小米正在缓慢但稳步地成为高端智能设备市场上三星和苹果(Samsung and Apple)的替代品,同时也为低价智能手机和可穿戴设备提供可靠的选择。在本次评测中,我们正在测试其新的预算导向型健身追踪器(fitness tracker)小米米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)。它的价格非常合理,并且具有与更先进的跟踪器竞争的规格。但它在现实生活中的表现如何?请仔细阅读,找出答案:
小米米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6):它对谁有好处?
这款健身追踪器(fitness tracker)是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- (Amateur fitness)需要基本体力活动监测的(activity monitoring)业余健身爱好者
- 以尽可能低的价格寻找优质健身追踪器的人(fitness tracker)
- 不能或不想经常为健身追踪器充电的用户(fitness tracker)
小米智能手(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)环6有几个值得推荐的优点:
Buy now
- 考虑到功能,惊人的价值
- 优秀的AMOLED屏幕
- 出色的电池寿命(battery life),即使所有功能都已激活
- 大量的锻炼预设
- 腕带戴得太紧不舒服,表带很难收紧
- 缓慢的加注唤醒(当你举手时乐队需要一秒钟的时间做出反应)
- 屏幕很容易划伤
- 与小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)同步慢
小米(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)手环6是入门级健身(fitness tracker)手环的绝佳选择。它为健身爱好者(fitness amateurs)提供了足够的传感器和监控功能,一些有用的智能手表功能,以及超长的电池寿命(battery life)。AMOLED 屏幕(AMOLED screen)质量可与价格更高的设备相媲美。虽然它的设计有一些可以改进的地方,但我们认为小米米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)是这个价位上(price point)最好的追踪器之一。
拆箱小米 Mi 智能手环 6
小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)采用黑盒包装,质感非常好,图形质量很高(texture and high-quality graphics)。盒子尺寸为 6.7 x 2.95 x 0.86 英寸(或 170 x 75 x 22 毫米)。在正面,有一张乐队的照片,连同它的名字和版本号(version number)。
小米手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)盒子正面
小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)的包装盒背面
包装内容是标准的:健身追踪器(fitness tracker)、腕带、磁性充电线(charging cable)(与小米手环 5(Mi Band 5)上的相同)和一本比实际追踪器更重的令人惊讶的沉重手册:)。没有无线充电可用。
在价格范围内,拆箱体验出奇的好。盒子看起来很棒,不同的部分是单独包装的。(The unboxing experience is surprisingly good for the price range. The box looks great and the different parts are individually packaged.)
描述小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)外观的最佳方式是“通用(generic)”。跟踪器体积小(1.86 x 0.73 x 0.5 英寸或 47.4 × 18.6 × 12.7 毫米)且非常轻,重量为 0.45 盎司(或 12.8 克)。屏幕为 1.56 英寸、152 x 486像素的AMOLED 显示屏(AMOLED display),广告亮度高达 450 尼特。它由带有防指纹涂层的光面钢化玻璃保护。小米手(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)环6没有实体按键。这对防水和防尘(waterproofing and dust protection)有很大帮助,但会使设备更难使用。
小米智能手(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)环 6 正面
说到防水,追踪器的(water protection)防水(water resistance)等级为 5ATM ,超过IPX8 认证(IPX8 certification)标准。就传感器而言,该列表是适度的,但对于这个价位来说(price point)是典型的:
- 三轴加速度计
- 三轴陀螺仪
- (PPG heart) 具有SpO2(SpO2)(血氧(blood oxygen))监测能力的(monitoring capability)PPG 心率传感器(rate sensor)(PPG - 基于光的传感器,ECG - 基于电脉冲的传感器)
与智能手机的通信是通过蓝牙 5.0(Bluetooth 5.0)完成的。还有一种NFC 型号(NFC model),但目前仅限于中国(China)和一些欧洲市场。我们尚未对其进行测试,因此我们不能说与各种支付方式的兼容性。追踪器没有集成GPS 系统(GPS system),而是依靠智能手机进行定位。这意味着如果您想要精确的距离测量,您将不得不牺牲便携性。跟踪器没有(tracker doesn)麦克风或扬声器。它只能通过振动通知用户。根据制造商的说法,不可拆卸锂聚合物电池的容量为 125 mAh,可使用 14 天——物超所值。
设备背面装有心率传感器(heart rate sensor)和充电触点
一体式腕带易于从跟踪器上安装和拆卸。它完全由TPU(一种具有许多特性的塑料,包括弹性和(elasticity and resistance)耐油、油脂和耐磨性)制成,长度可调(6.1-8.6 英寸或 155-219 毫米)。表扣装置(clasp mechanism)也由塑料制成,因此过敏风险较小。随附的腕带是黑色的,但售后市场腕带有多种颜色和材料可供选择。
更多技术参数,请访问官网:小米手环6-小米全球(Mi Smart Band 6 - Xiaomi Global)。
小米手环6的设计简洁实用。它的规格在价格范围内是典型的,并且宣称的电池寿命非常好。用于随附腕带的材料坚固耐用,屏幕规格很有希望。(The design of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 is simple and practical. Its specifications are typical for the price range, and the declared battery life is very good. The material used for the included wristband is rugged, and the screen specs are promising.)
设置和使用小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)
首先,如果说小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)有什么让我们喜欢的地方,那就是屏幕的质量。326 DPI 像素(DPI pixel)密度非常好,亮度非常适合户外活动,视角是AMOLED显示器的典型 - 非常好。我们本来会喜欢自动亮度调节(brightness adjustment)的选项,但这意味着包括一个光传感器,使设备的制造成本更高。尽管如此,屏幕可以根据时间表调暗,即使将其设置为相对较高的亮度设置也不会显着影响电池寿命(battery life)。
将追踪器安装到腕带上后,我们开始戴上它。扣子不是很好,您将很难将其调整到所需的长度并固定销钉。但是,一旦固定,它就不会脱落。腕带相对舒适,但如果您长时间佩戴腕带,则不太舒适。如果您想要全天候监控,则需要始终紧紧佩戴它,而扣环的孔是在皮肤上制作 3D 标记的好方法:
设置设备很简单:为智能设备充电,然后按照屏幕上的说明下载小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用程序。您也可以使用Mi Fit应用程序,但事实证明很难在两者之间进行选择。虽然Mi Fit可以与多个(Mi Fit)健身应用(fitness apps)共享数据,但我们发现小米 Wear(Xiaomi Wear)没有与Google Fit集成(目前仅与Strava集成),并且两个应用的设备兼容性列表(device compatibility list)不同。此外,小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用程序不支持 Mi Scale;小米飞度(Mi Fit)可以。在智能手机上安装小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear )应用并启用后蓝牙(Bluetooth),您只需在应用程序中添加设备即可连接。
将小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)连接到智能手机很容易
虽然初始设置很快,但连接速度相对较慢,有时还很滞后。如果您断开手环与智能手机的连接并稍后再次连接,则尤其如此。同步大约需要十秒钟。您可以使用小米手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)在智能手机上控制媒体播放,但这取决于所使用的媒体播放应用程序和设备(playback app and device)。例如,在华为 P30(Huawei P30)上,媒体播放控件不可用,而在其他设备(包括 iPhone SE)上,我们可以轻松播放/暂停/更改歌曲,以及控制播放音量(playback volume)。您可以将手环设置为在来电(incoming call)时振动,但缺少麦克风或大屏幕意味着您只能拒绝接听(call or answer)使用预定义列表中的SMS呼叫或应答。在某些情况下,乐队会在通话结束后开始振动并显示来电。(incoming call)
回到小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用程序,我们认为它是一个体面的应用程序。它不像其他开发者的健身应用程序(fitness apps)那样详细或有条理,但它为用户提供了合理数量的信息。我们认为它比健身追踪器(fitness tracker)更适合智能手表。从应用程序中,您可以更改乐队的面孔(它有很多选项),设置通知(针对每个应用程序单独),以及重新排列乐队菜单(band menu)中的小部件。
您可以配置表盘(watch face)和跟踪器显示的通知
乐队的所有功能都像宣传的那样工作,但有些小问题。例如,虽然锻炼自动检测(workout autodetection)在大多数情况下运行良好,但除非我们先在智能手机上打开小米 Wear应用程序,否则(Xiaomi Wear)GPS定位将无法正常工作。(GPS)这意味着在真正开始慢跑之前,我们需要更多时间来摆弄这些设备。睡眠监测只是不错,有时会错过整个睡眠时段。例如,它甚至没有达到像Fitbit Charge 4这样的产品所提供的细节水平。再说一次,那个追踪器的成本是小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)的三倍。
健康监测(health monitoring)很不错
脉搏监测(Pulse monitoring)是准确的,虽然我们没有脉搏血氧仪来验证SpO值,但我们没有理由怀疑测量值(范围从 95% 到 99%)。还有压力监测,但在某些制造商开发读心追踪器之前,我们建议您对结果持保留态度。小米手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)的其他功能包括闹钟(alarm clock)、秒表功能(stopwatch function)、天气(Weather)小部件和相机控制。
您可以为波段屏幕(band screen)激活 raise-to-wake ,它在大多数情况下都有效。唯一的小问题是它从你举手的那一刻起有一点延迟。
最后,在所有功能(心率监测(heart rate monitoring)、锻炼检测)的情况下,电池在轻度体育活动的情况下持续了大约 10 天。通过更保守的方法(比如调低屏幕亮度或禁用某些功能),我们预计小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)可以持续使用整整两周。它的充电速度非常快,大约 2 小时内从 4% 到 100%。
使用小米手环 6 是一次非常不错的体验。如果您知道它的局限性,那么这个跟踪器会提供很多价值。屏幕很棒,电池寿命也很棒。固定腕带有点困难,小米穿戴应用程序可以改进,可能会出现一些小的连接问题。(Using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 was a very good experience. If you’re aware of its limitations, this tracker offers a lot of value. The screen is great, as is the battery life. Fastening the wristband is mildly difficult, the Xiaomi Wear app can be improved, and some minor connectivity issues may appear.)
小米手环6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)的健康与健身功能(health and fitness features)
小米手(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)环6提供跑步机(Treadmill)、户外跑步(Outdoor running)、骑行(Cycling)、步行(Walking)、泳池游泳(Pool swimming)、瑜伽(Yoga)、室内健身(Indoor fitness)、篮球(Basketball)、乒乓球(Table tennis)、跆拳道( Kickboxing)等30种运动模式。您可以使用该应用程序更改锻炼在智能设备上的显示顺序。
小米穿戴应用程序(Xiaomi Wear App)允许跟踪器的菜单个性化程度很高(menu personalization)
- 心率监测(Heart rate monitoring):全天心率(heart rate)手动心率(heart rate)、静息心率(heart rate)、心率曲线(heart rate curve)
- 睡眠监测(Sleep monitoring):深度睡眠、轻度睡眠、快速眼动(eye movement)( REM )、小睡
- 女性健康追踪(Women's health tracking):提供月经周期和排卵期的记录和提醒(cycle and ovulation phases)
- SpO 测量(SpO measuring):根据需要,该设备测量血氧饱和度(blood oxygen saturation)
- 压力监测(Stress monitoring):根据您的脉搏和活动(pulse and activity),追踪器提供压力水平评分(level score)
- 自动锻炼检测(Automatic workout detection):即使没有手动激活,设备也可以检测和记录锻炼
- 呼吸练习(Breathing exercises):您可以将智能设备设置为定期呼吸练习
- PAI 活力指数评估(PAI vitality index assessment):PAI(个人活动智能(Personal Activity Intelligence))评分是一种有趣的健身评估方法。该分数是根据您全天的心率和运动创建的,可以很好地指示您的身体状况。(heart rate and movement)您可以在此处阅读有关个人活动智能(Personal Activity Intelligence)的更多信息:PAI Health。
- 空闲警报(Idle alerts):如果长时间没有检测到身体活动,手环可以设置为振动
- 计步器:(Step counter:)每天计算步数
健身数据(fitness data)保存在云中,一旦您使用用户名和密码(user and password)登录,就可以从任何其他设备访问。
你觉得小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)怎么样?
小米米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)的物超所值给我们留下了深刻的印象。其惊人的屏幕和电池寿命(screen and battery life)使其成为长时间锻炼的好伴侣。在您离开此页面之前,我们很想听听您对小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)的看法。它是否具有跟踪器所需的功能?你考虑买吗?您的候选名单上还有其他健身追踪器吗?在下面的评论部分(comment section)让我们知道。
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 review: Great value fitness tracker -
Xiaomi is slowly but steadily becoming an alternativе to Samsung and Apple in the premium smart deνices market, while also prоviding solid options for low-priced smartphones and wearables. In this review, we are testing іts new budget-oriented fitness trаcker, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6. It’s very reasonably priced and has the specs to compete with more advanced trackers. But how does it perform in real life? Read on to find out:
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6: Who is it good for?
This fitness tracker is a great choice for:
- Amateur fitness enthusiasts who require basic physical activity monitoring
- People in search of a good fitness tracker for the lowest price possible
- Users who can’t or don’t want to charge their fitness tracker often
Pros and cons
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 has several strong points that recommend it:
See price on:
Buy now
- Amazing value, considering the features
- Excellent AMOLED screen
- Great battery life, even with all features activated
- Large number of workout presets
There are also some areas where the tracker could be better:
- The wristband is uncomfortable if worn tightly, and the strap is difficult to tighten
- Sluggish raise-to-wake (it takes a second for the band to react when you raise your hand)
- The screen is easy to scratch
- Slow synchronization with Xiaomi Wear
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 is an excellent choice for an entry-level fitness tracker. It has enough sensors and monitoring capabilities for fitness amateurs, a few smartwatch functions that are useful, and great battery life. The AMOLED screen quality is comparable to that of much higher-priced devices. While there are a few things that can be improved on its design, we consider the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 as being one of the best trackers at this price point.
Unboxing the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 comes in a black box with a very nice texture and high-quality graphics. The box dimensions are 6.7 x 2.95 x 0.86 inches (or 170 x 75 x 22 mm). On the front, there is a picture of the band, together with its name and the version number.
The front of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 box
On the back of the box, there are a few important technical details, as well as a list of contents, in several languages. On the sides of the box, you can find lots of technical information with attractive icons.
The back of the box that the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 comes in
The package contents are standard: the fitness tracker, the wristband, the magnetic charging cable (which is identical to the one on the Mi Band 5), and a surprisingly hefty manual that weighs more than the actual tracker :). No wireless charging is available.
The package is basic
The unboxing experience is surprisingly good for the price range. The box looks great and the different parts are individually packaged.
Design and hardware specifications
The best way to describe the look of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 is “generic”. The tracker is small (1.86 x 0.73 x 0.5 inches or 47.4 × 18.6 × 12.7 mm) and pretty light, with a weight of 0.45 oz (or 12.8 grams). The screen is an 1.56 inch, 152 x 486 pixel AMOLED display with an advertised brightness of up to 450 nits. It’s protected by glossy tempered glass with an anti-fingerprint coating. The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 has no physical buttons. This helps a lot with waterproofing and dust protection but makes the device slightly harder to use.
The front of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6
Speaking of water protection, the tracker is rated for 5ATM of water resistance, a value that exceeds the IPX8 certification standard. As far as sensors go, the list is modest but typical for this price point:
- 3-axis accelerometer
- 3-axis gyroscope
- PPG heart rate sensor (PPG - light-based sensor, ECG - electrical impulse-based sensor) with SpO2 (blood oxygen) monitoring capability
Communication with the smartphone is done via Bluetooth 5.0. There is also an NFC model, but its availability is limited for now to China and a few European markets. We haven’t tested it, so we can’t say anything about compatibility with various payment methods. The tracker has no integrated GPS system, instead relying on the smartphone for positioning. This means you’ll have to sacrifice portability if you want precise distance measurements. The tracker doesn’t have a microphone or a speaker. It can only notify the user through vibration. The non-removable lithium-polymer battery has a capacity of 125 mAh and is good for 14 days of use according to the manufacturer - an excellent value.
The back of the device houses the heart rate sensor and the charging contacts
The one-piece wristband is easy to mount and remove from the tracker. It’s entirely made of TPU (a type of plastic with many properties, including elasticity and resistance to oil, grease, and abrasion) and has an adjustable length (6.1-8.6 inch or 155–219 mm). The clasp mechanism is also made of plastic, so there’s less risk of allergies. The included wristband is black, but there is a huge range of colors and materials available for aftermarket wristbands.
There is a huge variety of wristband colors to choose from
For more technical specifications, visit the official website: Mi Smart Band 6 - Xiaomi Global.
The design of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 is simple and practical. Its specifications are typical for the price range, and the declared battery life is very good. The material used for the included wristband is rugged, and the screen specs are promising.
Setting up and using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6
Off the bat, if there’s one thing that we loved about the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6, it’s the quality of the screen. The 326 DPI pixel density is great, the brightness is really good for outdoor activities, and the viewing angles are typical for AMOLED displays - excellent. We would have loved the option for automatic brightness adjustment, but that would have meant including a light sensor, making the device more expensive to manufacture. Still, the screen can be dimmed based on a schedule, and even leaving it on a relatively high brightness setting doesn’t dramatically affect the battery life.
The screen is bright and has excellent viewing angles
The coating is not as scratch-resistant as advertised, so a screen protector can be an option if you know you’ll be using it in rough conditions.
After mounting the tracker on the wristband, we proceeded to put it on. The clasp is not great, you’ll struggle to adjust it to the desired length and secure the pin. However, once secured, it won’t come off. The wristband is relatively comfortable, but less so if you wear the band for a long time. If you want around-the-clock monitoring, you’ll need to always wear it tightly, and the holes for the clasp are a great way to make 3D markings on your skin:
It looks more painful than it actually is
Setting up the device is easy: charge the tracker, then follow the on-screen instructions to download the Xiaomi Wear app. You can also use the Mi Fit app, but choosing between the two proved difficult. While Mi Fit can share data with several fitness apps, we found that Xiaomi Wear does not integrate with Google Fit (only with Strava, so far), and the device compatibility list is different between the two apps. Also, the Xiaomi Wear app does not support Mi Scale; Mi Fit does. After installing the Xiaomi Wear app on your smartphone and enabling Bluetooth, you simply add the device in the app to connect to it.
Connecting the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 to the smartphone is easy
While the initial setup is quick, the connection is relatively slow and sometimes laggy. This is especially true if you disconnect the band from the smartphone and connect it again later. Syncing takes about ten seconds. You can control media playback on your smartphone using the Mi Smart Band 6, but it depends on the media playback app and device used. For example, on the Huawei P30, media playback controls were not available, while on other devices (including an iPhone SE) we could easily play/pause/change the songs, and control the playback volume. You can set the band to vibrate on incoming calls, but the lack of a microphone or of a large screen means that you will only be able to reject the call or answer with an SMS from a predefined list. On some occasions, the band would start vibrating and showing an incoming call after the call had ended.
Coming back to the Xiaomi Wear app, we think it’s a decent one for its purpose. It’s not as detailed or organized as fitness apps from other developers, but it gives the user a reasonable amount of information. We think that it’s more suitable for a smartwatch than a fitness tracker. From the app, you can change the band faces (and it has lots of options), setup the notifications (for each app individually), as well as rearrange the widgets in the band menu.
You can configure the watch face and the notifications shown by the tracker
All the functions of the band worked as advertised, with some hiccups. For instance, while workout autodetection worked well most of the time, GPS positioning would refuse to work unless we opened the Xiaomi Wear app first on the smartphone. That meant that we needed more time to fiddle with the devices before actually starting the jogging. The sleep monitoring was only decent, sometimes missing entire sleep sessions. It doesn’t even come close to the level of detail provided by something like the Fitbit Charge 4, for example. Then again, that tracker costs three times more than a Mi Smart Band 6.
The health monitoring is pretty good
Pulse monitoring was accurate, and while we didn’t have a pulse-oximeter to verify the SpO values, we have no reason to doubt the measured values (which ranged from 95 to 99%). There is also stress monitoring, but until some manufacturer develops a mind-reading tracker, we advise you to take the results with a grain of salt. Other functions of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 include an alarm clock, a stopwatch function, a Weather widget, and camera control.
You can activate raise-to-wake for the band screen, and it works most of the time. The only small issue with it is that it has a slight delay from the moment you raise your hand.
It takes about a second for the screen to light up after raising the hand
Finally, the battery lasted around 10 days with light physical activities, having all the features turned on (heart rate monitoring, workout detection). With a more conservative approach (like turning the screen brightness down or disabling some features), we expect the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 to last a full two weeks of use. It charges pretty fast, from 4% to 100% in about 2 hours.
Using the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 was a very good experience. If you’re aware of its limitations, this tracker offers a lot of value. The screen is great, as is the battery life. Fastening the wristband is mildly difficult, the Xiaomi Wear app can be improved, and some minor connectivity issues may appear.
The health and fitness features of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 offers thirty workout modes, including Treadmill, Outdoor running, Cycling, Walking, Pool swimming, Yoga, Indoor fitness, Basketball, Table tennis, and Kickboxing. You can change the order in which the workouts are displayed on your tracker, by using the app.
The Xiaomi Wear App allows a good degree of menu personalization for the tracker
Its health features are:
- Heart rate monitoring: Whole-day heart rate manual heart rate, resting heart rate, and heart rate curve
- Sleep monitoring: Deep sleep, light sleep, rapid eye movement (REM), naps
- Women's health tracking: Provides recording and reminders for the menstrual cycle and ovulation phases
- SpO measuring: On demand, the device measures the blood oxygen saturation
- Stress monitoring: Based on your pulse and activity, the tracker provides a stress level score
- Automatic workout detection: the device can detect and record workouts even without manual activation
- Breathing exercises: you can set up your tracker for regular breathing exercises
- PAI vitality index assessment: The PAI (Personal Activity Intelligence) score is an interesting approach to fitness assessment. The score is created based on your heart rate and movement throughout the day and can be a good indicator of your physical shape. You can read more about Personal Activity Intelligence here: PAI Health.
- Idle alerts: The band can be set up to vibrate if it detects no physical activity for long periods of time
- Step counter: Counting the number of steps on a daily basis
The health data section has enough detail
The fitness data is saved in the cloud and is accessible from any other device once you log in with your user and password.
What do you think of the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6?
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 impressed us with the value provided for the money. Its amazing screen and battery life make it a good companion for long workouts. Before you leave this page, we’d love to hear your opinion on the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6. Does it have the functions you require from a tracker? Do you consider buying it? Do you have other fitness trackers on your shortlist? Let us know in the comment section below.