小米最近推出了新的空气净化器和机器人吸尘器系列。在查看了小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)之后,我渴望测试他们的一款新吸尘器。使用小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)一周,足以发现它的许多有趣之处。您想为您的公寓或小型办公室购买最好的机器人吸尘器吗?继续阅读并自行决定Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro是否是一个不错的选择:
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro:它对谁有好处?
根据我的测试,如果满足以下条件, Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro是一个不错的选择:
- 您需要一款价格合理的机器人真空吸尘器,适用于中小型空间(540-1100 平方英尺或 50-100 m 2)
- 您想要一个可以远程控制并与家中或办公室中的其他智能设备同步的真空吸尘器
- 您的空间需要定期拖地
使用小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)一周后,我发现:
Buy now
- 它有很好的吸力
- 该设备的电池对于中等空间来说绰绰有余
- 它可以很好地导航障碍物
- 拖地功能可用于污渍和清洁某些表面
- 机器人可以同时吸尘和拖地,更省时更清洁
- 米家(Mi Home)应用程序提供的控制水平非常出色
- 集尘盒偏小,HEPA过滤器也偏小
- 它会聚集大量灰尘和颗粒,因此必须每周清洁一次
- 清洁吸尘器很繁琐
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro价格具有竞争力,设计精良,并且很好地融入了小米(Xiaomi)生态系统。Mi Vacuum-Mop 2系列中所有真空吸尘器的拖地功能非常有用,我很欣赏它的效率。真空能够有效地通过许多房间和各种障碍物。即使是厚地毯,吸力也足够,而且电池续航能力很强。但是,该设备需要经常清洁,这会稍微降低其实用性。
拆箱Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)采用带塑料手柄的白色盒子包装。盒子的正面和背面都有机器人的图片,以及简短的功能列表。包装盒尺寸为 18.9 x 15.3 x 5.7 英寸(480 x 390 x 145 毫米),包装重量约为 9 磅(4 千克)。从外观上看,盒子被反复扔出一辆移动的卡车,但幸运的是,由于包装完好,里面的东西根本没有损坏。
米家扫地机器人2 (Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2) Pro空投的盒子
小米扫地机器人 2 (Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2) Pro随附的配件
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro:包装内容
开箱体验非常愉快。小米扫地机器人 2 Pro 包装完好,配件也很齐全。我很欣赏包含备用消耗品。(The unboxing experience is very pleasant. The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is well packaged, and so are its accessories. I appreciate the inclusion of spare consumables.)
小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)有白色和黑色两种颜色。它的外壳(以及大部分底盘)由ABS (与(ABS)乐高(Lego)积木使用的塑料类型相同)制成。真空吸尘器的尺寸为直径 13.8 英寸(350 毫米),最高点(激光雷达(LIDAR)圆顶)高度为 3.81 英寸(97 毫米)。该设备重约 8 磅(3.6 千克)。
小米扫地机器人2 (Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2) Pro的顶部
扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)的顶部有两个按钮。一个用于打开和关闭机器人,而另一个可用于将机器人发送到其充电站。按住两个按钮超过 7 秒可重置网络设置。
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro上的物理按钮
同样在设备的顶部,您可以找到LIDAR圆顶(或小米(Xiaomi)称之为LDS传感器),以及便于进入垃圾箱的盖子。LIDAR传感器是一个旋转传感器,您可以在设备启动时看到它在旋转。这是非Pro版本的主要升级之一:Pro使用激光检测系统(在黑暗中工作),而较便宜的Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2仅使用vSLAM - 一种需要光线的摄像系统为了正常工作。
LDS 传感器
米家扫地机器人2 (Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2) Pro的底部
如果您打开小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)顶部的盖子,您可以轻松进入集尘室。在盖子下方,您还可以看到一个Wi-Fi LED指示灯和一个重置按钮。
将小米扫地(Xiaomi)机器人与其他品牌区分开来的一件事是它们能够充当拖把。不仅如此,他们还可以同时吸尘和(AND)拖地。Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro也不例外:它带有一个可拆卸的小型水容器,上面附有一个超细纤维拖把。Pro版的不同之处在于,除了普通的拖地外,它还可以使用高频振动(10.000次/分钟)来增强拖地动作。
将水箱安装到米家扫地机器人 2 (Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2) Pro
米家扫地机器人2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)的最大吸力为3000帕斯卡,相当于大多数现代扫地机器人。它应该足以清洁各种表面,特别是因为它还使用旋转刷。Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro的 5200 mAh 电池在标准设置下可用于三个多小时的清洁,大约相当于 1600-2200 平方英尺(150-200 m 2)。如果你住在宫殿里,你的小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)电池电量不足,它返回基地充电,然后恢复其清洁周期。说到充电站,它的尺寸为 5.9 x 3.2 x 4 英寸(150 x 80.5 x 101 毫米)。更多规格和技术信息,您可以访问产品官方网站:米家扫地机器人2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)。
米家扫地机器人2的技术指标与中高端产品一致。该设计是小米产品的典型设计,具有精心设计的组件和整体“干净”的外观。(The technical specifications of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 are consistent with an upper midrange product. The design is typical of Xiaomi products, with well-engineered components and an overall “clean” look.)
使用小米扫地机器人 2 Pro
打开真空吸尘器的包装并将其放在地板上后,您应该决定将充电站放置在哪里。由于它相当小,并且没有任何系统将其固定到位,因此您应该将工作站靠在墙壁或家具上,以防止它被真空吸尘器推来推去。小米建议您在充电站的每一侧(左右)至少留出 0.5 m,但您可以少留一点。
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro的充电站
下一步是下载控制Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2的应用程序。该应用程序被命名为小米之家(Mi Home)(在某些市场上为小米之家(Xiaomi Home)),它充当了许多小米智能设备的控制中心。该应用程序适用于Android:小米之家 - Google Play(Mi Home - Apps on Google Play)上的应用程序,iOS 版:小米之家 - App Store 上的小米智能家居(Mi Home - Xiaomi Smart Home on the App Store)。安装后,打开应用程序并按屏幕右上角的加号添加设备。我建议使用搜索功能来识别正确的设备,因为吸尘器的列表很大,而且并非所有吸尘器都有完整的名称可见(顺便说一句,这是一个应该在某个时候修复的错误)。
然后,按照应用程序指示的步骤进行操作。小米扫地机器人 2(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2)使用2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n 适配器连接到无线网络,因此请确保激活路由器上的 2.4 和 5 GHz频段。(GHz)一切设置好后,您就可以访问一个复杂的界面来详细控制机器人。您应该启动的第一个操作是创建地图。米家扫地机器人2(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2)开始探索和绘制您的公寓。完成后,它返回充电站。然后地图会显示在应用程序中,并且可以编辑或拆分为房间。在下面的屏幕截图中,我根据功能和地板类型将地图分成了三个房间,并设置了一些禁区。然后可以使用不同的设置单独清洁每个区域(例如,我将Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro配置为吸尘和拖地厨房)。您可以通过查看地图来跟踪清洁的位置和进度。
有很多设置可供选择:清洁类型、吸尘强度、拖地用水量、清洁模式和彻底性等。您可以设置时间表,修改语音通知的音量或完全静音,发出“返回充电”等命令站”(“return to charging station”)、“start / pause / stop cleaning”或“清洁区域(“clean area)”,并分别配置每个房间的设置。
您可以通过Mi Home(Mi Home)应用配置、发出命令和设置吸尘时间表
清洁每平方米大约需要一分钟(或每 10.7 平方英尺一分钟)。吸力不错,噪音适中。在静音(Silent)模式下,我测量了 45 分贝(站在 6.5 英尺或 2 米远的地方),而在中等(Medium)和涡轮模式下,(Turbo,)噪音从未超过 56 分贝。为了给您一个想法,即使在全功率情况下,它也绝对比手动真空吸尘器更安静。如果您有宠物,真空吸尘器可能会吓到它们,但我认为运动更可能吓到它们,而不是噪音。值得庆幸的是,您可以设置“请勿打扰(Do not Disturb)”时段,这样您就不会在停电后被它晶莹的声音或不那么晶莹的操作噪音吵醒。
准备拖地设备非常简单:将超细纤维(microfiber)拖把安装在其上后,将可拆卸水箱注满,然后将其滑到真空吸尘器下方。当水箱固定到位时,Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro会通知您。(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)拖地比吸尘需要更多时间,因为机器人以 Y 形模式移动以模拟实际拖地。结果很好,小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)使用的水非常少,表面仅略微湿润。拖地完成后,应尽快将水箱取出,清空并清洁(不要将其浸入水中),以免产生异味和滋生细菌。拖把可以从水箱上拆下并单独清洗(用魔术贴固定)。
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro几乎完美地在房间中导航。如果合适,它会在椅子和家具下面,并设法绕过非常复杂的障碍物。像所有机器人吸尘器一样,它的克星是可怕的电缆(Cable),如果您不小心并且不从其路径中移除电缆,Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro可能会卡住。除此之外,它没有不平坦的地形和厚地毯的问题。它甚至爬上灯架:
我对使用Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro 吸尘(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)和拖地的房间的清洁度感到满意。叫我懒惰,但我对设备本身的清洁体验并不满意。首先(First),设备会吸引灰尘,不仅在垃圾箱中,而且在外壳上。然后是垃圾箱的大小(450 毫升)和HEPA的大小(HEPA)筛选。隔间非常适合清理(相当多尘的)公寓,之后您需要清空它。如果您将其设置为每隔一天吸尘一次,这意味着您必须每周清空两次垃圾箱。这是市场上大多数机器人真空吸尘器都存在的问题,所以我不能过分指责。优点是集尘室易于使用且易于清洁。或者,如果您不想在每次吸尘后清洁垃圾箱,您应该考虑购买与自动清空站(automatic emptying station)兼容的Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra。至于HEPA过滤器,它很小,虽然小米(Xiaomi)估计它可以持续180小时左右,我担心它的寿命。拥有一个干净的过滤器很重要,因为它越堵塞,吸尘效率就越低。不过,更换很便宜(大约 10USD/piece)。
集尘盒和 HEPA 过滤器
我对电池寿命完全没有问题,它从未低于 85%。话又说回来,我住在一个小公寓里,我给它的任务并没有花很长时间。米家(Mi Home)App还会跟踪耗材,让您知道何时更换。但是,这些值应仅作为指导。
米家(Mi Home)应用提供清洁历史和耗材统计
最后要注意的是,您可以在米家应用程序中创建复杂的场景(或(Mi Home)场景(Scenes)),使用简单的If/Then The 规则和与应用程序兼容的无数智能设备。例如,您可以在小米扫地机器人2 Pro吸尘完成后同步(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro )小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)启动,以便在您下班回家时找到一个干净的家和(AND)干净的空气。
使用小米扫地机器人 2 Pro 是一次愉快的体验。机器人可以很好地导航障碍物和房间,吸力充足,拖地功能不仅仅是营销噱头。清洁设备相当繁琐,必须经常完成,以保持机器人在参数范围内工作。每次更新,米家APP都变得越来越成熟,在小米生态的掌控和协调方面做得很好(Using the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro was an enjoyable experience. The robot navigates obstacles and rooms very well, the suction power is sufficient, and the mopping feature is not just a marketing gimmick. Cleaning the device is rather tedious and must be completed often in order to keep the robot working within parameters. The Mi Home app is becoming more and more mature with every update, and it does a great job at controlling and coordinating the Xiaomi ecosystem)。
你觉得小米扫地机器人 2 (Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2) Pro怎么样?
现在您对小米扫地机器人 2 Pro 有了(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)更多了解。这是一个很棒的小机器人,它可以为真正忙碌或懒得定期吸尘/拖地的人提供真正的帮助。你觉得小米扫地机器人 2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)怎么样?你打算买吗?您还入围了哪些其他设备?在评论中告诉我。此外,如果您已经拥有一台,请分享您的经验,以便其他潜在客户知道会发生什么。
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro review: Smart and dependable!
Xiaоmi has recently launсhed its new lineup оf air purifiеrѕ and robot vacuum cleanеrs. After reviewing the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4, I was eager to test one of their new vacuum cleaners. I used the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro for a week, and it was enough to discover many interesting things about it. Do you want to buy the best robot vacuum cleaner for your apartment or small office? Read on and decide for yourself if the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is a good choice:
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro: Who is it good for?
Based on my tests, the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is a good choice if:
- You need a reasonably-priced robot vacuum cleaner for small to medium spaces (540-1100 sq ft or 50-100 m2)
- You want a vacuum that can be controlled remotely and synced with other smart devices in your home or office
- Your space requires regular mopping
Pros and cons:
After using the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro for a week, I discovered that:
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- It has good suction power
- The battery of the device is more than sufficient for medium spaces
- It navigates obstacles very well
- The mopping feature is useful for stains and for cleaning certain surfaces
- The robot can vacuum and mop at the same time, saving time and cleaning better
- The level of control provided by the Mi Home app is excellent
However, there are a few things that could be improved:
- The dust bin is on the small side, as is the HEPA filter
- It gathers a lot of dust and particles, so cleaning it weekly is a must
- Cleaning the vacuum cleaner is tedious
The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is competitively priced, well-engineered and designed, and integrates very well into the Xiaomi ecosystem. The mopping feature present on all vacuums in the Mi Vacuum-Mop 2 lineup is very useful, and I appreciated its efficiency. The vacuum is able to navigate efficiently through many rooms and around various obstacles. The suction power is sufficient even for thick rugs, and the battery autonomy is great. However, the device requires frequent cleaning, slightly reducing its usefulness.
Unboxing the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro comes in a white box with a plastic handle. There are pictures of the robot on the front and on the back of the box, as well as a short list of features. The box dimensions are 18.9 x 15.3 x 5.7 inches (480 x 390 x 145 mm), and the package weighs roughly 9 lbs (4 kg). By the looks of it, the box was thrown repeatedly out of a moving truck, but thankfully, the contents weren’t damaged at all, thanks to the good packaging.
The box that the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is air-dropped in
Indeed, all contents are packaged separately and fixed in place with cardboard pieces. There are a lot of accessories: the charging stand, a power cable, a water tank with an attached mop pad, a spare mop pad, a spare side brush, and a cleaning tool.
The accessories that come with the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
The vacuum cleaner comes ready to work, with the dustbin, air filter, main brush, and side brush already installed. You also get a multilingual manual and a warranty card.
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro: package contents
The unboxing experience is very pleasant. The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is well packaged, and so are its accessories. I appreciate the inclusion of spare consumables.
Design and hardware specifications
The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro comes in two colors, white and black. Its outer shell (and most of its chassis) is made of ABS (the same type of plastic used for Lego bricks). The dimensions of the vacuum cleaner are 13.8 inches (350 mm) in diameter and 3.81 inches (97 mm) in height at its highest point (the LIDAR dome). The device weighs almost 8 lbs (3.6 kg).
The top of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
On the top of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro, there are two buttons. One is used to turn the robot on and off, while the other can be used to send the robot to its charging station. Pressing both buttons for more than 7 seconds resets the network settings.
The physical buttons on the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
Also on the top of the device, you can find the LIDAR dome (or as Xiaomi calls it, the LDS sensor), as well as the lid that facilitates access to the dust bin. The LIDAR sensor is a rotating one, and you can see it spinning as soon as the device starts. This is one of the main upgrades from the non-Pro version: the Pro uses a laser detection system (which works in the dark), while the less expensive Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 only uses vSLAM - a camera system that needs light in order to work properly.
The LDS sensor
Moving on to the sides, we can find here more proximity and collision sensors, as well as the metallic contacts that connect to the charging station. Turning the little robot belly-up reveals the cliff sensors, the removable main and side brush, the rubber wheels, and the contacts for mounting the mop accessory. The main brush assembly combines a traditional brush with a flexible rubber one, as opposed to other devices, which have the two types of brushes separated.
The bottom of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
If you lift the lid on the top of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro, you have easy access to the dust compartment. Underneath the lid, you can also see a Wi-Fi LED indicator and a reset button.
The dust compartment can be accessed by opening the lid on the top of the device
One thing that sets the Xiaomi robot cleaners apart from other brands is their ability to function as mops. Not only that, but they can vacuum AND mop at the same time. The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is no different: it comes with a small removable water container that has a microfiber mop attached to it. What is different about the Pro version is that, in addition to normal mopping, it can use high-frequency vibrations (10.000 vibrations/min) to enhance the mopping action.
Mounting the water tank on the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro has a maximum suction power of 3000 Pascals, equivalent to most modern robot vacuum cleaners. It should be more than enough for cleaning all sorts of surfaces, especially since it also uses a rotating brush. The 5200 mAh battery of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro is good for over three hours of cleaning at standard settings, that’s roughly equivalent to 1600-2200 sq ft (150-200 m2). If you live in a palace, and your Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro runs low on battery, it returns to base for recharging, then resumes its cleaning cycle. Speaking of the charging station, its dimensions are 5.9 x 3.2 x 4 inches (150 x 80.5 x 101 mm). For more specs and technical information, you can visit the official site of the product: Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro.
The technical specifications of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 are consistent with an upper midrange product. The design is typical of Xiaomi products, with well-engineered components and an overall “clean” look.
Using the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
After unpacking the vacuum and placing it on the floor, you should decide where to put the charging station. Since it’s rather small, and it doesn’t have any system to secure it in place, you should place the station against a wall or furniture, in order to prevent it from being pushed around by the vacuum cleaner. Xiaomi recommends that you leave at least 0.5 m on each side of the charging station (left and right), but you can get away with less.
The charging station for the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
The next step is to download the application that controls the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2. The app is named Mi Home (Xiaomi Home on some markets), and it acts as a control center for many of Xiaomi’s smart devices. The app is available for Android here: Mi Home - Apps on Google Play, and for iOS here: Mi Home - Xiaomi Smart Home on the App Store. After installing it, open the app and add the device by pressing the plus sign in the upper-right corner of the screen. I recommend using the search function to identify the right device, as the list of vacuum cleaners is huge, and not all of them have the complete name visible (that, by the way, is a bug that should be fixed at some point).
You can either select the vacuum cleaner from a huge list or search for "vacuum-mop"
Then, follow the steps indicated by the app. The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 connects to the wireless network using a 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n adapter, so make sure you activate both the 2.4 and the 5 GHz bands on your router. Once everything is set, you have access to a complex interface that controls the robot in detail. The first action you should initiate is map creation. The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 starts exploring and mapping your apartment. After it finishes, it returns to the charging station. The map is then displayed in the app and can be edited or split into rooms. In the screenshot below, I separated the map into three rooms, based on function and flooring type, and I set some keep-out zones. Each zone can then be cleaned separately and with different settings (for example, I configured the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro to both vacuum and mop my kitchen). You can track the location and the progress of the cleaning by looking at the map.
Once you set the no-go zones, the robot will avoid passing through or cleaning those areas
There are lots of settings available: cleaning type, vacuuming strength, water usage for mopping, cleaning pattern and thoroughness, etc. You can set a schedule, modify the volume of the voice notifications or mute them altogether, issue commands like “return to charging station”, “start / pause / stop cleaning,” or “clean area,” and configure the settings for each room individually.
You can configure, issue commands, and set a schedule for the vacuum from the Mi Home app
After I configured the robot, I relocated it far from the charging station to see if it can find its way back. It spun around a few times, trying to understand where it was, then it proceeded to the charging station flawlessly, without bumping into things or wandering around. The “parking” operation is slow and meticulous, as you can see in this video:
The cleaning takes about one minute per m2 (or one minute for every 10.7 squared feet). The suction power is good, and the noise is moderate. In Silent mode, I measured 45 dB (standing 6.5 feet or 2 meters away), while on Medium and Turbo, the noise never exceeded 56 dB. To give you an idea, even at full power, it’s definitely quieter than a manual vacuum. If you have pets, the vacuum might give them a scare, but I think that the movement is more likely to scare them, not the noise. Thankfully, you can set “Do not Disturb” periods, so you won’t be woken up by its crystalline voice or its not-so-crystalline operation noise after a power outage.
It's not trying to take over the world... yet
Preparing the device for mopping is pretty straightforward: after mounting the microfiber mop on it, you fill the detachable water tank, then you slide it under the vacuum cleaner. The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro notifies you when the tank is secured in place. The mopping takes a bit more time than vacuuming, as the robot moves in a Y-shaped pattern to simulate actual mopping. The results are good, and the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro uses very little water, leaving surfaces only slightly wet. After it finishes mopping, you should take out the tank, empty it, and clean it (without submerging it in water) as soon as possible, to avoid odor and the buildup of bacteria. The mop can be detached from the tank and cleaned separately (it’s held in place with velcro).
The microfiber mop is attached to the tank with Velcro pads
The Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro navigates almost flawlessly through the rooms. If it fits, it goes under chairs and furniture, and it manages to find its way around very complicated obstacles. Like all robot vacuum cleaners, its nemesis is the dreaded Cable, and if you’re not careful and don’t remove cables from its path, the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro can get stuck. Apart from that, it has no issues with uneven terrain and thick carpets. It even climbs lamp stands:
I was satisfied with the cleanliness of the rooms vacuumed and mopped by the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro. Call me lazy, but I was not satisfied, though, with the cleaning experience for the device itself. First of all, the device attracts dust, not only in the dust bin but also on the outer shell. Then, there’s the size of the dustbin (450 ml) and that of the HEPA filter. The compartment is good for one (reasonably dusty) apartment cleanup, after which you need to empty it. If you set it to vacuum every other day, that means you have to empty the bin twice per week. This is an issue present on most robot vacuum cleaners on the market, so I can’t fault it too much. The upside is that the dust compartment is easily accessible and easy to clean. Alternatively, if you don’t want to clean the bin after every vacuuming, you should consider buying the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra, which is compatible with an automatic emptying station. As for the HEPA filter, it is tiny and, although Xiaomi estimates that it can last around 180 hours, I am concerned about its longevity. It’s important to have a clean filter, as the more clogged it gets, the less efficient the vacuuming. Replacements are cheap, though (about 10 USD/piece).
The dust bin and the HEPA filter
Every week or so, you should definitely check the main brush for hair and other debris. The provided cleaning tool really helps with removing long hair from the brush, but nevertheless, it’s a tedious procedure. The brush is easy to remove, so points for the engineers there.
The main brush is easy to access and remove
I had absolutely no issue with the battery longevity, it never fell below 85%. Then again, I live in a small apartment, and the tasks I gave it didn’t take very long. The Mi Home app also keeps track of consumables, so you know when to replace them. However, the values should only serve as guidelines.
The Mi Home app provides cleaning history and consumable statistics
One last thing to note is that you can create complex scenarios (or Scenes) in the Mi Home app, using simple If/Then rules and the myriad of smart devices compatible with the app. For example, you can sync the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 to start right after the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro finishes vacuuming to find a clean home AND clean air when you return home from work.
Using the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro was an enjoyable experience. The robot navigates obstacles and rooms very well, the suction power is sufficient, and the mopping feature is not just a marketing gimmick. Cleaning the device is rather tedious and must be completed often in order to keep the robot working within parameters. The Mi Home app is becoming more and more mature with every update, and it does a great job at controlling and coordinating the Xiaomi ecosystem.
What do you think of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro?
Now you know more about the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro. It’s a great little robot, and it can be of real help to people who are really busy or just can’t be bothered to vacuum/mop their apartment regularly. What do you think of the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro? Do you intend to buy it? What other devices did you shortlist? Let me know in the comments. Also, if you already own one, please share your experience, so that other potential customers know what to expect.