Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat app)激发用户即时捕捉精彩瞬间并为即时分享铺平道路。它们可以通过照片或视频,称为快照(snaps)。这些私下分享给朋友的快照或故事会在收件人打开 24 小时后消失。Snapchat的这一独特之处在用户中是最受追捧的。虽然后来其他社交媒体应用程序实现了这个属性,但它并没有影响Snapchat的流行。但是,当您点击时,此应用中的快照也会出现加载错误,例如Snapchat不会加载快照或故事。如果您遇到此问题,那么本关于如何修复Snapchat无法加载故事的指南肯定会对您有所帮助。
如何修复 Snapchat 无法在 Android 设备上加载故事或快照
(How to Fix Snapchat Won’t Load Stories or Snaps on Android Devices
- 没有任何错误消息(error message)的空白屏幕,
- 无法查看特定用户的快照,或
- 预览灰色图片。
这些错误首先在您的Android 设备(Android device)上发生的一些原因(reasons)是:
- Android 设备(Android device)上的互联网连接(internet connection)不稳定
- Snapchat 服务器端的(Snapchat server-side)中断
- Snapchat 应用(Snapchat app)的数据或电池节省(battery saving)限制
- 您设备上的Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat app)版本过时
- 已禁用Snapchat 应用(Snapchat app)的Android权限(Android)
注意:(Note:)由于智能手机没有相同的设置(Settings)选项,并且它们因制造商而异,因此,在更改任何设置之前,请确保设置正确。本文使用的截图来自三星 M12 安卓手机(Samsung M12 Android phone)。
方法 1:检查 Snapchat 服务器状态(Method 1: Check Snapchat Server Status)
方法 2:解决 Internet 连接问题
(Method 2: Resolve Internet Connectivity Issue
产生问题的并不总是应用程序。网络连接(network connectivity)也可能是罪魁祸首。尝试在您的手机上打开Google Chrome或YouTube以检查网络稳定性(network stability)。
- 如果您使用移动数据,则切换到 Wi-Fi,反之亦然( switch to Wi-Fi and vice versa)。
- 如果您使用的是VPN,请切换到另一台服务器或断开 VPN(disconnect VPN)。这是因为通常Snapchat如果检测到VPN将无法工作。
1. 退出Snapchat并打开 Android 手机上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 点击连接(Connections)选项,如图所示。
3. 根据您的连接,点击突出显示的Wi-Fi或移动网络( Mobile network)选项。切换关闭(Toggle off ),然后 切换(Toggle)到( on)相应的网络。
4. 最后,重新打开(reopen) Snapchat应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)水果在 Snapchat 上意味着什么?
方法 3:注销并重新登录 Snapchat 帐户
(Method 3: Log Out and Log Back into Snapchat Account
这也可能是由于与应用程序相关的问题。因此,您可以退出应用程序并(app and log)重新登录以修复Snapchat不会加载故事问题,如下所示:
1.在您的手机上打开Snapchat 。
2. 点击左上角的个人资料(Profile) 图标(icon)。
3. 点击设置齿轮图标(gear icon),如图所示。
4. 向下滑动屏幕并点击注销(Log Out )选项。
5. 点击注销(Log Out)确认提示。
6. 现在,输入您的密码重新(Password.)登录。(log back in)
方法4:重启设备和Snapchat App
(Method 4: Restart Device & Snapchat App
应用程序有可能未正确启动,从而导致不必要的并发症。因此,值得一试并重新启动您的手机和 Snapchat(phone & Snapchat)应用程序。
1. 关闭手机上的Snapchat应用程序。
2. 同时按住音量(Volume)和电源(Power)按钮。
3. 点击手机上的重启(Restart)图标,手机会自动重启。
4. 然后,打开设置(Settings)应用程序并点击应用程序(Apps)选项,如图所示。
5. 找到Snapchat并点击它。
6. 在 Snapchat应用信息(App info)页面上,点击突出显示的强制停止(Force stop)图标。
7.重新启动 Snapchat(Relaunch Snapchat)应用并检查是否可以加载快照。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Snapchat 上获得验证?
方法 5:更新 Snapchat(Method 5: Update Snapchat)
使用旧版本的应用程序可能会导致加载错误。要更新Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat application),请执行以下步骤:
1.在手机上打开Play商店。(Play Store)然后,搜索Snapchat。
注意:(Note:) iPhone 用户应使用App Store。
方法 6:更新手机操作系统(Method 6: Update Phone OS)
1.在您的 Android 手机上打开设置应用程序。(Settings)
2. 导航并在选项中选择软件更新(Software update ),如图所示。
3. 如果需要系统更新,请点击下载并安装(Download and install),如下图所示。
4. 然后,点击下载(Download )按钮更新系统软件(system software),如图所示。
5. 更新完成后,重启手机(restart your phone)并打开Snapchat 应用(Snapchat app)。检查您现在是否可以加载快照或故事。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 20 款最佳手机追踪应用
方法 7:更改 DNS(Method 7: Change DNS)
1. 如图所示,转到设置(Settings)>连接(Connections)。
2. 在连接(Connections)选项卡上,选择Wi-Fi选项,如图所示。
3. 在 Wi-Fi 页面上,点击当前网络(Current network)突出显示的设置齿轮(gear) 图标(icon)。
4. 然后,点击高级(Advanced )下拉选项。
5. 选择突出显示的IP 设置(IP settings)并将DHCP更改为Static。
6. 另外,进行以下更改并点击保存(Save)。
DNS 1 –
DNS 2 –
方法 8:删除数据保护程序限制(Method 8: Remove Data Saver Restrictions)
所有Android手机都提供数据保护功能(data saver feature),可在有限的互联网可用性期间消除任何后台数据使用以保留数据。这可能是导致此问题的原因,并且必须取消限制并豁免Snapchat,如下所述:
1. 打开设置(Settings)应用程序并点击连接(Connections)选项。
2. 在连接(Connections)页面上,点击数据使用(Data usage)选项,如图所示。
3. 点击下一个屏幕上的数据保护程序选项。(Data saver)
4. 在数据保护程序(Data saver)菜单中,关闭立即开启(Turn on now)选项以禁用它。
5.接下来,点击允许在数据保护程序开启时使用数据(Allowed to use data while Data saver is on )选项。
6. 现在,搜索Snapchat并将其打开(on)。
7. 现在,检查您是否可以在取消限制后自动加载快照。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Snapchat上创建地理(Geo)围栏故事(Story)
方法 9:免除 Snapchat 的节电限制(Method 9: Exempt Snapchat from Battery Saver Restrictions)
就像免除Snapchat的数据保护程序限制一样,如果前一种方法(method isn)不起作用,则有必要使Snapchat免受电池保护程序的限制。实施下面提到的步骤来做到这一点:
1.在您的 Android 手机上打开设置应用程序。(Settings)
2. 点击电池和设备保养(Battery and device care)选项,如图所示。
3. 在设备维护(Device care)页面上,点击突出显示的电池(Battery)选项。
4. 确保关闭省电模式(Power saving mode)选项以禁用电池保护程序(battery saver)。
5. 再次,转到设置(Settings)选项并点击应用程序(Apps),如图所示。
6. 在这里,点击Snapchat应用程序,如突出显示的那样。
7. 在 Snapchat应用信息(App info)页面上,点击电池(Battery)选项。
8.在管理电池使用(Manage battery usage )部分下切换允许后台活动(Allow background activity)选项。
方法 10:启用应用权限(Method 10: Enable App Permissions)
如果上述方法均无法解决Snapchat无法加载Stories 问题(Stories issue),则Snapchat可能无法从您的手机获得位置、存储等权限。执行下面给出的步骤以检查然后启用禁用的Snapchat权限,视情况而定:
2.像之前一样进入设置(Settings )页面。
4.通过点击点击启用选项启用应用程序所需的所有(Tap to enable)权限(Permissions),如下所示。
注意:(Note:)下面以位置为例(example below)。确保(Make)也启用所有其他权限。
5. 在位置权限(Location permission)选项卡上,点击始终允许(Allow all the time)以始终为此应用程序提供位置访问权限。(location access)
6. 最后,关闭并重新打开Snapchat并尝试加载快照或故事。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何修复点击(Fix Tap)加载Snapchat 错误(Load Snapchat Error)
方法11:删除应用缓存(Method 11: Delete App Cache)
高速缓存是在CPU 内存(CPU memory)中临时存储数据的过程。所有应用程序都有缓存以实现高效运行,但有时,缓存过载会影响应用程序,导致加载错误。因此,执行给定的步骤并删除Snapchat 缓存(Snapchat cache):
1.在您的设备上启动Snapchat 。
2. 在您的个人资料(Profile)中,点击右上角的设置齿轮图标(gear icon)。
3. 在 Snapchat设置(Settings)页面上,点击帐户操作(Account Actions)部分下的清除缓存(Clear Cache)选项。
4. 出现一个弹出选项卡。点击继续(Continue )以清除应用缓存。
5. 清除缓存后,关闭并重新启动(relaunch) Snapchat。
方法 12:清除 Snapchat 对话(Method 12: Clear Snapchat Conversations)
清除Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat application)中的对话可能会修复Snapchat无法加载故事的问题。
2. 导航至您的个人资料(Profile)并点击设置齿轮图标( gear icon),如下图所示。
3. 点击隐私部分下的(Privacy)清除对话(Clear Conversation)选项,如图所示。
4. 然后,点击您朋友对话的叉号,如图所示。(cross mark)
5. 在弹出选项卡上,点击清除(Clear)以清除所选对话。
方法 13:在 Snapchat 中删除和添加好友(Method 13: Remove and Add Friends in Snapchat)
如果即使在清除对话后Snapchat仍无法加载故事问题(Stories issue),另一种选择是删除您无法加载其快照或故事的用户,然后重新添加它们。请按照以下步骤操作:
2. 转到您的个人资料(Profile)并点击我的朋友(My Friends),如图所示。
3.从列表中选择您朋友的名字。(friend’s name)
4. 点击查看好友(View Friendship),如下图。
5. 点击 屏幕 右上角的(right corner)三点图标。(Three-dotted icon)
6. 点击删除好友(Remove Friend)。
7. 然后,在弹出页面上选择删除(Remove),如下图所示。
8. 删除后,关闭(close)应用程序。
9. 然后,再次启动(launch)它并转到个人资料(Profile)页面。
10. 点击添加朋友(Add Friends)。
11. 搜索您朋友的名字(friend’s name)并重新添加。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)Snapchat(Snapchat Mean)上的数字(Numbers)是什么意思?
方法 14:重新安装应用程序(Method 14: Reinstall Application)
如果上述方法均不适用于您修复Snapchat无法加载Stories 问题(Stories issue),最后的选择是从您的手机中卸载该应用程序并重新安装。
1.长按Snapchat应用并点击卸载( Uninstall)选项将其删除。
2. 然后,启动Play Store并搜索Snapchat 应用程序(Snapchat app)。
3. 点击安装(Install),在您的手机上下载最新版本的Snapchat ,如图所示。(Snapchat)
4. 现在,登录(log) 您的Snapchat(in)帐户并享受(Snapchat account & enjoy)使用它的乐趣。
- 修复 Windows 错误 0 ERROR_SUCCESS
- 90 多个隐藏的 Android 密码
- 如何在Snapchat上查找某人的生日(Birthday)
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复 Snapchat 无法加载快照或故事的(fix Snapchat won’t load snaps or stories) 问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Snapchat Won’t Load Stories
The Snapchat app inspires users to capture moments instantly and paves the way to share them instantly. They can bе either through photos or videos, referred to as snaps. These snaps or stories shared to friends privately vanish after 24 hours the recipient opens it. This unique aspect of Snapchat is the most sought-after among users. Though other social media applications later implemented this attribute, it did not impact the popularity of Snapchat. But, the snaps in this app also come with loading errors whenever you tap, such as Snapchat won’t load snaps or stories. If you have this issue, then this guide on how to fix Snapchat won’t load stories will certainly help you.
How to Fix Snapchat Won’t Load Stories or Snaps on Android Devices
The said errors could be:
- blank screen without any error message,
- unable to view snaps of a specific user, or
- preview of a grey picture.
And some of the reasons for these errors to transpire on your Android device in the first place are:
- Unstable internet connection on the Android device
- Disruption at the Snapchat server-side
- Data or battery saving restrictions for the Snapchat app
- Outdated version of the Snapchat app on your device
- Disabled permissions from Android for the Snapchat app
So to resolve these mentioned issues, follow the methods listed below to fix the same.
Note: Since smartphones don’t have the same Settings options, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any. The screenshots used in this article are taken from the Samsung M12 Android phone.
Method 1: Check Snapchat Server Status
There is the possibility of Snapchat not working for anyone. It could be due to issues with Snapchat servers. Thus, it is recommended to check:
Method 2: Resolve Internet Connectivity Issue
It is not always the app that creates an issue; network connectivity could also be the culprit. Try opening Google Chrome or YouTube on your mobile to check the network stability.
- If you are using mobile data, then switch to Wi-Fi and vice versa.
- If you are using a VPN, switch to another server or disconnect VPN. It is because usually Snapchat won’t work if it detects VPN.
Follow the steps given below to reconnect to network to fix Snapchat won’t load Snaps or Stories issue:
1. Exit Snapchat and Open the Settings application on your Android phone.
2. Tap on the Connections option as shown.
3. Tap the Wi-Fi or Mobile network option as highlighted as per your connectivity. Toggle off and then Toggle on the respective network.
4. Finally, reopen Snapchat application.
Also Read: What does Fruit mean on Snapchat?
Method 3: Log Out and Log Back into Snapchat Account
This may also be due to app-related issues. So, you can log out of the app and log back in to fix Snapchat won’t load stories issue as follow:
1. Open Snapchat on your mobile.
2. Tap on the Profile icon at the top left corner.
3. Tap on the Settings gear icon as shown.
4. Swipe down the screen and tap Log Out option.
5. Confirm the prompt by tapping Log Out.
6. Now, log back in again by entering your Password.
Method 4: Restart Device & Snapchat App
There are chances that the application was not initiated properly, thus leading to unnecessary complications. Therefore, it is worth a shot to try and restart your phone & Snapchat app as well.
1. Close the Snapchat application on your phone.
2. Press and hold the Volume and Power button together.
3. Tap on the Restart icon on your phone, which automatically restarts your phone.
4. Then, open the Settings application and tap Apps option as depicted.
5. Locate Snapchat and tap on it.
6. On the Snapchat App info page, tap the Force stop icon shown highlighted.
7. Relaunch Snapchat app and check if you can load snaps.
Also Read: How to Get Verified on Snapchat?
Method 5: Update Snapchat
Using an older version of the application could possibly cause a loading error. To update the Snapchat application, implement the steps given below:
1. Open Play Store on the mobile phone. Then, search for Snapchat.
Note: iPhone users should use the App Store.
2A. If a new update is available, tap Update.
2B. If the application is already up-to-date, then it will show Open option. In this case, try the next solution.
Method 6: Update Phone OS
The phone manufacturers release software updates after troubleshooting the bugs that persisted in the phone. Updating your phone could likely fix Snapchat not loading snaps issue. Follow the steps given below to check and update OS if required:
1. Open the Settings application on your Android phone.
2. Navigate and select Software update in the options, as shown.
3. If a system update requires, tap on Download and install, as illustrated below.
4. Then, tap the Download button to update the system software as shown.
5. After updating, restart your phone and open the Snapchat app. Check if you can load snaps or stories now.
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Method 7: Change DNS
Many users fixed the issue by changing the DNS settings on their phones. It is worth a shot to implement this idea and check if the same works for you.
1. Go to Settings > Connections as depicted.
2. On the Connections tab, select the Wi-Fi option as illustrated.
3. On the Wi-Fi page, tap the Setting gear icon as highlighted for your Current network.
4. Then, tap the Advanced drop-down option.
5. Select the IP settings as highlighted and change DHCP to Static.
6. Also, make the following changes and tap Save.
DNS 1 –
DNS 2 –
Method 8: Remove Data Saver Restrictions
All Android phones offer a data saver feature that eliminates any background data usage to preserve data during limited internet availability. It possibly could be a reason for this issue, and it is essential to remove the restrictions and exempt Snapchat as explained below:
1. Open the Settings application and tap on the Connections option.
2. On the Connections page, tap the Data usage option as shown.
3. Tap the Data saver option on the next screen.
4. In the Data saver menu, toggle off the Turn on now option to disable it.
5. Next, tap the Allowed to use data while Data saver is on option.
6. Now, search for Snapchat and toggle it on.
7. Now, check if you can load snaps automatically after removing the restrictions. If not, try the next fix.
Also Read: How to Create a Geo fenced Story on Snapchat
Method 9: Exempt Snapchat from Battery Saver Restrictions
Like exempting Snapchat from data-saver restrictions, it is necessary to exempt Snapchat from battery-saver restrictions if the former method isn’t working. Implement the steps mentioned below to do so:
1. Open the Settings application on your Android phone.
2. Tap the Battery and device care option as shown.
3. On the Device care page, tap the Battery option as highlighted.
4. Ensure to toggle off the Power saving mode option to disable the battery saver.
5. Again, go to the Settings options and tap Apps as shown.
6. Here, tap on Snapchat app as shown highlighted.
7. On the Snapchat App info page, tap the Battery option.
8. Toggle on Allow background activity option under Manage battery usage section.
Method 10: Enable App Permissions
If none of the above methods works to fix Snapchat won’t load Stories issue, there is a possibility of Snapchat not getting permission for location, storage, and more from your phone. Implement the steps given below to check for and then, enable disabled Snapchat permissions, as the case maybe:
1. Open the Snapchat application on your phone.
2. Go to the Settings page as done earlier.
3. Here, tap the Permission option under the Privacy section.
4. Enable all the required Permissions to the app by tapping Tap to enable option shown highlighted below.
Note: Location is used as an example below. Make sure to enable all other permissions too.
5. On the Location permission tab, tap Allow all the time to provide the location access for this app always.
6. Finally, close and reopen Snapchat and try loading snaps or stories.
Also Read: How to Fix Tap to Load Snapchat Error
Method 11: Delete App Cache
A cache is a process of storing data temporarily on the CPU memory. All apps have a cache for efficient functioning, but sometimes, overloading of cache impacts the application resulting in loading errors. Thus, implement the steps given and delete the Snapchat cache:
1. Launch Snapchat on your device.
2. On your Profile, tap the Settings gear icon present at the top right corner.
3. On the Snapchat Settings page, tap the Clear Cache option under Account Actions section.
4. A popup tab appears. Tap Continue to clear app cache.
5. Once the cache is cleared, close and relaunch Snapchat.
Method 12: Clear Snapchat Conversations
Clearing the conversations in the Snapchat application could probably, fix Snapchat won’t load stories issue.
Note: Clearing chats does not delete sent or saved messages.
1. Launch the Snapchat application on your mobile phone.
2. Navigate to your Profile and tap the Settings gear icon as depicted below.
3. Tap the Clear Conversation option under the Privacy section as shown.
4. Then, tap on the cross mark for your friend’s conversations as shown.
5. On the popup tab, tap Clear to clear the chosen conversation.
6. Repeat the same for all conversations and reopen app.
Method 13: Remove and Add Friends in Snapchat
If Snapchat won’t load Stories issue persists even after clearing the conversation, another option is to remove the user whose snaps or stories you are unable to load, and re-add them. Follow the steps below:
Note: It is important to notice here that it will remove all the previously sent and received snaps.
1. Launch the Snapchat application on your phone.
2. Go to your Profile and tap on My Friends as illustrated.
3. Select your friend’s name from the list.
4. Tap View Friendship, as shown below.
5. Tap on the Three-dotted icon on the top right corner of the screen.
6. Tap Remove Friend.
7. Then, select Remove on the popup page as shown below.
8. Once removed, close the application.
9. Then, launch it again and go to the Profile page.
10. Tap Add Friends.
11. Search for your friend’s name and add it again.
Also Read: What Do The Numbers on Snapchat Mean?
Method 14: Reinstall Application
If none of the above methods worked for you to fix Snapchat won’t load Stories issue, the final option is to uninstall the app from your phone and install it again.
1. Long press the Snapchat app and tap the Uninstall option to delete it.
2. Then, launch Play Store and search for the Snapchat app.
3. Tap Install to download the latest version of Snapchat on your mobile phone, as shown.
4. Now, log in to your Snapchat account & enjoy using it.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Snapchat won’t load snaps or stories issue. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.