你喜欢看让人感觉良好的电影吗?如果在Hallmark 频道播出(Hallmark Channel)的电影和电视节目在您的清单上,您可能需要在没有电缆的情况下观看Hallmark 频道的方法。(Hallmark Channel)本文讨论了在没有电缆的情况下流式传输Hallmark 频道的选项。(Hallmark Channel)要观看Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel),您需要订阅有线电视提供商或任何其他流媒体服务。下面讨论了在您的设备上观看Hallmark 频道的方法。(Hallmark Channel)
无需电缆即可观看 Hallmark 频道的 5 种方法(5 Ways to Watch Hallmark Channel Without Cable)
以下是在没有电缆的情况下观看Hallmark 频道的方法。(Hallmark Channel)此外,我们列出了无需电缆即可观看Hallmark 频道的最佳服务列表。(Hallmark Channel)
方法一:通过Hallmark官网(Method 1: Through Hallmark Official Website)
选项一:无处不在的标志性频道(Option I: Hallmark Channel Everywhere)
Hallmark Channel Everywhere拥有 Hallmark 的所有内容,包括电影、电视节目等。网站上有许多频道节目和电影。
- Hallmark Channel Everywhere是一个流媒体服务网站,可以使用任何网络浏览器(any web browser)进行查看。
- 除了现有的节目外,它还提供点播服务( on-demand service)。
- 它提供高质量的图片。(high-quality pictures.)
- 有些电影是完全免费(completely free)的,您无需登录即可观看。
- 您只能在美国境内(within the US)访问该网站,或者您需要有VPN才能使用该网站。
- 您可以使用任何流媒体服务的登录凭据来使用该应用程序。
- 该应用程序可在所有设备上有效运行,例如Amazon Fire TV、Roku 和所有操作系统(Amazon Fire TV, Roku, and all OS)。
- 该应用程序还提供直播电视流媒体(live TV streaming)。
- 或者,您可以使用该链接观看Hallmark TV。
选项二:现在的标志性电影(Option II: Hallmark Movies Now)
Hallmark Movies Now是专门针对电影的网站服务。
- 如果您没有有线电视订阅,您可以从官方网站购买订阅。
- 一个重要的方面是它带有7 天的免费试用期(free trial for 7 days),因此您可以检查它是否符合您的喜好。
- 它不播放目前在有线电视上播放的电影。这将允许您观看您最喜爱的老电影。
- 它还在网站上按需播放收藏夹或Hallmark 名人堂电影。(Hallmark Hall)
- 您可以从Hallmark Channels(Hallmark Channels)看到所有热门电影和原创电影、连续剧和特别节目。
- Hallmark Channel和Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 的内容也被添加到网站上。
- 与有线电视相比,该服务的一个主要优势是没有广告中断(no ad interruptions)。
- 将您的设备位置设置在美国境内(device location set within the US)以访问该网站非常重要。
- Hallmark Movies Now 流媒体服务也可作为应用程序使用。
- 该应用程序和官方网站都支持所有流媒体平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )2021 年 9 款最佳免费电影流媒体应用(9 Best Free Movie Streaming Apps in 2021)
方法二:通过 YouTube(Method 2: Through YouTube)
观看Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)的方法之一是通过YouTube。
选项一:YouTube 频道(Option I: YouTube Channel)
- 它还具有不同领域的电视节目和视频播放列表,如美食、DIY、娱乐(food, DIY, entertainment,)等。
- 您可以使用Hallmark 的官方 YouTube 频道(official YouTube channel for Hallmark)观看内容。
- 在此服务上观看内容是完全免费的。(completely free)
选项二:YouTube 电视(Option II: YouTube TV)
如果您希望获得电视节目和电影的直播服务,您可以依赖Hallmark 的 YouTube TV(YouTube TV of Hallmark)。
- YouTube TV 添加了Hallmark Channel、Hallmark Movies and Mysteries 和 Hallmark Drama 频道(Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies and Mysteries, and Hallmark Drama)。
- 额外的好处是您可以获得无限的云 DVR 存储空间(unlimited cloud DVR storage)来观看您的录像。
- 您可以同时在三个设备上流(three devices simultaneously)式传输频道。
- 这还包括点播服务和直播电视节目(on-demand service and live TV programs)。
- 但是,您必须订阅付费(premium subscription)才能观看YouTube TV 上的频道。
- 这是一个昂贵的选择,但所提供的服务物有所值。
- 使用YouTube TV 提供一周的免费试用期,让您决定订阅。
- YouTube TV 也可作为应用程序安装在所有主要平台上(all major platforms)。
方法3:通过视频市场应用程序(Method 3: Through Video Marketplace App)
您可以使用YouTube(YouTube)、Google Play Store、Apple Play Store、Prime Video等Video Marketplace应用购买或租借您最喜爱的Hallmark电影或电视节目。
选项 I:来自 Amzon Prime Video(Option I: From Amzon Prime Video)
Prime Video提供了Hallmark的某些电影。此方法专门适用于流式传输Hallmark电影。Hallmark Movies Now 已在(Movies)Prime Video上列出,您可以订阅它。
- 这使您可以访问超过1000 小时的 Hallmark 原创电影(1000 hours of Hallmark original movies)。
- 要使用此服务,您需要在Amazon Prime上拥有一个帐户。
选项二:来自 PlayStation Vue(Option II: From PlayStation Vue)
您可以使用PlayStation Vue(PlayStation Vue)享受无电缆的Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)。
- PlayStation Vue的Elite 和 Ultra 计划(Elite and Ultra plans of PlayStation Vue)包括 Hallmark 频道。
- 此包中包含Hallmark Channel、Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 和 Hallmark Drama 频道(Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, and Hallmark Drama)。
- 这也与许多设备兼容,使其成为一个不错的选择。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳视频流媒体应用程序(Top 10 Best Video Streaming Apps)
方法四:通过电视流媒体服务(Method 4: Through Television Streaming Service)
本节将向您介绍一些服务列表,这些服务让您无需使用有线连接即可以实惠的价格观看Hallmark 频道,而无需支付设备费用即可使用有线连接。(Hallmark Channel)
选项一:Frndly TV(Option I: Frndly TV)
Frndly TV是(Frndly TV)Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)最受欢迎的流媒体服务。这是一项非常适合家庭的服务。
- 它包括Hallmark Channel、Hallmark Movies and Mysteries 和 Hallmark Drama(Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies and Mysteries, and Hallmark Drama)。
- 您可以购买该套餐的订阅并随时取消它。
- 它还提供为期一周的免费试用(free one-week trial),并计划让您决定使用该包。
- 订阅费是负担得起的,适合预算计划。
- 它包括直播电视节目和点播节目(live TV and on-demand)。
- 这项服务的显着优势是您可以观看有线电视上正在播放的节目和电影。
- 因此,如果您希望通过更新的内容充实自己,可以选择此服务。
- 这些视频具有高清质量(high definition quality)。
- 它还提供无限的 DVR 录像(unlimited DVR recordings),您可以保存长达 3 个月。
- 提供的频道很少(minimal),仅包含21 个频道。(21 channels.)
- 该服务可以使用任何设备(any of the devices)进行流式传输。
选项二:Philo TV(Option II: Philo TV)
Philo TV是无需有线电视即可享受Hallmark 频道的另一种选择。(Hallmark Channel)此流媒体服务的功能如下所列:
- Philo TV直播电视频道,包括Hallmark Channel、Hallmark Drama 和 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries(Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Drama, and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)。
- 该服务有大约60 个频道(60 channels),包括Hallmark频道。
- 您可以在官方网站上订阅此服务。
- 它还包括一周的试用期(a week’s trial),您可以使用它来检查它是否适合您。
- 它还包括一个具有无限云存储的(unlimited cloud storage)云 DVR(cloud DVR)。但是,保存的录音只能使用30 天(30 days)。
- 还有一个点播库(on-demand library),拥有近 60,000 条内容。您可以观看图书馆中的任何Hallmark内容。
- 与Hallmark一起,它提供了许多基本频道。
- 除了兼容所有设备外,您还可以在三台设备(three devices)上以相同的登录方式查看频道。
选项三:Vidgo(Option III: Vidgo)
- Vidgo 主要专注于电视直播频道(live TV streaming of channels)。
- 除了Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel),您还可以获得多达95 个频道(95 channels)。
- 计划的定价(pricing)相对(comparatively more)高于其他计划。
- 您可以尝试订阅一周,然后购买计划。
- 此外,您可以随时取消流媒体服务的会员资格。
- 它在所有设备上都受支持。
- 您可以使用相同的登录名在三台设备(three devices)上观看频道。
方案四:伏波电视(Option IV: Fubo TV)
您可以使用Fubo TV流式传输Hallmark频道而无需电缆。
Fubo TV服务提供大量付费电视频道(pay-TV channels)。
- 您可以在有线电视上观看直播频道。(live)
- 此外,您还可以将节目录制到云端 DVR(cloud DVR)中。
- 云硬盘录像机的存储时间约为250 小时(250 hours)。
(Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and Hallmark Channel)基础包中提供了Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 和 Hallmark Channel 。
- 图书馆中有近 15,000 条点播内容(on-demand content),包括来自Hallmark频道的视频内容。
- 除了Hallmark频道外,该包中还有大约116 个频道(116 channels)。
- 它还流式传输黄金时段的节目和电影(prime-time shows and movies),使这项服务成为一个多合一的选择。
- 您可以选择通过1 周的免费试用(1-week free trial)来测试该服务。
- 您可以随时取消订阅,并且没有相关的取消费用。
- Fubo TV 允许您使用 Fubo 登录凭据同时在三个屏幕(three screens simultaneously)上观看。
- 如果您想使用应用程序版本,您可以在您的设备上安装Fubo TV应用程序。该应用程序可在所有主要平台上使用,如Roku、Amazon Fire TV、Apple TV等。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何以高清或超高清流式传输 Netflix(How to Stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD)
选项 V:DIRECTV 流(Option V: DIRECTV Stream)
您可以从DIRECTV Stream(DIRECTV Stream)观看无电缆的Hallmark频道。
- AT&T TV 推出了DIRECTV Stream以提供流媒体电视内容包。
- 这是电缆包的最佳替代品。
- 它还具有非常可靠且没有中断的高质量实时流。(high-quality live streams)
- 该平台为您提供了在多达20 台设备上同时(20 devices simultaneously)观看频道的优势。
- 云硬盘录像机(cloud DVR)非常有限,只有20 小时的存储时间(20 hours of storage)。
- 它还拥有一个拥有近 40,000 个内容的点播库。(on-demand library)
- DIRECTV Stream 提供5 天免费试用(5-day free trial in),您可以在其中查看该计划是否适合您。
- 但是,订阅成本高于其他流媒体服务。
- 该服务不需要合同,您可以随时取消订阅。
- 除了官方网站,还有一个应用程序版本可用。
- 您可以在任何设备上下载该应用程序以使用DIRECTV Stream观看Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)。
- 您可以使用该应用程序从任何地方观看直播电视(live TV)。
选项六:频谱(Option VI: Spectrum)
Spectrum是一家卫星电视提供商,提供多达200 个频道(200 channels)。
- 它有三个计划(three plans),根据可用渠道的数量进行定价。
- Spectrum 的所有计划仅包括Hallmark Channel 和 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries(Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries )。
- 这些计划都没有Hallmark Drama频道。
选项七:DISH(Option VII: DISH)
- 您可以流式传输所有三个Hallmark频道,即Hallmark Channel、Hallmark Drama 和 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries(Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Drama, and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)。
- 除此之外,还有一些套餐选项可让您拥有290 多个频道(290 channels)。
- 您可以轻松地从一个Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)切换到下一个。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 15 个顶级免费体育流媒体网站(15 Top Free Sports Streaming Sites)
选项八:虚无(Option VIII: Xumo)
Xumo是另一项流媒体服务,可让您观看Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channels)。
- 这项免费的流媒体服务拥有120 多种 Hallmark 内容(120 titles of Hallmark content)。
- 在频道之间和视频期间切换时会弹出(ads pop-ups)一些广告。
- 该服务提供190 多个频道(190 channels)。
- 这是免费直播电视流和点播视频(free live TV streams and on-demand videos)的最佳场所。
选项 IX:Sling TV Lifestyle Extra(Option IX: Sling TV Lifestyle Extra)
Sling TV Lifestyle Extra是一个附加包(add-on pack),您必须与Sling TV Blue 或 Sling TV Orange 基本(Sling TV Blue or Sling TV Orange base)包一起添加。您必须购买基础包并将您的生活方式额外包添加到您的基础订阅中。
- 与其他服务相比,这是访问Hallmark 频道的一种非常便宜的方式。(Hallmark Channel)
- 它还提供各种真人秀和生活方式频道(reality TV and lifestyle channels)。
- 基本包中最多有50 个频道(50 channels)。
- 您可以使用此包访问Hallmark Channel 和 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 。(Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)
- 您可以自定义捆绑包并包含您想要的Hallmark 频道。(Hallmark Channel)
- 除了电视直播,它还提供70,000 条内容(70,000 pieces of content)的点播节目。
- 有一个可存储50 小时的云 DVR(cloud DVR with 50 hours of storage),您可以在其中存储您的录音。
- 如果您需要更多云DVR空间来存储Hallmark频道的录音,您可以为它们支付额外费用。
- 如果您选择了Sling TV Blue包,您可以同时为最多3 台设备(3 devices)流式传输频道。
- 由于该服务提供促销价格,您可以随时取消您的会员计划。
选项 X:Xfinity Choice 电视(Option X: Xfinity Choice TV)
Xumo也是Xfinity Choice TV 的另一个无需电缆 即可观看Hallmark 频道的网站。(Hallmark Channels)
- Xfinity TV 是一家有线电视提供商,其计划可让您流式传输超过185 个频道(185 channels)。
- Xumo 专供Xfinity Flexbox 客户使用(Xfinity Flexbox customers)。
- 您可以使用Xfinity互联网服务将您的服务升级到Choice TV 。
- 该平台允许您访问所有直播频道。
- 这将作为 Flexbox 优质流媒体服务的基本补充。
- Ultimate TV 套餐包含所有三个Hallmark 频道(three Hallmark Channels),但Popular TV 套餐仅播放 Hallmark Channel 和 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries(Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries alone)。
- 它允许您在 Xfinity X1 DVR 上存储大约 100 HD 或 500 SD 小时(100 HD or 500 SD hours on Xfinity X1 DVR)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在哪里观看神奇动物在哪里?(Where to Watch Fantastic Beasts?)
选项 XI:Fios(Option XI: Fios)
- 它在包中提供了近125 个频道(125 channels)。
- 它包括Hallmark Channel 和 Hallmark Drama(Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Drama)。
- 它允许您观看电视上播放的内容。
- 或者,您可以使用Fios应用程序观看内容。
选项 XII:考克斯(Option XII: Cox)
- 它是一家有线电视提供商,可让您在其官方网站上观看Hallmark频道。
- 您可以在所有计划中观看Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 和 Hallmark Channel 。(Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and Hallmark Channel)
- Ultimate Pack中最多有250 个频道(250 channels)。
- 它允许您在其 DVR 中存储大约 340 HD 或 1000 SD 小时(340 HD or 1000 SD hours in its DVR)。
- 它要求您有一年的协议(year agreement)才能使用该服务。
- 使用该服务的主要缺点包括与其他服务相比成本高,以及Hallmark Drama频道不可用。
- 此外,流媒体服务仅在美国的某些州(certain states in the US)可用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Xfinity Stream 上的错误 TVAPP-00100(Fix Error TVAPP-00100 on Xfinity Stream)
选项 XIII:密码(Option XIII: Cypher)
曾经,有一个官方的Hallmark插件。但它被拿下了。尽管如此,您仍然可以使用Cypher 媒体插件在(Cypher media add-on)没有电缆的情况下流式传输Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)。
- 这个插件可以让您在Kodi Media Center(Kodi Media Centre)中观看电视节目和电影。
- 您可以获得所有内容,如电影、电视节目、IPTV、直播(Live Streams)等。
- 使用此应用程序是免费的。
- 但是,在没有VPN的情况下使用此应用程序可能是有害的。
如何流式传输标志性频道(How to Stream Hallmark Channels)
您可以从应用商店安装该应用,并使用您的流媒体(Streaming)服务凭据登录,以在您的设备上观看Hallmark 频道。(Hallmark Channels)您可以使用任何列出的方法在您的设备上流式传输Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel)。
- 网页浏览器(Web Browser)
PC 和笔记本电脑:(PC and Laptop:) OS Mac 和 Windows
电视:(TV: )智能(Smart)电视、Android TV、Apple TV和Amazon Fire TV
- 六六(Roku)
- 铬铸(Chromecast)
- 的 Xbox 一(Xbox One)
在本文中,您了解了在不使用电缆的情况下流式传输 Hallmark 频道(Hallmark Channel without cable)的选项。您可以依靠这篇文章来观看您最喜欢的节目或Hallmark电影。现在,您可以在没有电缆的情况下观看Hallmark 频道。(Hallmark Channel)请(Please)留下您宝贵的建议或在评论部分发表您的疑问。
4 Ways to Watch Hallmark Channel Without Cable
Do you love watching movies that giνe a good feel? If movieѕ and TV shows that air on Hallmark Channel are on your buсket list, you might need methods to watch Hallmark Channel without cable. This article discussеs options to stream Hallmark Channel without cable. To watch the Hallmark Channel, you need to have а subscription to a cablе provider or any other streaming service. Below are discussеd ways to watch Hallmark Channel on your device.
5 Ways to Watch Hallmark Channel Without Cable
Following are the methods to watch Hallmark Channel without cable. Also, we have listed the best list of services to watch Hallmark Channel without cable.
Method 1: Through Hallmark Official Website
The first approach is to use the websites developed for watching Hallmark channels. You are required to have a cable subscription service. You can also use your friend’s login if you don’t have your subscription, as you are free to use the channel website if you have a subscription.
Option I: Hallmark Channel Everywhere
Hallmark Channel Everywhere has all Hallmark’s content, including movies, TV shows, etc. There are many channel shows and movies available on the website.
- Hallmark Channel Everywhere is a streaming service website that can be viewed using any web browser.
- In addition to the existing shows, it provides an on-demand service too.
- It provides high-quality pictures.
- Some movies are completely free, and you can watch them without signing in.
- You can only access the website within the US, or you need to have a VPN to use the website.
- You can use the login credentials of any streaming service to use the app.
- The app works effectively on all devices, like Amazon Fire TV, Roku, and all OS.
- The app also offers live TV streaming.
- Alternatively, you can use the link to watch Hallmark TV.
Option II: Hallmark Movies Now
Hallmark Movies Now is a website service exclusively dedicated to movies.
- You can purchase the subscription from the official website if you don’t have a cable subscription.
- An important aspect is that it comes with a free trial for 7 days, so you can check if it fits your preferences.
- It doesn’t air the movies currently being aired on cable TV. This would allow you to watch your favorite old movies.
- It also streams favorites or the Hallmark Hall of fame movies on demand on the website.
- You can see all the popular movies and original movies, series, and specials from Hallmark Channels.
- The content of Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries are also added to the website.
- A major advantage of the service over cable TV is that there are no ad interruptions.
- It is important to have your device location set within the US to access the website.
- The Hallmark Movies Now streaming service is also available as an app.
- Both the app and the official website support all the streaming platforms.
Also Read: 9 Best Free Movie Streaming Apps in 2021
Method 2: Through YouTube
One of the ways to watch the Hallmark Channel is through YouTube.
Option I: YouTube Channel
The channel has previews and short clips of dramas and shows.
- It also has playlists of TV shows and videos for different niches, like food, DIY, entertainment, etc.
- You can watch the content using the official YouTube channel for Hallmark.
- It is completely free to watch content on this service.
Option II: YouTube TV
If you wish to have a live streaming service for TV shows and movies, you can rely on YouTube TV of Hallmark.
- YouTube TV added the channels Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies and Mysteries, and Hallmark Drama.
- The added benefit is that you get unlimited cloud DVR storage to watch your recordings.
- You can stream the channels on three devices simultaneously.
- This also includes on-demand service and live TV programs.
- However, you must have a premium subscription to watch the channels on YouTube TV.
- This is an expensive option, but the service offered is worth the money.
- A week’s free trial is given for using YouTube TV, letting you decide on subscribing.
- YouTube TV is also available as an app to install on all major platforms.
Method 3: Through Video Marketplace App
You can buy or rent any of your favorite Hallmark movies or TV shows using your Video Marketplace app like YouTube, Google Play Store, Apple Play Store, Prime Video, etc.
Option I: From Amzon Prime Video
Prime Video has made certain movies of Hallmark available. This method is suited exclusively for streaming Hallmark movies. Hallmark Movies Now is listed on Prime Video, and you can subscribe to it.
- This allows you to access over 1000 hours of Hallmark original movies.
- To use this service, you need to have an account on Amazon Prime.
Option II: From PlayStation Vue
You can enjoy Hallmark Channel without cable using PlayStation Vue.
- The Elite and Ultra plans of PlayStation Vue include Hallmark channels.
- The channels Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, and Hallmark Drama are included in this pack.
- This is also compatible with many devices, making it a fine choice.
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Method 4: Through Television Streaming Service
This section will introduce you to the list of services that let you watch Hallmark Channel without cable at an affordable price than a cable connection with no device fee.
Option I: Frndly TV
Frndly TV is the most popular streaming service for the Hallmark Channel. This is a service that is highly suited for families.
- It includes Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies and Mysteries, and Hallmark Drama.
- You can buy the subscription for the package and cancel it at any time.
- It also has a free one-week trial with plans for you to decide on using the pack.
- The subscription charge is affordable and is suited for a budget plan.
- It comprises shows for both live TV and on-demand.
- The notable advantage of this service is that you can watch the shows and movies as they are being aired on cable TV.
- Thus, this service can be chosen if you wish to keep yourself enriched with updated content.
- The videos are of high definition quality.
- It also offers unlimited DVR recordings, which you can keep for up to 3 months.
- The channels offered are minimal, and it comprises only 21 channels.
- The service can be streamed using any of the devices.
Option II: Philo TV
Philo TV is another option to enjoy Hallmark Channel without cable. The features of this streaming service are listed below:
- Philo TV streams live TV channels, including Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Drama, and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.
- This service has about 60 channels, inclusive of the Hallmark channels.
- You can subscribe to this service on the official website.
- It also includes a week’s trial, which you can use to check if it is suitable for you.
- It also includes a cloud DVR that has unlimited cloud storage. However, the recordings saved will be only available for 30 days.
- There is also an on-demand library that has nearly 60,000 pieces of content. You can watch any of the Hallmark content from the library.
- Along with Hallmark, it offers a lot of basic channels.
- Besides being compatible with all devices, you can view the channels with the same login on three devices.
Option III: Vidgo
Vidgo is a relatively new streaming service for streaming Hallmark channels.
- Vidgo focuses mainly on live TV streaming of channels.
- Along with the Hallmark Channel, you get up to 95 channels.
- The pricing of plans is comparatively more than other plans.
- You can try the subscription for a week and then purchase a plan.
- Also, you can cancel your membership at any time for the streaming service.
- It is supported on all devices.
- You can use the same login to watch channels on three devices.
Option IV: Fubo TV
You can stream Hallmark channel without cable using Fubo TV.
Fubo TV service streams a lot of pay-TV channels.
- You can watch the channels live as they are streamed on-air on cable TV.
- Additionally, you can record programs to the cloud DVR.
- The cloud DVR has storage of about 250 hours.
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and Hallmark Channel are available in the base pack.
- There are nearly 15,000 pieces of on-demand content in the library, including video content from Hallmark channels.
- In addition to the Hallmark channels, there are about 116 channels in the pack.
- It also streams prime-time shows and movies, making this service an all-in-one option.
- You are given the option to test the service with a 1-week free trial.
- You can cancel your subscription at any time, and there are no associated cancellation charges.
- The Fubo TV allows you to watch on three screens simultaneously using your Fubo login credentials.
- If you wish to use the app version, you can install the Fubo TV app on your device. The app is available on all major platforms like Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, etc.
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Option V: DIRECTV Stream
You can watch Hallmark channel without cable from DIRECTV Stream.
- AT&T TV launched DIRECTV Stream to offer packages of streaming TV content.
- This is the best alternative to a cable package.
- It also has high-quality live streams that are very reliable and have no interruptions.
- The platform offers you the advantage of watching the channel on up to 20 devices simultaneously.
- The cloud DVR is quite limited, with only 20 hours of storage.
- It also has an on-demand library with nearly 40,000 content.
- DIRECTV Stream offers a 5-day free trial in which you can see if the plan suits you.
- However, the subscription cost is higher than the other streaming services.
- The service requires no contract, and you can cancel your subscription at any time.
- In addition to the official website, there is an app version available.
- You can download the app on any device to view Hallmark Channel using DIRECTV Stream.
- You can use the app to watch live TV from anywhere.
Option VI: Spectrum
Spectrum is a satellite TV provider and offers up to 200 channels.
- It has three plans for which pricing is done according to the number of channels available.
- All the plans for Spectrum include Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries alone.
- None of the plans have the Hallmark Drama channel.
Option VII: DISH
DISH is a satellite provider that is the most widely available.
- You can stream all the three Hallmark channels, i.e., Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Drama, and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.
- Along with these, there are package options that let you have more than 290 channels.
- You can easily switch over from one Hallmark Channel to the next.
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Option VIII: Xumo
Xumo is another streaming service that lets you watch Hallmark Channels.
- This free streaming service has over 120 titles of Hallmark content.
- A few ads pop-ups while switching between channels and during videos.
- This service offers more than 190 channels.
- It is the best place for free live TV streams and on-demand videos.
Option IX: Sling TV Lifestyle Extra
Sling TV Lifestyle Extra is an add-on pack that you must add along with Sling TV Blue or Sling TV Orange base package. You must buy a base pack and add your lifestyle extra pack to your base subscription.
- This is a very inexpensive way to access the Hallmark Channel compared with the other services.
- It also offers various reality TV and lifestyle channels.
- There are up to 50 channels in the base pack.
- You can access Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries with this pack.
- You can customize your bundle and include the Hallmark Channel you would like to have.
- Along with live TV streaming, it also offers on-demand programs with 70,000 pieces of content.
- There is a cloud DVR with 50 hours of storage in which you can store your recordings.
- If you need more cloud DVR space to store your recordings of Hallmark channels, you can pay an additional fee for them.
- If you have chosen the Sling TV Blue pack, you can simultaneously stream the channels for up to 3 devices.
- You can cancel your membership plan at any time as the service offers promotional pricing.
Option X: Xfinity Choice TV
Xumo is also another website for Xfinity Choice TV to watch Hallmark Channels without cable.
- Xfinity TV is a cable TV provider with plans that let you stream more than 185 channels.
- Xumo is exclusively for Xfinity Flexbox customers.
- You can upgrade your service to Choice TV using the Xfinity internet service.
- The platform allows you to access all the live channels.
- This would act as a basic addition to Flexbox’s premium streaming services.
- The Ultimate TV package has all the three Hallmark Channels, but the Popular TV package streams Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries alone.
- It allows you to store about 100 HD or 500 SD hours on Xfinity X1 DVR.
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Option XI: Fios
You can also stream Hallmark channel without cable from Fios.
- It provides nearly 125 channels in the pack.
- It includes Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Drama in the pack.
- It allows you to watch the content as it is aired on TV.
- Alternatively, you can use the Fios app to watch content.
Option XII: Cox
You can watch Hallmark channel without cable using Cox.
- It is a cable TV provider that lets you watch Hallmark channels on its official website.
- You can watch Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and Hallmark Channel on all plans.
- There are at most 250 channels in the Ultimate Pack.
- It allows you to store about 340 HD or 1000 SD hours in its DVR.
- It requires you to have a year agreement to use the service.
- The major disadvantages of using the service include the high cost compared to other services and the non-availability of the Hallmark Drama channel.
- Also, the streaming service is only available in certain states in the US.
Also Read: Fix Error TVAPP-00100 on Xfinity Stream
Option XIII: Cypher
Once, there was an official Hallmark add-on. But it was taken down. Still, you can stream Hallmark Channel without cable using the Cypher media add-on.
- This add-on can let you watch TV shows and movies in Kodi Media Centre.
- You can get all content like movies, TV shows, IPTV, Live Streams, etc.
- It is free to use this app.
- However, it can be harmful to use this app without a VPN.
Read our guide on how to install the third-party add-on to install this add-on.
How to Stream Hallmark Channels
You can install the app from the app store and log in with your credentials for the Streaming service to watch Hallmark Channels on your device. You can use any of the listed methods to stream the Hallmark Channel on your device.
- Web Browser
Smartphones: Android and iOS
PC and Laptop: OS Mac and Windows
TV: Smart TV, Android TV, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV
- Roku
- Chromecast
- Xbox One
In this article, you have learned the options to stream Hallmark Channel without cable. You can rely on this article to watch your favorite show or Hallmark movie. Now, you can watch Hallmark Channel without cable. Please drop your valuable suggestions or post your queries in the comments section.