任务栏上的音量图标( Volume icon)是否显示红色 X 符号(Red X symbol)?如果是,那么您将无法听到任何声音。在没有任何声音的情况下在您的系统上工作是灾难性的,因为您将无法听到任何传入的通知或工作电话。此外,您将无法欣赏流媒体电影或玩游戏。在最近的更新后,您可能会遇到Windows 10未安装音频设备的问题。如果是这种情况,请阅读以下内容以了解如何解决该问题。您将能够执行类似的步骤来修复未安装音频输出设备的(audio output device)Windows 8或 Windows 7 问题。
如何修复 Windows 10 上未安装音频设备错误
(How to Fix No Audio Devices are Installed Error on Windows 10
新更新后,Windows 操作系统(operating system)可能会导致一些问题,这些问题可能与音频有关。虽然这些问题并不常见,但很容易解决。由于各种原因,Windows无法检测到音频设备:(Windows)
- 损坏或过时的驱动程序
- 播放设备已禁用
- 过时的 Windows 操作系统
- 与最近更新冲突
- (Audio device)连接到损坏端口的音频设备
- 无线音频设备未配对
基本故障排除提示(Basic Troubleshooting Tips)
移除(Remove)外部音频输出设备(audio output device)(如果已连接),然后重新启动(restart)系统。然后,重新连接(reconnect)并检查。
- 确保设备未处于静音状态且设备音量很高(device volume is high)。如果不增加音量滑块(volume slider)。
- 尝试更改应用程序(changing the app)以了解应用程序是否存在问题。尝试重新启动应用程序并重试(app & try)。
- 确保音频设备连接正确,如果没有,请尝试不同的 USB 端口(different USB port)。
- (Check)通过将音频设备连接到另一台计算机来(another computer.)检查硬件问题。
- 确保您的无线设备已与 PC配对。(wireless device is paired)
方法一:扫描音频设备(Method 1: Scan for Audio Device)
Windows 可能会在Windows 7、8(Windows 7)和 10 中显示 no audio output device is installed 错误,如果它首先无法检测到它。因此,扫描音频设备应该会有所帮助。
1. 按Windows 键(key)并键入设备管理器(Device Manager)。单击Open,如下所示。
2. 在这里,单击扫描硬件更改(Scan for hardware changes)图标,如图所示。
(Method 2: Add Audio Device )方法二:手动(Manually )添加音频设备
Windows 还允许用户手动将音频设备添加到设备管理器(Device Manager),如下所示:
1.如前所述启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 选择声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers),然后单击顶部菜单中的操作(Action)。
3. 单击添加旧硬件(Add legacy hardware)选项,如下图所示。
4. 在此处,单击“添加硬件(Add Hardware)”屏幕上的Next >
5. 选择选项安装我从列表中手动选择的硬件(高级)(Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)),然后单击Next >按钮。
6. 选择常见硬件类型(Common hardware types:)下的声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers):然后单击下一步。(Next.)
7. 选择音频设备(Audio device)并单击Next >按钮,如下图所示。
注意:(Note:)如果您已经下载了音频设备的驱动程序,请单击“从磁盘安装...”(Have disk… )。
8. 单击Next >确认。
9. 最后,安装完成(Finish)后点击完成并重新启动(restart) 您的电脑。(your PC.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是NVIDIA 虚拟音频设备 Wave 可扩展(NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device Wave Extensible)?
方法 3:运行播放音频疑难解答(Method 3: Run Playing Audio Troubleshooter)
Windows为用户提供了内置的疑难解答程序来修复大多数小问题。因此,我们可以尝试运行相同的解决方案来解决(Hence)Windows 10中没有安装音频设备的错误。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 单击选项更新和安全(Update & Security),如下所示。
4. 选择启动并运行(Get up and running)类别下的播放音频(Playing Audio)选项。
5. 在展开的选项上,单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter),如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复未安装音频输出设备错误(Fix No Audio Output Device Is Installed Error)
方法四:重启音频服务(Method 4: Restart Audio Services)
1. 同时按Windows + R 键(keys)启动运行(Run)对话框。
3. 向下滚动服务(Services)窗口,然后双击Windows 音频(Windows Audio)。
4. 在Windows Audio Properties窗口的General选项卡下,将Startup type设置为Automatic。
5. 然后,单击开始(Start)按钮。
6. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
7.对Windows Audio Endpoint Builder服务也重复步骤 3-6 。(Steps 3–6)
现在,检查是否没有安装音频设备 Windows 10 问题已解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 5:在设置中启用麦克风(Method 5: Enable Microphone in Settings)
1. 启动 Windows设置(Settings)并单击隐私(Privacy),如图所示。
2. 单击屏幕左窗格中应用权限(App permissions)类别下的麦克风。(Microphone)
3A。确保显示消息已打开此设备的麦克风访问权限(Microphone access for this device is on)。
3B。如果没有,请单击更改(Change)。在出现的提示中打开此设备的麦克风访问开关。(Microphone access for this device)
4A。然后,打开允许应用程序访问您的麦克风(Allow apps to access your microphone)选项的切换开关,以使所有应用程序都可以访问它,
4B。或者,通过启用单独的切换开关来选择哪些 Microsoft Store 应用可以访问您的麦克风。(Choose which Microsoft Store Apps can access your microphone)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 iCUE(Fix iCUE)未检测到(Detecting)设备
方法 6:启用音频设备(Method 6: Enable Audio Device)
有时,如果设备长时间未连接, Windows可能会禁用您的音频设备。(Windows)按照给定的步骤再次启用它:
1. 按Windows 键(key),键入控制面板,(Control Panel,)然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 设置View by > Category并选择 Hardware and Sound,如下图所示。
3. 然后,单击声音(Sound)选项。
4. 在播放(Playback)选项卡下,右键单击空白区域(empty space)。
- 显示禁用的设备(Show disabled devices)
- 显示断开连接的设备(Show disconnected devices)
6. 现在,您的音频设备应该是可见的。右键单击它并选择Enable,如图所示。
方法 7:关闭音频增强(Method 7: Turn Off Audio Enhancements)
关闭增强设置也可以解决没有安装音频设备的Windows 10问题。
1. 导航到Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound,如上一个方法所示。
2. 在播放(Playback)选项卡下,右键单击外部音频设备(external audio device)并选择属性(Properties)。
3A。对于内部扬声器(Internal Speakers),在属性(Properties)窗口的高级(Advanced)选项卡下,取消选中标记为启用所有增强功能(Enable all enhancements)的框。
3B。对于外部扬声器,选中增强(Enhancements)选项卡下标记为禁用所有增强(Disable all enhancements)的框,如图突出显示。
4. 单击Apply > 确定(OK)以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix Audio Stuttering)Windows 10中的音频卡顿
方法 8:更改音频格式(Method 8: Change Audio Formats)
更改音频格式可能有助于解决未安装音频设备的Windows 10问题。这样做的方法如下:
1.按照方法 6(Method 6)中的说明进入Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound。
2. 在播放(Playback)选项卡下,右键单击音频设备(audio device)并选择属性(Properties)。
3. 转到高级选项卡并在(Advanced)默认格式(Default Format)下将设置更改为不同的质量,从 S选择在共享模式下运行时要使用的采样率和位深度(elect the sample rate and bit depth to be used when running in shared mode):
- 24 位,48000 Hz(工作室质量)
- 24 位,44100 Hz(工作室质量)
- 16 位,48000 Hz(DVD 质量)
- 16 位,44100 Hz(CD 质量)
4. 单击应用(Apply)>确定(OK)以保存更改。
方法 9:更新驱动程序(Method 9: Update Drivers)
1.如图所示,通过Windows 搜索栏(Windows Search Bar)启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 双击声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)将其展开。
3. 右键单击音频设备驱动程序(audio device driver)(例如Cirrus Logic Superior High Definition Audio),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
4. 选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项。
5A。如果音频驱动程序已经更新,屏幕将显示您设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Windows 10 中的 I/O 设备错误
方法 10:重新安装音频驱动程序(Method 10: Reinstall Audio Drivers)
重新安装音频设备驱动程序肯定有助于解决未安装音频设备的Windows 10问题。按照给定的步骤卸载,然后安装音频驱动程序:
1. 导航至Device Manager > Sound, video and game controllers,如方法 8(Method 8)所示。
2. 右键单击音频设备(audio device) 驱动程序(driver )(例如WI-C310 Hands-Free AG Audio),然后单击卸载设备(Uninstall device),如下图所示。
3. 点击卸载(Uninstall)确认。
4.重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)和音频设备。
5.从索尼官方下载页面(Sony official download page)下载并安装(Download and install)驱动程序。
6.重启电脑(Restart your PC),检查驱动是否安装。如果没有按照方法1(Method 1)进行扫描。
方法 11:更新 Windows(Method 11: Update Windows)
更新Windows将极大地帮助解决小问题,例如没有安装音频设备Windows 10错误。
1. 打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings )并转到更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
2. 现在,单击检查更新(Check for updates)按钮。
3A。如果有新的更新可用,请单击立即安装(Install now)。
3B。如果Windows已更新,则会显示您是最新(You’re up to date)消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复多媒体音频控制器驱动程序问题(Fix Multimedia Audio Controller Driver Issue)
方法 12:回滚 Windows 更新(Method 12: Rollback Windows Update)
已知新(New)更新会导致您的 Windows 7,8 和 10台式机和笔记本电脑(desktop & laptop)中没有安装音频设备的问题。要解决此问题,您必须回滚Windows 更新(Windows update),如下所述:
1.按照上一个方法的说明进入Windows Settings > Update & Security
2. 点击查看更新历史(View update history)选项。
3. 点击卸载更新(Uninstall updates),如图所示。
4. 在这里,单击Microsoft Windows 的最新更新(latest update of Microsoft Windows)(例如,KB5007289),然后单击卸载(Uninstall )选项,突出显示。
5. 最后,重新启动(restart)您的 PC 以执行相同的操作。
- 如何在Windows 11中启用(Windows 11)讲述人大写锁定警报(Narrator Caps Lock Alert)
- 修复 Windows Media 创建工具(Fix Windows Media Creation Tool)不工作
- Windows 10需要多少RAM(RAM Do)
- 如何使用键盘快捷键(Camera and Microphone Using Keyboard Shortcut)关闭 Windows 11相机和麦克风(Off Windows 11)
我们希望本指南能够有效地帮助您解决Windows 10上(Windows 10)未安装音频设备的(no audio devices are installed)问题。让我们知道上述哪种方法对您的帮助最大。在下面的评论部分(comment section)中留下您的疑问和建议。
Fix Windows 10 No Audio Devices are Installed
Does the Volume icon on the Taskbar display a Red X symbol? If yes, then you will not be able to listen to any sound. Working on your system without any sound is disastrous as you will not be able to hear any incoming notifications or work calls. Moreover, you won’t be able to enjoy streaming movies or playing games. You may face this no audio devices are installed Windows 10 issue after a recent update. If that’s the case, read below to find out how to fix the same. You will be able to implement steps similarly to fix no audio output device is installed Windows 8 or Windows 7 issue as well.
How to Fix No Audio Devices are Installed Error on Windows 10
After a new update, Windows operating system might cause a few issues, which can be audio-related. Though these problems are not common, they can easily be resolved. Windows fails to detect audio devices due to various reasons:
- Damaged or outdated drivers
- Playback device disabled
- Outdated Windows OS
- Conflicts with recent update
- Audio device connected to damaged port
- Wireless audio device not paired
Basic Troubleshooting Tips
Remove an external audio output device, if connected, and restart your system. Then, reconnect it & check.
- Ensure that the device is not on mute and device volume is high. If not increase the volume slider.
- Try changing the app to know whether the problem exists with the app. Try restarting the app & try again.
- Ensure the audio device is connected properly, if not, try a different USB port.
- Check for hardware issues by connecting your audio device to another computer.
- Ensure that your wireless device is paired with the PC.
Method 1: Scan for Audio Device
Windows might display no audio output device is installed error in Windows 7, 8, and 10, if it is unable to detect it in the first place. Therefore, scanning for the audio device should help.
1. Press the Windows key and type Device Manager. Click Open, as highlighted below.
2. Here, click on Scan for hardware changes icon, as shown.
3A. If the audio device is displayed, then Windows has detected it successfully. Restart your PC and try again.
3B. If it is not detected, you will have to add the device manually, as explained in the next method.
Method 2: Add Audio Device Manually
Windows also enables users to add audio devices manually to the Device Manager, as follows:
1. Launch Device Manager as earlier.
2. Select Sound, video, and game controllers and click Action in the top menu.
3. Click on Add legacy hardware option, as depicted below.
4. Here, click Next > on the Add Hardware screen.
5. Select the option Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) and click the Next > button.
6. Select Sound, video, and game controllers under Common hardware types: and click Next.
7. Choose Audio device and click the Next > button, as illustrated below.
Note: If you have downloaded the driver for your audio device, click Have disk… instead.
8. Click Next > to confirm.
9. Finally, click on Finish after installation is done and restart your PC.
Also Read: What is NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device Wave Extensible?
Method 3: Run Playing Audio Troubleshooter
Windows provides users with the in-built troubleshooter to fix most minor issues. Hence, we can try running the same to resolve no audio devices installed in Windows 10 error.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Windows Settings.
2. Click the option Update & Security, as highlighted below.
3. Select Troubleshoot in the left pane.
4. Select the Playing Audio option under the Get up and running category.
5. On the expanded option, click Run the troubleshooter, as shown.
6. Troubleshooter will detect and fix problems automatically. Or, it will suggest some fixes.
Also Read: Fix No Audio Output Device Is Installed Error
Method 4: Restart Audio Services
Audio services in Windows have the ability to restart automatically, if stopped. But some errors can prevent it from restarting. Follow the below steps to check its status and start it, if needed:
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to launch Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc in the search area and press Enter.
3. Scroll down the Services window, then double-click Windows Audio.
4. Under the General tab of Windows Audio Properties window, set Startup type to Automatic.
5. Then, click the Start button.
6. Lastly, click Apply > OK to save these changes.
7. Repeat Steps 3–6 for Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service too.
Now, check if no audio devices are installed windows 10 issue is resolved. If not, try the next fix.
Method 5: Enable Microphone in Settings
Follow the below-mentioned steps to ensure whether the microphone is enabled on your computer or not:
1. Launch Windows Settings and click on Privacy, as shown.
2. Click Microphone in the left pane of the screen under the App permissions category.
3A. Ensure that the message Microphone access for this device is on is displayed.
3B. If not, click Change. Turn the toggle for Microphone access for this device in the prompt that appears.
4A. Then, switch On the toggle for Allow apps to access your microphone option to enable all apps to access it,
4B. Alternately, Choose which Microsoft Store Apps can access your microphone by enabling individual toggle switches.
Also Read: How to Fix iCUE Not Detecting Devices
Method 6: Enable Audio Device
Sometimes, Windows might disable your audio device if the device has not connected for a long time. Follow the given steps to enable it again:
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.
2. Set the View by > Category and select Hardware and Sound, as shown below.
3. Then, click Sound option.
4. Under the Playback tab, right-click on an empty space.
5. Check the following options
- Show disabled devices
- Show disconnected devices
6. Now, your audio device should be visible. Right-click on it and select Enable, as depicted.
Method 7: Turn Off Audio Enhancements
Turning enhancements setting off would also resolve no audio devices are installed Windows 10 issue.
1. Navigate to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound as shown in the previous method.
2. Under the Playback tab, right-click on the external audio device and select Properties.
3A. For Internal Speakers, under the Advanced tab in the Properties window, uncheck the box marked Enable all enhancements.
3B. For External Speakers, check the box marked Disable all enhancements under Enhancements tab, as shown highlighted.
4. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
Also Read: How to Fix Audio Stuttering in Windows 10
Method 8: Change Audio Formats
Changing the audio format may help in resolving no audio devices are installed Windows 10 issue. Here’s how to do so:
1. Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound as instructed in Method 6.
2. Under the Playback tab, right-click on the audio device and select Properties.
Note: The given steps remain the same for both, internal speakers & externally connected audio devices.
3. Go to the Advanced tab and change the setting to a different quality under Default Format from Select the sample rate and bit depth to be used when running in shared mode as:
- 24 bit, 48000 Hz (Studio Quality)
- 24 bit, 44100 Hz (Studio Quality)
- 16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD Quality)
- 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)
Note: Click Test to know whether this worked, as shown below.
4. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
Method 9: Update Drivers
If this issue still persists, then try updating the audio drivers, as follows:
1. Launch Device Manager through Windows Search Bar as shown.
2. Double-click on Sound, video and game controllers to expand it.
3. Right-click audio device driver (e.g. Cirrus Logic Superior High Definition Audio) and click Update driver.
4. Select Search automatically for drivers option.
5A. If the audio drivers are updated already, the screen will display The best drivers for your device are already installed.
5B. If the drivers are outdated, then they will get updated. Restart your computer when done.
Also Read: Fix I/O Device Error in Windows 10
Method 10: Reinstall Audio Drivers
Reinstalling the audio device drivers would definitely help in fixing no audio devices are installed Windows 10 issue. Follow the given steps to uninstall and then, install audio drivers:
1. Navigate to Device Manager > Sound, video and game controllers as shown in Method 8.
2. Right-click on the audio device driver (e.g. WI-C310 Hands-Free AG Audio) and click Uninstall device, as depicted below.
3. Click on Uninstall to confirm.
4. Restart your PC and your Audio device.
5. Download and install the driver from Sony official download page.
6. Restart your PC and check if the driver is installed or not. If not follow Method 1 to scan for it.
Method 11: Update Windows
Updating Windows would greatly help in fixing minor issues like no audio devices are installed Windows 10 error.
1. Open Windows Settings and go to Update & Security as shown.
2. Now, click the Check for updates button.
3A. If a new update is available, then click on Install now.
3B. If the Windows is updated, then it will show You’re up to date message instead.
Also Read: Fix Multimedia Audio Controller Driver Issue
Method 12: Rollback Windows Update
New updates have been known to cause no audio devices are installed issue in your Windows 7,8 and 10 desktop & laptop. To fix this issue, you have to roll back the Windows update, as discussed below:
1. Go to Windows Settings > Update & Security as instructed in the previous method.
2. Click on View update history option.
3. Click on Uninstall updates, as shown.
4. Here, click the latest update of Microsoft Windows (For example, KB5007289) and click Uninstall option, shown highlighted.
5. Finally, restart your PC to implement the same.
We hope this guide would have helped you effectively in fixing no audio devices are installed issue on Windows 10. Let us know which of the above-mentioned methods helped you the best. Drop your queries and suggestions in the comment section below.