这两种方法都基于WordPress内容管理系统 ( CMS ) 平台。但是,在做出决定之前,您应该了解两者之间的主要区别。
WordPress.com是由(WordPress.com)WordPress公司托管和管理的平台,而WordPress.org是您可以下载WordPress CMS以安装在您自己的托管网站帐户上的地方。
什么是 WordPress.com?(What Is WordPress.com?)
如果您不是很精通计算机,那么设置一个网络托管帐户并安装您自己的WordPress CMS平台的想法可能看起来非常令人生畏。如果这描述了您,那么WordPress.com将是您创建自己的博客的理想选择。
WordPress.com是一个博客所有者社区,他们使用由公司WordPress托管和管理的WordPress平台。首次注册WordPress.com帐户时,您会看到两个菜单选项 -我的网站(My Site)和阅读器(Reader)。

使用 WordPress.com 创建站点(Creating a Site Using WordPress.com)
要启动您自己的博客,只需选择页面顶部的“我的网站”选项卡。(My Site)如果这是您第一次访问该网站,此页面会显示您还没有任何WordPress网站。

使用WordPress.com(WordPress.com)创建新站点就像选择“创建站点(Create Site)”按钮一样简单。WordPress.com提供预先存在的主题来创建商业网站、个人网站甚至在线商店。

接下来的一系列步骤将引导您为您的网站创建一个标题,以及选择您网站的URL的选项。您可以选择购买实际域名,也可以选择免费选项,这是一个URL ,它是home.blog 父域的子域。

- 查看您的网站并发布统计信息。
- 自定义网站的外观。
- 访问WordPress插件、查看博客营销选项以及选择从博客中赚钱的选项。
- 访问您的 WP 管理仪表板。
当您使用WordPress.org在自己的托管网站上安装 WordPress 时, (WordPress.org)WP Admin仪表板可让您访问相同的管理仪表板。

- 快速简便的博客设置。
- 易于快速开始写博客。
- 强大的社会融合。
- 简单的用户界面。
- 免费帐户托管为子域。
- (Less)修改您自己的博客主题的灵活性较低。
- 无法访问您自己托管的网站文件。
- 更难在谷歌(Google)搜索结果中排名。
什么是 WordPress.org?(What Is WordPress.org?)
WordPress.org是您需要下载整个WordPress CMS平台的地方,您将使用该平台在您的网站上安装WordPress 。当您访问该站点时,只需选择获取 WordPress(Get WordPress)即可开始使用。

要下载安装文件,只需选择下载 WordPress(Download WordPress)按钮并下载包含您需要的所有内容的ZIP文件。(ZIP)在您安装自己的自托管WordPress平台之前,您需要选择一个负担得起的网络托管服务(affordable web hosting service),您可以在其中上传WordPress CMS。
一旦您注册了一个虚拟主机帐户,请按照您的虚拟主机的说明使用FileZilla等FTP(an FTP)工具(tool)连接到您的根网站目录。将WordPress ZIP(WordPress ZIP)文件解压缩到您的计算机,然后上传包含wp-admin、wp-content和wp-includes的目录中的所有文件和文件夹。

将所有这些文件和文件夹上传到您的虚拟主机帐户的根目录。上传所有文件后,您就可以逐步完成在您自己的域上手动安装 WordPress的过程。(manually installing WordPress)

在您的站点上安装WordPress后,您可以通过在浏览器地址字段中的域名末尾添加/wp-admin/WP 管理仪表板。(WP Admin)
访问此链接后,您将看到一个WP 管理(WP Admin)仪表板,该仪表板与您使用WordPress.com启动博客时的仪表板相同。


如您所见,无论您使用WordPress.com还是WordPress.org ,几乎所有内容都相同。但是,与WordPress.com相比,使用(WordPress.com)WordPress.org有几个优势。
- 完全(Full)访问自定义您想要的WordPress主题的任何方面。
- 无论您的网站获得多少流量,都无需付费。
- 图像存储仅受您的网络托管存储限制的限制。
- 您可以自定义Google搜索如何抓取您的网站。
- 更容易在Google搜索结果中列出。
- 需要稍高的计算机知识水平。
- 您负责维护您的 WordPress 安装并保持更新。
- 如果您的网站被黑,您有责任恢复它。
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: The Pros & Cons Of Each
If you are thinking of ѕtarting your own blog, and you want to use WordPress as your bloggіng platform, you have a сouple of options. Yоu can use either WordPress.com or WordPress.org.
Both methods are based on the WordPress content management system (CMS) platform. However there are major differences between the two that you should understand before you make a decision.
WordPress.com is a platform hosted and managed by the WordPress company, while WordPress.org is where you can download the WordPress CMS to install on your own hosted website account.
What Is WordPress.com?
If you aren’t very computer savvy, the idea of setting up a web hosting account and installing your own WordPress CMS platform may seem very daunting. If this describes you, then WordPress.com would be your ideal choice to launch your own blog.
WordPress.com is a community of blog owners who are using the WordPress platform that’s hosted and managed by WordPress, the company. When you first sign up for a WordPress.com account, you’ll see two menu options – My Site and Reader.

In the Reader tab, you can use the search field to search for other bloggers who’ve created blogs on WordPress.com. You can follow their blogs and return to this tab to read new posts every day.
Reader is the social area of WordPress.com where you can follow the posts and conversations taking place on the WordPress blogs that you’re following.
Creating a Site Using WordPress.com
To launch your own blog, just select the My Site tab at the top of the page. If it’s your first time on the site, this page will say you don’t have any WordPress sites yet.

Creating a new site using WordPress.com is as simple as selecting the Create Site button. WordPress.com offers pre-existing themes to create a business site, a personal site, and even an online store.
You can select from any of these templates, or just opt to create a site with a basic template.

On the next page, you’ll need to search for the main topic your blog is about, then select Continue.
The next series of steps will walk you through creating a Title for your website, and the option to choose your site’s URL. You’ll have the option to purchase an actual domain name, or you can go with the free option, which is a URL that’s a subdomain of the home.blog parent domain.

Editing posts in WordPress.com has the identical appearance and the same tools that are available when you self-host using WordPress.org.
On the main WordPress.com dashboard, you’ll also have access to tools that you’d normally have to add and configure yourself when you use the WordPress.org self-hosting option.
These tools include:
- Viewing your website and post statistics.
- Customizing the appearance of your site.
- Accessing WordPress plugins, viewing blog marketing options, and choosing options to earn money from your blog.
- Access your WP Admin dashboard.
The WP Admin dashboard gives you access to the identical administrative dashboard that you have access to when you install WordPress on your own hosted website using WordPress.org.

As you can see, running a WordPress site using WordPress.com is fully functional and provides you with the same sorts of features you can expect with a self-hosted WordPress blog.
There are several pros and cons to consider before making the decision to go with WordPress.com.
- Quick and easy blog setup.
- Easy to start blogging quickly.
- Strong social integration.
- Simple user interface.
- Free account is hosted as a subdomain.
- Less flexibility to modify your own blog themes.
- No access to your own hosted website files.
- More difficult to rank in Google search results.
What Is WordPress.org?
If you are able to install software on your own computer, you should be able to install WordPress onto your own hosted website.
WordPress.org is where you will need to go to download the entire WordPress CMS platform that you’ll use to install WordPress on your site. When you visit the site, just select Get WordPress to get started.

To download the installation files, just select the Download WordPress button and download the ZIP file that contains everything you need. Before you can install your own self-hosted WordPress platform, you’ll need to choose an affordable web hosting service where you can upload the WordPress CMS.
Once you’ve signed up for a web hosting account, use the instructions from your web host to connect to your root website directory using an FTP tool like FileZilla. Unzip the WordPress ZIP file to your computer, and then upload all of the files and folders in the directory that contains wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes.

Upload all of these files and folders to the root directory of your web hosting account. Once you’ve uploaded all of the files, you’re ready to step through the process of manually installing WordPress on your own domain.
Once you’ve installed WordPress on your new web hosting domain, you’ll need to upload and install a WordPress theme to customize the style of your site. If you select the Themes link on WordPress.org, you’ll have access to hundreds of free themes to choose from.

The theme that you choose and download will need to be uploaded into your hosted account inside the \wp-content\themes\ folder.
Once you have WordPress installed on your site, you can access the WP Admin dashboard by adding /wp-admin/ at the end of your domain name in your browser address field.
Once you access this link, you’ll see a WP Admin dashboard that’s identical to the one you would have if you’d used WordPress.com to launch your blog.
Once you’ve uploaded the theme folder to your hosted website account, you can select Appearance and Themes from the WP-Admin dashboard menu to view that theme and activate it.

Once you’ve set up WordPress on your own hosted domain, creating new posts for your site is identical to how you would add posts using WordPress.org.
The interface looks identical, but you have access to far more customization features and plugins than if you’re only using WordPress.org.

As you can see, mostly everything appears the same whether you use WordPress.com or WordPress.org. However, there are several advantages to using WordPress.org over WordPress.com.
- Full access to customize any aspect of the WordPress theme that you want.
- No cost, regardless of how much traffic your site gets.
- Image storage is only limited by your web hosting storage limits.
- You can customize how Google search crawls your website.
- Easier to get listed in Google search results.
- Requires slightly higher level of computer knowledge.
- You’re responsible for maintaining your WordPress installation and keeping it updated.
- If your site gets hacked, you’re responsible for recovering it.
Either WordPress.com or WordPress.com are valid methods of launching your own WordPress site. The one you choose just depends on your level of expertise when it comes to managing a self-hosted website. WordPress.org provides people without technical skills with the ability to launch a blog if they want to.