你有没有发现自己坐在Netflix 屏幕前,无休止地滚动浏览节目,想知道“(Netflix screen)今晚(Netflix tonight)我应该在 Netflix 上看什么?” 几个小时(Hours)后,您发现该睡觉了,但您实际上什么都没看!欢迎来到“选择麻痹”的世界。
在这种情况下,您有很多看似不错的选择,最终您根本别无选择。克服这个问题的一种有效方法是限制(limiting the number of choices)你面前的选择数量。
这正是我们现在要为您做的事情,这样您就可以花更多的时间观看Netflix,而花更少的时间考虑( thinking about)观看Netflix。为了帮助找出谁想要哪些节目,我们将使用当今最科学有效的人格理论(personality theory)——五因素模型(five factor model)。
这是科学!好吧,也许不是我们现在的(we’re )做法,但它仍然是一种有趣的方式来思考在Netflix上看什么。
还有什么比人类的性欲更充满未知?性教育(Sex Education)(Sex Education)是一个古怪的节目,讲述一个年轻人从他的性治疗师母亲(sex therapist mother)那里学到的东西,并开始向他自己困惑的青少年学校伙伴提供建议。取得了不同程度的成功。带着同样的笑声和畏缩因素(laughter and cringe factor),性教育(Sex Education)也将推动你自己的性知识的界限。是的,你需要非常(very )开放地欣赏这个。
毫无疑问,您听说过 Netflix 大热的《怪奇物语(Stranger Things)(Stranger Things)》,但如果您还没有看过它,您可能会认为这部创新的恐怖节目(horror show)只是对激发它的 80 年代流行文化的怀旧翻版。(pop culture)这与事实相去甚远,当涉及到你没想到的令人费解的想法和曲折时,你会发现一个锋利的现代叙事。这个节目不会死(t die)是有充分理由的。
《非自然选择》(Unnatural Selection)(Unnatural Selection)是一部精彩的纪录片,它将以意想不到的方式扩展你的思维。如果您想要了解可以改变人类本质的科学发展前沿的速成课程,那么这就是值得观看的节目。它解释并强调了基因编辑技术今天已经可以做什么,以及很快可以创造、改变或修复(change or repair)什么。这真是一次旅行!
我们为您准备的第一个节目是与Marie Kondo的精彩(Marie Kondo)整理(Tidying Up)(Tidying Up)。近藤女士(Ms. Kondo)以她的家政技巧而闻名于世,本系列展示了她惊人的技巧,帮助您以非常日本式的高效方式整理和整理您的家。
格蕾丝和弗兰基(Grace and Frankie)(Grace and Frankie)充满了有缺陷的角色,他们试图充分利用生活中的曲线球,但演员阵容几乎普遍由从根本上讲道德并试图做正确事情的人组成。至少从他们的角度来看。当他们的丈夫离开他们时,同名的格蕾丝和弗兰基(Grace and Frankie)最终成为了朋友和商业伙伴——为了彼此!这是一个很好的前提,而且这部剧拥有绝对的全明星阵容也确实很有帮助。
我们的星球(Our Planet)(Our Planet)是有史以来最美丽的自然纪录片之一。该系列由大卫·阿滕伯勒爵士(Sir David Attenborough)讲述,重点关注保护问题以及我们人类如何影响自然世界。这是我们当中有责任心的人会欣赏的完美洞察力。
外向的人是更喜欢与他人相处的人。他们喜欢与人交谈,大部分时间不喜欢独处。(t enjoy)因此,这些节目的选择是基于这样一个事实,即它们最适合与一群朋友一起观看,或者以其他方式吸引这种外向的生活方式。
Netflix对(Netflix)Dracula古老故事的全新演绎向我们展示了终极外向的行动,尽管他在社会可接受的行为方面确实存在小问题!这是您绝对不能为自己破坏的节目之一,因此我们将避免提及任何曲折。相反,请放心,克拉斯·邦(Claes Bang)作为超级迷人的吸血鬼的转变既可怕又完全不可抗拒。该节目也很短,使其成为完美的周末狂欢(weekend binge)!
Next in Fashion是一个炙手可热的新真人秀节目(reality show),才华横溢的时装设计师将相互对决,以确定谁将成为时尚界的下一个大人物。这个节目是外向性的缩影,模特们高举着他们的东西,华丽的人让人感觉到他们的存在(presence felt)。这也恰好是与一群朋友一起观看的精彩节目,尤其是如果您是时髦人群(hip crowd)中的一员。
坚不可摧的 Kimi Schmidt(The Unbreakable Kimi Schmidt)(The Unbreakable Kimi Schmidt)讲述了一个年轻女子被邪教领袖(cult leader)绑架并关押在地下掩体中的古怪故事。一旦(Once)获救,她需要让自己的生活重回正轨,而她永恒的乐观和不屈不挠的精神是唯一能让她度过难关的东西。有点超现实,也很有趣, Kimi是最外向的人,即使这是情况所要求的最后一件事。
Queer Eye是Queer Eye for the Straight Guy的精神继承者。在这个新节目中,“五虎”每周都会拜访不同的贫困候选人(needy nominee),帮助他们重拾生活。虽然一集中的每个人都有不同的需求,但观看此视频的任何人都会欣赏有关个人修饰,如何社交,如何装饰房屋以及一些外向的人似乎从出生就明白的所有其他事情的提示。性格内向并没有(s nothing)错, 但看看另一半的生活从来都不是一件坏事。
Mortified Guide(The Mortified Guide)(The Mortified Guide)对几乎每个人来说都是一部非常难看的手表,但它也是一个很棒的节目,可以帮助你感觉自己不是世界上唯一一个有尴尬、羞辱经历的人。在每一集中,人们都会上台讲述他们最痛苦的经历。这很有趣,而且超级令人毛骨悚然。确实很棒的娱乐!
IT 人群(The IT Crowd)(The IT Crowd)是《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)所希望的节目。这部邪典经典喜剧讲述了三个人在一个功能失调的公司地狱洞工作的(hell hole)IT 部门(IT Department)。这就是“您是否尝试过将其关闭然后再打开?” 来自。是王牌
朋友(Frie)(Frie)无需(n)(n)介绍(ds)(ds)。这是一部情景喜剧,记录了生活在纽约(New York)90 年代的五个年轻人的起起落落。他们在现实生活中永远买不起的公寓。经过这么多年和大量感觉良好的喜剧,仍然坚持下去。
好地方(The Good Place)(The Good Place)把我们的女主角扔进了来世,但她暗地里知道她不配拥有(t deserve)这个天堂。她的良心会战胜她还是会假装它直到她成功?
与鲍勃罗斯(Chill with Bob Ross)(Chill with Bob Ross)一起放松无非就是看着世界上最寒冷的家伙之一画(world paint)一些非常漂亮的照片。如果你愿意,你甚至可以和他一起画。使用你的 iPad。一切都很酷,伙计。
另一方面,你可能有点愤世嫉俗。当孩子们来过万圣节(Halloween)时,你更有可能分发花招而不是款待。如果你是一个沉迷于黑暗和愤怒(darkness and anger)的人,这些充满态度的 Netflix 节目可能会“温暖”你的心。
少女女巫萨布丽娜(Sabrina the Teenage Witch)(Sabrina the Teenage Witch)回来了,但这不是梅丽莎琼哈特(Melissa Joan Hart)在 90 年代带我们回到的家庭友好型世界。黑暗(Dark)、邪恶和令人愉快的邪恶。它打勾了(字面上)该死的美好时光的所有框。可悲的是,猫不再说话了。
巫师(The Witcher)(The Witcher)是目前世界上(world right)最大的流媒体节目(streaming show),这是正确的。这是我们一直在等待的黑暗电视幻想。(TV fantasy)一些咒骂,许多沉默寡言的咕哝声(taciturn grunting)和黑暗魔法怪物的混乱(monster mayhem)。真的每个人都应该看这个,但如果你喜欢黑暗,这尤其重要。
(You)如果你对浪漫的想法是一个心理跟踪者,那么(psycho stalker)你就是一个“浪漫”系列(” series)。是的,主角是坏人,如果你喜欢德克斯特(Dexter)这样的节目,那么你是另一个应该在你的名单上的标题。男生会追女生吗?为了她,我们希望不会。
性格中有很多神经质的人往往会感到焦虑,有点沮丧,怀疑自己,过于关注消极的事情。所以这些程序要么是一个很好的解毒剂,要么让你从不同的角度看待神经质的生活。不,这不仅仅是伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen)电影的清单。
与自己一起生活(Living with Yourself)(Living with Yourself)正是它在锡上所说的。保罗·路德(Paul Rudd)发现他被自己的克隆人所取代。他能和自己一起生活吗?杀死你的克隆人是谋杀(clone murder)吗?克隆版的他更阳光(t help)也无济于事。我们中间的神经质真的和这个有关。
Bojack Horseman刚刚完成了最后的运行,坦率地说,这是一部杰作。一部关于动物人和普通人生活在虚构版好莱坞(Hollywood)的成人动画节目,波杰克(Bojack)既搞笑又完全不怕钻研负面情绪的最黑暗角落。它讽刺一切,包括它自己。有名无实的波杰克(Bojack)是一个 90 年代的老演员,他有很多罪要赎罪,甚至还有更多的治愈工作要做。和他一起旅行每一分钟都是值得的。
《大嘴巴》(Big Mouth)(Big Mouth)是另一部成人动画系列,以超现实但凄美的视角审视了我们生命中最艰难的时期——青春期(– puberty)。古怪的角色必须成长并应对尴尬的人类性行为的复杂世界。
What Should I Watch On Netflix? Binge Without Guessing [2020 Edition]
Have уou evеr found yourself sitting in front of the Netflix screen, endlessly scrolling through shows, and wondering “what should I watch on Netflix tonight?” Hours later you find it’s time for bed, but you haven’t actually watched anything! Welcome to the world of “choice paralysis”.
A situation where you have so many seemingly good choices, that you end up making no choice at all. One effective way to get over this problem, is by limiting the number of choices in front of you.
That’s exactly what we are going to do for you right now, so you can spend more time watching Netflix and less time thinking about watching Netflix. To help sort out who would like which shows, we’re going to use the most scientifically valid personality theory of today – the five factor model.
That’s right! Each one of our recommendations from Netflix will be aligned along the five different personality dimensions this popular model says every person has inside of them.
It’s science! OK, maybe not the way we’re doing it, but it’s still a fun way to think about what to watch on Netflix.
For Those Open to New Experiences
Are you someone who is open to new ideas and new experiences? Do you like having your horizons expanded? Then you’ll love these shows that push the boundaries and really make you think.
What’s more filled with unknowns than human sexuality? Sex Education is a quirky program about a young man who takes what he’s learned from his sex therapist mother and starts doling out advice to his own confused adolescent school chums. With varying degrees of success. With equal parts laughter and cringe factor, Sex Education will also push at the boundaries of your own sexual knowledge. Yup, you need to be very open to appreciate this one.
There’s little doubt that you’ve heard of Netflix’s smash-hit Stranger Things, but if you haven’t seen it you may think this innovative horror show is just a nostalgic rehash of the 80s pop culture that inspired it. That couldn’t be further from the truth and you’ll find a razor-sharp, modern narrative when it comes to mind-bending ideas and twists you didn’t see coming. There’s a good reason this show just won’t die.
Unnatural Selection is a fantastic documentary that will expand your mind in ways that can be quite unexpected. If you want a crash-course in the cutting edge of scientific developments that could change the very nature of our humanity, well this is the show to watch. It explains and highlights what gene editing technology can already do today and what it will soon be possible to create, change or repair. It’s a heck of a trip!
For the Conscientious
Conscientious people are responsible, organized, hard-working and like to stick to rules. If that sounds like you, these Netflix shows will probably rub you the right way.
The first show on our list for you is the excellent Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Ms. Kondo is world famous for her homemaking tips and this series showcases her amazing techniques to help you tidy and organize your home in a very Japanese-efficient way.
Grace and Frankie is filled with flawed characters trying to make the best of life’s curveballs, but the cast almost universally consists of people who are fundamentally moral and try to do the right thing. From their point of view at least. The eponymous Grace and Frankie end up becoming friends and business partners when their husbands leave them – for each other! It’s a great premise and it also really helps that this show has an absolutely all-star cast.
Our Planet is one of the most beautiful nature documentaries ever made. Narrated by none other than Sir David Attenborough, the series focuses on conservation issues and how we humans are impacting the natural world. It’s the perfect bit of insight the conscientious among us will appreciate.
For the Extroverted
An extrovert is someone who prefers the company of other people. They like to talk with others and don’t enjoy being alone most of the time. So these programs have been chosen based on the fact that they are best watched with a group of friends or otherwise appeal to that extroverted lifestyle.
Netflix new take on the age-old tale of Dracula shows us the ultimate extrovert in action, although he does have a small issue with socially acceptable behavior! This is one of those shows that you absolutely must not spoil for yourself, so we’ll avoid mentioning any of the twists and turns. Instead, rest assured that Claes Bang’s turn as the ultra-charming vampire is both terrifying and utterly irresistible. The show is also mercifully short, making it the perfect weekend binge!
Next in Fashion is a hot new reality show where talented fashion designers face off against each other to determine who will be the next big thing in fashion. This show is the epitome of extroversion, with models strutting their stuff and flamboyant people making their presence felt. It also happens to be a great show to watch with a group of friends, especially if you’re part of a hip crowd.
The Unbreakable Kimi Schmidt is the quirky story of a young woman who is kidnapped and kept in an underground bunker by a cult leader. Once rescued, she needs to get her life back on track and her eternal optimism and indomitable spirit are the only things that can get her through. A little surreal, and very funny, Kimi is the ultimate extrovert even when that’s the last thing the situation calls for.
For the Introverted
Introverted people enjoy their solitude and like subdued experiences. You could argue that Netflix as a whole is an introvert’s paradise, but these programs in particular should appeal to you if you prefer your own company.
Queer Eye is the spiritual successor to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. This new show sees the “Fab Five” visit a different needy nominee every week and help them get their lives back together. While each person in an episode has different needs, anyone watching this will appreciate the tips when it comes to personal grooming, how to be social, how to decorate your home and all the other things some extroverted people seem to understand from birth. There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert, but it’s never a bad thing to see how the other half lives.
The Mortified Guide is going to be a pretty hard watch for just about everyone, but it’s also a great show to help you feel like you aren’t the only person in the world to have awkward, mortifying experiences. In each episode people take the stage to tell the stories of their most mortifying experiences. It’s funny and super cringey. Excellent entertainment indeed!
The IT Crowd is the show The Big Bang Theory wishes it was. The cult classic comedy about three people working the IT Department at a dysfunctional corporate hell hole. This is where “have you tried turning it off and on again?” comes from. It’s ace.
The Best Shows for Agreeable People
Agreeable people are great to be around. They are affectionate, understanding and tend to like doing nice things for other people. The positive stuff in life makes them happy and if you’re one of these bubbly do-gooders these Netflix shows are probably going to make your day.
Friends needs no introduction. It’s a sitcom chronicling the ups and downs of five young people living in 90s New York. Living apartments they could never afford in real life. Still holds up after all these years and plenty of feel-good comedy.
The Good Place throws our heroine into the afterlife, but secretly she knows she doesn’t deserve this paradise. Will her conscience get the best of her or will she fake it till she makes it?
Chill with Bob Ross is nothing more than watching one of the most chill dudes in the world paint some very pretty pictures. You can even paint them along with him if you want. Use your iPad. It’s all cool, man.
If You’re, er, Not So Agreeable
On the flipside, you might be a bit of cynic. When the kids come around for Halloween you’re more likely to hand out tricks rather than treats. If you’re someone who revels in a bit of darkness and anger, these attitude-filled Netflix shows will probably “warm” your heart.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch is back, but this isn’t the family-friendly world that Melissa Joan Hart took us to back in the 90s. Dark, satanic and delightfully evil. It ticks all the boxes of a (literally) bloody good time. Sadly, the cat no longer talks.
The Witcher is the biggest streaming show in the world right now and rightly so. This is the dark TV fantasy we’ve all been waiting for. Some swearing, lots of taciturn grunting and dark magical monster mayhem. Really everyone should watch this, but if you like it dark this is especially essential.
You is a “romantic” series if your idea of romance is being a psycho stalker. Yes, the protagonist is the bad guy and if you liked shows such as Dexter, then You is another title that should be on your list. Will the guy get the girl? For her sake we hope not.
If You’re a Bit Neurotic
People who feature a lot of neuroticism in their personalities tend to feel some anxiety, get a little depressed, doubt themselves and focus a bit too much on the negative things. So these programs are either a pretty good antidote to that or let you see the neurotic life from a different point of view. No, it’s not just a list of Woody Allen movies.
Living with Yourself is exactly what it says on the tin. Paul Rudd discovers that he’s been replaced by a clone of himself. Can he live with himself? Is killing your clone murder? It doesn’t help that the cloned version of him is a sunnier person either. The neurotic among us will really relate to this one.
Bojack Horseman just finished its final run and, frankly, it’s a masterpiece. An adult animated show about animal people and the more usual people living together in a fictional version of Hollywood, Bojack is both hilarious and completely unafraid of delving into the darkest corners of negative emotion. It lampoons everything, including itself. The titular Bojack is a washed-up 90s actor who has plenty of sins to atone for and even more healing to do. Taking the trip with him is worth every minute.
Big Mouth is another adult animated series taking a surreal but poignant look at the hardest time in our lives – puberty. The wacky cast of characters have to grow up and deal with the complex world of awkward human sexuality.
Are You Not Entertained?
That should cover just about every broad preference out there for what to watch on Netflix, but the important thing is to start watching something. Either you’ll like it enough to get to the end, or you won’t. But at least you’ll know which instead just staring at the menus for yet another day.