在Windows 11中,Microsoft Store是为您的计算机获取应用程序的一站式商店。从Microsoft Store下载的(Microsoft Store)应用程序(Apps)与众不同,因为它们不是作为传统桌面软件(desktop software)安装的。相反,它们通过Store接收更新。鉴于Microsoft Store以不可靠和困难而著称,难怪这些应用程序(Apps)也面临类似的问题。许多客户反映,一旦启动应用程序,应用程序就会崩溃并出现此应用程序无法打开(This app can’t open)警告。因此,我们提供了一个完美的指南来修复应用程序无法或不会在Windows 11中打开的问题。
如何修复应用程序无法或无法在 Windows 11 中打开(How to Fix Apps Can’t or Won’t Open in Windows 11)
Microsoft Store因存在错误而臭名昭著。因此,您不应该对您的应用程序面临问题感到惊讶。此应用无法打开(This app can’t open)问题可能是由多种原因引起的,例如:
- 有缺陷的应用程序或 Microsoft 商店应用程序(Buggy apps or Microsoft store application)
- 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)设置冲突
- 损坏的存储缓存
- 由于防病毒或防火墙引起的冲突(Antivirus or Firewall)
- 过时的 Windows 操作系统
- 禁用 Windows 更新服务
方法 1:运行 Windows 应用商店应用程序疑难解答(Method 1: Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter)
Microsoft知道Store 应用程序(Store application)经常出现故障。因此,Windows 11带有内置的Microsoft Store疑难解答程序。以下是使用Windows 应用商店应用疑难解答(Windows Store Apps troubleshooter)修复无法在Windows 11中打开的应用的方法:
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 在系统(System)选项卡中,向下滚动并单击疑难解答(Troubleshoot),如图所示。
3. 单击选项(Options)下的其他疑难解答(Other troubleshooters)。
4. 单击运行(Run )Windows 应用商店应用程序。
5. 让疑难解答人员识别和修复问题。
方法2:修复或重置有问题的应用程序(Method 2: Repair or Reset Troubling App)
以下是通过修复或重置导致问题的应用程序来修复无法在 Windows 11 上打开的应用程序的步骤:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon)并输入您遇到问题的应用程序的名称。(Name of the app)
2.然后,点击应用设置(App settings),如图。
3. 向下滚动到重置(Reset)部分。
4B。如果修复应用程序无法解决问题,请单击“重置( Reset)”按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上更新(Windows 11)Microsoft PowerToys 应用程序(Microsoft PowerToys App)
方法3:重新安装故障应用程序(Method 3: Reinstall Malfunctioning App)
如果上述方法(above method)无法修复应用程序无法在Windows 11 PC 上打开问题,那么重新安装出现故障的应用程序肯定会有所帮助。
1. 同时按Windows + X keys打开快速链接(Quick Link )菜单。
2.从给定列表中单击应用程序和功能。(Apps and features )
3.滚动(Scroll)浏览已安装应用程序的列表,然后单击(apps and click)导致问题的应用程序的三点图标(three-dotted icon )。
4. 然后,点击卸载(Uninstall),如图所示。
5. 在确认对话框中(confirmation dialog box)再次单击 卸载(Uninstall),如下图所示。
6. 现在,单击搜索图标(Search icon)并输入Microsoft Store。然后,单击Open,如图所示。
7. 搜索您卸载的应用程序。选择应用程序(App)并单击安装(Install)按钮。
方法 4:清除 Microsoft Store 缓存(Method 4: Clear Microsoft Store Cache)
清除Microsoft Store 缓存(Microsoft Store cache)可以帮助您修复应用程序无法在Windows 11上打开的问题,如下所示:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入wsreset。然后,单击Open,如图所示。
2.完成此过程后,Microsoft Store将自动打开。(Microsoft Store)现在,您应该能够打开所需的应用程序。
方法五:重新注册微软商店(Method 5: Re-register Microsoft Store)
因为微软商店(Microsoft Store)是系统应用(system application),所以无法正常删除和重新安装。这样做也是不可取的。但是,您可以使用Windows PowerShell 控制台(Windows PowerShell console)将应用程序重新注册到您的系统。这可能会消除应用程序中的错误或故障,并可能修复应用程序无法或不会在Windows 11计算机中打开的问题。
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并键入Windows PowerShell。
2. 单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),突出显示。
3.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
4. 输入给定的命令并按(command and press)Enter键。
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}
5. 最后,再次尝试打开Microsoft Store并根据需要使用应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 11 上将应用固定到任务栏(Apps)
方法 6:启用 Windows 更新服务(Method 6: Enable Windows Update Service)
Microsoft Store依赖于多个服务和组件,其中之一是Windows Update 服务(Windows Update service)。如果禁用此服务,则会导致应用程序运行出现一系列问题,包括应用程序无法在Windows 11上打开问题。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
3.找到Windows Update服务并右键单击它。
4. 单击上下文菜单(context menu)中的属性(Properties ),如下图所示。
5.单击开始(Start)按钮,将启动类型(Startup type )设置为自动(Automatic),将服务状态(Service status)设置为运行,如图突出显示。(Running)
6. 单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
方法 7:更新 Windows(Method 7: Update Windows)
修复应用程序无法在Windows 11中打开的另一种方法是更新Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),如下所示:
1.如前所述启动设置。( Settings)
2.在左侧窗格中选择Windows 更新。(Windows Update)
3. 单击右窗格中的检查更新(Check for updates)按钮。
4. 如果有任何可用更新,请单击下载并安装(Download & install)。
5. 等待安装更新。最后,重新启动(restart)计算机。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中(Windows 11)下载和安装可选更新(Download and Install Optional Updates)
方法 8:更改用户帐户控制设置(Method 8: Change User Account Control Settings)
以下是通过更改用户帐户控制(account control)设置来修复无法在Windows 11中打开的应用程序的方法:(Windows 11)
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入控制面板。(Control Panel.)然后,单击Open,如图所示。
2. 单击用户帐户(User Accounts)。
注意:(Note: )确保在窗口右上角设置查看方式:(right-hand corner)View by: > Category
3. 现在,再次单击用户帐户。(User Accounts)
4. 单击更改用户帐户控制设置(Change User Account Control settings)。
5. 将滑块拖动到标记为“在以下情况下始终通知我”的(Always notify me when:)最顶层:(topmost level)
- 应用程序尝试安装软件或对我的计算机进行更改。(Apps try to install software or make changes to my computer.)
- 我对 Windows 设置进行了更改。(I make changes to Windows settings.)
6. 单击确定(OK)。
7. 最后,在“用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”提示中单击“是”。(Yes)
方法 9:创建本地帐户(Method 9: Create Local Account)
您的用户帐户(user account)可能存在错误或已损坏。在这种情况下,创建一个新的本地帐户并使用它来访问应用程序和 Microsoft Store(access apps & Microsoft Store)将有助于修复应用程序无法在Windows 11上打开的问题。在此处阅读我们关于如何在(How)Windows 11中创建本地帐户的指南以创建一个,然后授予它所需的权限。
方法 10:修复许可证服务(Method 10: Fix License Service)
Windows 许可证(Windows license)服务的问题也可能会产生问题。因此,将其修复如下:
1. 右键单击桌面(Desktop.)上的任何空白区域。(empty space)
2.在右键单击上下文菜单中选择New >Text Document
3. 双击新建文本文档(New Text Doc )将其打开。
4. 在记事本窗口(Notepad window)中,如图所示键入以下内容。
echo off
net stop clipsvc
if “%1?==”” (
move %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak
if “%1?==”recover” (
copy %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat
net start clipsvc
5. 单击文件(File)>另存(Save) 为...(As… )突出显示。
6. 在文件名:( File name:)文本字段中,输入License Fix.bat并单击保存(Save)。
7.关闭记事本。(Close the notepad.)
8. 右键单击您创建的.bat 文件(.bat file),然后从上下文菜单中单击以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上设置Windows Hello
方法 11:执行干净启动(Method 11: Perform Clean Boot)
Windows Clean Boot 功能(Clean Boot feature)在没有任何第三方服务或应用程序(service or application)干扰系统文件的情况下启动您的计算机,以便您可以检测原因并修复它。请按照以下步骤执行干净启动以修复Windows 11中无法打开的应用程序问题:
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入 msconfig(msconfig)并点击OK启动系统配置(System Configuration)窗口。
3. 在常规(General)选项卡下,选择诊断启动(Diagnostic startup)。
4. 如图所示,单击Apply > OK。
方法 12:使用本地安全策略服务
(Method 12: Use Local Security Policy Services
您可以使用组策略编辑器(group policy editor)修复应用程序无法在Windows 11中打开的问题。请按照以下步骤执行此操作。
1. 启动运行(Run )对话框,输入secpol.msc并点击OK。
2. 在本地安全策略(Local Security Policy)窗口中,展开本地策略(Local Policies)节点并单击。安全选项。(Security options.)
3. 然后向下滚动右窗格并启用(enable)以下策略。
- 用户账户控制:检测应用安装并提示提升(User account control: Detect application installation and prompt for elevation)
- 用户帐户控制:在管理员批准模式下运行所有管理员(User account control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode)
4. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入命令提示符。(Command Prompt. )然后,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
5.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
6. 在这里,输入gpupdate /force并按Enter 键(key)执行。
7.重新启动(Restart)您的 PC 以使更改生效。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在Windows 11家庭版中启用(Home Edition)组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)
方法 13:禁用 Windows Defender 防火墙(不推荐)
(Method 13: Disable Windows Defender Firewall (Not Recommended)
关闭Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)可能很危险。仅当所有其他选项都失败时,才应使用此过程。请记住在关闭应用程序或访问互联网之前重新打开防火墙。(Firewall)请按照以下步骤通过禁用Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)来修复无法在Windows 11中打开的应用程序:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并键入Windows Defender Firewall,然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的打开或关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙。(Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off)
3.为专用(Private)网络设置(network settings )和公共网络设置选择(Public network settings)关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(Turn off Windows Defender Firewall)。
4. 单击确定(OK)并继续使用所需的应用程序。
- 如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)屏幕亮度(Screen Brightness)
- (Fix Critical Process Died Error)修复Windows 11(Windows 11)中的关键进程终止错误
- 修复(Fix Error Code 0x8007007f)Windows 11 中的错误代码 0x8007007f
- 如何在 Windows 11 上使用 PowerToys
我们希望您发现这篇文章对(article interesting and helpful)如何修复无法在 Windows 11 中打开的应用程序(fix apps can’t open in Windows 11)很有趣且有帮助。在下面的评论部分(comment section)中留下您的建议和疑问。我们很想知道您希望我们接下来写哪个主题。
Fix Apps Can't Open in Windows 11
In Windows 11, Microsoft Store іs the оne-stop-shop to get apps for yoυr computer. Apps downloaded from the Microsoft Store are distinct as they are not installed as traditional desktoр softwarе. Instead, these receive updates through the Store. Gіven the reputation of Mіcroѕoft Store for being unreliable and difficult, it is no wonder thаt these Apps toо, face similar concerns. Many customers have reported that once the app is launched, the app crаshes and This app can’t open warning appears. Thus, we bring a perfect guide to fix apps can’t or won’t open in Windows 11 problem.
How to Fix Apps Can’t or Won’t Open in Windows 11
Microsoft Store is infamous for having bugs. So, you should not be surprised that your apps are facing problems. This app can’t open issue can be caused by several reasons, such as:
- Buggy apps or Microsoft store application
- User Account Control setting conflicts
- Corrupt Store cache
- Conflicts caused due to Antivirus or Firewall
- Outdated Windows OS
- Disabled Windows Update service
Method 1: Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter
Microsoft is aware that the Store application is malfunctioning often. As a result, Windows 11 comes with a built-in troubleshooter for Microsoft Store. Here’s how to fix apps can’t open in Windows 11 using Windows Store Apps troubleshooter:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings app.
2. In the System tab, scroll down and click on Troubleshoot, as shown.
3. Click on Other troubleshooters under Options.
4. Click on Run for Windows Store apps.
5. Allow the troubleshooter to identify and fix issues.
Method 2: Repair or Reset Troubling App
Here are the steps to fix apps can’t open on Windows 11 by repairing or resetting the trouble-causing app:
1. Click on the Search icon and type the Name of the app you are facing trouble with.
2. Then, click on App settings, as shown.
3. Scroll down to the Reset section.
4A. Click on Repair to repair the app.
4B. If repairing the app does not fix the issue, then click on Reset button.
Also Read: How to Update Microsoft PowerToys App on Windows 11
Method 3: Reinstall Malfunctioning App
If the above method is unable to fix apps won’t open issue on Windows 11 PC, then reinstalling the malfunctioning app should certainly help.
1. Press Windows + X keys simultaneously to open the Quick Link menu.
2. Click Apps and features from the given list.
3. Scroll through the list of installed apps and click on the three-dotted icon for the trouble-causing app.
4. Then, click on Uninstall, as shown.
Note: We have shown TranslucentTB as an example here.
5. Click on Uninstall again in the confirmation dialog box, as depicted below.
6. Now, click on the Search icon and type Microsoft Store. Then, click on Open, as shown.
7. Search for the app that you uninstalled. Select the App and click on the Install button.
Method 4: Clear Microsoft Store Cache
Clearing the Microsoft Store cache can help you fix apps can’t open on Windows 11 issue, as follows:
1. Click on the Search icon and type wsreset. Then, click on Open, as shown.
Let the cache be cleared.
2. Microsoft Store will open automatically after the process is completed. Now, you should be able to open the desired apps.
Method 5: Re-register Microsoft Store
Because Microsoft Store is a system application, it cannot be removed and reinstalled normally. Doing so is also not advisable. However, you can re-register the application to your system using Windows PowerShell console. This may remove bugs or glitches in the application and possibly, fix apps can’t or won’t open issue in Windows 11 computers.
1. Click on the Search icon and type Windows PowerShell.
2. Click on Run as administrator, shown highlighted.
3. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
4. Type the given command and press the Enter key.
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}
5. Finally, try opening Microsoft Store once again and use apps as needed.
Also Read: How to Pin Apps to Taskbar on Windows 11
Method 6: Enable Windows Update Service
The Microsoft Store is dependent on several services and components, one of which is the Windows Update service. If this service is disabled, it causes a slew of problems with the functioning of the app, including apps won’t open issue on Windows 11.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and click on OK to launch Services window.
3. Find Windows Update service and right-click on it.
4. Click on Properties in the context menu, as illustrated below.
5. Set the Startup type is set to Automatic and Service status to Running by clicking on the Start button, as shown highlighted.
6. Click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
Method 7: Update Windows
Another method to fix apps can’t open in Windows 11 is to update Windows OS, as follows:
1. Launch Settings as earlier.
2. Select Windows Update in the left pane.
3. Click on Check for updates button in the right pane.
4. If there is any update available, click on Download & install.
5. Wait for the updates to be installed. Finally, restart your computer.
Also Read: How to Download and Install Optional Updates in Windows 11
Method 8: Change User Account Control Settings
Here’s how to fix apps can’t open in Windows 11 by changing user account control settings:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Control Panel. Then, click on Open, as shown.
2. Click on User Accounts.
Note: Make sure you set View by: > Category in the top right-hand corner of the window.
3. Now, click on User Accounts once again.
4. Click on Change User Account Control settings.
5. Drag the slider to the topmost level marked Always notify me when:
- Apps try to install software or make changes to my computer.
- I make changes to Windows settings.
6. Click on OK.
7. Lastly, click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
Method 9: Create Local Account
It is possible that your user account has bugs or is corrupt. In this case, creating a new local account and using it to access apps & Microsoft Store will help fix apps won’t open on Windows 11 issue. Read our guide on How to Create a Local Account in Windows 11 here to create one and then, grant it required privileges.
Method 10: Fix License Service
Issues with Windows license service might also create problems. Thus, fix it as follows:
1. Right-click any empty space on the Desktop.
2. Select New >Text Document in the right-click context menu.
3. Double-click on the New Text Doc to open it.
4. In the Notepad window, type the following as shown.
echo off
net stop clipsvc
if “%1?==”” (
move %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak
if “%1?==”recover” (
copy %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat
net start clipsvc
5. Click on File > Save As… shown highlighted.
6. In the File name: text field, type License Fix.bat and click on Save.
7. Close the notepad.
8. Right-click on the .bat file you created and click on Run as administrator from the context menu.
Also Read: How to Set Up Windows Hello on Windows 11
Method 11: Perform Clean Boot
Windows Clean Boot feature starts your computer without any third-party service or application to interfere with system files so that you can detect the cause and fix it. Follow these steps to perform clean boot to fix apps not opening issue in Windows 11:
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open Run dialog box.
2. Type msconfig and click on OK to launch System Configuration window.
3. Under General tab, select Diagnostic startup.
4. Click on Apply > OK as shown.
5. Click on Restart in the pop-up prompt that appears to clean boot your PC.
Method 12: Use Local Security Policy Services
You can use group policy editor to fix apps won’t open in Windows 11 problem. Follow these steps to do so.
1. Launch Run dialog box, type secpol.msc and click on OK.
2. In the Local Security Policy window, expand Local Policies node and click on.Security options.
3. Then scroll down the right pane and enable the following policies.
- User account control: Detect application installation and prompt for elevation
- User account control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode
4. Click on the Search icon and type Command Prompt. Then, click on Run as administrator.
5. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
6. Here, type gpupdate /force and press the Enter key to execute.
7. Restart your PC for changes to take effect.
Also Read: How to Enable Group Policy Editor in Windows 11 Home Edition
Method 13: Disable Windows Defender Firewall (Not Recommended)
Turning off Windows Firewall can be dangerous. This procedure should only be used if all other options have failed. Remember to turn the Firewall back on once you have closed the app or before you access the internet. Follow these steps to fix apps can’t open in Windows 11 by disabling Windows Defender Firewall:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Windows Defender Firewall, then click on Open.
2. Click on Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off in the left pane.
3. Select Turn off Windows Defender Firewall for both Private network settings and Public network settings.
4. Click on OK and resume working on the desired apps.
We hope you found this article interesting and helpful about how to fix apps can’t open in Windows 11. Drop your suggestions and queries in the comment section below. We would love to know which topic you want us to write on next.