Xbox One是微软(Microsoft)开发者送给游戏社区的礼物。虽然,您可能会遇到控制台的几个问题;其中之一是耳机未能执行其传输预期声音的唯一工作。在大多数情况下,这个耳机问题(headset problem)不会自行解决。这个问题可以追溯到耳机或控制器的问题;或Xbox设置本身的问题。因此,我们将指导您修复Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)无法正常工作的问题并对其进行故障排除(issue and troubleshoot),以便您可以恢复游戏。
如何修复 Xbox One 耳机无法正常工作(How to Fix Xbox One Headset Not Working)
Xbox 于 2012 年11 月(November)推出,让PlayStation 4物有所值。这款第八代视频(video game)游戏机强调其基于互联网的功能,例如录制和流式传输游戏(record and stream gameplay)的能力以及基于 Kinect 的语音控制。这一长长的功能列表帮助它成为游戏社区(gaming community)不可或缺的一部分,也是微软(Microsoft)在发布后的前 24 小时内售出 100 万台Xbox One游戏机的原因。
尽管赞不绝口,Xbox One也有相当一部分用户问题会导致耳机出现故障。这可以通过几种不同的方式表现出来:
- 人们可以听到您的声音,但您无法听到他们的声音。
- 没有人能听到你的声音,你也听不到他们的声音。
- 有嗡嗡声或其他延迟问题。
下面提到的是解决Xbox One耳机无法正常工作问题的可靠方法。一个接一个,直到您再次听到声音为止,以获得完美的游戏体验(gaming experience)。
方法一:正确连接耳机(Method 1: Connect Headset Properly)
一副耳机无法正常工作的最常见原因是耳机插头(headset plug)安装不当。以下是通过纠正松动连接对Xbox One耳机进行故障排除的步骤:
1.从插座上拔下耳机。(Unplug the headset)
2.将其牢固地插回(Firmly plug it back )耳机插孔。
注意:(Note: )请记住(Remember),插入和拔出耳机时务必牢牢抓住连接器,而不是拉扯电线,否则可能会造成进一步损坏。有时,慢慢地来回摆动插头可能会奏效。
3. 将耳机牢固地插入控制器后,移动或旋转插头,(move or rotate the plug around)直到听到一些声音。
4.定期清洁耳机以获得正确的声音。(Clean the headset)
5. 您还可以在不同的 Xbox 控制器(try your headset on a different Xbox controller)或任何其他设备上尝试您的耳机,以检查您的耳机是否真的是罪魁祸首
6. 如果此方法不起作用,请尝试近距离检查耳机线是否有损坏迹象。(headset cord)在这种情况下,更换损坏的部件(replace the damaged part)。否则,您可能只需要挥霍一个新的。
方法二:充电控制器和耳机(Method 2: Charge Controller & Headset)
由于您需要耳机和控制器都能正常工作以获得最佳游戏体验(gaming experience),因此您必须排除充电问题以修复Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)无法正常工作的问题。
1. 如果控制器中的电池电量不足,耳机可能会出现意外故障。尝试一组新电池(fresh set of batteries)或新充电的电池,并检查耳机是否再次开始工作。
2. 如果您仍然面临新耳机的声音问题,您的Xbox 控制器(Xbox controller)可能有问题。抓住另一个控制器(Grab another controller)并检查问题是否仍然存在。此外,实施后续方法来解决Xbox One 耳机音量问题(headset volume issue)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Xbox One(Fix Xbox One) 过热和关闭问题(Overheating and Turning Off)
方法 3:重启 Xbox 控制台(Method 3: Power Cycle Xbox Console)
在极少数情况下,Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)无法正常工作的问题可能是因为没有定期重启您的 Xbox。电源循环(power cycle)本质上充当控制台的故障排除工具(troubleshooting tool),并修复控制台的任何临时故障和其他问题。
1. 按Xbox 按钮(Xbox button)直到LED熄灭。通常需要大约 10 秒。
2.断开电源线(Disconnect the power cable)并放置几分钟。
3. 另外,关闭控制器(turn the controller off)。等待(Wait)几秒钟进行重置。
4.重新插入电缆(Plug the cable)并再次按下 Xbox One电源按钮(power button)。只是(Just),等待它启动。
5. 启动后,您将在电视上看到启动动画( boot-up animation)。这是一个成功的电源循环(power cycle)的指示。
方法四:增加耳机音频(Method 4: Increase Headset Audio)
这很简单,如果您的耳机意外静音或设置了极低的音量,您将听不到任何声音。要验证您的耳机音量(headset volume),请检查耳机适配器(headset adapter)上的静音按钮(mute button)或使用内嵌音量轮(inline volume wheel)。您也可以使用控制台并增加音量,如下所示:
1. 打开 Xbox 上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 导航到设备和连接(Device & connections )并单击附件(Accessories),如下图所示。
3. 单击三点图标(three-dotted icon)打开控制器设置(Controller settings)。
4.从菜单中选择音量。(Volume )这将在左侧打开一个新的窗口窗格。(Windowpane)
5. 在音频(Audio )窗口中,(, )根据需要配置您的耳机音量(Headset volume)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Xbox 上的高丢包率
方法 5:更改隐私设置(Method 5: Change Privacy Settings)
Xbox One 隐私设置允许您选择在Xbox Live上玩游戏时可以听到的内容。因此(Therefore),不正确的设置配置可能会使其他玩家静音,这可能看起来像是Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)无法正常工作。
1. 导航到设置(Settings )并从左侧窗格中选择帐户。(Account )
2. 转到隐私和在线安全(Privacy & online safety),如下图所示。
3. 单击查看详细信息和自定义(View details & customize ),然后选择使用语音和文本进行通信(Communicate with voice and text)。
4.根据您的喜好选择每个人(Everybody )或特定的朋友。(specific friends )
(Method 6: Modify Chat Mixer Volume
聊天混音器(chat mixer)是调整您通过耳机听到的声音的设置。例如:如果您在聚会上,您可能更喜欢听朋友的声音而不是游戏音频(game audio),而在其他场合,您只需要游戏音频。(game audio)这对于身临其境的游戏玩法很有帮助,但有时它可能无法提供所需的输出。因此(Hence),重新配置它应该有助于解决Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)无法正常工作的问题。
1. 打开 Xbox 上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 导航到设备和连接(Device & connections )并单击附件(Accessories),如前所述。
3. 单击三点图标(three-dotted icon)打开控制器设置(Controller settings)。
4.从菜单中选择音量。(Volume )这将在左侧打开一个新的窗口窗格。(Windowpane)
5. 导航到聊天混音器(Chat mixer )并将滑块(Slider)设置在中间,最好是。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Xbox One 错误代码 0x87dd0006(Fix Xbox One Error Code 0x87dd0006)
方法 7:更改聚会聊天输出(Method 7: Change Party Chat Output)
此功能使您能够选择是否可以通过耳机、电视扬声器(TV speaker)或两者来传输聚会聊天。(party chat)如果您已将聚会聊天(party chat)设置为通过扬声器进行,那么很明显,通过耳机听不见。按照下面提到的步骤通过更改派对聊天输出来修复(Party Chat Output)Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)不工作。
1. 在Xbox 设置(Xbox Settings)中,转到常规(General )选项卡
2. 选择音量和音频输出。(Volume & audio output.)
3. 单击左侧窗格中的派对聊天输出(Party chat output )。
4. 最后,选择耳机和扬声器(Headphone & speakers)。
方法 8:更新控制器固件(Method 8: Update Controller Firmware)
少数系统错误可能会导致固件出现故障,并且音频丢失可能是副作用。微软(Microsoft)不时发送Xbox One 固件更新,其中一个可能是解决此问题的关键。(Xbox One firmware)要更新固件,请执行以下步骤:
1. 在您的Xbox One上,登录您的Xbox Live 帐户(Xbox Live Account)。
2. 在您的控制器上,按Xbox 按钮(Xbox button )打开指南(Guide)。
3. 前往菜单( Menu )>Settings > Devices & Accessories
4. 在这里,选择附件(Accessories),如图所示。
5. 最后,选择您的控制器(controller)并选择立即(now)更新(Update) 。
6. 按照说明完成并等待(wait)更新完成,然后再测试音频。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复系统(Fix Insufficient System) 资源(Resources) 不足以(Exist)完成API 错误(API Error)
方法 9:重置 Xbox One(Method 9: Reset Xbox One)
如果上述解决Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)问题的方法不起作用,那么将Xbox One重置为其出厂设置可能是最终解决方案,因为它可以解决任何潜在问题并将设置恢复为默认状态(default state)。下面提到的是重置控制台的简单方法。
1. 按Xbox 按钮( Xbox button)打开指南(Guide)。
2. 导航到Settings > System > Console info,如下图所示,
3. 单击重置控制台(Reset console)。您将获得两个选项。
4A。首先,单击重置并保留我的游戏和应用程序(Reset and keep my games & apps ),因为这只会重置固件和设置(firmware and settings)。在这里,游戏数据保持不变,您无需再次下载所有内容。
重置过程(resetting process)完成后,测试耳机是否重新开始工作。
4B。如果没有,请选择重置并(Reset and remove everything)从控制台信息(Console info)菜单中删除所有内容。
方法 10:联系 Xbox 支持团队
(Method 10: Contact Xbox Support Team
如果上述所有方法都失败了,您可以将其归结为硬件问题。这只能通过专家协助解决,即维修或更换您的Xbox One主机、耳机或控制器。如果您的设备在保修期内,您可以联系Xbox 支持来解决(Xbox support )Xbox One 耳机(Xbox One headset)问题。
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希望以上方法能帮助您解决Xbox One 耳机无法正常工作(Xbox One headset not working)的问题。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
Fix Xbox One Headset Not Working
Xbox One is a gift to the gaming community by the developers оf Microsoft. Althоugh, you may face several issυes with the conѕolе; one of which is the headset failing to perform its only job оf transmitting the intended sound. In most cаses, this headset problem does not work itself out. This issue can be traced down to a problem in either the headset or the controller; оr а problem with the Xbox settіngs itself. Thus, we will guide you to fix Xbox One heаdset not working issuе and troubleshoot it so that you can resume gаmeplаy.
How to Fix Xbox One Headset Not Working
Xbox was launched in November of 2012 and gave the PlayStation 4 a run for its money. This eighth-generation video game console emphasized its internet-based features like the ability to record and stream gameplay as well as its Kinect-based voice controls. This long list of features helped it become an integral part of the gaming community and the reason why Microsoft sold one million Xbox One consoles within the first 24 hours of being launched.
Despite all its praises, the Xbox one has a fair share of user issues which cause the headset to malfunction. This can manifest in a few different ways:
- People can hear you, but you are unable to hear them.
- Nobody can hear you and you cannot hear them.
- There is a buzzing sound or other latency issues.
Mentioned below are surefire ways to fix the Xbox one headset not working issue. One by one, go through each until you hear the sound again for a perfect gaming experience.
Method 1: Connect Headset Properly
The most common cause for a pair of headsets not working correctly is an improperly seated headset plug. Following are the steps to troubleshoot Xbox One headset by rectifying loose connections:
1. Unplug the headset from the socket.
2. Firmly plug it back into the headphone jack.
Note: Remember that it is important to plug and unplug the headset by firmly gripping the connector and not by pulling at the wire as it may cause further damage. Sometimes, slowly wiggling the plug back and forth just might do the trick.
3. Once your headset is securely plugged into the controller, move or rotate the plug around until you hear some sound.
4. Clean the headset regularly for proper sound.
5. You can also try your headset on a different Xbox controller or any other device to check if your headset is truly the culprit
6. If this method did not work, try inspecting the headset cord up close for signs of damage. In this case, replace the damaged part. Otherwise, you just may need to splurge on a new one.
Method 2: Charge Controller & Headset
As you need both the headset and the controller to function properly for the best gaming experience, you have to rule outcharging issues to fix Xbox One headset not working problem.
1. If the batteries in the controller are running low, the headset may malfunction in unexpected ways. Try a fresh set of batteries, or freshly charged ones, and check if the headset starts working again.
2. If you are still facing sound problems with the new pair of headsets, your Xbox controller might be at fault. Grab another controller and check if the issues persist. Also, implement the succeeding methods to troubleshoot Xbox One headset volume issue.
Also Read: Fix Xbox One Overheating and Turning Off
Method 3: Power Cycle Xbox Console
In some rare cases, the issue of Xbox One headset not working can be because of not restarting your Xbox regularly. A power cycle essentially acts as a troubleshooting tool for the console and fixes any temporary glitches and other issues with the console.
1. Press the Xbox button until the LED goes off. Usually it takes about 10 seconds.
2. Disconnect the power cable and leave it alone for a few minutes.
3. Also, turn the controller off. Wait for a few seconds for the reset.
4. Plug the cable back in and press the Xbox One power button again. Just, wait for it to start up.
5. Once it starts up, you will see the boot-up animation on your television. This is the indication of a successful power cycle.
Method 4: Increase Headset Audio
This is a no-brainer, if you have your headset accidentally muted or have set an extremely low volume, you will not be able to hear anything. To verify your headset volume, check the mute button on the headset adapter or use the inline volume wheel. You can also use the console and increase the volume, as follows:
1. Open the Settings application on your Xbox.
2. Navigate to Device & connections and click Accessories, as depicted below.
3. Click the three-dotted icon to open Controller settings.
4. Choose Volume from the menu. This will open a new Windowpane on the left-hand side.
5. In the Audio Window, configure your Headset volume, as needed.
Also Read: Fix High Packet Loss on Xbox
Method 5: Change Privacy Settings
Xbox One privacy settings allow you to choose what you can hear while playing games on Xbox Live. Therefore, an incorrect settings configuration can mute other players which may seem like Xbox One headset not working.
1. Navigate to Settings and choose Account from the left pane.
2. Go to Privacy & online safety, as depicted below.
3. Click View details & customize and choose Communicate with voice and text.
4. Choose Everybody or specific friends according to your preference.
Method 6: Modify Chat Mixer Volume
The chat mixer is the setting that adjusts the sounds you hear through the headset. For example: If you are at a party, you might prefer hearing your friends over the game audio while on other occasions, game audio is all you need. This is a helpful feature for immersive gameplay, but sometimes it can fail to provide the desired output. Hence, reconfiguring it should help fix Xbox One headset not working problem.
1. Open the Settings application on your Xbox.
2. Navigate to Device & connections and click Accessories, as earlier.
3. Click the three-dotted icon to open Controller settings.
4. Choose Volume from the menu. This will open a new Windowpane on the left-hand side.
5. Navigate to Chat mixer and set the Slider to the middle, preferably.
Also Read: How to Fix Xbox One Error Code 0x87dd0006
Method 7: Change Party Chat Output
This feature gives you the ability to choose whether the party chat can be transmitted through your headset, your TV speaker, or both. If you have set the party chat to come through the speaker, it will, as obvious, be inaudible through the headset. Follow the steps mentioned below to fix Xbox One headset not working by changing Party Chat Output.
1. In Xbox Settings, go to the General tab
2. Choose Volume & audio output.
3. Click Party chat output in the left pane.
4. Lastly, choose Headphone & speakers.
Method 8: Update Controller Firmware
Few system bugs may cause the firmware to malfunction, and the loss of audio may be a side effect. Microsoft sends Xbox One firmware updates from time to time, one of which might hold the key to fixing this issue. To update the firmware, follow these steps:
1. On your Xbox One, sign in to your Xbox Live Account.
2. On your controller, press the Xbox button to open the Guide.
3. Go to Menu > Settings > Devices & Accessories
4. Here, select Accessories as shown.
5. Finally, pick your controller and choose Update now.
Note: Before you start updating the controller, make sure that the controllers have sufficient charge.
6. Follow the instructions through and wait for the update to be complete before you test the audio.
If the box reads no update available, you can move to the next method.
Also Read: Fix Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API Error
Method 9: Reset Xbox One
If the above methods to troubleshoot Xbox One headset is not working then resetting your Xbox One to its factory settings may be the ultimate solution, as it may fix any underlying issues and revert the settings to their default state. Mentioned below is an easy way to reset your console.
1. Press the Xbox button to open the Guide.
2. Navigate to Settings > System > Console info, as illustrated below,
3. Click Reset console. You will be given two options.
4A. First, click on Reset and keep my games & apps as this only resets the firmware and settings. Here, the game data stays intact and you avoid having to download everything again.
Once the resetting process is complete, test if the headset has started working again.
4B. If not, select Reset and remove everything from the Console info menu instead.
Method 10: Contact Xbox Support Team
If all the methods mentioned above have failed, you can chalk it down to a hardware issue. This can only be fixed with expert assistance, that is repairing or replacing your Xbox One console, headset, or controller. You can contact Xbox support if your device is under warranty to troubleshoot Xbox One headset problems.
Hope the above methods helped you to resolve your Xbox One headset not working issue. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next.