拥有MacBook的最大好处是定期更新 macOS,使系统更高效。这些更新改进了安全补丁并引入了高级功能,让用户与更新的技术保持联系。但是,有时您可能会在更新最新的 macOS 时遇到一些问题,例如Mac卡在加载栏上或 Mac(bar or Mac)卡在Apple 标志(Apple logo)上。尽管如此,本文将解释解决 Mac 软件更新卡住安装问题的方法。(fix Mac software update stuck installing issue.)
如何修复 Mac 软件更新卡住安装
(How to Fix Mac Software Update stuck installing
当更新过程以某种方式中断时,您的MacBook不会更新到最新的macOS 版本。(macOS version)然后,您可能会发现您的Mac 卡(Mac stuck)在加载栏上或 Mac(bar or Mac)卡在Apple 标志(Apple logo)上。此中断的一些可能原因如下:
电池问题(Battery issues):如果您的MacBook未正确充电,安装程序可能无法下载,因为您的笔记本电脑可能会在中途关闭。
存储空间不足: (Lack of Storage)Mac 软件(Mac software)更新卡住安装(stuck installing)的另一个原因是系统上的空间可能比更新所需的空间少。
Internet 问题:始终建议在(Internet Issues)Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)流量较少的晚上下载新更新。此时苹果(Apple)服务器也不拥挤,可以快速下载最新版本。
内核恐慌(Kernel Panic):这是一个非常常见的问题,您的计算机可能会陷入启动和崩溃(booting and crashing)的循环中。如果笔记本电脑无法正常启动,操作系统(operating system)将无法成功更新。如果您的驱动程序已过时和/或与您的插件冲突,则会发生这种情况,从而导致Mac 卡(Mac stuck)在Apple 徽标上和 Mac(Apple logo and Mac)卡在加载栏错误上。
既然您已经了解了Mac(Mac)无法更新到最新 macOS的几个原因,那么让我们来看看如何更新 macOS。
如何更新 macOS?(How to Update macOS?)
您可以检查(check for available updates)Mac 设备上的可用更新,如下所示:
1. 单击Apple 菜单(Apple menu.)中的系统偏好设置。(System Preferences )
2. 在这里,单击软件更新(Software Update),如图所示。
3. 选择立即更新(Update Now),如图所示。
注意:(Note:)如果您的Mac 设备(Mac device)超过五年或更长时间,最好将其保留在当前操作系统上,并且不要用新的更新使系统负担过重。
如何检查 macOS 兼容性?(How to Check macOS Compatibility?)
从标题本身可以明显看出,您尝试安装的更新应该与您使用的设备型号(device model)兼容,才能正常运行。您可以通过以下方式查看并从App Store下载它:
1.在您的设备上启动App Store 。
2. 搜索相关更新(relevant update),例如 Big Sur 或 Sierra。
4A。如果您收到此消息:适用于您的 Mac(Works on your Mac),则所述更新与您的Mac 设备(Mac device)兼容。单击(Click)获取(Get)开始安装。
4B。如果所需的更新不兼容,那么尝试下载它是没有用的,因为它可能导致您的设备崩溃。或者,您的 Mac 卡在加载栏上或 Mac 卡在 Apple 标志上可能会出现问题。(Or, your Mac stuck on loading bar or Mac stuck on Apple logo issue might appear.)
方法一:过一段时间再安装(Method 1: Try Installing After Some Time)
这听起来可能是一个模糊的想法,但给系统一些时间来解决其问题可能会解决Mac 软件(Mac software)更新卡住安装问题。当您长时间使用计算机时,后台应用程序会不断消耗您的电池并继续使用网络带宽(network bandwidth)。一旦这些被禁用,您的 macOS 可能会正常更新。此外,如果Apple服务器(Apple server)端出现问题,也将得到解决。因此,我们建议您等待 24 到 48 小时(wait 24 to 48 hours),然后再尝试安装最新的 macOS。
方法二:清空存储空间(Method 2: Clear Storage Space)
安装新更新通常需要在您的设备上占用大量存储空间。(storage space)因此,必须确保您的系统具有下载和安装新更新所需的空间。以下是检查Mac 上存储空间的方法:(storage space)
1. 单击主屏幕上的Apple 菜单。(Apple menu)
2. 点击关于本机(About This Mac),如图。
3. 导航到Storage,如下图所示。
4. 如果您的Mac没有足够的存储空间(storage space)来更新操作系统(OS update),请确保通过删除不需要的、不必要的内容来释放(free up) 空间。(space)
方法 3:确保互联网连接(Method 3: Ensure Internet Connectivity)
对于 macOS 更新,您必须能够以良好的速度访问强大、稳定的互联网连接。(internet connection)在更新过程中途失去互联网连接可能会导致内核恐慌(Kernel panic)。您可以通过speedtest 网页(speedtest webpage)检查您的互联网速度。如果测试显示您的互联网速度很慢,请重新启动路由器(restart your router )以解决问题。如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的互联网服务提供商(internet service provider)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)互联网连接(Internet Connection)速度慢?加快互联网速度的10种方法!(Ways)
方法 4:重新启动 Mac
(Method 4: Restart your Mac
解决Mac 软件(Mac software)更新卡住安装问题的最简单方法是重新启动设备。
注意(Note):有时,更新最新的 macOS 需要很多时间。因此,它可能看起来卡住了,但实际上,计算机正在安装新的更新。如前所述,安装过程(installation process)中的任何障碍都可能导致内核错误。(Kernel error)因此(Hence),明智的做法是让计算机在重新启动之前整夜更新。
现在,如果您看到您的更新窗口已卡住,即Mac卡在Apple 徽标上或 Mac(Apple logo or Mac)卡在加载栏上,请尝试以下操作:
1. 按住电源按钮(power button)10 秒钟。
2. 然后,等待电脑重启(restart)。
方法 5:移除外部设备(Method 5: Remove External Devices)
连接到硬盘、USB等外部硬件可能会导致Mac 软件(Mac software)更新卡住安装问题。因此(Hence),在尝试将其更新到最新版本之前,请断开所有不需要的外部硬件。( disconnect all unrequired external hardware)
方法6:自动设置日期和时间(Method 6: Put Date and Time to Set Automatically)
在尝试将 macOS 更新到最新版本时,您可能会收到一条错误通知(error notification),指出未找到更新(Update not found)。这可能是由于您设备上的日期和时间设置不正确。(date and time settings)在这种情况下,请按照给定的步骤操作:
1. 单击屏幕左上角(left corner)的Apple 图标(Apple icon)。
2.现在将出现Apple 菜单。(Apple Menu)
3. 选择系统偏好(System Preferences)>日期和时间(Date and Time)。
4. 选中标题为自动设置日期和时间(Set date and time automatically)的框,如下所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 MacBook 启动缓慢的 6 种方法
方法 7:以安全模式启动 Mac(Method 7: Boot Mac in Safe Mode)
幸运的是,Windows 和 macOS(Windows and macOS)都可以实现安全模式(Mode)。这是一种诊断模式,其中所有后台应用程序和数据都被阻止,并且可以找出某些功能无法正常执行的原因。因此,您也可以在此模式下检查更新的状态。在 macOS 上打开安全模式的步骤如下:
1. 如果您的电脑已开机(switched on),请单击屏幕(screen and select)左上角(left corner)的Apple 图标(Apple icon),然后选择重新启动。(Restart.)
2. 重新启动时,按住Shift 键(Shift key)。
3. Apple 图标(Apple icon)再次出现后,松开Shift 键(Shift key)。
4. 现在,通过单击Apple 图标(Apple icon)确认您是否已登录到安全模式(Safe mode)。
5.在关于本机(About this Mac )窗口中选择系统报告。(System Report )
6. 点击软件(Software),如图所示。
7. 在这里,您将在Boot Mode下看到(Boot Mode)Safe。
注意:(Note:)如果您在Boot Mode下(Boot Mode)没有看到(do not see) Safe,请再次按照从头开始的步骤操作。
Mac处于安全模式(Safe mode)后,您可以尝试再次安装更新。
方法 8:以恢复模式启动 Mac(Method 8: Boot Mac in Recovery Mode)
如果上述方法都不适合您,请尝试在恢复模式下(Recovery Mode)重新安装更新。在恢复模式下(recovery mode)更新操作系统(operating system)会做两件事:
- 它确保您的文件在混乱的下载过程中不会丢失。
- 它有助于拯救您用于更新的安装程序。
使用恢复模式(Recovery Mode)也是一个很好的选择,因为它允许连接到Internet。按照给定的步骤在恢复模式下(Recovery Mode)打开笔记本电脑:
1. 单击屏幕左上角(left corner)的Apple 图标(Apple icon)。
3. 当您的MacBook重新启动时,按住键盘上的Command + R keys。
4. 等待大约 20 秒或直到您在屏幕上看到Apple 标志。(Apple logo)
6. 现在,将出现macOS 实用程序(macOS utilities)窗口。在这里,选择重新安装 macOS(Reinstall macOS),如图所示。
另请阅读(Also Read):如何在Mac上使用实用程序(Mac)文件夹(Folder)
方法 9:重置 PRAM(Method 9: Reset PRAM)
重置PRAM设置是解决(PRAM)Mac 操作系统(Mac operating)上的任何问题的绝佳选择。
1.关闭(Switch) MacBook 。(off)
2. 立即打开系统(ON)。
3. 按键盘上的Command + Option + P + R键。
4. 看到Apple 图标(Apple icon)第二次出现后松开按键。
注意:(Note:)在此过程中,您将看到Apple 标志(Apple logo)出现和消失三次。(thrice)之后,MacBook应该会正常重启(reboot)。
5.在Apple 菜单中打开(Apple menu)系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。
6.重置(Reset)日期和时间(Date & Time)、显示分辨率(Display resolution)等设置。
您现在可以尝试再次更新最新的 macOS,因为Mac 软件(Mac software)更新卡住安装问题现在应该已经修复。
方法 10:将 Mac 恢复到出厂设置(Method 10: Restore Mac to Factory Settings)
将MacBook(MacBook)恢复到出厂设置或默认设置(factory or default settings)会自动重新安装Mac 操作系统(operating system)。因此,它还能够删除以后可能潜入您的系统的任何错误或损坏的文件。
注意:(Note:)但是,在重置 MacBook 之前,请确保备份所有数据(backup of all your data),因为恢复出厂设置(factory reset)会删除系统中的所有数据。
1. 按照方法 8(Method 8.)中的说明在恢复模式下(Recovery Mode)重新启动 Mac 。
2.从 Mac Utilities文件夹(folder)中打开Disk Utility。
3. 选择启动盘,(startup disk,)例如:Macintosh HD-Data。
4. 现在,单击顶部菜单栏中的擦除(Erase)。
5. 选择MacOS Extended (Journaled ),然后点击Erase。
6.接下来,通过选择左上角的查看打开(View )磁盘实用程序菜单。(Disk Utility Menu)
7. 选择退出(Quit) 磁盘工具。(Disk Utility.)
8. 最后,点击macOS Utilities 文件夹中的(Utilities folder)Reinstall MacOS。
方法11:访问Apple Store(Method 11: Visit Apple Store)
如果上述方法都不适合您,最好联系您附近的Apple 商店(Apple store )。您还可以通过聊天在Apple 网站上交流您的问题。(Apple website)确保将您的购买收据和保修卡放在手边(card handy)。您可以轻松检查Apple 保修状态(Apple Warranty Status)。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
Q1。为什么我不能更新我的 Mac?(Q1. Why Can’t I Update My Mac?)
由于以下原因,您的Mac可能无法更新: (Mac)Wi-Fi 连接(Wi-Fi connection)速度慢、计算机存储(Low storage)空间不足、设备驱动程序过时(Outdated device)以及电池(Battery)问题。
Q2。如何将我的 Mac 升级到最新版本?(Q2. How do I upgrade my Mac to the latest version?)
- 点击屏幕(screen and select)左上角(left corner)的Apple 图标(Apple icon),然后选择System Preferences。
- 从此菜单中选择软件更新。(Software Update)
- 您现在可以查看是否有可用的更新。如果是,请单击立即更新。(Update Now.)
- 如何修复 MacBook 无法开机
- 5种方法(Ways)来修复 Safari 无法在Mac上(Mac)打开(Open)
- 修复 Mac 无法连接到 App Store
- 修复 FaceTime 在 Mac 上不起作用
我们希望所有这些方法都能够帮助您解决 Mac 软件更新卡住安装问题。( fix Mac software update stuck installing issue.)如果您有任何进一步的疑问,请不要犹豫,将它们放在下面的评论部分(comment section),我们会尽快回复您。
Fix Mac Software Update Stuck Installing
The best part about owning a MacBook is the regular macОS updatеs that make the system more efficient. These updateѕ іmprove the security patches and bring in advanced features, keeрing the user in toυch with newer teсhnology. However, sometіmes you maу face some issues updatіng the latest macOS such aѕ Mac ѕtuck on the loading bar or Mac stuck on Apрle logo. Nevertheless, this article will explaіn ways to fix Mac software update stuck installing issue.
How to Fix Mac Software Update stuck installing
Your MacBook won’t update to the latest macOS version when the update process gets interrupted, somehow. Then, you might find your Mac stuck on loading bar or Mac stuck on Apple logo. Some possible causes for this interruption are as follows:
Battery issues: If your MacBook is not charged properly, the installer might not get downloaded as your laptop may switch off midway.
Lack of Storage: Another reason why Mac software update stuck installing is that there might be lesser space on your system than what is required for the update.
Internet Issues: It is always recommended to download a new update at night, when there is less traffic on the Wi-Fi network. At this time, the Apple servers are also not crowded, and you can quickly download the latest version.
Kernel Panic: This is a very common problem where your computer may get stuck in a loop of booting and crashing. If the laptop does not boot properly, the operating system won’t get updated successfully. It happens if your drivers are outdated and/or keep conflicting with your plug-ins, causing Mac stuck on Apple logo and Mac stuck on loading bar errors.
Now that you know about a few reasons why your Mac won’t update to the latest macOS, let us take a look at how to update macOS.
How to Update macOS?
You can check for available updates on your Mac device as follows:
1. Click on the System Preferences in the Apple menu.
2. Here, click on Software Update, as depicted.
3. Select Update Now, as shown.
Note: If your Mac device is older than five years or more, it is probably best to leave it with the current OS and not overburden the system with a fresh update.
How to Check macOS Compatibility?
It is quite evident from the heading itself that the update you are trying to install should be compatible with the device model you are using for it to run properly. Here’s how you can check as well as download it from the App store:
1. Launch the App Store on your device.
2. Search for the relevant update, for example, Big Sur or Sierra.
3. Scroll down and click on Compatibility to check for it
4A. If you get this message: Works on your Mac, the said update is compatible with your Mac device. Click on Get to begin the installation.
4B. If the desired update isn’t compatible then, it is useless trying to download it as it can cause your device to crash. Or, your Mac stuck on loading bar or Mac stuck on Apple logo issue might appear.
Method 1: Try Installing After Some Time
This might sound like a vague idea, but giving some time to the system to fix its issues might solve Mac software update stuck installing issue. When you use your computer for a significant amount of time, background applications keep draining your battery and keep using network bandwidth. Once these get disabled, your macOS may update normally. Also, if there are issues from the Apple server end, it will be resolved as well. Therefore, we recommend you to wait 24 to 48 hours before attempting to install the latest macOS once again.
Method 2: Clear Storage Space
Installing new updates usually entails large storage space being taken up on your device. Thus, it is essential to ensure your system has the requisite space to download and install a new update. Here’s how to check for storage space on your Mac:
1. Click on the Apple menu on your home screen.
2. Click About This Mac, as shown.
3. Navigate to Storage, as depicted below.
4. If your Mac does not have enough storage space for an OS update, make sure to free up space by removing unwanted, unnecessary content.
Method 3: Ensure Internet Connectivity
You must have access to a strong, stable internet connection with good speed for macOS updates. Losing internet connectivity halfway through the update process could lead to Kernel panic. You can check the speed of your internet through speedtest webpage. If the test shows your internet to be slow, then restart your router to fix the issue. If the problem persists, contact your internet service provider.
Also Read: Slow Internet Connection? 10 Ways to Speed up your Internet!
Method 4: Restart your Mac
The easiest way to troubleshoot the Mac software update stuck installing issue is by restarting your device.
Note: Sometimes, updating the latest macOS requires a lot of time. So, it may seem stuck, but in reality, the computer is installing the new update. Any hindrance in the installation process may lead to the Kernel error as described earlier. Hence, it is wise to let the computer update all night before rebooting it.
Now, if you see that your updating window has been stuck i.e. Mac stuck on Apple logo or Mac stuck on loading bar, try this:
1. Press the power button and hold it for 10 seconds.
2. Then, wait for the computer to restart.
3. Begin the update once again.
Method 5: Remove External Devices
Being connected to external hardware such as hard drives, USB, etc., can cause Mac software update stuck installing issue. Hence, disconnect all unrequired external hardware before attempting to update it to the latest version.
Method 6: Put Date and Time to Set Automatically
While trying to update your macOS to the latest version, you may receive an error notification stating Update not found. This can be due to incorrect date and time settings on your device. In this case, follow the given steps:
1. Click on the Apple icon at the top left corner of your screen.
2. The Apple Menu will now appear.
3. Select System Preferences > Date and Time.
4. Check the box titled Set date and time automatically, as highlighted below.
Also Read: 6 Ways to Fix MacBook Slow Startup
Method 7: Boot Mac in Safe Mode
Fortunately, Safe Mode can be attained in both Windows and macOS. This is a diagnostic mode in which all the background applications and data is blocked, and one can figure out why certain function won’t take place properly. Therefore, you can also check the status of the updates in this mode. The steps to open safe mode on a macOS are as follows:
1. If your computer is switched on, click on the Apple icon at the top left corner of the screen and select Restart.
2. While it restarts, press and hold the Shift key.
3. Once the Apple icon appears again, release the Shift key.
4. Now, confirm if you have logged in to Safe mode by clicking on the Apple icon.
5. Select System Report in About this Mac window.
6. Click on Software, as shown.
7. Here, you will see Safe under the Boot Mode.
Note: If you do not see Safe under the Boot Mode, then follow the steps from the start again.
Once your Mac is in Safe mode, you can try installing the update once again.
Method 8: Boot Mac in Recovery Mode
If none of the above-mentioned methods works for you, then try reinstalling the update in Recovery Mode. Updating your operating system in the recovery mode does two things:
- It makes sure that none of your files gets lost during the chaotic download.
- It helps to rescue the installer which you are utilizing for your update.
Using the Recovery Mode is also a very good alternative since it allows connecting to the Internet. Follow the given steps to switch on your laptop in Recovery Mode:
1. Click on the Apple icon at the top left corner of your screen.
2. Select Restart from this menu, as shown.
3. While your MacBook restarts, press and hold the Command + R keys on the keyboard.
4. Wait for about 20 seconds or until you see the Apple logo on your screen.
5. Type your username and password, if and when prompted.
6. Now, the macOS utilities window will appear. Here, select Reinstall macOS, as depicted.
Also Read: How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac
Method 9: Reset PRAM
Resetting the PRAM settings is a great alternative to troubleshoot any issues on the Mac operating system.
1. Switch off the MacBook.
2. Immediately, turn the system ON.
3. Press Command + Option + P + R keys on the keyboard.
4. Release the keys after you see the Apple icon reappear for the second time.
Note: You will see the Apple logo appear and disappear thrice during the process. After this, the MacBook should reboot normally.
5. Open System Preferences in the Apple menu.
6. Reset the settings such as Date & Time, Display resolution, etc.
You may now try updating your latest macOS once again as Mac software update stuck installing problem should be fixed, by now.
Method 10: Restore Mac to Factory Settings
Restoring a MacBook to factory or default settings automatically reinstalls Mac operating system. Therefore, it is also capable of removing any bugs or corrupt files which may have later crept into your system.
Note: However, before resetting your MacBook, make sure that you have a backup of all your data since the factory reset will delete all the data from the system.
Follow these steps to restore Mac to Factory Settings:
1. Restart your Mac in Recovery Mode as explained in Method 8.
2. Open Disk Utility from the Mac Utilities folder.
3. Select the startup disk, For example: Macintosh HD-Data.
4. Now, click Erase from the top menu bar.
5. Choose MacOS Extended (Journaled), then click Erase.
6. Next, open the Disk Utility Menu by selecting View on the top left corner.
7. Select Quit Disk Utility.
8. Finally, click on Reinstall MacOS in the macOS Utilities folder.
Method 11: Visit Apple Store
If none of the above-mentioned methods worked for you, it is wise to contact an Apple store near you. You can also communicate your issue on the Apple website through chat. Make sure to keep your purchase receipts and warranty card handy. You can easily Check Apple Warranty Status.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. Why Can’t I Update My Mac?
Your Mac may not update because of the following reasons: Slow Wi-Fi connection, Low storage space on the computer, Outdated device drivers, and Battery issues.
Q2. How do I upgrade my Mac to the latest version?
To upgrade your Mac to the latest version, follow the given steps:
- Tap on the Apple icon at the top left corner of your screen and select System Preferences.
- Select Software Update from this menu.
- You will now be able to see if any update is available. In case it is, click on Update Now.
We hope all these methods were able to help you fix Mac software update stuck installing issue. In case you have any further queries, don’t hesitate to put them down in the comment section below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.