修复无法在 Android 上发送或接收短信: (Fix Can’t Send Or Receive Text Messages On Android: )虽然有许多应用程序可以让您轻松发送消息或与您的朋友和家人交流,但其中大多数应用程序需要互联网连接才能工作。因此,另一种选择是发送比所有其他第三方即时消息应用程序更可靠的(messaging app)SMS。虽然使用第三方应用程序有一定的好处,例如发送照片、图像、视频、文档、大小文件等,但如果您没有适当的互联网,那么这些将根本无法工作。总之,尽管市场上已经出现了大量的即时通讯应用程序(messaging app),但短信(SMS)仍然是任何手机的重要功能。
现在,如果您购买了任何新的旗舰Android手机,那么您会期望它可以随时随地发送和接收短信而不会出现任何问题。但恐怕情况并非如此,因为许多人报告说他们无法在他们的Android 手机(Android phone)上发送或接收短信。

Why I can’t send or receive text messages (SMS/MMS)?
- 软件冲突
- 网络信号弱
- (Carrier problem)注册网络的(Registered Network)运营商问题
- 电话设置中的错误配置或错误配置
- 切换到新手机或从 iPhone 切换到Android或从Android切换到 iPhone
修复无法在 Android 上发送或接收短信 (Fix Can’t Send or Receive Text Messages On Android )
方法一:检查网络信号(Method 1: Check Network Signals)
如果您无法在Android上发送或接收消息,您应该执行的第一步也是基本步骤是检查信号条(signal bars)。这些信号条将位于手机屏幕的(phone screen)右上角(right corner)或左上角(left corner)。如果您可以按预期看到所有条形,则表示您的网络信号良好。

如果条数较少,则表示网络信号较弱。要解决此问题,请关闭手机,然后重新打开。这可能会改善信号(improve the signal),您的问题可能会得到解决。
方法 2:更换手机(Method 2: Replace Your Phone)
由于手机问题或手机硬件问题,您可能无法发送或接收短信。因此,要解决此问题,请将您的SIM 卡(SIM card)(来自有问题的手机(from the problematic phone))插入其他手机,然后检查您是否能够发送或接收短信。(send or receive text messages or not.)如果您的问题仍然存在,那么您可以通过访问您的服务提供商并要求(service provider and ask)更换SIM 卡(SIM replacement)来解决它。否则,您可能需要用新手机更换手机。

方法 3:检查阻止列表(Method 3: Check the Blocklist)
如果您想发送消息但您无法先发送消息,则应检查您尝试发送消息的号码是否不在您的设备阻止列表或垃圾邮件列表中(device Blocklist or Spam list)。如果该号码被阻止,那么您将无法从该号码发送或接收任何消息。因此,如果您仍想向该号码发送消息,则需要将其从阻止列表中删除。要取消阻止号码,请按照以下步骤操作:
3.将出现一个对话框(dialog box),要求您取消阻止此电话号码(phone number)。单击(Click)确定( OK.)。

方法四:清理旧消息(Method 4: Cleaning up old Messages)
如果您仍然无法发送或接收消息,则此问题也可能是由于您的SIM 卡(SIM card)可能已完全装满消息或您的SIM 卡(SIM card)已达到其可以存储的最大消息限制。因此,您可以通过删除无用的消息来解决此问题。建议不时删除短信,以免出现此问题。
1.通过点击打开内置的消息应用程序。(messaging app)

2.单击右上角的三点图标。(three-dot icon)


4.接下来,点击 更多设置。(More settings.)

5.在更多设置下,点击短信。(tap on Text messages.)

6.单击或点击管理 SIM 卡消息( Manage SIM card messages)。在这里,您将看到存储在SIM 卡(SIM card)上的所有信息。

方法5:增加短信限制(Method 5: Increasing the Text Message Limit)
如果您的SIM 卡(SIM card)空间过快地被短信 ( SMS )填满,那么您可以通过增加可存储在SIM 卡(SIM card)上的短信限制来解决此问题。但是,在增加短信空间的同时要记住一件事,那就是SIM上的联系人空间会减少。但是,如果您将数据存储在Google 帐户(Google account)中,那么这应该不是问题。要增加可存储在SIM 卡(SIM card)上的消息限制,请执行以下步骤:
1.点击打开内置消息应用程序(messaging app)。

2.点击右上角的三点图标( three-dot icon)。


4.点击短信限制(Text message limit) ,将出现以下屏幕。

5.上下滚动( scrolling up & down)设置限制。设置限制后,单击(limit click)“设置”按钮(Set button),将设置您的短信限制。
方法6:清除数据和缓存(Method 6: Clearing Data & Cache)
如果您的消息应用程序缓存(app cache)已满,那么您可能会遇到无法在Android上发送或接收短信的问题。因此,通过清除应用程序缓存(app cache),您可以解决问题。要从您的设备中清除数据和缓存,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.通过单击设备上的设置图标打开(Settings icon)设置( Settings)。

3.确保应用了所有应用过滤器(All apps filter)。如果没有,则通过单击左上角(left corner)可用的下拉菜单来应用它。

4.向下滚动并寻找内置的消息应用程序(Messaging app)。

5.单击它,然后点击存储选项。(Storage option.)

6.下一步,点击清除数据。 (Clear data. )

7.会出现一个警告说所有的数据将被永久删除( all of the data will be deleted permanently)。单击删除按钮。(Delete button.)

8.下一步,点击清除缓存( Clear Cache)按钮。

9.完成上述步骤后,所有未使用的数据和缓存将被清除。(all the unused data & cache will be cleared.)
方法 7:停用 iMessage(Method 7: Deactivating iMessage)
在 iPhone 中,使用 iMessage 发送和接收消息。因此,如果您将手机从 iPhone 更改为Android 或 Windows(Android or Windows)或Blackberry,那么您可能会面临无法发送或接收短信的问题,因为您可能在将SIM 卡(SIM card)插入Android 手机(Android phone)之前忘记停用 iMessage 。但不要担心,因为您可以通过将 SIM 卡再次插入某些 iPhone 来停用 iMessage 来轻松解决此问题。
要从SIM中停用 iMessage,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.将您的SIM 卡(SIM card)重新插入 iPhone。
2.确保您的移动数据已开启(mobile data is ON)。任何蜂窝数据网络(如3G、4G 或 LTE)都可以使用。( 3G, 4G or LTE will work.)


4.关闭(Toggle off)iMessage旁边的按钮以禁用它。

6.关闭FaceTime旁边的按钮以禁用它。(FaceTime in order to disable it.)

完成上述步骤后,从 iPhone 中取出SIM 卡(SIM card)并将其插入Android 手机(Android phone)。现在,您或许可以修复 Android 无法发送或接收短信的问题。(fix can’t send or receive text messages on the Android issue.)
方法 8:解决软件冲突(Method 8: Resolving Software Conflict)
当您访问Google Playstore下载任何应用程序时,您会发现许多针对特定功能的应用程序。因此,如果您下载了多个执行相同功能的应用程序,那么这可能会导致软件冲突(software conflict)并影响每个应用程序的性能。
同样,如果您安装任何第三方应用程序(party app)来管理短信或短信(texting or SMS),那么它肯定会与您的Android设备(Android device)内置的消息应用程序(messaging app)产生冲突,您可能无法发送或接收消息。您可以通过删除第三方应用程序(party app)来解决此问题。此外,建议不要使用任何第三方应用程序(party app)发短信,但如果您仍想保留第三方应用程序(party app)并且不想面对软件冲突问题,请执行以下步骤:
2.从您的主屏幕打开Google Playstore。

3.单击或点击Playstore左上角(left corner)可用的三行图标( three lines)。

4.点击我的应用和游戏(My apps and games)。

5.查看您已安装的第三方消息应用程序是否有可用的更新。(messaging app)如果可用,则更新它。

方法 9:执行网络注册重置(Method 9: Perform Network Registration Reset )
如果您无法发送或接收消息,则您的网络可能存在问题。因此,通过使用另一部电话重新注册它,这将覆盖您号码上的网络注册(network registration),可能会解决问题。
要再次执行网络注册(network registration),请按照以下步骤操作:
- 从当前手机中取出SIM 卡(SIM card)并将其插入另一部手机。
- 打开手机,等待(phone ON and wait)2-3 分钟。
- 确保它有蜂窝信号。
- 一旦它有蜂窝信号,请关闭手机。
- 再次取出SIM 卡(SIM card)并将其插入您遇到问题的手机中。
- 打开手机,等待(phone and wait)2-3 分钟。它会自动重新配置网络注册(network registration)。
完成上述步骤后,您在Android 手机(Android phone)上发送或接收短信可能不会遇到任何问题。
方法 10:执行出厂重置(Method 10: Perform a Factory Reset)
如果您已经尝试了所有方法但仍然遇到问题,那么作为最后的手段,您可以将手机恢复出厂设置。通过将手机恢复出厂设置,您的手机将变成全新的带有默认应用程序(default apps)的手机。要恢复出厂设置,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.点击设置( Settings)图标打开手机上的设置。

2.设置页面将打开,然后点击附加设置( Additional settings)。

3.下一步,点击备份和重置(tap on Backup and reset)。

4.在备份和重置下,点击恢复出厂数据。(Factory data reset.)

5.点击页面底部的重置手机选项。(Reset phone)

完成上述步骤后,您的手机将恢复出厂设置。现在,您应该可以在设备上发送或接收短信了。 (send or receive text messages on your device. )
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我希望上述步骤对您有所帮助,现在您将能够修复无法在 Android 上发送或接收短信( Fix Can’t Send Or Receive Text Messages On Android)的问题,但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分(comment section)提出。
Fix Can't Send Or Receive Text Messages On Android
Fix Can’t Send Or Receive Text Messages On Android: Although there are a number of applications using which you can easily send messages or communicate with your friends & family but most of these apps require internet connectivity to work. So the alternative is sending an SMS which is far more reliable than all the other third-party instant messaging app. Although there are certain benefits to using a third-party app such as sending photos, images, videos, documents, large and small files, etc but if you don’t have a proper internet then these won’t work at all. In short, even though a lot of instant messaging apps have arrived in the market, but the text SMS is still an important feature in any mobile phone. Hence, facing Error 98 SMS Termination Denied would be quite a pickle.. Hence, facing Error 98 SMS Termination Denied would be quite a pickle..
Now if you have purchased any new flagship Android phone then you would expect it to send & receive text messages anytime & anywhere you want without any issues. But I am afraid that is not the case since many people are reporting that they can’t send or receive text messages on their Android phone.

Sometimes, when you send or receive text messages you face several issues like you are not able to send text messages, the message you have sent has not received by the receiver, you stopped receiving messages all of a sudden, instead of messages some warning appears and many other such issues.
Why I can’t send or receive text messages (SMS/MMS)?
Well, there are several reasons due to which the problem occurs, few of them are listed below:
- Software conflict
- Network signals are weak
- Carrier problem with Registered Network
- Misconfiguration or wrong configuration in your Phone Settings
- Switching to a new phone or switching from iPhone to Android or from Android to iPhone
If you are not able to send or receive messages due to any of the above problems or any other reason, then don’t worry as using this guide you will be able to easily resolve your problem which you are facing while sending or receiving text messages.
Fix Can’t Send or Receive Text Messages On Android
Below are given methods using which you can solve your problem. After going through each method, test if your problem is resolved or not. If not then try another method.
Method 1: Check Network Signals
The first and the basic step you should perform if you are not able to send or receive messages on Android is to check the signal bars. These signal bars will be available at the top right corner or top left corner of your phone screen. If you can see all the bars as expected, it means your network signals are good.

If there are less bars it means network signals are weak. To resolve this issue switch off your phone and then switch it on again. This may improve the signal and your problem may be resolved.
Method 2: Replace Your Phone
It may be possible that you are not able to send or receive text messages due to the problem in your phone or some hardware issue on your phone. So, to resolve this problem insert your SIM card (from the problematic phone) into some other phone and then check if you are able to send or receive text messages or not. If your problem still exists then you can resolve it by visiting to your service provider and ask for SIM replacement. Otherwise, you may need to replace your phone with a new phone.

Method 3: Check the Blocklist
If you want to send a message but you are not able to then first, you should check if the number to which you trying to send a message is not present in your device Blocklist or Spam list. If the number is blocked then you will not be able to send or receive any messages from that number. So, if you still want to send a message to that number then you need to remove it from the blocklist. To unblock a number follow the below steps:
1.Long press on the number you want to send a message to.
2.Tap on Unblock from the Menu.
3.A dialog box will appear asking you to Unblock this phone number. Click on OK.

After completing the above steps, the particular number will be unblocked and you can easily send messages to this number.
Method 4: Cleaning up old Messages
If you’re still not able to send or receive messages then this issue can also be caused due to your SIM card might be completely filled with messages or your SIM card has reached the maximum limit of messages it can store. So you can resolve this issue by deleting messages which are not useful. It is advised to delete text messages from time to time so that this problem can be avoided.
Note: These steps can vary from device to device but basic steps are roughly the same.
1.Open the in-built messaging app by clicking on it.

2.Click on the three-dot icon available at the top right corner.

3.Now tap on the Settings from the menu.

4.Next, tap on More settings.

5.Under More Settings, tap on Text messages.

6.Click or tap on Manage SIM card messages. Here you will see all the messages stored on your SIM card.

7.Now you can either delete all the messages if they are of no use or can select messages one by one which you want to delete.
Method 5: Increasing the Text Message Limit
If your SIM card space fills up with text messages (SMS) too quickly then you can resolve this issue by increasing the limit of the text messages that can be stored on the SIM card. But there is one thing to keep in mind while increasing the space for text messages that is the space for Contacts on the SIM will reduce. But if you store your data in Google account then this shouldn’t be an issue. To increase the limit of messages that can be stored on your SIM card, follow the below steps:
1.Open the built-in messaging app by clicking on it.

2.Tap on the three-dot icon available at the top right corner.

3.Now tap on Settings from the menu.

4.Tap on Text message limit & the below screen will appear.

5.Set the limit by scrolling up & down. Once you have set the limit click on the Set button & your text messages limit will be set.
Method 6: Clearing Data & Cache
If your messaging app cache is full then you might face the issue where you won’t be able to send or receive text messages on Android. So, by clearing the app cache you can resolve your problem. To clear data and cache from your device follow the below steps:
1.Open Settings by clicking on the Settings icon on your device.

2.Tap on Apps option from the menu.
3.Make sure that the All apps filter is applied. If not then apply it by clicking on the dropdown menu available at the top left corner.

4.Scroll down and look for the in-built Messaging app.

5.Click on it then tap on the Storage option.

6.Next, tap on Clear data.

7.A warning will appear saying all of the data will be deleted permanently. Click on the Delete button.

8.Next, tap on the Clear Cache button.

9.After completing the above steps, all the unused data & cache will be cleared.
10.Now, restart your phone and see if the issue is resolved or not.
Method 7: Deactivating iMessage
In iPhones, messages are sent and received using iMessage. So, if you have changed your phone from iPhone to Android or Windows or Blackberry then you probably facing the problem of not being able to send or receive text messages because you might forget to deactivate iMessage before inserting your SIM card into the Android phone. But don’t worry as you can easily resolve this by deactivating the iMessage by inserting your SIM again into some iPhone.
To deactivate iMessage from your SIM follow the below steps:
1.Insert your SIM card back into the iPhone.
2.Make sure your mobile data is ON. Any cellular data network like 3G, 4G or LTE will work.

3.Go to Settings then tap on Messages & the below screen will appear:

4.Toggle off the button next to the iMessage to disable it.

5.Now go back to the Settings again then tap on FaceTime.
6.Toggle off the button next to FaceTime in order to disable it.

After completing the above steps, remove the SIM card from the iPhone and insert it into the Android phone. Now, you may be able to fix can’t send or receive text messages on the Android issue.
Method 8: Resolving Software Conflict
When you visit Google Playstore to download any application, then you will find a lot of apps for a particular functionality. So in case, if you have downloaded multiple apps that perform the same function then this can cause software conflict and hamper the performance of each application.
Similarly, if you installed any third-party app to manage texting or SMS, then it will definitely create a conflict with the in-built messaging app of your Android device and you may not able to send or receive messages. You can resolve this issue by deleting the third-party application. Also, it is advised not to use any third-party app for texting but if you still want to keep the third party app and do not want to face software conflict issue then perform the below steps:
1.First of all, make sure that your messaging app is updated to the latest version.
2.Open Google Playstore from your home screen.

3.Click or tap on three lines icon available on the top left corner of the Playstore.

4.Tap on My apps and games.

5.Look if there is any update available for the third-party messaging app you have installed. If available then update it.

Method 9: Perform Network Registration Reset
If you are not able to send or receive messages, there may be an issue with your network. So, by registering it again using another phone which will override the network registration on your number may resolve the problem.
To perform the network registration again follow the below steps:
- Take the SIM card from your current phone and insert it into another phone.
- Turn the phone ON and wait for 2-3 minutes.
- Make sure it has cellular signals.
- Once, it has cellular signals, turn OFF the phone.
- Take out the SIM card again and insert it into the phone in which you were facing a problem.
- Switch ON the phone and wait for 2-3 minutes. It will automatically reconfigure the network registration.
After completing the above steps, you may not face any problem in sending or receiving text messages on your Android phone.
Method 10: Perform a Factory Reset
If you have tried everything and still facing an issue then as a last resort you can factory reset your phone. By factory resetting your phone, your phone will become brand new with default apps. To factory reset your phone follow the below steps:
1.Open Settings on your phone by clicking on the settings icon.

2.Settings page will open up then tap on Additional settings.

3.Next, tap on Backup and reset.

4.Under backup and reset, tap on Factory data reset.

5.Tap on Reset phone option available at bottom of the page.

After completing the above steps, your phone will be factory reset. Now, you should be able to send or receive text messages on your device.
I hope the above steps were helpful and now you will be able to Fix Can’t Send Or Receive Text Messages On Android, but if you still have any queries regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment section.