触摸板(也称为触控板)在笔记本电脑中扮演着主要指点设备的重要角色。(pointing device)虽然,没有什么是忘记 Windows 中的错误和问题的。触摸板(Touchpad)错误和故障本质上是普遍的;无论笔记本电脑品牌和操作系统版本如何,每位笔记本电脑(brand and operating system versions)用户(user irrespective)都至少体验过一次。
然而,最近,戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑用户更多地报告了触摸板问题。虽然我们有一个单独且更全面的指南来说明如何修复无法使用 8 种不同解决方案列表的触摸板,但在本文中,我们将详细介绍修复戴尔笔记本电脑中触摸板的方法。( fix touchpad in Dell laptops specifically.)
戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑的触摸板不工作的原因可以归结为两个原因。首先(First),触摸板可能已被用户意外禁用,或者第二,触摸板驱动程序已过时或损坏。触摸板(Touchpad)问题主要是在不正确的Windows 软件(Windows software)更新后遇到的,有时也是突然出现的。
幸运的是,修复触摸板并因此恢复其功能非常简单。以下是修复(Below)戴尔触摸板(Dell Touchpad)无法正常工作问题的几种方法。
修复戴尔触摸板(Fix Dell Touchpad)不工作的7种(Ways)方法
确保(Make)创建一个还原点(restore point) 以防万一(case something)出现问题。
我们将首先确保触摸板确实已启用,如果未启用,我们将通过控制面板或 Windows 设置(Control Panel or Windows Settings)将其打开。如果触摸板功能(touchpad functionality)仍未恢复,我们将继续卸载当前的触摸板驱动程序,并将它们替换为适用于您的笔记本电脑的最新驱动程序。
方法一:使用键盘组合(Keyboard Combination)启用触控板(Touchpad)
每台笔记本电脑都有一个热键组合,可以快速启用和禁用触摸板。当用户连接外部鼠标并且不(mouse and doesn)希望两个指点设备之间发生任何冲突时,组合键会派上用场。在打字时快速关闭触摸板以防止任何意外的手掌触摸也特别有用。
热键通常标有一个矩形,下半部分刻有两个较小的正方形,一条斜线穿过它。通常,戴尔计算机中的键是(Dell)Fn + F9,但它可以是任何 f 编号的键。因此,请四处寻找相同的内容(或在Google 上快速搜索(Google search)您的笔记本电脑型号(model number)),然后同时按下 fn 和touchpad on/off key to enable the touchpad.
如果上述方法不能解决问题,那么您需要 double-tap on the TouchPad on/off indicator如下(below image)图所示,以关闭触控板灯(Touchpad light)并启用触控板(Touchpad)。
方法二:通过控制面板(Control Panel)开启触控板(Touchpad)
除了热键组合,触摸板也可以从(hotkey combination)控制面板(Control Panel)打开或关闭。许多在Windows 更新(Windows update)后遇到触摸板问题的戴尔用户报告说,从(Dell)控制面板(control panel)启用触摸板解决了他们的问题。要从控制面板(Control Panel)启用触摸板,请按照以下步骤操作 -(below steps-)
1. 按键盘上的Windows key + R打开运行命令(run command)。键入控制或控制面板(control panel),然后按 Enter。
(或者,单击开始按钮(start button),搜索控制面板并单击(control panel and click)打开)
2. 在控制面板窗口(control panel window)中,点击硬件和声音(Hardware and Sound),然后点击鼠标和触摸板(Mouse and Touchpad)。
3. 现在,点击Additional mouse options。
(您还可以通过Windows 设置访问(Windows Settings)其他鼠标(Additional mouse)选项。打开(Open)Windows 设置(Windows Key + I)并单击设备(Devices)。在鼠标和触摸板(Mouse and Touchpad)下,单击屏幕底部或右侧的其他鼠标选项。)(Additional mouse)
4.将打开一个名为“鼠标(Mouse) 属性”的窗口。(Properties)切换到戴尔触摸板选项卡(Dell touchpad tab)并检查您的触摸板是否已启用。(如果没有上述选项卡,请单击ELAN 或设备设置(ELAN or Device Settings)选项卡,然后在设备下查找您的触摸板)
5. 如果您的触摸板被禁用,只需按下切换开关(toggle switch)即可将其重新打开。
如果没有找到切换开关(toggle switch),请再次打开运行命令,键入(run command)main.cpl并按 Enter。
如果您还没有,请切换到戴尔触摸板选项卡,然后单击(Dell touchpad)单击以更改戴尔触摸板设置(Click to change Dell Touchpad settings)
最后,单击Touchpad on/off toggle并将其切换到 ON(switch it to ON)。点击(Click)保存并退出(save and exit)。检查触摸板功能(touchpad functionality)是否恢复。
方法 3:从设置中启用触摸板(Method 3: Enable Touchpad from Settings)
1. 按Windows Key + I 然后选择设备。( Devices.)
2. 从左侧菜单中选择(menu select) 触摸板(Touchpad)。
3. 然后确保打开触摸板下的切换开关。( turn on the toggle under Touchpad.)
4. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
这应该可以解决 Windows 10 中的戴尔触摸板无法正常工作的问题,(fix Dell Touchpad Not Working issue in Windows 10) 但如果您仍然遇到触摸板问题,请继续使用下一种方法。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10上的鼠标滞后或冻结(Fix Mouse Lags or Freezes)
方法 4:从 BIOS 配置启用触摸板(Method 4: Enable Touchpad from BIOS Configuration)
有时可能会出现戴尔(Dell)触摸板无法工作的问题,因为触摸板可能已从BIOS中禁用。为了解决这个问题,您需要从BIOS启用触摸板。启动(Boot)您的 Windows 并在启动屏幕(Boot Screens)出现时按F2 键或 F8 或 DEL(F2 key or F8 or DEL )访问BIOS。进入BIOS 菜单(BIOS menu)后,搜索触摸板(Touchpad)设置并确保在BIOS中启用了触摸板。
方法 5:(Method 5: )删除其他鼠标驱动程序
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入devmgmt.msc并按Enter打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 在设备管理器窗口(Device Manager window)中,展开鼠标和其他指针设备。(Mice and other pointing devices.)
3.右键单击(Right-click)您的其他鼠标设备(触摸板除外)并选择卸载。( Uninstall.)
4. 如果要求确认,请选择是。(select Yes.)
5. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 6:更新触摸板驱动程序(Touchpad Drivers)(手动(Manually))
触摸板故障的第二个原因是设备驱动程序损坏或过时。驱动程序是帮助硬件(hardware communicate)与操作系统有效通信的(operating system)computer programs/software。硬件(Hardware)制造商经常推出新的和更新的驱动程序以赶上操作系统更新。重要的是让您的驱动程序与最新版本保持同步,以充分利用您连接的硬件并且不会遇到任何问题。
您可以选择通过设备管理器(device manager)手动更新触摸板驱动程序,也可以借助第三方应用程序一次更新所有驱动程序。两者中的前者在此方法中进行了解释。
1.我们首先启动设备管理器(Device Manager)。有多种方法可以做到这一点,我们在下面列出了一些。跟随(Follow)感觉最方便的那个。
一种。按Windows 键(Windows key)+ R 启动运行命令(run command)。在运行命令文本框中(run command textbox),键入devmgmt.msc并单击确定。
湾。单击(Click)Windows开始按钮(或按Windows键(Windows key)+ S),键入Device Manager,然后在搜索结果返回时按 Enter 。(press enter)
C。使用前面方法中解释的步骤打开控制面板(Open Control Panel),然后单击(method and click)设备管理器(Device Manager)。
d。按 Windows(Press Windows)键 + X 或右键单击开始按钮并选择(start button and select) Device Manager。
2. 在设备管理器窗口(Device Manager window)中,通过单击旁边的箭头或双击标签展开鼠标和其他指针设备。(Mice and other pointing devices)
3. 右键单击戴尔触摸板(Dell Touchpad)并选择属性(Properties)。
4. 切换到戴尔触摸板属性窗口的(Dell Touchpad Properties window)驱动程序(Driver )选项卡。
5. 单击卸载( Uninstall )驱动程序按钮以卸载您可能正在运行的任何损坏或过时的驱动程序软件。(driver software)
6. 现在,单击更新驱动程序(Update Driver)按钮。
7. 在以下窗口中,选择自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件(Search automatically for updated driver software)。
您还可以通过戴尔网站手动下载适用于您的戴尔触摸板(Dell touchpad)的最新驱动程序。手动下载触摸板驱动程序:
1. 打开您首选的网络浏览器并搜索(web browser and search)“戴尔笔记本电脑型号驱动程序下载”(‘Dell laptop model Driver Download’)。不要忘记用您的笔记本电脑型号替换笔记本电脑型号(laptop model)。
2.点击第一个链接访问官方驱动下载页面(driver download page)。
3.在Keyword下的文本框中输入Touchpad。此外,单击“操作系统”标签(Operating System label)下的下拉菜单,然后选择您的操作系统、系统架构(system architecture)。
4. 最后,点击下载(Download)。您还可以通过单击“下载日期(Download Date)”旁边的箭头来查看驱动程序的版本号(version number)和上次更新日期。下载后,使用内置的Windows解压tool or WinRar/7-zip解压文件。
5. 按照之前方法的步骤 1-6,这次选择(time select)浏览我的电脑以获取驱动程序软件。( browse my computer for driver software.)
6. 单击浏览(Browse )按钮并找到下载的文件夹。点击下一步(Next )并按照屏幕上的说明安装最新的触摸板驱动程序。
或者,您也可以通过简单地按.exe 文件(.exe file)并按照屏幕上的提示安装驱动程序。
方法 7:更新触摸板驱动程序(Touchpad Drivers)(自动(Automatically))
您还可以选择使用第三方应用(party application)程序自动更新您的触摸板驱动程序。有时无法为某个笔记本电脑型号找到正确的驱动程序版本。(driver version)如果您是这种情况,或者您只是不想经历手动更新驱动程序的麻烦,请考虑使用Driver Booster或Driver Easy等应用程序。他们都有免费和付费版本,并增加了一长串功能。
- 修复 HP 触摸板在(Fix HP Touchpad)Windows 10中不起作用
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如果您仍然遇到触摸板问题,您需要将笔记本电脑带到服务中心(service center),在那里他们将对您的触摸板进行彻底诊断。这可能是触摸板的物理损坏,需要修复损坏。但是,上述方法将帮助您解决导致戴尔(Dell)触摸板无法工作的软件相关问题。
7 Ways to Fix Dell Touchpad Not Working
The touchpad (also called traсkpad) plaуs thе prominent role of the primary pointing device in laptoрs. Although, nothing iѕ oblivious to errors and issues in windows. Touchрad errors and malfunctions are universal in nature; they аre experienced at least once by every laptop user irrespective of their laptop brand and operating system versions.
However, in recent times, touchpad issues have been reported to a greater extent by Dell laptop users. While we have a separate and more comprehensive guide for how to fix a touchpad that is not working with a list of 8 different solutions, in this article, we will go over the methods to fix touchpad in Dell laptops specifically.
The causes for a Dell laptop’s touchpad not working can be narrowed down to two reasons. First, the touchpad may have been accidentally disabled by the user, or second, the touchpad drivers have become outdated or corrupt. Touchpad issues are primarily experienced after an incorrect Windows software update and sometimes, also out of the blue.
Luckily, fixing the touchpad, and therefore getting its functionality back is quite simple. Below are a few methods to fix your Dell Touchpad not working issue.
7 Ways to Fix Dell Touchpad Not Working
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
As mentioned earlier, there are just two reasons as to why your touchpad may not be responding to your benign touches. We will be fixing both of them, one after the other, and try to revive your touchpad.
We will start by ensuring that the touchpad is indeed enabled and if it isn’t, we will be switching it ON via the Control Panel or Windows Settings. If the touchpad functionality still doesn’t return, we will move forward to uninstalling the current touchpad drivers and replacing them with the most updated drivers available for your laptop.
Method 1: Use the Keyboard Combination to Enable Touchpad
Every laptop has a hotkey combination to quickly enable and disable the touchpad. The key combination comes in handy when a user connects an external mouse and doesn’t want any conflicts between the two pointing devices. It is also particularly useful to quickly turn the touchpad off while typing to prevent any accidental palm touches.
The hotkey is normally marked with a rectangle inscribed with two smaller squares on the bottom half and an oblique line passing through it. Usually, the key is Fn + F9 in Dell computers but it could be any of the f-numbered keys. So look around for the same (or perform a quick Google search for your laptop model number) and then simultaneously press the fn and touchpad on/off key to enable the touchpad.
If the above doesn’t fix the issue then you need to double-tap on the TouchPad on/off indicator like shown in the below image to turn off the Touchpad light and enable the Touchpad.
Method 2: Enable Touchpad via Control Panel
Apart from the hotkey combination, the touchpad can be turned on or off from the Control Panel too. Many Dell users who faced touchpad problems after a Windows update reported that enabling the touchpad from the control panel solved their issue. To enable touchpad from Control Panel, follow the below steps-
1. Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the run command. Type control or control panel and hit enter.
(Alternatively, click on the start button, search for the control panel and click on open)
2. In the control panel window, click on Hardware and Sound and then Mouse and Touchpad.
3. Now, click on Additional mouse options.
(You can also access Additional mouse options via Windows Settings. Open windows settings (Windows Key + I) and click on Devices. Under Mouse and Touchpad, click on Additional mouse options present at the bottom or right side of the screen.)
4. A window titled Mouse Properties will open up. Switch to the Dell touchpad tab and check whether your touchpad is enabled or not. (If the said tab is absent, click on ELAN or Device Settings tab and under devices, look for your touchpad)
5. If your touchpad is disabled, simply press on the toggle switch to turn it back On.
If you do not find the toggle switch, open run command once again, type main.cpl and press enter.
Switch over to the Dell touchpad tab if you aren’t already there and click on Click to change Dell Touchpad settings
Finally, click on the Touchpad on/off toggle and switch it to ON. Click on save and exit. Check if the touchpad functionality returns.
Method 3: Enable Touchpad from Settings
1. Press Windows Key + I then select Devices.
2. From the left-hand menu select Touchpad.
3. Then make sure to turn on the toggle under Touchpad.
4. Reboot your PC to save changes.
This should fix Dell Touchpad Not Working issue in Windows 10 but if you’re still experiencing the touchpad issues then continue with the next method.
Also Read: Fix Mouse Lags or Freezes on Windows 10
Method 4: Enable Touchpad from BIOS Configuration
The Dell touchpad not working issue sometimes may occur because the touchpad may be disabled from BIOS. In order to fix this issue, you need to enable touchpad from BIOS. Boot your Windows and as soon as the Boot Screens comes up press F2 key or F8 or DEL to access BIOS. Once you are in BIOS menu, search for Touchpad settings and make sure touchpad is enabled in BIOS.
Method 5: Remove Other Mouse Drivers
The Dell touchpad not working may arise if you have plugged in multiple mice into your laptop. What happens here is when you plug in these mice into your laptop than their drivers also get installed on your system and these drivers are not automatically removed. So these other mouse drivers might be interfering with your touchpad, so you need to remove them one by one:
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
2. In the Device Manager window, expand Mice and other pointing devices.
3. Right-click on your other mouse devices (other than touchpad) and select Uninstall.
4. If it asks for confirmation then select Yes.
5. Reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 6: Update Touchpad Drivers (Manually)
The second reason for touchpad breakdowns are corrupt or outdated device drivers. Drivers are computer programs/software that help a piece of hardware communicate effectively with the operating system. Hardware manufacturers roll out new and updated drivers frequently to catch up with OS updates. It is important to have your drivers up-to-date with the latest version to make the most of your connected hardware and not face any issues.
You can either choose to manually update your touchpad drivers through the device manager or take the assistance of third-party applications to update all your drivers at once. The former of the two is explained in this method.
1. We start by launching the Device Manager. There are multiple methods to do so and we have listed a few below. Follow whichever feels the most convenient.
a. Press Windows key + R to launch the run command. In the run command textbox, type devmgmt.msc and click on OK.
b. Click on the Windows start button (or press Windows key + S), type Device Manager, and press enter when search results return.
c. Open Control Panel using the steps explained in the previous method and click on Device Manager.
d. Press Windows key + X or right-click on the start button and select Device Manager.
2. In the Device Manager window, expand Mice and other pointing devices by clicking on the arrow next to it or double-clicking on the label.
3. Right-click on Dell Touchpad and select Properties.
4. Switch to the Driver tab of the Dell Touchpad Properties window.
5. Click on the Uninstall driver button to uninstall any corrupt or outdated driver software you might be running.
6. Now, click on the Update Driver button.
7. In the following window, choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
You can also manually download the latest and the most updated drivers for your Dell touchpad through Dell’s website. To download touchpad drivers manually:
1. Open your preferred web browser and search for your ‘Dell laptop model Driver Download’. Do not forget to replace the laptop model with the model of your laptop.
2. Click on the very first link to visit the official driver download page.
3. Type Touchpad in the textbox under Keyword. Also, click on the drop-down menu under the Operating System label and select your OS, system architecture.
4. Finally, click on Download. You can also check the version number and last updated date of the drivers by clicking on the arrow next to the Download Date. Once downloaded, extract the file using the built-in Windows extracting tool or WinRar/7-zip.
5. Follow steps 1-6 of the earlier method and this time select browse my computer for driver software.
6. Click on the Browse button and locate the downloaded folder. Hit Next and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest touchpad drivers.
Alternatively, you can also install the drivers by simply pressing on the .exe file and following the on-screen prompts.
Method 7: Update Touchpad Drivers (Automatically)
You can also choose to automatically update your touchpad drivers using a third party application. Sometimes it is impossible to find the correct driver version for a certain laptop model. If that’s the case for you or you simply don’t wanna go through the hassle of manually updating drivers, consider using applications like Driver Booster or Driver Easy. Both of them have a free as well as a paid version and boost a long list of features.
If you still face a problem with the touchpad, you need to take your laptop to a service center where they will make a thorough diagnosis of your touchpad. It could be the physical damage of your touchpad which needs repair of the damage. The above-mentioned methods, however, will help you to resolve your software related problems causing the Dell touchpad not working issue.