中国移动设备制造商小米(Chinese)发布了他们最新的旗舰Android智能手机(Android smartphone):小米米(Xiaomi)5(Xiaomi Mi 5)。它具有令人印象深刻的硬件规格和出色的设计,给您留下非常好的第一印象。虽然它没有吹嘘引入任何“同类首创”功能,例如第一款防水智能手机或第一款模块化智能手机,甚至是第一款“翘曲速度”智能手机,但小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)有很多细节可能会让您考虑尽早购买。我们对其进行了大约一周的测试,现在是时候在这篇评论中分享我们对这款设备的印象了:
小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)采用光面白色纸板箱(cardboard box),设计简约经典。在包装的顶部,您可以看到所有四种可用颜色变体的智能手机图片。盒子的侧面只有空白区域,盒子的底部只有一些贴纸,上面有关于智能手机及其技术规格的信息。
打开盒子就可以看到刚买的小米5 。(Xiaomi Mi 5)
智能手机放在纸板支架上,如果你把它拿出来,你可以看到包装的全部内容:智能手机的电源充电器(power charger)和可拆卸的USB Type-C 电缆(USB Type-C cable),一个用于取出的小金属针(metal pin)SIM(SIM holder)卡座、保修卡(warranty card)和用户指南(user guide)。不幸的是,就像许多其他制造商一样,小米(Xiaomi)选择不在包装中包含耳机。这种方法可能有助于保持低成本,但这不是我们所欣赏的,尤其是在我们处理旗舰设备(flagship device)时。
小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)是一款旗舰Android 智能手机(Android smartphone),比我们最近从其他制造商看到的要小一些。小米 5(Mi 5)配备 5.15英寸显示屏(inch display),得益于IPS LCD 面板(IPS LCD panel)。它以 428 PPI 像素(PPI pixel)密度提供 1080x1920 像素的分辨率。显示屏由康宁大猩猩玻璃 4(Gorilla Glass 4)保护,因此不会轻易划伤。
这款智能手机搭载了最高频率为 1.8 GHz的高端Snapdragon 820 四核(quad core) Kryo 处理器(Kryo processor)和同样强大的Adreno 530图形处理单元。您还可以获得 3 GB 的RAM 内存(RAM memory)和 32 或 64 GB 的内部存储空间(storage space),具体取决于您购买的版本。不幸的是,智能手机没有 microSD卡插槽(card slot),因此您无法使用闪存卡扩展(memory card)存储空间(storage space)。
小米 4(Xiaomi Mi 4)的主摄像头采用 6 片式镜头,配备索尼 IMX298 16(Sony IMX298 16) 兆像素传感器(megapixel sensor),并采用光学图像稳定(Optical Image Stabilization)( OIS ) 技术。因此,即使您在移动或手在颤抖,它也应该能够拍摄出清晰的照片。当您在弱光环境下拍摄照片时,相机还可以从双色LED 闪光灯获得帮助。(LED flash)至于前置摄像头,除了它有一个 4(front camera)兆像素的传感器(megapixel sensor)外,没什么好说的了,这对于视频聊天应用程序(video chat apps)来说应该足够好,但它可能不是拍漂亮自拍的最佳选择。
在连接选项方面,小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)是一款双SIM 卡智能手机(SIM smartphone),这意味着它可以同时使用 2张SIM卡。它可以连接到 4G 移动网络,它包括一个内置的蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)芯片并提供NFC 支持(NFC support)。另外,在无线连接方面(wireless connectivity),小米5(Xiaomi Mi 5)拥有兼容802.11 a/b/g/n/ac networking网络芯片(network chip),可以同时连接2.4GHz(GHz)和5GHz无线(GHz wireless)网络。关于小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)的一个有趣的事情事实上,它还包括一个红外传感器,这是你在智能手机上看不到的东西。转到有线连接选项,小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)有一个USB Type-C可逆连接器和一个 3.5 毫米音频插孔。
您可能还想知道这款智能手机内置了很多传感器。除了常见的加速度计、陀螺仪、接近传感器或指南针传感器(proximity or compass sensors),小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)还配备了气压计和指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)。
机身由塑料、金属和玻璃制成(metal and glass),但连同不可拆卸的 3000 mAh 锂离子(mAh lithium-ion) 聚合物电池(polymer battery),重量仅为 4.55 盎司(129 克)。这种轻巧的重量由长 5.69 英寸(144.55 毫米)、宽 2.72 英寸(69.2 毫米)和厚 0.28 英寸(7.25 毫米)的主体支撑。
如果您想了解更多关于小米 4(Xiaomi Mi 4)规格的详细信息,请查看其官网:小米 5 规格(Xiaomi Mi 5 Specs)。
Mi 5 是新的小米旗舰,它拥有证明这一点所需的所有硬件。这些规格都是高端的,你应该从中获得的原始性能对于任何 Android 应用程序或游戏来说都应该绰绰有余,无论它多么耗电。我们唯一可以指出的负面因素是标准包装中没有任何耳机,您需要单独购买它们。(The Mi 5 is the new Xiaomi flagship and it has all the hardware it needs to prove it. The specs are all high-end and the raw performance you should get from it should be more than plenty for any Android app or game, no matter how power hungry it is. The only thing we can point as negative is the fact that you don't get any headphones in the standard package and you need to purchase them separately.)
小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)是我们今年见过的最漂亮的智能手机之一。首先让您印象深刻的是,虽然它是旗舰,但它比其他制造商最好的智能手机要小。小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)配备 5.15英寸显示屏(inch display),如下图所示,几乎没有边框,左右边框非常薄。
小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)的正面和背面均由康宁大猩猩玻璃 4(Corning Gorilla Glass 4)层覆盖和保护,使智能手机看起来既光彩又迷人。不过,亮面的背面也意味着小米5(Mi 5)放在平面上(plane surface)时有一种自然的滑动和滑动倾向。例如,当我将它放在玻璃制成的茶几上时,(coffee table)小米 5(Mi 5)似乎有了自己的意志,只想溜走。如果您购买此智能手机,则应注意这方面。
小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)上的所有玻璃都在智能手机的边缘相遇,并在铝制框架(aluminum frame)下结束,线条流畅优雅。
电源按钮(power button)和音量(volume rocker)键位于其通常的Android 位置(Android spot),位于智能手机的右上边缘(right edge),即使它们没有不同的纹理,它们也很容易识别,因为它们的边缘很锋利。
主页(Home)按钮是设备上唯一的物理按钮,它还装有指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)。将指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)放置在智能手机的正面使其非常易于使用。它也是我见过的最快的指纹传感器之一。(fingerprint sensor)
在Home按钮的左侧和右侧,您会发现另外两个用于(Home)返回(Back)和最近应用(Recent apps)的传统Android按钮。小米(Xiaomi)在这里选择了极简设计(minimalist design),因为两个电容式按键实际上是不可见的,只有当它们的白色LED灯亮起时才能看到。我们认为,这是一个很好的设计选择(design choice),为这款智能手机的美观做出了很大贡献。
您可能已经注意到,我们没有提及相机按钮(camera button)的存在。那是因为小米 Mi 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)上没有,虽然它会是一个很好的补充,特别是考虑到这款智能手机的主摄像头实际上很好。但稍后将在本评论的相机体验部分(camera experience section)对此进行更多介绍。
小米米5以其漂亮的外观给我们留下了深刻的印象。虽然没有什么可以称之为壮观的,但我们喜欢每一部分相遇的简单而优雅的方式,以及每一点空间的有效利用方式。这是一款在大多数情况下您会一见钟情的智能手机。(The Xiaomi Mi 5 impressed us with its good looks. Although there's nothing about it that we would call spectacular, we love the simple and elegant way in which every part meets another and the efficient way in which each bit of space is used. This is a smartphone that you will fall in love at first sight in most cases.)
小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)上的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)配备 5.15 英寸全高清显示屏(Full HD display),得益于IPS 技术(IPS technology)。使用一段时间后,无论是在室内还是室外,我们都可以证明屏幕对比度非常好,色彩鲜艳,最重要的是亮度非常高。即使您在阳光直射下使用它,您在破译屏幕上的内容时也不会遇到任何问题。
您可能已经注意到,在本次评测的前面,我们提到小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)是一款双SIM 卡智能手机(SIM smartphone)。最多可同时使用两张SIM 卡(SIM card)。另一个很棒的功能是两张SIM 卡(SIM card)都可以使用 4G 网络,尽管一旦您使用一张SIM 卡(SIM card)连接到 4G ,另一张将被限制为 2G。两张卡都必须是 nano SIM 卡(SIM),并且它们都从智能手机的左边缘插入同一个(left edge)卡托(card tray)中。要取出托盘,您必须使用智能手机包装中的金属销。
在我们测试小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)期间,我将它用作我的主要Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)。在这样做的同时,我可以看到并听到这款智能手机如何履行其作为手机的基本职责。🙂我可以说我的电话通话质量非常好,声音水平令人满意。我可以毫无问题地听到与我交谈的人的声音,他们也能够理解我在说什么,即使我在嘈杂的环境中也是如此。
如果你担心手机信号接收好不好,我可以告诉你,至少在我所在地区的移动运营商播出的3G网络上是这样。(mobile operator)
在音频质量方面,扬声器做得很好,即使在最高音量下也不会失真。但是,最高音量并不像我们在摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)等其他高端智能手机上听到的那样高。但是,即使扬声器高于平均水平,您从一套好的耳机中获得的音频保真度也将随时超越它。
您将从 3000 mAh 电池(mAh battery)中获得的自主权高于平均水平,但并不是很好。如果您经常使用智能手机,并且喜欢经常查看Facebook 和 Twitter 帐户(Facebook and Twitter accounts),立即阅读收到的每封电子邮件或经常浏览互联网,那么小米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)可能会持续一天。如果你很少使用它,你可能会得到两三天甚至三天的时间。我一个人,设法让它远离电源插座(power outlet)一天半(day and half),考虑到这款智能手机内置的强大硬件,这是很好的电池寿命(battery life)。
我们喜欢小米米 5 如何履行其作为手机的基本角色,我们喜欢它的显示屏外观。另一方面,考虑到它是小米的旗舰产品,扬声器的声音可能会更大一些。(We like how the Xiaomi Mi 5 fulfills its basic role of being a phone and we love how its display looks. On the other hand, the loudspeaker could have been a bit louder considering that it is Xiaomi's flagship.)
如果您进入下一页,您将找到有关小米米 5(Xiaomi Mi 5)提供的相机体验(camera experience)、安装在其上的软件以及它在基准测试中获得的结果的详细信息。
The Xiaomi Mi 5 review - Powerful hardware meets elegant design!
The Chinese mоbile devices manufaсturer Xiaomi haѕ relеaѕed their latеst flagship Android smartphone: Xiaomi Mi 5. It features impressive hardware specifications and grеat design that leaves yoυ with a very good first impression. Althoυgh it doesn't brag аbоut introducing any " first of their kind" features like bеing the first water resistant smartphоne or the first modular smartphone, or even the first "warp speed" smartphone, the Xiaomi Mi 5 has lots of dеtails that might make you сonsider buying it sooner rаther than later. We had it for testing for about a week and now it's tіme for us to share оur impresѕions about this deνice, in this review:
Hardware specifications and packaging
The Xiaomi Mi 5 comes in a glossy white cardboard box with a simple and classic design. On the top of the package you can see a picture of the smartphone in all its four available color variants. On the sides of the box there's only blank space and the bottom of the box holds just some stickers with information about the smartphone and its technical specifications.
Open the box and you get to see the Xiaomi Mi 5 you just bought.
The smartphone sits on a cardboard support and, if you take it out of the way, you get to see the entire content of the package: the smartphone's power charger and its detachable USB Type-C cable, a small metal pin useful for taking out the SIM holder, the warranty card and the user guide. Unfortunately, just like many other manufacturers, Xiaomi chose not to include headphones in the package. This approach probably helps in keeping the costs low, but it's not something we appreciate, especially when we're dealing with a flagship device.
The Xiaomi Mi 5 is a flagship Android smartphone that's a bit smaller than what we've seen lately from other manufacturers. The Mi 5 has a 5.15 inch display that benefits from an IPS LCD panel. It offers a resolution of 1080x1920 pixels at 428 PPI pixel density. The display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 4, so it shouldn't scratch easily.
This smartphone is powered by a high-end Snapdragon 820 quad core Kryo processor running at a maximum frequency of 1.8 GHz and an equally powerful Adreno 530 graphics processing unit. You also get 3 GB of RAM memory and 32 or 64GB of internal storage space, depending on the edition you buy. Unfortunately, the smartphone has no microSD card slot so you can't expand the storage space with a flash memory card.
The main camera on the Xiaomi Mi 4 uses a lens with 6 elements, it has a Sony IMX298 16 megapixel sensor and uses Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) technology. As a result, it should be able to take sharp photos even when you're moving or your hands are shaking. The camera is also getting aid from a dual tone LED flash when you're shooting photos in low light environments. As for the front camera, there's not too much to say about it except the fact that it has a 4 megapixel sensor, which should be good enough for video chat apps, but it's probably not the best for taking great-looking selfies.
In terms of connectivity options, the Xiaomi Mi 5 is a dual SIM smartphone, meaning that it can simultaneously work with 2 SIM cards. It can connect to 4G mobile networks, it includes a built-in Bluetooth 4.2 chip and offers NFC support. Also, in terms of wireless connectivity, the Xiaomi Mi 5 has a network chip that is compatible with the 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac networking standards, so it can connect to both 2.4 GHz and to 5 GHz wireless networks. An interesting thing about the Xiaomi Mi 5 is the fact that it also includes an infrared sensor and that's something you don't see too often on a smartphone. Moving on to the wired connectivity options, the Xiaomi Mi 5 has an USB Type-C reversible connector and a 3.5 mm audio jack.
It might also be interesting for you to know that this smartphone comes with quite a lot of sensors built-in. Besides the usual accelerometer, gyro, proximity or compass sensors, the Xiaomi Mi 5 also has a barometer and a fingerprint sensor .
The body is built from plastic, metal and glass, but together with its non-removable 3000 mAh lithium-ion polymer battery, it weighs only 4.55 ounces (129 grams). This feather-light weight is held by a body with a length of 5.69 inches (144.55 mm), a width of 2.72 inches (69.2 mm) and a thickness of 0.28 inches (7.25 mm).
If you'd like to see more details about the specifications of the Xiaomi Mi 4, check its official website: Xiaomi Mi 5 Specs.
The Mi 5 is the new Xiaomi flagship and it has all the hardware it needs to prove it. The specs are all high-end and the raw performance you should get from it should be more than plenty for any Android app or game, no matter how power hungry it is. The only thing we can point as negative is the fact that you don't get any headphones in the standard package and you need to purchase them separately.
Design and build quality
The Xiaomi Mi 5 is one of the most beautiful smartphones we've seen this year. The first thing that strikes you is that, although it's a flagship, it's smaller than the best smartphones of other manufacturers. The Xiaomi Mi 5 has a 5.15 inch display which, as you can see in the photo below, is almost frameless, with incredibly thin left and right bezels.
Both the front and the back of the Xiaomi Mi 5 are covered and protected by a Corning Gorilla Glass 4 layer that makes the smartphone look glossy and glamorous at the same time. However, the glossy back also means that the Mi 5 has a natural tendency to slip and slide when you place it on a plane surface. For instance, when I put it on a coffee table made from glass, it seemed like the Mi 5 had a will of its own and just wanted to slip away. If you buy this smartphone, you should take care with this aspect.
All that glass on the Xiaomi Mi 5 meets at the edges of the smartphone and ends under an aluminum frame with sleek and elegant lines.
The power button and the volume rocker are found in their usual Android spot, on the upper right edge of the smartphone and, even if they don't have different textures, they are easily identifiable because of their sharp edges.
The Home button is the only physical button from the from of the device and it also holds the fingerprint sensor. Having the fingerprint sensor placed on the front of the smartphone makes it very easy to use. It's also one of the fastest fingerprint sensors I've seen.
To the left and to the right of the Home button, you will find the other two traditional Android buttons for Back and Recent apps. Xiaomi chose a minimalist design here, as the two capacitive buttons are actually invisible and can be seen only when their white LED lights activate. In our opinion, this is a great design choice that contributes a lot to the good looks of this smartphone.
You might have noticed that we didn't say anything about the existence of a camera button. That's because there is none on the Xiaomi Mi 5, although it would have made a nice addition, especially considering the fact that the main camera of this smartphone is actually good. But more on that later in the camera experience section of this review.
The Xiaomi Mi 5 impressed us with its good looks. Although there's nothing about it that we would call spectacular, we love the simple and elegant way in which every part meets another and the efficient way in which each bit of space is used. This is a smartphone that you will fall in love at first sight in most cases.
The smartphone experience on the Xiaomi Mi 5
The Xiaomi Mi 5 features a 5.15 inch Full HD display that benefits from the IPS technology. After using it for a while, both indoors and outdoors, we can testify that the screen has very good contrast, it displays vivid colors and, most of all, it has a really high brightness. You will have no problems whatsoever in deciphering what's on the screen, even if you use it in direct sunlight.
You might have noticed earlier in this review that we mentioned that the Xiaomi Mi 5 is a dual SIM smartphone. It can use up to two SIM cards simultaneously. Another great feature is the fact that both SIM cards can use 4G networks, although once you connect to 4G using one SIM card, the other will be limited to 2G. Both cards must be nanoSIMs and they are both inserted in the same card tray from the left edge of the smartphone. To take the tray out you will have to use the metallic pin from the smartphone's package.
During the time we had the Xiaomi Mi 5 for testing, I used it as my main Android smartphone. While doing so, I could see and hear how this smartphone fulfills its basic duty of being a phone. 🙂 I can say that the phone conversations I had on it were of very good quality and the sound levels were satisfying. I could hear the people with whom I talked without problems and they were also able to understand what I was saying, even when I was in loud and noisy environments.
If you're concerned about whether the mobile signal reception is any good, I can tell you that it is, at least on the 3G network aired by my mobile operator in my geographical area.
In terms of audio quality, the loudspeaker does a pretty good job and it doesn't distort sounds, even at the highest volume. However, the highest volume is not as high as we've heard on other high-end smartphones like the Motorola Nexus 6 , for instance. However, even if the loudspeaker is above average, the audio fidelity you'll get from a good set of headphones will outmatch it anytime.
The autonomy you'll get from the 3000 mAh battery is above average but it's not great. If you use your smartphone heavily and you like checking your Facebook and Twitter accounts often, read every email you receive instantly or browse the internet a lot, than the Xiaomi Mi 5 will probably last you for a day. If you use it rar ely , you might get two or even three days out of it. I for one, managed to keep it away from the power outlet for a day and half, and considering the powerful hardware packed inside this smartphone, this is good battery life.
We like how the Xiaomi Mi 5 fulfills its basic role of being a phone and we love how its display looks. On the other hand, the loudspeaker could have been a bit louder considering that it is Xiaomi's flagship.
If you will go to the next page, yo u will find out details about the camera experience offered by the Xiaomi Mi 5, the software installed on it and the results it managed to obtain in benchmarks.