Word已经成为这个时代最重要的应用之一。您是否收到一条消息说Word由于文件权限错误而无法完成保存?您可能不是唯一面临此问题的人。如果您搜索过Word文件权限错误或 Windows 10 由于权限错误而无法保存文件等术语,您将得到正确的结果。继续阅读以了解有关修复错误的方法的更多信息。
如何修复 Windows 10 中的 Word 文件权限错误(How to Fix Word File Permission Error in Windows 10)
只读文件:(Read-only File: )您尝试编辑的Word文件以只读形式打开,而不是可编辑形式。
文件通过网络传输:(The File is Over a Network: )您正在查看的Word文件并未本地保存在 PC 上,而是通过网络(例如Google Docs )使用。
文件的其他所有权:(Other Ownership for the File: )您正在使用的文件必须有其他所有者,并且您可能无权编辑该文件。
防病毒软件:(Anti-virus Software:) Â 防病毒(Anti-virus)软件,尤其是第三方软件,可能会破坏PC 上正常程序(如Word )的功能。(Word)
已经存在(Already Existing Filename:)的文件名: Â 您尝试保存在特定位置的文件必须具有以前存在的文件的名称。
以不支持的格式保存:(Saving in the Unsupported Format:) Â 您尝试保存的Word文件的格式不得与您 PC 上的MS Word版本兼容。(MS Word)以不受支持的格式保存文件可能会导致该问题。
损坏的Word注册表:(Corrupt Word Registry:) Â注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中的Word数据肯定已经损坏,这使得(Word)Word文件难以使用。
后台进程:(Background Process:) Â Windows Search Service等后台进程可能会中断并减慢Word文件的保存过程。
过时的 Word:(Outdated Word: )您 PC 上的MS Word版本可能已经过时,一定不支持保存文件。
自动更正功能:(AutoCorrect Feature:)MS Word中的大写等自动更正(AutoCorrect)功能允许您使用大写(Capital)字母保存文件名。此功能可能会干扰您 PC 上的保存过程。
方法一:基本故障排除方法(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Methods)
在尝试解决Word文件上的任何设置之前,您可以在您的 PC 上尝试此处列出的基本故障排除方法。
1.确保正确的 Internet 连接:(Ensure Proper Internet Connection:)当您尝试通过网络编辑Word文件时,您必须确保您拥有正确且高速的 Internet 连接。您可以使用Speedtest(Speedtest)网站检查网络速度。
2.不要在可移动存储设备中编辑(Avoid):(Don’t Edit in Removable Storage Devices:)避免 在可移动存储设备中编辑,并尝试将文件本地保存在您的 PC 上。对存储设备的一些干扰可能会干扰保存过程。
3.禁用防病毒软件:(Disable Anti-virus Software:) Â 关闭(Turn off the anti-virus software)PC 上的防病毒软件以允许保存文件。
4.更新 Windows:(Update Windows:) Â 使用过时的 Windows 无法帮助您以正确的格式保存文件。尝试在您的 PC 上更新 Windows(updating the Windows),然后保存文件。
5.尝试登录管理员用户帐户:(Try to Login into Admin User Account:) Â 如果您登录的是标准用户帐户(Standard User Account),您可能无法更改您的Word文件。注销(Sign)此用户帐户,然后登录到管理员(Administrator)帐户。
6.打开另一个用户帐户:(Open Another User Account:) Â 在您的 PC 上使用(Use)另一个用户(User)帐户,例如访客用户(Guest User),然后在一段时间后返回您的用户帐户。尝试在您的用户帐户中保存一段时间后保存文件。
7.停止 G-drive 同步:(Stop G-drive Synchronization:) Â 如果您已在 PC 上同步了Google Drive ,您可能需要在(Google Drive)Google Drive网站上将其关闭。
方法 2:MS Word 中的基本故障排除方法(Method 2: Basic Troubleshooting Methods in MS Word)
尝试使用MS Word应用程序中的基本故障排除方法解决由于文件权限错误导致(MS Word)Word无法完成保存。
1.重新启动 MS Word:(Restart MS Word:) Â通过关闭应用程序然后在 PC 上重新启动它来重新启动Word应用程序。(Word)
2.重命名为不同的文件:(Rename as a Different File: )如果文件具有相似的名称,您可能需要在 PC 上以不同的名称保存它们。
3.使用另存为而不是保存:(Use Save As instead of Save:) Â 在 Word 文件的“文件”选项卡中使用“另存为(Save As)”选项而不是“保存(Save)”选项来保存 Word文件(File)。
4.一段时间后尝试保存:(Try Saving after Some Time:) Â 等待(Wait)几分钟,然后尝试同时使用Ctrl+ S键将文件保存在您的 PC 上。
5.多次尝试保存选项:(Try the Save Option Multiple Times:) Â 有时,文件可能会出现小故障。尝试使用各种方法(如保存(Save)按钮、Ctrl+ S键等)将文件连续保存在您的 PC 上。
6.尝试保存到另一个驱动器:(Try Saving to Another Drive: )您 PC 上的某些驱动器可能需要特殊权限才能保存文件。将文件保存在 PC 上的另一个分区或本地驱动器中。(Drive)
7.复制内容并将其保存到新文档:(Copy Content and Save it to a New Document:)如果您可以选择文件的内容,请复制内容并将其粘贴到任何其他脱机编辑器中,例如记事本(Notepad)。关闭现有Word文件并将文件内容保存在新的Word文档文件中。
8.以不同格式保存文件:使用(Save the File in a Different Format: )保存类型:(Save as type:)保存窗口中的下拉菜单以任何其他格式保存文件。
9.打开和修复 Word:(Open and Repair Word:) Â 在MS Word应用程序中打开(MS Word)Word文件时,“打开(Open)”按钮中会出现一个下拉菜单。在列表中选择打开并修复(Open and Repair)选项以修复文件,然后保存文件。
10.更新 Microsoft Word -(Update Microsoft Word-)使用Word应用程序(Word)文件(File)选项卡中的帐户(Account )选项卡更新Microsoft Office。检查更新并手动下载MS Word的更新。
11.退出 Microsoft Office -(Resign into Microsoft Office- )退出您的Microsoft Office并使用(Microsoft Office)登录(Sign)凭据重新登录您的应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用 Microsoft Word 拼写检查器(How to Disable Microsoft Word Spell Checker)
方法 3:禁用 MS Word 加载项(Method 3: Disable MS Word Add-Ins)
MS Word中的加载项可以阻止或延迟您在 PC 上保存文件,您可以使用此方法禁用加载项。
1.同时按下Windows+ R keys运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入Winword /safe 并单击OK按钮以安全模式打开Word文件应用程序。
3. 单击应用程序左上角的文件选项卡。(File )
4. 选择窗口左窗格中的选项选项卡。(Options )
5.在 Word 选项窗口中选择加载项选项卡。(Add-Ins )
6.在设置Manage:旁边的下拉菜单中选择COM Add-ins ,然后单击Go...按钮。
7. 单独选择加载项(Add-ins),然后单击删除(Remove )按钮。删除加载项后,单击“确定(OK )”按钮完成该过程。
方法 4:禁用 MS Word 自动更正(Method 4: Disable MS Word AutoCorrect)
自动大写(Auto-Capitalization)功能是MS Word中的一个附加选项,您可以禁用该选项以保存文件而不会出现错误。
1. 在您的 PC 上启动Word应用程序,然后单击左上角的文件选项卡。(File )
2. 选择窗口左窗格中的选项卡选项。(Options)
3.在Word 选项窗口中选择(Word Options)校对(Proofing )选项卡,然后单击自动更正选项…(AutoCorrect Options…)按钮。
4. 取消选择自动更正(AutoCorrect)窗口中的所有选项,然后单击确定(OK)按钮禁用自动大写。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Â Microsoft Word 中最好的草书字体是什么?(What are some of the best Cursive Fonts in Microsoft Word?)
方法 5:允许帐户编辑文件(Method 5: Permit Account to Edit File)
1. 右键单击要编辑的Word 文件,然后单击列表中的选项(Word file)属性(Properties)。
2. 在常规(General )选项卡中,取消选择只读(Read-only)选项并移至窗口中的安全选项卡。(Security )
3. 单击显示窗口上的高级(Advanced )按钮。
4. 单击您的用户帐户详细信息旁边的更改设置。(Change)
5. 单击下一个窗口底部的“高级”按钮。(Advanced…)
6. 单击窗口上的立即查找(Find Now)按钮,在您的 PC 上选择帐户,然后单击确定(OK )按钮。
7. 单击所有窗口上的确定按钮以结束该过程。(OK)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将字体添加到 Word Mac(How to Add Fonts to Word Mac)
方法 6:重新启动 Windows 搜索服务(Method 6: Restart Windows Search Service)
此方法允许您重新启动后台进程Windows Search服务并修复错误。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
3.在列表中选择服务Windows Search,点击窗口中的Restart选项重启服务。
方法 7:从注册表编辑器重置 Word 数据(Method 7: Reset Word Data from Registry Editor)
您可以在 PC 上的Word应用程序的(Word)注册表窗口(Registry Window)中重置数据以修复权限错误。
1. 启动运行(Run)对话框,如方法 6(Method 6)所示。
2. 键入regedit并单击OK按钮以启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)窗口。
3.在注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中转到以下位置路径(path)。
4. 右键单击文件夹Data并在列表中选择选项Delete。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Â 如何在 Google 文档中添加目录(How to Add Table of Contents in Google Docs)
方法 8:修复 Microsoft Office 套件(Method 8: Repair Microsoft Office Suite)
您可以使用此处提到的步骤修复整个Microsoft Office套件以解决此问题。
1.在搜索栏搜索控制面板(Control Panel)并在您的 PC 上启动该应用程序。
2.在View by setting中选择Category选项,然后点击菜单中的(Category)Programs选项。
3. 右键单击 Microsoft Office并选择更改(Change )选项。
注意:(Note:)或者,您可以单击“卸载”按钮卸载(Uninstall )程序。您可以从PC 上的Microsoft Store重新安装(Microsoft Store)Microsoft Office 。
4. 在下一个窗口中选择选项修复(Repair ),然后单击继续(Continue )按钮。
等待(Wait)配置过程完成,然后重新启动您的 PC。
方法 9:重置 Word 默认模板(Method 9: Reset Word Default Template)
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入%appdata% 并点击OK按钮打开 AppData 文件夹。
3. 双击Microsoft文件夹。
4. 打开模板(Templates)文件夹。
5. 将文件Normal移动到任何其他位置以重置默认 word 模板。
注意:(Note: )您也可以按Delete键删除文件上的Normal文件。(Normal)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Â 如何将 Word 转换为 JPEG(How to Convert Word to JPEG)
方法10:使用第三方修复工具(Method 10: Use Third-party Repair Tool)
1.在您的 PC 上访问Remo 官方网站。(official site)
注意:(Note:)在安装软件之前,请关闭 PC 上的Word文件。
2. 单击向导窗口中的下一步按钮。(Next)
3. 单击许可证(License)窗口上的我接受(I Accept)按钮,然后单击下一个窗口上的完成(Finish )按钮。
4. 打开Remo Repair Word,单击浏览(Browse )选项,然后选择要修复的文件。
5.单击修复(Repair )选项并等待该过程完成。然后,您可以打开修复后的Word文件。
本文讨论了修复Word 由于Windows 10中的文件权限错误而无法完成保存(Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error)的方法。您可以依靠这篇文章来解决由于权限错误而导致Windows 10无法保存文件的问题。因此,如果您遇到Word文件权限错误,请尝试实施本文中的方法。请(Please)在评论部分提供您的建议、反馈或疑问。
Fix Word File Permission Error in Windows 10
Word has become onе of the most essentiаl applications in the era. Do you receive a message that says Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission errоr? You may not be the only one facing this issue. If you have searched for terms like Word file permission error or Windows 10 cannot save file due to permission error, yоu have the correct result. Keep reading to know more about the methods to fix the error.
How to Fix Word File Permission Error in Windows 10
This section lists the possible causes for Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error.
Read-only File: The Word file you are trying to edit is opened in a read-only form and not in an editable form.
The File is Over a Network: The Word file you are viewing isn’t saved locally on the PC but is used over a network such as Google Docs.
Other Ownership for the File: The file that you are using must have other owners and you may not have the rights to edit the file.
Anti-virus Software: Anti-virus software, especially third-party software, may have disrupted the functioning of normal programs such as Word on your PC.
Already Existing Filename: The file that you are trying to save in a particular location must have the name of a previously existing file.
Saving in the Unsupported Format: The Word file that you are trying to save must not be in a compatible format with the MS Word version on your PC. Saving the file in an unsupported format might have caused the issue.
Corrupt Word Registry: The data of Word in the Registry Editor must have been corrupt, which makes it difficult to use the Word file.
Background Process: The background processes such as Windows Search Service may have disrupted and slowed down the saving process of a Word file.
Outdated Word: The MS Word version on your PC may have been too outdated and must not have supported saving the file.
AutoCorrect Feature: The AutoCorrect features like capitalization and many more in MS Word allows you to save the file name with Capital letters. This feature may have disturbed the saving process on your PC.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Methods
Before attempting to solve any setting on your Word file, you can try the basic troubleshooting methods listed here on your PC.
1. Ensure Proper Internet Connection: When you are trying to edit a Word file over a network, you must ensure that you have a proper and high-speed internet connection. You can check the network speed using the Speedtest website.
2. Don’t Edit in Removable Storage Devices: Avoid editing in Removable storage devices, and try saving the file locally on your PC. Some disturbance to the storage devices may disturb the saving process.
3. Disable Anti-virus Software: Turn off the anti-virus software on your PC to allow saving the files.
4. Update Windows: Using outdated Windows cannot help you save the file in a proper format. Try updating the Windows on your PC and then save the file.
5. Try to Login into Admin User Account: If you are logged in to a Standard User Account, you may not be able to make changes to your Word file. Sign out of this user account, and log in to an Administrator account.
6. Open Another User Account: Use another User account on your PC such as a Guest User, and then return to your user account after some time. Try saving the file after some time in your user account.
7. Stop G-drive Synchronization: If you have synced your Google Drive on your PC, you may need to turn it off on the Google Drive website.
Method 2: Basic Troubleshooting Methods in MS Word
Try solving the Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error using the basic troubleshooting methods in the MS Word app.
1. Restart MS Word: Restart your Word application by closing the app and then re-launching it on your PC.
2. Rename as a Different File: If the files have similar names, you may need to save them in a different name on your PC.
3. Use Save As instead of Save: Save the Word file using the Save As option instead of the Save option in the File tab on your Word file.
4. Try Saving after Some Time: Wait for a few minutes and then try saving the file on your PC using the keys Ctrl+ S at the same time.
5. Try the Save Option Multiple Times: Sometimes, there might be a small glitch on the file. Try saving the file continuously on your PC using various methods like the Save button, Ctrl+ S keys, etc.
6. Try Saving to Another Drive: Some drives on your PC might require special permission for saving the file. Save the file in another partition or Drive locally on your PC.
7. Copy Content and Save it to a New Document: If you can select the content of a file, copy the content and paste it into any other offline editor such as Notepad. Close the existing Word file and save the content of the file in a new Word document file.
8. Save the File in a Different Format: Save the file in any other format using the Save as type: drop-down menu in the save window.
9. Open and Repair Word: While opening a Word file in the MS Word app, you will have a drop-down menu in the Open button. Select the option Open and Repair in the list to repair the file and then save the file.
10. Update Microsoft Word- Update the Microsoft Office using the Account tab in the File tab on your Word app. Check for updates and download the update manually for MS Word.
11. Resign into Microsoft Office- Sign out of your Microsoft Office and resign into your app using the login credentials.
Also Read: How to Disable Microsoft Word Spell Checker
Method 3: Disable MS Word Add-Ins
The add-ins in your MS Word can stop or delay you from saving a file on your PC, you can disable the add-ins using this method.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the keys Windows+ R keys simultaneously.
2. Type Winword /safe and click on the OK button to open the Word file app in a Safe mode.
3. Click on the File tab in the top-left corner of the app.
4. Select the Options tab in the left pane of the window.
5. Select the Add-Ins tab in the Word Options window.
6. Select COM Add-ins in the drop-down menu next to the setting Manage: and click on the Go… button.
7. Select the Add-ins individually and click on the Remove button. After the add-ins are removed click on the OK button to complete the process.
Method 4: Disable MS Word AutoCorrect
The Auto-Capitalization feature is an additional option in MS Word, you can disable the option to save your file without the error.
1. Launch the Word app on your PC and click on the File tab on the top-left side.
2. Select the tab Options in the left pane of the window.
3. Select the Proofing tab in the Word Options window, and click on the AutoCorrect Options… button.
4. Deselect all the options in the AutoCorrect window and click on the OK button to disable Auto-capitalization.
Also Read: What are some of the best Cursive Fonts in Microsoft Word?
Method 5: Permit Account to Edit File
Using this method, you can alter the permission and provide it to your User account to edit the Word file and save it.
1. Right-click on the Word file you would like to edit and click on the option Properties in the list.
2. In the General tab, deselect the option Read-only and move to the Security tab in the window.
3. Click on the Advanced button on the window displayed.
4. Click on the Change setting next to your user account details.
5. Click on the Advanced… button at the bottom of the next window.
6. Click on the Find Now button on the window, select the account on your PC and click on the OK button.
7. Click on the OK buttons on all the windows to end the process.
Also Read: How to Add Fonts to Word Mac
Method 6: Restart Windows Search Service
This method allows you to restart the background process Windows Search service and fix the error.
1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and click on the OK button to open the Services window.
3. Select the service Windows Search in the list and click on the Restart option in the window to restart the service.
Method 7: Reset Word Data from Registry Editor
You can reset the data in the Registry Window for your Word app on your PC to fix the permission error.
1. Launch the Run dialog box as shown in Method 6.
2. Type regedit and click on the OK button to launch the Registry Editor window.
3. Go to the following location path in Registry Editor.
4. Right-click on the folder Data and select the option Delete in the list.
Note: You can also create a backup copy locally using the Export option.
Also Read: How to Add Table of Contents in Google Docs
Method 8: Repair Microsoft Office Suite
You can repair the entire Microsoft Office suite to solve this issue using the steps mentioned here.
1. Search for Control Panel on the search bar and launch the app on your PC.
2. Select the option Category in the View by setting, and click on the option Programs in the menu.
3. Right-click on Microsoft Office and select the Change option.
Note: Alternatively, you can click on the button Uninstall to uninstall the program. You can reinstall Microsoft Office from the Microsoft Store on your PC.
4. Select the option Repair in the next window and click on the Continue button.
Wait for the configuration process to complete and then, restart your PC.
Method 9: Reset Word Default Template
You can reset the default template of Word to fix the permission error.
1. Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type %appdata% and click on the OK button to open the AppData folder.
3. Double-click on the Microsoft folder.
4. Open the Templates folder.
5. Move the file Normal to any other location to reset the default word template.
Note: You can also delete the Normal file on the file by pressing the Delete key.
Also Read: How to Convert Word to JPEG
Method 10: Use Third-party Repair Tool
If none of the methods can fix the error, try installing third-party software to repair the Word file.
1. Visit the Remo official site on your PC.
Note: Close the Word files on your PC before installing the software.
2. Click on the Next button on the wizard window.
3. Click on the I Accept button on the License window and click on the Finish button on the next window.
4. Open Remo Repair Word, click on the Browse option, and select the file you wish to repair.
5. Click on the Repair option and wait till the process is complete. You can then open the repaired Word file.
This article discussed the methods to fix Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error in Windows 10. You can rely on this article to solve the Windows 10 cannot save file due to permission error. So, if you are encountering a Word file permission error, try implementing the methods in this article. Please provide your suggestions, feedback, or queries in the comments section.