您(Are)打算购买小米健身(Xiaomi fitness)追踪器还是智能手表?您(Are)是否不确定哪种型号,甚至哪种类型的可穿戴设备适合您的特定需求?那么你来对地方了。在本文中,我们比较了小米最受欢迎的三款智能手表:小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)、小米手表 Lite(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)和小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)。如果您想知道要购买哪种健身设备,请继续阅读:
凭借苹果主导的可穿戴设备市场(截至(Apple)2021 年第三季度(Q3 2021)末售出 3980 万台)以及三星(Samsung)凭借Galaxy Watch 4(1270 万台)获得市场份额,小米(Xiaomi)一直将自己定位为低成本、高价值的公司选择。到目前为止,这一策略使他们保持在前三名,在 2021 年第三季度售出了 1270 万台。他们的智能手表功能较少,但电池寿命(battery life)长、设计好、价格无与伦比。我们最近收到测试的三款可穿戴设备给我们留下了很好的印象,证明您不需要花费超过 300美元(USD)获得可靠的健身追踪(fitness tracking)或基本的智能手表功能。事实上,您可以以三分之一的价格从大部分功能中受益!事不宜迟,三位参赛者(带有各自评论的链接):
- 小米米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6) - 设计的健身追踪器(fitness tracker),有一些惊喜,如SpO2 测量(SpO2 measurement)和精湛的AMOLED 屏幕(AMOLED screen)
- Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite - 一款小巧美观的入门级智能手表,具有一些健身追踪(fitness tracking)功能
- Xiaomi Mi Watch - 一款坚固耐用的大型智能手表,结合了可靠的健身追踪和许多仅在更大的可穿戴设备上提供的功能 - 更大的屏幕,惊人的电池寿命(battery life),更流畅的操作
小米手表(Mi Watch)(左)、小米手表精简版(Mi Watch Lite)(中)和小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)(右)
他们每个人都有自己的目标受众(target audience),自己的长处和短处。我们不会过多地关注共同的功能(比如它们都使用小米穿戴(Xiaomi Wear)应用程序连接到智能手机的事实),相反,我们将指出不同之处。在下一节中,我们对它们的功能和规格进行客观评估,然后根据我们对它们的经验进行主观评估。最后,我们将所有信息放在一起帮助您做出决定。向前!
仅从数字上,你无法真正判断这三个中哪个更好,它们各有长处。唯一可见的问题是Mi Watch Lite上没有AMOLED 屏幕(AMOLED screen)。从一台设备转移到更昂贵的设备,我们可以看到电池容量(battery capacity)、屏幕尺寸和重量明显增加。接下来,让我们看看传感器。我们在下表中强调了不同之处:
您现在可以看到小米智能手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)开始落后于其兄弟。这很正常,考虑到价格差异(price difference)。从小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)升级到小米手表 Lite(Mi Watch Lite)的主要原因是GPS 传感器(GPS sensor)。但是等等,如果小米手表 Lite的传感器和(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)差不多,为什么要买后者呢?好了,我们来总结一下每款智能手表的功能:
从这张表中,我们可以得出结论,小米手表(Mi Watch )功能齐全,而其他两款则少了一些。值得一提的是,由于Mi Watch Lite没有AMOLED 屏幕(AMOLED screen),因此该型号没有常亮功能。此外,虽然三款都有心率传感器,但只有小米(Mi Smart Band 6)手环 6 和小米手表(Mi Watch)支持血氧测量(blood oxygen measurement)。
并非所有的心率(heart rate)传感器都是一样的
客观上,小米手表似乎是赢家,因为它具有兄弟所没有的功能,AMOLED大屏幕,全套传感器,电池寿命是三者中最好的。但是,对于某些人来说,它的大尺寸和价格可能令人反感。根据您需要的功能和您的预算,小米智能手环 6 和小米手表 Lite 可能正是您想要的。(Objectively, it seems like the Xiaomi Mi Watch is the winner, since it has features its brothers don’t, a large AMOLED screen, a full set of sensors, and the battery life is the best of the three. For some, though, its large size and the price might be offputting. Depending on the features you need and the budget you have, the Mi Smart Band 6 and the Mi Watch Lite can be exactly what you’re looking for.)
有时,即使是图片也不能说明整个故事。在制造质量和材料(quality and materials)方面,我们认为小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)获得了胜利。它的加固底盘和罗纹表带感觉更高级,整个手表感觉更坚固。此外,它具有运动手表的经典外观,带有两个大按钮和一个大表盘。但是,Mi Watch Lite更加通用。它看起来更优雅,边缘圆润,明显更小(尽管数字没有显示(t show)),并且它的单个按钮不会(button doesn)突出到它的身体之外。至于小米手环6(Mi Smart Band 6),它是最轻的,但也是最高的,它的身体完全被一体式表带隐藏起来,它就像一个微型追踪器的框架。我们认为它的设计是通用的,如果设计是一个标准,你应该看看它更昂贵的兄弟姐妹。
智能手表高度是(Smartwatch height)监测睡眠(monitoring sleep)时舒适度的良好指标
在我们看来,屏幕是智能手表最重要的方面之一。它决定了体验的成败。在这里,最糟糕的体验是使用Mi Watch Lite。它的屏幕技术已经过时,导致从不同角度观看手表时的视角、平均最大亮度和明显的色偏(color shift)都很差。它不会以任何方式使其无法使用。只是,不幸的是,它必须站在小米(Mi Smart Band 6)手环6和小米手表旁边,(Mi Watch, )而且它们都拥有华丽的AMOLED屏幕。小米手表精简版(Mi Watch Lite)和小米手表(Mi Watch)一样,具有自动亮度调节功能(brightness adjustment),小米手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)不具备的功能。主观上,小米手表(Mi Watch)在这里也赢了,因为它的大屏幕可以容纳更多的信息,你有更多的空间与之互动。最重要的是,它具有永远在线的功能,这使得Mi Watch更适合那些来自经典手表的人或那些对提高唤醒功能感到恼火的人。
用户界面与(user interface)屏幕尺寸和质量(screen size and quality)密切相关,对于良好的体验也非常重要。这三种型号都使用专有操作系统(operating system),您无法添加更多应用程序或小部件。每个用户界面(user interface)都根据屏幕的大小和形状(size and shape)进行调整:在小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)上,菜单项排列在一个可以滚动的列上,而其他两个智能手表上的小部件则排列在三个列。有了更多的房地产,小米手表(Mi Watch)也很容易赢得这一类别。动画流畅,图形漂亮,表盘实际上改变了手表的外观。在所有三款智能手表上,我们不喜欢缺少图标名称,而在Mi Watch Lite上,我们对缺少动画感到非常恼火。
Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite 小(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite widget)部件菜单
例如,在所有三种设备上滚动菜单的方式相同:向上或向下滑动。但是在其他两个上,小部件菜单(widget menu)会跟随您的手指并(finger and scroll)平滑滚动,而在Mi Watch Lite上,向上或向下滑动仅在(Mi Watch Lite)小部件菜单(widget menu)的两个页面之间切换,没有任何动画。除了视觉上没有吸引力之外,这还有一个副作用(side effect):没有任何视觉提示,在页面切换之前,您不知道您的触摸是否被手表注册。因此,智能手表给人的印象是对命令的反应迟钝和缓慢。
令人惊讶的是,小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6)在这里获胜。在我们的测试中,它的读数最可靠,尤其是在睡眠时段。此外,它还具有 SpO2 监测功能,可以可靠地自动启动和暂停锻炼课程。小米智能手环 6(Mi Smart Band 6 )确实需要智能手机才能准确跟踪距离,但当手机提供GPS 数据(GPS data)时,跟踪效果与其他两个一样好。小米手表(Mi Watch)紧随其后,具有集成GPS的额外好处,可供选择的大量锻炼以及其他功能,如高度计和气压计。
心率(Heart rate)监测通常是准确的,有少量例外
小米手表精简版(Mi Watch Lite)是健身爱好者最不感兴趣的,锻炼次数最少,心率(heart rate)读数最不可靠,检测身体活动的延迟最大。GPS 传感器与(GPS sensor)Mi Watch中的传感器一样快。
小米手表精简版(Mi Watch Lite)和小米手表(Mi Watch)在这里紧密匹配。小米手(Mi Smart Band 6)环6在显示通知时受到其屏幕尺寸的严重阻碍,并且它不提供在不佩戴时使用密码保护它的选项。小米手表(Mi Watch)在引入对亚马逊数字助理Alexa的支持后略有优势。这可以通过设备上的麦克风来实现,而不是其他两个。
对于一些人来说,舒适度是选择智能手表或健身追踪器(smartwatch or fitness tracker)的最重要标准。我们已经将所有三个设备都佩戴了一个多星期(不间断),这是我们的结论。
- 小米手环6(Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6)是最难戴在手腕上的。它也很难移除,但这是一件好事,因为您不希望它脱落或被盗。表带可在与小米手表精简版(Mi Watch Lite. )相同的范围内调节。总的来说,虽然它很轻,以至于你忘记了它的存在,但它的窄肩带最不舒适,并且在佩戴时留下最明显的痕迹。
- 小米手表精简版(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite)佩戴在小手腕上最舒适。智能手表轻巧小巧,并且表带可充分调节。如果你带着智能手表睡觉,它也是三者中最舒服的。
- 小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)的表带设计最精良:虽然宽但有通风孔;它有两个用于固定多余带子的环,其中一个锁在带子上的孔上;调整范围(adjustment range)是三个设备中最大的。然而,手表本身的尺寸让手腕较小的人感到不舒服。
主观上,选择一个最终的赢家是不公平的。我们意识到每个用户都有不同的要求,不同的体格,不同的审美偏好,所以我们只能指出三者各自的优缺点。(Subjectively, it wouldn’t be fair to pick a definitive winner. We realize that each user has a different set of requirements, a different physical build, a different aesthetic preference, so we can only point out the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three.)
哪款小米可穿戴设备(Xiaomi wearable)适合您?
…主要对健身追踪(fitness tracking)感兴趣且预算不多,请选择小米手环 6(Xiaomi Mi Band 6)。这是一款出色的健身追踪器(fitness tracker),具有高质量的屏幕(quality screen)。
小米智能手环 6
…是一个活跃的人,想要锻炼监控,但想要更多智能手表功能并且预算更大,选择小米手表(Xiaomi Mi Watch)。它看起来真的很酷,它符合规格表上的大部分条件,而且它的制造质量非常好。
…手腕较小和/或您对具有基本功能的美观舒适的智能手表感兴趣,请选择小米 Mi Watch Lite。(Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite.)
Xiaomi Mi Band 6, Mi Watch Lite, or Mi Watch: which one is right for you?
Are you planning to buy a Xiaomi fitness tracker or a smartwatch? Are уou undeсided on whiсh model, оr eνen which type of wearable is right for your particular needs? Then you’ve come tо the right plаce. In this artiсle, we arе comparing three of the most popular smartwatches from Xіaomi: the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6, the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite, and the Xiaomi Mi Watch. If you want to know what fitness device to buy, keep reading:
The contenders
With a market for wearables dominated by Apple (39.8 million units sold by the end of Q3 2021) and with Samsung gaining ground with the Galaxy Watch 4 (12.7 million units), Xiaomi has consistently positioned itself as a low-cost, high-value alternative. And so far, this strategy allowed them to remain in the top three, with 12.7 million units sold during the third quarter of 2021. Their smartwatches have fewer features but offer great battery life, a good design, and unbeatable prices. The three wearable devices that we recently received for testing have made a good impression on us and are proof that you don’t need to spend upwards of 300 USD to get access to reliable fitness tracking or basic smartwatch functions. In fact, you can benefit from most of the features for a third of that price! Without further ado, the three contestants (with links to their respective reviews):
- Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 - a fitness tracker by design, with some pleasant surprises, like SpO2 measurement and a superb AMOLED screen
- Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite - a small, good-looking, entry-level smartwatch with some fitness tracking features
- Xiaomi Mi Watch - a big, rugged smartwatch that combines solid fitness tracking with many features that are only available on larger wearables - a larger screen, an amazing battery life, smoother operation
The Mi Watch (left), the Mi Watch Lite (center), and the Mi Smart Band 6 (right)
Each of them has its own target audience, its own strengths and weaknesses. We won’t be focusing too much on the common features (like the fact that they all connect to the smartphone using the Xiaomi Wear app), and instead, we will point out the differences. In the next section, we make an objective assessment of their features and specs, and then we evaluate them subjectively, based on our experience with them. Finally, we help you decide by putting all the information together. Onwards!
Objective assessment
When you buy a wearable (or any tech, really), the first thing you will look at is the technical specifications. So let’s focus on numbers. Here is a comparison chart with the specs for all three models:
Comparing specifications
From the numbers alone, you can’t really tell which of the three is better, they each have their strengths. The only visible issue is the lack of an AMOLED screen on the Mi Watch Lite. Moving from one device to the more expensive one, we can see a clear increase in battery capacity, screen size, and weight. Next, let’s look at the sensors. We’ve highlighted the differences in the table below:
Comparing sensors
You can now see the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 starts to lag behind its brothers. It’s normal, considering the price difference. The big reason to move from a Mi Smart Band 6 to a Mi Watch Lite is the GPS sensor. But wait, if the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite has more or less the same sensors as the Xiaomi Mi Watch, why buy the latter? Well, let’s look at a summary of each smartwatch’s functions:
Comparing features
From this table, we can conclude that the Mi Watch has a full set of features, while the other two are missing a few. One notable mention is that since the Mi Watch Lite doesn’t have an AMOLED screen, there’s no always-on available for this model. Also, although all three have heart-rate sensors, only the Mi Smart Band 6 and the Mi Watch allow for blood oxygen measurement.
Not all heart rate sensors are created equal
Objectively, it seems like the Xiaomi Mi Watch is the winner, since it has features its brothers don’t, a large AMOLED screen, a full set of sensors, and the battery life is the best of the three. For some, though, its large size and the price might be offputting. Depending on the features you need and the budget you have, the Mi Smart Band 6 and the Mi Watch Lite can be exactly what you’re looking for.
Subjective evaluation
Beyond the numbers, you want the wearable that you buy to look good, to be easy to use and live with. Let’s quickly evaluate some subjective aspects of each smartwatch.
The design
Sometimes, even pictures don’t tell the whole story. In regards to build quality and materials, our opinion is that the Xiaomi Mi Watch gets a win. Its reinforced chassis and ribbed strap feel more premium and the whole watch feels more solid. Plus, it has the classic look of a sports watch, with two big buttons and a large dial. However, the Mi Watch Lite is more versatile. It looks more classy, with rounded edges, it’s significantly smaller (although the numbers don’t show that) and its single button doesn’t protrude out of its body. As for the Mi Smart Band 6, it’s the lightest, but it’s also the tallest, and its body is completely hidden by the one-piece strap, which acts like a frame for the tiny tracker. We think that its design is generic and, if the design is a criterion, you should look at its more expensive siblings.
Smartwatch height is a good indicator for comfort when monitoring sleep
The screen
The screen is, in our opinion, one of the most important aspects of a smartwatch. It’s what makes or breaks the experience. And here, the worst experience was with the Mi Watch Lite. Its screen technology is outdated, resulting in rather poor viewing angles, average maximum brightness, and a clear color shift when looking at the watch from different angles. It doesn’t make it unusable by any means. It’s just that, unfortunately, it has to stand next to the Mi Smart Band 6 and the Mi Watch, and they both have gorgeous-looking AMOLED screens. The Mi Watch Lite, just like the Mi Watch, has automatic brightness adjustment, a feature unavailable on the Mi Smart Band 6. Subjectively, the Mi Watch wins here too, since its large screen can fit more info and you have more room to interact with it. On top of that, it has always-on capability, which makes Mi Watch easier to live with for people coming from classic watches or those who are annoyed by the raise to wake function.
...you can always get all of them if you can't decide
The user interface
Closely linked to the screen size and quality, the user interface is also really important for a good experience. All three models use a proprietary operating system, and you can’t add more apps or widgets. The user interface for each is adapted to the size and shape of the screen: while on the Mi Smart Band 6, the menu items are arranged on a single column which you can scroll through, the widgets on the other two smartwatches are arranged on three columns. With more real estate, the Mi Watch easily wins this category, too. The animations are smooth, the graphics are nice, and the watch faces actually change the look of the watch. On all three smartwatches, we disliked the lack of names for the icons, and on the Mi Watch Lite, we were really annoyed by the lack of animations.
The Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite widget menu
For example, scrolling through the menu is done in the same way on all three devices: you swipe up or down. But while on the other two, the widget menu would follow your finger and scroll smoothly, on the Mi Watch Lite, swiping up or down only switches between the two pages of the widget menu, without any animation. Besides being unattractive visually, this also has a side effect: without any visual cue, you don’t know if your touch was registered by the watch until the page switches. Thus, the smartwatch gives the impression of being laggy and slow to respond to commands.
Health and fitness monitoring
Surprisingly, the Mi Smart Band 6 takes the win here. In our tests, it had the most reliable readings, especially on sleep sessions. Also, it has SpO2 monitoring and it reliably starts and pauses workout sessions automatically. The Mi Smart Band 6 does require the presence of a smartphone to accurately track the distances, but when GPS data is provided by the phone, tracking works just as good as on the other two. The Mi Watch comes a close second, with the added benefit of having integrated GPS, a huge number of workouts to choose from, and other features, like an altimeter and a barometer.
Heart rate monitoring is generally accurate, with small exceptions
The Mi Watch Lite is the least interesting for fitness enthusiasts, with the fewest workouts, the most unreliable heart rate readings, and the largest delay in detecting physical activities. The GPS sensor is as fast as the one in the Mi Watch.
Smartwatch features
The Mi Watch Lite and the Mi Watch are closely matched here. The Mi Smart Band 6 is heavily hindered by the size of its screen when showing notifications, and it doesn’t offer the option to secure it with a password when not wearing it. The Mi Watch has a slight edge with the introduction of support for Amazon’s digital assistant, Alexa. This is made possible by the presence of a microphone on the device, as opposed to the other two.
Comfort while wearing the smartwatch
For some, comfort is the most important criterion for choosing a smartwatch or fitness tracker. We’ve worn all three of the devices for more than a week each (non-stop), and here are our conclusions.
- The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 is the most difficult to put on the wrist. It’s also pretty hard to remove, but that’s a good thing, since you don’t want it to fall off or get stolen. The strap can be adjusted within the same range as the Mi Watch Lite. Overall, although it is very light to the point that you forget it’s there, its narrow strap is the least comfortable and leaves the most visible marks when wearing it tightly.
- The Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite is the most comfortable to wear on small wrists. The smartwatch is light, small, and the strap is sufficiently adjustable. If you sleep with the smartwatch on, it’s also the most comfortable of the three.
- The Xiaomi Mi Watch has the most well-designed strap: although wide, it has ventilation holes; it has two loops for fastening the excess strap, of which one locks onto the holes in the strap; the adjustment range is the greatest of the three devices. However, the size of the watch itself makes it uncomfortable for people with small wrists.
A badly-designed strap can be a deal-breaker when buying a smartwatch
Subjectively, it wouldn’t be fair to pick a definitive winner. We realize that each user has a different set of requirements, a different physical build, a different aesthetic preference, so we can only point out the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three.
Which Xiaomi wearable is right for you?
Now that you have all the information, here are our recommendations. Of course, each user will be slightly different, but if you:
…are primarily interested in fitness tracking and have a small budget, go with the Xiaomi Mi Band 6. It’s an awesome fitness tracker with a quality screen.
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6
…are an active individual and want workout monitoring, but want more smartwatch features and you have a larger budget, pick the Xiaomi Mi Watch. It looks really cool, it ticks most of the boxes on the spec sheet, and its build quality is very good.
The Xiaomi Mi Watch
…have small wrists and/or you are interested in a good-looking and comfortable smartwatch with basic features, go for the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite.
The Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite
We’d love to know which one you picked as your day-to-day companion. Did you go with one of the three? If so, are you satisfied with your choice? Let us know in the comments!