小米智能手(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)环4是一款经济实惠的健康和健身设备(health and fitness device),不会掏空您的口袋,也不会让您失望硬件规格。配备彩色RGB AMOLED 屏幕(RGB AMOLED screen)、理论上可以使用长达 20 天的电池、防水性(water resistance)和准确的心率(heart rate)跟踪传感器,所有这些都价格低廉,您可以了解为什么很多人正在考虑购买它。如果您也是,请阅读此评论并了解它是否值得购买以及为什么:
小米米智能手环 4(Mi Smart Band 4):它对谁有好处?
小米米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- 跟踪和改善他们的健康状况
- 一款可以准确追踪心率的(heart rate)健身手环(fitness band)
- 在游泳时使用他们的健身带
- 价格便宜的好健身手环(fitness band)
小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)有很多值得喜欢的地方:
- 它会在日常活动和锻炼期间收集大量关于您的有用数据
- 有用的心率追踪
- 它是防水的
- AMOLED 彩色(AMOLED color)显示屏明亮,分辨率相当高
- 它的电池足以让它运行至少一周
- 腕带很舒服
- 它可以在您接到电话时向您显示通知,以及智能手机上的应用程序发送的通知
- 查找设备(Find device)功能很有用
- 非常实惠
- 它无法准确跟踪您的睡眠模式
- 移动应用程序可以改进
- 使用您的小米米帐户无法在浏览器中查看您的数据(Mi account)
- 如果您更换智能手机,即使您连接到同一个帐户,您也可能会丢失所有数据
小米(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)手环4是一款非常适合预算有限的用户的健身手环。(fitness band)除了价格之外,它的主要品质还包括明亮灵敏的触摸屏(touch screen)、防水(water resistance)和准确的心率(heart rate)跟踪。我们相信,对于打算购买第一台此类设备的人以及只想花少量钱的人来说,这款健身手环是一个不错的选择。(fitness band)但是,如果您总体上认真致力于健身和运动,则可能需要寻找更昂贵的替代品。
拆箱小米 Mi 智能手环 4
小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)采用长方形盒子,看起来非常时尚。在它的正面,你可以看到健身手(fitness band)环的插图,一个小的小米标志(Mi logo),以及告诉你手环版本的大数字 4 。(number 4)
如果您想了解有关新健身手(fitness band)环的更多详细信息,可以在包装盒的背面和侧面找到它们。(back and sides)在里面(Inside),您可以看到您所支付的:小米米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)、专有USB 充电器(USB charger)、用户指南(user guide)和保修。
小米手环 4 的拆箱体验非常简单。该软件包包含您快速入门所需的一切。(The unboxing experience for the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is straightforward. The package contains everything you need to get started quickly.)
小米米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)看起来就像任何其他预算健身手(budget fitness band)环,至少在关闭时是这样。该设备本身没有腕带,简单明了,呈矩形。这意味着如果你喜欢那种东西,很容易在上面贴上屏幕保护膜,尽管屏幕已经受到 2.5D 钢化玻璃的保护。(screen protector)另一方面,曲面屏幕可能看起来更好、更时尚。
好消息是,与之前的小米手(Xiaomi Mi)环相比,它的屏幕非常出色。小米手环 4(Mi Band 4)配备0.95 英寸AMOLED 显示屏(AMOLED display),分辨率为 120 x 240 像素,24 位RGB 色(RGB color)深。它也很亮,在最大亮度下可以达到400 尼特。(400 nits)
在设备的背面,您可以找到心率监测传感器(heart rate monitoring sensor)和充电触点。此外,小米手环4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)还配备了三轴加速度计和陀螺仪传感器(accelerometer and gyroscope sensor),以及接近传感器(proximity sensor)。
腕带由热塑性聚氨酯制成(thermoplastic polyurethane),具有少量弹性,但也具有耐磨性。腕带宽 18 毫米,长度可调,最大范围为 155 至 216 毫米。这意味着它应该适合任何人,无论是男性还是女性,无论您的手腕有多大或多小。值得一提的是,表带仅重 22.1 克。
许多人想要从健身乐队(fitness band)获得的一件事是能够在水上运动(water sport)活动中工作。好在小米手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)是防水的,最多可以承受 5次ATM。这意味着您可以在游泳时将它戴在手腕上,这是我们的一大优势。
关于手环的连接,你应该知道它使用的是蓝牙 5.0 版本(Bluetooth version 5.0),并且支持BLE。BLE来自低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth Low Energy),描述了设备使用少量能量来保持蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接开启的能力。说到这一点,小米(Xiaomi)宣传这款健身手(fitness band)环能够持续使用长达 20 天,并在不到 2 小时的时间内充满电。它的自主权由一个相当小的 135 mAh 锂离子聚合物电池提供(Polymer battery). 正如您在我们评论的下一部分中看到的那样,如果您没有使用乐队的所有功能,这是可能的,尽管即使您这样做,它的自主性也令人印象深刻。
小米米智能手环 4(Mi Smart Band 4)拥有 512 KB 的RAM和 16 MB 的ROM。ROM(只读存储器(Read-Only Memory))足以存储乐队的固件、设置和日志,以及一些自定义设置,例如显示皮肤。
在支持的操作系统方面,小米手环4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)正式支持安卓4.4(Android 4.4)及以上的任何智能手机,以及iOS 9.0及以上的任何iPhone。
如果您想阅读该产品的所有官方规格,请访问此页面:小米米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)规格( Specs)。
考虑到它是一款经济实惠的健身手环,小米米智能手环 4 具有一些令人印象深刻的规格。它具有心率监测、大屏幕、出色的自主性和合理的价格。(The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 features some impressive specifications, considering that it's a budget-friendly fitness band. It has heart rate monitoring, a great screen, excellent autonomy, and a reasonable price.)
使用小米智能手环 4
小米米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)已经安装在腕带(wrist strap)中,设备周围有一些边缘,当您将其按在腕带(wrist band)上时,这些边缘可以固定到位。不幸的是,我发现很难将它从腕带中取出并放回原处。我尝试的前几次,感觉就像我要打破它。另一方面,佩戴小米手环4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)一段时间后,不得不说腕带(wrist strap)很舒服,因为它的柔韧性,也因为它的材质不会让你的手腕出汗。这对我来说是一个重要的问题,因为我对很多东西过敏,而且我很容易出现不愉快的皮肤反应。
让我印象深刻的另一件事是乐队的电池寿命(battery life)。即使我启用了它的大部分功能,包括睡眠和连续心率监测(heart rate monitoring),小米米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)在我不得不充电之前仍然能够持续使用大约 10 天。考虑到乐队的电池有多小,这是一项出色的能力。
在健身功能方面,小米手环4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)相当大方。它不仅可以计算佩戴者的步数、行进距离和估计燃烧的卡路里,而且还具有六种不同的锻炼模式。如果您对它们感到好奇,请知道该乐队为跑步机、锻炼、户外跑步(outdoor running)、骑自行车、步行和游泳提供了专门的锻炼模式。不幸的是,除了步行和骑自行车(walking and cycling),我不是一个健身达人(fitness man),在这段时间骑自行车是不可能的,因为我所在地区的天气条件非常糟糕。然而,据我所知,小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)设法相当准确地计算步数。它有时会添加一些您没有执行的虚构步骤,但它们的数量很少,并且不会以有意义的方式影响统计数据。一千步加起来不超过十步或二十步。
我特别喜欢小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)的一件事是它的媒体控制功能(control feature)。想知道那是什么?该乐队为您提供了对您在智能手机上播放的音乐的控制,它不仅支持Spotify等音乐应用程序(music apps),还支持YouTube。只需在乐队上轻按几下,您就可以执行调整音量或跳到下一首歌曲等操作。我相信当您外出跑步或骑自行车时,这是一个有用的功能。
此外,小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)拥有令人印象深刻的屏幕,即使在阳光直射的情况下也很明亮且易于阅读,这在您进行户外健身活动时经常出现。
还有其他一些我很欣赏的功能,我相信很多人也这样做。例如,我喜欢小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)可以向您显示您在智能手机上收到的通知和消息,以及在您接到电话(phone call)或闹钟响起时振动。该显示器具有出色的分辨率,甚至可以显示包含许多字符的长通知。
此外,乐队的查找设备(Find device)功能是对我特别有用的另一件事。看,我有一个小孩,她经常喜欢拿我的智能手机拍照或玩游戏。她经常把它放在最意想不到的地方,我通常很难找到它。小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)让我的生活变得更轻松(life easier):使用它的查找设备(Find device)功能,我可以点击它上面的几个按钮,我的智能手机开始尖叫,这让我更容易找到它。🙂
最后,我也不得不提一下我不喜欢这款健身手(fitness band)环的地方。首先(First),我希望它的屏幕至少稍微弯曲。那会让它看起来有点时尚。实际上,它看起来很常见,尽管这是预算设备(budget device)所期望的。
其次,睡眠跟踪(sleep tracking)不准确。至少对我来说,小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)根本无法追踪我的睡眠模式,所以我不得不每天手动编辑它的录音。几乎每天晚上,除了少数例外,我都会上床睡觉看 Netflix(bed and watch Netflix)或阅读。那段时间,我不怎么动。我希望乐队不仅根据我的运动模式,而且根据我的心率(heart rate)(以及它收集的其他信息)做出假设,并看到我没有睡觉。在大多数晚上,我会在凌晨 2 点或 3 点左右入睡。小米手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)认为我从晚上 11 点开始一直在睡觉,其统计数据与事实相去甚远。这可以从如果您更改习惯设置,则Mi Fit 应用程序(Mi Fit app),但这仅在您有常规习惯时才有用。对于像我这样生活方式不稳定、睡眠和醒来时间不同的人来说,小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)无法提供准确的睡眠跟踪(sleep tracking)。
Mi Fit 应用程序(Mi Fit app)和软件环境(software environment)还有一些地方可以做得更好。该应用程序本身看起来不错,并提供了您需要的所有基础知识。但是,通过它的菜单找到自己的方式并不直观,而且您不能使用它来将乐队的语言更改为与智能手机的语言不同。不幸的是,这对我不利,因为如果我的智能手机设置为English,我的母语罗马尼亚语(Romanian)中的许多字符都无法正确显示。我希望我的智能手机能保持英语(English),而乐队设置为罗马尼亚语(Romanian)。
此外,手环的信息和统计数据仅在Mi Fit 应用程序(Mi Fit app)中可用。因此,例如,您无法在Web 浏览器(web browser)中看到它们,也无法以任何方式导出它们。此外,虽然您必须使用小米(Xiaomi)创建一个用户帐户,但如果您更换智能手机,连接到它是一种偶然的体验。例如,我使用了Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)(ASUS ZenFone Max Pro M2),一切都很好。当我切换到将小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)与另一部手机 iPhone SE 一起使用时,我使用同一个帐户连接了Mi Fit 应用程序。(Mi Fit app)令我惊讶的是,我的所有数据都从我的帐户中丢失了,包括锻炼、睡眠和(heart rate)之前在安卓智能手机上使用手环时记录的(Android smartphone)心率数据。那是一种糟糕的体验,尤其是如果您在使用小米(Xiaomi)服务数月或数年后遇到这种情况。
使用小米手环 4 是不错的体验,但也有不足之处。它的硬件非常出色,具有良好的显示屏和电池,并且心率跟踪准确。考虑到它实惠的价格,我想说它对于精打细算的人来说是一款很棒的健身设备。但是,如果您想要一款更时尚、在睡眠跟踪方面更准确的健身手环,并且让您确信自己不会冒丢失数据的风险,那么您应该节省一些钱并分析其他选项。(Using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is a good experience, but it has its flaws. Its hardware is excellent, it has a good display and battery, and the heart rate tracking is accurate. Considering its affordable price, I'd say that it is a great fitness device for budget-conscious people. However, if you want a fitness band that's more stylish, more accurate in terms of sleep tracking, and which gives you the confidence that you don't risk losing your data than you should save some money and analyze other options too.)
你会买小米智能手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)吗?
看完这篇评测,你对小米手环 4(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4)有什么看法?它是您要购买的健身手(fitness band)环还是您已经购买的健身手环?你这样做的原因是什么?您可以在下面的评论部分分享您的想法。
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 review: It offers a lot for little money
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Bаnd 4 is an affordable health and fitness device that does not empty your pockets and doesn't let you down on hardware specifications. Featuring a color RGB AMOLED screen, a battery that can theoreticаlly last for up to twenty days, water resistance, and an accurate heart rаte tracking sensor, all fоr a low price, you can see whу many people are considering purсhasing it. If you are too, read this review and find out if it is worth buying and why:
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4: Who is it good for?
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is an excellent choice for people who want:
- To track and improve their fitness
- A fitness band that can track the heart rate accurately
- To use their fitness bands while swimming
- A good fitness band with a small price
Pros and cons
There are quite a few things to like about the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4:
- It gathers plenty of useful data about you, during regular activities as well as during workouts
- Useful heart rate tracking
- It is water-resistant
- The AMOLED color display is bright, and its resolution is reasonably high
- Its battery is enough to keep it going for at least one week
- The wrist strap is comfortable
- It can show you notifications when you're getting phone calls, as well as notifications sent by the apps on your smartphone
- The Find device feature is useful
- It's very affordable
We also have a few weaknesses to mention:
- It fails to track your sleep patterns accurately
- The mobile app could be improved
- There is no way to see your data in a browser using your Xiaomi Mi account
- If you change your smartphone, you risk losing all your data, even if you connect to the same account
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is an excellent fitness band for users with a low budget. Its main qualities, besides price, are the bright and responsive touch screen, the water resistance, and the accurate heart rate tracking. We believe that this fitness band is a great choice for people who intend to buy their first device of this type, as well as for those who want to spend only a small amount of money. However, if you are seriously committed to fitness and sports in general, you might want to look at more expensive alternatives.
Unboxing the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 comes in a long and rectangular box that looks pretty stylish. On its front, you can see an illustration of the fitness band, a small Mi logo, and the large number 4 that tells you the band's version.
If you want more details about your new fitness band, you can find them printed on the back and sides of the box. Inside, you get to see what you've paid for: the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4, a proprietary USB charger, the user guide, and the warranty.
The unboxing experience for the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is straightforward. The package contains everything you need to get started quickly.
Design and hardware specifications
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 looks just like any other budget fitness band, at least when it is turned off. The device itself, without the wristband, is plain and simple, with a rectangular form. That means that it's easy to stick a screen protector on it, if you are into that sort of thing, although the screen is already protected by 2.5D tempered glass. On the other hand, a curved screen might have looked better and more stylish.
The good news is that the screen is excellent compared to the ones on the previous iterations of Xiaomi Mi bands. The Mi Band 4 has a 0.95-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 120 x 240 pixels and 24-bit RGB color depth. It's also bright, being able to reach up to 400 nits at maximum brightness.
On the back of the device, you can find the heart rate monitoring sensor and the charging contacts. Furthermore, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 also has a 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope sensor, and a proximity sensor.
There are no physical buttons on the band: the screen is touch-sensitive and besides swiping on it, you can also use a capacitive button found at the bottom of the screen. This button is used for waking the band and for going back when navigating through its menus.
The wrist strap is made of thermoplastic polyurethane, which offers it a small amount of elasticity, but also resistance to abrasion. The wristband is 18 mm wide, and its length is adjustable, ranging from 155 to 216 mm maximum. That means that it should be a good fit for anyone, both men and women, regardless of how large or small your wrists are. It is also worth mentioning that the band weighs only 22.1 grams.
One thing that many people want from a fitness band is the ability to work during water sport activities. Fortunately, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is waterproof and can withstand up to 5 ATM. That means that you can keep it on your wrist when you're swimming, for instance, and that is a big plus from us.
Regarding the band's connectivity, you should know that it uses Bluetooth version 5.0 and has support for BLE. BLE comes from Bluetooth Low Energy and describes the device's ability to use small amounts of energy to keep the Bluetooth connections turned on. Speaking of which, Xiaomi advertises this fitness band as being capable of lasting up to 20 days and fully charge in less than 2 hours. Its autonomy is provided by a rather small 135 mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer battery. As you can see in the next section of our review, this is possible if you are not using all the features of the band, although its autonomy is impressive even if you do.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 has 512 KB of RAM and 16 MB of ROM. The ROM (Read-Only Memory) is more than enough to store the band's firmware, settings, and logs, as well as some customizations, such as display skins.
In terms of operating systems supported, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 officially works with any smartphone running on Android 4.4 or above, as well as with any iPhone running iOS 9.0 or above.
If you want to read all the official specifications of this product, go to this page: Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 Specs.
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 features some impressive specifications, considering that it's a budget-friendly fitness band. It has heart rate monitoring, a great screen, excellent autonomy, and a reasonable price.
Using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is already mounted in the wrist strap, using some edges around the device that fits into place when you press it against the wrist band. Unfortunately, I found it pretty hard to take it out of the wristband and put it back in. The first few times I tried, it felt like I was going to break it. On the other hand, after wearing the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 for a while, I must say that the wrist strap is comfortable, because of its flexibility and also because the material it's made of does not make your wrist sweat. That is an important issue for me, because I'm allergic to quite a few things, and I'm predisposed to unpleasant skin reactions.
Another thing that impressed me quite a lot was the band's battery life. Even though I enabled most of its features, including sleep and continuous heart rate monitoring, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 managed to keep on going for about 10 days before I had to charge it. That's an outstanding ability considering how small the band's battery is.
In terms of fitness features, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is quite generous. Not only can it count the wearer's steps, traveled distances, and estimated burned calories, but it also comes with six different workout modes. If you're curious about them, know that the band has specialized workout modes for the treadmill, exercise, outdoor running, cycling, walking, and swimming. Unfortunately, except for walking and cycling, I'm not much of a fitness man, and cycling was out of the question during this time, as the weather conditions were pretty bad in my area. However, as far as I've noticed, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 manages to count steps quite accurately. It does sometimes add some fictional steps that you did not make, but their number is low and doesn't affect the statistics in a meaningful way. It's no more than ten or twenty steps added to the thousand.
One thing that I especially liked about the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 was its media control feature. Wondering what that's about? The band offers you controls for the music you play on your smartphone, and it supports not only music apps such as Spotify but also YouTube. With just a few taps on the band, you can do things like adjusting the volume or skipping to the next song. I believe that is a useful feature when you're out and about running or riding your bicycle.
Furthermore, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 has an impressive screen, which is bright and easy to read even in direct sunlight, which is often the case when you're doing fitness activities outdoors.
There are also other features that I appreciated having available and which I'm sure many people do too. For instance, I like the fact that the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 can show you notifications and messages that you receive on your smartphone, as well as vibrate when you get a phone call or when an alarm turns on. The display has an excellent resolution, and it's able to show even long notifications, with many characters.
Also, the band's Find device feature is one other thing that was especially useful to me. See, I have a small child, and she often likes to take my smartphone to take photos or play games on it. She often leaves it in the most unexpected places, and I usually have a hard time finding it. The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 made my life easier: using its Find device feature, I could tap a few buttons on it, and my smartphone started screaming, thus making it much easier for me to find it. 🙂
Finally, I also have to mention the things I don't like about this fitness band. First of all, I would have preferred its screen to be at least slightly curved. That would have made it look a bit stylish. As it is, it looks just common, although that's to be expected from a budget device.
Secondly, sleep tracking is not accurate. At least for me, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 did not manage to track my sleep patterns at all, so I had to edit its recordings each day manually. On almost every night, with few exceptions, I go to bed and watch Netflix or read. During those times, I don't move a lot. I would have expected the band to make assumptions based not only on my movement patterns, but also based on my heart rate (and other information that it gathers), and see that I was not sleeping. On most nights, I fall asleep around 2 or 3 AM. Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 thinks I've been sleeping since 11 PM, and its statistics are a long way from the truth. That can be adjusted from the Mi Fit app if you change the habits settings, but that is useful only if you have regular habits. For someone like me, who has an erratic lifestyle, with various sleeping and waking times, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 doesn't deliver accurate sleep tracking.
There are also a few things that could be better about the Mi Fit app and the software environment. The app itself looks nice and offers all the basics you need. However, finding your way through its menus is not intuitive, and you can't use it to change the band's language to be different from your smartphone's language. Unfortunately, that's a negative for me, as many characters from my native language, Romanian, are not displayed correctly on it if my smartphone is set to English. I would have liked to be able to keep my smartphone on English, while the band was set to Romanian.
Also, the information and the statistics from the band are only available in the Mi Fit app. Thus, you can't see them in a web browser, for example, or export them in any way. Furthermore, although you must create a user account with Xiaomi, connecting to it is a hit and miss experience if you change your smartphone. I, for instance, used an Android smartphone (ASUS ZenFone Max Pro M2) with it, and all was well. When I switched to using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 with another phone, an iPhone SE, I connected the Mi Fit app using the same account. The ugly surprise I had was that all my data was lost from my account, including workouts, sleep, and heart rate data recorded before when I was using the band with the Android smartphone. That's a bad experience, especially if you encounter it after months or years of using Xiaomi's services.
Using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 is a good experience, but it has its flaws. Its hardware is excellent, it has a good display and battery, and the heart rate tracking is accurate. Considering its affordable price, I'd say that it is a great fitness device for budget-conscious people. However, if you want a fitness band that's more stylish, more accurate in terms of sleep tracking, and which gives you the confidence that you don't risk losing your data than you should save some money and analyze other options too.
Would you buy the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4?
Now that you have finished reading this review, what is your opinion about the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4? Is it a fitness band that you'd buy or which you already bought? What are your reasons for doing so? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.