(Internet connectivity)如今, Google Chrome和其他浏览器中的(Google Chrome)Internet 连接问题也变得越来越普遍。即使用户没有设置任何代理或没有配置手动代理设置,互联网也会突然中断,chrome会显示没有互联网连接(there is no internet connection)并显示错误消息“您的代理服务器或地址有问题不正确(There is something wrong with your proxy server or the address is incorrect)”。除非您沉迷于Dinosaur Dash 游戏(Dinosaur Dash game),您可以在Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome Browser)离线时玩该游戏,否则这根本不是一个令人愉快的迹象(pleasing sign)!
那该怎么办?我们可以从查看可能导致问题的原因开始。可能是您的新防病毒软件或 Internet 防火墙(antivirus software or internet firewall),或者行为不良的Web 浏览器(web browser)扩展程序或插件。或者,您的设备可能会受到您刚安装的恶意软件或病毒感染程序之一的影响。(malware or virus)
修复 没有互联网连接,代理服务器出了问题(Fix There is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server)
在本文中,我们列出了“没有互联网连接”错误的(” error)原因和修复(cause & fixes)方法,以及可用于自行解决问题的 Web 浏览器相关设置。根据哪些应用程序受此错误影响的迹象以及影响是否是系统范围的,您可以排除其中一些方法以节省时间。
1. 打开控制面板。在Windows 搜索( Windows Search)中键入控制面板(Control Panel),可以按Windows Key + S 组合访问。单击(Click)并从搜索结果中打开控制面板应用程序。(Control Panel app)
2. 在控制面板中,进入网络和共享中心。(Network & Sharing center.)
3. 单击控制面板窗口(Control Panel Window)左下角的Internet 选项(Internet Options )。
4. 转到标有连接( Connections)的选项卡,然后单击标有LAN 设置的按钮。(LAN Settings.)
5. 选中自动检测设置(Automatically Detect Settings)旁边的框并取消选中其他框(uncheck other boxes)。单击确定(OK)按钮,然后关闭所有打开的窗口。
6.重新启动您的PC,看看您是否能够修复没有互联网连接错误。 (fix There is no internet connection error. )
如果您仍然遇到问题,请按照步骤 1 到 7 查看设置是否已更改回原来的设置。如果它们自行切换回来,您可能安装或运行了更改它们的应用程序。在这种情况下,这里有一些选项。
如果重新启动后代理设置自动更改或它们自行切换回来,则第三方应用程序可能会干扰代理设置。在这种情况下,您需要将 PC 启动到安全模式,然后导航到Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features。现在卸载您发现可疑或您最近安装的任何第三方应用程序。接下来,按照上述方法再次更改代理设置并正常重新启动PC。
方法 2:通过注册表禁用代理设置(Method 2: Disable Proxy Settings via Registry)
如果您无法使用上述方法(above method)禁用代理,则可以使用以下步骤通过注册表编辑器取消选中代理:(Registry Editor)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入regedit并按Enter打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
2. 导航到以下注册表项(registry key):
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
3. 现在在右侧窗格中右键单击(right window pane right-click)ProxyEnable DWORD(ProxyEnable DWORD)并选择删除。(Delete.)
4. 同样也删除以下键ProxyServer、Migrate Proxy 和 Proxy Override。(ProxyServer, Migrate Proxy, and Proxy Override.)
5. 正常重启你的电脑以保存更改,看看你是否能够修复代理服务器错误。 (fix something went wrong with the proxy server error. )
方法 3:禁用VPN/Antivirus Program
您可以轻松禁用您的VPN 或防病毒程序(VPN or Antivirus program),但有时这也取决于您当前使用的 VPN 类型。(type of VPN)一些VPN(VPNs)使用安装程序安装在他们的 PC 上,而(installer whereas)另一些则是基于浏览器的插件。
基本原则是从防病毒程序(Antivirus program)中关闭防火墙/代理设置或禁用VPN。打开防病毒程序(antivirus program),转到其设置(Settings),然后禁用防(Antivirus)病毒程序并关闭防火墙。如果您发现配置起来很棘手,您也可以完全卸载防病毒程序。(antivirus program)在Windows 10上,即使没有安装防病毒程序(antivirus program),Windows Defender(Windows Defender Security)安全措施也始终存在。
1. 右键单击系统托盘中的防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon)并选择禁用。(Disable.)
2. 接下来,选择防病毒软件将保持禁用( Antivirus will remain disabled.)的时间范围。(time frame)
注意:选择尽可能少的时间,例如 15(example 15)分钟或 30 分钟。
3. 完成后,再次尝试连接到WiFi 网络(WiFi network)并检查您是否能够修复没有互联网连接,代理服务器错误出现问题。 (fix there is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server error. )
大多数VPN程序在(VPN)系统托盘(system tray)中都有一个图标(在它们运行时),只需单击其图标并关闭VPN即可。如果有用于VPN的(VPN)浏览器插件(browser plugin)处于活动状态,您可以转到浏览器的插件页面并将其卸载。
另请阅读:如何修复代理服务器没有响应(Also Read: How to Fix The proxy server isn’t responding)
方法 4:将Google Chrome(Google Chrome)重置为默认值
如果问题仅存在于Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome Browser)和其他浏览器(例如Mozilla Firefox )上,您可以访问互联网,那么问题出在Chrome上。即使在系统范围内的代理设置错误的情况下, Firefox(Firefox)仍然可以连接到互联网,因为它可以覆盖代理设置。因此,请确保Microsft Edge/Internet Explorer或任何其他网络浏览器工作正常,然后仅重置Google Chrome以解决问题。
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)并点击右上角的三个垂直点(three vertical dots),(right corner)然后选择设置(Settings)选项。
2. 单击左侧导航窗格中的(navigation pane)高级设置(Advanced Settings)选项。在折叠的列表中,选择标记为重置和清理的选项。(Reset & Clean-Up.)然后选择选项将设置恢复为其原始默认值。(Restore settings to their original defaults.)
3. 在出现的弹出(pop-up)框中,选择重置设置(Reset settings),清除所有保存的cookies、缓存数据和其他临时文件。
如果上述方法(method doesn)对您不起作用并且问题在Chrome 浏览器(Chrome Browser)上仍然存在,那么只有一件事可以尝试。您必须卸载Google Chrome并重新安装。
1. 在 Windows 10 中打开“设置”(Settings)应用程序。使用Windows Key+S组合键快捷方式(combination shortcut)快速完成此操作。转到应用程序。(Apps.)
2.向下滚动(Scroll)应用程序和功能列表以找到 Google Chrome( find Google Chrome)。单击应用程序名称(application name)右侧的卸载(Uninstall)按钮,然后在出现提示时再次单击弹出框中的卸载按钮(Uninstall button)。
3. 访问google.com/chrome并单击下载 Chrome(Download Chrome)按钮以下载最新版本的Chrome 安装程序(Chrome Installer)。
4.运行下载的安装程序。( Run the downloaded installer.)它将下载必要的文件并在您的机器上安装 chrome。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)10 种解决谷歌浏览器页面加载缓慢的方法( 10 Ways To Fix Slow Page Loading In Google Chrome)
方法 6:执行系统还原(Method 6: Perform System Restore)
如果您仍然面临“没有互联网连接(There is no internet connection)”错误(” error),那么最终的建议是将您的 PC 恢复到较早的工作配置。使用系统还原(System Restore),您可以将系统的所有当前配置恢复到系统正常工作的较早时间。但是,您需要确保至少有一个系统还原点,(restore point)否则您将无法还原您的设备。现在,如果您有一个还原点,(restore point)那么它将使您的系统恢复到以前的工作状态,而不会影响您存储的数据。
1.在Windows Search中键入control ,然后从搜索结果中单击“控制面板(Control Panel)”快捷方式。
2. 将“查看方式(View by)”模式切换为“小图标(Small icons)”。
3. 点击“恢复(Recovery)”。
4. 单击“打开系统还原(Open System Restore)”以撤消最近的系统更改。遵循所有需要的步骤。
5. 现在从恢复系统文件和设置(Restore system files and settings)窗口中单击 下一步。(Next.)
6. 选择还原点(restore point)并确保在您遇到“没有互联网连接,代理服务器出现问题”问题之前创建此( “There is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server” issue.)还原点。(restore point)
7. 如果找不到旧的还原点,请勾选(checkmark)“显示更多还原点(Show more restore points)”,然后选择还原点(restore point)。
8. 单击下一步(Next),然后查看您配置的所有设置。
9. 最后,单击完成(Finish)开始恢复过程。
方法 7:重置网络配置(Method 7: Reset Network Configuration)
1.使用此处列出的任何一种方法打开提升的命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
2. 现在输入以下命令并在每个命令后按 Enter :(command and press Enter)
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
3.再次(Again)打开Admin Command Prompt并键入以下内容并在每个命令后按 Enter:
ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat –r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
4. 重新启动以应用更改。刷新DNS似乎可以修复没有互联网连接错误。(fix There is no internet connection error.)
方法 8:重置 Windows 10
如果这些修复中的任何一个对您不起作用,或者问题不限于Google Chrome并且您无法修复它,您可以尝试重置您的 PC。
在可疑应用程序或恶意软件(application or malware)自动将您的代理设置重置为某些无效配置以阻止您访问 Internet 的情况下,重置您的 PC 也可能会有所帮助。Windows 驱动器(Windows drive)本身以外的驱动器上的所有文件都不会被删除。但是,Windows 驱动器(Windows Drive)上的数据以及已安装的应用程序及其设置将会丢失。因此,请确保在重置 PC 之前创建所有内容的备份。
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全。(Update & Security.)
2. 在左侧导航窗格(navigation pane)中,选择恢复(Recovery),然后单击重置此 PC 部分下的(Reset this PC section.)开始(Get Started)按钮。
3. 选择“保留我的文件(Keep my files)”选项。
4. 对于下一步,您可能会被要求插入Windows 10安装介质,因此请确保您已准备好。
5. 现在,选择您的Windows 版本,然后仅单击(Windows and click) 安装 Windows 的驱动器(on only the drive where Windows is installed)>删除我的文件。(Just remove my files.)
6. 单击重置按钮。( Reset button.)
7. 按照屏幕上的说明完成重置。
8.完成重置过程(resetting process)后,请尝试再次连接到互联网。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中重置密码(How to Reset Your Password in Windows 10)
“没有互联网连接”错误,因为代理的一些错误配置不适合任何人。它扼杀了拥有一个拥有一切但没有互联网连接的设备的目的。正如我们所讨论的,由于某些不正确的代理设置,谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)上显示的关于无法连接到互联网的错误只是谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)内部设置错误,或者它可能是系统范围的。
尽管在这种情况下发现自己在此问题之前没有篡改任何设置的情况并不少见,但病毒或某种形式的恶意软件更可能导致此问题。该病毒可以通过下载的安装文件(installation file)侵入系统,该安装文件并非来自可靠来源或受感染的电子邮件。即使是看起来安全的 pdf 也可能是病毒的来源。在这种情况下,建议首先从Windows 10中删除恶意软件,如果这不起作用(t work),则尝试重置系统本身。
包含恶意软件或过多广告的插件可能是此类威胁的迹象。因此,请确保您安装了由一些知名开发人员开发的插件,并在安装任何应用程序或浏览器插件(browser plugin)之前始终检查用户评级。
Fix There is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server
Internet connectivity issues in Google Chromе and оther browsers too are becoming common these days. Even when the users have not set up any proxy or have not configurеd manual proxy settings, the internet will suddenly break down and chrome will show that there is no internet connection with the error message “There is something wrong with your proxy server or the address is incorrect“. Unless you are addicted to the Dinosaur Dash game, which you can play when the Google Chrome Browser is offline, this is not a pleasing sign at all!
What to do then? We can start by looking at what might have caused the problem. It might be your new antivirus software or internet firewall, or badly behaving web browser extensions or plugins. Or, your device might be affected by one of the malware or virus infected programs you just installed.
Once you pinpoint the problem, then it becomes easier to fix. So, let’s check some of the most common and known issues that can cause this issue and what you can try and do to fix it quickly as well as with minimum prior knowledge required.
Fix There is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server
In this article, we have listed the cause & fixes to the “There is no internet connection” error as well as web browser-related settings that you can use to fix the issue yourselves. Depending on the signs like which applications are affected by this error and if the effect is system-wide, you can rule down some of these methods to save time.
Method 1: Disable Proxy
If the user does not explicitly configure these settings, proxy settings are set by default to be automatically detected and configured and should not give any issues. But some applications or VPN programs can cause incorrect configurations and change these settings. Here’s what you need to do to restore the automatic proxy settings:
1. Open the control panel. Type Control Panel in the Windows Search which can be accessed pressing Windows Key + S combination. Click and open the Control Panel app from the search results.
2. In the control panel, go to Network & Sharing center.
3. Click on the Internet Options from the bottom left corner of the Control Panel Window.
4. Go to the tab labeled Connections, then click on the button labeled LAN Settings.
5. Check the box next to Automatically Detect Settings and uncheck other boxes. Click on the OK button and then close all the open windows.
6. Reboot your PC and see if you’re able to fix There is no internet connection error.
If you still experience problems, follow steps 1 through 7 to see if the settings have changed back to what they were before. If they switch back on their own, you may have an application installed or running that changes them. In this case, here are some options.
If after the restart the proxy settings change automatically or they switch back on their own then a third-party application might be interfering with the proxy settings. In this case, you need to start your PC into safe mode then navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. Now uninstall any third-party app which you found suspicious or you have recently installed. Next, again change the proxy settings by following the above method and restart your PC normally.
Method 2: Disable Proxy Settings via Registry
If you’re unable to disable proxy using the above method then you can uncheck proxy via Registry Editor using the below steps:
1. Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.
2. Navigate to the following registry key:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
3. Now in the right window pane right-click on ProxyEnable DWORD and select Delete.
4. Similarly also delete the following keys ProxyServer, Migrate Proxy, and Proxy Override.
5. Reboot your PC normally to save changes and see if you are able to fix something went wrong with the proxy server error.
Method 3: Disable VPN/Antivirus Program
You can easily disable your VPN or Antivirus program, but sometimes it also depends on which type of VPN you are currently using. Some VPNs are installed on their PC using an installer whereas others are browser-based plugins.
The basic principle is to either turn off the firewall/proxy settings from the Antivirus program or disable the VPN. Open the antivirus program, go to its Settings, and disable the Antivirus & turn off the firewall. You may also uninstall the antivirus program altogether if you find it tricky to configure. Being on Windows 10, Windows Defender Security measures are always there even though there is no antivirus program installed.
1. Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.
2. Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.
Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible for example 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3. Once done, again try to connect to the WiFi network and check if you’re able to fix there is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server error.
Most of the VPN programs have an icon in the system tray (while they are running), just click on its icon and turn off the VPN. If there is a browser plugin for VPN active, you can go to the browser’s addon page and uninstall it.
Also Read: How to Fix The proxy server isn’t responding
If this does not solve your problem of not being able to access the internet because of some proxy misconfiguration, then continue with the next method.
Method 4: Reset Google Chrome to Default
If the problem exists only in the Google Chrome Browser and on another browser such as Mozilla Firefox you’re able to access the internet, then the issue is with Chrome. Firefox may still be able to connect to the internet even in case of system-wide wrong proxy settings because it can override the proxy settings. So make sure Microsft Edge/Internet Explorer or any other web browsers work fine, and then only reset Google Chrome to fix the issue.
1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner, then select the Settings option.
2. Click on the Advanced Settings option in the left navigation pane. In the list that collapses, choose the option labeled Reset & Clean-Up. Then select the option Restore settings to their original defaults.
3. In the pop-up box that appears, select Reset settings to clear all the saved cookies, cache data, and other temporary files.
Method 5: Re-install Google Chrome
If the above method doesn’t work for you and the issue still persists on the Chrome Browser, then there is only one thing left to try. You have to uninstall Google Chrome and reinstall it again.
1. Open the Settings app in Windows 10. Use the Windows Key+S key combination shortcut to do so quickly. Go to Apps.
2. Scroll down the list of applications and features to find Google Chrome. Click on the Uninstall button at the right-hand side of the application name then again click on the Uninstall button in the popup box when prompted.
3. Visit google.com/chrome and click on the Download Chrome button to download the latest version of Chrome Installer.
4. Run the downloaded installer. It will download the necessary files and install chrome on your machine.
Also Read: 10 Ways To Fix Slow Page Loading In Google Chrome
Method 6: Perform System Restore
If you’re still facing the “There is no internet connection” error then the final recommendation would be restoring your PC to an earlier working configuration. Using System Restore you can revert all your current configuration of the system to an earlier time when the system was working correctly. However, you need to make sure that you have at least one system restore point otherwise you cannot restore your device. Now if you have a restore point then it will bring your system to the previous working condition without affecting your stored data.
1. Type control in Windows Search then click on the “Control Panel” shortcut from the search result.
2. Switch the ‘View by’ mode to ‘Small icons’.
3. Click on ‘Recovery’.
4. Click on ‘Open System Restore’ to undo recent system changes. Follow all the steps needed.
5. Now from the Restore system files and settings window click on Next.
6. Select the restore point and make sure this restore point is created before you were facing “There is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server” issue.
7. If you can’t find old restore points then checkmark “Show more restore points” and then select the restore point.
8. Click Next and then review all the settings you configured.
9. Finally, click Finish to start the restore process.
Method 7: Reset Network Configuration
1. Open elevated Command Prompt using any one of the methods listed here.
2. Now type the following command and press Enter after each one:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
3. Again open Admin Command Prompt and type the following and hit enter after each one:
ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat –r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
4. Reboot to apply changes. Flushing DNS seems to fix There is no internet connection error.
Method 8: Reset Windows 10
If any of these fixes did not work for you, or if the problem is not limited to Google Chrome and you can’t fix it, you can try resetting your PC.
Resetting your PC might also help in the cases where a suspicious application or malware has been automatically resetting your proxy settings to some invalid configuration to prevent you from accessing the internet. All your files on the drives other than the Windows drive itself will not be deleted. However, data on the Windows Drive as well as installed applications along with their settings will be lost. So make sure you create a backup of everything before resetting your PC.
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security.
2. In the left navigation pane, choose Recovery and then click on Get Started button under the Reset this PC section.
3. Select the option to Keep my files.
4. For the next step you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.
5. Now, select your version of Windows and click on only the drive where Windows is installed > Just remove my files.
6. Click on the Reset button.
7. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the reset.
8. Once you complete the resetting process, try connecting to the internet again.
Also Read: How to Reset Your Password in Windows 10
“There is no internet connection” error because of some wrong configuration of proxy is not suitable for anyone. It kills the purpose of having a device with everything but no internet connection. As we have discussed, the error shown on Google Chrome about being unable to connect to the internet because of some incorrect proxy settings is just the Google Chrome internal settings error, or it may be system-wide.
Even though it is not rare to find oneself in such a situation without tampering with any settings before this issue, it is more probable that a virus or some form of malware has caused this issue. The virus can penetrate a system through a downloaded installation file which did not come from a reliable source or an infected email. Even a secure looking pdf can be the source of the virus. In such cases, it is advised to first remove malware from Windows 10 and if that didn’t work then try to reset the system itself.
Plugins that contain malware or too many advertisements can be a sign of such a threat. So make sure you install plugins that were developed by some renowned developer and always check the user ratings before installing any application or a browser plugin.