小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)是一款有趣的设备:它被宣传为智能手表,但它具有许多通常在健身手环上可用的功能和工具。这款智能手表的价格很高,在评测时约为 100美元(USD),坚固耐用的设计无疑吸引了潜在买家。在本文中,我们回顾了小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch ),了解它是哪种可穿戴设备,它的性能如何,以及它的舒适度。以下是我们对小米这款智能手表的体验:
小米米手表(Mi Watch):它对谁有好处?
小米米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)是一个很好的选择:
- 想要从可穿戴追踪器获得更多收益的健身爱好者
- 想要以优惠价格购买基本智能手表的用户
- 需要具有大屏幕和延长电池寿命的坚固型智能手表的人(battery life)
我们的测试揭示了小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的一些品质:
Buy now
- 屏幕明亮,色彩还原和视角极佳(color reproduction and viewing angles)
- 电池寿命(Battery life)比您通常对智能手表的预期要好得多
- 手表有一条舒适的表带
- 该设备具有出色的锻炼分析功能
- 物理按钮是一种享受
- 有时,测量结果不可靠
- 117种锻炼模式只是营销噱头(marketing gimmick)
- 界面可以使用重新设计
- 成熟的智能手表功能不足
虽然我们最初认为小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)是一款智能手表,但我们现在认为该设备的更好特征是作为一种活动或健身追踪器,具有显着的生活质量升级。当然,它比小米手表 Lite(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)和小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)拥有更多的智能手表功能,但它们仍然不足以将小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)打造成一款成熟的智能手表。话虽如此,屏幕很棒,制作质量很好,电池寿命(battery life)长,使用起来也相对简单。如果您想通过更多智能手表功能和更好的可用性升级您的健身追踪器(fitness tracker),请购买小米手表。(Xiaomi Mi Watch)
小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)采用优质蓝色盒子(high-quality blue box),正面有智能手表图片(不是实际尺寸)。除了品牌名称(brand name)和智能手表型号(smartwatch model),正面没有其他信息。封装尺寸为 10.8 x 2.56 x 1.38 英寸(或 275 x 65 x 35 毫米)。
两侧和背面都包含(contain information)有关手表规格和功能的信息。在背面,您可以找到智能手表的另一张图片。
打开包装盒后,您首先看到的是智能手表,包括已经安装好的表带。像往常一样,小米(Xiaomi)对包装非常小心:手表有一个保护屏幕的塑料盖(plastic cover),充电器在不同的隔间。至于包装内容,这里没有惊喜:除了手表,盒子里只有磁吸充电线(charger cable)、保修单(warranty leaflet)和说明书。
小米手表的拆箱体验很好,没有意外(好或坏)。内容物包装完好,在单独的隔间中。(The unboxing experience for the Xiaomi Mi Watch was nice, with no surprises (good or bad). The contents are well packaged, in separate compartments.)
小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)是一款大型智能手表。与它的Mi Watch Lite兄弟相比,差异很明显,当你将它戴在手腕上时会变得更加明显。智能手表尺寸为 1.80 x 2.1 x 0.46 英寸(45.9 x 53.35 x11.8 毫米),不包括突出部分,而其重量为 1.13 盎司(32 克)(不含表带)。
小米(Xiaomi Mi Watch)手表精简版(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)(右)旁边的小米手表(左)
该设计仍在我们办公室进行辩论。虽然小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)看起来坚固耐用,但我们中的一些人更喜欢Lite,因为它的边缘更少,设计也更少。如果你愿意,小米手表精简版(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)邀请你带它去吃饭,而小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)则尖叫着“我们去滑翔伞吧!” 顺便说一句,滑翔伞实际上是其 117 种锻炼模式之一,但我们将在本文后面讨论。
- 主页(Home )按钮唤醒设备,进入或退出小部件菜单,启动Alexa ((Alexa)稍后会详细介绍),以及打开和关闭设备;
- 运动按钮(Sport)启动锻炼(Workouts)小部件,并且可以使用小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用程序配置为您最喜爱的锻炼的快捷方式。
这款手表防水深度达 165 英尺 (50m) 和 5 ATM。底盘由增强塑料(更准确地说,玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺)制成,可拆卸表带由TPU制成,就像小米系列(Xiaomi line-up)的其他成员一样。表带具有有趣的罗纹纹理(ribbed texture),其长度可以在很宽的范围内调节。颜色方面,您可以在黑色、海军蓝和米色之间进行选择。无论您为智能手表选择什么颜色,表扣始终为黑色。
与小米手表精简版不同的是,小米(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)手表(Mi Watch)的屏幕非常出色。这是一款 1.39 英寸彩色AMOLED 显示屏(AMOLED display),分辨率为每英寸 454 x 454 像素,最大亮度为 450 尼特。它具有自动亮度调节(auto brightness adjustment)和常亮功能。
小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的屏幕很棒
记住小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的价格相对较低(100美元(USD)),传感器的数量是不错的:
- 三轴加速度计
- 三轴陀螺仪
- (PPG)具有SpO2 测量功能的(SpO2 measurement)PPG(基于光的)心率传感器(heart rate sensor)
- 地磁传感器
- 气压传感器
- 高度表
- 环境光传感器
- 罗盘
- GPS 传感器(GPS sensor)与GLONASS / BDS / Galileo
与智能手机的连接是通过蓝牙 5.0(Bluetooth 5.0)完成的,但您没有NFC(因此无法使用智能手表付款)或WiFi。拥有GPS后,您无需随身携带智能手机即可自由奔跑。但是,由于缺少扬声器,因此对于希望通过智能手表管理通话的人来说,它的吸引力降低了。您仍然可以看到谁在给您打电话,但您只能拒绝来电或将其静音(call or silence)。令人惊讶的是,它确实有一个麦克风,尽管它不能用于通话。它实际上是与亚马逊的Alexa数字助理交互的一种方式,可以通过按住Home按钮在智能手表上进行访问。
该电池的容量为 420 mAh(mAh capacity),据小米(Xiaomi)称,正常使用大约 16 天或GPS跟踪处于活动状态时可使用 50 小时。如前所述,充电器是磁性的,只能在正确的位置粘在智能手表上。电缆长 50 厘米,足以在桌子上充电,但如果您的电源插座(power outlet)在地上,则可能不够用。进一步(Further)的技术规格可以在官方网站上找到:小米手表(Mi Watch)。
小米米手表坚固耐用。它的设计似乎更针对活跃的个人,而强化塑料框架看起来并不便宜。传感器和规格也暗示它更像是一款高级健身追踪器,而不是经典的智能手表。宣称的电池寿命非常好,屏幕看起来很棒,并且拥有物理按钮对可用性有很大帮助。(The Xiaomi Mi Watch is sturdy and rugged. Its design seems to be aimed more at active individuals, while the reinforced plastic frame doesn’t look cheap. The sensors and the specifications also hint towards it being more of a premium fitness tracker than a classic smartwatch. The declared battery life is excellent, the screen looks great, and having physical buttons helps a lot with usability.)
设置和使用小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)
设置小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)非常简单,就像它的兄弟姐妹一样。在智能手表上,您首先选择语言,然后您会看到一个二维码(QR code),用于下载和安装适用于 Android 的 Xiaomi Wear 应用程序(Xiaomi Wear app for Android)或适用于 iPhone 的 Xiaomi Wear Lite 应用程序(Xiaomi Wear Lite app for iPhone)。在智能手机上启动应用程序后,选择您要连接的手表类型,确认一些隐私设置,就大功告成了!
将小米手表(Mi Watch)与智能手机配对很简单
在我们迄今为止测试过的三款小米可穿戴设备(小米手表(Mi Watch)、小米手表 Lite(Mi Watch Lite)和小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6))中,小米手表(Mi Watch)是最大的,但对于手腕较小的人来说最不舒适。它很笨重,穿上它你肯定会注意到它的存在,尤其是当你穿上长袖衬衫或西装和袖口(suit and cuffs)的时候。不过由于开孔较多,表带的大小可以调节的幅度甚至超过小米手环6。(Mi Smart Band 6.)带子的两个部分都有孔,经过一番摸索之后,我们意识到它们对通风有很大帮助:带子相当宽,可能会留一些汗水。带子中间有孔,您的汗水会在有机会让您感到不舒服之前变干。
另一个值得一提的小细节(detail worth mentioning)是,表带有两个用于固定表带的环(穿过带扣后),其中一个环的内侧有一个小凹口,可以安装在表带上的任何孔上。这样,环保持固定并且不会滑动 - 如果您的日常活动涉及大量手部和手腕运动(hand and wrist movements),这是一个很好的解决方案。最后,小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的表带可以很容易地取下,并且很容易用可伸缩的销钉装回智能手表上。相对较细的引脚是智能手表在恶劣条件下的弹性方面的一个关注点,但我们无法测试这方面。
表带的释放机制(release mechanism)易于使用
接下来,我们浏览了菜单并点击了一些菜单项来评估响应性。导航界面简单直观:您向侧面滑动以循环到小部件,向上滑动以访问控制中心(Control Centre)(小米版本的快速设置(Quick Settings))并向下滑动以访问通知。正如我们之前提到的,按下Home按钮会打开小部件抽屉,但我们对缺少图标名称不太满意。当然,您可以学习图标或研究它们以对它们的功能做出有根据的猜测,但用户界面的设计通常不是很好。导航,是的,界面本身,不是。
(Navigation)小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)上的导航很直观
你知道什么无疑是伟大的吗?屏幕。它具有非常好的视角、良好的像素密度(pixel density)和足够的亮度,即使在最阳光的日子里也是如此。即使在演播室的灯光下,屏幕也清晰易读,并且自动亮度调节(brightness adjustment)功能与宣传的一样。屏幕尺寸(screen size)巧妙地被菜单中的黑色主题(theme present)所掩盖。如果您切换到浅色表盘,您只能分辨屏幕的边缘 - 您可以通过(watch face)小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用程序从在线列出的一百多个中选择一个。物理按钮有助于在菜单中导航,并且在按下它们时感觉很好。运动(Sport)_按钮周围有一个红色的环,以防万一你,比如说,滑翔伞,忘记了哪条路是向上的。
您可以在明亮的阳光下毫无问题地使用小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)
raise-to-wake 功能有效,但您可能需要调整它的灵敏度,因为在其默认设置下(default setting),它仅在 75% 的时间里在举手时记录。您也可以通过按下任一按钮来激活屏幕。但是,点击屏幕不会唤醒它。
我们尝试了各种活动来测试智能手表的功能,我们很遗憾地说小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)在监控方面有点不可靠。根据图表,心率有一些不寻常的峰值,自动(heart rate)锻炼检测(workout detection)以一致的延迟激活,睡眠监测只有在你有一个“经典”的时间表(” schedule)时才有效。正如制造商所说,“小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)”目前仅跟踪延长的夜间睡眠。无法跟踪白天的睡眠、打瞌睡和小睡。延长夜间睡眠是指夜间连续睡眠的一段时间,在入睡后持续两个多小时。标准夜间睡眠时间为晚上 9:00 至上午 9:00。(currently tracks only extended nighttime sleep. Daytime sleep, dozing, and naps cannot be tracked. Extended nighttime sleep refers to a period of continuous sleep at night, lasting more than two hours after falling asleep. The standard nighttime sleeping period is from 9:00PM to 9:00AM.)” 如果像我们一样,你的睡眠时间不规律,或者在夜间工作,那就倒霉了!
心率读数(Heart rate)有时不可靠
至于通知,我们对小米的所有三款设备都有相同的体验:有时它们运行良好,有时它们出现延迟。对于电话,小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch )有时只会在通话结束几分钟后振动并显示来电者的姓名。我们对缺乏高级呼叫处理(call handling)(接听,在另一个呼叫中拒绝来电)感到失望,因为这是我们使用智能手表的主要功能之一。我们认为这与软件有很大关系,而与硬件关系不大。说到这里,我们来说说小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用。它不像竞争对手那么精致,但它可以为智能手表提供一定程度的个性化。从应用程序中,您可以更改表盘(watch face),重新排列小部件并启用或禁用单个应用程序的通知。您还可以为手表上的“运动”按钮选择锻炼。(Sport)
您可以使用小米穿戴应用程序配置您的(Wear app)Mi Watch
与手表同步只需几秒钟,下载表盘(watch face)并应用它需要更多时间(15-30 秒)。除了上面提到的关于通知的同步问题外,我们没有遇到任何同步问题。
最后,电池持续了大约 12 天,下降到大约一周,始终显示、提高唤醒灵敏度和连续心率监测(heart rate monitoring)。如果我们禁用某些设置,我们可以轻松实现广告宣传的 16 天电池运行时间。(battery run time)电池充电用了不到两个小时。
使用小米手表是一次很好的体验。我们喜欢明亮的屏幕、物理按钮以及表带的可调节性和舒适性。但是,通过小米手表的传感器获得的数据并不可靠。小米 Wear 应用程序不错,但与 Fitbit 和华为的应用程序相差甚远。(Using the Xiaomi Mi Watch was a good experience. We liked the bright screen, the physical buttons, and the adjustability and comfort of the strap. However, the data obtained through the sensors of the Xiaomi Mi Watch is unreliable. The Xiaomi Wear app is decent, but doesn’t come close to apps from Fitbit and Huawei.)
小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch )不支持安装应用程序,因此设备上预装的 21 个小部件就足够了。锻炼模式的数量起初可能令人望而生畏:117 种,其中 17 种在锻炼(Workout)菜单中,其余的可以根据需要添加。我们觉得一些锻炼只是其他锻炼的副本,监控相同的设置。您可以删除不需要的锻炼,还可以将“运动(Sport)”按钮配置为您喜爱的锻炼的快捷方式。小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的健康功能有:
- 心率监测(Heart rate monitoring):自动/手动心率监测(heart rate monitoring)、静息心率(heart rate)、心率曲线(heart rate curve)
- SpO2 监测(SpO2 monitoring):按需监测(on-demand monitoring)血液中的氧气水平(oxygen level)
- 睡眠监测(Sleep monitoring):深度睡眠、轻度睡眠、快速眼动(eye movement)(REM)
- 压力监测:使用HR 传感器(HR sensor)和其他数据计算压力分数(stress score)
- 能量监测:手表使用睡眠数据和(Energy monitoring)活动监测(activity monitoring)来评估您全天的能量水平
- 呼吸练习(Breathing exercises):智能手表可帮助您进行引导式呼吸练习
- 空闲警报(Idle alerts):智能手表可以设置为振动并在检测到没有身体活动时定期通知您
- 锻炼历史(Workout history):您可以直接在智能手表上查看过去锻炼的摘要
- 计步器:(Step counter:)每天计算步数
此外,该设备会感应您何时开始或结束锻炼(workout session),并可以根据锻炼强度(workout intensity)计算恢复时间(recovery time)。
SpO2 测量在这个(SpO2 measurement)价位上(price point)是一个罕见的功能
小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)具有许多智能手机功能:
- 天气报告
- (Alarm clock)带秒表和计时器的(stopwatch and timer)闹钟
- 手电筒
- 来自智能手机的通知
- 来电显示
- 呼叫控制(拒绝或静音)
- 找我的手机
- 媒体控制(Media control)(播放/暂停、上一个/下一个、音量控制(volume control))
- 相机控制
- 与亚马逊 Alexa(Amazon Alexa)集成
尽管它比 Mi Watch Lite 具有更多的功能,但在我们看来,这些功能集仍然不能让小米手表成为一款成熟的智能手表。功能的数量对于它的价格来说无疑是巨大的,而且对锻炼监控和分析的关注使它对健身爱好者非常有用。(Although it has more functions than the Mi Watch Lite, in our opinion, the feature set still doesn’t qualify the Xiaomi Mi Watch as a fully-fledged smartwatch. The number of features is undoubtedly great for its price, and the focus on workout monitoring and analysis makes it very useful for fitness enthusiasts.)
你觉得小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)怎么样?
我们希望我们的评论回答了您可能对小米米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)提出的问题。如果您还有其他想了解我们对智能手表的体验的信息,请随时发表评论。另外,我们很想知道您对小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的看法。在这个价位上(price point),您还在考虑哪些其他智能手表?
Xiaomi Mi Watch review: a sturdy fitness smartwatch -
Τhe Xiaomi Mi Watch is an interesting device: it’s advertised as a smartwatch, but it has a lot of features and tools usually available on fitness bands. The price of this smartwatch is great, around 100 USD at the time of the review, and the sturdy and rugged design certainly attracts potential buyers. In this article, we review the Xiaomi Mi Watch to find out what kind of wearable it is, how it performs, and how comfortable it is. Here’s our experience with this smartwatch from Xiaomi:
Xiaomi Mi Watch: who is it good for?
The Xiaomi Mi Watch is a great choice for:
- Fitness enthusiasts who want more from their wearable tracker
- Users who want a basic smartwatch at a great price
- People in need of a rugged smartwatch with a big screen and extended battery life
Pros and cons
Our testing revealed a number of qualities of the Xiaomi Mi Watch:
See price on:
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- The screen is bright, with great color reproduction and viewing angles
- Battery life is much better than you would typically expect from a smartwatch
- The watch has a comfortable strap
- The device features excellent workout analysis
- The physical buttons are a treat to use
However, we also found some negatives:
- Sometimes, the measurements are unreliable
- The 117 workout modes are just a marketing gimmick
- The interface could use a redesign
- There are insufficient features for a fully-fledged smartwatch
While we initially considered the Xiaomi Mi Watch to be a smartwatch, we now think a better characterization of the device is as being an activity or a fitness tracker with significant quality-of-life upgrades. Sure, it has more smartwatch features than the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite and the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6, but they are still insufficient to brand the Xiaomi Mi Watch as a fully fledged smartwatch. That being said, the screen is great, the build quality is good, it has a long battery life, and it’s relatively simple to use. Buy the Xiaomi Mi Watch if you want to upgrade your fitness tracker with more smartwatch features and better usability.
Unboxing the Xiaomi Mi Watch
The Xiaomi Mi Watch comes in a high-quality blue box, with a picture of the smartwatch (not the actual size) on the front. Apart from the brand name and the smartwatch model, there is no other information on the front. The package dimensions are 10.8 x 2.56 x 1.38 inches (or 275 x 65 x 35 mm).
The blue box stands out
Both the sides and the back contain information about the specs and the features of the watch. On the back, you can find another picture of the smartwatch.
The back and the sides of the box are full of graphics and text
The first thing you see when you open the box is the smartwatch in all its glory, including the strap, which is already mounted. As usual, Xiaomi has taken great care with the packaging: the watch has a protective plastic cover for the screen, and the charger is in a different compartment. As for the package contents, no surprises here: apart from the watch, inside the box there are only the magnetic charger cable, a warranty leaflet, and the manual.
Xiaomi Mi Watch: what's in the box
The unboxing experience for the Xiaomi Mi Watch was nice, with no surprises (good or bad). The contents are well packaged, in separate compartments.
Design and hardware specifications
The Xiaomi Mi Watch is a large smartwatch. When compared to its Mi Watch Lite sibling, the difference is clear, and it becomes more obvious when you put it on your wrist. The smartwatch dimensions are 1.80 x 2.1 x 0.46 inches (45.9 x 53.35 x11.8 mm), not including the protrusions, while its weight is 1.13 ounces (32 grams) without the strap.
The Xiaomi Mi Watch (left) next to the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite (right)
The design is still up for debate in our office. While the Xiaomi Mi Watch looks sturdy and rugged, some of us prefer the Lite for its fewer edges and less blocky design. If you will, the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite invites you to take it with you for dinner, while the Xiaomi Mi Watch screams “let’s go paragliding!” And by the way, paragliding is actually one of its 117 workout modes, but we’ll get into that later in the article.
The smartwatch has two physical buttons:
- the Home button wakes up the device, enters or exits the widgets menu, starts Alexa (more on that later), and powers the device on and off;
- the Sport button starts the Workouts widget and can be configured with the Xiaomi Wear app as a shortcut for your favorite workout.
The physical buttons look good and are useful
The watch is water-resistant at a depth of up to 165 feet (50m) and 5 ATM. The chassis is made of reinforced plastic (to be more exact, glass-fiber-reinforced polyamide), and the removable strap is made of TPU, just like the other members of the Xiaomi line-up. The strap has an interesting ribbed texture, and its length can be adjusted in a wide range. Color-wise, you can pick between black, navy blue, and beige. No matter the color you choose for the smartwatch, the buckle is always black.
You can choose between three colors for the body and the straps
Unlike the one on the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite, the screen on the Mi Watch is brilliant. It’s a 1.39-inch color AMOLED display with a resolution of 454 x 454 pixels per inch and a maximum brightness of 450 nits. It has auto brightness adjustment and always-on capability.
The screen of the Xiaomi Mi Watch is excellent
Keeping in mind the relatively low price of the Xiaomi Mi Watch (100 USD), the amount of sensors is decent:
- 3-axis accelerometer
- 3-axis gyroscope
- PPG (light-based) heart rate sensor with SpO2 measurement
- Geomagnetic sensor
- Air pressure sensor
- Altimeter
- Ambient light sensor
- Compass
- GPS sensor with GLONASS / BDS / Galileo
The connection with the smartphone is done via Bluetooth 5.0, but you get no NFC (so no payments using the smartwatch) or WiFi. Having a GPS gives you the freedom to go for a run without taking the smartphone with you. However, the lack of a speaker makes it less attractive for people wanting to manage their calls from the smartwatch. You can still see who’s calling you, but you can only reject the call or silence it. Surprisingly, it does have a microphone, although it can’t be used for calls. It’s actually there as a means to interact with Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant, which can be accessed on the smartwatch by pressing and holding the Home button.
The back of the Xiaomi Mi Watch
The battery has a 420 mAh capacity and, according to Xiaomi, is good for approximately 16 days of normal use or 50 hours with GPS tracking active. The charger, as mentioned, is magnetic and only sticks to the smartwatch in the correct position. The cable is 50 cm long, enough for charging on a desk, but maybe insufficient if your power outlet is on the ground. Further technical specs can be found on the official website: Mi Watch.
The Xiaomi Mi Watch is sturdy and rugged. Its design seems to be aimed more at active individuals, while the reinforced plastic frame doesn’t look cheap. The sensors and the specifications also hint towards it being more of a premium fitness tracker than a classic smartwatch. The declared battery life is excellent, the screen looks great, and having physical buttons helps a lot with usability.
Setting up and using the Xiaomi Mi Watch
Setting up the Xiaomi Mi Watch is very easy, just like its siblings. On the smartwatch, you first select the language, then you’re presented with a QR code for downloading and installing the Xiaomi Wear app for Android or the Xiaomi Wear Lite app for iPhone. After starting the app on your smartphone, select the type of watch you want to connect to, confirm some privacy settings, and you’re done!
Pairing the Mi Watch to the smartphone is easy
Out of the three wearable devices from Xiaomi that we tested so far (the Mi Watch, the Mi Watch Lite, and the Mi Smart Band 6), the Mi Watch is the biggest and the least comfortable for people with smaller wrists. It’s bulky, and you will definitely be aware of its presence when wearing it, especially if you have a long-sleeved shirt on or a suit and cuffs. However, due to the large number of holes, the size of the strap can be adjusted more than even the Mi Smart Band 6. The holes are on both parts of the strap, and after a bit of head-scratching as to why that is, we realized that they help a lot with ventilation: the strap is reasonably wide and could potentially trap some sweat. With the holes down the middle of the strap, your sweat will dry out before it has the chance to make you feel uncomfortable.
The strap is well designed
Another small detail worth mentioning is that the strap has two loops for fastening the band (after passing through the buckle), and one of the loops has a small notch on the inside that fits on any of the holes in the strap. This way, the loop remains fixed and does not slide around - an excellent solution if your daily activities involve a lot of hand and wrist movements. Finally, the strap of the Xiaomi Mi Watch can be easily removed and is pretty easy to put back on the smartwatch, using a retractable pin. The relatively thin pins are a point of concern in regards to the smartwatch’s resilience in harsh conditions, but we were not able to test this aspect.
The release mechanism for the strap is easy to use
Next, we navigated through the menus and tapped on a few menu items to evaluate responsiveness. Navigating the interface is simple and intuitive: you swipe sideways to cycle to widgets, swipe up to access the Control Centre (Xiaomi’s version of the Quick Settings) and swipe down to access the notifications. As we mentioned before, pressing the Home button opens the widgets drawer, but we were not too happy with the lack of names for the icons. Sure, you can learn the icons or study them to make an educated guess of their function, but the design of the user interface in general is not great. The navigation, yes, the interface itself, no.
Navigation on the Xiaomi Mi Watch is intuitive
You know what is undoubtedly great, though? The screen. It has very good viewing angles, good pixel density, and enough brightness for even the sunniest days. Even under studio lights, the screen was perfectly legible, and the automatic brightness adjustment worked as advertised. The screen size is skilfully masked by the black theme present in the menus. You can only tell the edges of the screen if you switch to a light-colored watch face - and you’ll be able to pick one from over a hundred listed online via the Xiaomi Wear app. The physical buttons help with navigating through the menus and feel nice when pushing them. The Sport button has a red ring around it, just in case you are, let’s say, paragliding and forget which way is up.
You can use the Xiaomi Mi Watch in bright sunlight without issues
The raise-to-wake function works, but you might want to adjust its sensitivity, since on its default setting, it only registers around 75% of the time when raising the hand. You can also activate the screen by pressing either button. Tapping on the screen will not wake it up, though.
We tried various activities in order to test the smartwatch’s functionality, and we are sad to say that Xiaomi Mi Watch is a bit unreliable when it comes to monitoring. The heart rate had some unusual spikes according to the graphs, the automatic workout detection activates with a consistent delay, and sleep monitoring only works if you have a “classic” schedule. As the manufacturer puts it, the Xiaomi Mi Watch “currently tracks only extended nighttime sleep. Daytime sleep, dozing, and naps cannot be tracked. Extended nighttime sleep refers to a period of continuous sleep at night, lasting more than two hours after falling asleep. The standard nighttime sleeping period is from 9:00PM to 9:00AM.” If, like us, you have either erratic sleeping sessions or work during the night, bad luck!
The Heart rate readings are sometimes unreliable
As for notifications, we had the same experience with all three devices from Xiaomi: sometimes they work perfectly, sometimes they appear with a delay. For phone calls, the Xiaomi Mi Watch would sometimes only vibrate and display the name of the caller minutes after the call had ended. We’re disappointed by the lack of advanced call handling (answering, declining an incoming call while in another call), since that’s one of the main functions that we use our smartwatches for. We think it has a lot to do with the software and less to do with the hardware. Speaking of which, let’s talk about the Xiaomi Wear app. It’s not nearly as polished as the competition, but it allows a certain degree of personalization for the smartwatch. From the app, you can change the watch face, rearrange the widgets and enable or disable notifications for individual apps. You can also pick a workout for the Sport button on the watch.
You can configure your Mi Watch using the Xiaomi Wear app
Syncing with the watch only takes a few seconds, downloading a watch face and applying it takes a bit more (15-30 seconds). We encountered no sync issues, apart from the ones mentioned above, regarding notifications.
Finally, the battery lasted about 12 days, dropping to about a week with always-on display, increased raise-to-wake sensitivity, and continuous heart rate monitoring. We could have easily achieved the advertised 16 days of battery run time, if we disabled some settings. Charging the battery took under two hours.
Using the Xiaomi Mi Watch was a good experience. We liked the bright screen, the physical buttons, and the adjustability and comfort of the strap. However, the data obtained through the sensors of the Xiaomi Mi Watch is unreliable. The Xiaomi Wear app is decent, but doesn’t come close to apps from Fitbit and Huawei.
The features of the Xiaomi Mi Watch
The Xiaomi Mi Watch doesn’t support installing apps, so the 21 widgets preinstalled on the device will have to suffice. The number of workout modes can be intimidating at first: 117, of which 17 are in the Workout menu, and the rest can be added if needed. We feel like some workouts are simply copies of others, monitoring the same settings. You can remove the workouts that you don’t need, and you can also configure the Sport button as a shortcut to your favorite workout. The health features of the Xiaomi Mi Watch are:
- Heart rate monitoring: automatic/manual heart rate monitoring, resting heart rate, and heart rate curve
- SpO2 monitoring: on-demand monitoring of the oxygen level in the blood
- Sleep monitoring: Deep sleep, light sleep, rapid eye movement (REM)
- Stress monitoring: A stress score is calculated using the HR sensor and other data
- Energy monitoring: The watch evaluates your energy levels throughout the day using the sleep data and the activity monitoring
- Breathing exercises: The smartwatch helps you with guided breathing exercises
- Idle alerts: The smartwatch can be set up to vibrate and notify you periodically if it detects no physical activity
- Workout history: You can see summaries of past workouts directly on the smartwatch
- Step counter: Counting the number of steps on a daily basis
Additionally, the device senses when you start or end a workout session and can calculate recovery time based on workout intensity.
SpO2 measurement is a rare feature at this price point
The Xiaomi Mi Watch has a number of smartphone features:
- Weather reporting
- Alarm clock with stopwatch and timer
- Flashlight
- Notifications from your smartphone
- Caller ID
- Call control (reject or mute)
- Find my phone
- Media control (play/pause, previous/next, volume control)
- Camera control
- Integration with Amazon Alexa
Although it has more functions than the Mi Watch Lite, in our opinion, the feature set still doesn’t qualify the Xiaomi Mi Watch as a fully-fledged smartwatch. The number of features is undoubtedly great for its price, and the focus on workout monitoring and analysis makes it very useful for fitness enthusiasts.
What do you think of the Xiaomi Mi Watch?
We hope that our review answered the questions you may have had about the Xiaomi Mi Watch. If you have anything else you would like to know about our experience with the smartwatch, do not hesitate to write a comment. Also, we’d love to know your opinion on the Xiaomi Mi Watch. What other smartwatches are you considering at this price point?