当我们的技术设备开始出乎意料地发出奇怪的声音时,这绝不是一个好兆头。它可以预示潜在的硬件故障。最近,许多Windows 10用户听到他们的输出扬声器/耳机发出爆裂声。由于多种原因,可能会出现这种 Windows 10音频噼啪声。(audio crackling)如果您也在处理同样的问题,那么您来对地方了。我们为您带来了一个完美的指南,将帮助您修复电脑噼啪声,尤其是声音噼啪声 windows 10 和音频噼啪声(audio crackling)windows 10 耳机。
如何修复 Windows 10 音频噼啪声(How to Fix Windows 10 Audio Crackling)
在我们开始解决这个烦人的问题之前,让我们了解它发生的原因。以下是导致 Windows 10 音频噼啪声问题的一些可能原因。
- 音频设置错误
- 音频驱动程序的问题,例如损坏或不兼容(corruption or incompatibility)
- 电源管理问题
- 有故障的端口
- 损坏的硬件
现在,在了解了此问题背后的一些原因后,让我们开始修复声音噼啪声 windows 10 问题。
首先,确保所有音频连接都牢固牢固。如果音频插孔(jack isn)未正确插入,可能会听到爆裂声。因此,如果需要,请检查一次连接,使用另一个端口并检查噼啪声是否继续。此外,将您的音频设备插入另一个系统甚至移动设备,以检查它是否正常工作并监控声音输出(sound output)。检查(Inspect)连接电缆(connection cable)是否有撕裂。对于无线音频(wireless audio)设备,请始终将设备放置在连接范围内或(connection range or right)系统正前方。
解决了硬件问题,让我们继续查看可能导致爆裂声/爆裂声的各种系统设置。我们首先修改一堆音频设置、电源设置,然后重新安装或更新驱动程序文件。最后,我们将执行DPC 延迟(DPC latency)测试,以检查任何行为不端的驱动程序。
方法一:声音问题排查(Method 1: Troubleshoot Sound)
重要的是,从简单的故障排除开始。您可以使用音频疑难解答(Audio Troubleshooter)程序,它可以修复或识别系统中存在的任何错误(error present)。这是如何做到的。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置。(Settings. )点击系统(System)。
2. 单击声音(Sound )>故障排除。(Troubleshoot.)
3. 按照说明完成故障排除过程(troubleshooting process)。检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复音频服务(Audio Service)未运行 Windows 10
方法 2:更改音频格式
Windows 10 允许用户从音频输出格式列表中进行选择,以提供更丰富的听觉体验。用户可以为他们的输出设备选择准确的(output device)采样率和位深度(sample rate and bit depth)。但是,如果采样率(sample rate)(音频频率)设置得太高并且音频设备不(device doesn)支持所选频率,则可能会听到爆裂声/爆裂声。请按照以下步骤更改音频格式。
1. 进入 WindowsSettings > System,如方法 1(Method 1)所示。
2.从左侧窗格中选择声音菜单。(Sound )
3.在右侧面板上向下滚动并(Scroll)单击(panel and click)声音控制面板(Sound Control Panel)。
4. 在下一个窗口中,在播放(Playback )选项卡下右键单击您的扬声器(Speakers )(活动输出设备(output device),将标有绿色勾号)。选择属性(Properties)。
5. 选择扬声器属性下的(Speakers Properties)高级(Advanced )选项卡。
6. 单击默认格式(Default Format)部分的下拉菜单并选择16 位,44100 Hz(CD 质量)(16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality))。单击测试(Test )并检查您是否继续听到爆裂声。如果是,请选择另一种格式并(format and test)再次测试。重复该过程,直到不需要的爆裂声不再存在。
7. 单击应用(Apply )保存新的声音格式。
另外,检查是否启用了独占模式。(Exclusive mode)如果是,请取消选中(uncheck )允许应用程序独占控制此设备( Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device)和给予独占模式应用程序优先( Give exclusive mode applications priority )选项旁边的复选框。独占模式允许应用程序完全(独占)控制声卡。
注意:(Note:)如果禁用独占模式(Exclusive mode)无法解决爆音问题,请重新启用它。
方法 3:禁用声音增强
除了选择音频输出格式的奢侈之外,用户还可以选择根据声卡制造商(sound card manufacturer)应用某些音效来进一步提高音频质量。低音增强(Bass boost)、虚拟声音、音高偏移(pitch shift)、均衡器、房间校正等(room correction etc)。是其中的一些效果。有时这些效果可能会导致音频问题。请按照以下步骤禁用它们。
1. 导航至 System setting > Sound > Sound Control Panel,如方法 2(Method 2)所示。
2. 选择增强(Enhancements )选项卡。
3.逐个取消选中每个(uncheck )增强效果(enhancement effect)旁边的复选框。在某些 PC 中,会出现禁用所有增强(Disable All Enhancements )选项,只需选中它即可一次禁用所有效果。
4. 切换到空间声音(Spatial sound)选项卡并确保选择要应用的空间声音格式(Select the Spatial sound format you want to apply )已关闭(off)。
5. 单击确定(OK)。
方法 4:禁用 ATI HDMI 音频设备(Method 4: Disable ATI HDMI Audio Device)
当外部设备通过HDMI 电缆连接到您的 PC 时, (HDMI cable)ATI HDMI音频设备负责传输声音。虽然尚不清楚为什么ATI HDMI音频设备可能会提示随机爆裂声/爆裂声,但许多用户已经通过完全禁用该设备解决了这个问题。这是禁用它的方法。
1.在搜索栏中输入设备管理器并选择(Device Manager )打开(Open)。
2. 双击声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers)将其展开。
3. 右键单击 ATI HDMI 音频( ATI HDMI Audio)并选择禁用设备(Disable device)。
检查 Windows 10 音频噼啪声问题是否仍然存在。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 未安装音频(No Audio) 设备(Devices)
方法 5:更新驱动程序
如果您继续听到扬声器/耳机发出爆裂声,是时候查看声卡驱动程序(sound card driver)文件了。这些文件对于各自硬件组件的最佳运行至关重要,并且由于各种原因而受到损坏。过时的驱动程序可能会导致此问题。本机设备管理器(device manager)或任何专用应用程序(如DriverEasy)可用于维护所有驱动程序。以下是更新音频驱动程序的步骤。
1. 导航到Device Manager > Sound, video, and game controllers。
2. 右键单击您的声卡并选择(card and select) 属性(Properties)。
3. 在驱动程序(Driver )选项卡上,单击更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
4. 在以下窗口中,选择自动搜索更新的软件( Search Automatically for updated software)。或者,您可以访问声卡制造商(card manufacturer)的网站,下载最新的驱动程序文件并使用(s website)浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers)选项手动安装它们。
检查 Windows 10 音频噼啪声问题是否已修复。
方法六:修改电源设置(Method 6: Modify Power Settings)
Windows 10中令人担忧的爆裂声背后的一个设置是“最低处理器状态”设置(Minimum Processor State setting)。它指定(以百分比表示)在处理器空闲或执行次要任务时分配给处理器的最小功率。更改分配的功率值(power value)可能会消除爆裂声。这是如何做到的。
1. 打开开始菜单并搜索(Start Menu and search)控制Control Panel > Open。
2. 点击右上角的查看方式(View by),然后选择大图标(Large icons)。
3. 单击电源选项(Power Options)。
4. 在以下窗口中,单击更改(Click)计划设置(Change plan settings)。
注意:(Note:)在某些情况下,您选择的计划可能不同,请选择更改计划(change plan)的计划设置。
5. 单击更改高级电源设置(Change advanced power settings)。
6. 单击Processor power management >最低处理器状态之前的(Minimum processor state)+图标。
7. 将On battery和Plugged in的值更改为 100%。
8. 单击Apply > 确定(OK)。
您可以应用来解决此问题的另一个电源设置是快速启动(Fast Startup)。请按照以下步骤执行此操作。
1. 在电源选项(Power Options)中,单击选择电源按钮的功能(Choose what the power buttons do)链接。
2. 单击更改当前不可用的设置(Change settings that are currently unavailable)(需要管理权限)并取消选中(uncheck )打开快速启动。单击保存更改(Save changes)并重新启动 PC(restart the PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复(Fix Audio Stuttering)Windows 10中的音频卡顿
延迟过程调用或 DPC(Procedure Call or DPC)是Windows 10的原生功能,允许重新安排低优先级任务以支持其他高优先级任务。如果这些high-priority tasks/driver文件中的一个需要花费大量时间来完成某件事,则会导致高DPC 延迟(DPC latency)和音频问题,如丢失、爆音等。要检查是否确实如此,您可以下载第三方DPC 延迟(DPC latency) 检查程序(checker program),如下所示。
1.在您首选的Web 浏览器上访问(web browser and click)下载 DPC Latency Checker 1.4.0(Download DPC Latency Checker 1.4.0) (Alternative – LatencyMon ),然后单击立即下载(Download Now )按钮。
2. 单击下载的dpclat.exe文件打开安装向导(installation wizard)并按照屏幕上的所有说明安装应用程序。
3. 安装后,打开DPC Latency Checker。它将自动开始分析系统的DPC 延迟(DPC latency)。
4. 绿色和黄色条表示您的计算机可以处理实时音频和视频(audio and video)流而不会出现任何中断。
但是,如果您看到红色(red )条,请检查说明框(description box)以确定哪些设备驱动程序正在损害计算机的整体性能。更新有问题的设备的驱动程序,将其卸载或完全禁用设备。它应该可以解决电脑噼啪声的问题。
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复Windows 10 音频噼啪声(Windows 10 audio crackling)问题以及声音噼啪声 windows 10 和音频噼啪声 windows 10 耳机问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Windows 10 Audio Crackling
It is never a goоd ѕign when our tech devices start making weird noises unexpectedly. It can fоreshаdow potential hardware failures. Recently, many Windows 10 users have been hearing a popping sound emerging out of their output speaker/headphones. Thiѕ windows 10 audio сrackling could be arising due to a νariety of reasons. Іf you are alѕo deаling with the ѕame problеm, you are at the right place. We bring tо you a pеrfect guide that will help you fix pc crackling sоund espеcially sound crackling windows 10 and audio crackling windows 10 headphones.
How to Fix Windows 10 Audio Crackling
Before we start fixing this annoying issue let us understand why it occurs. Here are some possible reasons that lead to windows 10 audio crackling issue.
- Misconfigured audio settings
- Issues with audio drivers such as corruption or incompatibility
- Power management issues
- Faulty ports
- Damaged hardware
Now after understanding some reasons behind this problem let us begin fixing sound crackling windows 10 issue.
Firstly, make sure all the audio connections are tight and secure. If the audio jack isn’t plugged properly, popping sounds may be heard. So go over the connections once, if required, use another port and check if the crackling sounds continue. Also, plug your audio device into another system or even a mobile device to check if it is working and monitor the sound output. Inspect for any tears in the connection cable. In the case of wireless audio devices, always place the device within the connection range or right in front of the system.
With hardware concerns out of the way, let’s move on to review various system settings that may be leading to the crackling/popping sounds. We start with modifying a bunch of audio settings, the power settings followed by reinstalling or updating the driver files. In the end, we will be performing a DPC latency test to check for any misbehaving drivers.
Method 1: Troubleshoot Sound
It is important, to begin with a simple troubleshoot. You can use Audio Troubleshooter which can fix or identify any error present within the system. Here is how to do it.
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open Settings. Click on System.
2. Click on Sound > Troubleshoot.
3. Follow the instructions and complete the troubleshooting process. Check if the issue is fixed.
Also Read: How to Fix The Audio Service is Not Running Windows 10
Method 2: Change Audio Format
Windows 10 allows users to choose from a list of audio output formats to provide a richer auditory experience. Users can select the exact sample rate and bit depth for their output device. However, if the sample rate (audio frequency) is set too high and the audio device doesn’t support the selected frequency, crackling/popping sounds may be heard. Follow these steps to change audio format.
1. Go to Windows Settings > System as illustrated in Method 1.
2. Select the Sound menu from the left pane.
3. Scroll down on the right panel and click on Sound Control Panel.
4. In the next window, Under Playback tab right-click on your Speakers (active output device, will be marked by a green tick). Select Properties.
5. Select Advanced tab under Speakers Properties.
6. Click on the drop-down menu in Default Format section and choose 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality). Click on Test and check if you continue to hear popping sounds. If yes, choose another format and test again. Repeat the process until the unwanted popping sounds cease to exist.
7. Click on Apply to save the new sound format.
Also, check if the Exclusive mode is enabled. If yes, uncheck the boxes next to Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device and Give exclusive mode applications priority options. Exclusive mode permits applications to take complete (exclusive) control of the sound card.
Note: If disabling Exclusive mode did not resolve the popping sound issue, enable it back on.
Method 3: Disable Sound Enhancements
Apart from the luxury of choosing audio output formats, users have the option to further enhance the audio quality by applying certain sound effects as per the sound card manufacturer. Bass boost, virtual sound, pitch shift, equalizer, room correction etc. are some of these effects. Sometimes these effects can be lead to audio issues. Follow these steps to disable them.
1. Navigate to System setting > Sound > Sound Control Panel as shown in Method 2.
2. Select Enhancements tab.
3. One by one uncheck the box next to each enhancement effect. In some PCs, a Disable All Enhancements option will be present, simply check it to disable all the effects at once.
4. Switch to Spatial sound tab and Make sure that Select the Spatial sound format you want to apply is off.
5. Click on OK.
Method 4: Disable ATI HDMI Audio Device
The ATI HDMI audio device is responsible for the transmission of sound when an external device is connected to your PC via an HDMI cable. While it is unclear why the ATI HDMI audio device may be prompting random crackling/popping sounds, many users have resolved the issue by disabling the device altogether. Here is how you can disable it.
1. Type Device Manager in the search bar and select Open.
2. Double-click on Sound, video, and game controllers to expand it.
3. Right-click on ATI HDMI Audio and select Disable device.
Check if windows 10 audio crackling issue is still there.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 No Audio Devices are Installed
Method 5: Update Drivers
If you continue to hear popping sounds emerging out of your speakers/headphones, it is time to have a look at the sound card driver files. These files are essential for the optimal functioning of their respective hardware components and are subject to corruption due to a variety of reasons. Outdated drivers can cause this issue. The native device manager or any specialized application such as DriverEasy can be used to maintain all drivers. Here are the steps to update audio drivers.
1. Navigate to Device Manager > Sound, video, and game controllers.
2. Right-click on your audio card and select Properties.
3. On the Driver tab, click on Update driver.
4. In the following window, choose Search Automatically for updated software. Alternatively, you can visit the sound card manufacturer’s website, download the latest driver files and install them manually using Browse my computer for drivers option.
Check if the windows 10 audio crackling issue is fixed.
Method 6: Modify Power Settings
A setting that appears to be behind the worrying popping sounds in Windows 10 is the Minimum Processor State setting. It specifies (in percentages) the minimum power to be allocated to the processor when it is idle or performing minor tasks. Changing the allocated power value may eliminate the popping sounds. Here is how to do it.
1. Open the Start Menu and search for Control Panel > Open.
2. Click on View by on the right corner and then select Large icons.
3. Click on the Power Options.
4. In the following window, Click on Change plan settings.
Note: In some cases your Selected plan may be different, choose change plan settings of your plan.
5. Click Change advanced power settings.
6. Click on the + icon before Processor power management > Minimum processor state.
7. Change the value of On battery and Plugged in to 100%.
8. Click Apply > OK.
Another power setting you can apply to fix this issue is Fast Startup. Follow these steps to do so.
1. In the Power Options, click on Choose what the power buttons do link.
2. Click on Change settings that are currently unavailable (requires administrative access) and uncheck Turn on fast startup. Click on Save changes and restart the PC.
Also Read: How to Fix Audio Stuttering in Windows 10
Method 7: Use Third-party Tools
Deferred Procedure Call or DPC is a native Windows 10 feature that permits the rescheduling of low-priority tasks in favor of other high-priority ones. If one of these high-priority tasks/driver files is taking an absurd amount of time to get something done, it results in high DPC latency and audio issues like dropouts, pops, etc. To check if that is indeed the case, you can download a third-party DPC latency checker program as shown below.
1. Visit Download DPC Latency Checker 1.4.0 (Alternative – LatencyMon) on your preferred web browser and click on Download Now button.
2. Click on the downloaded dpclat.exe file to open the installation wizard and follow all the on-screen instructions to install the application.
3. Once installed, open DPC Latency Checker. It will automatically start analyzing the DPC latency of your system.
4. Green and yellow bars signify that your computer can handle real-time audio and video streaming without experiencing any drop-outs.
However, if you see red bars, check the description box to figure out which device drivers are damaging the computer’s overall performance. Update the problematic device’s driver, uninstall it or disable the device entirely. It should fix pc crackling sound issue.
If none of the methods works for you, try updating Windows to get rid of any inherent bugs or installing Windows again.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Windows 10 audio crackling issue along with sound crackling windows 10 and audio crackling windows 10 headphones problem. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any queries or, suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.