您是否有想要充分发挥其潜力的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器?您想在家中或办公室(home or office)获得最佳 Wi-Fi 体验吗?如果答案是肯定的,那么您来对地方了。在本指南中,我详细介绍了您应该在 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器上调整的十项设置,以最大限度地提高网络体验的质量:
注意:(NOTE:)如果您刚刚为自己购买了一台新的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器,请先完成快速设置向导(setup wizard),您很快就会拥有一个正常运行的网络。然后,要进行更详细的配置,请按照以下步骤操作。
在哪里可以找到 TP-Link 路由器上的 Wi-Fi 设置
如果您想改善您的 Wi-Fi 设置,首先在您的计算机上打开一个网络浏览器(web browser),然后导航到tplinkwifi.net或192.168.0.1。接下来,输入TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的管理员密码,然后按(admin password)LOG IN。
登录(Log)到您的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器
提示:(TIP:)如果上述两个地址都不起作用,请查看查找路由器IP 地址(IP address)的所有方法。此外,如果TP-Link 固件(TP-link firmware)不是您想要的语言,这里是如何更改您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器上的语言。
单击或点击顶部的高级按钮以访问 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器上可用的详细配置选项。(Advanced)
在左栏中,选择无线(Wireless),然后选择无线设置(Wireless Settings)。在右侧,您会看到大部分应该调整的设置。
转到无线 > 无线设置
设置(Set)OFDMA、TWT和Smart Connect(Smart Connect)
在顶部的无线设置(Wireless Settings)部分中,确保启用以下功能:
- OFDMA - 表示正交频分多址。(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access.)它是Wi-Fi 6(Wi-Fi 6)标准中包含的最重要的技术之一。OFDMA允许您的 TP-Link 路由器增加无线容量和效率(wireless capacity and efficiency)并降低网络拥塞(network congestion)。当多个设备以不同方式同时使用Wi-Fi时尤其如此。(Wi-Fi)
- TWT - 表示目标唤醒时间,它允许 Wi-Fi 6 路由器和客户端定义访问(Target Wake Time,)无线网络(wireless network)的特定时间或时间表。启用此功能后,网络客户端仅在TWT(TWT)会话时唤醒。它们在其余时间保持睡眠模式,这显着延长了电池寿命(battery life)。
但是,我建议您禁用 Smart Connect(disable Smart Connect)。启用后,此功能允许用户对两个无线频段(2.4 GHz和 5 GHz)使用相同的网络名称和设置。(network name and settings)这使得配置更简单(simpler configuration),但缺点是路由器负责将您的网络设备引导到频段或其他频段。根据我的经验,许多路由器在这项任务上做得很差。结果,我经常将快速设备连接到较慢的 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band),即使它们完全能够使用更快的 5 (faster 5)GHz 频段(GHz band)。
禁用Smart Connect(Smart Connect)后,您将获得两组Wi-Fi设置,每个频段各一组,但您还可以选择网络中的哪些设备连接(network connect)到哪个频段。而且我总是将我的新设备连接到 5 GHz 频段(GHz band),它提供更快的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)。
为您的 Wi-Fi 选择最佳安全性
前面介绍的设置是全局的,适用于两个无线频段。如果您听取了我的建议,您现在需要检查两组网络设置,一组用于 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band),另一组用于 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)。这个想法是分别调整两个频段的设置,最重要的设置之一是使用的安全类型。
对于TP-Link 路由器(TP-Link router)发射的每个无线频段(wireless band),单击或点击安全(Security)下拉列表,然后选择您想要的保护标准。(protection standard)您应该至少选择WPA2。它比WPA 或 WEP(WPA or WEP)安全得多。但是,最新和最安全的标准是WPA3。如果您的家庭网络(home network)中有大量新设备,例如iPhone 11或更新版本,启用它是有意义的。
由于并非所有新设备都与WPA3兼容,因此平衡最佳安全性与兼容性的最安全选择是WPA2/WPA3-Personal。这是一个可供选择的选项,以保护您的 Wi-Fi 密码免受外部黑客攻击。
设置(Set)发射功率(transmission power)、信道、信道宽度
您要调整的以下设置是Transmit Power。默认情况下,它设置为High。这意味着您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器可提供最大覆盖范围,即使在较大的公寓中,您的设备也能看到良好的信号。但是,如果您的居住空间(living space)不大,您可能需要将功率降低到Middle,这样可以最大限度地减少对邻居网络的干扰。
并不总是需要更高的传输功率(transmission power)
通道宽度(Channel Width)决定了有多少数据可以通过Wi-Fi以及以什么速度。更宽的通道可以更快地传输更多数据,至少在不受干扰影响的情况下。如果您想要网络上的最大吞吐量,您应该将通道设置为每个频段可用的最大值。在 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)上,通常是 40MHz,而在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上,它可以是 80MHz 或 160MHz,具体取决于您的路由器。
假设(Suppose)您在一个拥有大量无线网络(wireless network)的区域,例如办公楼(office building)或大型公寓楼(apartment building)。在这种情况下,会有很多Wi-Fi 干扰(Wi-Fi interference)。这就是为什么必须分析您的特定区域并查看哪些无线信道是免费的或不太拥挤的原因。以下是为您的无线网络(wireless network)确定最佳信道的方法。
然后,在您的 TP-Link 的路由器设置中,选择您所在地区 Wi-Fi 网络使用最少的频道(Channel)。这样,您可以最大限度地减少干扰并最大限度地提高网络体验的质量。
选择您所在地区其他 Wi-Fi 使用最少的频道
设置(Set)无线模式(wireless mode)或Wi-Fi 标准
无线网络(wireless network)最重要的设置之一是TP-Link 路由器使用的模式或标准。(Mode)如果您有 Wi-Fi 6 路由器,则应选择 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上的 802.11ax 。如果您的网络不包含与 Wi-Fi 6 不兼容的旧设备,则应为 2.4 (network doesn)GHz 频段(GHz band)选择 802.11ax 。
启用 802.11ax 或 Wi-Fi 6
不过,如果你想兼顾速度和兼容性(speed and compatibility),我建议你选择802.11n only for 2.4 GHz band 和802.11ax only for 5 GHz band。然后,较旧的设备可以在 2.4 GHz 频段上使用(GHz band)Wi-Fi,而较新的设备则连接到 5 GHz 频段并受益于(GHz band and benefit)Wi-Fi 6标准提供的所有改进。
提示:(TIP:)如果您想提高Wi-Fi的安全性并降低路由器的功耗(power consumption),最好设置一个时间表,以便仅在您使用Wi-Fi时才发出 Wi-Fi。这是在 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器上设置时间表的方法。(time schedule)
奖励(Bonus)设置:WMM 和 Airtimes Fairness(WMM and Airtimes Fairness)
前面介绍的设置在速度、覆盖范围和体验质量方面提供了最显着的改进。但是,还有一些其他小的设置可以进一步改善您的体验。在TP-Link路由器固件的(router firmware)Advanced选项卡中,转到Wireless -> Additional Settings。在那里,启用这两个设置:
- WMM - 这意味着Wi-Fi 多媒体(Wi-Fi Multimedia)。它是一种优先考虑通过您的网络传输的多媒体内容的服务。当您在进行常规视频通话或流式传输 4K 电影的同时进行网络浏览和从 Internet 下载文件时,它会非常有用。启用WMM(WMM)后,您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器始终将多媒体流量优先于其他(multimedia traffic)类型的流量。
- 通话时间公平(Airtime Fairness)- 启用后,此功能会牺牲一些较慢网络设备的联网时间,以便速度较快的设备可以获得更好的服务。此设置对于具有多种设备的网络很有用,其中包括支持Wi-Fi 6的新设备和仅支持(Wi-Fi 6)Wi-Fi 4的旧设备。
启用WMM 和 Airtime Fairness(WMM and Airtime Fairness)可以进一步改善您的体验
提示:(TIP:)如果您已经改进了本文介绍的所有设置,但对您的体验仍然不满意,您还应该更新 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器上的固件。该公司会定期发布新的固件版本,以修复错误并提高路由器的安全性和性能(security and performance)。
您喜欢您的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器吗?
本指南应该可以帮助您将路由器调整到最大潜力。更改我们推荐的设置,进行测试,然后查看您获得的改进。然后,不要犹豫(t hesitate),回到本教程,让我们知道您的经验。你(Are)对我的建议满意吗?您(Are)喜欢您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器吗?下方评论(Comment),我们一起讨论。
Configure the Wi-Fi emitted by your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router like a Pro
Do you have a TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router that you want to uѕe to its full potential? Do you want the best poѕsible Wi-Fi experience in your home or office? If the answer is yes, then yоu’re in the right place. In this guide, I detail ten settings thаt you should tweak on your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router to maximize thе qualіty of your networking experience:
NOTE: If you just bought yourself a new TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router, first go through the quick setup wizard, and you’ll have a functional network in no time. Then, for a more detailed configuration, follow the steps below.
Where to find your Wi-Fi settings on a TP-Link router
If you want to improve your Wi-Fi settings, first open a web browser on your computer, and navigate to tplinkwifi.net or Next, type the admin password for your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router, and press LOG IN.
Log in to your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router
TIP: If none of the two addresses mentioned above work, see all the ways to find the IP address of your router. Also, if the TP-link firmware is not in the language you want, here is how to change the language on your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router.
Click or tap the Advanced button at the top to access the detailed configuration options available on your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router.
Go to Advanced for more options
In the left column, choose Wireless and then Wireless Settings. On the right, you see most of the settings that you should tweak.
Go to Wireless > Wireless Settings
Set up OFDMA, TWT, and Smart Connect
In the Wireless Settings section at the top, make sure that you enable the following:
- OFDMA - means Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access. It is one of the most important technologies included in the Wi-Fi 6 standard. OFDMA allows your TP-Link router to increase wireless capacity and efficiency and lower network congestion. This is especially true when multiple devices use the Wi-Fi simultaneously, in different ways.
- TWT - it means Target Wake Time, and it allows Wi-Fi 6 routers and clients to define a specific time or a schedule for accessing the wireless network. When this feature is enabled, network clients only wake up at TWT sessions. They remain in sleep mode for the rest of the time, which significantly extends their battery life.
Enable OFDMA and TWT
However, I recommend that you disable Smart Connect. When enabled, this feature allows users to use the same network name and settings for both wireless bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz). This makes for a simpler configuration, but the downside is that the router is in charge of steering your network devices to a band or another. From my experience, many routers are doing a poor job at this task. As a result, I frequently end up with fast devices connected to the slower 2.4 GHz band, even if they are perfectly capable of using the faster 5 GHz band.
When Smart Connect is disabled, you get two sets of Wi-Fi settings, one for each band, but you also get to choose which devices in your network connect to which band. And I’m always connecting my newer devices to the 5 GHz band, which provides faster Wi-Fi.
Choose the best security for your Wi-Fi
The settings covered earlier are global and apply to both wireless bands. If you listened to my advice, you now have two sets of network settings to check, one for the 2.4 GHz band and another for the 5 GHz band. The idea is to tweak the settings for both bands individually, and one of the most important settings is the type of security used.
For each wireless band emitted by your TP-Link router, click or tap the Security drop-down list, and choose the protection standard you want. You should choose at least WPA2. It is much safer than WPA or WEP. However, the latest and most secure standard is WPA3. If you have plenty of new devices in your home network, like an iPhone 11 or newer, it makes sense to enable it.
WPA2/WPA3-Personal is the way to go
Since not all new devices are compatible with WPA3, the safest choice that balances the best security with compatibility is WPA2/WPA3-Personal. This is the option to choose so that your Wi-Fi password is secured from outside hacking.
Set the transmission power, channel, and channel width
The following setting that you want to tweak is the Transmit Power. By default, it is set to High. This means that your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router delivers the maximum coverage and your devices see a good signal even in larger apartments. However, if you don’t have a large living space, you may want to lower the power to Middle, so that you minimize interference with your neighbors’ networks.
A higher transmission power is not always required
The Channel Width dictates how much data can pass through the Wi-Fi and at what speed. A wider channel can transport more data faster, at least when it isn’t impacted by interference. If you want maximum throughput on your network, you should set the channel to the maximum available for each band. On the 2.4 GHz band, that’s usually 40MHz, while on the 5 GHz band, it can be 80MHz or 160MHz, depending on your router.
Choose a larger Channel Width
Suppose you are in an area with plenty of wireless networks, like an office building or a large apartment building. In that case, there’s a lot of Wi-Fi interference. That’s why it is essential to analyze your specific area and see which wireless channels are free or less congested. Here’s how to identify the best channel for your wireless network.
Then, in your TP-Link’s router settings, choose the Channel that is the least used by the Wi-Fi networks in your area. This way, you minimize interference and maximize the quality of your networking experience.
Choose the channel that's least used by other Wi-Fi-s in your area
Set the wireless mode or Wi-Fi standard
One of the most important settings for your wireless network is the Mode or the standard your TP-Link router uses. If you have a Wi-Fi 6 router, you should choose 802.11ax on the 5 GHz band. If your network doesn’t include old devices that are not compatible with Wi-Fi 6, you should choose 802.11ax for the 2.4 GHz band.
Enable 802.11ax or Wi-Fi 6
However, if you want to balance speed and compatibility, I recommend you to choose 802.11n only for the 2.4 GHz band and 802.11ax only for the 5 GHz band. Older devices can then use the Wi-Fi on the 2.4 GHz band, while newer ones connect to the 5 GHz band and benefit from all the improvements delivered by the Wi-Fi 6 standard.
TIP: If you want to increase the security of your Wi-Fi and lower the power consumption of your router, it is a good idea to set a schedule so that the Wi-Fi is emitted only when you’re using it. Here’s how to set a time schedule on your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router.
Bonus settings: WMM and Airtimes Fairness
The settings covered earlier deliver the most significant improvements in speed, coverage, and the quality of your experience. However, there are a few other minor settings that can further improve your experience. In the Advanced tab on your TP-Link’s router firmware, go to Wireless -> Additional Settings. There, enable these two settings:
- WMM - it means Wi-Fi Multimedia. It is a service that prioritizes multimedia content transferred through your network. It’s beneficial when you’re in regular video calls or streaming 4K movies alongside web browsing and downloading files from the internet. With WMM enabled, your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router always prioritizes multimedia traffic over other types of traffic.
- Airtime Fairness - when enabled, this feature sacrifices some of the networking time from your slower network devices, so that faster ones can receive better service. This setting is useful for networks with diverse devices, which include both new ones with support for Wi-Fi 6 and old ones that work only with Wi-Fi 4.
Enabling WMM and Airtime Fairness can further improve your experience
TIP: If you have improved all the settings covered in this article, and you’re still not satisfied with your experience, you should also update the firmware on a TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router. The company regularly releases new firmware versions that fix bugs and improve the security and performance of your router.
Do you enjoy your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router?
This guide should have helped you tweak your router to its maximum potential. Change the settings we recommend, test things out, and see the improvements you get. Then, don’t hesitate to come back to this tutorial and let us know about your experience. Are you happy with my tips? Are you enjoying your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router? Comment below, and let’s talk.