您是否曾经尝试在手机上下载游戏或听音乐却收到错误通知,显示(error notice)连接(error connecting)到Apple id 服务器(apple id server)的验证失败错误?当 iOS 向您抛出错误时,这是一种不寻常的情况。它们中的大多数都简单明了,易于处理。连接到apple id服务器(apple id server)的错误通知验证(error notification verification)失败错误是该规范的一个例外,多年来一直困扰着许多客户。让我们来看看最有效的解决方案是什么。
如何修复连接到 Apple ID 服务器的验证失败错误(How To Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server)
许多人在升级到 iOS 9 后登录 iCloud 和从备份恢复时遇到问题。问题是“(problem isn)密码或用户名(password or username)丢失或错误” 。登录凭据也完美无缺。当用户尝试登录 iCloud 时,他们会看到此错误。尽管连接到Apple ID 服务器的验证失败(Apple ID server)错误(error connecting)试图不言自明,但仍有一些可能性。
在尝试访问 iCloud、iTunes 或 App Store(When attempting to access iCloud, iTunes, or the App Store)时,一些macOS 和 iOS 用户(macOS and iOS users)似乎遇到了登录问题。
- 由于此问题的验证失败错误连接到Apple ID 服务器(Apple ID server),一些客户认为他们的 Apple ID 登录名或密码不正确(some customers assume their Apple ID login or password is incorrect)。
- 请记住,您的Apple ID很可能处于正常工作状态。此问题可能是由多种因素引起的,包括连接错误(faulty connection)。
- 虽然问题可能与您的Apple ID有关,但也可能是由 WiFi 连接、日期和时间设置、VPN 干扰或操作系统错误引起的(it could also be caused by a WiFi connection, date and time settings, VPN interference, or an operating system error)。这是您处理它的所有选项。
别担心,如果您在连接(problem connecting)Apple ID服务器时遇到问题,本文将教您怎么做。如果您看到Apple ID 验证(Apple ID verification)失败错误消息(error message),您有九种故障排除方法。首先(First & Foremost),检查您所有Apple ID的使用位置并注销所有其他设备。首先(First & Foremost),检查您所有Apple ID的使用位置并注销所有其他设备。让我们开始这个派对。
为什么会出现连接 Apple ID 服务器的错误?(Why Does The Error Connecting to the Apple ID Server Occur?)
这不时发生在一些 iPhone 用户身上。当用户尝试从他们的 iPhone 设置登录 iTunes 和Apple Store时,他们会收到一条(Apple Store)错误通知(error notice),提示验证失败错误连接(error connecting)到Apple id 服务器(apple id server)此警告很不方便,可能会导致您认为您的Apple ID已被盗用. 在恢复或 iOS 更新后,读者经常会看到此警告。
在大多数情况下,此困难是由与您的Apple ID无关的困难引起的。以下是您尝试解决连接到Apple ID 服务器(Apple ID server)的验证失败错误问题的方法。
初步检查(Preliminary Check)
如果您无法登录您的Apple ID,您应该做的第一件事是确保问题不是(problem isn)由您完全无法控制的任何事情引起的,例如Apple服务器关闭:
1. 访问Apple 支持(Apple Support)系统状态页面(page) 了解更多信息。
2. 确认您需要的所有服务(例如App Store 和 iCloud(App Store and iCloud))都是绿色的。如果最近发生了服务问题,Apple通常会提供一个可点击的链接,您可以在其中了解更多信息。
方法一:强制重启(Method 1: Force Restart)
如果没有其他方法,请尝试从头开始重新启动您的 iDevice。如果您不熟悉强制重启技术(Forced Restart technique),请尝试以下说明:
iPhone 6S/6S Plus, iPod Touches, and iPads with iOS 7.0 or higher: 按住电源和主页按钮(Power and Home buttons),直到显示Apple 标志(Apple logo)。
iPhone 7/7 Plus:iPhone 7或iPhone 7 Plus上同时按住降低音量和电源键(Volume Down and Power keys)。按住两个按钮至少 10 秒钟,直到Apple 标志(Apple logo)出现在屏幕上。
iPhone X、iPhone 8 和 iPhone 8 Plus 及更新机型:(iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus and later: )快速按下并按下音量增大按钮。然后按住降低音量(press and hold Volume Down)几秒钟。按住电源按钮(Power button),直到您在屏幕上看到Apple 标志。(Apple logo)
方法 2:使用 Wi-Fi 连接(Method 2: Use a Wi-Fi connection)
尝试登录您的 iCloud 帐户时,请确保您已通过Wi-Fi连接到互联网。据多位消费者称,从 3G/4G 数据切换到Wi-Fi解决了连接到Apple ID服务器的验证失败错误问题。确保(Make)您的VPN也已关闭。
如果您仍然遇到问题,请转到菜单栏(menu bar)并打开和关闭WiFi。您也可以打开和关闭后面板上的开关来重启路由器。然后,要查看您的 Wi-Fi 有多快,请执行以下操作:
1. 访问Speedtest网站(website)。
2. 单击“开始”按钮,查看您可以走多快。(Go)
3.检查网速(internet speed)。如果值远低于合同中规定的值,请联系您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)( ISP )。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 AirPods(Fix AirPods)与 iPhone 断开连接的问题
方法 3:重新连接到 Wi-Fi(Method 3: Reconnect to Wi-Fi)
如果最后一个未能解决您的问题,请尝试此过程。暂时忘记您的wifi 连接(wifi connection),然后重新登录。
1. 要连接到 Wi-Fi,请转到设置(Settings)。
2. 进入设置菜单中的Wi-Fi。
3. 点击您的 Wi-Fi 网络旁边的信息按钮。(info)
4. 点击忘记此网络(Forget This Network)。
5. 当提示您确认您的活动时,选择忘记(Forget)。
7. 当出现Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi networks)时,选择同一个。
8.如果需要,请使用您的Wi-Fi 凭据登录。(Wi-Fi credentials)
9. 完成这些说明后,返回iCloud并再次尝试登录。
方法 4:关闭 VPN(Method 4: Turn Off VPN)
今天,越来越多的人使用虚拟专用网络 ( VPN(VPNs) ) 来保护他们的隐私,这是一件好事。但是,当您尝试更新您的Apple ID设置或更改您的Apple ID 密码(Apple ID password)时,您的VPN可能会意外干扰。如果发生这种情况,请关闭您的VPN 并重(VPN)试。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 iPhone上禁用Safari上(Safari)的弹出窗口(Pop-ups)
方法 5:重置网络设置(Method 5: Reset Network Settings)
如果您因为智能手机无法连接到互联网而无法登录Apple服务,那么是时候进行(Apple)网络设置重置(Network Settings Reset)了。清除蜂窝设置后,您必须重新加入之前加入的任何 Wi-Fi 网络。
注意:(Note:)此过程不会删除手机内存中的任何数据。只会删除您的 Wi-Fi 凭据和网络设置。
1. 转到您的手机 设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,点击 常规(General)。
3. 选择页面底部的转移或重置 iPhone 。(Transfer or Reset iPhone)
4. 点击重置(Reset)。
5. 点击弹出对话框中的(dialogue box)重置(Reset) 网络设置(Network Settings)以确认您的决定。
6. 如果出现提示,请输入您的密码(passcode)。
方法 6:更新时间和日期(Method 6: Update Time and Date)
在某些情况下,更新 iOS 后,您的 iPhone 上可能会出现此问题。旧 iPhone 设备不时会出现此问题。无论出于何种原因,设备系统的日期和时间设置都会不同步。如果您的日期和时间与(date and time differ)Apple ID 服务器(Apple ID server)认为的不同,则可能会出现问题。在您的 iPhone 设置中,确保启用自动设置日期时间(Set Date Time Automatically)以修复连接到Apple ID 服务器的验证失败(Apple ID server)错误(error connecting)。
1. 要更改日期和时间设置(date and time settings),请转到您的手机设置(Settings)。
2.现在点击常规(General now)。
3. 点击日期和时间(Date & Time)。
4. 打开电视。自动切换并仔细检查(Toggle and double-check)您是否处于正确的时区(right time zone)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何修复 iPhone 7(Fix iPhone 7)或 8 无法关闭(Turn Off)
方法 7:退出 iTunes 和 App Store(Sign Out from iTunes & App Store)
由于您看到连接到Apple ID 服务器(apple id server)时出现错误,并且我们已经知道Apple服务器已启动并正在运行,您可以尝试退出您的Apple ID,然后重新登录以查看它是否能解决任何问题。
1. 即使您在登录iCloud时遇到问题,也请打开“设置”(Settings)应用。
2. 点击 配置文件选项(Profile options)。
3. 滑动到底部并点击(bottom and tap)退出选项(Sign Out)。
4. 输入您的密码(Passcode)并注销您的 Apple ID。
5. 现在转到iCloud并再次登录。
方法 8:更改您的 Apple ID 密码(Method 8: Change Your Apple ID Password)
连接到Apple ID 服务器(Apple ID server)时出错的消息可能与身份验证有关。如果您很长时间没有更新您的Apple ID 密码(Apple ID password),则它的强度不足以满足 Apple 的要求。这可能是导致验证问题的原因。幸运的是,您可以从任何可以访问互联网的设备上更改它。要重设您的Apple ID 密码(Apple ID password),请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 前往Apple ID页面(page)。点击登录(Sign In)。
2. 使用您的Apple ID(Apple ID)登录。
3. 点击密码。(password.)
4. 选择一个新密码(new password)并输入您当前的密码(current password)。您必须输入两次新密码(password twice)以确保密码正确。
5. 一旦页面接受,您需要在所有设备上更新(update)它。
您的 iCloud 帐户现在应该可以从任何Apple 设备(Apple device)访问。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 iPhone 上缺少的 App Store
方法九:使用验证码(Method 9: Use Verification Code)
可以想象,连接到Apple ID 服务器(Apple ID server)的问题是由于一时的故障造成的。您的 iPhone 可能无法始终与Apple 服务器(Apple server)正确同步。此问题可能是由于 iPhone 无法与您的Apple ID正确同步造成的。因此,我们将在此阶段使用验证码(verification code)来验证我们的登录。
1. 在任何其他 iPhone 上,使用您的Apple ID登录。
2. 导航到设置(Settings)。
3. 点击您的个人资料(Profile)。
4. 然后,点击密码和安全(Password & Security)。
5. 然后点击密码和安全下的获取验证码。(Get Verification Code)
6. 要彻底解决问题,请将此验证码(verification code)输入显示错误的 iPhone。
7. 此外,删除您可能已安装在设备上的任何VPN(VPNs)、OpenDNS或Cisco Umbrella ,因为它们可能会禁止您连接到(Cisco Umbrella)Apple 服务器(Apple Servers)。
方法 10:执行软件更新(Method 10: Perform Software Update)
检查您的小工具是否是最新的。如果不是这种情况,您可以简单地将您的iOS 软件(iOS software)升级到最新版本。以下是如何执行软件更新(software update)以修复连接到Apple ID 服务器的验证失败(Apple ID server)错误(error connecting)。
1. 进入设置(Settings)菜单。
2. 选择常规(General)。
3. 在您的 iPhone 上,转到软件更新(Software Update)。
4. 如果有可用更新,请按照屏幕上的说明进行(on-screen instructions)安装。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 为什么我的 iPhone 被冻结并且无法关闭(Turn Off)或重置
方法 11:联系 Apple 支持(Method 11: Contact Apple Support)
如果其他一切都失败了,Apple 支持(Apple Suppor)会随时为您提供帮助。如果您点击支持链接并单击(support link and click)或按下您正在使用的设备,您可以通过电话、电子邮件或聊天联系Apple 专家。(Apple specialist)如果您住得足够近,您也可以走进Apple Store并寻求帮助。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么我的 Apple ID 验证总是失败?(Q1. Why is it that my Apple ID verification keeps failing?)
答:(Ans: )Apple ID 验证(Apple ID Verification)失败的问题也可能是由手机的时间和位置设置问题引起的。当您的iPhone 日期(iPhone date)、时间或位置与Apple 服务器(Apple server)不同时,就会出现此问题。因此,请仔细检查您设备上的日期和时间(date and time)是否正确。
Q2。如果服务器出现连接问题,这意味着什么?(Q2. What does it signify if there was a connection issue with the server? )
答:(Ans: )这正是它所暗示的。您的计算机无法与有问题的服务器/计算机交互的原因有很多,而且如果不进行调试就很难估计。您的互联网连接可能已关闭。如果您在网络上,部分硬件可能已损坏。
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我们希望您发现此信息有用并且能够解决连接到 Apple ID 服务器(verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server)问题的验证失败错误。请(Please)让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何问题或意见,请在评论区留下。
Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server
Have you eνer attempted to download a game or listen to music on your phone only to be greeted with an error notice thаt reads, verification failed errоr connecting to apple id server? Whеn iOS throws you an error, it’s an unusuаl occurrence. The majority of them are straightforward and straightforward to handle. The error notification verification failed error connecting to the apple іd server is an exсeption to this norm, which has baffled manу customerѕ over the yеarѕ. Let’s examine what the most effective solutions are.
How To Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server
Many people are having issues logging into iCloud and restoring from backups after upgrading to iOS 9. The problem isn’t a lost or wrong password or username. The login credentials are also flawless. When users attempt to sign in to iCloud, they see this error. Although verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server tries to be self-explanatory, there are a few possibilities.
When attempting to access iCloud, iTunes, or the App Store, several macOS and iOS users appear to be experiencing login issues.
- As a result of this issue of verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server, some customers assume their Apple ID login or password is incorrect.
- Please bear in mind that there’s a strong probability that your Apple ID is in fine working order. This issue might be caused by several factors, including a faulty connection.
- While the issue might be tied to your Apple ID, it could also be caused by a WiFi connection, date and time settings, VPN interference, or an operating system error. Here are all of your options for dealing with it.
Don’t worry, if you have a problem connecting to the Apple ID server, this article will teach you what to do. If you see an Apple ID verification failed error message, you have nine alternatives for troubleshooting. First & Foremost, check where all your Apple ID is being used & log out of all other devices.. First & Foremost, check where all your Apple ID is being used & log out of all other devices.. Let’s get this party started.
Why Does The Error Connecting to the Apple ID Server Occur?
This has happened to a few iPhone owners from time to time. When users try to log in to iTunes and the Apple Store from their iPhone settings, they get an error notice that says verification failed error connecting to apple id server This warning is inconvenient, and it may cause you to assume that your Apple ID is compromised. This warning is frequently seen by readers following restoration or an iOS update.
For the majority of the time, this difficulty is caused by difficulties unrelated to your Apple ID. Here’s how you may attempt to resolve the issue of verification failed error connecting to the Apple ID server.
Preliminary Check
If you can’t sign in to your Apple ID, the first thing you should do is make sure the problem isn’t caused by anything completely out of your control, such as Apple servers being down:
1. Visit the Apple Support system status page for more information.
2. Verify that all of the services you require (such as the App Store and iCloud) are green. If a recent issue with a service has occurred, Apple normally provides a clickable link where you may learn more about it.
Method 1: Force Restart
If nothing else works, try restarting your iDevice from the beginning. Try the instructions below if you’re not familiar with the Forced Restart technique:
iPhone 6S/6S Plus, iPod Touches, and iPads with iOS 7.0 or higher: Hold down the Power and Home buttons together until the Apple logo displays.
iPhone 7/7 Plus: Press and hold the Volume Down and Power keys simultaneously on an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus. Hold down both buttons for at least 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.
iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus and later: The volume up button is quickly pressed and depressed. Then press and hold Volume Down for a few seconds. Press and hold the Power button until you see the Apple logo on the screen.
Check to see if your device has returned to normal once you’ve completed this step.
Method 2: Use a Wi-Fi connection
When attempting to log into your iCloud account, make sure you’re connected to the internet through Wi-Fi. According to multiple consumers, switching from 3G/4G data to Wi-Fi addressed the verification failed error connecting to the Apple ID server issue. Make sure your VPN is also turned off.
If you’re still having issues, go to your menu bar and toggle the WiFi on and off. You can also turn on and off the switch on the back panel to restart the router. Then, to see how fast your Wi-Fi is, do the following:
1. Visit the Speedtest website.
2. Click the Go button to see how fast you can go.
3. Examine the internet speed. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if the values are much lower than those stated in your contract.
Also Read: Fix AirPods Disconnecting From iPhone
Method 3: Reconnect to Wi-Fi
Try this procedure if the last one failed to address your problem. Forget your wifi connection for a while and then log back in.
1. To connect to Wi-Fi, go to Settings.
2. Go to Wi-Fi in the Settings menu.
3. Tap the info button next to your Wi-Fi network.
4. Tap on Forget This Network.
5. When prompted to confirm your activity, choose to Forget.
6. Turn your Wi-Fi off, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on.
7. When Wi-Fi networks appear, select the same one.
8. Log in with your Wi-Fi credentials if one is necessary.
9. Return to iCloud and attempt signing in again after you’ve completed these instructions.
Method 4: Turn Off VPN
Today, more individuals are using virtual private networks (VPNs) to secure their privacy than ever before, which is a good thing. However, when trying to update your Apple ID settings or change your Apple ID password, your VPN may accidentally interfere. Turn off your VPN and try again if this happens.
Also Read: How to Disable Pop-ups on Safari on iPhone
Method 5: Reset Network Settings
If you can’t log into your Apple services because your smartphone won’t connect to the internet, it’s time to do a Network Settings Reset. You’ll have to rejoin any Wi-Fi network you’ve previously joined after clearing your Cellular settings.
Note: This process does not erase any data from your phone’s memory. Only your Wi-Fi credentials and network settings will be deleted.
1. Go to your phone Settings.
2. Now, tap on General.
3. Select Transfer or Reset iPhone at the bottom of the page.
4. Tap Reset.
5. Tap Reset Network Settings on the pop-up dialogue box to confirm your decision.
6. If prompted, enter your passcode.
Method 6: Update Time and Date
This issue might appear on your iPhone after an iOS update in some cases. This problem occurs on older iPhone devices from time to time. The device system’s date and time settings get out of sync for whatever reason. There might be an issue if your date and time differ from what the Apple ID server believes they should be. In your iPhone settings, make sure Set Date Time Automatically is enabled to fix verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server.
1. To change the date and time settings, go to your phone Settings.
2. Tap on General now.
3. Tap on Date & Time.
4. Switch the TV on. Toggle and double-check that you’re in the right time zone automatically.
Also Read: How to Fix iPhone 7 or 8 Won’t Turn Off
Method 7: Sign Out from iTunes & App Store
Since you’re seeing an error connecting to the apple id server, and we already know that Apple servers are up and running, you may try signing out of your Apple ID and then signing back in to see if it fixes any issues.
1. Even if you’re having trouble logging in to iCloud, open the Settings app.
2. Tap on the Profile options.
3. Swipe to the bottom and tap on the Sign Out option.
4. Enter your Passcode and sign out your Apple ID.
5. Now go to iCloud and sign in once again.
Method 8: Change Your Apple ID Password
The message that there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server may be related to authentication. If you haven’t updated your Apple ID password in a long time, it could not be strong enough to fulfill Apple’s requirements. That may be what’s causing the issue with verification. Fortunately, you can alter it from any device that has access to the internet. To reset your Apple ID password, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Apple ID page. Tap on Sign In.
2. Sign in with your Apple ID.
3. Tap on password.
4. Choose a new password and enter your current password. You’ll have to input the new password twice to make sure it’s correct.
5. You’ll need to update it on all of your Devices once the page accepts it.
Your iCloud account should now be accessible from any Apple device.
Also Read: Fix App Store Missing on iPhone
Method 9: Use Verification Code
It’s conceivable that the issue connecting to the Apple ID server is due to a momentary glitch. Your iPhone may not always synchronize correctly with the Apple server. This problem may be caused by the iPhone’s inability to correctly sync with your Apple ID. As a result, we’ll use a verification code to validate our login in this phase.
1. On any other iPhone, sign in with your Apple ID.
2. Navigate to Settings.
3. Tap on your Profile.
4. Then, tap on Password & Security.
5. Then tap on Get Verification Code under Password and Security.
6. To fully resolve the issue, enter this verification code into the iPhone that is displaying the error.
7. Also, remove any VPNs, OpenDNS, or Cisco Umbrella that you may have installed on your device since they may prohibit you from connecting to Apple Servers.
Method 10: Perform Software Update
Check to see if your gadget is up to current. If this is not the case, you may simply upgrade your iOS software to the latest version. Here’s how to perform software update to fix verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server.
1. Go to the Settings menu.
2. Select General.
3. On your iPhone, go to Software Update.
4. If an update is available, install it by following the on-screen instructions.
Also Read: Why My iPhone is Frozen and Won’t Turn Off or Reset
Method 11: Contact Apple Support
If everything else fails, Apple Support is always there to help. You may contact an Apple specialist by phone, email, or chat if you follow the support link and click or press on the device you’re using. You may also walk into an Apple Store and ask for help if you live close enough.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is it that my Apple ID verification keeps failing?
Ans: Apple ID Verification Failed problems can also be caused by a problem with your phone’s time and location settings. This problem arises when your iPhone date, time, or location differs from the Apple server. As a result, double-check that the date and time on your device are correct.
Q2. What does it signify if there was a connection issue with the server?
Ans: That is exactly what it implies. The reasons for your computer’s inability to interact with the server/computer in issue are numerous and difficult to estimate without debugging. Your internet connection may be down. If you’re on a network, part of the hardware may be broken.
We hope you find this information useful and were able to resolve verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server issue. Please let us know which method worked best for you. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments area.