您是否遇到过此消息:您的 PC 遇到问题,需要重新启动。我们只是在收集一些错误信息,然后我们会为您重新启动(Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we’ll restart for you)?如果是,则在该过程 100% 完成之前,您不能做任何事情。因此(Hence),在本文中,您将学习各种修复程序,这些修复程序将帮助您解决Windows 10中的黄屏死机错误(death error)。死(Death)屏错误由Microsoft进行颜色编码,以帮助他们轻松识别每个错误的严重性并提供快速(quick)和相关的解决方案。每个死亡错误(death error)屏幕都有明确的症状、原因和解决方案。其中一些是:
- 蓝屏死机 (BSoD)
- 黄屏死机
- 红屏死机
- 黑屏死机等
如何修复 Windows 10 中的黄屏死机错误(How to Fix Yellow Screen of Death Error in Windows 10)
当ASP.NET Web 应用程序触发问题或崩溃(problem or crashes)时,通常会出现黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机错误(Death error)。ASP.NET是(ASP.NET)Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)中用于Web 开发人员构建网页的开源Web 应用程序框架。(web application framework)其他原因可能是:
- 损坏的系统文件
- 过时或损坏的驱动程序
- Windows 10 更新中的错误。
- 冲突的应用程序
下面列出了修复上述错误的不同方法。逐一实施它们以找到适合您 PC 的解决方案。(Implement)
方法一:更新驱动(Method 1: Update Drivers)
如果驱动程序已过时,则Windows 10 PC 上可能会出现黄屏错误。(Yellow screen)因此(Hence),更新驱动程序应该会有所帮助。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并键入设备管理器(Device Manager)。然后,按 Enter 键(Enter)将其打开。
2. 搜索并展开任何显示黄色警告标记的(yellow caution mark)设备类型(Device type)。
注意:(Note:)这通常位于“其他设备(Other devices) ”部分下。
3. 选择驱动程序(driver )(例如蓝牙外围设备(Bluetooth Peripheral Device))并右键单击它。然后,选择更新(Update) 驱动程序(driver )选项,如下图所示。
4. 单击自动(automatically)搜索(Search) 驱动(drivers)程序(for)。
5. Windows 将自动下载并安装更新(download and install updates)(如果可用)。
6. 更新驱动程序后,单击关闭(Close)并重新启动(restart)您的电脑。
方法2:重新安装驱动程序(Method 2: Reinstall Drivers)
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager),如前所述。
2. 右键单击出现 故障的设备驱动程序 (malfunctioning device driver )(例如HID 键盘设备(HID Keyboard Device))并选择卸载(Uninstall) 设备(device),如图所示。
3. 选中标记为 删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)的框 ,然后单击 卸载(Uninstall)。
4.重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)并重新连接 USB 外围设备。
5. 再次启动 设备管理器(Device Manager) 并单击 顶部菜单栏中的操作。(Action)
6. 选择 扫描硬件更改( Scan for hardware changes),如下图所示。
7. 在列表中 看到设备驱动程序后(device driver)重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC),没有感叹号(exclamation mark)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Windows 10 中的 I/O 设备错误
方法 3:更新 Windows(Method 3: Update Windows)
将您的 Windows 操作系统更新到最新版本可能会帮助您修复Windows 10上的黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机问题(Death issue)。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 单击检查更新(Check for updates )按钮。
4A。如果有可用更新,请单击立即(now)安装(Install) 。
4B。如果没有可用的更新,它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date)消息。
5.重新启动(Restart) 您的 PC(your PC)以使更改生效。
方法 4: 修复损坏的系统文件和硬盘中的坏扇区(Method 4: Repair Corrupt System Files & Bad Sectors in Hard Disk)
方法 4A:使用 chkdsk 命令(Method 4A: Use chkdsk Command)
检查磁盘命令(Check Disk command)用于扫描硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive)上的坏扇区并在可能的情况下修复它们。硬盘中的(HDD)坏(Bad)扇区可能会导致Windows无法读取重要的系统文件,从而导致黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机错误(Death error)。
1. 单击 开始(Start) 并键入 cmd。然后,单击 Run as Administrator,如图所示。
2.在“ 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”对话框中单击“ 是”进行确认。(Yes)
3. 键入chkdsk X: /f其中 X 代表您要扫描的驱动器分区。(drive partition )
4. 如果正在使用驱动器分区(drive partition),可能会提示您在下次启动期间安排扫描。在这种情况下,按Y并按Enter 键。
方法 4B:使用 DISM 和 SFC 修复损坏的系统文件
(Method 4B: Fix Corrupt System Files using DISM & SFC
损坏的系统(Corrupt system)文件也可能导致此问题。因此(Hence),运行部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing & Management)以及系统文件检查器(System File Checker)命令应该会有所帮助。
注意:(Note:)建议在执行SFC命令之前运行(SFC command)DISM命令,以确保其正确运行。
1.使用管理权限(Command Prompt with administrative privileges)启动 命令提示符, 如方法 4A(Method 4A)所示。
2. 在这里,一个接一个地键入给定的命令,然后按 Enter键执行这些命令。
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
3. 键入sfc /scannow 并按 Enter 键(Enter)。让扫描完成。
Verification 100% complete 消息,重新启动您的 PC 。
方法 4C:重建主引导记录(Method 4C: Rebuild Master Boot Record)
由于硬盘(Hard drive)扇区损坏,Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)无法正常启动,导致Windows 10(Windows 10)出现黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机错误(Death error)。要解决此问题,请执行以下步骤:
1.重新启动(Restart)计算机,同时按住 Shift键进入 高级启动(Advanced Startup) 菜单。
2. 在这里,点击 疑难解答(Troubleshoot),如图所示。
3. 然后,点击 高级选项(Advanced options)。
4. 从可用选项列表中选择命令提示符。(Command Prompt)计算机将再次启动。
5. 从账户列表中,选择 您的账户(your account)并 在下一页 输入 您的密码。(your password)点击 继续(Continue)。
6 、一一执行以下 命令 。(commands )
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bcdedit /export X:\bcdbackup
attrib X:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren X:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd
注 1(Note 1):在命令中, X 代表您要扫描的驱动器分区。(drive partition)
注意 2(Note 2): 当询问是否允许将安装添加到引导列表时,键入(boot list)Y 并按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
7. 现在,键入 exit并按Enter。点击 继续(Continue) 正常启动。
另请阅读:(Also Read: ) C:windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop 不可用:已修复
(Method 5: Remove Third-Party Interference in Safe Mode
以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动 PC可能是识别导致问题的有问题的应用程序的最佳方法,例如Windows 10中的黄屏错误(Yellow Screen error)。此后,您将能够卸载此类应用程序并正常启动您的 PC。
1. 重复方法 4C的(Method 4C )步骤 1-3(Steps 1-3),进入 Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Advanced options。
2. 点击启动设置(Startup Settings),如图。
3. 然后,单击重新启动(Restart)。
4. Windows 重新启动(Windows restarts)后,按4/F4进入安全模式(Safe Mode)。
检查系统是否在安全模式下(Safe Mode)正常运行。如果是这样,那么某些第三方应用程序必须与它发生冲突。因此(Hence),卸载此类程序以修复黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机错误(Death error),如下所示:
5. 搜索并启动应用和功能( Apps & features),如图所示。
6. 选择可能有问题的第三方应用,然后点击(third-party app)卸载(Uninstall)。例如,我们在下面删除了Skype。
阅读此处了解在Windows 10中退出安全模式的 2(Safe Mode)种方法(Ways)。
方法 6:扫描病毒和威胁(Method 6: Scan for Viruses & Threats)
扫描您的系统中的病毒和恶意软件并删除这些漏洞可能有助于修复黄屏错误(screen error)。
注意:(Note: )完整扫描通常需要更长的时间才能完成,因为它是一个彻底的过程。因此(Hence),请在非工作时间这样做。
1. 按照方法 3(Method 3)中的说明导航到Settings > Update & Security。
2. 单击左侧面板中的Windows 安全性和右侧面板中的(Windows Security)病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)。
3. 现在,选择扫描选项(Scan options)。
4. 选择全面扫描(Full scan )并点击立即扫描(Scan now)。
注意:(Note: )您可以最小化扫描窗口并进行日常工作,因为它将在后台运行。
5.恶意软件(Malware)将列在 当前威胁(Current threats) 部分下。因此,单击 开始操作(Start actions)以删除这些。
方法 7:执行干净启动(Method 7: Perform Clean Boot)
执行干净启动将在启动时禁用所有第三方服务,但Microsoft服务可能最终有助于修复黄屏死机问题(death issue)。在此处按照我们的文章在Windows 10中执行干净启动(Clean Boot)。
方法 8:执行自动修复(Method 8: Perform Automatic Repair)
以下是执行自动修复以修复黄屏死机问题(death problem)的步骤。
1. 进入Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Advanced options,如方法 4C(Method 4C)中的步骤 1-3(Steps 1-3)所示。
2. 在这里,选择自动修复(Automatic Repair)选项。
3. 按照屏幕上的说明解决此问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix Red Screen)Windows 10 上的红屏死机错误(Death Error)( RSOD )
方法9:执行启动修复(Method 9: Perform Startup Repair)
从Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)执行启动修复(Startup Repair)有助于修复与操作系统文件和系统服务相关的常见错误。阅读我们关于如何(How)将Windows 10 启动(Boot Windows 10)到恢复模式(Recovery Mode)的完整指南。
1. 重复方法 4C(Method 4C)中的步骤 1-3(Steps 1-3)。
2. 在高级选项(Advanced options)下,单击启动修复(Startup Repair)。
3. 这将引导您进入一个屏幕,该屏幕将自动诊断和修复错误。
方法 10:执行系统还原(Method 10: Perform System Restore)
当您无法修复黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机 Windows 10(Death Windows 10)错误时,请执行系统还原(system restore)。它将所有设置、首选项和应用程序恢复到创建系统还原点(system restore)的时间。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)在继续之前备份文件、数据和应用程序。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows Search )中键入还原点(restore point),然后单击创建还原点(Create a restore point)。
2. 选择系统还原(System Restore),如下所示。
3. 在这里,选择选择不同的还原点(Choose a different restore point)选项,然后单击下一步(Next)。
4. 现在,从列表中选择所需的系统还原点(System Restore Point),然后单击下一步(Next)。
4. 单击完成(Finish)。该过程会将系统恢复到以前的状态。
5. 等到完成并重新启动(restart) 您的电脑(your PC)。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10/8/7上的启动修复无限循环(Fix Startup Repair Infinite Loop)
方法 11:重置 Windows PC
(Method 11: Reset Windows PC
99% 的情况下,重置您的Windows将解决所有与软件相关的问题,包括病毒攻击、损坏的文件等。此方法会重新安装Windows 操作系统(operating system),而不会删除您的个人文件。
注意:在继续之前将所有重要数据(Note:) 备份(Backup)到外部驱动器或云存储中。
1.在Windows 搜索面板中输入(Windows Search Panel)reset并单击Reset this PC,如图所示。
2. 现在,点击开始(Get started)。
3. 它会要求您在两个选项之间进行选择。选择保留我的文件(Keep my files),这样您就不会丢失您的个人数据。
4. 现在,您的 PC 将重新启动几次。按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成该过程。
- 如何修复 Windows 11
- 如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)DNS 服务器(DNS Server)
- 修复 Windows 10 蓝屏错误
- 如何修复笔记本电脑屏幕上的线条
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复(fix) Windows 10 中的黄屏死机错误(yellow screen of death error in Windows 10)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分(comment section)。
Fix Windows 10 Yellow Screen of Death
Have you ever encountered this message: Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we’ll restart for you? If yes, you cannot do anything until the process is 100% completed. Hence, in this article, you will learn various fixes that will help you solve the yellow screen of death error in Windows 10. The Screen of Death errors are color-coded by Microsoft to help them easily identify the severity of each and to provide quick & relevant solutions. Each screen of death error has well-defined symptoms, reasons, and solutions. Some of these are:
- Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)
- Yellow Screen of Death
- Red Screen of Death
- Black Screen of Death etc.
How to Fix Yellow Screen of Death Error in Windows 10
The Yellow Screen of Death error generally appears when the ASP.NET web application triggers a problem or crashes. ASP.NET is an open-source web application framework used in Windows OS for web developers to build web pages. The other reasons could be:
- Corrupt system files
- Outdated or corrupt drivers
- Bugs in Windows 10 updates.
- Conflicting applications
A list of different methods to fix the said error is given below. Implement them one by one to find a solution for your PC.
Method 1: Update Drivers
If the drivers are outdated then, Yellow screen error may appear on your Windows 10 PC. Hence, updating the drivers should help.
1. Press the Windows key and type Device Manager. Then, hit Enter to open it.
2. Search and expand any Device type that is showing a yellow caution mark.
Note: This is generally found under Other devices section.
3. Select the driver (e.g. Bluetooth Peripheral Device ) and right-click on it. Then, choose Update driver option, as depicted below.
4. Click on Search automatically for drivers.
5. Windows will download and install updates automatically, if available.
6. After updating the driver, click on Close and restart your PC.
Method 2: Reinstall Drivers
If updating does not work, then you can uninstall and install the driver again.
1. Launch Device Manager, as earlier.
2. Right-click on the malfunctioning device driver (e.g. HID Keyboard Device) and choose Uninstall device, as depicted.
3. Check the box marked Delete the driver software for this device and click on Uninstall.
4. Restart your PC and reconnect the USB peripherals.
5. Again, launch Device Manager and click on Action from the menu bar at the top.
6. Select Scan for hardware changes, as illustrated below.
7. Restart your PC once you see the device driver back on the list, without the exclamation mark.
Also Read: Fix I/O Device Error in Windows 10
Method 3: Update Windows
Updating your Windows operating system to the latest version might help you fix Yellow Screen of Death issue on Windows 10.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click on Update & Security, as shown.
3. Click on Check for updates button.
4A. If there is an update available, click on Install now.
4B. If there is no update available, it will show You’re up to date message.
5. Restart your PC for changes to take effect.
Method 4: Repair Corrupt System Files & Bad Sectors in Hard Disk
Method 4A: Use chkdsk Command
Check Disk command is used to scan for bad sectors on the Hard Disk Drive and repair them, if possible. Bad sectors in HDD can result in Windows being unable to read important system files resulting in Yellow Screen of Death error.
1. Click on Start and type cmd. Then, click on Run as Administrator, as shown.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control dialog box to confirm.
3. Type chkdsk X: /f where X represents the drive partition that you want to scan.
4. You might get prompted to schedule the scan during the next boot in case the drive partition is being used. In this case, press Y and press the Enter key.
Method 4B: Fix Corrupt System Files using DISM & SFC
Corrupt system files can also result in this issue. Hence, running Deployment Image Servicing & Management and System File Checker commands should help.
Note: It is advisable to run DISM commands before executing SFC command in order to make sure it runs correctly.
1. Launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges as shown in Method 4A.
2. Here, type the given commands, one after the other, and press Enter key to execute these.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
3. Type sfc /scannow and hit Enter. Let the scan be completed.
4. Restart your PC once Verification 100% complete message is displayed.
Method 4C: Rebuild Master Boot Record
Due to corrupt Hard drive sectors, Windows OS is not able to boot properly resulting in the Yellow Screen of Death error in Windows 10. To fix this, follow these steps:
1. Restart your computer while pressing the Shift key to enter the Advanced Startup menu.
2. Here, click on Troubleshoot, as shown.
3. Then, click on Advanced options.
4. Choose Command Prompt from the list of available options. The computer will boot once again.
5. From the list of accounts, choose your account and enter your password on the next page. Click on Continue.
6. Execute the following commands one by one.
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bcdedit /export X:\bcdbackup
attrib X:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren X:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd
Note 1: In the commands, X represents the drive partition that you want to scan.
Note 2: Type Y and press Enter key when asked for permission to add installation to the boot list.
7. Now, type exit and hit Enter. Click on Continue to boot normally.
Also Read: C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is Unavailable: Fixed
Method 5: Remove Third-Party Interference in Safe Mode
Booting your PC in Safe Mode is probably the best idea to identify the problematic applications causing issues such as the Yellow Screen error in Windows 10. Thereafter, you will be able to uninstall such apps and boot your PC normally.
1. Repeat Steps 1-3 of Method 4C to go to Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Advanced options.
2. Click on Startup Settings, as shown.
3. Then, click on Restart.
4. Once Windows restarts, then press 4/F4 to enter Safe Mode.
Check if the system runs normally in Safe Mode. If it does, then some third-party apps must be conflicting with it. Hence, uninstall such programs to fix Yellow Screen of Death error as follows:
5. Search & launch Apps & features, as shown.
6. Select the third-party app that may be trouble-causing and click on Uninstall. For instance, we have deleted Skype below.
Read here to learn 2 Ways to Exit Safe Mode in Windows 10.
Method 6: Scan for Viruses & Threats
Scanning your system for viruses & malware and removing these vulnerabilities could help fix yellow screen error.
Note: Full scan generally takes longer to complete because it is a thorough process. Hence, do so during your non-working hours.
1. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security as instructed in Method 3.
2. Click on Windows Security in the left panel and Virus & threat protection in the right panel.
3. Now, select Scan options.
4. Select Full scan and click on Scan now.
Note: You can minimize the scan window and do your usual work as it will run in the background.
5. Malware will be listed under the Current threats section. Thus, click on Start actions to remove these.
Method 7: Perform Clean Boot
Performing a clean boot will disable all the third-party services at startup except for Microsoft services which may ultimately help in fixing the yellow screen of death issue. Follow our article to Perform Clean Boot in Windows 10 here.
Method 8: Perform Automatic Repair
Here are the steps to perform the automatic repair to fix yellow screen of death problem.
1. Go to Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Advanced options as shown in Steps 1-3 from Method 4C.
2. Here, select the Automatic Repair option.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to fix this issue.
Also Read: Fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10
Method 9: Perform Startup Repair
Performing a Startup Repair from Windows Recovery Environment is helpful in fixing common errors related to the OS files and system services. Read our complete guide on How to Boot Windows 10 into Recovery Mode.
1. Repeat Steps 1-3 from Method 4C.
2. Under Advanced options, click on Startup Repair.
3. This will direct you to a screen, which will diagnose and fix errors automatically.
Method 10: Perform System Restore
When you are not able to fix Yellow Screen of Death Windows 10 error, then perform a system restore. It will revert back all the settings, preferences, and applications to a time when the system restore point was created.
Note: Make sure to backup files, data, and applications before proceeding.
1. Type restore point in Windows Search and click on Create a restore point.
2. Select System Restore, as highlighted below.
3. Here, select Choose a different restore point option and click on Next.
4. Now, select your desired System Restore Point from the list and click Next.
4. Click on Finish. The process will restore the system to the previous condition.
5. Wait until completion and restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix Startup Repair Infinite Loop on Windows 10/8/7
Method 11: Reset Windows PC
99% of the time, resetting your Windows will fix all software-related problems including virus attacks, corrupt files, etc. This method reinstalls Windows operating system without deleting your personal files.
Note: Backup all your important data into an external drive or cloud storage before proceeding further.
1. Type reset in Windows Search Panel and click Reset this PC, as shown.
2. Now, click on Get started.
3. It will ask you to choose between two options. Choose to Keep my files so that you do not lose your personal data.
4. Now, your PC will restart several times. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix yellow screen of death error in Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.