您喜欢AMD Ryzen 3000系列的新处理器吗?您已经拥有一台配备Ryzen 处理器(Ryzen processor)的台式电脑,并且想知道是否应该在购买新处理器的同时购买新主板?如果您的主板采用以前的X470 芯片组(X470 chipset),这里是AMD Ryzen 3000处理器与较新的X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)的详细性能比较。(performance comparison)我们使用AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 处理器在具有这两种芯片组的主板上运行多项测试和基准测试。我们的目标是看看购买新主板与AMD上一代主板相比是否会带来有意义的性能差异(AMD) 锐龙处理器(Ryzen processor)。这是我们发现的:
新的AMD Ryzen 3000处理器可以在带有(AMD Ryzen 3000)X470 和 x370 芯片组(X470 and x370 chipsets)的旧主板上工作吗?
AMD在长期保持其不同代处理器与其主板芯片组兼容方面有着悠久的历史。最近推出的第三代锐龙(Ryzen)处理器也是如此。所有Ryzen 3000处理器都使用相同的Socket AM4主板。它们不仅兼容最新的X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)主板,还兼容使用以前的X470 和 X370 芯片组(X470 and X370 chipsets)的旧主板,以及一些更注重预算的B450 和 B350 主板(B450 and B350 mainboards)。
但是,为了能够在旧主板上使用 Ryzen 3000 CPU,您必须更新其BIOS以支持新处理器。大多数主板制造商应该已经发布了新的BIOS版本。这完全取决于主板供应商,以及他们是否愿意为您拥有的特定主板更新BIOS。
您可以在此页面上找到有关主板与新锐龙 3000(Ryzen 3000)处理器之间兼容性的更多信息:Socket AM4 X570 主板(Socket AM4 X570 Motherboards)。此外,一位热情的用户(passionate user)制作了这个长长的电子表格,其中包含有关此主题的大量有用细节:Ryzen 3000 的主板图表兼容性(Motherboards chart compatibility for Ryzen 3000)。
X570 和 X470 主板芯片组(X570 and X470 motherboard chipsets)有什么区别?
在本文中,我们将重点介绍AMD Ryzen处理器的高端X570 和 X470 芯片组。(X570 and X470 chipsets)在发布时,X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)是世界上唯一提供新PCI Express 4技术的芯片组。以前的AMD 主板(AMD motherboard)芯片组(包括 X470)和任何Intel芯片组都没有提供PCI Express 4。
AMD Ryzen 3000s处理器共有 24 个PCI Express 4通道:
- 16个显卡通道
- 4 个通道,在处理器和主板芯片组(motherboard chipset)之间提供更高的带宽
- 4 个通道用于NVMe固态驱动器等快速存储设备。
X570芯片组(X570 chipset)提供了另外16 个 PCIe 4(sixteen PCIe 4)通道,制造商可以根据需要将其用于其他硬件组件和接口。例如,他们最多可以使用两个NVMe固态驱动器或八个SATA 6Gb/s硬盘驱动器。
然后,X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)与旧 X470 相比的其他重要改进是处理器的VRM(电压调节器模块(Voltage Regulator Module))更好,RAM的(RAM)接线规范(wiring specification)更好。这意味着处理器和 RAM(processor and RAM)将获得更多功率,用户可以获得比以前更好的稳定性和更多的超频可能性。
最后但同样重要的是,X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)还提供八个USB 3.0 Gen 2端口,速度高达 10 Gbps,以及四个USB 2.0端口。相比之下,X470 只有两个USB 3.2 Gen2端口、六个USB 3.2 Gen 1端口和六个USB 2.0端口。
不幸的是,与较旧的X470 芯片(X470 chipset)组相比,上述所有因素对X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)的能源需求都增加了。新芯片组需要更多功率才能运行:它的TDP约为 15 瓦,而X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的TDP仅为 5 瓦。这就是为什么大多数基于 X570 的主板都带有专用风扇,一些用户不喜欢这种风扇。未来,也许我们还会看到带有热管而不是风扇的 X570 主板。
对带有X570的AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 与带有X470的(X570)AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 进行基准测试
为了查看使用X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)主板与旧X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)主板在性能方面是否存在差异,我们构建了自己的测试 PC(test PC)。它具有新的AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 处理器和以下硬件:
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)和ASUS ROG Crosshair VII Hero(Wi-Fi)
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB 内存(HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB Memory)(2 x 8GB,3600MHz)
- 存储:ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ( ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ)曲面电竞显示器(Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144Hz)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)
我们唯一改变的组件是主板。为了进行最佳比较,我们使用了同一主板的不同版本:ASUS ROG Crosshair VII Hero (Wi-Fi)与旧 X470 芯片组,ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi)与新 X570 芯片组。
我们从CPU-Z 单线程基准测试(CPU-Z Single Thread benchmark)开始,它测试处理器提供的单核性能。我们使用X570 主板(X570 motherboard)得到了 502 分,而在X470(X470 motherboard)主板上得到了 501 分。这种微小的差异是微不足道的,这意味着两个主板芯片组上处理器的单核速度是相同的。
CPU-Z还有一个多线程基准测试(Multi-Thread benchmark),用于测试处理器在使用所有内核时的速度。使用X570主板(X570 motherboard)时,AMD Ryzen 5 3600X得到4018分,而在X470主板(X470 mainboard)上得到4001分,性能差距(performance difference)不到0.5%。
接下来,我们转向Cinebench R20 基准测试(Cinebench R20 benchmark),它评估渲染时的处理器速度。(processor speed)结果再次相似,尽管X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的结果稍好一些。然而,两个芯片组之间的差异只有 0.5%。
在通过渲染两个不同场景并测量完成时间来评估处理器速度的Blender 基准测试(Blender benchmark)中,使用带有X570 主板的(X570 motherboard)AMD Ryzen 5 3600X快了 17.4 秒。看起来使用X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)比使用X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)快一点。仍然,一个相当微不足道的差异。
PCMark 10对计算机在日常活动中的性能进行基准测试。由此,我们了解网页浏览、视频会议(video conferencing)、应用程序启动时间、生产力和数字内容创建(content creation)。有趣的是,配备 X570 芯片组的AMD (X570 chipset)Ryzen 5(AMD Ryzen 5) 3600X 处理器的得分略低于配备X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的分数,大约低 2%。再次(Again),一个微小的差异。
7-Zip 是一个非常流行的文件压缩程序(file compression program),它也非常擅长评估计算机处理器的速度。当我们对Ryzen 5 3600X 进行基准测试时,无论我们使用何种主板芯片组,我们都获得了相同的40(motherboard chipset) MB MB/s regardless压缩速度(compression speed)。
在解压测试(decompression test)中,锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600X处理器搭配X570主板(X570 motherboard)比搭配X470(X470 motherboard)主板稍快。两个芯片组之间的差异为 2.5%。
JetStream 2是一个旨在衡量网页浏览性能的基准。使用谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),我们在两个芯片组上得到了几乎相同的分数。这证实了在浏览网页时,AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 在配备 X570 芯片组的主板上的运行速度与在配备X470芯片组(X570 chipset)的主板上运行速度一样快。
我们还检查了一些游戏。对于它们中的每一个,我们都使用了 1080p 分辨率和可用的最低图形细节,因此显卡不会成为处理器的瓶颈。
在《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)》中,CPU 渲染测量结果显示,我们在(CPU Render)X570(Shadow)芯片组(X570 chipset)上比在X470 芯片(X470 chipset)组上每秒多获得 5 帧。这是仅 2% 的小幅改进。
Metro Exodus显示了类似的结果:X570 芯片组为 114 FPS,而X470(X470 chipset)芯片组为 112(X570 chipset versus 112)帧。性能差异(performance difference)仅为 1.75% 。
在可以使用Vulkan API的僵尸游戏(Vulkan API)World War Z中,我们测得X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)比X470多8 FPS。然而,在这两种芯片组上,我们每秒都获得了超过 200 帧,这意味着 8 FPS 的差异(FPS difference)仅代表 3.8%。
Our tests have shown that the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X processor is just as fast if you use it on a motherboard with an X570 chipset as it is on a motherboard with an X470 chipset. The performance differences are insignificant, varying from 0 to 3.8%.
在升级到AMD Ryzen 3000处理器时,您应该放弃以前的X470 主板(X470 motherboard)吗?
如果您的台式 PC 使用带有X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的旧主板,则没有理由购买带有新X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)的新主板。只购买锐龙 3000(Ryzen 3000)系列的新处理器,并保留现有硬件。如果您还购买了带有X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)的新主板,您将不会注意到有意义的性能差异。像AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 这样的处理器在配备(AMD Ryzen 5)X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的主板上也能提供出色的性能。
什么时候投资X570 主板才有(X570 motherboard)意义?
在以下情况下,投资配备X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)的主板是有意义的:
- 您不介意使用此芯片组的主板必须支付的高价
- 您希望您的 PC 经得起未来考验,并使用AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT等PCI Express 4显卡和NVMe SSD驱动器。
- 您渴望拥有丰富的USB 3.2 Gen 2端口
- 您正在构建一台新 PC,而不是使用上一代Ryzen 处理器升级旧 PC(Ryzen processor)
- 采用 X570 芯片组的主板价格下降,(X570 chipset decrease and motherboards)采用X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的主板开始逐步退出市场
您是否打算切换到锐龙 3000(Ryzen 3000)系列处理器?
在本次性能比较(performance comparison)结束时,我们想知道您是否打算购买AMD Ryzen 3000 系列处理器(series processor)并切换到这个有前途的平台。如果有,您会考虑购买哪种主板?是带有 X570 芯片组的还是便宜的带有X470 芯片组(X470 chipset)的?在下面发表评论(Comment)并分享您的观点。
Performance comparison: Using AMD Ryzen 5 3600X on X570 vs. X470 motherboards
Do yoυ love the new processors from AMD Rуzen 3000 series? You already have a desktoр PC with a Ryzen processor, and you want to knоw whether you should also buy a new mothеrboard alongside your new processor? If you have a motherboard with the previous X470 chiрset, here is a detailed perfоrmance comparison agaіnst the newer X570 chipset for the AMD Ryzen 3000 processors. We used the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X processor to run several tests and benchmarks on motherboards with these two chipsets. Our goal was to ѕee if buying a new motherboard brings meaningful performance differences vs. the previous generation of motherbоards for AMD Ryzen processors. Here is what we found:
Do the new AMD Ryzen 3000 processors work on older motherboards with X470 and x370 chipsets?
AMD has a great history of keeping its different generations of processors compatible with its motherboard chipsets for long periods. That is also true about the third generation of Ryzen processors that was recently launched. All the Ryzen 3000 processors use the same Socket AM4 for motherboards. They are also compatible not only with the latest X570 chipset motherboards, but also with older motherboards, using the previous X470 and X370 chipsets, as well as with some of the more budget-oriented B450 and B350 mainboards.
However, to be able to use a Ryzen 3000 CPU on an older motherboard, you have to update its BIOS to support the new processor. Most motherboard manufacturers should have already released new BIOS versions. It all depends on the motherboard vendors and whether they bothered to update the BIOS for the specific motherboard that you own.
You can find out more about the compatibility between motherboards and the new Ryzen 3000 processors, on this page: Socket AM4 X570 Motherboards. Also, a passionate user has made this long spreadsheet with plenty of useful details about this subject: Motherboards chart compatibility for Ryzen 3000.
What is the difference between the X570 and X470 motherboard chipsets?
In this article, we are focusing on the high-end X570 and X470 chipsets for AMD Ryzen processors. At launch, the X570 chipset is the only one in the world that offers the new PCI Express 4 technology. None of the previous AMD motherboard chipsets, including the X470, nor any of the Intel chipsets, provide PCI Express 4.
The AMD Ryzen 3000s processors have a total number of twenty-four PCI Express 4 lanes:
- 16 lanes for the graphics card
- 4 lanes that offer increased bandwidth between the processor and the motherboard chipset
- 4 lanes for fast storage devices such as NVMe solid-state drives.
The X570 chipset offers another sixteen PCIe 4 lanes that the manufacturers can use as they wish for other hardware components and interfaces. For example, they could use up to two NVMe solid-state drives or eight SATA 6Gb/s hard disk drives.
Then, the other essential improvements in the X570 chipset versus the older X470, are better VRM (Voltage Regulator Module) for the processor, and a better wiring specification for the RAM. This means more power is going to the processor and RAM, and users receive better stability and more overclocking possibilities than before.
Last but not least, the X570 chipset also offers eight USB 3.0 Gen 2 ports with speeds of up to 10 Gbps, and four USB 2.0 ports. In comparison, the X470 has only two USB 3.2 Gen2 ports, six USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, and six USB 2.0 ports.
Unfortunately, all of the above come with increased energy requirements for the X570 chipset compared to the older X470 chipset. The new chipset needs more power to run: it has a TDP of about 15 watts, while the X470 chipset has a TDP of only 5 watts. That is why most of the X570-based motherboards come with a dedicated fan on them, which some users do not like. In the future, maybe we are going to also see X570 motherboards with heat pipes instead of fans on them.
Benchmarking the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X with X570 vs. AMD Ryzen 5 3600X with X470
To see whether there are differences in terms of performance when using X570 chipset motherboards vs. older X470 chipset motherboards, we built a test PC of our own. It had the new AMD Ryzen 5 3600X processor and with the following hardware:
The only component that we changed was the motherboard. To make the best possible comparison, we used different iterations of the same motherboard: ASUS ROG Crosshair VII Hero (Wi-Fi) with an older X470 chipset, and ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) with the new X570 chipset.
We started with the CPU-Z Single Thread benchmark, which tests the single-core performance offered by the processor. We got a score of 502 using the X570 motherboard and a score of 501 on the X470 motherboard. This tiny difference is insignificant, meaning that the single-core speed of the processor, on both motherboard chipsets, is the same.
CPU-Z also has a Multi-Thread benchmark which tests the speed of the processor when using all its cores. When using the X570 motherboard, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X got a score of 4018 points, while on the X470 mainboard, it got 4001. The performance difference is less than 0.5%.
Next, we turned to the Cinebench R20 benchmark, which evaluates the processor speed when rendering. The results were again similar, although the X470 chipset had a slightly better result. However, the difference between the two chipsets is just 0.5 percent.
In the Blender benchmark, which evaluates the processor's speed by rendering two different scenes and measuring the time of completion, using the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X with the X570 motherboard was faster by 17.4 seconds. It looks like using the X570 chipset is marginally quicker than using the X470 chipset. Still, a rather insignificant difference.
PCMark 10 benchmarks the computer's performance in daily activities. By that, we understand web browsing, video conferencing, apps start-up times, productivity, and digital content creation. Interestingly, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X processor with the X570 chipset had a slightly lower score than with the X470 chipset, by about two percent. Again, a tiny difference.
7-Zip is a very popular file compression program, and it is also great at assessing the speed of computer processors. When we benchmarked the Ryzen 5 3600X, we got the same compression speed of 40 MB/s regardless of the motherboard chipset that we used.
In the decompression test, the Ryzen 5 3600X processor was slightly faster with the X570 motherboard than it was with the X470 motherboard. The difference between the two chipsets was of 2.5%.
JetStream 2 is a benchmark designed to measure the web browsing performance. Using Google Chrome, we got almost the same score on both chipsets. This confirms that, when it comes to browsing the web, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X runs just as fast on motherboards with the X570 chipset as it does on those with X470.
We also checked a few games. For each of them, we used the 1080p resolution and the lowest graphic details available, so that the video card does not bottleneck the processor.
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the CPU Render measurements showed that we got five frames per second more on the X570 chipset than on the X470 chipset. It is a small improvement of just 2%.
Metro Exodus showed a similar result: 114 FPS on the X570 chipset versus 112 frames with the X470 chipset. The performance difference is only 1.75%.
On World War Z, a game with zombies, that can use the Vulkan API, we measured 8 FPS more with the X570 chipset than with the X470. However, on both chipsets, we got over 200 frames per second, which means that the 8 FPS difference represents just 3.8%.
Our tests have shown that the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X processor is just as fast if you use it on a motherboard with an X570 chipset as it is on a motherboard with an X470 chipset. The performance differences are insignificant, varying from 0 to 3.8%.
When upgrading to an AMD Ryzen 3000 processor should you ditch your previous X470 motherboard?
If you have a desktop PC with an older motherboard with the X470 chipset, there is no reason to buy a new motherboard with the new X570 chipset. Only buy a new processor from the Ryzen 3000 series, and keep your existing hardware. You won't notice meaningful performance differences, if you also buy a new motherboard with the X570 chipset. A processor like AMD Ryzen 5 3600X offers excellent performance on motherboards with the X470 chipset too.
When does it make sense to invest in an X570 motherboard?
Investing in a motherboard with the X570 chipset makes sense if:
- You do not mind the premium price you have to pay for motherboards with this chipset
- You want your PC to be future-proof, and use PCI Express 4 video cards like AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT, and NVMe SSD drives.
- You long for an abundance of USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports
- You are building a new PC instead of upgrading an older one with a previous generation Ryzen processor
- The prices for motherboards with the X570 chipset decrease and motherboards with the X470 chipset begin to get phased out from the market
Do you plan to switch to the Ryzen 3000 series of processors?
At the end of this performance comparison, we would like to know whether you plan to buy an AMD Ryzen 3000 series processor and switch to this promising platform. If you do, which motherboard do you consider buying? Is it one with an X570 chipset or a cheaper one with an X470 chipset? Comment below and share your perspective.