作为小米新的智能设备系列的一部分,小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)在污染严重的城市环境中是一个有趣的提议。它具有巨大的过滤器、简洁的设计和具有竞争力的价格。我一直在寻找完美的净化器来帮助我解决花粉过敏(pollen allergy)问题,所以我非常渴望测试小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)。我日夜(day and night)使用了一个星期,这是我的发现:
小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4):它对谁有好处?
如果您满足以下条件,小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)是一个非常好的选择:
- 想要(Want)去除公寓或办公室中的(apartment or office)香烟味(cigarette smell)或其他异味
- (Are)对灰尘、花粉或霉菌过敏
- 正在(Are)寻找易于使用和清洁的紧凑型空气过滤器(air filter)
- 希望构建智能设备生态系统
小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)经过测试,主要优势如下:
- 其紧凑的占地面积使其非常适合多种类型的房间
- 净化器非常擅长消除异味,尤其是香烟味(cigarette smell)
- 无论是否连接到智能手机或 Wi-Fi 网络,它都易于使用
- 清洗并不复杂
- 设计简单,但优雅
- 过滤器很大,一年只需要更换一到两次
- 在夜间模式(Night mode)和空气质量良好时,它是死寂的
我唯一可以抱怨的是缺少PM10 传感器(PM10 sensor),它可以检测空气中高浓度的花粉并相应地提高风扇速度(fan speed)。不过价格比较贵的小米智能空气净化器4 (Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4) Pro就有这个功能。
小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)是一款简单且设计精良的产品。过滤(Filtering)效果很好,它在去除各种气味方面做得很好。我喜欢使用它,我认为它对于生活在污染地区的人们来说是一个很好的伴侣。如果你对花粉过敏,你可能想为Pro 版(Pro version)多花点钱,它也有一个PM10 传感器(PM10 sensor)。
小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)开箱
小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)采用白盒包装,具有高品质图形。它的尺寸为 11.8 x 11.8 x 25 英寸(或 30 x 30 x 64 厘米),重约 6 公斤(13.2 磅)。在它的正面和背面,有一张净化器的图片,以及它的一些主要功能的描述。
盒子正面是小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)进来的
在它的侧面,有非常详细的规格和(specs and descriptions)对其功能的描述。盒子坚固,净化器包装牢固。
包装盒包含开始使用净化器所需的一切:设备本身、过滤器(已安装但仍装在密封袋中)、4.75 英尺(145 厘米)长的电源线(power cable)和用户手册。将净化器从包装盒中取出并不是很困难,但您在取出设备时可能需要有人握住包装盒。
除了过滤器和电源线外,盒子里没有任何配件(power cable)
注意:(NOTE: )使用前,请确保从塑料袋(plastic bag)中取出过滤器。
拆箱体验很简单。随附的配件正是您开始使用该设备所需要的。(The unboxing experience is straightforward. The included accessories are exactly what you need to start using the device.)
小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)全白,四面都有通风孔。它的尺寸为 250x250x555 毫米,重量为 5.25 公斤,内部装有过滤器。拥有如此小的占地面积意味着它可以更轻松地放置在您想要的位置。
小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)设计简洁干净,占地面积小
小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)的外观设计看似简单,但细看之下,可以发现在简单的外表下,却做了大量的工程。除了通风孔之外,设备正面唯一的其他功能是优雅的(feature present)OLED 屏幕(OLED screen),其中包含两个触摸感应按钮。显示屏显示由其激光传感器测量的 2.5 微米空气悬浮颗粒物(particulate matter)( PM 2.5 ) 的浓度,单位为 μg/m 3 。在空气污染数字(air pollution number)下方,还有两个,分别显示温度和湿度。还有几个符号可以告知您网络连接(network connection)和净化器的运行模式(operating mode)。在此下方,有一个根据空气质量(air quality)改变颜色的指示器:绿色为好(1-20 μg/m 3),黄色为马马虎虎(21-35 μg/m 3),橙色为差(36- 55 μg/m 3),红色很差(>55 μg/m 3)。最后,您有两个触摸感应按钮,一个用于打开和关闭设备,一个用于设置mode/fan speed。小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)可以单独使用,无需连接WiFi或(WiFi)智能手机。但是,连接它会带来额外的功能。
OLED屏幕(OLED screen)远看清晰,显示最重要的信息
移到背面(因为侧面完全没有功能),您可以找到传感器阵列(sensor array),以及一个可以使显示屏变暗的按钮。小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)拥有温度传感器(temperature sensor)、湿度传感器(humidity sensor)和激光粒子传感器(laser particle sensor)。激光传感器组(laser sensor cluster)可以轻松拆卸进行清洁。在传感器组(sensor cluster)下方,您可以找到过滤器盖(filter cover),该过滤器盖可拆卸并由磁铁固定。一个很好的接触,因为铰链会使设备更容易出现缺陷并且更难维修。
维修过滤器很容易。您只需取下盖子,然后拉动过滤器上的尼龙拉片即可将其取下。(nylon tab)
过滤器本身很大(11.5 英寸或 293 毫米高,8.26 英寸或 210 毫米直径)并包含三个过滤层。最外层(outermost layer)阻止较大的颗粒,如头发和灰尘。第二个(表面积为 22000 平方厘米)过滤小颗粒,而第三个由活性炭(500 克木炭)制成,可有效去除异味。小米宣传 99.97 % filtration0.3μm 颗粒。
风扇位于设备的上部,卸下上格栅即可轻松使用(需要螺丝刀)。该设备从其侧面抽出空气,使其通过过滤器,然后向上(upwards)排出。小米(Xiaomi)宣传的有效覆盖面积(coverage area)为 28-48 平方米。其他相关规格包括高达 400m³/h 的 CADR、每分钟提供 6660L 净化空气的能力以及净化 20m² 房间的持续时间为 10 分钟。(CADR)除了空气过滤(air filtering),小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)还释放负离子,保持空气清新。
另一个重要指标是噪音水平,(noise level)夜间模式下(Night Mode)的广告值为 32.1 dB(A),最大噪音水平为 64 dB(A)。如果您想了解更多信息,您可以访问产品页面(product page):小米智能空气净化器4-小米全球官方(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 - Xiaomi Global Official)。
小米智能空气净化器 4 是一款优雅的设备,具有精心设计的组件。它非常易于维修和清洁。它的规格使其成为大卧室或中型客厅的不错选择。(The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is an elegant device, with well-engineered components. It’s very easy to service and clean. Its specs make it a good choice for large bedrooms or medium-sized living rooms.)
设置和使用小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)
去除过滤器包装(filter packaging)的警告标签(warning label)
如果你想让事情变得简单,你可以插入净化器,从它前面的触摸感应按钮打开它,让它做它的事情。小米智能空气净化器4以(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)自动(Auto )模式启动,根据空气质量改变(air quality)风扇转速(fan speed)。如果您想调整噪音水平和过滤率(noise level and filtration rate),您可以按下专用按钮,这将在自动(Auto)、低(Low)、中(Medium)、高(High)、收藏(Favorite)和夜间模式(Night mode)之间循环。
但是,如果您想远程控制它或将其集成到小米生态系统(Xiaomi ecosystem)中,则需要将其连接到网络。为此,您需要在移动设备上安装小米之家应用程序。(Xiaomi Home app)该应用程序适用于Android和iOS。安装后,在智能手机上激活蓝牙(Bluetooth),打开应用程序,然后点击右上角的加号(+)按钮(right corner)。接下来,从列表中选择空气净化器(air purifier),该应用程序将引导您完成初始设置过程(setup process)。
小米之家应用程序(Xiaomi Home app)引导用户进行初始设置过程(setup process)
然后净化器直接连接到Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)并可以远程访问。该应用程序确保在小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)上安装了最新的固件。更新固件后,您可以访问控制面板(control panel),您可以在应用程序和设备显示屏上查看相关测量值并控制空气净化器(air purifier)(运行模式、屏幕亮度、负离子等),您可以看到过滤器的估计剩余寿命。我(Mine)的显示为 290 天,但这是对实际使用情况的估计。考虑到大多数用户会在不需要过滤时将其关闭,过滤器应该可以轻松使用一年。
小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)的仪表板很容易理解
IF/THEN规则设置自动化。这些规则可以涉及生态系统中的其他设备,允许一些很棒的场景。例如,你可以设置小米扫地机器人2 Pro(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro)来打扫你的公寓,打扫完毕后,你可以设置小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)来清理空气中残留的灰尘(dust lingering)。
小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)的使用非常简单,无论是否连接到移动设备或网络(device or network)都可以使用。设备上的触控按键使用方便,小米之家APP(Xiaomi Home app)界面友好。我用了整整一个星期,我从来没有把它关掉过。为什么?首先(First),因为我有各种各样的过敏症。空气(Air)过滤对此有很大帮助。其次(Second),它大部分时间几乎听不见,只有在检测到我的女朋友吸烟时才会全速行驶(girlfriend smoking)在厨房。第三,它的功率只有 30 W,虽然你可能会说它仍然大于零,但不间断地运行它并不昂贵,而且对我的花粉过敏有帮助。
传感器工作完美:每次空气中有烟雾或其他重味时,净化器都会检测到它并开始提高风扇速度(fan speed)。清除香烟的气味需要几分钟,之后小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)恢复到死寂。
如果要我说一个缺陷,那就是小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)没有PM10 传感器(PM10 sensor)。此功能是为专业版(the Pro version)保留的,是花粉的关键测量。需要明确的是,过滤器基本上能够完全保留所有类型的花粉,但是由于没有传感器来检测空气中的花粉浓度,因此您唯一的选择就是不停地使用净化器。
清洁小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)同样简单。通过卸下过滤器,您可以进入通风孔,然后可以用一块布擦拭。可以通过卸下单个螺钉和顶部格栅来访问风扇。清洁风扇叶片时不应使用液体,清洁时应始终拔下空气净化器(air purifier)的插头。
有趣的事实(Fun fact):在研究过滤器时,我发现它有一个射频标签(RF tag)。它类似于NFC 标签(NFC tag),主要区别在于射频标签(RF tag)只能读取。拥有射频标签(RF tag)可能有助于跟踪过滤器的使用时间并将其识别为原始组件。
过滤器带有射频标签(radio frequency tag)
总的来说,设置和使用小米智能空气净化器 4 既简单又直观,清洁也是如此。小米之家应用程序允许对净化器进行很大程度的控制,并将其集成到小米智能设备生态系统中。确实,缺少 PM10 传感器是唯一可以算作减号的事情。(Overall, setting up and using the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is easy and intuitive, and so is cleaning it. The Xiaomi Home app allows for a great degree of control over the purifier and integrates it into the Xiaomi ecosystem of smart devices. The lack of a PM10 sensor is the only thing that can count as a minus, really.)
你会买小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)吗?
现在你知道我对小米智能空气净化器 4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)的看法了。由于过敏对我来说很重要,这样的设备可以显着提高我的生活质量。你呢?你觉得小米智能空气净化器4(Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4)值这个价吗?如果您正在寻找空气净化器(air purifier),您还在考虑哪些其他选择?在评论中告诉我。
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 review: efficient filtering in an elegant package
As part of Xiaomi’s new lineup of smart deviсes, the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 іs an interesting propoѕition in urban envirоnments with lots of pollution. It has a huge filter, a clеan desіgn, and a competitive price. I am always seаrching for the perfect рurifіer to help with my pollen аllergy, so I was very eager to test the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4. I used іt day and nіght for a week, and here are my findings:
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4: Who is it good for?
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is a very good choice if you:
- Want to get rid of cigarette smell or other odors in your apartment or office
- Are allergic to dust, pollen, or mold
- Are looking for a compact air filter that’s easy to use and clean
- Wish to build an ecosystem of smart devices
Pros and cons
After testing the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4, here are its main advantages:
- Its compact footprint makes it ideal for many types of rooms
- The purifier is very good at eliminating smells, especially cigarette smell
- It’s easy to use, both with and without connecting it to a smartphone or a Wi-Fi network
- Cleaning it is not complicated
- The design is simple, yet elegant
- The filter is large and needs changing only once or twice a year
- It’s dead silent in Night mode and when the air quality is good
The only thing that I can complain about is the lack of a PM10 sensor, which can detect high concentrations of pollen in the air and raise the fan speed accordingly. However, the more expensive Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro has this feature.
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is an uncomplicated and well-engineered product. Filtering is good, and it does a great job at removing various smells. I enjoyed using it, and I think it would be a great companion for people who live in polluted areas. If you’re allergic to pollen, you might want to dish out more cash for the Pro version, which has a PM10 sensor as well.
Unboxing the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 comes in a white box, with high-quality graphics. Its dimensions are 11.8 x 11.8 x 25 inches (or 30 x 30 x 64 cm), and it weighs roughly 6 kg (13.2 pounds). On its front and back, there’s a picture of the purifier, along with a description of some of its key features.
The front of the box the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 comes in
On its sides, there are very detailed specs and descriptions of its functions. The box is sturdy, and the purifier is securely packed.
There is a lot of information on the box
The box contains all you need to start using the purifier: the device itself, a filter (already mounted but still packed in a sealed bag), the 4.75 feet (145 cm) long power cable, and a user manual. Taking the purifier out of the box is not very difficult, but you may need someone to hold the box while you extract the device.
There are no accessories included in the box, apart from the filter and the power cable
NOTE: Before use, make sure you remove the filter from its plastic bag.
The unboxing experience is straightforward. The included accessories are exactly what you need to start using the device.
Hardware specifications and design
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is completely white and has ventilation holes on all sides. Its dimensions are 250x250x555 mm, and it weighs 5.25 kg with the filter inside. Having such a small footprint means it can be more easily placed where you want it.
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 has a simple, clean design and a small footprint
The design of the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 seems simple, but upon closer inspection, you can see that a lot of engineering has been done beneath the simple exterior. Apart from the ventilation holes, the only other feature present on the front of the device is the elegant OLED screen, which contains two touch-sensitive buttons. The display shows the concentration of 2.5-micron airborne particulate matter (PM 2.5) in μg/m3, as measured by its laser sensors. Beneath the air pollution number, there are two more, showing the temperature and the humidity. There are also several symbols that can inform you about the status of the network connection and the operating mode of the purifier. Below this, there is an indicator that changes color according to the air quality: green is good (1-20 μg/m3), yellow is so-so (21-35 μg/m3), orange is bad (36-55 μg/m3), and red is very bad (>55 μg/m3). Lastly, you have two touch-sensitive buttons, one for turning the device on and off and one for setting the mode/fan speed. The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 can work just fine on its own, without being connected to WiFi or to a smartphone. However, connecting it brings additional functionality.
The OLED screen is legible from afar and displays the most important information
Moving on to the back (as the sides are completely devoid of features), you can find the sensor array, along with a button that can dim the display. The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 has a temperature sensor, a humidity sensor, and a laser particle sensor. The laser sensor cluster can be easily removed for cleaning. Beneath the sensor cluster, you can find the filter cover, which is removable and secured by magnets. A nice touch, since hinges would have made the device more prone to defects and harder to service.
The sensors are situated on the back of the device
Servicing the filter is easy-peasy. You just remove the cover, then pull the nylon tab on the filter to remove it.
By removing the back cover, you have access to the filter
The filter itself is large (11.5 inches or 293 mm in height, 8.26 inches or 210 mm in diameter) and contains three filtering layers. The outermost layer stops bigger particles, like hairs and dust. The second (with a surface of 22000cm²) filters the small particles, while the third, which is made of activated carbon (500 grams of charcoal), is efficient at removing odors. Xiaomi advertises a 99.97% filtration of 0.3μm particles.
The filter is large and has three layers
The fan is located in the upper part of the device and is easily accessible by removing the upper grille (a screwdriver is required). The device pulls air from its sides, passes it through the filter, then evacuates it upwards. Xiaomi advertises an effective coverage area of 28-48 m². Other relevant specs are a CADR of up to 400m³/h, the ability to deliver 6660L of purified air per minute, and a duration of 10 minutes for purifying a 20m² room. In addition to air filtering, the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 releases negative ions to keep the air fresh.
Another important metric is the noise level, and the advertised values are 32.1 dB(A) in Night Mode, with a maximum noise level of 64 dB(A). If you want more information, you can visit the product page here: Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 - Xiaomi Global Official.
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is an elegant device, with well-engineered components. It’s very easy to service and clean. Its specs make it a good choice for large bedrooms or medium-sized living rooms.
Setting up and using the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4
After taking the air purifier out of its box, the first thing you should do is remove the filter, unpack it, and then put it back. This information is not present in the user manual, but there are enough visual indications that you should do so.
The warning label for removing the filter packaging
If you want to keep things simple, you can then just plug in the purifier, turn it on from the touch-sensitive button on its front, and let it do its thing. The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 starts up in Auto mode, changing the fan speed according to the air quality. If you want to adjust the noise level and filtration rate, you can press the dedicated button, and this will cycle between Auto, Low, Medium, High, Favorite, and Night mode.
However, if you want to control it remotely or integrate it into the Xiaomi ecosystem, you need to connect it to the network. To do that, you need to install the Xiaomi Home app on your mobile device. The app is available for both Android and iOS. After installing it, activate Bluetooth on your smartphone, open the app, then tap on the plus (+) button in the upper right corner. Next, select the air purifier from the list, and the app will guide you through the initial setup process.
The Xiaomi Home app guides the user in the initial setup process
The purifier then connects directly to the Wi-Fi network and can be accessed remotely. The app makes sure that the latest firmware is installed on the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4. After updating the firmware, you have access to a control panel, where you can see the relevant measurements and control the air purifier (operating mode, screen brightness, negative ions, etc.) Both in the app and on the display of the device, you can see the estimated remaining lifetime of the filter. Mine was showing 290 days, but this is an estimate of actual usage. Considering most users will turn it off when filtering is not needed, the filter should easily last a year.
The dashboard for the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is easy to understand
You can also set up automation, based on simple IF/THEN rules. The rules can involve other devices in the ecosystem, allowing for some awesome scenarios. For example, you could set the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro to clean your apartment, and after it finishes, you could set the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 to clean the dust lingering in the air.
You can create rules and scenarios involving multiple smart devices
Using the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is very simple, no matter if you use it with or without connecting it to your mobile device or network. The touch-sensitive buttons on the device are easy to use and the Xiaomi Home app has a friendly interface. I used it for a whole week, and I never once turned it off. Why? First of all, because I have all sorts of allergies. Air filtering helps a lot with that. Second, it’s barely audible most of the time, only going full speed once it detects my girlfriend smoking in the kitchen. Thirdly, its power is only up to 30 W, and while you could argue that it’s still more than zero, running it non-stop is not expensive and helps me with my pollen allergies.
The sensors work flawlessly: each and every time there is smoke or some other heavy odor in the air, the purifier detects it and starts ramping up the fan speed. Clearing up the smell of cigarettes takes a few minutes, after which the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 returns to being dead silent.
If I were to name a flaw, it would be the fact that the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 doesn’t have a PM10 sensor. This function is reserved for the Pro version, and it’s a key measurement for pollen. To be clear, the filter is perfectly capable of retaining basically all types of pollen, but since there is no sensor to detect pollen concentration in the air, your only option is to use the purifier non-stop.
Cleaning the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is equally simple. By removing the filter, you gain access to the ventilation holes, which you can then wipe down with a piece of cloth. The fan can be accessed by removing a single screw and the top grille. You should not use liquids when cleaning the fan blades and you should always unplug the air purifier when cleaning it.
Cleaning the fan is trivial
Fun fact: while studying the filter, I discovered that it has an RF tag. It’s similar to an NFC tag, with the main difference being that the RF tag can only be read. Having an RF tag probably helps with keeping track of how long a filter has been used and identifies it as an original component.
The filter has a radio frequency tag
Overall, setting up and using the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is easy and intuitive, and so is cleaning it. The Xiaomi Home app allows for a great degree of control over the purifier and integrates it into the Xiaomi ecosystem of smart devices. The lack of a PM10 sensor is the only thing that can count as a minus, really.
Would you buy the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4?
Now you know my opinion on the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4. Since allergies are a big deal to me, such a device can improve my quality of life dramatically. What about you? Do you think the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 is worth the price? If you are on the lookout for an air purifier, what other options are you considering? Let me know in the comments.