Users of Windows 10 Home editions especially, had little to no control over how and when updates were installed on their computers. Fortunately, Microsoft appears to have been shifting its stand: starting with May 2019 Update, we get to choose when we want to install the latest major version of the operating system. You are still going to get notifications about feature updates. However, you are no longer forced to update immediately. Even if you use Windows 10 Home, you can still pause updates for up to 35 days, which is not something you could do in previous versions.
12. It is easier to troubleshoot issues with Windows 10
Windows 10 with May 2019 Update comes with some new changes regarding how automatic troubleshooting works. The operating system can now automatically fix some critical problems when it detects them. Also, the Troubleshoot page from the Windows 10 Settings app shows you recommendations for troubleshooting wizards that you should run.
13. Managing storage space is better than before
The Storage page from the Settings app has also been redesigned. Now the first thing you see is the system drive, and the storage usage sorted by categories. The additional drives you might have are still available, but they are no longer on the first page.
Starting with May 2019 Update, Windows 10 also reserves some storage space on your PC, to use for operating system updates. This way, when new updates are available for installing on your device, your PC always has enough room to download and install them.
Do you like what is new in Windows 10 May 2019 Update?
These are the best new features and improvements that are bundled in Windows 10 May 2019 Update. Although none of these changes is huge, all of them put together make for a better Windows 10 and a more user-friendly operating system. Before closing this article, tell us if you like the new features and whether you plan to install the update.