位于屏幕底部的任务栏是(Taskbar)Windows 10中最重要和最有用的元素之一。但是,任务栏(Taskbar)并不是那么完美,并且不时会遇到相当多的问题。一个这样的问题是图标的突然消失。系统图标或应用程序图标,或者有时两者都从任务栏中(Taskbar)消失。虽然这个问题不会完全削弱你的电脑,但如果你习惯于快速浏览任务栏上显示的信息,双击快捷方式图标以快速启动应用程序,它确实会使操作有点困难, 等等。好吧(Well),别担心!本指南将帮助您修复Windows 10任务栏图标丢失问题。
如何修复 Windows 10 任务栏图标丢失
(How to Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Icons Missing
- 通常,在最右侧(right),任务栏(Taskbar)包含日期和时间信息(date & time information)、音量和网络信息(volume & network info)、笔记本电脑中的电池百分比(battery percentage)、显示在后台运行的应用程序的图标等。
- 左侧是“开始”菜单图标和 Cortana(Start menu icon and Cortana)搜索栏(search bar),( left)用于执行广泛的计算机搜索。
- 在任务栏的(Taskbar)中间(middle ),我们找到了一堆用于快速启动的应用程序图标的快捷方式以及当前正在运行的应用程序图标。这使得它们之间的切换变得容易。
任务栏本身可以根据我们在 Windows 10 PC 上的喜好进一步定制(Taskbar itself can be further customized to our liking on Windows 10 PCs)。
但是,当您遇到 Windows 10任务栏(Taskbar)图标丢失错误时,所有这些图标都会消失。
为什么不显示 Windows 10 任务栏图标?(Why are Windows 10 Taskbar Icons Not Showing?)
- 通常,由于资源管理器过程中的临时故障(temporary glitch),您的任务栏图标会闲逛。
- 也可能是因为图标缓存(icon cache)或系统文件损坏。(system files getting corrupt.)
- 除此之外,有时您可能会不小心切换到平板电脑模式(accidentally switched to the tablet mode),默认情况下任务栏(Taskbar)上不会显示应用程序快捷方式图标。
方法一:启用系统图标(Method 1: Enable System Icons)
任务栏右端的时钟、音量、网络和其他图标称为系统(System)图标。这些图标中的每一个都可以手动启用和禁用。因此,如果您正在寻找特定的系统图标(system icon)并且无法在任务(Taskbar)栏中找到它,请按照给定的步骤启用它:
1. 右键单击任务栏(Taskbar)上的空白区域(empty area ),然后从菜单中单击任务栏设置。( Taskbar settings)
2. 向下滚动到通知区域(Notification area),然后单击打开或关闭系统图标(Turn system icons on or off)。
3.打开(On)您希望在任务栏上看到的(Taskbar)系统图标(system icons)(例如音量(Volume))的切换开关。
4.接下来,返回任务栏设置(Taskbar Settings)并单击选择哪些图标出现在任务栏上(Select which icons appear on the taskbar)。
5A。打开始终在(On)通知区域中显示所有图标(Always show all icons in the notification area)选项的切换开关。
5B。或者,选择单独显示在任务栏上的图标(Select which icons appear on the taskbar)。
方法 2:禁用平板电脑模式(Method 2: Disable Tablet Mode)
触摸屏笔记本电脑允许您在两种不同的用户界面之间切换,即普通桌面 UI 和平板电脑 UI。虽然,平板电脑模式(tablet mode)也可用于非触摸屏设备。在平板电脑模式下(tablet mode),为了便于使用和触摸友好的界面,重新排列/重新配置了一些元素。一种这样的重新配置是从任务栏中隐藏应用程序图标。因此,要修复Windows 10任务栏图标丢失的问题,请禁用平板电脑模式(tablet mode),如下所示:
1. 同时按Windows + I keys启动Windows 设置( Windows Settings)。
2. 点击系统(System )设置,如图所示。
3. 单击左侧窗格中的平板电脑模式菜单。(Tablet mode)
4.在此设备自动打开或关闭平板电脑模式时选择(When this device automatically switches tablet mode on or off)不要问我和不要切换(Don’t ask me and don’t switch)选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)桌面图标(Desktop Icons)
方法 3:禁用受控文件夹访问(Method 3: Disable Controlled Folder Access)
要禁用受控文件夹访问安全(Controlled Folder Access security)功能,请执行以下步骤:
1.如前所述启动设置,然后单击(Settings )更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
2. 转到Windows 安全(Windows Security)并单击病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)。
3. 向下滚动并单击Manage ransomware protection,如突出显示的那样。
4.最后,关闭受控文件夹访问( Controlled folder access)中的切换以禁用(Off)此功能。
5. 重新启动您的Windows 10 PC 并检查任务栏图标现在是否可见如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 4:更新显示驱动程序(Method 4: Update Display Driver)
通常,过时或错误的显示驱动程序可能会导致Windows 10任务栏图标丢失问题。因此,建议更新显示驱动程序以避免任何和所有类似问题。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入设备管理器(device manager),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 双击显示适配器(Display adapters )将其展开。
3. 然后,右键单击您的驱动程序(your driver)(例如Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver),如图所示。
4. 然后,点击自动搜索更新(Search automatically for updated driver software )的驱动软件,自动更新驱动。
5A。现在,驱动程序将更新(update)到最新版本,如果它们没有更新。重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)并再次检查。
5B。如果它们已经更新,那么您将收到消息:您设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。单击关闭(Close )按钮退出窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中恢复(Windows 11)丢失的回收站图标(Missing Recycle Bin Icon)
方法 5:重新启动 Windows 资源管理器进程
(Method 5: Restart Windows Explorer Process
explorer.exe 进程(explorer.exe process)负责显示大部分用户界面(User Interface),包括任务栏(Taskbar)。因此,如果启动过程没有(startup process doesn)正常进行,explorer.exe 进程(explorer.exe process)可能会出现故障并且无法显示所有所需的元素。但是,这可以通过手动重新启动进程来轻松解决,如下所示:
1.同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开 任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,右键单击Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)并选择结束任务( End task )选项,如下图所示。
3. 现在,要重新启动该过程,请单击左上角的文件,然后选择(File )运行新任务( Run new task)。
4. 键入explorer.exe并选中标记为(explorer.exe)使用管理权限创建此任务( Create this task with administrative privileges)的框,突出显示。
5. 单击确定(OK )以启动该过程。
方法 6:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 6: Run SFC & DISM Scans)
如果计算机感染了恶意程序和勒索软件,系统文件很容易损坏。包含错误的新更新也可能损坏系统文件。SFC 和 DISM 命令行工具(SFC and DISM command-line tools)分别帮助修复系统(repair system)文件和图像。因此,通过运行DISM 和 SFC 扫描(DISM & SFC scans)来修复大量问题,包括手头的任务栏图标丢失问题。
1. 单击开始(Start)并键入命令提示符。(Command Prompt.)然后,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 现在,输入sfc /scannow并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
注意:(Note:)扫描过程(scanning process)需要一些时间。在此期间您可以继续工作。
3A。完成SFC 扫描(SFC scan)后,检查您的任务栏图标是否回来了。如果是,则不需要运行DISM扫描。
3B。如果没有,请执行以下命令(commands)并在每个命令后按Enter 键。(Enter key)
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /RestoreHealth
注意:(Note:)您的系统中应该有一个有效的互联网连接(internet connection)来执行这些命令。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 开始菜单搜索(Start Menu Search)不起作用
方法七:重置图标缓存(Method 7: Reset Icon Cache)
我们在 Windows 10 计算机上使用的所有应用程序和文件图标(application and file icons)的副本都存储在名为IconCache.db的(IconCache.db)数据库文件(database file)中。将所有图标图像存储在单个缓存文件(cache file)中有助于Windows在需要时快速检索它们。它进一步防止PC变慢。如果图标缓存数据库(icon cache database)损坏,Windows 10任务栏图标将丢失或任务栏(Taskbar)开始全屏显示。或任务栏(Taskbar)开始全屏显示。因此(.. Hence),从命令提示符(Command Prompt)重置图标缓存(Icon Cache),如下所示:
1.如方法6(Method 6)所示,以管理员(Command Prompt as administrator)身份打开命令提示符。
2. 输入给定的命令(command)来更改您的位置,然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
cd %homepath%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
3. 现在,输入dir iconcache* 并按Enter 键(Enter)检索图标缓存数据库(cache database)文件列表。
注意:(Note: )在我们删除和重置图标缓存(icon cache)之前,我们需要暂时终止文件资源管理器进程(File Explorer process)。
4. 因此,输入taskkill /f /im explorer.exe 并点击Enter。
注意:(Note:)任务栏和桌面(Taskbar and Desktop)将消失。但不要惊慌,因为我们会在删除缓存文件后恢复它们。
5. 接下来执行del iconcache*命令删除现有的IconCache.db 文件(IconCache.db file),如下图所示。
7. Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)将自动为应用程序图标创建一个新数据库,并将任务栏(Taskbar)图标恢复原位。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中将(Windows 10)显示桌面图标(Show Desktop Icon)添加到任务栏(Taskbar)
方法8:重新安装任务栏(Method 8: Reinstall Taskbar)
最终,如果上述解决方案都没有恢复任务栏上的图标,请完全重新安装此系统元素。这个过程很简单,因为您只需要执行一个命令。这会将任务栏恢复到其默认状态并修复任务栏图标(default state and fix taskbar icons)丢失的问题。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并键入Windows PowerShell 然后,单击Run as Administrator,如图所示。
注意:(Note:)如果出现提示,请在“用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”弹出窗口中单击“是”。(Yes)
2.在Windows PowerShell窗口中复制并粘贴(Copy & paste)给定的命令,然后按Enter 键(Enter key)执行它。
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
专业提示:Windows 更新(Pro Tip: Windows Update)
任务栏恢复后,您可以继续添加系统图标和应用程序快捷方式,显示 CPU 和 GPU 温度(display CPU and GPU temperatures),并跟踪互联网速度(internet speed)。定制的可能性是无穷无尽的。如果任务栏(Taskbar)图标继续丢失或经常消失,请安装可用的新更新或回滚到上一个。
- 如何拍摄 Zoom 会议截图
- 修复 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁
- 如何修复 Windows 11(Fix Windows 11) 任务栏(Taskbar)不工作
- 如何在Windows 10中禁用(Windows 10)BitLocker
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复Windows 10 任务栏图标丢失(taskbar icons missing)的问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Icons Missing
The Taskbar located at thе bottom of your screen is one of the most important and useful elements of Windows 10. However, Taskbar is not all thаt pеrfect and encounters a fair sharе of issues from time to time. One such problem is the sudden disappearance of icons. Either system icons or application icons, or sometimes bоth disappear from the Taskbar. While this issue or Taskbar Right Click Not Working issue would not entirely cripple your PC, it does make it slightly difficult to operate if you are used to the leisure of taking a quick peek at the information displayed on the taskbar, double-clicking on the shortcut icons to launch an application quickly, and so on. Well, do not worry! This guide will help you fix Windows 10 taskbar icons missing issue.
How to Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Icons Missing
- Usually, on the extreme right, Taskbar houses the date & time information, volume & network info, battery percentage in laptops, displays icons of applications running in the background, etc.
- While on the left are the Start menu icon and Cortana search bar to perform broad computer searches.
- In the middle of the Taskbar, we find a bunch of shortcuts of application icons for quick launch along with app icons of the ones that are currently running. This makes it easy to switch between them.
Taskbar itself can be further customized to our liking on Windows 10 PCs.
But, when you face Windows 10 Taskbar icons missing error, all of these icons disappear.
Why are Windows 10 Taskbar Icons Not Showing?
- Usually, your taskbar icons go on a stroll due to a temporary glitch in the explorer process.
- It could also be because of icon cache or system files getting corrupt.
- Apart from that, sometimes you might have accidentally switched to the tablet mode which does not display app shortcut icons on the Taskbar by default.
Method 1: Enable System Icons
The clock, volume, network, and the other icons present on the right end of your taskbar are known as System icons. Each of these icons can be manually enabled and disabled. So, if you are looking for a specific system icon and are unable to find it in the Taskbar, follow the given steps to enable it:
1. Right-click on an empty area on the Taskbar and click Taskbar settings from the menu.
2. Scroll down to the Notification area and click on Turn system icons on or off.
3. Switch On the toggle for system icons (e.g. Volume) that you would like to see on the Taskbar.
4. Next, go back to the Taskbar Settings and click on Select which icons appear on the taskbar.
5A. Switch On the toggle for Always show all icons in the notification area option.
5B. Alternatively, Select which icons appear on the taskbar individually.
Method 2: Disable Tablet Mode
Touchscreen laptops allow you to switch between two different user interfaces viz the normal desktop UI and the tablet UI. Although, tablet mode is also available in non-touchscreen devices. In tablet mode, a few elements are rearranged/reconfigured for ease of use and a touch-friendly interface. One such reconfiguration is the hiding of application icons from your taskbar. So, to fix Windows 10 taskbar icons missing issue, disable tablet mode as follows:
1. Launch Windows Settings by pressing Windows + I keys simultaneously.
2. Click on System settings, as shown.
3. Click on the Tablet mode menu which is on the left pane.
4. Select Don’t ask me and don’t switch option in When this device automatically switches tablet mode on or off section.
Also Read: How to Change Desktop Icons on Windows 11
Method 3: Disable Controlled Folder Access
To disable the Controlled Folder Access security feature, follow the below-mentioned steps:
1. Launch Settings as earlier and click on Update & Security, as shown.
2. Go to Windows Security and click on Virus & threat protection.
3. Scroll down and click on Manage ransomware protection, as highlighted.
4. Finally, switch Off the toggle in Controlled folder access to disable this feature.
5. Restart your Windows 10 PC and check if the taskbar icons are visible now If not, try the next fix.
Method 4: Update Display Driver
Often, outdated or bugged display drivers might cause Windows 10 taskbar icons missing problem. So, it is advisable to update display drivers to avoid any and all similar issues.
1. Press the Windows key, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Then, right-click on your driver (e.g. Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620) and select Update driver, as shown.
4. Then, click on Search automatically for updated driver software to update the driver automatically.
5A. Now, the drivers will update to the latest version, if they are not updated. Restart your PC and check again.
5B. If they are already updated, then you will receive the message: The best drivers for your device are already installed. Click on the Close button to exit the window.
Also Read: How to Restore Missing Recycle Bin Icon in Windows 11
Method 5: Restart Windows Explorer Process
The explorer.exe process is responsible for displaying most of the User Interface including Taskbar. So, if the startup process doesn’t transpire properly, the explorer.exe process may glitch and not display all the desired elements. However, this can be easily resolved by restarting the process manually, as follows:
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously to open Task Manager.
2. In the Processes tab, right-click on Windows Explorer and choose the End task option, as illustrated below.
3. Now, to restart the process, click on File at the top-left corner and choose Run new task.
4. Type explorer.exe and check the box marked Create this task with administrative privileges, shown highlighted.
5. Click on OK to initiate the process.
Method 6: Run SFC & DISM Scans
System files are prone to getting corrupt if the computer is infected with malicious programs and ransomware. A new update containing bugs can also corrupt system files. The SFC and DISM command-line tools help repair system files & images respectively. Therefore, fix a plethora of issues including the taskbar icons missing problem at hand by running DISM & SFC scans.
1. Click on Start and type Command Prompt. Then, click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type sfc /scannow and press Enter key.
Note: The scanning process will take some time. You can continue working in the meanwhile.
3A. Once the SFC scan is completed, check if your taskbar icons are back. If yes, you do not need to run DISM scan.
3B. If not, execute the following commands and press Enter key after each command.
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /RestoreHealth
Note: You should have a working internet connection in your system to execute these commands.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Start Menu Search Not Working
Method 7: Reset Icon Cache
A copy of all the application and file icons we use on Windows 10 computers are stored in a database file named IconCache.db. Storing all the icon images in a single cache file helps Windows quickly retrieve them, as and when required. It further, prevents the PC from slowing down. If the icon cache database gets corrupt, the Windows 10 taskbar icons will go missing or Taskbar begins showing on fullscreen. or Taskbar begins showing on fullscreen.. Hence, reset Icon Cache from Command Prompt as follows:
1. Open Command Prompt as administrator as shown in Method 6.
2. Type the given command to change your location and hit Enter key.
cd %homepath%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
3. Now, type dir iconcache* and press Enter to retrieve a list of icon cache database files.
Note: Before we delete and reset the icon cache, we will need to temporarily terminate File Explorer process.
4. Hence, type taskkill /f /im explorer.exe & hit Enter.
Note: The Taskbar and Desktop will disappear. But do not panic, as we will get them back after deleting the cache files.
5. Next execute del iconcache* command to delete the existing IconCache.db file, as depicted below.
6. Finally, restart the explorer process by executing explorer.exe command, as shown.
7. Windows OS will automatically create a new database for app icons and bring the Taskbar icons back in place.
Also Read: How to Add Show Desktop Icon to Taskbar in Windows 10
Method 8: Reinstall Taskbar
Ultimately, if none of the above solutions brought back the icons on your Taskbar, reinstall this system element altogether. The process is easy as you need to execute only a single command. This will restore the taskbar to its default state and fix taskbar icons missing issue as well.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Windows PowerShell Then, click on Run as Administrator, as shown.
Note: Click on Yes in the User Account Control pop-up, if prompted.
2. Copy & paste the given command in Windows PowerShell window and press Enter key to execute it.
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
Pro Tip: Windows Update
Once the taskbar is restored, you can proceed to add system icons and app shortcuts, display CPU and GPU temperatures, and keep track of internet speed. The customization possibilities are endless. If the Taskbar icons continue to be missing or disappear frequently, install new updates available or roll back to the previous one.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Windows 10 taskbar icons missing problem. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.