尝试在Netflix上播放电视节目或电影时,您是否一直遇到错误代码M7053-1803?这是基于 Chromium 的浏览器(例如Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge和Opera )的问题。了解如何在 PC 和Mac上修复(Mac)Netflix错误代码M7053-1803。
出于多种原因,Netflix倾向于在Google Chrome和其他Chromium浏览器中抛出错误代码M7053-1803 。例如,它可能是浏览器的小错误或故障、损坏的 Web 缓存或冲突的扩展程序。通过以下建议和解决方案修复Windows或 macOS
中的Netflix错误代码M7053-1803 。

最好先在 PC 或Mac上退出并重新启动 Web 浏览器。这解决了阻止Netflix加载的小错误和问题,还有助于完成部分完整的浏览器更新。
注意:在 macOS 中,按住 Control 键并单击(Control-click)Dock上的浏览器并选择退出(Quit)以确保您完全退出它。
2. 重新启动您的 PC 或 Mac
如果重新启动您的 Chromium 网络浏览器没有帮助,请尝试重新启动您的计算机。要重新启动Windows PC,请打开“开始(Start)”菜单并选择Power > Restart” 。

3. 强制更新您的网络浏览器
Netflix错误代码M7053-1803也可能出现在过时版本的Chromium上。尽管像谷歌浏览(Google Chrome)器这样的浏览器倾向于自动更新,但这可能并不总是发生。这就是为什么强制更新浏览器总是一个好主意。
例如,在Google Chrome浏览器中,打开Chrome菜单(选择窗口右上角的三个点)并选择 About Google Chrome。

如果有待处理的更新,Chrome会自动下载并安装它——选择重新启动(Relaunch)以完成更新。了解如何在 PC和Mac上更新其他基于 Chromium 的浏览器(update other Chromium-based browsers on PC)。
4. 删除Netflix 索引数据库(Netflix Index Database)
该过程在大多数Chromium Web 浏览器中都类似。例如,在谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)中:
- 尝试加载Netflix。然后,选择地址栏上的锁定(Lock)图标并选择 Cookie。

- 在“正在使用的 Cookie”弹出窗口中,展开 www.netflix.com,然后选择索引(Indexed)数据库。

- Select Remove > Done。最后(Finally),选择搜索栏右侧的重新加载(Reload)按钮以重新加载Netflix选项卡。如果损坏的索引数据库是问题的根源,您应该能够很好地流式传输内容。
如果Netflix的M7053-1803错误代码仍然存在,请清除浏览器的临时缓存以解决由错误的Netflix cookie 引起的问题。为此,请打开一个新的浏览器选项卡,然后按Shift + Ctrl + Delete (PC) 或Shift + Command + Delete ( Mac )。

加载(Load)Netflix网站,使用您的 Netflix 帐户凭据登录,流媒体(Netflix)服务可能会再次开始正常工作。
如果您需要更多帮助,请查看我们在 Windows 和 Mac 上的任何浏览器中清除缓存(clearing the cache in any browser on Windows and Mac)的指南。
6.禁用所有活动的浏览器扩展(Active Browser Extensions)
为此,请打开Chrome菜单并选择更多Tools > Extensions。然后,禁用所有扩展并重新加载Netflix。

如果您使用Microsoft Edge,您可以通过打开Edge菜单并选择扩展来访问您的扩展。在Opera中,按Shift + Ctrl + E (PC) 或Shift + Command + E ( Mac )。
7.将浏览器设置(Browser Settings)重置为默认值
- 打开Google Chrome并在浏览器菜单上选择设置。

- 在侧边栏的 Chrome高级(Advanced)设置部分

- 选择将(Select Restore)设置恢复为原始默认值 >重置(Reset)设置以重置Chrome设置。

如果您使用 Microsoft Edge或Opera,请查看我们的指南,将 PC 和 Mac 上的任何浏览器重置为出厂默认设置(resetting any browser on PC and Mac to factory defaults)。
继续观看 Netflix
如果本教程中的故障排除提示都不起作用,请考虑在Firefox或Safari等非 Chromium 浏览器中观看Netflix。如果您使用 Windows,
也可以从 Microsoft Store 下载 Netflix 应用程序。(download the Netflix app from the Microsoft Store)
同时继续更新Google Chrome或您首选的Chromium浏览器,Netflix错误代码M7053-1803最终应该会消失。
7 Best Ways to Fix Netflix Error Code: M7053-1803
Do you keep running into error code M7053-1803 whіle attempting to play TV shows or movies on Netflix? It’s an issue with Chromium-based browsers like Google Сhrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. Learn how tо fix Netflix еrror code M7053-1803 on РC and Maс.
For several reasons, Netflix tends to throw out the error code M7053-1803 in Google Chrome and other Chromium browsers. For example, it could be a trivial bug or glitch with the browser, a corrupt web cache, or a conflicting extension. Work through the suggestions and solutions below to fix Netflix error code M7053-1803 in Windows or macOS.

1. Quit and Relaunch Your Browser
It’s best to begin by quitting and relaunching your web browser on your PC or Mac. That resolves minor bugs and issues that prevent Netflix from loading and also helps finalize partially complete browser updates.
Note: In macOS, Control-click your browser on the Dock and select Quit to ensure that you fully exit it.
2. Reboot Your PC or Mac
If restarting your Chromium web browser doesn’t help, try rebooting your computer next. To restart a Windows PC, open the Start menu and select Power > Restart.

If you use a Mac, open the Apple menu and select Restart. Then, uncheck the box next to Reopen windows when logging back in before you select Restart to confirm.
3. Force-Update Your Web Browser
Netflix error code M7053-1803 can also show up on outdated versions of Chromium. Although browsers like Google Chrome tend to auto-update themselves, that may not always happen. That’s why it’s always a good idea to force-update your browser.
For example, in the Google Chrome browser, open the Chrome menu (select the three dots on the right corner of the window) and select About Google Chrome.

If there’s a pending update, Chrome will automatically download and install it—select Relaunch to finalize the update. Learn how to update other Chromium-based browsers on PC and Mac.
4. Delete the Netflix Index Database
A corrupt Netflix index database is another common reason for Netflix error code M7053-1803. Delete Netflix’s indexed database (or IndexedDB) in Chrome or your web browser and check if that makes a difference.
The procedure is similar across most Chromium web browsers. For example, in Google Chrome:
- Attempt to load Netflix. Then, select the Lock icon on the address bar and choose Cookies.

- On the “Cookies in use” pop-up, expand www.netflix.com, and select Indexed databases.

- Select Remove > Done. Finally, select the Reload button to the right of the search bar to reload the Netflix tab. If a corrupt index database was the source of the issue, you should be able to stream content just fine.
5. Clear Your Web Browser’s Cache
If Netflix’s M7053-1803 error code persists, clear your browser’s temporary cache to resolve issues caused by bad Netflix cookies. To do that, open a new browser tab and press Shift + Ctrl + Delete (PC) or Shift + Command + Delete (Mac).
On the Clear browsing data box that shows up, check the boxes next to Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files and set the Time range to All time. Finally, press Enter or select Clear data.

Load the Netflix website, sign in with your Netflix account credentials, and the chances are that the streaming service will start to work correctly again.
If you need additional help, check our guide to clearing the cache in any browser on Windows and Mac.
6. Disable All Active Browser Extensions
Sometimes, conflicting extensions—specifically content blockers—can stop Netflix from working correctly. The only way to confirm is to disable all active extensions in your Chromium browser.
To do that, open the Chrome menu and select More Tools > Extensions. Then, disable all extensions and reload Netflix.

If that helps, reactivate each extension individually until you identify the problematic add-on.
If you use Microsoft Edge, you can access your extensions by opening the Edge menu and selecting Extensions. In Opera, press Shift + Ctrl + E (PC) or Shift + Command + E (Mac).
7. Reset Browser Settings to Defaults
If none of the fixes above help, it’s time to reset your browser to factory defaults. That should resolve Netflix issues stemming from corrupt or inconsistent browser settings.
If you use Google Chrome:
- Open Google Chrome and select Settings on the browser menu.

- Choose the Reset settings option under Chrome’s Advanced settings section on the sidebar.

- Select Restore settings to their original defaults > Reset settings to reset Chrome settings.

Sign into Netflix and check if it works. If it does, re-activate any extensions you want and re-configure your browsing preferences.
If you use Microsoft Edge or Opera, check our guide to resetting any browser on PC and Mac to factory defaults.
Continue Watching Netflix
If none of the troubleshooting tips in this tutorial work, consider watching Netflix in a non-Chromium browser like Firefox or Safari. You can also download the Netflix app from the Microsoft Store if you use Windows.
Keep updating Google Chrome or your preferred Chromium browser in the meantime, and the Netflix error code M7053-1803 should disappear eventually.