您刚刚更新了移动设备上的软件或使用Android 启动器(Android launcher)启动了应用程序,但现在您无法使用它。设备上会弹出一条错误消息(error message),显示进程系统(Process system)没有响应错误消息(error message),并询问您是要停止正在进行的进程还是等待(process or wait)它恢复正常。因此,我们为您提供了一个有用的指南来修复您的Android 设备中的(Android device)进程系统(process system)没有响应问题。
如何修复进程系统在 Android 上无响应(How to Fix Process System Not Responding on Android)
几乎在任何Android 设备(Android device)上都可能检测到的典型问题是进程系统没有响应。该错误应该表明您的应用程序没有从某些硬件或Android 操作系统(Android OS)本身获取所需的数据。虽然该问题通常不会再次发生,但如果再次发生则很不方便,并且您无法确定如何防止它再次发生。以下(Below)是有关此问题的一些信息:
- 调查显示,三星 Galaxy Note 5、Note 8、S8、索尼 Xperia、红米 Note 3 和 Android 模拟器(Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Note 8, S8, Sony Xperia, Redmi Note 3, and Android emulators)的用户是受重大系统缺陷(system flaw)影响的最大群体。
- 大多数安卓(Android)用户反映安装新应用后出现进程系统(process system)无响应问题。从 Google Play 商店以外的来源安装应用程序也是一个问题( Installing apps from sources other than the Google Play Store is also a problem)。
- 我们不得不推测错误是应用程序崩溃的结果还是(crashing or something)内核深处发生的事情的结果,因为没有可以用作参考来确定原因的错误代码(there isn’t an error code that could be used as a reference to determine the reason)。
进程系统无响应错误背后的原因(Reasons behind Process System Not Responding Error)
由于各种原因,您的任何Android设备都可能出现此问题。尽管如此,一些客户表示该问题出现在升级他们的Android 操作系统(Android OS)、安装未知来源的应用程序、干扰系统文件(在 root 期间或之后)以及其他活动之后。
以下是进程系统(process system)在您的设备上没有响应的一些可能原因。
操作系统或软件更新错误:(Operating System or Software Update Errors:)操作系统( OS(System) ) 或软件升级失败。它们可能几乎完美无瑕,只有小缺陷,或者由于几个致命错误,它们可能使您的智能手机几乎无法使用。新的操作系统(New Operating system)更新也可能带来许多不同的变化,这些变化可能不适用于已安装的应用程序。如果操作系统(operating system)漏洞过多,升级后可能会提示进程系统(process system)无响应。
RAM 低:(RAM is low:) 随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)( RAM ) 是移动设备中的一种存储设备,用于存储您打开后运行的应用程序和进程的数据。它使设备能够代表您快速恢复信息并重新加载应用程序。(information and reload apps)当RAM不足时,系统可能会用尽其运行所需的数据或应用程序的空间。
应用程序故障:(App Malfunctions:)当应用程序停止或崩溃(app stops or crashes)时,整个系统也可能变得无响应。受病毒感染的应用程序或从(apps or apps)Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)之外的可疑来源下载的应用程序最有可能导致该问题。
损坏的 MicroSD 卡:(Corrupted MicroSD Card:) Android设备可能会从 microSD 卡读取和写入内存。当进程失败时,您可能会注意到系统UI(UI isn)没有响应。需要澄清的是,应用程序文件可能会损坏或无法完全复制到 microSD 卡。应用程序(Apps)需要所有支持文件才能正常运行;否则,它们可能会冻结并导致系统问题。
当生根出错时:(When Rooting Goes Wrong:)生根您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)可以让您在智能手机上担任管理员角色并在系统级别(system level)进行更改。初学者经常无法根植他们的Android手机,因为该过程可能会因一个简单的(Android)错误而(mistake and results)偏离轨道,并且诸如损坏的文件系统或损坏的操作系统文件(operating system file)之类的结果比您想象的要普遍得多,并且还可能导致Process System notresponsive 错误显示向上。
注意:(Note:)由于智能手机没有相同的设置(Settings)选项,并且它们因制造商而异,因此在更改任何设置之前,请确保设置正确。这里提到的步骤是在运行MIUI 12.0.2全球版的(Global version)Redmi Note 8上执行的。您的选择可能会有所不同。
方法一:取出SD卡(Method 1: Remove SD card)
进程系统(process system)没有响应问题可能是由您的SD 卡(SD card)引起的。因为它是物理存储设备(storage device),所以 micro SD 卡(SD card)很容易磨损,这可能导致它发生故障或损坏。如果您的SD 卡(SD card)出现故障或有一些故障扇区阻止系统访问基本信息,则可能会发生此错误。根据我们的研究,该问题在大于 32 GB 的SD 卡上更为普遍。(SD card)物理(Physically)移除SD 卡(SD card)是一种简单的方法,可以查看它是否导致问题。
将应用程序从上述附件传输到(Transfer applications from the mentioned accessory to the internal storage)Android 手机的内部存储器。
- 之后,使用SIM 卡弹出销将(SIM card ejector pin)microSD 卡(microSD card)从设备中取出。
(Restart your device)弹出SD 卡后(SD Card)重新启动设备。检查您的手机以确定问题是否仍然存在。如果是这种情况,请转到下一步。
如果问题仍然存在,您很可能是SD 卡(SD card)损坏。将其擦干净并重新插入智能手机,然后再扔掉。如果SD 擦除(SD erase)后问题没有再次出现,则很可能是由一系列故障扇区引起的。
方法 2:重新启动您的设备(Method 2: Restart Your Device)
解决Android 手机(Android phone)上的小问题、错误或故障的最简单方法是重新启动它。如果您之前没有这样做过,请尝试重新启动您的手机。它通常可以正常工作并恢复智能手机的正常功能。请遵循以下说明:
1. 按住电源按钮(Power button)几秒钟。
2. 您可以选择关机(Power off)或重启 (Reboot )选项。
注意:(Note:)如果您点击关机(Power off),然后再次按住电源按钮(power button)以重新启动您的设备。
如果问题仍然存在,如果您的设备有不可拆卸的电池,您还可以尝试模拟电池拉动。(battery pull)您可以同时按住降低音量(Volume down )和电源键(Power key)20秒(20 seconds)以执行模拟电池拉动(battery pull)。
注意:(Note:)强制重启此类型的程序因制造商而异,但主要智能手机型号不同。如果上述方法(method doesn)不起作用,请在互联网上搜索simulated battery pull + YourPhoneModel。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复Wi-Fi无法在手机上运行的问题
方法三:优化设备存储(Method 3: Optimize Device Storage)
如果我们对这个问题采取理性的态度,那么您的Android 操作系统(Android OS)很可能仅仅因为缺乏必要的资源而无法将基本数据发送到您的应用程序。我们建议您通过确定您是否有足够的内部存储空间(storage space)和可用RAM来让您的设备正常运行来开始您的故障排除之旅。以下是您必须采取的步骤:
1. 转到您设备上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 点击关于手机(About Phone)。
3. 然后,点击存储( Storage )并确保您的内部存储至少有300 MB的可用空间。
如果您的内部存储空间(storage space)不足,我们建议您按照给定的步骤清除缓存(cache memory)并卸载您不经常使用的应用程序。
第 1 步:清除缓存(Step 1: Clear Cache Memory)
请按照以下步骤清除设备的缓存(cache memory)。
1. 前往Settings > About phone,然后点击存储(Storage)选项。
2. 在这里,点击清除(Clear)按钮。
3. 选择要删除的缓存数据,然后点击清理(Clean Up)按钮。
第 2 步:卸载应用程序(Step 2: Uninstall Apps)
如果设备存储空间(device storage)仍满且未优化,请卸载一些占用更多存储空间的不需要的应用程序。按照以下步骤卸载应用程序并修复(app and fix) 进程系统(process system)无响应问题。
1. 打开设置(Settings)应用程序并点击应用程序(Apps)设置。
2. 在这里,选择管理应用程序(Manage apps)。
4. 点击排序参数选择器(parameter selector)并从下拉列表中选择使用频率。(Usage frequency)
5. 选择您不经常使用的所有应用程序,然后单击卸载(Uninstall )按钮。
方法 4:更新应用程序(Method 4: Update Apps)
如果删除可疑应用程序后问题仍然存在,您应该更新您的应用程序。许多 Android 用户反映,在更新应用程序时,进程系统(process system)无响应的问题已得到解决。
1. 点击Google Play Store应用程序图标。
2. 然后,点击您的个人资料图标(profile icon),如下图所示。
3. 选择管理应用程序和设备(Manage apps and devices)选项。
4. 现在,点击可用更新部分中的(Updates available)全部更新(Update all)选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android 消息应用程序(Fix Android Messaging App)不工作
方法五:更新安卓操作系统(Method 5: Update Android OS)
定期更新您的Android 智能手机是个好主意。(Android smartphone)如果不是,过时的软件可能是处理系统(processing system)无响应问题的罪魁祸首。软件(Software)更新不仅为设备提供新功能和优化,还为软件和硬件故障(software and hardware faults)提供重要修复。因此,您可以尝试以下方法来解决您设备上的处理系统(processing system)无响应问题。
1. 启动设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 点击关于手机(About Phone)选项。
3. 然后,点击更新(Update)。
4.等待Android检查更新(check for updates)。
5. 如果有可用更新,(an update is available)则点击下载更新(Download update)按钮。
方法6:以安全模式启动(Method 6: Boot in Safe Mode)
无论您使用的是什么Android 版本(Android version),第三方软件都会降低您的设备速度。您必须确定进程系统(process system)没有响应的问题是否是由应用程序引起的。这是安全模式(Mode)进入图片的时候。此模式允许您启动设备而无需启动任何第三方应用程序。因此,您可以使用安全模式(Mode)来诊断和解决各种软件问题,包括目前导致您的设备出现故障的问题。由于据报道此错误是由软件冲突(software conflict)引起的,因此值得一试这个概念。请按照以下步骤以安全模式启动。
1.在您的设备开启时按住电源按钮,直到出现(power button)电源菜单(Power menu)。
2. 长按关机图标(Power Off icon)。要以安全模式(Safe Mode)重新启动手机,请按OK。
注意:(Note:)如果上述步骤没有让您的手机进入安全模式(Safe Mode),请在互联网上查找以安全模式重启YourPhoneModel(YourPhoneModel in Safe Mode)并按照说明操作。
3. 在安全模式下,(Safe Mode,)重新启动您的设备。检查屏幕左下角的安全模式符号(Safe Mode symbol)以确认这一点。
4.使用您的设备(Use your device)几分钟,看看问题是否再次出现。
5. 如果在安全模式下(Safe Mode)没有出现该消息,请删除您可能在问题最初出现时下载的所有应用程序。(apps)
注意:(Note:)我们建议您首先卸载从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)以外的来源下载的任何程序。
6. 完成后,重新启动(reboot)设备以离开安全模式。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Android上将(Android)应用程序(Apps)移动到SD 卡(SD Card)
方法 7:擦除缓存分区(Method 7: Wipe Cache Partition)
擦除缓存分区(cache partition)是解决进程系统在(process system)Android设备上没有响应的另一种方法。该分区包含系统的临时文件,用于提高速度。请记住,擦除缓存分区(cache partition)不会删除您的任何个人数据,只会删除临时系统和应用程序文件(system and application files)。要清除缓存分区(cache partition),请按照下列步骤操作:
1. 关闭(OFF) 您的设备。
2.同时按住 Power + Home + Volume up 按钮。这会以 恢复模式(Recovery mode)重新启动设备。
注意(Note):如果这不能让您进入恢复模式(Recovery Mode),请在互联网上查找如何(how to) enter recovery mode + YourPhoneModel。
3. 在这里,选择 擦除缓存分区(Wipe Cache Partition)。
注意:(Note:) 使用 音量按钮( volume buttons) 浏览屏幕上可用的选项。使用 电源按钮(power button) 选择所需的选项。
方法 8:执行恢复出厂设置(Method 8: Perform Factory Reset)
如果似乎没有其他工作,您可能需要尝试恢复出厂设置(factory reset)以修复流程系统(process system)无响应问题。如果您没有更改任何系统文件,这几乎肯定会解决问题。请记住,恢复出厂设置(factory reset)会从内部存储中删除您的所有个人数据。考虑到这一点,以下是如何将手机恢复为出厂设置。
注意:在执行恢复(Note:)出厂设置(factory reset)之前创建数据备份。
1. 进入设置(Settings)。
2. 点击关于手机。(About Phone.)
3. 点击恢复出厂设置(Factory reset)。
4. 点击清除所有数据(Erase all data)。
5. 如果出现提示,请输入您的密码(password)。
方法9:刷入库存ROM(Method 9: Flash into Stock ROM)
如果恢复出厂设置(factory reset doesn)不起作用,我相当肯定您尝试过并在此过程中搞砸了一些重要的系统文件。许多用户在尝试将系统数据从内部存储器传输到SD 卡(SD card)后报告了此问题。
- 修复谷歌浏览器不更新
- 修复 AirPods 已连接但没有声音问题(Fix AirPods Connected But No Sound Issue)
- 修复 4G(Fix 4G)无法在Android上运行的14种方法(Ways)
- 修复糟糕的 YouTube 应用程序出错了(Fix Oops Something Went Wrong YouTube App)
我们希望这篇文章能阐明如何修复您的Android 设备上的(Android device)进程系统不响应(process system not responding)错误。如果您对本文有任何意见,请在下面的评论部分(comment section)与我们联系。
Fix Process System Not Responding on Android
You just updated the software on your mobile device or launched an app using yoυr Android launcher, but nоw you’re unable to use it. A pop-up error mеssage shows up on the device displayіng Рrocess system isn’t responding errоr message and asks if you want to halt the ongoing proceѕs or wait fоr it to return to normal. So, we bring to you a helpful guide to fix process system isn’t reѕponding issue in your Android devicе.
How to Fix Process System Not Responding on Android
A typical problem that may be detected on almost any Android device is process system isn’t responding. The error is supposed to indicate that your apps aren’t getting the data they require from some hardware or the Android OS itself. Although the problem normally does not recur, it is inconvenient when it does and you cannot make sure how to prevent it from happening again. Below are some info regarding this issue:
- Users of Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Note 8, S8, Sony Xperia, Redmi Note 3, and Android emulators are among the biggest groups affected by the significant system flaw, according to the investigation.
- The majority of Android users have reported that process system not responding problem occurred after installing a new app. Installing apps from sources other than the Google Play Store is also a problem.
- We’re forced to speculate if the error is the consequence of an app crashing or something that happens deep inside the kernel because there isn’t an error code that could be used as a reference to determine the reason.
Reasons behind Process System Not Responding Error
This problem might occur for a variety of reasons on any of your Android devices. Despite this, several customers stated that the issue appeared after upgrading their Android OS, installing apps from an unknown source, interfering with system files (while or after rooting), and other activities.
The following are some possible causes for process system isn’t responding on your device.
Operating System or Software Update Errors: Operating System (OS) or software upgrades are hit-or-miss. They might be almost flawless with only minor flaws or they could make your smartphone virtually unusable due to several fatal bugs. A New Operating system update may also bring many different changes under the hood that may not sit well with already installed apps. If the operating system contains too many vulnerabilities, you may be notified that the process system is not responding after the upgrade.
RAM is low: Random Access Memory (RAM) is a sort of storage in mobile devices that stores the data of apps and processes you have run since turning it on. It enables the device to swiftly recover information and reload apps on your behalf. When RAM is low, the system may run out of space for the data or app it needs to function.
App Malfunctions: When an app stops or crashes, the entire system may also become unresponsive. Virus-infected apps or apps downloaded from a dubious source outside of the Google Play Store are most likely to blame for the problem.
Corrupted MicroSD Card: Android devices may read and write memory from microSD cards. When the process fails, you may notice that the system UI isn’t responding. To clarify, it is possible that the app files may become damaged or that they will not be fully copied to the microSD card. Apps require all supporting files to function properly; otherwise, they may freeze and cause system problems.
When Rooting Goes Wrong: Rooting your Android smartphone allows you to take on the role of administrator on your smartphone and make changes at the system level. Beginners frequently fail to root their Android phones as the process can go off track by a simple mistake and results like corrupt file systems or corrupt operating system file are way too common than you might think and can also result in Process System not responding error to show up.
Note: Since smartphones don’t have the same Settings options, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacture hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any. The steps mentioned here are performed on Redmi Note 8 running on MIUI 12.0.2 Global version. Options may differ on your side.
Method 1: Remove SD card
It’s possible that the process system isn’t responding problem is caused by your SD card. Because it is a physical storage device, a microSD card is susceptible to wear and tear, which can lead it to malfunction or get corrupted. This error can occur if your SD card has malfunctioned or has some faulty sectors that prohibit the system from accessing the essential information. According to our research, the problem is substantially more widespread on SD cards larger than 32 GB. Physically removing your SD card is a simple approach to see whether it’s causing the problem.
Transfer applications from the mentioned accessory to the internal storage of your Android handset.
- After that, take the microSD card out of the device using the SIM card ejector pin.
Restart your device once you’ve ejected the SD Card. Check your phone to determine whether the problem is still present. If this is the case, go to the next step.
If the problem persists, you most likely have a bad SD card. Wipe it clean and re-insert it in your smartphone before throwing it away. If the problem does not recur after the SD erase, it was likely caused by a succession of faulty sectors.
Method 2: Restart Your Device
The simplest way to address minor issues, bugs, or malfunctions on your Android phone is to restart it. If you haven’t done so before, try rebooting your phone. It usually works and restores normal function to your smartphone. Follow these instructions:
1. Hold down the Power button for a few seconds.
2. You can either choose Power off or Reboot option.
Note: If you tap on Power off, then hold the power button again to restart your device.
If the problem persists, then you can also try a simulated battery pull if your device has a non-removable battery. You can push and hold the Volume down and Power key together for 20 seconds to perform a simulated battery pull.
Note: The procedures for forcing a reboot of this type vary depending on the manufacturer but on major smartphone models. If the mentioned method doesn’t work, search for simulated battery pull + YourPhoneModel on the internet.
Also Read: How to Fix Wi-Fi Not Working on Phone
Method 3: Optimize Device Storage
If we take a rational approach to this problem, it’s very feasible that your Android OS is unable to send the essential data to your apps simply because it lacks the necessary resources. We recommend that you begin your troubleshooting journey by determining whether you have enough internal storage space and free RAM for your device to perform correctly. The following are the steps you must take:
1. Go to the Settings app on your device.
2. Tap on About Phone.
3. Then, tap on Storage and make sure your internal storage has at least 300 MB of free space.
In case you are running out of internal storage space, we recommend clearing cache memory and uninstalling apps that you do not use frequently by following the given steps
Step 1: Clear Cache Memory
Follow these steps to clear cache memory of your device.
1. Go to Settings > About phone and tap on the Storage option.
2. Here, tap on the Clear button.
3. Select the cache data you want to delete, then tap on the Clean Up button.
Step 2: Uninstall Apps
If the device storage is still full and is not optimized then, uninstall a few unwanted apps taking more storage space. Following the steps below to uninstall app and fix process system not responding issue.
1. Open the Settings app and tap on Apps settings.
2. Here, select Manage apps.
3. Then, tap on Uninstall
4. Tap on the sorting parameter selector and choose Usage frequency from the drop-down list.
5. Select all the apps that you do not use frequently and click on Uninstall button.
Method 4: Update Apps
If the problem remains after deleting suspicious apps, you should update your apps. Numerous Android users reported that the issue of the process system not responding had been resolved when they updated their applications.
1. Tap on the Google Play Store app icon.
2. Then, tap on your profile icon as highlighted in the pic below.
3. Select the Manage apps and devices option.
4. Now, tap on the Update all option in the Updates available section.
Also Read: Fix Android Messaging App Not Working
Method 5: Update Android OS
It’s a good idea to keep your Android smartphone up to date regularly. If it isn’t, obsolete software likely is to blame for the processing system not responding issue. Software updates offer not just new features and optimizations to a device, but also important repairs for software and hardware faults. As a result, you may attempt the methods below to resolve the processing system that isn’t responding issue on your device.
1. Launch the Settings app.
2. Tap on the About Phone option.
3. Then, tap on Update.
4. Wait for Android to check for updates.
5. If an update is available then tap on the Download update button.
Method 6: Boot in Safe Mode
Regardless of the Android version, you’re using, third-party software can slow down your device. You must determine if the issue of process system not responding was caused by an app or not. This is when Safe Mode enters the picture. This mode allows you to start your device without having to launch any third-party applications. As a result, you may use Safe Mode to diagnose and resolve a variety of software issues, including the one that is presently causing your device to malfunction. Since this mistake has been reported to be caused by a software conflict, it could be worth a shot to put this notion to the test. Follow the steps below to boot in safe mode.
1. Press and hold the power button while your device is turned on until the Power menu appears.
2. Touch and hold the Power Off icon. To restart your phone in Safe Mode, press OK.
Note: If the steps above don’t get your phone into Safe Mode, look up reboot YourPhoneModel in Safe Mode on the internet and follow the instructions.
3. In Safe Mode, restart your device. Check the lower-left corner of the screen for the Safe Mode symbol to confirm this.
4. Use your device for a few minutes to see if the problem reappears.
5. If the message does not occur in Safe Mode, remove any apps you may have downloaded around the time the problem initially appeared.
Note: We recommend that you start by uninstalling any programs you may have downloaded from sources other than the Google Play Store.
6. When you’re finished, reboot your device to leave Safe Mode.
Also Read: How to Move Apps to SD Card on Android
Method 7: Wipe Cache Partition
Wiping the cache partition is another way to address process system isn’t responding on Android devices. This partition houses temporary files of the system, which are used to improve speed. Keep in mind that erasing the cache partition will not remove any of your personal data, only temporary system and application files will be removed. To wipe clean the cache partition, follow these steps:
1. Turn OFF your device.
2. Press and hold the Power + Home + Volume up buttons at the same time. This reboots the device in Recovery mode.
Note: If this doesn’t get you into Recovery Mode, look up how to enter recovery mode + YourPhoneModel on the internet.
3. Here, select Wipe Cache Partition.
Note: Use volume buttons to go through the options available on the screen. Use the power button to select your desired option.
Method 8: Perform Factory Reset
If nothing else seems to work, you might want to try a factory reset to fix process system not responding problem. If you haven’t changed any of the system files, this will almost certainly solve the problem. Keep in mind that a factory reset will erase all of your personal data from the internal storage. With that in mind, here’s how to restore your phone to factory settings.
Note: Create a backup of your data before performing a factory reset.
1. Go to Settings.
2. Tap on About Phone.
3. Tap on Factory reset.
4. Tap on Erase all data.
5. If prompted, enter your password.
Your device will restart after the process is finished.
Method 9: Flash into Stock ROM
If a factory reset doesn’t work, I’m fairly certain you tried it and screwed up some important system files in the process. Many users have reported this problem after attempting to transfer system data from internal storage to an SD card.
If this is the case, the only option is to unroot your phone and restore it to its factory settings. If you’ve never flashed a phone before, we recommend you go to a trained technician and have your device re-flashed to factory settings.
We hope this article would shed some light on how to fix process system not responding errors on your Android device. If you have some input about this article, please reach out to us in the comment section down below.