Windows Media Player 12优雅地完成了包含众多视图模式和复杂库系统(library system)的挑战,而不会让您被选项和神秘按钮淹没。浏览Windows Media Player 12非常简单,因为有许多不同的方式来排序和组织您的媒体文件。在本教程中,我将向您介绍播放歌曲、观看视频和在媒体库中查找媒体所需了解的基本导航功能。
首次打开Windows Media Player 12时,您会看到播放器库(Player Library)。整个播放器库(Player Library)中有几个常量,包括播放控件(Playback controls)、导航窗格(Navigation pane)的后退和前进按钮(Back and Forward buttons)以及“切换到正在播放”('Switch to Now Playing')按钮。

导航窗格(Navigation Pane)、Back/Forward Buttons and Breadcrumbs
当您单击导航窗格上的媒体类型(例如(Navigation Pane)音乐(Music)、图片(Pictures)、视频(Video))时,它将展开以显示子类别。如果您单击“艺术家”('Artist'),它将按艺术家列出您的音乐文件。当您深入到图书馆时,您还会注意到屏幕顶部的面包屑(此处显示为(Breadcrumbs)'Library -> Music -> Artist')。您可以单击这些术语中的任何一个以返回到图书馆的该级别。或者,您可以使用后退和前进(Back and Forward)箭头返回到之前的屏幕,这与使用Web 浏览器(web browser)时完全一样。

Windows Media Player 12的最佳功能之一是搜索框(Search box)。在上面显示的屏幕中,您可能会被展示的大量艺术家所淹没。但是,如果您想查找特定的艺术家、专辑名称或歌曲名称(title or song name),您只需输入搜索字符串(search string),您的选择就会立即缩小。

如果您的特定视图没有任何匹配项,Windows Media Player 12会将您指向库中的其他匹配项。单击(Click)蓝色文本以查看这些结果。

双击艺术家姓名(artist name)将显示歌曲列表。要播放歌曲,请双击歌曲名称或突出显示(song or highlight)它,然后按屏幕底部播放控件(Playback controls)中的“播放” 。('Play')
无论您在播放器库(Player Library)中的哪个位置,都可以看到播放控件(Playback controls)。每个按钮的功能都在此处进行了注释,但我们将在接下来的教程中对每个按钮进行更深入的解释。

如何使用视图(View) 选项(Options)和排序
Windows Media Player 12有三种不同的查看选项:(View options)图标、平铺(Icon, Tile)和详细信息(Details)。您可以通过单击“查看选项”(View options) 按钮旁边的箭头来选择一个,或者通过单击按钮本身滚动浏览它们。(button or scroll)这些视图的行为与Windows Explorer(Windows Explorer)中的视图非常相似。让我们看看每个视图的实际效果:
图标视图(Icon view)- 在 Windows 资源管理器中,图标(Icon)视图非常不言自明 - 显示的唯一详细信息是文件名和图标。在Windows Media Player 12中,图标(Icon)视图的工作方式大致相同,除了图标是专辑封面(album cover)(如果您下载了它们)。专辑封面(album cover)下方显示的信息量取决于您正在查看的资料库的级别。例如,在此屏幕截图中,我们处于专辑级别(Album level),因此它会在专辑(album name)名称下方显示艺术家(artist name)姓名(如果有)。在艺术家级别(Artist level),只会显示专辑名称(album name)。

平铺视图(Tile View)-平铺视图是(Tile)图标(Icon)和详细信息(Details)之间的一种混合。您将看到专辑插图(album artwork)以及右侧显示的更多信息。在专辑级别(Album level),您可以获得艺术家姓名(artist name)、专辑名称(album name)、流派和年份(genre and year)。在艺术家视图(Artist view)中,您还会看到歌曲的数量和长度。如果专辑已评级,也会显示此信息。

详细信息视图(Details View)-详细信息(Details)视图是最可定制和最强大的排序和搜索。它允许您查看类别列(category columns),并允许您根据这些列快速对歌曲进行排序。单击该列一次可按升序对项目进行排序。再次单击它以按降序对其进行排序。

您会注意到某些视图选项在(View options)库(Library)中的某些级别不可用。例如,您不能在顶部(库)级别使用(Library)Tile或Details视图,也不能在从 Music 级别查看时使用Icon 。
使用所有三个视图选项(View options),您可以通过单击相应的类别列(category column)来更改项目的排序方式。例如,单击“专辑”('Album')一次,可根据专辑名称(album name)对项目进行升序排序。再次点击(Click) “专辑” ,按('Album')专辑名称(album name)降序排列项目。
大多数情况下,您将使用播放器库(Player Library)模式。但Windows Media Player 12也有皮肤(Skin)模式和正在播放(Now Playing)模式。在Player Library中,您可以通过右键单击空白区域并选择(area and selecting) 查看(View)和适当的查看模式来切换到任何模式。

现在播放模式(Now Playing Mode)- 这是一种紧凑的模式,旨在不引人注目地坐在您的桌面上。默认情况下,正在播放(Now Playing)模式显示专辑插图(album artwork),但您也可以让它显示可视化(如屏幕截图所示)。如果您下载了歌词,它们也会出现在这里。与往常一样,播放控件嵌入在底部,您可以通过单击右上角的图标切换(hand corner)回播放器库(Player Library)。

皮肤模式(Skin Mode)- 这会以您选择的自定义皮肤显示玩家。外观和布局(appearance and layout)会因所选皮肤而异。屏幕截图显示了Revert皮肤。

您还可以使用键盘快捷键在Windows Media Player 12上快速执行操作。(Windows Media Player 12)请注意,某些键盘快捷键仅适用于Player Library或Now Playing Mode。
Video size 50% - Alt+1
Video size 100% - Alt+2
Video size 200% - Alt+3
切换全屏视频显示(Toggle display for full-screen video)- Alt+Enter
通过播放器中最近的视图追溯您的步骤(Retrace your steps back through your most recent views in the Player)- Alt+向左箭头
通过播放器中的最新视图追溯您的步骤(Retrace your steps forward through your most recent views in the Player)- Alt+右箭头
切换到播放器库(Switch to Player Library)- Ctrl+1
切换到皮肤模式(Switch to skin mode)- Ctrl+2
切换到正在播放模式(Switch to Now Playing mode)- Ctrl+3
添加到播放列表(Add to play list)- Ctrl+7
添加到刻录列表(Add to burn list)- Ctrl+8
添加到同步列表(Add to sync list)- Ctrl+9
在列表窗格中全选(Select all in list pane)- Ctrl+A
上一个(项目或章节)(Previous (item or chapter)) - Ctrl+B
在播放器库中,将光标放在搜索框中(In the Player Library, put the cursor in the search box)- Ctrl+E
下一个(项目或章节)(Next (item or chapter)) - Ctrl+F
打开或关闭随机播放(Turn shuffle on or off)- Ctrl+H
弹出 CD 或 DVD(这不适用于配备两个或更多 CD 或 DVD 光盘驱动器的计算机)(Eject CD or DVD (this doesn't work on computers equipped with two or more CD or DVD disc drives)) - Ctrl+J
在播放器库中,显示或隐藏菜单栏(In the Player Library, show or hide the menu bar)- Ctrl+M
创建一个新的播放列表(Create a new playlist)- Ctrl+N
打开文件(Open a file)- Ctrl+O
播放或暂停播放(Play or pause playing)- Ctrl+P
停止播放(Stop playing)- Ctrl+S
打开或关闭重复(Turn repeat on or off)- Ctrl+T
指定文件的 URL 或路径(Specify a URL or path to a file)- Ctrl+U
关闭或停止播放文件(Close or stop playing a file)- Ctrl+W
上一个播放列表(Previous playlist)- Ctrl+向左箭头
下一个播放列表(Next playlist)- Ctrl+右箭头
重新启动视频(Restart video)- Ctrl+Shift+B
打开或关闭字幕和字幕(Turn captions and subtitles on or off)- Ctrl+Shift+C
通过视频或音乐快进(Fast-forward through video or music)- Ctrl+Shift+F
使用快速播放速度(Use a fast play speed)- Ctrl+Shift+G
以正常速度播放(Play at normal speed)- Ctrl+Shift+N
使用慢速播放(Use a slow play speed)- Ctrl+Shift+S
显示 Windows Media Player 帮助(Display Windows Media Player Help)- F1
编辑播放器库中选定项目的媒体信息(Edit media information on a selected item in the Player Library)- F2
在详细信息窗格中切换项目的视图(Switch the view of items in the details pane)- F4
增加专辑封面的大小(Increase the size of album art)- F6
减小专辑封面的大小(Decrease the size of album art)- Shift+F6
静音(Mute the volume)- F7
降低音量(Decrease the volume)- F8
增加音量(Increase the volume)- F9
在播放器库中显示菜单栏(Show menu bar in Player Library)- F10
显示快捷菜单(Show shortcut menu)- Shift+F10
这包含了使用Windows Media Player 12查找文件和(Windows Media Player 12)播放音乐(play music)所需的所有基本提示和指示。请继续(Stay)关注有关在Windows Media Player 12中播放(Windows Media Player 12)音乐和视频(music and video)、播放增强、播放列表等的更深入讨论。在那之前,不要犹豫与我们分享您可能拥有的任何提示和技巧。
Windows Media Player 12 Menus & Views Explained
Windows Media Player 12 elegantly pulls off the challenge of including numerous νiew modes and a сomplex library system without inundating yоu with options and arcane buttons. Navigating Windows Media Player 12 is ѕurprisіngly simple, given how many different ways to sort and organize your media files there are. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the basic navigational functions that you'll need to know in order to play songs, watch vіdeos and find media іn your librarу.
When you first open Windows Media Player 12, you'll see the Player Library. There are a couple constants throughout the Player Library, including the Playback controls, the Back and Forward buttons the Navigation pane and the 'Switch to Now Playing' button.

These elements are mostly self-explanatory, but I'll take a look at each one in action in the next chapters of this article.
Navigation Pane, Back/Forward Buttons and Breadcrumbs
When you click on a media type (e.g. Music, Pictures, Video) on the Navigation Pane it will expand to show the sub-categorizations. If you click on 'Artist', it will list your music files by artist. As you move deeper into your library, you'll also notice the Breadcrumbs along the top of the screen (here, they read 'Library -> Music -> Artist'). You can click on any of these terms to return to that level of your library. Alternately, you can use the Back and Forward arrows to return to previous screens, exactly the way you would while using a web browser.

Working with Search Strings
One of the best features of Windows Media Player 12 is the Search box. In the screen shown above, you might be overwhelmed by the vast amount of artists displayed. But if you want to home in on a specific artist, album title or song name, you can simply type in a search string and your choices will be instantly narrowed.

If your particular view does not have any matches, Windows Media Player 12 will point you towards other matches in your library. Click on the blue text to see those results.

Double-clicking an artist name will bring up a list of songs. To play a song, double-click the name of the song or highlight it and press 'Play' in the Playback controls at the bottom of the screen.
No matter where you are in the Player Library, you will be able to see the Playback controls. The function of each of these buttons is annotated here, but we'll get into a more in-depth explanation of each button in an upcoming tutorial.

How to Work with View Options and Sorting
There are three different View options for Windows Media Player 12: Icon, Tile and Details. You can choose one by clicking the arrow next to the View options button or scroll through them by clicking the button itself. These views behave very similarly to the views in Windows Explorer. Let's see each view in action:
Icon view - In Windows Explorer, Icon view is pretty self-explanatory - the only details shown are the filename and the icon. In Windows Media Player 12, Icon view works in much the same way, except the icons are the album covers (if you have them downloaded). How much information is displayed below the album cover depends on which level of the library you're viewing. For example, in this screenshot, we are at the Album level, so it shows the artist name below the album name (if available). At the Artist level, only the album name will be displayed.

Tile View - Tile view is a sort of hybrid between Icon and Details. You'll see the album artwork as well as a bit more information displayed to the right. In the Album level, you get the artist name, album name, genre and year. In the Artist view, you'll also see the number of songs and length. If the album has been rated, this information will be displayed, too.

Details View - Details view is the most customizable and most powerful for sorting and searching. It allows you to see the category columns and allow you to quickly sort your songs according to these columns. Click the column once to sort the items in ascending order. Click it again to sort it in descending order.

You'll notice that some View options aren't available at certain levels in the Library. For example, you cannot use Tile or Details view at the top (Library) level, nor can you use Icon when viewing from the Music level.
With all three View options, you can change the way the items are sorted by clicking the appropriate category column. For example, click 'Album' once to sort the items in ascending order based on album name. Click 'Album' again to sort the items in descending order by album name.
Switching Between View Modes
For most purposes, you'll be using the Player Library mode. But Windows Media Player 12 also has a Skin mode and a Now Playing mode. From the Player Library, you can switch to any of the modes by right-clicking a blank area and selecting View and the appropriate view mode.

Let's see the differences between them:
Now Playing Mode - it is a compact mode designed to sit unobtrusively on your desktop. By default, Now Playing mode shows the album artwork, but you can also have it display visualizations (as shown in the screenshot). If you have lyrics downloaded, they will also appear here. The play controls, as always, are embedded at the bottom and you can switch back to the Player Library by clicking the icon in the upper-right hand corner.

Skin Mode - this displays the player in the customized skin you've chosen. The appearance and layout will vary depending on the selected skin. The screenshot shows the Revert skin.

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
You can also quickly perform actions on Windows Media Player 12 by using keyboard shortcuts. Note that some keyboard shortcuts only work in Player Library or Now Playing Mode.
Video size 50% - Alt+1
Video size 100% - Alt+2
Video size 200% - Alt+3
Toggle display for full-screen video - Alt+Enter
Retrace your steps back through your most recent views in the Player - Alt+Left Arrow
Retrace your steps forward through your most recent views in the Player - Alt+Right Arrow
Switch to Player Library - Ctrl+1
Switch to skin mode - Ctrl+2
Switch to Now Playing mode - Ctrl+3
Add to play list - Ctrl+7
Add to burn list - Ctrl+8
Add to sync list - Ctrl+9
Select all in list pane - Ctrl+A
Previous (item or chapter) - Ctrl+B
In the Player Library, put the cursor in the search box - Ctrl+E
Next (item or chapter) - Ctrl+F
Turn shuffle on or off - Ctrl+H
Eject CD or DVD (this doesn't work on computers equipped with two or more CD or DVD disc drives) - Ctrl+J
In the Player Library, show or hide the menu bar - Ctrl+M
Create a new playlist - Ctrl+N
Open a file - Ctrl+O
Play or pause playing - Ctrl+P
Stop playing - Ctrl+S
Turn repeat on or off - Ctrl+T
Specify a URL or path to a file - Ctrl+U
Close or stop playing a file - Ctrl+W
Previous playlist - Ctrl+Left Arrow
Next playlist - Ctrl+Right Arrow
Restart video - Ctrl+Shift+B
Turn captions and subtitles on or off - Ctrl+Shift+C
Fast-forward through video or music - Ctrl+Shift+F
Use a fast play speed - Ctrl+Shift+G
Play at normal speed - Ctrl+Shift+N
Use a slow play speed - Ctrl+Shift+S
Display Windows Media Player Help - F1
Edit media information on a selected item in the Player Library - F2
Switch the view of items in the details pane - F4
Increase the size of album art - F6
Decrease the size of album art - Shift+F6
Mute the volume - F7
Decrease the volume - F8
Increase the volume - F9
Show menu bar in Player Library - F10
Show shortcut menu - Shift+F10
That about wraps up all the basic tips and pointers you'll need to find your files and play music using Windows Media Player 12. Stay tuned for deeper discussions on playing music and video in Windows Media Player 12, playback enhancements, playlists and more. Until then, don't hesitate to share with us any tips and tricks you might have.