AirPods 已成为所有 iPhone 用户的标准配置。尽管成本相对较高,iOS 还是很快适应了从有线耳机到无线耳机的转变。其卓越的品质、流畅的音频体验和符合人体工程学的设计(excellent quality, smooth audio experience, and ergonomic design)无疑为这一转变做出了很大贡献。尽管AirPods是市场上最好的无线耳机之一,但就像任何其他电子设备一样,它们确实有时会出现故障,例如AirPods已连接但没有声音问题(sound problem)。因此,在不造成任何进一步延迟的情况下,让我们修复AirPods Pro已连接但没有声音问题。
修复 AirPods 或 AirPods Pro 已连接但没有声音问题(Fix AirPods or AirPods Pro Connected But No Sound Issue)
以下是我的 AirPods 已连接但未发出声音的原因:
电池电量(Low Battery)不足– AirPods的(AirPods)电池(Insufficient battery)充电不足可能是其背后的原因。
蓝牙连接问题– 由于(Bluetooth Connectivity issues)蓝牙连接(Bluetooth connectivity),有可能没有声音。因此(Hence),重新连接AirPods应该会有所帮助。
连接设备上的不正确配置(Improper Configurations on the connected device)- 也可能导致此类问题。
- 如果一切都失败了,请重置您的 AirPods 或 AirPods Pro(Reset your AirPods or AirPods Pro)以解决与之相关的所有问题。
方法一:给 AirPods 充电(Method 1: Charge the AirPods)
我们经常没有意识到我们已经使用 AirPods 很长一段时间了。尽管电池寿命(battery life)很长,但您的 AirPods 电量耗尽时仍会出现。这是对AirPods Pro连接但没有声音问题的最直接的解释之一。
- 如果您将它们与iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)一起使用,那么只需将它们放回外壳中并重新打开盖子(put them back in the case and reopen the lid)即可。您现在将能够在屏幕上看到一个卡片弹出窗口,显示空气舱和充电盒的电池百分比(battery percentage)。
- 另一种选择是使用电池小部件(Battery widget )来检查 AirPods 的电池百分比( check the battery percentage of the AirPods)。
- 如果您使用的是MAC,则可以单击蓝牙(Bluetooth)图标并将鼠标指针(mouse pointer)悬停在AirPods上。它将分别显示每个AirPod和外壳 的电池百分比。(battery percentage)
注意:(Note:)请记住,只有在外壳内至少有一个AirPod时,才能看到外壳的电池百分比(battery percentage of the case)。
如果您发现电池电量不足(低于 10%),请先充电(go ahead and charge them first)。确保案件也被起诉。现在再试一次,看看问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 AirPods 不充电问题
方法 2:重新连接您的 AirPods(Method 2: Re-connect Your AirPods)
在继续使用更复杂的解决方案之前,请尝试断开并重新连接您的 AirPods,如下所示:
1. 在您的 iOS 设备上,点击设置(Settings)>蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
2. 点击已连接的AirPods 。例如 AirPods Pro。
3. 现在,选择忘记此设备(Forget this device)选项并点击确认(confirm)。您的 AirPods 现在将与您的设备断开连接。
4. 取出两个 AirPods 并将它们放入无线盒(Wireless case)中。将外壳靠近您的设备,以便识别(recognized)。
5. 屏幕上会出现动画。点击连接(Connect)以重新连接 AirPods 与设备。
如果重新连接后AirPods 仍(AirPods)无法工作,请尝试此列表中提到的其他解决方案。
方法 3:删除所有其他蓝牙设备(Method 3: Remove All Other Bluetooth Devices)
有时,AirPods已连接但没有声音问题是由其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备的连接冲突引起的。例如,您的手机可能连接到Amazon Echo 或 Google Home 扬声器(Amazon Echo or Google Home speaker),因此您的AirPods上没有(AirPods)音频输出(audio output)。
- 确保(Make sure)关闭其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,并从手机的蓝牙(Bluetooth)设置中disconnect/remove这些设备。
- 此外,您需要在手机 10 米范围内(within 10 meters),否则您的 AirPods 将无法工作。
- 在某些情况下,其他设备(如微波炉、无绳电话(Microwave, cordless phones)、Wi-Fi、无线摄像头等)最终使用的频率与 AirPods 使用的频率非常接近。这也可能导致冲突并导致AirPods 出现故障(AirPods malfunctioning)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复仅在一只耳朵中播放的AirPods(Fix AirPods)
方法 4:清洁 AirPods(Method 4: Clean the AirPods)
这似乎是多余的,但您会惊讶于音频输出(audio output)被污垢和灰尘(dirt and dust)等物理障碍物阻挡的次数。
- 只能使用柔软的超细纤维布清洁(soft microfiber cloth)无线外壳和 AirPods(wireless case and AirPods)之间的空间。
- 不要使用硬刷(hard brush)。对于狭窄的空间,可以使用细刷(fine brush)清除污垢。
- 切勿让任何液体(liquid)接触到您的耳塞和无线外壳(wireless case)。
- 确保使用(Make sure)柔软的 Q 尖(soft Q tip.)清洁耳塞尾部。
- 另外,请确保充电盒(interior portion of the charging case)内部清洁,以免出现充电问题。
方法 5:调整音频平衡(Method 5: Adjust Audio Balance)
AirPods允许您单独控制每个AirPod中的音频输出。借助滑块,您可以选择让左侧AirPod 的声音(AirPod sound)比右侧更大,反之亦然(vice versa)。但是,如果音频平衡(balance isn)实际上没有平衡,滑块应该在中间,它可能会导致AirPods连接但没有声音问题。
选项 1:对于 iOS 设备
(Option 1: For iOS Devices
1. 进入设置(Settings )并选择常规(General)。
2. 点击标题为辅助功能(Accessibility)的选项。
3. 在这里,您会看到一个带有L和R的(R)切换栏(toggle bar),它们分别代表您的左耳( left ear)和右耳(right ear)。
4. 确保滑块位于中间(Center),以便两个耳塞中的音频播放相同。
5. 检查Mono Audio 选项并将其切换为Off(如果启用)。
选项 2:对于 MacOS 设备
(Option 2: For MacOS Devices
1.将 AirPods 连接(Connect your AirPods)到MacBook,并将(MacBook and place)至少一个AirPod放入耳内。
2. 单击蓝牙(Bluetooth)选项。将鼠标指针(mouse pointer)悬停在AirPod 设备名称(AirPod Device Name)旁边的箭头上。
3. 接下来,单击声音首(Sound Preferences)选项选项。
4. 在这里,选择输出(Output)选项卡并单击您的AirPods。
5. 现在调整音频平衡(Balance )滑块以确保它正好位于如上图所示的中间。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复一个(Fix One) 比另一个更响的AirPod(AirPod Louder Than)
方法6:关闭自动耳朵检测(Method 6: Turn off Automatic Ear Detection)
AirPods的一项很酷的功能是它可以检测到您何时将它们插入耳朵。但是,此功能有时无法正常工作,因此,即使您的AirPods已连接并放入您的耳朵,您也听不到任何声音。许多 iPhone 用户已经发现了一个简单的解决方法,即禁用自动耳朵检测功能(ear detection feature)。
1. 点击设置(Settings)菜单并选择蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
2. 在AirPods前面,点击(info) i 图标((info) i icon)。
3. 最后,关闭自动耳朵检测的开关(toggle off),(Automatic Ear Detection)如下图所示。
方法 7:更新到最新版本
(Method 7: Update to the Latest Version
任何软件程序或操作系统(software program or operating system)的更新版本都有助于消除设备错误和损坏的固件。如果您在设备上使用旧版本的操作系统(operating system),您可能会遇到AirPods 或 AirPods Pro(AirPods or AirPods Pro)已连接但没有声音错误。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)不要中断安装过程(installation process)。
只需(Simply)断开 AirPods 与设备的连接,然后按照给定的步骤操作即可。
选项 1:更新 iOS(Option 1: Update iOS)
1. 进入设置(Settings)>常规(General),如图所示。
2. 点击软件更新(Software Update)。
3B。否则,将显示iOS 是最新消息。(iOS is up to date)
4. 下载并安装新软件后,再次连接(connect) 您的 AirPods(your AirPods)。
注意:(Note:) AirPods 软件会在重新连接后自动更新。
选项 2:更新 macOS(Option 2: Update macOS)
1. 打开Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择系统偏好设置(System Preferences),如图所示。
2. 然后,点击软件更新(Software Update)。
3. 最后,如果有任何更新可用,请单击立即更新(Update Now)按钮,如下图所示。
4.重新连接AirPods(Reconnect AirPods),享受听音乐的乐趣。
方法 8:重置 AirPods 并再次配对(Method 8: Reset AirPods and Pair Again)
如果上述方法都不起作用,请尝试清除石板以从第一格开始。您需要从配对设备列表中删除您的 AirPods,重置您的 AirPods,然后再次尝试配对。请阅读我们关于如何(How)重置 AirPods 和AirPods Pro的详细指南。
方法 9: (Method 9: )联系 Apple 支持(Contact Apple Support)
如果您仍然无法听到 AirPods 发出的任何声音,那么很遗憾,您的 iPhone/Mac 或 AirPods 工作不正常。为了查明哪个设备有故障,
- 将您的 AirPods 连接到其他手机或计算机(connect your AirPods to some other phone or computer)。如果它工作正常,那么问题出在您的手机上。在这种情况下,您可以考虑将手机(resetting your phone)恢复出厂设置。
将其他蓝牙设备连接到手机(connect other bluetooth devices to the phone)。如果它们运行良好,那么AirPods可能会损坏。
最好联系Apple 支持(Apple Support)或访问Apple Care。根据损坏程度,您可能有资格获得维修或更换产品。
- 修复 Discord 未检测到麦克风
- 修复 AirPods(Fix AirPods)与 iPhone 断开连接的问题
- 如何检查 Apple 保修状态
- 如何修复麦克风(Fix Microphone)无法在Mac上工作(Mac)
至此,我们到了本文的结尾。我们希望您可以修复 AirPods 或 AirPods Pro 已连接但没有声音问题(fix AirPods or AirPods Pro connected but no sound issue)。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
Fix AirPods Connected But No Sound Issue
AirPods have becomе pretty standard for all iPhоne υsers. Despite their cоmparatively higher cost, iOS quiсkly adapted to the change from wired to wireless earphones. Іts excellent quality, smooth audio experience, and ergonomic design undoubtedly contributed a lot to this transition. Although AirPods is one of the best wireless earphones available in the market, just like any other electronic device, they do tend to malfunction at times such as AirPods connected but no sound problem. So, without causing any further delays, let’s fix AirPods Pro connected but no sound issue.
Fix AirPods or AirPods Pro Connected But No Sound Issue
Here are the reasons why my AirPods are connected but no sound emitting issue:
Low Battery – Insufficient battery charging of AirPods may be the reason behind it.
Bluetooth Connectivity issues – There is a chance that there’s no sound due to Bluetooth connectivity. Hence, reconnecting the AirPods should help.
Improper Configurations on the connected device – could also lead to such problems.
- If all else fails, Reset your AirPods or AirPods Pro to resolve any & all problems associated with it.
Method 1: Charge the AirPods
We often do not realize that we have been using our AirPods for quite some time now. Despite the long-lasting battery life, there will arise a point when your AirPods run out of juice. This is one of the most straightforward explanations of the AirPods Pro connected but no sound issue.
- If you are using them with an iPhone or iPad, then simply put them back in the case and reopen the lid. You will now be able to see a card pop-up on the screen displaying the battery percentage of both the air pods and the charging case.
- The other alternative is to use the Battery widget to check the battery percentage of the AirPods.
- If you are using a MAC, then you can click on the Bluetooth icon and hover your mouse pointer over the AirPods. It will show the battery percentage for each AirPod and the case separately.
Note: Remember that the battery percentage of the case will only be visible when at least one AirPod is inside the case.
If you find out that the batteries are low (below 10%) then go ahead and charge them first. Make sure that the case is also charged. Now try again and see if the issue is resolved or not.
Also Read: Fix AirPods Not Charging Issue
Method 2: Re-connect Your AirPods
Before moving on to more complex solutions, try disconnecting and re-connecting your AirPods as follows:
1. On your iOS device, tap on Settings > Bluetooth.
2. Tap on the AirPods, which are connected. e.g. AirPods Pro.
3. Now, select Forget this device option and tap on confirm. Your AirPods will now be disconnected from your device.
4. Take both the AirPods and put them into the Wireless case. Bring the case close to your device so that it gets recognized.
5. An animation will appear on your screen. Tap Connect to reconnect the AirPods with the device.
If the AirPods do not work even after reconnection, try other solutions mentioned in this list.
Method 3: Remove All Other Bluetooth Devices
Sometimes, the AirPods connected but no sound issue is caused by connection conflicts from other Bluetooth devices. For example, your phone might be connected to an Amazon Echo or Google Home speaker, and thus, you are getting no audio output on your AirPods.
- Make sure to turn off other Bluetooth devices and disconnect/remove these devices from Bluetooth settings on your phone.
- Also, you need to be within 10 meters of your phone, or else your AirPods will not work.
- In some cases, other devices like Microwave, cordless phones, Wi-Fi, wireless cameras, etc., end up using a frequency that is very close to the one that the AirPods are using. This might also cause conflicts and lead to AirPods malfunctioning.
Also Read: Fix AirPods Only Playing in One Ear
Method 4: Clean the AirPods
This might seem redundant, but you will be surprised how many times the audio output is blocked by physical obstructions like dirt and dust.
- Only use a soft microfiber cloth to clean the spaces between the wireless case and AirPods.
- Do not use a hard brush. For the narrow spaces, one can use a fine brush to remove the dirt.
- Never let any liquid come in contact with your earbuds as well as the wireless case.
- Make sure to clean the tail of the earbuds with a soft Q tip.
- Also, make sure that the interior portion of the charging case is clean so as to avoid charging issues.
Method 5: Adjust Audio Balance
AirPods allow you to control the audio outputs in each AirPod individually. With the help of a slider, you can choose to make the left AirPod sound louder than the right one or vice versa. However, if the audio balance isn’t actually balanced wherein the slider should be in the middle, it could lead to AirPods connected but no sound issue.
Option 1: For iOS Devices
1. Go to Settings and select General.
2. Tap on the option titled Accessibility.
3. Here, you will see a toggle bar with L and R These stand for your left ear and right ear.
4. Make sure the slider is in the Center so that the audio plays equally in both the earbuds.
5. Check the Mono Audio option and toggle it Off, if enabled.
Option 2: For MacOS Devices
1. Connect your AirPods to your MacBook and place at least one AirPod inside your ear.
2. Click on the Bluetooth option. Hover your mouse pointer over the arrowhead beside the AirPod Device Name.
3. Next, click on the Sound Preferences option.
4. Here, select the Output tab and click on your AirPods.
5. Now adjust the Audio Balance Slider to make sure that it is exactly in the middle as depicted above.
Also Read: Fix One AirPod Louder Than The Other
Method 6: Turn off Automatic Ear Detection
One of the cool features of AirPods is that it can detect when you insert them in your ears. However, this feature does not work properly at times, and as a result, even when your AirPods are connected and placed in your ears, you do not get any sound. A lot of iPhone users have discovered a simple fix for this viz disabling the automatic ear detection feature.
1. Tap on the Settings menu and select Bluetooth.
2. In front of the AirPods, tap on (info) i icon.
3. Lastly, turn the toggle off for Automatic Ear Detection, as illustrated below.
Method 7: Update to the Latest Version
A newer version of any software program or operating system helps do away with device errors and corrupt firmware. If you are using an older version of operating system on your device, you might encounter AirPods or AirPods Pro connected but no sound error.
Note: Make sure to not interrupt the installation process.
Simply, disconnect your AirPods from your device and then follow the given steps.
Option 1: Update iOS
1. Go to Settings > General as shown.
2. Tap on Software Update.
3A. In case updates are available, tap on Install.
3B. Or else, iOS is up to date message will be displayed.
4. Once the new software has been downloaded and installed, connect your AirPods again.
Note: AirPods software will automatically get updated after reconnection.
Option 2: Update macOS
1. Open the Apple menu and select System Preferences as shown.
2. Then, click on Software Update.
3. Finally, if any update is available, click on Update Now button, as depicted below.
4. Reconnect AirPods and enjoy listening to music.
Method 8: Reset AirPods and Pair Again
If none of the above methods work, try clearing the slate to start from square one. You need to remove your AirPods from the list of paired devices, reset your AirPods, and then try pairing them again. Read our detailed guide on How to Reset your AirPods and AirPods Pro to do so.
Method 9: Contact Apple Support
If you are still not able to hear any sound from your AirPods, then unfortunately either your iPhone/Mac or the AirPods are not working properly. In order to pinpoint which device is at fault,
- connect your AirPods to some other phone or computer. If it works properly, then the problem lies with your phone. You can consider resetting your phone to factory settings in this case.
connect other bluetooth devices to the phone. If they work well, then AirPods might be damaged.
It is better to contact Apple Support or visit Apple Care. Based on the degree of damage, you might be eligible for servicing or a replacement of the product.
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that you could fix AirPods or AirPods Pro connected but no sound issue. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next.