您的 Snapchat 在您的 Android 手机上是否滞后、冻结或崩溃?别担心,在本指南中,我们将讨论 6 种不同的方法来解决 Snapchat 滞后或崩溃问题。但在此之前,让我们先了解一下为什么应用程序开始表现得这样。 (Is your Snapchat lagging, freezing, or crashing on your Android phone? Don’t worry, in this guide, we will discuss 6 different ways to fix Snapchat lags or crashing issues. But before that let’s understand why the app starts behaving like this in the first place. )
Snapchat 最初是一款 iPhone 专属应用,但由于其空前的成功和需求(success and demand),它也可供Android用户使用。它一炮而红(instant hit)。然而,随着Android用户开始在应用程序中遇到很多问题,兴奋和赞赏(excitement and appreciation)是短暂的。虽然该应用程序对 iOS 用户非常有效,但它给Android(Android)用户带来了问题,尤其是那些使用廉价手机(budget phone)或旧手机的用户。显然,该应用程序的硬件要求(hardware requirement)相当高,而且很多Android智能手机经历了滞后、故障、应用程序崩溃和其他类似问题。很多时候,当您打开相机拍照或尝试录制视频时,应用程序会冻结,从而破坏了一个完美的时刻以及(moment and opportunity)捕捉和分享(capture and share)美好时刻的 机会。
为什么 Snapchat 滞后或崩溃?(Why does Snapchat lag or crash?)
如前所述,Snapchat是一个资源密集型应用程序,这意味着(app meaning)它需要更多RAM和处理能力才能正常工作。除此之外,如果您还拥有强大而稳定的互联网连接(internet connection)以能够使用Snapchat ,那将会有所帮助。确保(Make)您有足够的带宽并且您的互联网(internet isn)不慢。
好吧,如果问题是硬件过时或互联网连接(internet connectivity)不佳,那么除了升级到更好的设备或获得带宽更好的新 Wi-Fi 连接之外,您几乎无能为力。但是,如果问题是由于其他原因造成的,例如错误、故障、损坏的缓存文件等,那么您可以采取多种措施来解决问题。错误和故障(Bugs and glitches)是导致应用程序出现故障并最终崩溃的常见罪魁祸首。通常,当发布新的更新时,错误可能会出现在更新中。然而,这些只是暂时的问题,一旦报告错误就可以解决。
当谈到Snapchat运行缓慢时,可能是由于后台应用程序(background apps)导致CPU 过载(CPU overload)。如果后台运行的应用程序过多,它们将消耗大量内存并导致(memory and cause)Snapchat滞后。此外,较旧的应用程序版本也可能导致缓慢和整体滞后的性能。因此,始终保持应用程序更新总是更好。该应用程序的最新版本不仅会进行优化并具有更多功能,还会消除错误和故障。
修复 Snapchat 滞后并防止应用崩溃(Fix Snapchat lags and Prevent the app from Crashing)
方法 1:清除 Snapchat 的缓存和数据(Method 1: Clear Cache and Data for Snapchat)
所有应用程序都以缓存文件的形式存储一些数据。保存了一些基本数据,以便在打开时,应用程序可以快速显示一些内容。它旨在减少任何应用程序的启动时间(startup time)。但是,有时旧的缓存文件会损坏并导致应用程序出现故障。清除应用程序的缓存和数据(cache and data)始终是一个好习惯。如果您经常遇到Snapchat的问题,请尝试清除其缓存和数据文件(cache and data files),看看是否能解决问题。不用担心; 删除缓存文件不会对您的应用造成任何损害。新的缓存(New cache)文件将自动再次生成。请按照以下步骤删除Snapchat的缓存文件。
1. 转到手机上的(gs)设置(Settin)。
2. 单击应用程序(Apps)选项以查看您设备上已安装应用程序的列表。
3. 现在搜索Snapchat并点击它以打开应用设置(open the app settings)。
4. 单击存储(Storage)选项。
5.在这里,您将找到清除缓存和清除数据(Clear Cache and Clear Data)的选项。单击(Click)相应的按钮,Snapchat的缓存文件将被删除。
方法 2:更新 Snapchat 应用程序(Method 2: Update the Snapchat App)
将应用程序更新到其最新版本始终是一件好事,因为每次新更新都附带了可以消除先前版本问题的错误修复。除此之外,最新版本的应用程序是最优化的,这使应用程序更加高效。它使应用程序更加稳定,如果您使用的是廉价的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone),那么更新Snapchat会在一定程度上提高其性能。您还可以享受新功能作为额外奖励。请按照以下步骤更新Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat app)。
1. 前往Play 商店(Play Store)。
2. 在左上角,你会发现三条水平线(three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
3. 现在,单击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
4. 搜索Snapchat并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
5. 如果是,则单击更新按钮(update button)。
方法 3:从 Snapchat 中清除缓存(Method 3: Clear Cache from within Snapchat)
通常,像Snapchat(Snapchat)这样的即时消息和社交媒体应用程序除了可以从设置(Settings)中删除的文件之外,还有一些额外的缓存文件(cache file),如前所述。这些是应用内缓存文件(cache file),用于存储聊天、帖子、故事和其他重要文件的备份。这些内部缓存文件(cache file)的目的是减少应用程序的加载时间(loading time)并改善您的用户体验。删除这些缓存文件(cache file)将减少输入延迟、延迟和冻结,因为它会使应用程序更轻。也有可能是应用内缓存文件(cache file)某处存在木马或bug(trojan or bug) 这导致您的应用程序崩溃。因此,您可以说删除这些文件的好处是多方面的。请按照以下步骤删除Snapchat的应用内缓存文件(cache file)。
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat app)。
2. 现在点击屏幕左上角的Snapchat Ghost Mascot图标。(Snapchat Ghost Mascot)
3. 之后,单击右上角的齿轮图标(right-hand corner)以(cogwheel icon)打开应用程序设置。
4. 在这里,您将在“帐户操作”部分(Account Actions section)下找到“清除缓存”选项(Clear cache option)。
5. 关闭应用程序,然后重新启动(reboot)您的设备。
6. 设备再次启动后,尝试使用Snapchat,看看您是否能感觉到不同。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何清除(Clear Cache)Android 手机(Android Phone)上的缓存(以及为什么它很重要(Important))
方法 4:卸载 Snapchat 然后重新安装(Method 4: Uninstall Snapchat and then Re-install)
如果以上方法都不起作用,那么可能是时候告别Snapchat了。别担心;这只是片刻,您几乎可以立即重新安装该应用程序。卸载应用程序然后重新安装它就像选择一个全新的开始,这是解决某些Android 应用程序(Android app)问题的唯一方法。因此,我们强烈建议您尝试与Snapchat相同的方法,看看是否能解决问题。每次安装应用程序然后第一次打开时,它都会要求各种权限。如果Snapchat(Snapchat)无法正常工作的原因与权限有关,那么在重新安装后再次授予权限即可解决问题。请按照以下步骤卸载Snapchat并重新安装该应用程序。
1. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 现在,转到应用程序(Apps)部分。
3. 搜索Snapchat并点击它。
4. 现在,单击卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
5.删除应用程序后,从 Play 商店再次下载并安装该应用程序。(removed, download and install the app)
6. 打开应用程序,然后使用您的用户名和密码登录(username and password),看看问题是否仍然存在。
方法 5:下载并安装旧版本的 APK 文件(Method 5: Download and Install the APK file for an older version)
如前所述,有时,最新的应用程序版本可能包含使应用程序变慢(app slow)甚至崩溃的错误。不稳定的更新可能是Snapchat滞后和应用程序崩溃的原因。如果是这种情况,那么只有两种选择:等待下一次更新并希望(update and hope)它附带错误修复或降级到较旧的稳定版本。但是,无法直接从Play 商店(Play Store)回滚更新以返回旧版本(version isn)。这样做的唯一方法是为较旧的稳定版本的Snapchat下载(Snapchat)APK 文件(APK file)然后安装它。这也称为侧载。在继续之前,您需要启用未知来源。这是因为默认情况下,Android不允许从Play Store以外的任何地方安装应用程序。现在,由于您将使用Chrome等浏览器下载(Chrome)APK 文件(APK file),因此您需要从Chrome的(Chrome)Unknown Sources设置启用安装。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 打开手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3.滚动(Scroll)浏览应用程序列表并打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
4. 现在在Advanced settings下,您将找到Unknown Sources选项。点击它。
5. 在这里,打开开关以启用使用(toggle the switch on to enable the installation)Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser)下载的应用程序的安装。
您需要做的下一件事是下载APK 文件(APK file)并安装它。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 找到安全可靠的APK文件的最佳位置是APKMirror。
2.点击(clicking on the link)上面给出的链接访问他们的网站。
3. 现在搜索Snapchat。
4. 您会发现多个版本按照发布日期(release date)排列,最新版本排在最前面。
5.向下滚动(Scroll)一点,寻找至少几个月前的版本,然后点击它。请注意,APKMirror上也提供 beta 版本,我们建议您避免使用它们,因为 beta 版本通常不稳定。
6. 现在单击“查看可用的 APKS 和捆绑包”(“See Available APKS and Bundles”)选项。
7.一个APK文件有多个变种(multiple variants);选择适合您的那一款。
8. 现在按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)并同意下载文件(download the file)。
9. 您将收到一条警告,指出APK 文件(APK file)可能有害。忽略这一点并同意将文件保存在您的设备上。
10. 现在转到下载(Downloads)并点击您刚刚下载的 APK 文件。(tap on the APK file that you just downloaded.)
11. 这将在您的设备上安装应用程序。
12. 确保在安装APK 文件(APK file)之前从手机中卸载 Snapchat 。
14. 该应用程序可能会建议您更新到最新版本,但请注意不要这样做。只要您愿意,就可以继续使用旧版应用程序,或者直到新的更新包含错误修复为止。
方法 6:告别 Snapchat(Method 6: Say Goodbye to Snapchat)
如果上述方法都不起作用,而 Snapchat(work and Snapchat)继续滞后和崩溃,那么可能是时候告别了。如前所述,尽管Snapchat最初很受欢迎,但它并没有受到很多Android用户的欢迎,尤其是那些使用稍微普通的手机的用户。Snapchat是为 iPhone 设计的,与廉价的(Snapchat)Android手机相比,iPhone 的硬件要好得多。结果,Snapchat在高端Android手机上运行良好,但在其他手机上却表现不佳。
- 修复无法(Fix Unable)在Android上访问Instagram中的相机(Access Camera)
- 如何知道是否有人在(Someone Has)Snapchat上屏蔽了你
- 如何在别人不知道的情况下在Snapchat上(Snapchat)截图?(Screenshot)
好吧,这些是您可以做的各种事情来解决 Snapchat 滞后并最终崩溃的问题。( fix the issue of Snapchat lagging and ultimately crashing.)我们希望您找到适合您的解决方案。始终可以选择写信给Snapchat 支持(Snapchat support)团队并向他们表达您的不满。我们希望您和像您这样的多个用户的来信能够激励他们解决应用程序问题并优化其性能。
Fix Snapchat lags or crashing issue on Android
Is your Snapchat lagging, freezing, or crashing on your Android phone? Don’t worry, in this guide, we will discuss 6 different ways to fix Snapchat lags or crashing issues. But before that let’s understand why the app starts behaving like this in the first place.
Snapchat is one of the most popular social media apps in the market. It is widely used by teenagers and young adults to chat, share photos, videos, put up stories, scroll through content, etc. The unique feature of Snapchat is its short-term content accessibility. This means that the messages, photos, and videos that are you are sending disappear in a short while or after opening them a couple of times. It is based on the concept of ‘lost’, memories, and content that disappear and can never be got back again. The app promotes the idea of spontaneity and encourages you to share any moment before it is gone forever instantly.
Snapchat started out as an iPhone exclusive app but owing to its unprecedented success and demand it was also made available for Android users. It became an instant hit. However, excitement and appreciation were short-lived as Android users started facing a lot of problems with the app. While the app worked great for iOS users, it posed problems for Android users, especially those who you were using a budget phone or an old handset. Apparently, the app’s hardware requirement was quite high, and a lot of Android smartphones experienced lags, glitches, app crashes, and other similar problems. A lot of times, the app freezes when you open your camera to take a snap or try to record a video—thus ruining a perfect moment and opportunity to capture and share a wonderful moment.
Why does Snapchat lag or crash?
As mentioned earlier, Snapchat is a resource-heavy app meaning that it requires more RAM and processing power to work properly. Apart from that, it would help if you also had a strong and stable internet connection to be able to use Snapchat. Make sure that you have ample bandwidth and your internet isn’t slow.
Well, if the problem is that of outdated hardware or poor internet connectivity, there is hardly anything that you can do apart from upgrading to a better device or getting a new Wi-Fi connection with better bandwidth. However, if the problem is due to other reasons like bugs, glitches, corrupted cache files, etc. then there are a number of things that you can do to fix the issue. Bugs and glitches are common culprits that cause an app to malfunction and ultimately crash. Often when a new update is released, there is a chance that bugs make their way in the update. These are, however, temporary hiccups that can be solved as soon as the bugs are reported.
When it comes to Snapchat running slowly, it might be due to CPU overload caused by background apps. If there are too many apps running in the background, then they will consume significant memory and cause Snapchat to lag. Also, an older app version might also be responsible for the slow and overall laggy performance. Therefore, it is always better to keep the app updated at all times. The latest version of the app will not only be optimized and have more features but also eliminate bugs and glitches.
Fix Snapchat lags and Prevent the app from Crashing
Method 1: Clear Cache and Data for Snapchat
All apps store some data in the form of cache files. Some basic data is saved so that when opened, the app can display something quickly. It is meant to reduce the startup time of any app. However, sometimes old cache files get corrupted and cause the app to malfunction. It is always a good practice to clear cache and data for apps. If you are constantly facing issues with Snapchat, try clearing its cache and data files and see if it solves the problem. Do not worry; deleting cache files will not cause any harm to your app. New cache files will automatically get generated again. Follow the steps given below to delete the cache files for Snapchat.
1. Go to the Settings on your phone.
2. Click on the Apps option to view the list of installed apps on your device.
3. Now search for Snapchat and tap on it to open the app settings.
4. Click on the Storage option.
5. Here, you will find the option to Clear Cache and Clear Data. Click on the respective buttons, and the cache files for Snapchat will get deleted.
Method 2: Update the Snapchat App
Keeping an app updated to its latest version is always a good thing to do as every new update comes with bug fixes that remove problems of the previous version. Apart from that, the latest version of the app is the one that is most optimized, which makes the app more efficient. It makes the app more stable, and if you are using a budget Android smartphone, then updating Snapchat will somewhat improve its performance. You will also be able to enjoy the new features as an added bonus. Follow the steps given below to update the Snapchat app.
1. Go to the Play Store.
2. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
3. Now, click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
4. Search for Snapchat and check if there are any pending updates.
5. If yes, then click on the update button.
6. Once the app gets updated, try using it again and check if it works properly or not.
Method 3: Clear Cache from within Snapchat
Usually, instant messaging and social media apps like Snapchat have some additional cache files apart from the ones that can be deleted from Settings as described earlier. These are in-app cache files that store backups for chats, posts, stories, and other essential files. The purpose of these internal cache files is to reduce the loading time for the app and to improve your user experience. Deleting these cache files will reduce input lags, delays, and freezes as it makes the app lighter. It is also possible that somewhere in the in-app cache file, there exists a trojan or bug that is causing your app to crash. Therefore, you can say that the benefits of deleting these files are manifold. Follow the steps given below to delete the in-app cache files for Snapchat.
1. Firstly, open the Snapchat app on your device.
2. Now click on the Snapchat Ghost Mascot icon on the top left-hand side of the screen.
3. After that, click on the cogwheel icon on the top right-hand corner to open the app settings.
4. Here, you will find the Clear cache option under the Account Actions section.
5. Close the app and then reboot your device.
6. Once the device starts again, try using Snapchat and see if you can feel a difference.
Also Read: How to Clear Cache on Android Phone (And Why Is It Important)
Method 4: Uninstall Snapchat and then Re-install
If none of the above methods work then, it is probably time to say goodbye to Snapchat. Don’t worry; this is just for a few moments, and you can re-install the app almost immediately. Uninstalling the app and then installing it again is like opting for a fresh start, and that is the only way to solve some Android app problems. Therefore, we would highly recommend you to try the same approach with Snapchat and see if that solves the problem. Every time an app is installed and then opened for the first time, it asks for various permissions. If the reason behind Snapchat not working properly is in any way related to permissions, then granting them again after re-installation will solve it. Follow the steps given below to uninstall Snapchat and re-install the app.
1. Open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now, go to the Apps section.
3. Search for Snapchat and tap on it.
4. Now, click on the Uninstall button.
5. Once the app has been removed, download and install the app again from the Play Store.
6. Open the app and then log in with your username and password and see if the problem still persists or not.
Method 5: Download and Install the APK file for an older version
As mentioned earlier, sometimes, the latest app versions might contains bugs that make the app slow or even crash. An unstable update can be the reason behind Snapchat lags and app crashes. If that is the case, then there are only two alternatives: to wait for the next update and hope that it comes with bug fixes or downgrade to an older stable version. However, rolling back updates to go back to an older version isn’t possible directly from the Play Store. The only way to do so is by downloading an APK file for an older stable version of Snapchat and then installing it. This is also known as side-loading. Before you proceed with that, you need to enable Unknown sources. This is because, by default, Android does not allow app installations from anywhere apart from the Play Store. Now since you’ll be downloading the APK file using a browser like Chrome, you need to enable installation from the Unknown Sources setting for Chrome. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Open Settings on your phone.
2. Now tap on the Apps option.
3. Scroll through the list of apps and open Google Chrome.
4. Now under Advanced settings, you will find the Unknown Sources option. Click on it.
5. Here, toggle the switch on to enable the installation of apps downloaded using the Chrome browser.
The next thing that you need to do is download the APK file and install it. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. The best place to find safe and trustworthy APK files is APKMirror.
2. Go to their website by clicking on the link giving above.
3. Now search for Snapchat.
4. You will find a number of versions arranged according to their release date with the latest one on the top.
5. Scroll down a little and look for a version that is at least a couple of months old and tap on it. Take note that beta versions are also available on APKMirror, and we could recommend you to avoid them as beta versions aren’t usually stable.
6. Now click on the “See Available APKS and Bundles” option.
7. An APK file has multiple variants; select the one that is suitable for you.
8. Now follow the on-screen instructions and agree to download the file.
9. You will receive a warning that states the APK file might be harmful. Ignore that and agree to save the file on your device.
10. Now go to Downloads and tap on the APK file that you just downloaded.
11. This will install the app on your device.
12. Make sure that you uninstall Snapchat from your phone before installing the APK file.
13. Now open the newly installed app and see if it works properly or not. If you are still facing problems, then you can try to download an even older version.
14. The app might recommend you update to the latest version but take note not to do that. Keep using the older app for as long as you want or until a new update comes with bug fixes.
Method 6: Say Goodbye to Snapchat
If none of the above methods work and Snapchat continues to lag and crash, it is probably time to bid farewell. As mentioned earlier, despite Snapchat’s initial popularity, it didn’t go down well with a lot of Android users, especially ones using a little modest handset. Snapchat was designed for iPhones, which have much better hardware as compared to budget Android phones. As a result, Snapchat works fine with high-end Android mobiles but struggles with others.
It wouldn’t be wise to upgrade to a more expensive device just for using a social media app. There are plenty of other alternatives that are even better than Snapchat. Apps like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are more than capable of tending to your needs. These apps are not only stable and optimized but also tons of exciting features that can give Snapchat a run for their money. We would highly recommend you consider alternatives rather than waiting for Snapchat to optimize their app for older smartphones, which they seem disinterested about.
Well, these were the various things that you can do to fix the issue of Snapchat lagging and ultimately crashing. We hope that you find a solution that works for you. There is always the option to write to the Snapchat support team and convey your grievances to them. We hope that hearing from you and multiple users like yourself will motivate them to fix their app issues and optimize their performance.