Windows无疑是领先的操作系统,在2021 年 10 月(October 2021)占据了 75% 左右的市场份额,占据了头把交椅,它无意放慢竞争步伐。但即使是用户有时也需要暂时停止凝视通常的Windows UI。然后,您可能会问,对于初学者来说,是否有Windows的替代品。有很多免费的Windows替代品可供用户使用。许多选项比Windows(Windows)本身更适合用户的需求。随着微软(Microsoft)现在仅依靠年度更新来推动Windows 10 ,我们将结束您对(Windows 10)Windows 10替代品的搜索(Windows 10)对新手而言。因此,请仔细阅读适用于初学者的Windows替代列表。
Windows 的 14 大最佳替代品(Top 14 Best Alternative for Windows)
主要目的或用途:(Primary Purpose or Use:)在切换到新操作系统之前,首先要记住的是目的。这一需求进一步将需求分为三类用途:桌面用途、服务器用途和特殊用途(desktop use, server use, and special purposes)。
用户友好性:从(User Friendliness)Windows迁移需要从头开始,以便在新操作系统周围进行规划。这意味着用户可能会探索并找到新的东西来习惯它。因此(Hence),使用级别将用户群分为两个不同的派别:初学者和专家(Beginners and Experts)。
硬件兼容性(Hardware Compatibility):操作系统的系统要求不容忽视,并且可能会在安装过程中或在您进行某些操作时造成复杂性。大多数时候,您可能面临的问题是您的硬件组件缺少合适的驱动程序,基本上使它们无法使用。强烈建议您在安装之前进行研究,以避免遇到可能锁定您的问题,从而导致完全放弃系统。
软件兼容性(Software Compatibility):另一个需要注意的问题是,您大部分时间在Windows上使用的应用程序是否可以在您瞄准的初学者的Windows替代方案上运行。许多应用程序支持跨不同操作系统的多个平台继续相同的体验,但并非所有应用程序都需要。因此(Hence),必须寻找支持您日常使用应用程序的操作系统。
1. MX Linux
MX Linux发行版和许多其他发行版一样基于Debian,包括Debian本身。这个特殊的版本在 Windows 10 的其他替代品列表中脱颖而出,因为它为Debian带来了易用性。
- 它在需要时易于使用且灵活。(user-friendly and flexible)
- 尽管Linux简化了它的用户,但它在某些界面方面可能会很棘手。
- 长期使用Windows的用户可能会觉得这很烦人,但MX Linux了解这一点,并提供了多种变体来满足用户的要求。
- MX Linux不需要用户经历从头开始的痛苦。
- 来自Windows(Windows)或其他Linux发行版的各种用户从一开始就可以高效地使用它。
- 它拥有庞大的应用程序库(large app library),可以获取满足用户需求的任何内容。
- 所有这一切都不会让人想知道为什么MX Linux是 2021 年下载次数最多的发行版。
2. Linux Mint
Linux Mint基于Ubuntu ,这是(Ubuntu)Windows 10最佳替代品列表中的另一个有价值的补充,但它似乎比Ubuntu更受欢迎。坦率地说,我们可以看到原因。
- Linux Mint安装起来轻而易举,并且可以与 Windows 进行双重引导,(dual-boot with Windows,)这意味着您可以两全其美。
- 它总是在任何时候都在前 10 名下载发行版中,我们怀疑它是否会很快获得该列表。
- 用户体验与 Windows 类似,对于从(Windows)Windows迁移过来的用户来说就像家一样。
- 用户界面流畅,带有动画(animations)、主题(themes)和过渡(transitions)的感觉很漂亮和现代。
- 它支持Windows(Windows)用户熟悉的主要硬件功能和驱动程序,因此您不会错过任何重要的东西。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上安装 Linux Bash Shell(How To Install Linux Bash Shell On Windows 10)
3. Ubuntu
Ubuntu堪称光环Linux产品(halo Linux product)。它鼓励了许多人尝试Linux,从而提高了人们对其与Windows的良好竞争的认识。
- 它为人们从Windows转向Linux搭建了一座桥梁。
- 由于其用户友好性和流畅的学习曲线(user-friendliness and smooth learning curve),它让人们了解了Linux所拥有的能力。
- 它适用于桌面用户和智能手机(smartphone)等手持设备,进一步展示了它的灵活性。
4. Pop!_OS
Pop!_OSSystem76开发的基于 Ubuntu 的发行版, System76是一家处理Linux计算机的计算机制造商。
- 它提供没有任何广告的干净体验,(free of any ads,)而且完全免费(free)。
- 虽然它看起来确实从 macOS 中汲取了灵感,但在用户界面方面它也有其优势。
- 自动平铺(auto-tiling)功能增强了多窗口体验。
游戏(Gaming)是Pop_OS 大放异彩(Pop_OS)的众多领域之一。其背后的原因是对图形驱动程序(graphic drivers)的支持。
- Pop_OS让用户可以在标准版本和内置Nvidia图形驱动程序的版本之间做出选择。(Nvidia)
- 开发人员和社区在将最佳元素整合到操作系统并为可能不时出现的任何问题寻找解决方案时非常注重行动,从长远来看是可靠的。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Ubuntu 上安装 GCC(How to Install GCC on Ubuntu)
5. 基本操作系统(5. Elementary OS)
虽然Linux发行版往往以某种方式彼此相似,但Elementary OS却以相当平静的方式打破了这一形象。
- 它的桌面环境Pantheon由其独特的用户界面和一系列应用程序提供支持。
- 它有一个简单的学习曲线,欢迎新用户,而且非常容易使用。
- 整个系统都保留了令人耳目一新的灯光界面,但这是以缺乏适当的定制选项为代价的。
- 它以其出色的内置应用程序弥补了您的不足,这些应用程序可以通过定期添加到应用程序库中的新应用程序完美地满足您的所有基本需求。
- 它是休闲用户(casual user)的绝佳选择。
6.佐林(6. Zorin)
如果您想尝试不同的东西,但又不想脱离 Windows 的舒适臂膀,那么不妨试试Zorin OS。它也是Windows 10的替代品。
- 它与Linux发行版中的(Linux)Windows外观相似。
- 在 Zorin 的最新版本中,您甚至可以拥有一个居中的任务栏(centered taskbar),就像 Windows 11 中的一样。
- Zorin 最好的一点是它有两种变体(two variants)供用户选择。
- 一种变体是为老式且功能较弱的机器制造的,(old and less powerful machines,)而另一种则更强大,可以轻松处理繁重的任务(easily handle heavy tasks)。
- 使其比其他发行版更接近Windows的一项功能是其(Windows)Windows 软件检测。(Windows Software Detection.)
Windows Software Detection在检测到带有.exe 扩展名(.exe extension)的文件时搜索其Windows数据库,并让用户知道在(Windows)Linux平台上安装应用程序的正确方法。
- 如果应用程序未出现在数据库中,Zorin会提示用户下载并安装Windows App Support。
7.深度操作系统(7. Deepin OS)
如果您在流行的操作系统中寻找看起来不像冒名顶替者的东西,那么Deepin就是您一直在寻找的新鲜感。它是Windows 10的最佳替代品之一(Windows 10)
- 深度操作系统用户界面,称为深度桌面环境(Deepin Desktop Environment),没有从领先的操作系统 UI 中获取 UI 元素。相反,它停留在它的简单性中。
- 界面尽可能简单,但它包含您需要的所有功能和工具。
- 深度操作系统(Deepin OS)最受欢迎的功能之一是自动挂载,(automount,)它让用户不必担心每次需要时挂载每个分区。
- 此外,Deepin自带用户手册,帮助新迁移的用户适应体验。
- 关于Deepin是否使用受启发的操作系统元素可能存在争议,答案是肯定的,但以一种好的方式。
- 操作系统带来了其他操作系统上用户常用的功能,他们实现这些功能以增强用户体验。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )2022 年 20 个最佳轻量级 Linux 发行版(20 Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022)
8. Manjaro 操作系统(8. Manjaro OS)
Windows 10的免费替代品列表中的另一个是Manjaro OS。Manjaro OS是寻找Windows替代品的简单而强大的选择。
- 许多功能使Manjaro OS成为从(Manjaro OS)Windows迁移到的可靠平台。
- 它不像此列表中的其他条目那样基于Ubuntu 。尽管如此,它还是很直观,更专注于定制以满足用户的需求,在其界面元素中提高了用户友好性。
- Manjaro OS还拥有出色的硬件支持,可以识别和安装驱动程序。
- Manjaro 不支持PPA。相反,它充分利用了Arch User Repository或AUR。简而言之,它托管了大量的应用程序和工具,因此您不会错过任何东西。
- 我们最喜欢Manjaro OS的功能很容易定制。(ease of customization.)
- 我们不是在这里谈论化妆品定制选项。您可以轻松切换到您喜欢的内核,或者如果您遇到更好的硬件开源驱动程序,您也可以安装它。
9. 树莓派操作系统(9. Raspberry Pi OS)
当Raspberry Pi面向公众推出时,它席卷了整个行业,重新定义了座右铭:付出更多,做更多。
- Raspberry Pi是一款非常棒的小包装,它不会限制您在制作符合您需要的计算机时的创造力,就像拼图一样。与这个$25的奇迹一起发货的是 Raspberry Pi OS。
- 毫不奇怪,它是专门为Raspberry Pi 设备开发的(Raspberry Pi devices)Linux发行版。
- 它运行PIXEL桌面环境,与大多数操作系统非常相似。
- 它支持Chromium网络浏览器,甚至还配备了专为Raspberry Pi OS制作的(Raspberry Pi OS)Minecraft PI 浏览器版本(Minecraft PI browser edition)。
- 鉴于操作系统的主要目的是在Raspberry Pi设备上运行,它可能无法运行繁重的任务和应用程序。
- 考虑到操作系统能够从microSD 卡(microSD card)运行,这是可以理解的。
- 它可能不是您日常驱动程序的首选,但像素加倍、网络启动和小尺寸(Pixel doubling, Network booting, and small size)等功能使其成为传统硬件计算机的不错选择。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
10. 铬操作系统(10. Chrome OS)
Windows 10 有替代品吗?是的,其中一种选择是Chrome OS,无需介绍。
- 该操作系统由Google开发,最适合在旅途中工作的人。
- 它基于云计算的概念,并将您的所有数据连接到您的Google 帐户和驱动器(Google account and drive)。
- 这使得在多个设备上无缝工作。
- Chrome 操作系统预装在Chromebook 设备上,(Chromebook devices,)这些设备是轻量级设备,可满足您在连接到互联网时的所有需求。
- 现在,您可以下载文件并离线工作,但 Chrome OS 的真正潜力在于它连接到互联网时。
- 它支持与云服务器上存在的文件实时同步。(real-time sync)
- Chrome OS上榜的主要原因是它与低端规格的系统兼容。(compatibility)
- 由于几乎所有任务都是在线处理的,因此不需要更高使用场景可能需要的组件。
- 这使其成为学生和商业专业人士的理想选择。
- 现在,安装Chrome OS可能很困难,因为只能找到Chromebook制造商预装的操作系统。不过,您可以在网上进行一些挖掘,以了解如何在任何计算机上安装Chrome OS 。
11. 主操作系统(11. PrimeOS)
对于初学者来说, Windows 10的替代品是Prime OS。
- 它使您可以在旧 PC 上获得Android 体验。(Android experience)
- 它是一个Android x86 fork,可以毫无问题地运行 Android 应用程序。
- 它不是一个模拟器,而是一个合适的Android 操作系统(Android Operating System),并且经过优化,可以作为Android 和桌面用户环境(Android and Desktop user environments)之间的桥梁。
- 开始(Start)菜单和任务栏等功能使长期使用 Windows 的用户更容易轻松进入新的用户界面(User Interface)。
- Prime OS开箱即用,可以运行大多数安卓应用和游戏。
- 您可以使用DecaPro键映射器将您的键盘键分配给任何操作,这对于使命(Call)召唤(Duty)手游、堡垒之夜(Fortnite)等流行游戏非常有帮助。
- Prime OS的另一个优势是与其他专为 PC 制作的操作系统相比,它所需的资源使用量极少。
- Prime OS 报告30% less power consumption,性能提升 3 倍(3 times performance improvement)。
- 此外,Prime OS支持并使用AMD和Nvidia GPU(GPUs),因此您可以充分利用您的计算机。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Windows 11 降级到 Windows 10(How to Downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10)
12.韦恩操作系统(12. Wayne OS)
Wayne OS也是基于 chromium OS 的操作系统,但比您从Chrome OS获得的灵活性更高。
- 它是轻量级(lightweight)且面向云的,就像Chrome OS一样,您可以在安装之前试用它。
- 它是一个免费的操作系统,可用于个人和商业用途(personal and commercial uses)。
- Wayne OS支持双启动且便携,因此对于初学者来说是Windows 10的完美替代品。(Windows 10)
- 它还带有您在Chrome OS(Chrome OS)中可能找不到的自定义选项,并且它与Chromium OS一起发布,因此几乎可以保证更新。
- 但Wayne OS(Wayne OS)的缺点是它依赖于互联网,就像Chrome OS一样,它不附带Google应用程序,如Play Store。
13. macOS
macOS不需要任何介绍。它是Apple的独家产品,在这场操作系统竞赛中与Windows相当。(Windows)如果您使用iPhone 或Apple Watch等其他(Apple Watch)Apple产品,切换到 macOS 是有意义的。
- Apple始终优先考虑其Apple生态系统,从而实现所有设备之间的无缝集成。
- 因此,如果您是Apple设备用户,可以尝试 macOS。
- 但正如我们之前所说,macOS 严格限制在苹果电脑上(Apple computers)。
- 嗯,没那么严格。您可以将 macOS 安装到您的 PC 上并将其变成Hackintosh。
- 您可以在线找到大量教程和指南,了解如何在您的 PC 上安装 macOS,甚至使其与Windows进行双启动以在两个世界之间切换。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳 Kodi Linux 发行版(Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro)
14. 从零开始的 Linus(14. Linus from Scratch)
如果以上都不符合您的需求并且您别无选择,该怎么办。为什么不尝试制作您的操作系统呢?从头开始的 Linux(Linux from scratch)是一个项目,它促进制作你自己的 Linux 发行版(promotes making your own Linux distro),只保留对你重要的东西。您可以自行定制操作系统,并根据您的需求塑造操作系统,确保满足您的所有需求。开源最好的一点是你需要它,你可以获得源代码并创建你的版本。
Windows 10有很多免费的替代品(alternative for Windows 10) ,而这个列表只包含其中的一小部分。让我们知道您是否喜欢我们的建议或在下面的评论部分有您的最爱。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
Top 14 Best Alternative for Windows
Windows is undoubtedly the leading оperating system, claiming the top position due to arоund 75% of the market in October 2021, and it got no intention tо slow down for its competition. But even the usеr sometimes nеeds a break from gazing at the usual Windows UI. Then, you may ask, is there an alternative to Windows for begіnners. There are a lot of free alternatives to Windows for begіnners available for the users. Many options are more suitable for the users’ needs than Windows itself. With Microsoft now pushing Windows 10 only relying on annual updates, wе are here to end your search for an alternatiνe to Windows 10 fоr beginners. So, read till the end about the list of alternative for Windows for beginners.
Top 14 Best Alternative for Windows
There are a few points to keep in mind before you start getting out of Windows comfortable environment. It all will prove useless if you migrate to an operating system that doesn’t cater to your basic user experience needs. We have made a list of a few points that should serve as the basis of deciding which operating system would fit your digital lifestyle well.
Primary Purpose or Use: The first thing to keep in mind before switching to a new OS is the purpose. This demand further divided the requirement into three groups of usage: desktop use, server use, and special purposes.
User Friendliness: Migrating from Windows requires starting from scratch to map your way around the new operating system. This means the user will likely explore and find new things to get used to it. Hence, the usage level divides the user base into two different factions: Beginners and Experts.
Support: Operating System migration is not common for normal daily use but is significant when seen from a commercial point of view. Microsoft makes a different version of both the operating system and its product meant for commercial use. But these come with a different price tag than the normal consumer price. So, migrating to an operating system that offers identical services free of cost is no brainer choice for corporates to switch from Windows.
Hardware Compatibility: The system requirement of an operating system is nothing to be ignored and can create complications during the installation or while you are in the middle of something. Most of the time, the issue you may face is a lack of proper drivers for your hardware components, basically rendering them unusable. It is strongly advised that you do your research before the installation to avoid running into a problem that may lock you in, resulting in ditching the system altogether.
Software Compatibility: Another question to look out for is whether the application you use most of the time on Windows will run on the alternative for Windows for beginners you are aiming. Many applications support multiple platforms continuing the same experience across different operating systems, but it is not required for all applications. Hence looking for the operating system that supports your daily use application is a must.
Userbase: This factor is generally gets overlooked by the users but plays a vital role at times of need. Windows has an ample number of users who face a new error or bug every day, and they turn to online forums and other resources to find their answers from other users that may have faced the same problem at their end and may have solved it. The community of an operating system can also be your saving grace in times of need.
This list of free alternatives to Windows for beginners contains many Linux distros, among other fully-fledged operating systems, due to the flexibility and functionality these distributions provide. So let’s go ahead and get acquainted with them.
1. MX Linux
MX Linux distribution is based on Debian as many others, including Debian itself. This particular one stands out from the rest of the list of alternative to Windows 10 because of the ease of use it brings to Debian.
- It is user-friendly and flexible where needed.
- Although Linux eases its users, it can be tricky in some interface aspects.
- A long-time Windows user may find it quite annoying, but MX Linux understands this and comes with multiple variants to fit the user’s requirements.
- MX Linux doesn’t need users to go through the pain of starting from scratch.
- All kinds of users from Windows or other Linux distros can use it efficiently from day one in their way.
- It boasts its large app library to get anything that fits users’ needs.
- All this will hardly make someone wonder why MX Linux was the most downloaded distro in 2021.
2. Linux Mint
Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, another worthy addition to this list of best alternative to Windows 10, but it seems more popular than Ubuntu. And frankly, we can see why.
- Linux Mint is a breeze to install and can dual-boot with Windows, which means you can get the best of both worlds.
- It is always in the top 10 downloaded distros at any time, and we doubt if it will get that list soon.
- The user experience is similar to Windows and feels like home for those who migrated from Windows.
- The user interface is smooth and feels nice and modern with animations, themes, and transitions.
- It supports the familiar Windows users’ features and drivers for major hardware, so you are not missing anything big.
Also Read: How To Install Linux Bash Shell On Windows 10
3. Ubuntu
Ubuntu can be called the halo Linux product. It encouraged many people to give Linux a try, thus raising awareness about its good competition for Windows.
- It opened a bridge for people moving on from Windows to Linux.
- Due to its user-friendliness and smooth learning curve, it allowed people to know the capabilities Linux possesses.
- It is available for desktop users and handheld devices such as your smartphone, further showing how flexible it can get.
4. Pop!_OS
Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu-based distro developed by System76, a computer manufacturer dealing with Linux computers.
- It provides a clean experience free of any ads, and it is completely free.
- While it certainly looks like it draws inspiration from macOS, it has its perks when it comes to the user interface.
- The auto-tiling feature enhances the multi-windows experience.
Gaming is one of the many places where Pop_OS shines. The reason behind it is the support for graphic drivers.
- Pop_OS lets users decide between the standard one and the one which comes with Nvidia graphic drivers built-in.
- The developer and community are quite action-driven when it comes to incorporating the best element to the operating system and finding solutions for any issues that may arise from time to time, making it reliable in the long run.
Also Read: How to Install GCC on Ubuntu
5. Elementary OS
While Linux distro tends to be similar to each other in one way or the other, Elementary OS breaks that image with quite a serenity.
- Its desktop environment, Pantheon, is powered by its unique user interface and an arsenal of apps.
- It got an easy learning curve welcoming new users, and it is quite easy to use.
- The refreshing light interface is maintained throughout the system, but this comes at the cost of a lack of proper customization options.
- It makes up for you with its great in-built apps that handle all your basic needs perfectly with new apps regularly added to the app library.
- It is an excellent option for a casual user.
6. Zorin
If you want to try something different but don’t want to part from Windows’ cozy arms yet, then give Zorin OS a spin. It is also an alternative to Windows 10.
- It is as close you can get to a Windows look-alike in Linux distros.
- In Zorin’s latest build, you can even have a centered taskbar just like the one in Windows 11.
- The best thing about Zorin is its two variants for users to choose.
- One variant is made for old and less powerful machines, while the other is more robust and can easily handle heavy tasks.
- One feature that makes it closer to Windows than other distros is its Windows Software Detection.
Windows Software Detection searches through its database of Windows when it detects a file with the .exe extension and lets users know the correct way to install the application on the Linux platform.
- If applications do not appear in the database, Zorin prompts users to download and install Windows App Support.
7. Deepin OS
If you are looking for something that doesn’t look like an imposter among the popular OS, Deepin is the freshness you have been looking for. It is one of best alternative to Windows 10
- Deepin OS user interface, known as Deepin Desktop Environment, doesn’t take UI elements from the leading operating system UI. Instead, it dwells in its simplicity.
- The interface is kept as simple as possible, yet it houses all the features and tools you will ever need.
- One of the most loved features of Deepin OS is an automount, which allows users not to worry about mounting every partition every time they may need it.
- Moreover, Deepin comes with its user manual that helps the newly migrated users to get used to the experience.
- There could be a debate on whether Deepin uses an inspired OS element, and the answer would be yes but in a good way.
- OS brings features commonly used by users on other operating systems, and they implement those features to enhance user experience.
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8. Manjaro OS
Another in the list of free alternatives to Windows 10 is Manjaro OS. Manjaro OS is a simple yet powerful option for looking for a Windows alternative.
- Many features make Manjaro OS a solid platform to migrate to from Windows.
- It is not based on Ubuntu like other entries in this list. Still, it is intuitive and more focused on customization to fit users’ needs, promoting user-friendliness in its interface element.
- Manjaro OS also boasts excellent hardware support, which identifies and installs drivers.
- Manjaro doesn’t support PPA. Instead, it makes good use of Arch User Repository or AUR. In short, it hosts tons of applications and tools, so it is not like you are missing something.
- Our favorite feature of Manjaro OS would easily be the ease of customization.
- We are not talking about the cosmetic customization options here. You easily switch to your preferred kernels, or if you come across a better open-source driver for your hardware, you could install that too.
9. Raspberry Pi OS
When Raspberry Pi was launched for the public, it took the industry by the storm, redefining the motto: Pay more to do more.
- Raspberry Pi is this small package of awesomeness that doesn’t limit your creativity in making the computer that fits your need like a jigsaw puzzle piece. And shipping with this $25 wonder is Raspberry Pi OS.
- It should be no surprise that it is a Linux distro explicitly developed for Raspberry Pi devices.
- It runs a PIXEL desktop environment and is quite similar to most operating systems.
- It supports Chromium web browser and even comes with Minecraft PI browser edition made especially for Raspberry Pi OS.
- Given the primary purpose of the OS is to run on Raspberry Pi devices, it might not be able to run heavy tasks and applications.
- It is quite understandable, given that the operating system is capable of running from a microSD card.
- It might not be your first pick for a daily driver, but features like Pixel doubling, Network booting, and small size make it a good choice for a legacy hardware computer.
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10. Chrome OS
Is there an alternative to Windows 10? Yes, one of the alternatives is Chrome OS, which needs no introduction.
- This operating system, developed by Google, is the best fitted for people who take their work on the go.
- It is based on the concept of cloud computing and keeps all your data connected to your Google account and drive.
- This makes working on multiple devices seamlessly.
- Chrome OS comes preinstalled on Chromebook devices, which are lightweight devices catering to all your needs while connected to the internet.
- Now, you can download files and work offline, but Chrome OS’s real potential is when it is connected to the internet.
- It supports real-time sync with files present on the cloud server.
- The main reason for Chrome OS to be on this list is its compatibility with systems with specifications on the lower end of the spectrum.
- Since almost all the tasks are handled online, there is no need for components that may be needed for a higher usage scenario.
- This makes it the perfect candidate for students and business professionals alike.
- Now, installing Chrome OS can be difficult because the operating system can only be found preinstalled by the Chromebook manufacturers. Still, you can do some digging online to find out how to install Chrome OS on any computer.
11. PrimeOS
Alternative to Windows 10 for beginners is Prime OS.
- It allows you to have an Android experience on your old PC.
- It is an Android x86 fork and can run android apps with no issues.
- It is not an emulator but a proper Android Operating System and is optimized to work as a bridge between Android and Desktop user environments.
- Features like the Start menu and taskbar make it easier for a long-time windows user to ease into the new User Interface.
- Prime OS is out of the box, ready to run the majority of android apps and games.
- You can use the DecaPro key mapper to assign your keyboards keys to any action, and it is very helpful for popular game titles like Call of Duty mobile, Fortnite, etc.
- Another advantage of Prime OS is how minimal resource usage it demands compared to other operating systems made specifically for PC.
- Prime OS reports 30% less power consumption and 3 times performance improvement.
- Additionally, Prime OS supports and uses AMD and Nvidia GPUs so that you can make the best out of your computer.
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12. Wayne OS
Wayne OS is also a chromium OS-based operating system but has more flexibility than what you get from Chrome OS.
- It is lightweight and cloud-oriented, just like Chrome OS, and you can try it out before installing it.
- It is a free operating system available for both personal and commercial uses.
- Wayne OS supports dual booting and is portable, so it is a perfect alternative to Windows 10 for beginners.
- It also comes with the customization option that you may not find in Chrome OS, and it is released alongside Chromium OS, so updates are pretty much guaranteed.
- But the downside of Wayne OS is that it is internet dependent, just like Chrome OS, and it does not come with Google apps like Play Store.
13. macOS
macOS does not need any introductions. It is an Apple product exclusive, and it is pretty head-to-head with Windows in this race of operating systems. Switching to macOS makes sense if you use other Apple products like iPhone or Apple Watch.
- Apple has always prioritized its Apple ecosystem, resulting in seamless integration between all the devices.
- So, macOS could be something to try if you are an Apple device user.
- But as we said before, macOS is strictly restricted to Apple computers.
- Well, not quite that strict. You can install macOS onto your PC and turn it into a Hackintosh.
- You can find lots of tutorials and guides online to find out how to install macOS on your PC and even make it dual boot with Windows to switch between both worlds.
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14. Linus from Scratch
What if none of the above fits your needs and you are out of options. Why not try to make your operating system instead? Linux from scratch is a project which promotes making your own Linux distro keeping only things that matters to you. You can customize the operating system from step own and mold the OS around your needs, ensuring that all your needs are fulfilled. And the best thing about open source is that you require it out there, and you can get the source code and create your version of it.
There are many free alternative for Windows 10 out there, and this list only contains a handful of them. Let us know if you liked our recommendations or have your favorite in the comment section down below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.