很长一段时间以来, Microsoft 的Windows Movie Maker一直是最流行的Windows视频编辑程序之一。(Windows)它是免费的,易于使用,并且为普通计算机用户带来了出色的效果。由于公司决定终止它,它不再为Movie Maker提供任何(Movie Maker)支持或开发(support or development)。如果您使用的是Windows 10,一个不错的替代方案是Microsoft自己的Video Editor应用程序,但如果您使用的是其他操作系统,则必须寻找其他替代方案。为了让您更轻松地找到适合Movie Maker的替代品,我们编制了一个与其类似的免费应用程序列表:
1. 视频编辑器(仅限 Windows 10)
Windows 10 有一个鲜为人知的视频编辑工具,它是Windows Movie Maker(Windows Movie Maker)的最佳替代品之一。它被称为视频编辑器,它与(Video Editor,)照片(Photos)应用程序集成在一起。它最好的部分是它完全免费,并且内置在Windows 10中。视频编辑器(Video Editor)可让您从您选择的照片和视频创建视频、添加标题卡、更改文本样式、修剪、拆分和旋转视频。您还可以对图像和视频应用动态效果,添加棕褐色、冒险、墨色或街机等滤镜,插入 3D 效果、音乐等。它是一个很棒的Windows Movie Maker替代品,我们发现它构建得非常好,并且具有如此多的功能,我们称之为适用于 Windows 10 的电影制作工具(Movie Maker for Windows 10)!

如果您想了解如何使用Windows 10的视频编辑器(Video Editor),请阅读您可以在Windows 10中使用(Windows 10)视频编辑器(Video Editor)执行的 12 件事。
下载:(Download:) Microsoft Photos(该应用程序包括视频编辑器)
2. 截图
Shotcut是我们可以为Windows Movie Maker找到的最佳替代方案之一。它是一个视频编辑器(video editor),提供简单的用户界面和时尚的设计,易于理解和使用。Shotcut支持视频和音频文件的多种文件格式,它包括您可能需要的所有基本编辑工具。您可以根据需要拖放视频和音频文件,可以剪切和修剪,还可以在工作上添加过滤器。但是,您可能不喜欢无法在视频中添加转场的事实。除非您愿意,否则Shotcut会让您对从中获得的最终结果感到满意。

Shotcut可免费下载和使用。它不仅在 Windows 上可用,而且在Mac 和 Linux(Mac and Linux)上可用。
下载:(Download:) Shotcut
3. VideoLAN 电影创作者
VideoLAN Movie Creator,简称VLMC,是由VideoLAN开发的视频编辑工具,VideoLAN 与生产著名的(video editor tool)VLC 媒体播放器(VLC media player)的组织相同。VLMC是可用于Windows、Linux和Mac OS X的跨平台应用程序。
与所有其他工具相比, VLMC 的(VLMC's)主要优势在于它能够处理您可以想象的几乎任何视频和音频文件类型。(video and audio file types)它也很容易使用,因为它的界面并不复杂。但是,它提供了大量工具和选项,您可以使用它们来创建您想要的内容。有添加、分割和修剪视频的选项。您可以添加音轨,并根据需要包含过渡效果。完成编辑后,您还可以指定要保存视频的质量级别和分辨率。

不幸的是,当我们使用和测试VLMC时,它似乎有点不稳定,因为它在我们的视频渲染过程中卡住了。但是,如果您有足够的耐心重新尝试创建视频,VLMC 最终(VLMC)会做得很好。VLMC是完全免费的,而且它也是开源的,这意味着任何人都可以为这个程序的开发做出贡献。如果您曾经喜欢使用Windows Movie Maker,但希望它有更多的选项和工具,那么VideoLAN Movie Creator可能是您更好的视频编辑器(video editor)。
下载:(Download:) VideoLAN Movie Creator
4. 埃兹维德
Ezvid是世界上最简单易用的视频编辑器之一。它是免费提供的,其主要目的是记录您的屏幕。但是,它还支持从本地资源(例如硬盘)添加视频。它的界面简洁,少数可用的选项都很容易识别。Ezvid允许您为视频设置标题和描述、您选择的水印图像,以及从捆绑的混音列表或音乐文件中添加一些背景音乐。(background music)完成视频编辑后,您可以单击保存。不幸的是,没有选择最终视频文件的(video file)格式或质量(format or quality)的选项,该文件始终保存为Windows Media 视频(Windows Media Video)扩展名为 .wmv 的文件。

Ezvid是完全免费的,但作为交换,您使用它创建的所有视频一开始都有一个简短的介绍,说它们是用Ezvid制作的。但是,您可以简单地将其从项目的时间线中删除。如果您喜欢Windows Movie Maker,因为它使用起来非常简单,那么您很有可能也会喜欢Ezvid。
下载:(Download:) Ezvid
Avidemux是另一个简单的视频编辑器(video editor),任何人都可以开始使用,而无需先阅读任何文档。用户界面(user interface)简单明了,而且丑陋。然而,它完成了它应该做的工作。主用户界面(user interface)上只有几个按钮可用,顶部菜单不包含太多选项,尽管您可能会不这么想。但是,在选择所使用的视频编解码器(video codecs)时,情况会发生变化,您有很多选项可供选择,包括可以应用于视频的各种过滤器。使用Avidemux,您首先打开视频文件(video file)您想要编辑,之后您可以根据需要附加新视频。此外,您还可以借助时间刻度(time scale)底部的开始(Start)和结束(End)标记随意修剪视频。

Avidemux是免费的,除了Windows之外,它还适用于Linux、BSD和Mac OS(Mac OS X) X。它支持使用多种视频编解码器(video codecs)。如果您不介意丑陋和陈旧的用户界面(user interface),您可能比其他类似的视频编辑器更喜欢Avidemux 。
下载:(Download:) Avidemux
6. VSDC 免费视频编辑器
VSDC 免费视频编辑器(VSDC Free Video Editor)是一个比Windows Movie Maker的大多数其他替代品更复杂、更先进的视频编辑器(video editor)。这个看起来更精致,同时让您可以像Windows Movie Maker一样轻松地编辑视频。VSDC 免费视频编辑器(VSDC Free Video Editor)有很多选项和设置可供使用,并为您提供您可能想要或需要的各种工具,以专业水平编辑您的视频。您可以处理多个视频文件,可以根据需要修剪、拆分、排列它们,甚至可以根据需要添加字幕。如果您喜欢视频或音频效果,也可以添加它们。VSDC 免费视频编辑器(VSDC Free Video Editor)可以处理许多流行的文件格式,它还支持 4K 视频。

尽管它存在一些稳定性问题(在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),它崩溃了几次),但它是您可以找到的Windows Movie Maker的最佳替代品之一。VSDC Free Video Editor可免费下载和使用,但如果您想使用硬件加速(hardware acceleration)等高级工具,它会要求您购买Pro许可证。
下载:(Download:) VSDC 免费视频编辑器(VSDC Free Video Editor)
7. VideoPad 视频编辑器
VideoPad Video Editor是一个带有老式用户界面(user interface)的程序,似乎直接来自Windows XP 时代(Windows XP era)。但是,这不一定是坏事,尤其是对于记得在 Windows XP 上使用过Windows Movie Maker的用户而言。(Windows Movie Maker)除此之外,VideoPad Video Editor相对容易使用。它可让您编辑视频、自定义音乐曲目(music track),还可以执行修剪或附加视频文件等操作。如果您愿意,您可以添加视频和音频效果,以及在您编辑的视频中插入转场。甚至可以选择包含字幕。

在使用VideoPad Video Editor时,我们觉得在处理(VideoPad Video Editor)视频编辑(video editing)的方式上与Windows Movie Maker有相似之处。但是,我们必须承认,我们有点不安的是,尽管该程序是免费供家庭使用(home use)的,但该程序也有商业版供家庭使用(home use)。就像(Just)VSDC 免费视频编辑器(VSDC Free Video Editor)一样,某些功能和插件只有在您购买此应用程序时才能使用。但是,我们在VideoPad(VideoPad)网站上的任何地方都找不到任何详细描述这些功能的列表。总而言之,这是Windows Movie Maker的替代品(Windows Movie Maker)至少值得一试。
下载:(Download:) VideoPad 视频编辑器(VideoPad Video Editor)
您知道其他出色的Windows Movie Maker替代品吗?
这些是我们最喜欢的Windows Movie Maker替代品。其中一些比其他更易于使用,其中一些看起来比其他更好,其中一些提供比其他更多的选择。虽然有些人可能会说Windows Movie Maker永远无法替代,但我们希望您能在我们的列表中找到类似的视频编辑器。(video editor)您知道其他程序,例如Windows Movie Maker,应该在我们的列表中吗?在下面的评论中分享(Share)它们,我们将更新这篇文章。
Windows Movie Maker - Download the 7 best free alternatives
Micrоsoft's Windows Movie Maker has been one of the most popular video editing programs for Windows for a very long time. It was free, it was easy to use, and it produced excellent results for casual computer users. Since the company has decided to terminate it, it no longer offers any support or development for Movie Maker. If you're using Windows 10, a great alternative is Microsoft's own Video Editor app, but if you're using other operating systems, you must look for other alternatives. To make it easier for you to find a suitable replacement for Movie Maker, we have compiled a list of free applications that are similar to it:
1. Video Editor (Windows 10 only)
Windows 10 has a less known video editing tool that is one of the best replacements for Windows Movie Maker. It's called Video Editor, and it is integrated with the Photos app. The best part about it is that it's completely free, and built into Windows 10. The Video Editor lets you create video from the photos and videos that you select, add title cards, change text styles, trim, split, and rotate your videos. You can also apply motion effects to images and videos, add filters such as sepia, adventure, inky, or arcade, insert 3D effects, music and more. It's a great Windows Movie Maker replacement, and we found it to be so well built and with so many features that we'd call it the Movie Maker for Windows 10!

If you want to learn how to work with Windows 10's Video Editor, read 12 things you can do with the Video Editor from Windows 10.
Download: Microsoft Photos (the app includes Video Editor)
2. Shotcut
Shotcut is one of the best alternatives we could find for Windows Movie Maker. It is a video editor that offers a simple user interface with a sleek design and which is easy to understand and use. Shotcut supports many file formats for both video and audio files, and it includes all the essential editing tools you might want. You can drag and drop video and audio files as you see fit, you can cut and trim, and you can add filters on top of your work. However, you might not like the fact that you cannot add transitions in your videos. Unless you want that, Shotcut is going to make you happy with the final results you get from it.

Shotcut is free to download and use. It is available not only on Windows but also on Mac and Linux.
Download: Shotcut
3. VideoLAN Movie Creator
VideoLAN Movie Creator, or VLMC in short, is a video editor tool developed by the VideoLAN, the same organization that produces the famous VLC media player. VLMC is a cross-platform application that is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
VLMC's main advantage over all the other tools is that it is capable of working with almost any video and audio file types that you can imagine. It is also easy to use, as its interface is not complicated. However, it offers plenty of tools and options which you can use to create what you want. There are options for adding, splitting and trimming videos. You can add audio tracks, and include transition effects if you want. When you are done editing, you can also specify what level of quality and at what resolution you want to save your video.

Unfortunately, while we used and tested VLMC, it seemed to be somewhat unstable as it got stuck during the rendering of our videos. However, if you have enough patience to retry creating your videos, VLMC does an excellent job in the end. VLMC is entirely free, and it is also open-source, which means that anyone can contribute to the development of this program. If you used to like using Windows Movie Maker, but you wished it had more options and tools, then VideoLAN Movie Creator might be a better video editor for you.
Download: VideoLAN Movie Creator
4. Ezvid
Ezvid is one of the simplest and easiest video editors in the world. It is available for free, and its primary purpose is to record your screen. However, it also supports adding videos from local sources such as your hard drives. Its interface is spartan, and the few available options are all easy to identify. Ezvid lets you set a title and a description for your video, a watermark image of your choosing, as well as add some background music either from a list of bundled mixes or your music files. Once you finish editing your video, you can save it with a click. Unfortunately, there are no options to choose the format or quality of the final video file, which is always saved as a Windows Media Video file with the .wmv extension.

Ezvid is completely free, but, in exchange, all the videos you create with it have a short intro, in the beginning, saying that they have been made with Ezvid. However, you can simply delete it from the timeline of your project. If you liked Windows Movie Maker because it was so simple to use, then there is a probability that you will also like Ezvid.
Download: Ezvid
5. Avidemux
Avidemux is another straightforward video editor that anyone can start to use without having to read any documentation first. The user interface is plain, simple, and also ugly. However, it does the job it is supposed to do. There are only a few buttons available on the main user interface, and the top menu does not contain too many options although you might be tempted to think otherwise. However, when it comes to choosing the video codecs that are used, things change, and you get a wealth of options to choose from, including various filters that you can apply to your videos. With Avidemux, you start by opening the video file you want to edit, after which you can append new videos if you want. Additionally, you can also trim your videos as you like with the help of the Start and End markers on the bottom of the time scale.

Avidemux is free and, besides Windows, it is also available for Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X. It supports a wide array of video codecs to work with. If you do not mind the ugly and old-looking user interface, you might like Avidemux more than other similar video editors.
Download: Avidemux
6. VSDC Free Video Editor
VSDC Free Video Editor is a more sophisticated and evolved video editor than most of the other alternatives to Windows Movie Maker. This one looks more polished, while at the same time allowing you to edit videos just as easily as Windows Movie Maker did. VSDC Free Video Editor has a lot of options and settings to play with and gives you every tool you might want or need for editing your videos at a professional level. You can work with multiple video files, you can trim, split, arrange them as you like, and you can even add subtitles if you need to. If you like video or audio effects, you can add those too. VSDC Free Video Editor can work with many popular file formats, and it also supports 4K videos.

Although it has some stability issues (on our test computer, it crashed a few times), it is one of the best alternatives you can find to Windows Movie Maker. VSDC Free Video Editor is free to download and use, but it asks you to buy a Pro license if you want to use advanced tools such as hardware acceleration.
Download: VSDC Free Video Editor
7. VideoPad Video Editor
VideoPad Video Editor is a program with an old-school user interface that seems to have come straight from the Windows XP era. However, that is not necessarily a bad thing, especially for users who remember using Windows Movie Maker on Windows XP. Other than that, VideoPad Video Editor is relatively easy to use. It lets you edit your videos, customize the music track and also do things like trimming or appending video files. If you want to, you can add video and audio effects, as well as insert transitions in the videos you edit. There is even an option to include subtitles.

While working with VideoPad Video Editor, we felt a similarity with Windows Movie Maker in the way it handles the video editing. However, we must admit that we are a bit unsettled by the fact that, although the program is free for home use, there is also a commercial version of the program destined for home use. Just like in the case of VSDC Free Video Editor, some features and plugins work only if you buy this app. However, we could not find any list with a detailed description of those features anywhere on the VideoPad website. All in all, this is an alternative to Windows Movie Maker that is worth trying at least.
Download: VideoPad Video Editor
Do you know other great Windows Movie Maker replacements?
These are our favorite alternatives to Windows Movie Maker. Some of them are easier to use than others, some of them look better than others, and some of them offer more options than others. Although some may say that Windows Movie Maker can never be replaced, we hope that you can find a similar video editor on our list. Do you know other programs like Windows Movie Maker, which should be on our list? Share them in the comments below, and we will update this article.